PXGE'TWO MEDFORD '.MATE TRIBUNE, MEDFORD. OKEfiOX. TUESDAY. JANUARY 9. 102.1 f 5 1 I : if -V f '3 ' i V Tvcal and Personal Horn to Mr. and Mrs. Louis Jensen of Montague. Calif., an eight and one- quarter pound boy, Sunday, January Tin, at the I'urncker Maternity Homo. The state basketball champions of v-i i?n,nri, ; ,UI" y1'' Ashland hiRh school's last tcirier by polsonins. The dK whirii i w 'legated last Friday, wnt, ou.n.,. !,,.., n rt..,l .. ,l 1 " 1 u l,,H OIU-UlJHirS U.V U BCOre UI ...iVi.i, , , ,";', ." i 26-18 in a hart fought game at Ash which had never been allowed to run at lurge or be a nuisance, was ruthless ly fed ioison by some person passing by who evidently throw the stuff Into the yard. The same thing happened several months ago when Kenneth Murray lost a fine pointer and two pup pies from a cyanide dough-ball tosBed into the yard. Persons doing this sort of cowardly and cruel thing are warned that every effort is being made to learn their identity with a view to rigid prosecution. Read Mann's Wednesday specials advertised on the local page. 24H $6.G0 motor driven horns at the Klectric Shop. - , Among the local speakers on today's program of Farmers Week, which A decided Improvement in the sup ply of cars available on Oregon rail roads is Indicated by reports recently received by the staie public service commission recently. These reports show a surplus of 4G3 closed cars and 11)8 open cars on the Southern Pacific system In this state on December 30. as compared to a shortage of .707 closed cars and 244 open cars on No vember 30. You can save money at Mann's Wed nesday. Head the specials advertised on the local page of this paper. 246 This office is prepared to print ledger sheets, bills, etc., used on the bookkeeping machines. . Don't 'give your orders to traveling men and have them printed out of Medford. I'bone us and we will call. tf" Tonight the annunl election of offi cers will bo held at the meeting of the Craters club Id the American Legion hall and every member is urged to be present. Dance, Eaglo Point, Sat.. nlte. 2G Grand masquerade Jan. 24, Oriental IJallroom! 247 The Gold Ridge mine, near Gold Mill which has not been in operation since last spring started two crews of men to work on the first of the year and the management of the mlno expects to start the mill working in the near future. Nursery stock guaranteed, acclimat ed, full line. Write today, Grants Pass Nursery, Grants Pass, Oregon. 270 Dance! Oriental Ballroom! Wed. night! 24 Walter Mowno returned yesterday ed with a chock amounting to two anil . afternoon from a business visit at . . lone-half per cent or their annual sal- Portland. He started for home from peciais nthir nionilipra whn li.nl hapn ' Pni.(lnn,l Q,.t.....ln K.. n,.n with the hotel over six months and : and was forced to leave the new car less than one year were remembered 1 he was bringing home at Salem be- land. Guthrie, lleer, Welsenberger, Itamsay and other members of the state championship five went down to defeat before "Deke" Ilryant, Provost, Altken and other old-timers In Ash land athletics. Phone 244, The Pantorium Dye Works and ask about our monthly club rates. Four suits sponged and pressed J2.00 per month. Club members' suits cl oil ned for 11.00. tf Furniture repaired and made to order. Work called for and delivered. Phone Wm. Uradley 199-L. 218 The rather monotonous prediction of rain for the following day was still In force today. Despite this prediction for Monday's weather no rain fell in thin viclnftv filthnitfrh tt u-fta nlMttifv opened at the public library assembly ,,.,, of tn tlme room this forenoon were Prof. Relmer, ,.,,.,, , a KOO(1 nfle( nrun8wlclt of the Southern Oregon Experiment ! )10noKrttIlll See Lnunspach at Weeks & Orr. 246 You can save money at Mann's Wed nesday. Read the specials advertised j on the local page of this paper. 