.V If1'. 4imu PARK SHOWS TOTAL CARS 5Q00 ASHLAXD. Jn. 8. Some stock In ' tho' local park domain either coni ino or preferred might provo to 1 he a good inveHtmeiu, in view of re turns imulu the past season fiimn ciully, us well a otherwise. At a re cent meeting of the park board, Frank .Jordan was elected president; Mrs. C. H. Vaupo.1, vice-president, and W. :H. McXatr. secretary-treasurer, and tho latter's annual report, recently uubiuitted, contains some in- tercstlng factH and figures regarding " the municipal playground for tho past year, Us activities, also income and outgo. The . balance on hand, left over from 1921, added to the income during 1 !!!!, represents a total of $ 10, J Expenditures amounted to $8,831.94, leaving $ 1430.f.li' to be applied towards working capital for the year 11)23. Representing a regis tration of nearly 5000 machines', the income, from tho auto camp proper , was $8247.50. Figuring on a basis of census returns as applied to heads of families, and allowing threo persons to each habitat, it is only reasonable to assume that each tourist car which registered at the camp grounds dur- , ing the season, contained at least three individuals, consequently 15,000 people visited this locality through the camp ground agency- ulone, not to mention hundreds of others who did not avail themselves of this privi lege. Expense incident to. labor and materials as applying exclusively to the .upkeep of the grounds, was $2251. leaving the operation of the auto camp center netting a clear profit of $y:5.S4. In the face of this '7 encouraging financial exhibit, nobody now doubts the wisdom and expe dience of the charge of fifty cents per day levied against each car which availed itself of tho privileges of the camp. As before stated, expenses in cident to the operation of the park area in general for the year 1922, were $8831.94, and $5,515.33 of this amount was for payroll, practically all of which was locally retained. 'It is interesting, in tho way of recapi tulation to note the exteht of park revenues and sources from which they are obtained. Taxes, as the major factor, yielded $4,409.82; Chamber of Commerce, $19; rent, 9; concession $1 .1.55; gas connectons, $10; wood $3.50; city for carotaking, $300; sale of drinking cups $704.31. The cup item as regards sales, might Inok like profiteering, inasmuch as the original cost was but $110. 2S, but the retailing feature was in behalf of the general welfare, and the end jus tified th& means.; Moreover, cup sales at a generous profit, will help along in -meeting a possible deficit along other channels. The park board consists of, five ' members, including Mrs. C. II, Vau pel, Mrs. K. V. "Wagner. W. IT. Mc- uir.Trank. Jordan and Amos, NinirwJ xger,-tho official personnel being given elsewhere In this article. Harris- Dean is superintendent of tho area fn gene ral, and the past year J., H. Doran had charge of the auto camp grounds, I both being efficient workers, alert in! furthering every measure adding to the beautiful appearance of our ex- tensive, playground domain, which is, the pride, not only of our own town,; ! but also , of adjacent ones. Doran's ' talents come within the versatile clas i sification. being n preacher, author and lecturer. Moreover he is a physi ! cal as well as mental worker, and i might be termed a "mixer" In the sense of extending greetings and the glad hand to the stranger in our 1 midst, qunlificatons so necessary in filling u position to which he certainly Is ,to "the manner born." ftcautiful as the park is, and com plete In its appointments, the board, nevertheless, have in mind certain changes which will add to its accom modations and convenience, one of which contemplates reducing the area of the elk reserve, in order to install . another, driveway so that motorists can approach nearer the picnic grounds, the reservation noted being far greater in extent than Is n coded,,. MARKET EXPERT TO "Marketing" will bo the subject upon which Paul V. Maris, director of extension, of the Oregon Agricultural college will