Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 10, 1923, Page 6, Image 6

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The Noted Dead
Annual election was held by the .Mr. Maris, Director of Extension
Crator Club last nlKlit, R. H. (Dob) i Service, talked before the Chamber
Jioyl being chosen "Dig Eruption" or of Commerce Forum at it noonday
president of the organization for the' luncheon today upon the following
coming year. Mr. Hoyl succeeds O. O.. p0", ' , . ,
. . The cooperative movement has at'
Alenaerrcr who wieiueu tne gavei our- magnitude In the nation
ing 1022. Other officers selected by that it appears that this will be
the booster organization include E. C.j characterized In history as the "Pe
Fcrguson, "Skipper of the Phanton rlod of the Rise o the Cooperative
Ship.- or vice president; H. O. Froh- 'cvemen,t, An'erlca" Bricu1,tn "
bach, Keeper of the Trails,' or secre-
tary;' Paul Janney, "Wizard'." or treas- Blnc tho aB been f8Uf-
urer; Louie Clrich. "Pilot;" sargeant plent y grave to Justify some fun-
at arms; 'Lords of the Forest" or exec
utive committee: Hal Piatt. O. O.
Alenderfer. Leon Haskins, J. J. Buch-
ter and Fred W'ahl.
damental economic changes. We have
passed through .several distinct
stages In our agricultural develop
ment without having yet made any
,. .., k aPPredaWo progress, in solving our
indicating that the Crater Lake letter- ncreaslng comp el marketing prob
beads which were fostered by the club. 1 lem- " cannot right the situation
are attracting considerable attention "X economic production alone. Im
outslde of Medford and Inquiries have Provements come under cooperative
been made particularly by Portland aBem that for lack of incentive do
...u ii.hii or nhiin. not come under private systems. I
. in?!.. ' . I refer to the orderly marketing, the
At the request of tho American
'Uevelopment of now markets, the
Legion the Crater club will change radln6 standard.zatlon of pro-
ganlzatlon the switch being easily standard of living and retain
fnade by holding the next "eruption", l"e Purchasing power of the farm
January '3rd ' we m"8t pay tho farmer at a
, A number 'of guests were present' Prlc0 of production more in keep
last night to witness the culmination in at production. From
of tho political coitests. and were , standpoint of public national jol
called upon by C. C. Lemmon. vice- 'cv the business men can well afford
president, occupying the chair during to encourage cooperative marketing.
Mr. Alenderfer's absence In the east. JIr- Be. extcns.on nnecialist in
for remarks. Those responding in- marketing fxpm the Agricultural ex
cluded: A. Henley. Geo. K. Heed. M. lcBe In discussing cooperative mar
M. Herman. P. O. Crawford, Elmer, kcting Bhowed a chart copied from
Wilson and H. 11. Rosenberg. the 1,0011 of ,lle "ecretary of ag-
I rlciilturo Indicating that 28 per cent
n mr r rv TAn 4 as ve" Porlod from 1309 to 1918
KA(jK KAll I III J A If received on the average of only 17
per cent of the Income. Me. Beeeo
V Lackache Is uual.y kidney-ache told of the rapid growth of the co
pnd muke you dull, nervous and operative movement throughout the
tired. Use Donn's Kidney Pills for nation, stating that it represents one
weak kidneys tho remedy rccom-, million and a half of the farmers
mended by your friends and nclgh-lwho aro selling cooperatively, par
lmra. Ask your neighbor! I tlcipated In ihe National Couijsol of
. airs. ft. a. annul, iuj tu. jiicunuu Cooperative Associations held' two
St.. Medford, eays: "I know the , weukg Bg0 , th0 national capital.
