1 BRINGING TONIHTUT Sr0 HM.bMOWH.Ke: NEAR THE BROTHER HE HElD O M NJOtT HWE tOMP -; ' ' J pg ; ; ' "43 v Int'l FtATune scnvice, Inc. -1Tft9 Market News Livestock, PORTLAND, Ore.. Jan. 9. Cattle steady; receipts 1500. Choice steers 7.?.G0; medium to good ?6tS7; fair to medium $5.60 6.25; common to fair. J4185.50; choice heifers $5.50 0.25; choice cows and heifers $4.75 ! 5.75 : .medium to pood $44.7o; fair to medium 93.501j)4; common cows 12.60 3.00; ennners $1.50 2.50; hulls 34.25; choice feeders $5(ft5.60; fair to good. 4ff?5; choice feeders t5(i5.50; fuir to (rood $485; choice ' dairy calves $8.509; prime light, J8.6O09; medium liBht 8 Sj.S.OO; heavy $4. . - '- Hogs steady; receipts 1240.. Prime light $9 9.50; smooth heavy 230 to 300 lbs., $89; smooth heavy, 300 lbs and up $7.50g8; rough heavy $0 57.GO; fat plus 8S8.00; feeder 8fi8.60; stags, subject to dockage, . 4i8(S.G0. . . : Sheep nominally steady; receipts 253; (direct). East of mountain lambs $10.6012.60; friioico valley. 10.5012.60; medium 9.5010.50; common, $8.C0i!9.60; culls $G.75fi J8.G0; heavy 77.50; ewes $27. Portland Butter. ' PORTLAND. Ore., Jan. 9. Butter slow, weak. Extra cubes 42c; ordi nary grades 40ti41c; cartons 49c; prints 48c; ftutterfat No. churning cream. 4849c fob., Portland; undcr grades 45 47c. . ( , . , . . , . Portland Wheat, i PORTLAND, Ore., Jan. 9 Wheat, hard.- white, bluesteni, baart, blank: soft white, $1.27; western' white $1.20; northern spring $1.22; western red $1.21; hard winter $1.19. Today's car receipts Whoat 44; flor. 6; corn 11; oats 3; hay. 13. . - . :' . Poultry' -AM'titatK"'"""' ' PORTLAND, Ore., Jun. 9. Eggs; Selling price, case count 384 0c. Buying price, current receipts, 36S 37c;. henneries 3839c; selling price candled 4042c; selected candled in cartons 40045c , ? ' ' Poultry: Hens, light in16c; heavy 2324c;. springs 1718c; old roosters nominal; turkeys, dressed S04?3Sc; geeso nominal; ducks nom inal. . Groin anil Hay ' PORTLAND, Ore., Jan. 9. AVheat: Options $1.21g1.28; caso club $1.26; barley nominal; oats $35.0036.00 ton; corn No. 2 yel low I32.2532.50 ton. Millstuffs: Mill run S3334; middlings $46. I . Hay, buying price, timothy, east-1 em Oregon, $2324; valley. $22; alfalfa $2021: grain $22; clover $20; straw $S9 ton. , San Francisco Markets ' SAN FRANCISCO, Jan. 8. IU. .8. Rnrcaii of Agricultural Economics). KkW, undersized, 38c. SAN FRANCISC, Jan. 9 (State Di- WANTEB HIBOKliIiAjnCOCB WANTED Three Drown Leghorn cockerels. Box K M, Tribune. 248 WANTED Hunch of Durham or Here, ford stock cows. Sprlngwtiter Ranch, Route 4, Box 35. Phone 17-F-21. 248 WANXD To liuy three to five thou sand gallon oil storage tank. Bear Creek Orchards. 247 WANTED To buy team for orchard work. Must welRh about 2800 lbs. Bear Creek Orchards. 246 WANTED Window sash for hotbeds. Thone 886-X. tf WANTED To buy fenced pasture. Address Pasture, Mall. Tribune. 246 WANTED SnrpltiB, waste, refuse, quash seed any quantity. Quote lowest price. W. Rehm, 60 Pine St., tfew York City. 254 WANTED To ouy corn. I-none 597-J-3 tf WANTED Cash pid for pelts, hides, wool and furs. Johnson Produce Co., 241 N- Fir St. Phone 9T. tf WANTED House uoving Bnd repair ing Phone 488-M or 488-X. PERL FUNERAL HOMH At Tonr Herrtre Dr or Niht Ififormmlnn CordlnPr Gives tr. Bih sad Cfkdal Nil at Sorrlos nw t UP FATHER vision of Markets.) Dressed turkeys, j m:i ROCKR8 Fort llKNX Ar-ARTMKNTS , I'uii MALh, LIVESTOCK FOB SALE Ill'.Af, ESTATE IU'SIN'ESS DIRECTORY Lilierty Bonds. NEW YORK, Jan. I 9. Liberty bonds closed: 3's $101.22: first 4'.