2 HI All employes of the Osbtirn hotel station, A. C. Allen, local member of the state board of horticulture, and County Agent Cate. Suits cleaned and pressed. Pantor ium Dye Works. Phone 244 and we ' . " , , , ,,, ' . wero remembered by the management Hot tnmnles and chill con came ntlat tjfl gtai.t o( the ew year ljy the . . ., , . ,tr, distribution of a cash bonus. All mem . Mrs. O. O. Alcndcrfer accompanied . , ,,, ,,.p, ,,., ... ,., her husband last Saturday on his trip for t wer0 nt.. to Chicago and will remain there with i ... . ,' ...... ... . . 1 him for the next month. Read Marin's Wednesday advortised on the local page. 24(5 All kinds of rough and dressed lum ber. Wallace Woods, phone 108, 711 K. Main. The train service from the north Is still much demoralized because of the flood conditions In the . Willamette valley, although through, trains from the north are now arriving here occa sionally. The first one to reach Med ford since Saturday forenoon arrived late yesterday afternoon. The next through northbound train was No. IS due bore dally at 10:30 p. m., which arrived about 11 a. m. today. No. 13, due here at 9:17 a. m. dally was ex pected to reach Medford about 3:40 o'clock this afternoon, and yesterday's No. 53, which is due daily at 3:40 p. m was expected to arrive about midnight, and the Shasta Limited due here at 3:54 a. m. daily, was scheduled to ar rive in Medford about 6 or 0:30 p. m. bearing the newspapers from Portland. Foxtrots! Waltzes!, Wed. night! Ori ental Ballroom. ' 247 In next Sundays' Sun we desire to print a list of the new officers of the Medford churches' for 1923. The pas tors are requested to see that they are handed In not later than Thursday noon 'of Mils" we'ekr ' ; 1 24C Important to All Women ?.. Readers of This Paper 14 vr t'" v. ..,..! Thousands ;wjipon .thousands of woiTMBn.hovO' f Jtidnoy 5 at bladder trouble, nn4 .nover.jiuspeot it., u Women's complaints often provo to hp nothing else but kidney trouble, or the -result of kidney or bladder dis ease. ' -, 1 - j . ,1 ' - If .the kidneys nro not In n healthy condition, they may cause tho other organs to bocomo diseused. . 1'ou - may suffer-pnln In tho bnck, hendaeho . and loss of ambition. Poor health makes you nervous, irritahlo and may bo despondent; It I with a check for one per cent of their yearly salary. Eugene Register. There's no place like Holmes for complete Insurance service. Wed. night dance In Oriental Ball room. 247' C. R. Smith of the California-Oregon Power company left today for Copco, Calif., 011 business. Danco, Eagle Point, Sat. hlte. 267 Danco Wed. night in Oriental Ball room. 247 Announcement of the marriage of Lucille Kunlz, well known Medford girl, to Harold Babb of Ashland on Dec. 24th, nt San Jose, Calif., has just reached friends of the couple in this city. Mr. Babb formerly was em ployed In the First Nutlpnal bank here. He left several months ago for San Jose where he is now employed and whero he and his wife will make their home. Dr. Lincoln Knllen has resumed his practice at 213 Liberty Bldg. 24 G You can save money at Mann's Wed nesday. Read the specials advertised on tho local page of this paper. 24U Josephine county this weak Is also holding Fnrmers Week' and a Home Makers program In Grants Pass. The promlnont O. A. C. and othor outside spoakors alternate on tho program be tween these two citios. At Grants Puss, speakers from Medford including Drg.- Wm. P. Holt, Robert Stearns and Miss Grayce Telcli, the Jackson county home demonstration agent will con tribute talks, demonstrations and ex hibits. .. , . Regular communication of Roames chapter No. 66, p. E. S., Wednosdny, Jan. 10, 1922, at Mnsonio hall, 7:30 p. m. Installation of officers. . 246 Oriental Ballroom masqtterado! Jan. 24! . 