vin o o, uoans iviunuy ima ana ... esented c,mrlg shoeing
rrlml I r i4wntii in fin 1 f hfim ,1 v K 1(1 -
nrvs were weak and disordered and 1110 Rreat fundamental that mustier
1 had severe backaches. The pains form olthor by cooperative marxot
tbrouKh my kidneys miulo it hard for ing asosciatlons or private concert's
me to do any stooping or lifting, but
J Joan's Kidney rills from tho Med
ford Pharmacy soon removed tho
backache and other signs of kidney
'.' Price 00c. at nil dealers. Don't
simply ask for n kidney remedy get
Donn'B Kidney Plll tho same that
Mis. Smith bad. Koster-Milburn
To.. Mfrn.. Illlffnln. X. Y. Adv.
ducts. If we are to retain the Amor-
Home .Maker's Week made n very
cucccsKful- start on Tuesday morn
An audience of thirty-nve en
FOUM Good sizod dog with short
' hair, some black or brown 011 his Ink'
head, little black on his back. Dog thuaiiMrtlc women and girls enjoyed
V wanders around seeking owner, who tho morning program at the public
. can g3t same at Itoguo River from library. Miss Carroll, head of the
't Mrs. W. 8. Carey by paying for this home economic department of tho
- noitco. zi3 . .Meuioru nign scnuui, iiruiu '
I foods mid cUitblng classes to both
morning ana niivrnoon sessiona. uiu
by Jack Boyle
Here in the pi'onlcst of nil
"Boston JJlaekie" stories
nuide iuto the most stirrinj,
swiftest nu'loilrainn ever
Ki'i'i't'iiecl. It is stooped in
mystery that never lessens
its suspense until tin final
fndc-nut. It hils the most
renini'kiihle fast ever iissem-bled.
mining program was given by Miss
Mary Vim Kirk of O. A. u., wno ae.
velDiird her subject of "Appropriate
Materials, Designs' and Decorations
for Childron's C'iolhes" In a tuor
oiiKhly practicable way.
'J'ho afternoon prngmm prceented
to forty Interested mothers, was
opened by Dr. Hubert Stearns who
discussed "Croups and Colds," and all
who heard him expressed tho greatest
: upprof intlon of bis presentation of
the subject. Tho remainder of the
afternoon was devoted to the discus
sion of "Making of 11 variety of chil
dren's e'othes from a foundation pat
tern." !: MIks Van Kirk. The mcct-
; Ing was turned Into a lubratory class
' and all .vonien were given a cminco
! to cut off patterns and get help In
solving their Individual problems.
(Continued from pago one)
lly In no olhor direction than tho ap
plication of tho penalties outlined In
tho notification to Germany, It Is de
LONDON", Jan. 10. (By tho As
sociated Press.) A Router dispatch
from Cologne this afternoon says:
"The attitudo of tho Germans In
(he British area is venomously null
French. A largo Irresponsible sec
tion of tho population fuvors active
resistance und the wildest rumors
aro abroad. Fears are expressed lest
the British mid American troops
Bhould bo withdrawn."
KHKKN, Jan. 10. (Uy tho Asso
cliitod Press.) This city and the
neighboring Ruhr district were quiet
this morning although there was n
strong undercurrent of feeling nd
a tonally duo to tho uncertainty and
lack of definite Information relative
(o the French plans. v
Announcement that tho coal syndi
cate hed decided to move Its head
quarters from Hamburg served to
strengthen tho morale of tho Inhab
itants who were expecting that tho
French troops might arrlvo before
the end of tho day.
Dulshurg Is siiid to be bustling
with tho activities of tho French,
whose loaded transport trains aro
arriving steadily. French patrols at
Dulsburg are reported as appearing
In full field equipment,.
The Shasta southbound passenger
train due hero at 3:fiO a. m, dally ran
pn No. 13 s time and because of the
flood conditions up north did not reach
(he city until about :20 this morning.
No. 13 was scheduled to arrive In the
city this afternoon about 3:0 o'clock.