-: blank; second 4's blank; first 4U'-' $98; second 4'a's $98.46; third 4 i ' $99; fourth 4Vs $9 80; Victory, un called. 4Vs $100.28; U. 8. Treasury Iti'H $100. NEW YORK, Jan. 9. Negotiations for acquisition by the Missouri Pacific railroad of the Denver and Rio Grande Eastern, now in receiver's hands are under way, It was stated by local bank ers tonight. " WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED Work by day with com pany. Call phone 93. , 270 WANTED Placo to do general house work and cooking. 105 8. drape. 247 WANTED Situation as sawyer in a small mill; am capable of taking full charge of mill. H. Rawson, Moscow, Idaho. 240 rtK KK.V2 noCBOTLKKKUifO . ROOMS FOR RENT Three room housekeep ing apartment; steam heat. 1006 W. Main. 24'! FOR RENT Furnished light house keeping room. 325 E. Jackson St. Phone 211. , . - , KOU KENT FrilNlrltfKlt KHM FOR RENT Furnished sleeping room ' with bath privileges. . 325 3. River side. Phono 701-J. tf FOR RENT Room with board, $35.00 a month. 223 N. Central. 260 FOR RENT One steam heated room with sleeping porch and kitchen. 'Phone 674. ' tf FOR RENT Furnished room, steam heat. Gentleman only; also garage space. Phone 92-R. tf FOR RENT Sleeping rooms. . 204 N. Ivy, . : . .r . .' , .247 FOR RENT Furnished rooms and cabin; men. . 445 S. Front St. 246 FOR RENT Furnished room with bath and heat. 340 S. Riverside. Phono 217-L. 251 BROWN & WHITE Offer for Sale: A-Room Modern Bungalow, hard wood floors, artistic fb-c place, gai-ago and wood shed, a smalt amount of paving to be as sumed. I'rlccd at . 93150 for a quick sale. - n-Itoom Modern Bungalow, rock foundation, built in features, largo lot, garage, on Siskiyou Height. Price $2050.00. 7-Booms, fine cecient basr mrnt and attic, heating plant, hardwood floors, artistic fire place, beautiful panel work, tiled bath room, built in drawers and mirrors, a nice largo lot" with nat ural sluulo. Tills homo is now priced nt $3,000.00 less than the actual cost of construction. $7000. Bcjtittlfully located 10-room modern homo, full dry cement basement, hardwood floom, fire place, built in features, screnel sleeping porches, gnriuro, poultry houso And good small barn, law grounds. ' This is a bargain in n homo and is priced for n short llmo as a, very low figure and when wo show you this and quote thp price you will bo surprised." 14 room apartment houso near ly nil furnished, on paved street, nil in good condition. Priced nt $ILM.(0 for clear title. Completely equipped poultry ranch with flno flock of leghorn pullets, somo good ftlfnlfn, homo orchard; rloso in, on good nil year road. $4UOO.OO, 3 acres rloso in, on flno road, natural oak grovo for Inillding site. $1000.00, 5-norrs, closo in, On flno road, nndrr new Irrigation ditch. A rplondld homo site, l-'lno location, Sio.-io.rx.'. 15-room house, bath, etc., on pavement, nil paid np,' for VS.10.00. 5 rooms, nimlern, nice lott shruMirr lirrrles, etc., $1,000.00. :! rooms, furnished, molim, on pavement, all paid Up. $IIHM).