248 Tom Semple was fined $10 yesterday makes any one so. wnen no nenrod before Justice Glenn Ilut hundreds of women claim that 0 Tnyior ftn peaAea glllUy t a Dr. Kilmer's Hwamp-Koot. by restor-1 1 , ' , ... , ,',,,, upon approaching another vehicle. Tho arrest was made by Deputy State Motor Vehicle Inspector J. J. McMa hon. Take your kodak films to Palmer's studio. First class work and prompt service. tf Hear tho Medford, Ore., lontnl ol-chostra in Oriental Ballroom Wed. ing health to the kidneys, proved to bo Jlist the remedy needed to over come, such conditions. ' Many send for a samplo bottle to see what Swamp-Hoot, the great kid ney, liver and bladder medicine will do for them. By enclosing ten cents 10 nr. Kilmer & Co., Hlnghamtnn, N. Y:, you may reeeivo sample sire buttle by parcel post. You can pur I'haHC medium and Inrirn 'Hlzn hnttlnn ft nil drug stores. Adv. ' nlBllt, caiiso of flood conditions. He boarded a train at Salem and went about 19 miles on the Southern Pacific railroad before being stalled again. The train, which should have arrived Saturday night got in yesterday afternoon. Mr. Mowne reports that water in the Wil lamette river at Albany is 33 feet above normal level and that water is seven feet deep on the approach to the bridge over the river at Albany. You can get It at DeVoe's. tf When In need of sash and doors, call Wallace Woods, 108 or come to 711 E. Mnln street. W. O. Webster of tho Associated Oil company who left last week for Marsh field 1b marooned there on account of the heavy rains in that section. Hi expects to make an attempt to return to Medford today by auto. Notice has been received by P. F. Close from the De Luxe plBtbn factory that the price on De Luxe pistons took a drop of practically one-third the first Of the year. At tho present price the De Luxe will have no real competition , Hemstitching at Deuel's. 267 '1 The state Irrigation securities com mission recently pledged the stnte to pay the Interest on bonds of the Grants Pass Irrigation . district aggregating $1,390,000. Oh Look! A Wed. night dance In Oriental Ballroom! . ' 247 ; Big reduction sale. Blouses $2.95 to $7.50. All trimmed hats $4.95 at the Vanity Shop. 247 Preparations for the grand masquer ade bnll of Wednesday, Jan. 24th are now In full swing and the affair prom ises to eclipse any other dance of 11 like nature heretofore given in ' the valley. The drygoods merchants have ordered In a large supply of gay col ored tarlatans and cambrics to meet the demand for costume materials and already many beautiful and bizarre costumes have been designed and made. The popularity of the masquer ade Is permanent as the pyramids, and the event of Jan. 24th will be no ex ception to the rule. Hemstitching and plcotlng, silk or cotton, 8 cents per yard. Cor. Main and Bartlett The Vanity Shop, tf If you have, nome second-hand win dow sash suitable for hotbed, phone 247 1 886-X. tf ; MANN'S The Best Goods for tho Price, No Matter What the Price MANN'S JANUARY CLEAR ANCE WEDNESDAY SPECIALS All "Volnons Fur Trim med Suits, ' Wednesday only, One-Half Price. ' Men's Outing Flannel Pajamas, $2.25 value. Wednesday only, each 91.85 .Women's Trimmed Sail or Hats, uj) to $8.00 value. Wednesday, only, each .'.$1.00 .16 inch Flowered Taffe ta, $2.00 Values. Wed nesday only, yd...-...59) Wide Torchon Laees, up to .'!.",. value. Wed nesday only, yard... .5 27 inch Ginjrham, up to 25c value. Wednesday only, yard 12 l-2f Children Ruberized Hain Oapes, $5.00 Val ues, Wednesday only, each ."..$2.29 Snap Fasteners, sold regularly for 5c. card, Wednesday only 2 cards 5? Large assortment of Horseman Dolls, up to $:i,50 values. Wednes day only, each 98 New Lace Collars, Yes tecs, Pound Collar and ruff Set, $1.25 value, Wednesday only....89 20 Off on all' Vanity Cases. Buttons up to 15c val ues, 5f dozen. 