Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, January 05, 1923, Page 8, Image 8

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MohLKtViAH Ur H W. Wyd "U V?VV
Albert C. Allan, Jr., of 1129 Wnst
Ninth, street, a student In the Medford
hlKli school,' son of A. (J. AtlMi, mop)
familiarly known iir '.Hid," anil win)
nets as chauffeur of tlin "kicker" flnf t
lit tlio Itocky Point resmt durliis the
summer souson, Is tli champion Ilnlu
bow trout fisherman of tho northwest.
He .has Just been apprised of this
honor In tho following lnttor from Hart
U-a. director of the rizn flshiiiR con
test depnrtmnnt of the well known na
tional publication, Held and Stream,
as follows: . .'..-..
;Vo tako pleasure In advising yon
that you have had the nood fortune to
capture tho prize In the Kalnbow Trout
Western division, class of our 19112
prize fidhltiR contest, and for which wo
offer vou the congratulations or f ield
and Stream. The prize for catchlni!
this fish as listed In our contest Is a
silver trophy cup donated by Al Joss.
One of tho conditions of tho contost
Is that the winner must send In a short
recount of the winning feat, including
what tackle was used for tho capture
The prize wlnnlnpt feat of the Med
ford hlBh school lad, who Is 10 years
old, and who has a penchnnt for absent
mlndedly stepping off or falling off the
dock at Itocky Point during the season
there, was his landing of a Rainbow
trout woighlng lihi poundB in. 30 min
utes last October In the Wtylllamson
river, Klamath lake, with a fly rod, a
single llKht line, single gut leader and
with a bassoreno for lure. ,
The matrimonially Inclined for
J 922 totulled 241, flvo les thun tnu
toll of Daniel Cupid in tho previous
ynr, Juno was tho bannor month
with a total of 84, July a closo second
with 32, and September third with
2H. In December, 27 couples start
ed out . in double harness.
January, 1922, was tho low month,
with 10 llccnseH iHnued. April next
with 11: February third with 14', Au
Riint next with 15; May next wNIi 10;
March, 17; November, 18; October,
' HALH.M,' Jan. 5. With n view to
riicOuriiKlnK the consolidation of
school districts, county school super
intendents, In conference here Tues
day, went on record nB favoring the
payment of 1200 a yenr for each dis
trict included in the consolidation for
u period of flvo years, toward the
impport of tho consolidated districts.
The money, would be taken from the
county school fund.
Tho superintendents also went on
record In favor of tho election; of the
hMiooI district, conflating of six dls
srhoOl district, consisting t six dis
tricts or less from tho districts HI
In mo. . v ' . ' .
Changes In tho present school laws
were favored so as to permit of the
construction of teueherngeil and'
piny sheds. ' . , ,
The superintendents also endorsed
tlio. dental contest as put on by the
Stato IJental nnsoelatlon Inst year in
which prises aggregating $1000 were
distributed among grnde school stu
dents for essays on the care of the
ttetli. . . . ' "' ''' ..'' .
8eattle Raises Astoria Fund
SEATTLE, Jan. 4. Contributions
to tho fund being raised here for the
relief' of Astoria fire sufferers totaled
$14,813.02, tho chamber of connnorce
announced today. A total fund of $5,
0o Is to be raised. -
Say "Bayer" and Insist!
I'nlesi you see the name " Buyer" on
pcknn or on talili'ts you are not fpit
tiliff the genuine lluj'er prnlurt re
norilied hv physicjuiw over twenty-two
years and proved safe by millions for
v ' Colds Headache
' Toolliaeho lUiiibago
' Israelii' Kheuniatitm
' . h'curalgia I'ain, Tain
Accept "Bayer Tablets of Aspirin"
only. Kaeh unbroken package contains
proper directions. Handy boxes of
twelve tabids cost few cents. Drug
gists also sell bottle of 24 and UK).