CHICAGO, Jan. 10. Jake Sch.uefer
of California, former title holder.
seemed virtually assured of anovber
chance at Willie JJoppe's 18.2 mUk
lino blll'ards championship today !'
virtue of the 350 point lead he hei
over Roger Contl, French chan
plon, after the second 500 point
block last night of their 1500 polntt!
three-night matab. Hoppe, under
the championship rules, will meet
the winner of tho Scbaefer-Contl
contest. . . .
Scbaefer held a 103 point lead
when last night's play started and
despite a display of mediocre bil
liards increased It by 173 points,
taking the block 500' to 313, giving
him 1000 to Conti'a 650 for the two
8.chaefer's high run last night, the
highest of the two nights play, was
an unfinished 1 CO with which he
concluded the second 500 points:
LOS ANGELES, Jan.. 10. Ath
letic officials of Pomona college, of
Claremont, Calif., are attempting to
arrange a football game with Gon
zaga university of Spokane here next
Thanksgiving day, tho Los Angeles
Examiner said today.
Negotiations, are also under way
for a contest against the University
of Hawaii here next season. -
LOS ANGELES. Jan. .10. Ed
(Strangler) Lewis, world's cham
pion heavyweight wrestler, wiil meer
Demetrius Tofalos of Greece at ?he
Hollywood American Legion sta
dium tonight. The bout will he for
to out of three falls.
(Continued trom Page One)
B. XI. McKoin, former mayor of Mer
This was the first mention of Bur
nett's name by witnesses nt tho state's
investigation of masked and hooded
band depredations and the slaying
of Richards and Daniel.
Mrs. T. F. Richards, wife of one of
tle slain men, heavily veiled, testified
at the afternoon session.
"When was the last time you saw
your husband?"
"At our homo in Mer Rouge tho
morning lio left for Bastrop for tho
celebration on August 24."
"What do you know about the kid
napping of your husband?"
"Nothing except what neighbors
said. Oh August 18 he told me of be
ing taken out by the klan. We were
ihon In Bantrop, whore we intended to
dake our home. "My husband was go
ffg to work in a garage. Wo brought
tin? baby with us. I went shopping
ahtl left the baby with her father.
Wllon I returned baby told me 'the
KA' KIuxb have got papa.' The baby
Is loilr years old."
oW did she know about the K11
falV had heard me talking and
roadiyk about them at homo. We left
for oAy home in Mor Rougo, but the
baby pt talking about tho Ku Klux.
'Oil, nfVmnia, they caino with them
black ninBks on and got Daddy,' tho
baby wrtyld keep on saying. I became
so workvld .up 1 returned to Bastrop
and huntW for my husband. I was
later JoliAVl by my husband, who said
he had tni'U takon out In the woods
and held for two hours."
"Did yom- husband tell you about
belnK kidnaped on August 18?"
"Yes. Iil said they came and got
him out ov tho imuik", blindfolded
him. tied hi hands. They took him
out on the .Vunroo. They naked him
about tho suooting 'at Dr. MeKoln.
He told tliemXlu- knew nothing about
It. They told lilin theyiwere going to
hang him."
"lie told ni they walked lilm
about the woodAV Ho said he thought
they were looking for a place to hung
him. He told nv they then said they
were satisfied wfth what he bnd wild.
lr then said thv unmnsked. They
asked him If hourecognlzcd any of
them. He said hi' itold them he
recognized Captaui Sklpworth. but
none of tho otbcrs.V
Royal Arch' Masons .
Crater Lake ChVter No. 32.
Special convocation Fri
day, January 12th, 8 p. m.
fwand HlrtAi Priest Frank
, PattersAti will make an
Wtflclal vlslll R. A. M. de
gree. Refreshments selved.
Order of 11. P. A. F. fpTH, Socy.
V 248
LOS ANOELES. Jan. 10. Bootleg.
ging is not cause for divorce It has
been ruled by Judge J. W. Summcr
fleld of the Los Angeles superior
The Judge stated that . already this
year. 18 women have asked for de
crees, alleging their husbands were
"I want It understood." he said,
"that the laws of the ntto of Cali
fornia . have not' yet made bootleg,
ging grounds for divorce."