27 inch Colonil Ontinir Flannel, 16a vnlne, ynrcl 10 Mann's Department Store THE STORE FOR EVERYBODY MEDFORD, OREGON Women's Athena Silk and Wool Union Suits, $5.00 value. Wednes day only, suit $2.25 Men's Outing Flannel Night Shirts, $1.50 val ues. Wednesday only, each $1.00 Women's and Children's All Wool Sweaters $8.00 values, Wednesday only each $3.98 'Children's Wool Sport Sox, up to $1.50 value. Wednesday only, pair, 65 Children's Outing Flan nel downs, $1.75 values, Wednesday only, each G9 " SO mul 52 inch All Wool Jorsoy Cloth pootl shiulos, $,'1.50 vnlne, Woilnes. day only, ynitl Mail Orders Promptly Filled. 81.48 Postage Prepaid. Agents for Pictorial Patterns. The American Legion plans to havp a social meeting following the business session next Tuesday nlKht and Auxil iary and Lesion members will enjoy a dance followed by refreshments. Ar ransements to have a Rood three-piece orchestra furnish the music are belns made. Wed. Jan. 24! Masquerade! Oriental Da 11 room! 47 Auto Insurance, Brown & White. The frame work of the bis play shed belns erected on the Washington school grounds, -which has been de layed thru bad weather and the non delivery of the joists for the roof until yesterday, will practically bo.complet-i ed today. The workmen began to put on the walls yesterday and by Satur day night unless rain delays the roo and exterior of the structure will be practically finished. It will be a week longer at least before the flooring Is laid and the other Interior work com pleted. When better automobiles nro built, Duli-k will build them. tf Dance, Eagle Point, Sat. nlte. 267- The last of the University of Oregon students left last night to resume their work at that Institution and classes there stnrted at eight o'clock this mor ning. The majority of the students left Sunday and only a few who had already registered for the winter term were able to remain until last night. I here s a busy business College in your home town. OWN. Auto Insurance. Brown & White. ixiuls Bennett, the former well known Medford man who for years was a partner In the Marsh & Bennett grocery, and who has been in the gro cery business at Bend and Silver Lake for years past, was this week appoint ed by the new city administration of Bend as city recorder of that city. Mr. Bennett, although he still retains a substantial Interest In grocery proper ties at Bend and Silver Lake, has been devoting most of his time the past two years to studying law, and Isassociated with H. H. DeArmond, also formerly of Medford, In a law office at Bend. Have you tried that bis milk shake at Devoes? tf' The Roxy Ann Idea,' Low Prices and More Business. . House dresses, aprons, school dresses, made to order, of best materials, for less than you can make them at home. At Medford Cen ter Dept. Store. 248' Tomorrow, marketing day 6n the program, is one of the bis days of Far mers Week and Home Makers Week, whose sessions are being held at the public library. Both the forenoon and afternoon programs are full of interest. Dance, Eagle Point, Sat. nlte. 267 Fine rooted grape vines: Table grapes, Muscat, Thompsons Seedless lGc each, $10.00 per hundred. Wine grape, Zlnfandell, $5.00 per 100, $40.00 per thousand. Address F. T. Bent, Uklnh, Calif. , 248 Past commanders of tho local post of tho American Legion will bo pre sented with mementos by the members of the post nt the next regular meeting In recognition of their faithful und valuable services. Those who will, re ceive the tokens of remembrance are: Ralph Cowglll, George Codding, Frank Fnrrell and Elmer Wilson. Four beautiful Bblid gold watch chains with the official Legion emblem attached as a charm have been obtained and will bo presented to the past commanders next Tuesday night. For Sale New Columbia phono graph records at half