speak at the forum lunch eon at noon on January 10th. Mr. Maris is particularly interested in this subject and especially from tho standpoint of securing an understand ing on the part of merchants, bankers and others, as to their relation to the problem. Luncheon will be held at the Med ford hotel. DERLlX Germany delivered 4.G per cent more coal demanded for French reparations last year than was claimed in the French memorandum to the reparations commission, a reply to tho French momornnduni said. ifaBtSsatg PULES PAZO OINTMENT Instantly Re lieves ITCHING PILES and you, ran get restful sleep after the first application. All druggists are authorized to refund money If PAZO OINT MENT fails to Cure any case of ITCHING, BUND, BLETDING or PROTRUDING PILES. Cures ordinary cases In 8 days, the worst cases in 14 days. BOc. Musical Hit, "Oh Look!" Page, Jan. 12 tax. Viola Black, tho dimple girl, Production. with Among the guests at the Sunnyside New Year's day for dinner was Nick Young, one of our Jackson county native sons who cultivates a fine farm on the Hutte Creel? bottom and is one of our prosperous bachelor citizens: Ralph Cowgill, the chief engineer on the Irrigation canal'from Dig Hutte to this section; E. Summer, the engineer who has charge of the construction work on tho unit already allotted to Win. Von der Hellen; Mr. and Mrs. I A. H. Soukup, Mt. and Mrs, lien Har nett, G. Garnett, Mrs. L, Bernard, all of Medford; W. C. Clements, our postmaster as well as our telephone owner and manager, and wife, and later in the day Mr. and Mrs. George W. Austin and wife of Medford and Brs. M. L. Pruitt who lives on and owns one of the fine farms- on Little liutte creek, and among the business callers were Shorty Allen who a' feiv' years ago , purchased , a, .twplve acre tract of timber and brusli land off of the Von der Hellen tract of Antelope creek bottom land when it was simply a jungle, and he now tells me that he has it all cleared, plowed and sowed to winter wheat. A year or so ago he' told me that he was working for Mr. Von der Hellen his regular eight hours dnv nnri cuttimr the wno.l off the land clearing the brush out at inter-, 7 EAGLE POINT -EAGLETS liy A. C. Ilonitrtt vals while he was resting. Such men;""" "y reacneu me unuge, or that never become a burden on onr-loH- Ulo l,,v,t l.or.in.l,, iv lrn Hons. I ley, was also in town with him. Henry Trusty and Wesley Miller of Elk creek were among tho guests Mon day night. Mr. Trusty was bringing out a bunch (sixty-four head) of cattle, taking them down to tho neighborhood of Talont to feed and Mr. Miller was helping him. C. H. Natwlck alsi spent Monday night with us. Mr. Natwick Is one of our contractors and was here looking after his interests in that lino. Among the business callers last 'lue3day were Jeff Conover, one of the pioneers of Rogue River valley, W. H. Crandall, one of our hustling farmers, orchardistB and general wideawak citi zens who called at the Sunnyside to try to dispose of somo of the products of his farm. He seems to bo consider ably disappointed over the way the new road has been laid out and opened from the Dodge-French bridge to Inter sect the Crater Lake highway, as there Is nothing to be seen on the entire route excelit chaparcll brush and desert land; not a house or fence to bo seen, but by making the change a very bad hill is nvoklod. Wort Pool and Alex Anderson who is living on the Charley Terrill place near Drowns boro, was among the business callers and he reports that he has a band of lliOO sheep and that he has not had to feed any so far, and that on the second day of January, 1H23 and that the grass was good, fresh and green. What will the readers of the Medford Mall Trlbuno In Idaho or Montana or even the stuto of Washington think of hearing a band of twelve hundred huad of Bheep living and loing well on the range the first of the year, but so it is this year In southern Oregon. . Among the callers at the Sunnyside Tuesday for dinner wero Mrs. C H. (Nick) Caster of Hutte Falls who came out on the stage and came here for