Aspirin is the trade mark of Bayer
.Manufacture of Monoceticaridrter of
titliejlioacid,.. . m ,
Page Theater, Friday, January 12
Mf d
Goldio Reaves, one of the many stage beauties with the N. Y, Vanderbilt
theatre musical hit. "Oh. Look I"
New Books at
Burnett, Robin; Cather, One of ours;
Fisher, Hough-hewn; Johnston, The
Voneerlngs; Lincoln, Fair harbor;
Murahall, Sky lino of spruce; Rich
mond, Foursquare; Kobcrts, In the
morning of time; Sears, llomance of
Flddlor's Green; WiiIihjIo, Cuthedral;
Wobstor, .losepli Greer and his daugh
ter; Wlllsie, Judith of the godless
Elchler, Hook of ctliiuettn; Fuller,
Story of drugs; (iiirney. Things moth
er used U make; Hamilton, A primer
of cooking; II. S. Children's Hurenu,
Infant cure; Nllson, Kiullo questions
and answers on Government examina
tion for radio operator's license; ller
lngor, Text book of assaying; Clark's
O.N.T. designs for household linen;
Clark, Knitted sweaters, Columbia
book of yarns, Columbia book of yunis,
drosses, motor robes, simrts, accessor
ies, otc. Orr, Cnss stitch and crochet;
Orr, Sweaters, yokes and boudoir
caps; Musofleld, King Cole; Mathers,
Coloured stars; Mathers, Tho garden
of bright wutors; Van Dyke, Out-of-
doors in the Holy Land; (Irahmn,
PARIS, Dee. What France should
do with her excoss alcohol bus become
one of the burning Industrial and na
tional problems In the republic. While
Franco has no prohibition movement
under way, she Is seriously troubled
by the economic aspect of an excess
production of wlno, nnd especially
A senate commission reported re
cently on the problem. It commented
on prohibition In tho I'nlted States';
pointed out that France's liquor and
wlno oxporU had boon roduced by such
prohibition, and then mado tho flat
statement that there ooilld be no ques
tion ns U the desirability In Franco or
rediH'lng tho human consumption or
alcohol, that ulcohol today was a na
tional danger to tho republic.
Hooking ways to meet the economic
difficulties presented by the nctuul sit
uation, the commission Insisted that
tho surplus production of alcohol be
used nationally as a fuel by mixing It
with benzine, gasoline and other like
substances In proportons rangng from
ten percent up.
It la proposed to run nutomohllos,
locomotives and factories with this
mixture, and at tho same tlmn save
part of Mie money now spent abroad
lor coal nnd other oil tuels. Many
experiments luivo been mndn, and
lnrgo prises orrered, rur tho best mix
ture. The principal factors In tho alcohol
problem are that thorn Is possibly n
smaller consumption of alcohol In
drinking becaiiso of Increased prices
nnd that Franco produces fur mor
alcohol than she can herself normally
consume. It Is argued that tlio human
consumption of alcohol may be farther
reduced If better uses for tho product
are found.
However, It Is pointed out that near
ly threo-fourta of France's population
gains its livelihood, directly or Indi
rectly, through nh-ohol, whether the
people, are engaged In agriculture or in
commerce. ,
County Library
Tramping with a poet in tlie Rockies;
Rollins, The cowboy; Lewlsohn, Up
stream; Jennings, Through the shad
ows with O. Henry.
0. A. C. Experiment station, Co
operative marketing. '
U. S. Agriculture Dept., Fiber flax.
U. S. Agricultural economics bureau:
Defects In the quality of butter; Bulk
handling of grain; Farm lands avail
able for settlement.
U. S. Animal husbandry bureau:
uohorning and castrating cattle;
lireeds of swine.
ll S. Animal Industry bureau: Ef
fect of silage on the fluvor and odour
of milk; Mothud of determining grease
and dirt, In wool.
U. S. Entomology bureau: Red
nocked raspberry cane-borer; Spray
ing for the control of InBectB and mites
attacking citrus trees In Florida. !
U. S. Office of farm management:
Renting dairy farms. , . . .
U. S. I'lunt industry bureau: Grow
ing sugar cane for sirup. , .
V. S. Plant industry bureau: Hard
rod spring wheuts; The velvet bean;
Plain concrete for farm use.
CHICAGO (fly tho Associated
Press) Roger Contl, tho twenty-one
yenr old billiard champion of France,
will enter the challenge-, match
against Voung Jako Schaefer here
January 8, I) and 10, confident of con
quering the Chlcagoan, nnd thus earn
I he right to challenge Willie llnppe,
tho reel-owned champion, for the 18.2
Iml It line title championship.
The. mutch- will be staged at Or
chestra Mall and will bo on the usual
tern of 1500 points 600 points
being disposed of each night.
Tlio contest promises to be ono of
tin most interesting ever played In
Chicago and despite the great reputa
tion of Young Hehnufer, thero are
many experts wlut believe tho boy
from Franco will this time tako his
This opinion Is shared especially
by those who witnessed Contl's play
In the international tournament, nt
New York and who wero greatly sur
prised nt the Improvement in his
playing, compared with that shown
in the IH'-M loitrnanient nt Chicago.