p'rico. Victor, Brunswick, Columbia, pathe & Sonora phonographs and records at reduced prices. Musto Shop, 15 N. Grape street, next to Farmers & Fruitgrowers Bank. Phone 465-J. . . tf Goodwin Corset Shop, 20 S. Fir. 252 Radio fans report that interesting accounts of the flood conditions in the northern part of the state are carried by the broadcasting stations In Port land. Last night reports that a boat had been sunk after colliding with a pier of a Portland bridge aud that house had drifted against a pier of another bridge in that city wero on the air. For rent Piano for '6 months. Phone 227. 246 Dance, Orth hall, Jacksonville, Fri day night Launsparh's orchestra. Tickets $1.00, war tax 10c. Come one! Come all! Good time for everybody. Morris and Ilepler. 247 A. Magnuson was fined $25 this morning when he entered a plea of guilty before Jnstlco Glenn O. Taylor, to a charge of speeding. The arrest was made by Deputy State Motor Veh icle Inspector .T. J. McMalion. Lean Spanish In 30 days. Medford Business College. 250 Provide agnlnst loss, insure with Redden and Cnnaday. For Sale 10,000 acres of land con sisting of alfalfa, grain and stock ranches, orchards and tiniberlnnd, some Irrigated; also mining property. All property must and will be sold at some price. Some as low as $t.00 per aero, 6 to 10 years time. T. W. Miles, Attorney, Jackson Co. Bank Bldg., or Gold Ray Renlty Co., owners, 15 Far mers and Fruitgrowers Bank, Thone 465-J. Mildred McMnhan, president of the t. O. O. F. Roboknh assembly of Oregon will mnko an orficinl visit In this dis trict the week of January 12, according to Bertha E. Adams, secretary, Med rord. Tho Ft clink nil convention of I. O. O. F. of District 12 will bo held In Ashland Friday, January 12. Olive Kebekah lodge No. 28, ModTord degree stuff, will put on the work in the even ing. All Roheknh lodges In the district nro asked to attend tho convention Deputy Bhoriff Brudshaw, arrested a woman Suturduy night at the Eagle Point dunce on a charge of intoxication and released her on $25 bull to guaran tee her appearance in justice court here yesterday morning.- The defen dant forfeited the bull and did not ap pear. All kinds of rough and dressed lum ber. Wallace Wood, phone 108. 711 East Main. For sule Good used piano $100. See Launspach at Weeks & Orr. 24 C For Sale Singing canarieB. 847-Y. tf David T. Wilcox, sophomore at O. A. C, has been chosen as the .Medford member of the state commercial coun cil of O. A. C, which met lust week. One member from each city In the state Is chosen. For Diamond coal brlcketti, phone Valley Fuel Co. Phone 78. 1 labia usted Espanol? Special even ing Spanish class. Medford Business College. ' 250 Milk and cream at DeVoe's. - tf Will pay cash for a good used piuno. Phone 53-M. 247 FIVES TO PLAY Tho first basketball game of tho season will start at 7:30 Saturday night at the Nat. between tho Al umni and tho high school teams, both boys and girls. Although nothing is known of the girls' team this year, sport fans are assured that they will witness a hot contest when the high school squad composed of Beeney, Dick und Rudy Slngler, J. V. Watson, Jim Al len and Raymond Knips clashes with the stiff and decrepit old timers, ivho will Include in their list, the Sher v.ood brothers, Russ and Stan, "Bull" Prescott, Dul) ' Watson, Dwight Phipps, possibly Gene Narregan and others. Seals will go on sale at Crowson's at 9 o'clock Friday morning at 20e, 35c and 40 c, and 50 c for reserved seats. Tho girls' game will start promptly ut 7:30 Saturday night. ! L I TODAY ONLY Your Last Chance to see Glorious , Oloria as the sensation of Broadway. and - WILL RODGERS in "THE ROPIN' FOOL BEGINS TOMORROW! America's foremost actor brings to tlin scrri'n tho n''test lira matlc role of all time. JOHN BARRYMORE in the photoplay adaptation of Wm. G'illctte'H