dinner. Her husband is engaged In the moat market business in Hutte Falls and Mrs. Caster was on her way out to Medford. . W. K. Hummel was also among the diners and so wus E. Ross, state irriga tion accountant. Mr. Ross nnd Mr. II annuel were here attending a meet ing, of the board of directors of the Eagle Point Irrigation district. Char ley Clark who Is selling the Watkins products also called for dinner and J. A. Turnbnw, the foreman on the repair work on the P. & E. railroad nnd J. P. Nlles, his assistant, were here for the night. They were repairing the rail road bridge on Hutte creek where the high water had undermined the i- proaches, and so was K. Summer, the engineer who has chame of the con struction work of the unit allotted O Wm. Von der Hellent to build. .Ma, 4 i I "ft? .1 v-' the New York Theatre As my health is not as good as it was years ago and I am not able to get out and hustle tor news, I, in my last letter inserted a chapter of my experiences as a circuit rider the first year I was in Oregon and as the oblig ing editor gracjpusly admitted it to the columns of the Mail Tribune I will veil ture to trespass on bis good nature again. . When I closed my story I was locat ed for the night with a family by the name of Caughman and there I met my co-laborer, and if it will not be consid ered out of place will remark that Mr. and Mrs. 'Oaughnian had two very at tractive daughters, about sixteen, and 'eighteen years of age, and Mr. Smith . not unlike the rest or the young nittt of his age, did not object to good company. Well, after spending the night with the family when we got up for breakfast we found that it was raining in torrents and I had an np. pointment to preach at the Liberty school house on the north side of Long Tom creek, a stream about as largo as Dutte creek, and the prospect was good for another freshet. We decided that we would try to meet the engage nient as Mr. Smith was familiar with the country. The reader will bear in mind that the flood of a week before had washed the fences and bridges away ult w "eard that the Taylor bridge was still so it could be crossed, so wo started, but we soon found that wo were in "le ""'' ot the second ll0. "l wo Kept on our course swim- '"inS the sloughs as we came to them, wiier wniit was leu oi it. ior me water OI 1110 IirSl IIOOU liaa WOSIieQ the approach to the bridge off leaving the timbers in tact on the southern side; but how we wero to get our horses across the question and the water hud raised so that there was no retreat. Oui only ulternatlvo wus to go uheniL bo wo tied our ropes togeth er and look one horse at a time and made them swim across bo low the bridge and by 'that means got our horses across and wo walked on the stringers and were safe so far as this bridge was concerned, but there was yet an ugly little tream to cross and when we reached it found the bridge was gone, but Mr. Smith knew the country and hi suggested that we" go up tho creek a few miles and he thought that we could cros3, which we did, but wo had to swim our horses but wo had succeeded injiiaking the , i.. ..,n nip so we ruuu hiuuk leisuiui; uiilii wo filially reached the house where we Intended to go and when we reacliod there found not only the house but the yard full of people, for the man and wife who lived there had a family of sixteen children nnd many of thorn wore married and had children of their own and they wero ull or about all who had come In from the low bottom lund and when we j-ode np wo met scores of faces wondering how wo had ever reached there for by that time the water was as high or higher than it was at the place a weok before. I see that I havo not given the name of the family hut it used to bo a fumil lar namo in southern Oregon, the name was Illcrd, and he was killed on Grave creek by a grizzly bear. With Modrora Irado Is Medford made, A COLD GONE INFEWHOORS "Pape's Cold Compound" Acts Quick, Costs Little. Never Sickens! In a few houm your cold i pine, heiHi nnd nww clear, no fererifdniwis, hmdaihe, or iufri-un fooling, JJniir- pita