Corns Vanish
When Touched
With 'Gets-IT'
"..V0!" "'"orbs wnter. i does
tlets-It" fthsorl) anil draw out i nnr
tenner corn. or lllUe. all p ; bd
soromw... U never falls. "Oeta-li' l. ihe
orlKinn corn aim callu, peeler, lie VJll
lieon II. ltnskin
. SU'ung'i Drug store " '
? ''I '.' ,";'
WASHINGTON, Jan.f 6. Tho con
tinued increase in commerco nnd in
dustry "is clearly shown" in finnl re
ports for November received by the
department of commerce and mado
public today. Not only was the pro
duction of relatively all commodities
maintained; but in ten basic lines, the
announcement said, the November
output was tho bent of any monib
since early In 1020.
fluildlng operations failed to show
the usual seasonal decline and an un
usually well ' maintained demand for
automobiles nnd trucks was shown.
Whlln tho production and, imports
of crudo petroleum- In November In
creased little, it was sufficient, .ac
cording to the report, to establish a
new high record for tho year. Auto
mobile, nnd truck 'production for No
vember included the completion of
214,031 passenger cars and 21,223
trucks.'" ' ' ' - '
Tho October figures wero 216, 4G7
passenger cars nnd 21.434 trucks, but
officials called attention to a com
parison of the small decline for No
vember, 1 022, from October, and the
sharp -falling off In production for
November from October, 1921, when
there was a' drop of approximately
22 per cent'
Granddaughter H. H.
Rogers Marries Again
PARIS, Jan. . 0, The Paris . Hnrald
learns that iirs. lleatrlce Denjumin
Gibson, daughter' of. William Evarts
Benjamin of New York; and Captain
Charles Aubrey . Cartwrlght of tho
royal navy, were married here last
NEW YORK, . Jan. H. Mrs. Bea
tries Benjamin Giosot,, who married
Captain Charles II. Cartwrlght in
Paris lost Saturday, . was a grand
daughter of the' late H. H. Rogers,
one of the organizers of the Standard
Oil company. This la her third mar
riage. . .
Nlnotcra 1vintt.Thnv
May tho New Year be threaded
Wlth strands of blue and gold for
you; .
Things high and precious, far and
fine. ...
To serve, Inspire, delight and shine!
' A. F. A A. M.
A Medford Ixidge No. 10.1.
y2r Special communication Fri
day evening. Jan. 6th nt 7::to
p. m. Work In E. A. Degree.
243' . . By order of W. MY
I'ricos I .o. b. Medfottl
Superior Two.
Pass. Itondster $642
Superior Five-
paw. Toiirlnu $6GS
Superior Two.l'ass.
ftillty Cmipo STT
Superior Four
Superior Four-Pass.
Sedanette ....$1055
Superior Five-
Pnss Soilnn ... ,$106S
Superior l.iht
Delivery Car -:$B27
112 S, Riverside
SAN FRACISCO.,, Jap, Down, in
tho basement under the dome of Kick
Obife-vatory, near bore, nBtrononiers
recently onened a bol of huge photo-
! graphic, plutea. taken! nt a .far-away
Australian outpost during the bepieiu
ber eclipse of the sun, and started de
veloping them to1 prove or dinaprova
Dr. Albei t Einstein's theory of relative
Ity. Dr. Einstein thinks the pictures will
show tho correctness of Ills theorq,
which Is that the sun attracts or bends
the light of nearby planets. Dr. W. W.
Cumpbell, director of the observatory
nnd head or the V. II. Crocker expedi
tion, which took the pictures, will
mako no statement until the plates arc
developed nnd Infinitely delicate mea
surements and comparisons are made.
Several weeks will bo required for this
Forty-eight photographs of the skies
were taken by the expedition. Eight
of them were in connection with the
Einstein theory and the others were of
the stars and spectrum nnd corona or
the sun.
Four "Einstein cameras," designed
and constructed especially for the
eclipse, were used by the expedition.
They required plates 17 inches square
and a quarter or an inch thick. The
plates were made or plate glass and
weighed 7 pounds each. The sun's
corona was photographed with a cam
era 40 Teet In focal length on plates
14 by l i inches In size.
The plates recently arrived here
from the south Pacific with eighty-tour
packages of scientific instruments
used by the party. The ship'ment was
sent to the observatory, which is on
Mt. Hamilton, 1n bond by truck nnd
tho packages were opened with a gov
ernment customs inspector present.
"Pape's Diapepsin" for
Gas, Indigestion or .