(M). Wo havo si-lecteil these proper ties from our fili-s, tut we believe the)- represent some of the best values now being offered for wilo BROWN & WHITE Itenl Folate and Insurance 112 Inst Main St.,; Mod ford SrEDFORD IXKTB TRTPLTNTE. FOR RENT Furnished house close FOR HKNT Furnished two-room FOR 8A I. E Fresh cuw. W. Jackson1 in; no children. Phone 098. 248 TOll RENT Threo room furnished! house. Call 999, The Oaks. ' 218 TOR RENT Threo room furnished house. Call 999, The Oaks. ' 218 FOR RENT .Modern house. Phone 331. 21 FOR RENT Three room furnished bungalow, sleoping porch, lights and water furnished, $25 per month. In quire 503 N. Holly. tf FOR RENT Cheap, furnished five room bungalow on pavement. 3025 W. Tenth. Phone 900. 249' FOR RENT Six-room house, modern conveniences, closo In, no small children. 1 lnquiro 316 N. : Central Ave. ! ' 217 FOR RENT- -Houses. Brown White. tf KOR BENT MMCEI.it A .VKOF8 TOR KENT Phone 227. -Piano for ti months. 24li FOR RENT Garage at 1103 W. Tenth St. Phone 82. tf REBORING NEW PRICES ON REBORING FORD BLOCKS Blocks brought in to us for reboring . . . $6.00 When included in an overhaul .... ; 'j $5.00 Tractor block . . $10.00 We solicit all Ford re pair work. Best equipped Ford shop in Southern Oregon C. E. Gates Auto Co. HOUSE $300 ; You don't have to rent. I have a modern G-room house on one of the best streets in Medford raved. Pino homes all aronnd it. Kxtra largo lot; parage and Woodshed. Price $2500.00-4300.00 cash,, balanne like rent. This includes city assessments,, paid in full. ' V ' ; . J '. V ' Phone 784-L ' Close in bungalow Home ' This closo in modern six room bungalow sits on a 50x100 East front lot and contains largo living and dining rooms, ,3 large Bleep- . ing rooms, largo kitchen, pnntry, threo closets, two scroen porches and large front porch, bath room, fire place, fruit closet, largo sloro room and wood shed; sits well up from tho ground on concrete .foundation; constructed of tho. best material; full set concrete walks; beautiful lawn; some fruit; beautiful shado trocs; all paving paid. Priced at less than cost to hutld now $4 800. We are offering four 3-acro tracts near Medford on good road; Irrigated; sultahle for poultry, berries and vegetables, nt $300 each; cash payment $100, balance to suit. Phone 2R1 J. W. DRKSHLKK a).. 12.1 E. Main Rt. FORCED SALE on account nrsrsEss IN SEATTI.R DEMANDING PERSONAL ATTENTION; WK OKrKK THIS OITORTUNTY. ALL Bl'ILDlMiH "BRAND" NEW FRONTING ON PACIFIC HIGHWAY . ONE 0LE NORTH M3FORI 4 Acres or 40 AonrM, Bct rear creek bottom uind. Ten room house, everything modern, latest conveniences, hard wood floors, built In features, Colonial stylo bouse. Kitchen has all you could desire with electric range, hat and cold running water, hot water heat In every room, big fine automatic water pressure system 680 gallon tank under roof, water piped to different buildings, double garage, fine barn, other outbuildings right up-to-date, cement water trough, large septic tank, 60x70 chicken house w-lth second floor, 1600 capacity brooder; fine Jorsey cow; hay enough to feed out the year; 650 carefully called chickens, as well bred as any In the valley, 1000 capacity Incubator: harness, tools, Implements, alfalfa cutter, lots feed on hand. You can have four or forty acres of the best Bottom Land to be had on Bear Creek. WILL CONSIDER GOOD PROPERTY A.S PART PAYMENT. . SEE VH TODAY FOUR-SITE SALES AGENCY Real Estate Business Opportunities MEDFORD BUILDING, MEDFORD, ORE, MEDFORD. Oim.Q.T, TUESDAY, JANUARY '). FOR KENT Furnished two-room housekeeping apartment, first floor; iuhiltu only. 325 So. Riverside. Phono 701-J. FOR KENT -Furnished apartment with bath. 140 S. Ivy St. 249 FOR RENT Modern housekeping apitrtmcnt; no children. 