Singe 1'lay "SHjERLOCK Foundel on Mr-. -HOLMES" Morics i I The local post No. 1 5 of the Ameri can Legion . has juBt received a cer tificate of corpbratlon from tho State of Oregon and is now. fully incor-l porated under the laws of the state and will, from now on, do business as a corporation. , . Most of. the larger posts of the Le gion all over the country and some of them in foreign countries are in corporated. Incorporation is advis ed by the national department, espe cially In cases where the post owns property. The Medford post has been incor porated because of tho amount of property owned by it and because of the amount of money which the post has handled during tho past year. Royal Arch Masons Crater Lake Chapter No. 32. Special convocation Fri day, January 12th, 8 p. m. Grand High Priest Frank M. Patterson will make an official visit. R. A. M. de gree. Refreshments served. Order of H. P. A. F. NOTH, Secy. 248 WOMAN SO ILL COULD NOT WORK Gained Strength, Weight and Now Doing Own Work, by Taking Lydia fc. rinkham s Vegetable Compound PAGE - - - January 1 Friday Night ..... 1 BYjfifidNGEMeNT WTH COnSTOCK IUND GEST NAT GOLPSTEIN 4AfSG?W IN THE GREAT NEW YORK JvAWEfcBHT THEATRE m ujfh an txen Hanoi ca at" and a GLITTERING, GORGEOUS GALAXY OF GIRLS Book iiu James PTontqomerv Lyrics by Joseph TT'Carthu tTuaic 6u Golailvin and Harry Carroll ALL THE TOWN WLL, WHISTLE ITS COOStC PIUCKS: Lower Floor lliilcoiiy $l.ur, $1.10, 55c. Includes AVar Tn.v. SKATS NOW SKLI.1XO Office open 12 ( 1 nl 7 to 0. Ir III Bfc5JVMH TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOlt 8 ALU Shepherd pup, real benty, ruii-bioodod, J&.oo. Phone DOl Ki 250 WANTED To buy a good second hnnd piano; will pay cash. Hox 25, care Mali Tribune. 217 FOR SALK Hed Wing Poultry yard lino 1 Inn orders now for baby chicks and hatching eggs from prize win ning lthodo Island Iteds and from White Leghorns, Tancicd Koyal. Phono 8C5-Y. SSI Marion. Ind. "I was all mn-dnwn. nervous and bent over. I could hardly arag around, let alone do my work. I read some letters in the papers telling what Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Compound had done ior outers and 1 thought I would try it Then a man told my husband about his wife and what good it had done her and wanted him in nave me try it. I took one bottle and could see what it did for me in a week's time, and when I had taken three bottles I had gained both in strength and weight and was doing my own work. I took it before my last baby was born and it helped me so much. I sure am glad to recommend the Vegetable Compound to any woman who suffers from female ail ments, for I know bv experience what it can do. I have used Lydia E. Pink- ham s Sanative Wash, also the Liver Pills, too, and think them fine." Mrs. Wm. Eldridob, 620 E. Grant Street, Marion, Indiana. A record of nearlv fiftv wars service should convince you of the merit of Lydia E. Pinkham'a Compound. PAGE - - Next Monday Night, January 15 SKATS OS SALK SATTRDAY XOOX K. J. 'aiM-n(ci- offers, the clean, wholesome JILSICAI, ('OMKI)Y Handicraft Shop. Hemstitching Plcotlng 80 per yard. Buttons covered. I". tl fal 1 ft Yr5TV , "jf I Hlg Wrll-brliavitl Flapper Chorus Mail orders will be received XOW I'ltlCKS: B.y to Ijil.tl.T Including Tax. HPS: i SEEDS I, t .-. 1 I DON'T FORGET H'd'we Co. BEWARE OF, YEGGS! N'iKht prowlers and wieldors of Jimmies are abroad In tho hind watch out for them. Have you our bui-Rlnry insurance pol icy. If not, ccl one today. The cost is small. McCURDY Insurance Agency Tel. 12:1 Modfonl Xntlonnl Hunk IIIiIr. Medford, Orrmm We Are Headquarters for nil Farm, Garden 11 nil Flower Seeds Ol M TWO XKW TAI'LK I'KAS 1lii(ih Lion nnd The Lincoln (Pkt. 1.1c: ll. r.0c) Post paid. NKW TATAUMi XOW i:i-miiv CCMoRSEkCb. KCtaii store 115 Market St. .San Francisco. Cal.. D J.