.1.-S.-M. i PACE TWO MEDFORD fATL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD. OREGON. THURSDAY. JANTAUY 4. IKK if ami rm-rtri 1. " Personal There as .! in'.-het of mw on Dw. ; 31 t at Anna brms can,;, at t me. National park, anc f.ve m!n libber : the nu of (Viler lale tbe Ce:rtb l h ft-t- This is ote foot more than the average snow depth at the lake for this time of year, and four feet1 more thaa two years ago and one foot more thaa one year aeo at this time.' Tbe aoove ii formation has ten re- ceived from Fete O.'d. tbe pari, rsjiger.j by Ales Sparrow, super.nteiident of. Crater National part. Dance with the crowd. Onental Halirocin Sat. n;gLt- Adaaitsios Jec.j 242 ' Tuesday. Decemyer t ;ib. wsJ 1-jcky day at the Crater Lake Hard-j ware Co. The Mai! Tribune would like a oijj-i oltte list of the new oll.wrs of thMbome for a few days. Mrs. Kupert if dilferent Medford churches and lodges as soon as the various elections are held. Dance Jackson Hot Kpriug. Sat. 22 Theres no place like Holmes for complete Insurance service. Judge C. if. Tboinas. who Tuesday assumed his judicial robes for the dis trict of Josephine and Jackson coun ties, is spendmg the next fei weeks in Grants Pass, while the regular Janu ary term of court is in session Grand jury is in session here and Judge ... Thomas' presence was required. He will bear bis first cases next wek ; when the circuit court convenes and caws are sent up from the grand jury. Grants Pass Courier. Dance. Eagle Point, Sat. nlte. JC7 This office is prepared to print ledger sheets, bills, etc., used on the bookkeeping machines. Don't give your orders to traveling men and have them printed out of Medford. Phone , ns and we will calL if H. O. Ffobacb. secretary of the chamber of commerce who with his wife is on a six weeks visit at middle western and eastern points, will not, arrive home until January lltb. Dec. llih was Lucky day at Deuel's. 244 The overhauling season is here. We specialise on reboring and boning i cylinders. A stock of pistons, rings and parts on hand. We repair all j'makes of cars 11.00 per hour. River- side Garage. tl ' The ladies of the Talent Community club jit their meeting yesterday after noon tendered Miss Florence Pool, former home demonstration agent ol the county, a fruit shower, in token of their recognition of her valuable ser vices in the years she served as home demonstration agent. Fine rooted grape vines: Table graves, Muscat, Thompsons Seedless lac each, 110.00 per hundred. Wiue grape. Zinfandell. 10 00 per 100. $40.00 n per thousand. Address F. T. Bent 1,'klah, Calif. 48 Tuesday, December the 12th, was Lucky day at the Crater Lake Hard ware Co. 242 Rain is again the prediction for to morrow's weather. The rain of the past 24 hour ending at 8 o'clock, this morning was 13 hundredths of an inch. Dance on finest floor In Oregon! Oileuta Ballroom! Sal. night. 243 Mattress work all kinds. Medford Auto Top Co. Phone 104. . tf r I In the amount of the meeting of the I 'new city council on Tuesday night "the writetljpe to haste of chronicling quoted exVa'or Gates in his address 'to the Cornell while predicting a great future development for the state and Medford as saying that Medford-would become the future Los Angeles of America, instead of Oregon, as the mayor slated. Dance Jackson Hot Sprlugs, Sat. 242 'l ake your kodak, films to Palmer's studio. First class work and prompt service. tf K Inland Farm sold three registered Shorthorn cows the first of the month to Thomas Harrison of the Santa Rosa ' Stock Farm, Santa Rosa, Calif. Dance, Bugle Point. Sat. nlte. 2CT' The Crater I-ako Hardware Co. an noun co that Tuesday, December 12lli was Lucky day. They will have anolli , cr Lucky day in January. 242 The Woman's Forulgn Missionary society of the Firxl M, K. church will meet Friday afternoon with Mrs. R. C Minear, 408 North Ivy. Mrs. Hedges Is the program leader. For Sale) New Columbia phono- graph records at half price. Victor, llrtinjiwick, Columbia. I'atho & Sonora phonographs and records at reduced prlcos. .Music Shop, 15 N. Grape street. next to Partner & Fruitgrower Bank Phone 4fij J. If Laxmtivt Broma Quinine tabltts The first and original Cold and Grip Tablet, the merit of which is recog- -razed by all civilized nations. Be sure you get . TbC genuine bears tkU sltnature 97100, George Green, "known the world over. roo vaa given tliic in the Jackson county JaJl a few weeks ago. a-aa releaw-d the latter part of list ek and immediately started f"r Athiand. He found Officer Reynolds. U KITMlll him M lh iririn9l w u - oa Lj afu.r whk.h fae U)r . , ,,i, , burg. ber he is being held pending tie arrival of Sheriff TerrilL He will oe brought tack to this cotutr. and if i he fails to provide bail, will be held in Jail until the next session of tbe grand jury. Ashland Tidings. Hemstitching at Deuel's. SOT System Service Co. writes Fire and iU other Insurance. Strong companies. -'fice Voor Medford Bide. tf Mr. and Mrs. H. R. Prenlk-e and children returned yesterday after spendini; the holidays with relatives in Washington state. Mr. and Mrs. Bond Rupert of Centraiia. Wash, returned with them and will visit the Prentice a sister of Mrs. Frentice. Perfection! Music floor crowd! Oriental Ballroom! Sit night! 