632 S. Ivv St. 250 FOR RENT Apartment, 124 K7ngsiu corner of Tenth; also car and truck storoge. MO YET TO IXAW MONEY TO LOAN on improved ranch security. $7,000 or less, G per cent interest, O. C. Hoggs, Attorney for State Land Board, Jackson County. FOB BALE AfTTOMOtm.RR FOR SALE 1-ton Ford truck. Pneu matics. Bargain at $350. Crater liko Automotive Co., 123 S. Front St. 240 FOR SALlv ncWE FOR SALE! Ronset ana bungalows, furnished or unfurnished; alc acreage. Insurance. C. B. Butterfteld, Medtord National Bank Bld( Phone S9. fob RATfrv i.rvrarofK FOR SALE FTesh Jersey cow, good . milker, sixty dollarni Sprlngwater Ranch. Phono 17-F-21. 248 FOR SALE OR TRADE Registered Duroe Jersoy boar four months old, ' weight 120 pounds. . See, Una Brom r .Dior. 11. 3. 247 FOR SALE Heifer, fitesh in March, $40. May be seen at Q. R. Lindley's '-residence. 247 FOR SALE Young sahlo and whit.? ' collie, very showy. Phono 640. 216 FOR SALE One span qf mules, set of harness and wagon. Team in very , good condition, well fed and gentle. Must be sold immediately. A .bar gain. Inquire Mrs. Osborne, . 211 ; Washington St. , 245 FOR SALE Five or six extra good ' cows. E. E. Lorton, Tel. 392 Jack . sonvllle. 249 FO RSALE 50 Angora goats at $2.60 , a head. J. S. Weeks, Eagle Point. 261 See J. C. BARNES Nash Hotel Corner Exchanges FOR SALE Puppies:, real compon ions. 'Phono t'Jl-lM. FOR SALlv Young purebred Joraoy bull at bargain. J. A. Manko, R. 1. Jledlord. 248 FOR SALE Weaned pigs. C. C. Hoover. 685-R-li. FOR SALE Fox torrier puppios. Phone 201-.I. 247 FOR SALE srihCKIAjASKOlTS FOR SALE iltibblts. Cull C02-H. SIS FOR SALE llald and beardless barley Clean Hlu Club seed wheat. Spring water Ranch. Phone 17-F-21, 248 TOR SALE (load used piano $100. Sob LaunB!.ach at Weeks ib.Orr. 240 FOR SALE Bargain In a good UBOd lirunswlck phnunsrapli. See ijinns pach lit Weeks & Orr. v 246 FOR SALE Young team, wagon, hur nnss, buggy and harness; also hack harness, few tons barley hay. Agri cultural land fur rent; ten acres in barley. 610 E. Main St. 240 FOR SALE Two Incubators: McClnn ahan 220-egg capacity, $15, one "Old Trusty" 100-ogg capacity, $10, good condition Lottie Montgomery. Jacksonville. 240 FOR SALE Wool nnd pllad pieces lor quilts. . 71 a 8. Ceutral. 260 FOR SALE Portablo house, horses and 'mules. 607 Pino St. 250 FOR SALE Dry pine wood $2.00 per tier, on hlghwuy. W. L. Van Houton, Gold Hill. 249 FOR SALE Corn, also saddle pony. . Phone 633-R-4.' .' . ' ' 249 I FOR SALE No. 1 oat hay, half mile '. south on Poach St. Phone 6-F-2. 248 FOR SALE Two cream separators, one DeLnvul, one Sharpies. Inquire Bert Stnncllff, Phoenix. 247 FOR SALE Clark's Seedling straw berry plants; Inspected; tho famous Hood River berry. A. H. Willett, Phono 403-R-4. 247 FOR SALE A bargain: Portable eloc trlc sewing inachlno almost new, $40. Singer Shop, 10 S. Fir St. 246 FOR SALE A No. 1 oat hay, one-half mile south of Phoenix on highway. C. Carey. , tf. FOR SALE Baled alfalfa hay, $23.00 ton. Rogue River Valley Canal Co., 204 S. Fir St. Phone 129-J-2. 