PACK EIGHT G. PASS SHERIFF LEAVES TO GET SrEDFORD MAIL TRTBTiyE, ftrFDFORD. OREGON. THURSDAY. JANUARY 4, 192.1 OUAN'TS PASS. Jan. 4. Sheriff 'George Lewis and Deputy Ernest Us icr will return Saturday niorninc with Oregon Jones ond Ellsworth Kelly, In time for action by the Brand Jury on their case. It was believed by the officers lust nlBht when they depart ed for the north. They will go to lluutinfrton. where the Wyoming of ficers must deliver the prisoners in order to claim the j;oo reward. The rewurd wan to bo paid only when the men were delivered in Oregon and iih Huntington la the nearest Oregon point to Kvanaton, they will be turn ed over there to tho Josephine of ficials, j The "Wyoming sheriff vn wired th'at he wa dealing with two men who would take any means to escape and was warned to bo on his guard at all times. Sheriff J.ewls and Ueputy Lister are taklnK. no chances on having the men Bet away after they hav their hands on them and will keep thrin well in hand at all times on the trip. Jones and Kelly ure said by the sheriff to bo willing to take desperate chances, rather than return hereafter their jailbreak. Fred L. Heath returned this morn ing from a brief visit in San Francisco. The Woodmen of the World meet ing last night nt the Nntatortum wa one of the largest fraternal demon strations ever put on In Medford. A rain set in just as the parade started, but nevertlwless. over 400 members turned out with 150 candidates. The Nat was filled with members from Ashland, i'hocnix, (.rants l'ass and Medford and several visitors from other cities. The ritual was exempli fied by head camp officers. Deputy Head Consul E. 1'. Martin presided. The Medford team put on the new official side dcBrcc in splendid shape and were requested to come to Port land in the near future and repeat the work An tiddiess was made by "Head Manager J. O. Wilson of Portland, giving all present first hand knowl edge of the societies' financial stand ing, which shows tho Woodmen of the World to be one of the strongest fraternal benefit societies in the United Btates. Kobert Neilson, the Harry Lauder of . Grants Pass, gave several selec tions In Scotch, ltobcrt Neilson. Jr.. gave selections on his famous violin and tho orchestra was there with the music. - A. F; A A. M.--.-- Medford Lodge No. loj.' yfr Special communication Fril. Jf' day evening, Jan. oth at 7:30 p. m. Work in E.'A. Degree. By order of W. M. There will be a meeting of tin Order of De Molny, Thursday night at 7:30 at the Masonic ) hall. Initiatory degree. Every. member is requested to attend. y II The Most Amazingly Beautiful Picture Ever Screened! HERE AT LAST! Today Tomorrow Saturday fW V )) tl W U ONCE in a blue moon they come the truly great, the epoch-making pictures. Everywhere it has scored great triumphs; every where the critics have lavished superlative praise upon it. Teeming with exciting action in tourney list and roval boudoir; filmed in lavish splendor at a cost of over $1,500,COO. - ; You Will See Settings and gowns of a magnificent beauty never approached before on the screen. Designed by Jo seph Urban. !' - Gallant knights clashing upon the tourney field while hundreds of fair women applaud. Armor, jewels, tapestries of priceless value. The thrilling elopement of the royal heroine in boy's clothing with her lover, including the leap for life on horseback from a high bridge. Flashing swordplay, the intrigues and passions of a profligate court laid bare. A spectacular romance of hot, Impetuous youth qs old as time, as fresh as to-morrow. Iff !&VIE m ihtfaood Ifc I t NEVER BEFORE AT THESE PRICES! Matinees 55c; Night, Lower Floor 75c; Balcony 55c. Children under 12 years, 125c any time. (These prices include war tax.) SUNDAY qLoria swanson V in "The Gilded Cage" f V ' aJFlower 3 PERFORMANCES DAILY 3 MATIXIiES 2:15; NHillTS 7:15 and iJcxccpt Saturday; Continuous beginning at 12:110, 2:55, 5:10, 7:15, i):25.