Sour Stomach
Instantly! Stomach corrected! You
never feel the slightest distress from
indigestion or a sour, acid, gaHBV stom
ach, after you eat a tablet of "Pane's
Diapepsin." The moment it reaches tlio
stomach all sourness, flatulence, heart
burn, gases, . palpitation and pain dis
appear. Druggists gjini-antec each pack
ago to correct digestion at once. End
vmtr stomach' -trouble for few cents.
Eyes of the World Are on
- 1 i
for Economical
Holds First Place
in Number of 1922
Durincr 1922 tho nulilit hniirrlit'iunro tlum nor' mnin rimwn-
lots than ot any other fully cquipiiod far, siviS Chovrolpts
i'ii-st. place in niiinhoi' of cars sold ainoii'a11 cars 'exhibited at
the 1923 N. A. C. C. Shows.
Tlio remarkable rise of Chevrolet ' durinfr the last twelve
months has proved that we have correctly puiffod the shift of
public, sentiment towards the most economical unit of trans
portation that also meets modern requirements as to quality.
Follow the crowd at the Show and it will lead vou straight to
the Chevrolet exhibit. "'
Division of General Motors Corporation
Patton and Robinson,
t u.., Porramnantlv Cured
Case of 40 Years Standing
clusive of my non-surgical,
painless treatment for Piles
and other rtxtal diseases than that?
Those who'have undergone o-call-ed
"home-treatments" and success
ive operations for years have come
to me ana uvc ucw.
permanently cured.
To rmoe ll doubt I
guarantee to euro your
Piles no intter bow
vero or cbronlc too
Wilts today tor this FREE
booklet which explains
nt treatoiints.
ns rHAC. J. DEAN
Mr. Auto Owner, Take Notice!
-! Here is your chance to save from 10 to 20 per pent on your
Tires. We are closing out our "Mason" Guaranteed Tires at
the following low prices : , .,' , v
:0x31, "Maxi-Milc" Cords ..;.....$10.65
:Wx31o Heavy Dudy Cords $12.25
32x3, Heavy Dudy Cords $18.95','.
33x4-7 Heavy Duty Cords $24,50
. 34x4 Heavy Duly Cords .....'....$24.95
Soine good buys in "Kelly" Cords nnd Fabrics. Tires are
' advancing. Buy now and save big money., . -
Phone 26
Lv. Medford 2:00 p. m. ' :
Lv. Roseburg 1:00 p. m. ' - .. ; -
Lv. Medford 10:00 a. m., 2:00 p. m., 5:00 p. m. 1 - -
Lv. Grants Pass 7:30 a. m 1:00 p. m., 6:00 p; m.- -,; '
Lt. Medford 10:00 s. m., 4:30 p. m. '
Lt. Grants Pass 10:00 a. m., 4:30 p. m. . !
We connect with stages tor Portland, Marshfleld and Crescent
Phone 800
. . Ir:
Among All Show
I'lnco Your Order Now tor
Quick llcliverjr
Hansen Goal Co.-'
(Successors to Katls)
81 S. Tlr St, Phono 2304
GiMCHiraa ,
' China Herb Store'
This is to certlty'.tnst oim Chung of
Medford, Ore,, has cured me of goitre
and Btomaoh trouble., S, ' M, . Leonard,
609 J St., Grants Pass. " '
Thin is to certify tnat Oim Chun of
Medford, Ore., has cured m ot ruptur
of four years' Htundlog. SV Q..-Jshant,
4ia 8 St., Grants Pass, Ore,
. Medford, Oregon, Jan. IS, 1617.
This Is to ertlfy that I,1 the Under
signed, had very severe atorpaob trouble
and had been bothered for several year
and last AuguBt waa not expected to
live, and hearing ot Oim Chung (wlimi
Herb more is at 214 South Front afreet,
Medford),-1 decided to get herbs for my
stomach trouble, and I started to feeling
better as soon as I used them and today
am a well man ana cau heartily. recom
mend anyone afflicted as I was to- ae
Oim Chung and try his Herbs,
(signed) w. n. Johnson;
Witnesses): ,,,,.,
Win. Lewis. Eagle Point.1 - 1 ;
W. J j. Chlldretli, Kagla Point. -
M. A. Anderson, Medford.
H. B. Holmes, Kagle folnt, ;'-
C K. Moore, Kagie Point. . .
J, V. Molntyre, Kagle Point.'
Geo. Von der Hell tin. Kngle Point
Thnm W. Nlehnla Rar TV.!
127 North Riverside
5-Passcngcr Sednn
f. n. b. Medford.
There n're now more
tlmn 10,000 Cticvro
let Dealers nnd Ser
vice Stations
Throughout -the
Telephone 150