201 FOR SALE Second cutting haled alfalfa nay, $24 per ton delivered, cash. Monarch Seed . Co. Plion-i 260-629. tf FOR SALE New Columbia phono graph rocords at half price. Victor, ' Brunswick, Columbia, Pathe '&' So nora phonographs and records ut reduced prices. Music 6hop,.No.. 15 No. Orape St., next to Farm or s & Fruitgrowers Bank. Phono 465-J. tf FOR SALE Good second-hand steel cables over 200 ft, low price. Inquire Medford Bldg. Janitor. . -tf FOR RALE Two General Electric motors, S5 h. p., 40 degroe.'dO cyclo 2200 voltage, complete with compen sators. 1 Tacoma logging engine, 10x15 with line. Big Pines Lumber Co 1922 Chevrolet Roadsterr LIKE NEW , ,, -C. SACRIFICE PRICE Will consider trade. BUSY CORNER MOTOR CO. 102.) By George McManuo FOR SALE- 10.01.0 news of land con sisting of ailuif-.i, vwxin un.i fU'dil r.uu.-ur, tnilUi.ilH Slut niitiennru. some irrigated; also mining property.- All property must and will li sold at sumo price, some as I iw as $1.00 per acre, 6 to 10 vms ti ne. 1. v. .Miles, Attorney. jH.'kson to. Honk Uldg., or Gold lls.v Realty Co, ownors, 15 N. Grape St., adi'ln'.:i-t Farmers & Krn'WJwe: s Uai.U. , Phnnn 405..T. ' FOR S.r,K : il ).l ;;v ami i:g;s FoTPsALlC OlTrrrNGJChTIw Roso Comb White Wyanbltu c ick erels. Phono S01-J. 2IS FOR SALE Pcdig-.-esil White l.esli.'n 1 cockerels. W'h'tc Wing Pouit'T Farm, Micenls, Cmg-.m. FOR SALE R. !. Red hens. 4:'l OrU St. . 2'ii FOR SALE White Leghorn hatelilrw eggs, duy old chicks, eight, weeks o l pullets. Warner and Luunxoncli, 6i S. Oukdale Avo., plume O'jO-.VI. FOR SALE Eight young tlioriugh brod Mammoth Bronze turkey turns for breeding, or will trade for on year old toms of oqual stock. Noth ing better on tho coast. See turkevs at 28 Clenova St. Tel. 650-J. tf " FOR SALE Barred lto k enokere'.s, ' priJO winners. IHoiilng onlers f ri setting eggs. Buekeyo' Ineubnt'ir and brooder, sixty-egg capacity. A. ! H. WlHott,- phone 40S-R1. ' .''-'Kj FOR SALE 125 pullets $1 00 eu.:li. Inquire Campbell -Ranch, ' ti-fi Tulont. 247 FOR SALE Turkeys, Mnmmomh Ilronzo toms for breeding pm pest's. R. B. Zimmerman, west of 'eimm ; Point, -Ore. . . j4 FOR a:,-H.VN(iS FOR EXCHANQIiRoKistered Sluvrt horn Durham for ono of Bnine bree I; must have pnpers. Antelope Orchard. Eagle Point. - 2'i BUSINESS DIRIXTOItY Abstractors MURRAY ' BROS. & GREENK Abstracts of Title. Rooms 3 and 3, No. 33 North Central Ave., up stairs. , ' Jackson County ABSTRACT CO. Tim only complelo Ti tle System tu Jackson County. Abstracts of Tltlo and Title Insurance. WATSON. t KELLOGG Reliable .luckpon connly aliBtractorg of tl v tles, Gold Ht'il. Oregon. ' . Attorneys O. C. BOtina Lawyer. Spoclaliins In Real Estate and Probato Law. 30 North Central Ave. A. K. REAM I'fl Lawyer, office In Liberty Building. , Expei-t Aecountnnt WILSON AUDITING CO. E. M. Wil ' son, C. P. A. Attention given tu anything lu accounting and In-. come Tux requirements. Look Into our simplified accounting method. Liberty Bldg., Medford. Phone 157-n. - - WE NEED YOUR PATRONAGE Wo will give you un excelled service at no additional cost. When you think of Tires. Oils, Greases or - Accessories., think of , JONES & KIRKPATRICK Next to Nat. . A Real Service Station S Auditing. O Aeouivnr.a J iVSTCMERVICE(0; M. I. SCnMTOT 2nd Floor MmlforVt Rldg. vxav siflYET Biilldlnr Materials MEPKORO CEMENT BRICK & II.OCK WORK Specialize in all kinds of cement building products. Cor. Fir and Tenth Streets. Chliojiractic l'liysiclau I P.. JOl'ETT P. BRAY Scientific Ch'ropr.vtlc adjuatraents. Ilourj . 