243 We vulcanize and retread every day: do waiting. Exchange Tire Co. 242 Several candidates from Ashland will be initiated into the Order of De Molay at the regular meeting of that organization at the Masonic hall to night Dance Jackson Hot Springs, Sat. 242 Auto Insurance. Brown A White. The gate receipt at the Corvallis- Scott game amounted to 14S00 not counting the tickets sold in Eugene and Ealem according to tbe CorvaJMs Gazette-Times, and will cover all ex penses without a deficit. Dance, Eagle Point, Sat. nlte. 2'" Vi.tiQ motor driven boms at tbe Electric Shop. Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Lamport returned this morning from Ban Francisco where they spent New Year's. Dec. liih was Lucky day at Deuel's. 244 Hot tanule and chili con carne at De Voe's. tf Robert A. Newland of the Medford postoffice, is one of the four Oregon letter carriers who axe on the honor list of the postoffice department of those who have secured 10O per cent installation of letter boxes, or slot for muck mail delivery on their routes. The other three are Sherman A. Pin nell of Astoria. Raymond Schmidling of Portland, and Cbarenca C. Wynant of Grants Pas. On account of length of film of ' When Knighthood Was in Flower," there will be only one matinee perfor mance Friday at the Page theatre, be ginning at 2:15. Saturday tbe custom ary continuous shows will be given, beginning at 10:30 a. m., succeeding performances 2:1.5. 5:05, 7:15 and 9:25 p. m. Milk and cream at DeVoe's. tf Mr. aud Mr. C. H. Davis were glad dened, by. lb vJsU. at a little daughter, Nulls, at the Community hospital. Dec 30th, 1922. Wonderful dance! Oriental Ballroom Sat nigbL W There's a busy business College in your home town. OWN. A fine of t50, 10 days In jail and the surrender of hi driver' license for 30 day, was the sentence handed out to Harold Robertson Tuesday In jus tice court, following his plea of guilty to a charge of driving while intoxicat ed. He was arrested Monday follow ing a collision Saturday night with the car driven by Fred O'Kelly. of Rogue River, a they were returning from the dance at Murphy. Grant Pass Cour ier. Dance, Eagle Point. SaL nite. 207 If you have some second-hand win dow saah suitable for hotbed, phone CX. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Strang left this morning for their home In Roseburg after having spent New Year' In Med ford with Mr. Strang' parent. Mr. and Mrs. Charles. Strang. They made tbe trip by auto. Dec. 15th was Lucky day at Deuel's. 214 Hemstitching and plcoting. silk or cotton, 8 cent per yard. Cor. Main and llartlett. The Vanity Bbop. tf Basketball practice for the local high school squad will begin this even ing and some good material Is expect ed to show up within the next two or three weeks as Coach Eddie Durno haa every student In high school playing basketball during physical training hours. The first ganio of the season will be played a week from Friday night with the Fort Jones. Calif., tenm and will be followed the next night by a game with tlio Alumni. The old timers squad will Include Preseott, Coleman. Narregan. Russ and Stan Sherwood, lllchle Payne. Dub Watson and others. Oriental Ballroom! Sut. night! Big dance. 213' Auto Insurance.. Brown & White. Hemodellng operation are now under way at the old Truax building on Eiuit Main Btreet and extensive work Is to bo dona within the noxt thirty days to make room for the new sporting goods and hardware store to be opened by M. M, Herman. Big reduction sale. Blouses 12.93 lo $7.50. All trimmed hat $1.95 at the Vanity Hhoo. 247 When In need of sash and door, call Wallace Wood. 108 or come to 711 E. Main street. Itulph W. Hani well returned this morning from Pasadena, los Angeles and San Francisco where ho has been for the pal week. Ho attended the l' s C.-Pfnn State football game in Pasadena on New Year's day. Another grand party! Oriental Ball room Sat. night. Admission 10 cents 24:1 Mis Ell Prettymiui, former Butte Falls school teachor who Is. a guest at thu Hotel Holland, leaves today for a weekend visit with frli-nds In Butte Falls. Miss Pretty-roan Is now teaching school In Yriika, Calif., and ha been spending the holiday vacation with relatives In Portland, i You ran get It t DeVoe's. Jf " A laree number of farmers already in the Talent irrigation district, and 'a large representation from belleriea met at the office of tbe Talent irriKa- ' tion district in Talent yesterday to bear any protests against the creation of an Irrigation district in the Belle riear community." says the Ashland Tidings. "The meeting showed beyond a doubt that there is no opposition. v sek of. from any quarter to the for-' i mat ton of the new district." i ProTice against lots, insure with I n A A . a J .. .. . i James Inglis. representing the Salem Nurseries, will be at the Hol land until over Sunday 'and will be pleased to take orders or talk with anyone interested in frail or omacien. tal trees, flowers, shrubs, etc. Home grown nursery stock is the best- For Sale Singing canaries.