OLY.MPIA. Wash.. Jan. 10. A
poi'Mon driving an automobile while
intrtxUiated. would have his operator's
license sufipcndi-d six months to a
year under a bill that Walter S.
Davln of Tacpma was expected to in
troduce today in the nente. Two-
thirds of the traffic accidents are
caused by drunken drivers, accord
ins to levator Davis.
SPOKANE, Wash., Jan. 10. The
funeral of Thomas Hooker, president
of the Spokane Chronicle company,
will be held at 10 a. in. tomorrow,
it was announced today. Represen
tatives of various departments of the
newspaper will be pallbearers. ' Mr.
Hooker died here laBt night follow
ing a surgical operation. He would
have been 73 years of ago today. He
had been connected with the Chronl
clo for 30 years.
Held for Auto Tlic-rt.
A man giving his name as James
8. Graham was arrested last niuht by
Chief of Police Adams, who will hold
him on a charge of auto theft until ;
the sheriff of Tillamook county ar-1
rlvea to-take him Into custody and
escort him back to Tillamook. j
Graham Is charged with having
stolen a Dodge car from Ti'.lamook j
and is alleged to have driven the car
to Medford. The sheriff left Tilla-1
mook this morning for Medford to i
take the prisoner into custody. j
PAUSANnW ,Jan. 10. (By the
Associated Press.) Ismet Pasha In
formed the Naar East conference to
day that Turkby would agree to the
Greek patriarch remaining In Con
stantinople on condition that he be
deprived of all administrative and
civil functions, i
Red Pepper Rub takes the "ouch"
from sore, still, acrunff joints. u i
cannot hurt you, and it certainly
stops that old rheumatism torture at 1
When you are suffering so you ,
can hardly get around, just try Red ;
Pepper Rub and you will have tho
quickest relief known. Nothing has!
such concentrated, penetrating1 heat !
as red peppers. Just as soon -ns you i
apply Red Pepper Rub, you will feel
the tingling heat- In three minutes:
it warms the sore spot through and
through.. Pain and soreness are gone. ;
Ask any good druggist for a jar of
Rowles Ited Pepper Rub. Re sure to ,
get the genuine, with the name j
Rowles on each package. Adv. I
The California Oregon Power Company
wishes to announce to its customers and
friends that it now has an additional
block of its 7 Preferred Capital Stock
for sale. Price $95 per share, yielding
7.37 on the investment.
This stock will be sold for cash or on the
special savings plan.
Ask any member of the organization.
The California Oregon Power Compnny
Kvcn a sick child loves the "Iniity"
taste o( "California Fig Syrup." VI f the
little tongue is coated, or if your liild
it listless, cross, feverish, full of told, or
hat colic, a traspnonlul will nrvrr fail
to open the bowels. In a few Jlours
you can ire for yourself how tliorovrfrhly
it works all the constipation poison, fton'r
bile and waste from the tevttcr, little
bowels and gives you a well, plaWul'
child strain.
Millions of mothers keep "California
Kif( hvrup" handy. Thry know t tA
spoontu! today vavm a 'tick child n
morrow. Ak'yenr druggist for Rrnuiitt
"California Kig Syrup" which htt dir
tiona for tallica and children 01 all ajrM
printed on bottle. Mother! You musti
say "California" or you may get an irai- J
Unon h( syrup.
MANN'S The Best Goods for the Price No Matter What the Price MANN'S
Everything in Every Department
at Reduced Prices
72x90 Homestead Seamed
Sheet, good quality. Our
regular $1.75 grade.