hor jriiRrniit(-e th(we p)t&ant tab leU to break up a rrM or the grippe quicker than nasty quinine. They never nmke you ik or uncomfortable. But a box "of "Pape'n Ooltl Compound" for a fpw rrnta und gi-t rid of yur ld v . :.f It - i S rigax now. ;is I F The following excerpts are from a diniv keiU by MJ'- and Mm. Itlclinnl T. Muboii of Dnyvon. Ohio, recently received iy the toriianu ennmuer of commerce. Tlio .niary ivcciunm n trip by motor from Portland, south to C.innts Pass mid tin On-gun Cnvt-s and Medford mid Crater J.nke. thence to Klamath Fulls and llond and back to Portland, not leaving out the Co lumbia liver highway. The diary is too voluminous to iiuoto In full, but tbo following pnraH graphs are of interest locally: At (irants Pass vi neuru inn story of the Oregon MjU'iuc Laves. We were told at Hie hotel llla.1 In n. vorv short time there u!(f be good 1 accommodations for overnight at the I entrance to the fuves. hut wc did not j have time to visit them on this trip. We wish to assure the people ot Grants Pass Hint they will Bee us in another year, for we hope to upend several days roaming through these eaves, which from .photographs- and description surpass anything of the kind yet known. ' The last thirty miles from oi-ants Pns:s to Medford Is along the Rogue River and it wan with great difficulty that I restrained my wife from climb ing ojit and making camp at paeh turn of tho river. This .stretch' of scenery Is a classic in Itself, mid moro time should bo spent ulong it. "Wo had a wonderful night's rest at tho Medford hotel, nnd on the morning of tho eighth, after getting our instructions as to bow to roncii Crater Lake from Hio Crater' Lake National Park company's office in the hotel, we started on that tr!j of all trips, over tho Crater Lake high way to the lake, which is aliout eighty-five miles from Medford. For fifty miles the drive took us along tho same Rogue river as of the nii;ht before, and agaJn the feeling of living forever among its beautiful cnartnn, came over us. "At noon we stopped for lunch tit Prospect, which is tho most uniuu mountain resort wo visited, and I must take time to say that the meal served by Mr. and Mrs. Jim Orieves, who operate this resort, will linger in our memories for days, and re-enter our memories whenever the thought of food comes to our minds. At one thirty, after a couple of glasses of real mountain spring water we started on tho Inst thirty-five miles of our trip for that day. to thn world's most beautiful wonder. Crater lane "The following 'morning, July 9th, my wife nnd I took a boat ride to Wizard Island and the Phantom Ship and while- making this, trip, caught tho first Rainbow trout that it has been my pleasure to catch, und my only expression of joy in -playing this wonderful gamo fish-da 'Oh boy, how they do Jump and tight.' My wife held this 'twenty-two,! inch fish,, and stroked it us fond)y,-as- alio .wogld houso pet, and beamed, with prhlo on the husband who had made this won derful cuteh. From the boat landing up to the hotel, it is a distance of one and ono-nuartcr miles by trail, and a uiiierencc in niiiiuno oi one inous and feet, and the climb up this trail is tho best little appetizer that I know of. , Tni; smo. Jhat tho wife, lost at least ; fo'iirt pounds making,' this climb, but lio hoter'wns the loser in tho end, for Ium suro that the dinner we nto upon our return not onty made up tho pounds lost, hut added a few extra. The afternoon ana evening oi this sumo day wo spent lounging about, taking a well-needed rest and feasting our cyen on scenery, 'The following morning, July 10, wo started on a thlrty-fivo mile drive around the rim of tho lake, and again I am without words to express its beauties. After taking on a fun load of gasoline and oil at Anna, Springs camp, wo left tho park by the south entrance, on our way to Klumatn Falls. "Another wonderful night's rest nt OF TOUR! Representative Medford Business Firms Mason, , Ehrman & Go. WHOLESALE GROCERS Tobacco, Cigars, Cigarettes, Etc. ...