- S47-Y. Eugene Nicker&on leaves tomorrow for Los Angeles where he intends t'J remain permanently. All kind of rough and dressed lutr. ber. Wallace Wood, phone 10s. 711 East Main. Mr. and Mrs. George H. Smith of Roseburg are registered at the Hotel Holland and are malting a few days visit here with friends and relatives. Mr. Smith is district Kelly-Springfield tire representative. " We make allowances on old tires on new ones. Exchange Tire Co. 242 The first basketball game of the sea son in the valley will be played Friday ni?)t in Ashland between tbe high school team and the last year's team which won the state championship. This contest promises to be Interest ing and a number of Medford fans would like to see it and are strong in their belief that the high school five win be defeated at the hands of Guthrie, Herr. Ramsey, Weisenberger and Beeson. It is understood that Deke Bryant, another old Ashland star and Mingus Aitken will assist the men who graduated last year in giving the high school lads a trouncing.. Armstrong cords puts the miles in mileage. Phone 277-J, Star Motor & Supply Co. Med ford's music lovers will enjoy Arthur Middleton' concert, at tbe Pace Monday night. 242 Mrs. Ben Trowbridge of this city has received a letter from her daugh ter, Mrs. E. A. Elklns, formerly Mary Trowbridge, saying that with her hus band Captain Elklns. they had started the first leg of a trip around the world, having left Honolulu for the Philip pines. They will visit the Orient, the Near East, and European countries spending five month in Germany. They will return to this country early in 1924, and will make their home at San Fernando, Calif. Captain Elklns is a retired army officer. Start the new year right by having your automobile work done at , the Riverside Garage. tf Marsh Garrett of tbe Lake Creek district, spent Wednesday in the city on business. Goodwin Corset Shop, 20 S. Fir. ' 252 When better automobiles are built. Uulck will build them. tf Mrs. Susanne Carter, Jacksonville, county superintendent of schools for Jackson county, arrived in Salem on Saturday to attend tbe meeting s of superintendents of the state. Salem Capital Journal. Bring in your old tires and have us put on a guaranteed retread. Exchange Tire Co. 242 i Arthur Mlddleton's delicate planis slmos and fiery crescendo will appeal to you. Don't miss his concert Page theatre Monday night. 212" !eorge Potter of Montague, Calif., has returned to his home after a short stay In the city. For Sale 10.000 acres of land con sisting of alfalfa, grain and stock ranches, orchard and tlmberland. some Irrigated; also mining property. All property must and will be sold at some price. Some as low as $1.00 per acre, 5 to 10 years time. T. W. Miles. Attorney, Jackson Co. Bank Bldg., or Gold Ray Realty Co- owners, 15 Far mer and Fruitgrower Bank. Ph'ene 465-J. . Miss Maurine Carroll returned Sun day evening from Portland where she attended the State Teachers' associa tion and Is visiting at the home of hor brother. Richard-Carroll and wife; Miss Carroll la an instructor in the Medford high school. Junction City News. Until further notice Dr. Elliott shall not be In hi office on Thursdays. 217 The eight pound baby boy born- to Mr. and Mrs. Carlyle Notwlck of Minnesota avenue, has the distinction of being the first babe of 1923. locally according to Dr. Picket, the attending physician. Ho was born a few minutes past 12 o'clock, January 1st. Special prices on retreading. AH retread guaranteed. Exchange Tire Co. 242 Sharon Merrtman. a law student at the University of California, will re turn to school January 10th. He will graduate next May. and will then begin a two years law course. 1 For Diamond coat brtcketts, phone Valley Fuol Co, Phone 78. Attorney Rudy Schttlx of San Fran cisco, Calif., has returned to that city after spending the holidays with his parents in this city. ' Have you tried that big milk (hike at DeVoe'a? tf Mr. and Mrs. Ned Vilas hive return ed from a honeymoon trip to San Francisco and other California plnts Dr. Lincoln Kallea has resumed his practice at U13 Liberty Bldg. 24t Tom Qulnn of the Steamboat district Is spending the week In the city on Imslneen. Furniture repaired and made ' to oroer. Work called for and delivered. Phone Wra. Bradley 199 U 248 The Internal revenue department at Portland, has begun tho work of send ing out the blanks for the Income tax. due March Hth. Miss Lillian Owen and Vernon Owens, dutightrr and son of Mr. and Mr. Jame Owens, have returned to Corvalll to resume their studies at . A. C, Mrs. Jip Andrews is the hostess this! afternoon at a bridge party of the Thursday Bridge club. Mustard erwm r-tuirk.ful i,1 vita. mine, at leading grocers. 