Thursday, each....: 79
3(J inch fine, soft Bleached
Muslin, 23c value. Spe
cial, yard 19
27 inch Colored Outing
Flannel, sold regularly for
16c vard. Thursday, yard '
3( inch Cretonne in beau
tiful patterns and excel
lent quality,, up to 75c.
value, yard , 29
27 inch Ginghams, in
hecks, stripes and plain
colors, 20c value, vard
Kxtra large heavy double
Thread Turkish '.Towels,
7occvalue, each 59
i!( inch Curtain Scrims,
Marquisettes and Xets, up
to ()i)c . value. Thursday,
yard 19V
3 lb. Climax Cotton Hatt,
opens up 72x90, good clean
cotton. 1.25 value, each
- 9S
3( inch fine Dress Percale,
excellent quality and pat
terns, 29c value, yard..l7
20';;- off on all ' Blankets
and I'illows.'
Women's $85.00 Coats, now.......... $49.95
Women's $45.00 Coats, now $29.95
Women's $49.50 Coats, now ...$29.50
Women's $35.00 Coats, now... $19.95
Women's $25.00 Coats, now..': $15.00
Women's $10.00 Trimmed Hats, now $2.93
Women's $15.00 Trimmed Hats, now........$5.00
.Women's $79.50 Dresses, now $53.00
Women's $69.50 Dresses, now .....$46.34
Women's $59.50 Dresses, now .'..$39.67
Women's $55.00 Dresses, now....... 36.67
Women's $49.50 Dresses, now $33.00
Women's $45.00 Dresses, now $30.00
Women's $35.00 Dresses, now $23.34
Women's $27.50 Dresses, now $18.34
Women's $25.00 Dresses, now ..$16.67
Women's $18.00 Dresses, now 112.00
Women's $15.00 Dresses, now $10.00
Women's $10.00 Blouses, now $5-98
$5.00 Hand Maid Waists, now ....$1.98
Satine Petticoats, $2.00 value, each 69
20 off on all House Dresses.
50 and 52 inch All "Wool
'Jersey, in good shades,
up to $3.50 values.
Thursday, yard....$1.48
50 and 56 inch 'All "Wool
Tricot ine in excellent
shades, up to $3.50 val
ue. Thursday, vard
$1.98 . '
56 inch All Wool Coat
ings', up to $3.9S value.
Yard ...$2.75
36 inch Silk Panne Vel
vets, in , good shades,
$5.48 value. Thursday,
yard $3.19
Kayser's Strap Wrist
Chainoisette Gloves,
$1.00 value, pair....81t?
Women's Kid Gloves,
up to $3.50 value, pair,
Women's Lawn and
Linen Handkerchiefs,
up to 20c value, each
Veilings Price.
20 off on all Coatings.
20 on all Linens.
20 off on Curtain
Mann's Department Store
29c Special 29c
Children's Outing Flannel
Pajamas, Bloomers, Petti
coats, Muslin 'Slips, In
fants' long and short
Kimonas and Baby Caps,
up to $1.00 value. Tlnn-s-day,
each 29
Horseman .Dolls, up to
$3.50 value, each 9S
$3.00 Miller Corsets, in
tops and topless styles.
Thursday .. 11.98
Infants' "White Dresses,
.up to $2.98 values 89,?
Miller Corsets in medium
to) and topless, up to $2.00
value. Thursday $1.25
All Elastic Hip Confiner,
$3.00 value ..$1.98
Women's Fleeced' Lined
Union Suits, in all styles,
$1.75 grade, suit $1.39
Women's Princess May
Union Suit, light weight,
$1.98 value.' Thursday,
' $1.48 J"
Children's Fleeced Lined
Vests and Pants, 75c val
ues, garment 48
Women's Silk Hose, good
quality and all colore,
$1.75 value, pair $1-00
Women's Phoenix Hose,
Black, White and Brown,
$1.75 value. Thursday,
pair .' $1.50
Mail Orders Promptly Filled, Postage Prepaid Agents for Pictorial Review Patterns
mfk'-r AK""