-. Medford, Klamath Falls, Eugene, Portland, Astoria, Seattle, Spokane, Lewiston Medford Iron Works GENERAL FOUNDRY and MACHINE SHOP V MANUFACTURERS OF QUARTZ MILLS EADS TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. Phone 315 PHONE 75 for First-Class JOB PRINTING MONDAY, JANTAUY 8. tin Multnomah lintel In Portland and any ino following morning we were off fur Mt. Halnier, In Knlnier Na tional park, and as wo crossed the interstate bridge, leaving Orcguu be hind us, we turned, bowed and threw a kiss back to tho most hospitable people In existence. You who live there may well be proud, every one of you, to say that your home ia in Oregon, tho summer playground of America. niCHAlID T. MASON. "103 IJeverly l'lace. Dayton, Ohio." Rrlnnlnn lln Palhr, J Coining ! to Page theater Monday nght, Janimry 15th, the latest Hring lntg Up Father musical cojned.v en tiklod, "Father On Ills Vacation." In' tliis unique offering father essays to ttjko a rest. In other words to hio hini rtulf away from the world and his tor mentor and helpmate, Maggie. If you l.ave enjoyed your favorites in thn pages of tho dailies you will no doubt find additional pleasure In seeing them; J ail In the flesh from the beloved Jiggs Malioney down to tho eccentric, yet ' troublesoiuo Hlnty. A largo nnd com petent company has been engaged. r "Cascarets" 10c Best Bowel Laxative When Bilious, Constipated To clean out your bowels without cramping or overacting, tnke Cascarota. Sick headache, biliousness, gases, indi gestion, sour, :pset stomach, and nil such distress gone by morning. Nicest physic on earth for grown-ups and chil dren. 10c a box. Tasto like candy. z V farmers Directory T t t y t T f ? t J: 4331 Farmers of Jackson County, Ore. 1445 Farmers of Siskiyou County, Cal. Being a complete list of1 all the fanners,' stockmen, horticulturists; owlling prop erty in the two counties, together with their postoffiec address, "number of acres owned and location of same,' assessed valuation, what each specializes in, etc' VALUABLE INFORMATION FOR MERCHANT, PROFES- f ! VISIONAL MAN, This is the first complete directory of this kind ever Wo secured a number of copies from the publishers, paper binding, and will sell them as long as they last Come in Vilmo and Harmony Flour v STRICTLY GUARANTEED. Ask your dealer for one of these brandi. ROGUE VALLEY MILLING CO. BE A BOOSTER FOR HOME When purchasing any kind of products or havlnk any kind of work done, always insist on having home products or using home labor. ' . , MXXOOOOOOC500000COOOOOOOOOOOOOCOOOOOCOOOOOOOOOOOOOO ' Learn Spanish in 30 Days Rare opportunities open for men and women with a knowledge of Spanish. Classes start TUES. EVENING, JAN 15 Register now at the Medford Business College Private classes given to those desiring them 0XOOOCKX(XOOOOOOOOOOQOOC Do You Believe in Insurance? Would you deposit about $5 per month In n local bank if you knew that your family would i-ecelvo $i!,(tOO.(M in cal if you wero neclilentally killed, or $1,0(10.00 in cash if you died from sicknewi? You would receive mi income of IjHO.OO per month If any accident or nny sickness totally prevented you from working. If you wen permanently disabled you would reeeivo an incomo of $120 per year for as long ns yon live, in uddition to nil oilier benefits; und further, moro if you livo TWKXTY YK.UW YOU WILL THEN 1JE HANDED $1000.00 IN CASH Send your niniio, ago mid address nnd eouiploto Information will bo . send to you. , EARLS.TUMY General Agent . Northern I.ifo Insurance Company Xo. 2M Liberty llldR. "An old l.lno Legal ISoscrvo Company." QOPOOO0OGOCKX3OOCXXKX30OOOO WITH MEDFORD TRADE IS MEDFORD MADE FARMERS, STOCKMEN AND OTHERS. and See This Valuable Automobile Springs Merriman's Blacksmith Shop THOMAS T. MEERMAN, Proprietor. 20 South Riverside PAGE THREE t T t t t T T I I I X T T T '4 I ? issued in the county. . ; both in hard cover and at reduced prices. Directory We Guarantee our work at all times Experts ifi Cleaning and Dyeing The Pantorium Phone 279-J Veterinary Hospital AND Sale Stable DR. G. A. OITZEN 111 N. Fir St. Phone 551 s 71