9-12 and 2-5 except Thursdays. S I3-3I5 Mi'dford Uldg. Office phone 29. reo. phono 494. "Keep Smiling." . . UIt. HARVEY P. COLEMAN Cblro rrnriic !llu Electro-Therapy. 427" 28 Metllord Uldg, Phone DCS, -' tf DR. A. R. HEDGES Neo-Eclectic Physician.- DR. . LOUISE .. E. HEHG'-JS Naturopathic Chiro practor. Mechnno-Therapy, 'Spon dylotherapy. Food Sciences, Chlro pructice. O'flct): Stewart Bld., 235 K. Jlaln St. Phones: Office. 170; Res 170-J-2, ' ,'.,': DR. E. W. llOFF.MAN-Chlroprac tie l'hy?lclan, Office hours 9 to 12, 2 To K Snlto 203-04-05-06,' Lib- .' ertv Bldg. Office Phono C80, Res. 10:7. :.. . Dentists DR. O.. Jr JOHNSON Dentist, 228 K. Main St., over M. M.. Dept. Store, Medford. Oregon. Phone 688; lt"3. lui)2-Y. Office hours 9 a. m; 6 p. m. Evenings and Sunday by . U-ipolnlment. : , ...;., . . - Money to Ixian . .1. , It, ANDREWS Buys , and sella lmr.-igages hnd loans money ba good -security; 31 j N. Grape Rtf. I'tioiio 53-M. ! - .; ) 1 246 Mohumenta THE OitEQON GRANITE! CO. Mcniinients. E. A. Hicks, general timnaSor.' P. .M. . Kershaw, sales : mnnnger, 103 E. Sixth St.,; Med ford. '. - . tf OstOOpttthS; . . ;'.! V.jf Dl:; F . CARLOW. DR. EVA MAIN'S CARLO W Osteopathic Physiclana .' 4 1 6-4 1 .8 Liberty Bldg. Phpno 904-.I-3. Residence' -Sa' BoUth I Laurel St, ' , ; , , . ; . , DR. V. W. HOWARD Osteopathia Physician.'. Special atteqtios kieo to eye, ear, nose and throat. 306 Liberty Building,- Phone 49.61. Vt I i rhyslclniiH and Surgeons, '' .: DR. J. J.;EMMENS Physloian ,no; Ouru'eon. Practice limited to eys, ear, nose and1 throat;' Eyei wfenf ' tlflnally tested and glasses BUp- plied. . Occullst and Aurlst for 8. P. .It. It. Co., Medtord :Bld; Phone 567. ;. , , :, ; - I'll. VVM. W. P. HOLT Physlcliin end Surgeon, Offices' ; Medford Bldg. Plione-IBS. Residence 118 , Genesee 8t. Phone 166-J-2. . (,', DR. A. . Bi:RBELI.-Physlcian and Surgeon. 312 to 314 Medford Bldg, Kntranco 36 N. Central. Special attention to spino. Phone 89. - i r fn-T-rr- i . J. 'Piuiio Instruction FRED ALTON' 11AIG11T Teacher ,6t Piano nnd Harmony. . Composing, Arranging. Studio 318 Liberty Illdg. Phone 72. : lrlntrs hrid Publishers MEDFORD PRINT1NO CO., has the best equipped printing office - in ' Southern Oregou. Book binding, ' looso leaf ledgorn, billing systemo, etc. Portland prloen, 2 7 N, Fir St. Pnblle Accountants HUGH R. ROBERTSON ft CO.- Member American Institute of Ae ' countants. Public Aecountan;g tod Auditors. Portland, Ore., and Minneapolis, Minn, Address; 1517 Yeon Illdg., Portland, Ore. :ri Bug Weaving MEDFORD FLUFF RUO WORKS makes flnff rugs from 'old sad, i worn carpets and rugs. Phone 810-M. 709 Pine St. ; : '. Transfer ' EADS TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. Office 43 North Front St. Phone 315. Prices right. Service guars nnteed. DAVIS TRANSFER AND STORAGES CO. Anything moved, day or. night. Service guaranteed. 2$ 8. Grape. Phone: Office 644, or residence, 6 47-R or 206. tf Upholstering J. WEIS Upholstery, Manufacturer, of overstuffed turnltue.., Full 11ns ot materials. Draperies made to order. We do all kinds Of npbol . storing. Wo deliver and will ctU and .show samples. Phone 201, Jacksonville, Ore, ' , V