244! Mr. and Mr. Kendall Crocker and! Mrs. Crocker's mother, Mrs. Boutelle left today for their winter borne in' uaruara arter a holiday visit here with Mr. and Mr. Ralph Boutelle j Don't fail to hear Arthur Middieton,j bais-baritone of the Metropolitan Opera Co, at the Page Monday night. ! 242 will The Parent-Teachers circle ui4 ir,:;l."- . . . , r . j&jaui ims oeea planned ana re:resn - uitwu wiu-oe served. . i A post-holiday musical treat. Arthur! Middleton. bass-baritone at the Page; theatre Monday evening. 242 . C. C. Robertson, dancing teailier of Ashland, was in Medford today. Mr. Robertson also has dancing classes in Horobrook and Hilt. America's great bass-baritone. Arthur Middleton. will sing at the Page Monday night. 242 Mr. and Mra. J. C. Robinson and daughter Lillian have returned from The Dalles where they spent the holiday season with tbe father and mother of Mrs. Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Brogan. Make your plans now to hear Arthur Middleton, America s great bass-baritone at the Page theatre Monday night. 242- HIGH PRAISE IS GIVEN CHIEF OF E George O. Tinot: who retired from the porn ion of police chief of Medford on January 1st. by the resignation route, after five years of continuous service, with only a day or two misled by sickness in that time, went out of office without taint and with no scandal of any kind hovejing over him. He Is in his 73rd year, and is one of the most active men for hi years in Medford. or else where and as police chief co-ered a large amount of ground in his daily duties ar well as devoting much other time in helping out many citizens on various matters as a matter of cour tesy. Former Mayor Gates utters words of praise for Mr. Timothy as a police official, and Mayor Gaddif also speak? a gd word for him. Mr. Timothy had been prepared to give up the of fice for a year or two past, and would have resigned a long time ago, if he had not been attacked publicly, along with the sheriff, by. an evange list, who had ben fed up by dis gruntled men and ax-grinders. After that verbal attack was made the po lice chief was determined not to re tire under'fire." " Due to this -attack, which referred mostly to the bootlegging situation in this community, many good people of the city, especially the ardent temper ance women and men, were much mil-lead by information furnished by the trouble breeders on the real situ ation as it was understood by t host fa mi liar with local police and other similar attain. . - These people had ever since been clamoring for Tiniothys official scalp and it is understood gave their sup port to. Mr, Gaddis, candidacy for nomination und election as mayor with the understanding that he would appoint a new police chief. Therefore, when Mr. Gaddis. prior to assuming office, recently informed the chief that in the interests of har mony he desired to make a change, in the office. Chief Timothy, tired, of the long campaign of- abuse and con Mderabl misrepresentation, and of the long service In the office, at once cheerfully acquiesced and decided U put into effect his long contemplated plan of resigning. He longed for a peaceful citizenship again to devote more time to kicking about high taxes and to be. able to look every man in the face and tell him to go to a summer clime. It was. In preparation for quitting the office. Mr. Timothy allowed hi namu, to be put; up for constable of this district at the last election, to which office he was elected. The re tired chief has no plans for the future beyond attending to his light duties as constable, for a month nr- so yet. He wants to enjoy n long rest and to cut a few corners along with the rest of us. Mr. Timothy and Mayor Gad fiit pnrled as good friends. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOK SAl.lv-One cow, two yearling heifers, 75 chickens. Sharpies sep arator and household furniture. On old Koch I or place, phone 2.1xxn2, Central IHlnt. Harry Samuelson. 245 MJK SAI.K Will take good car as first payment on good five-room modern bungalow. Have one house on pavement for rent. C. S. Butter- field. 243 KOK SAI.K Chicken ranch close to Medford. 375 White leghorn hens. "200 etnts per day"; one cow, some hay and feed: new chicken house 20xS0: one smaller chicken house: new brooder: new small barn; good 4-room house: 5 acres land. Will take Medford home as part payment C. 8. Htlttcrfield. 243 KOH RBXT Sli'-rootu house, modem conveniences, close In, no small children. Inquire 316 X. Central Ave - ' 247 (olds BrokcaQuickly sf3?ir rl diuirMabi. wuattwr tlwavt have HiU'.hamrf. Stops Colds in 34 hours Is C"PP in i days SlsnoUrd rcnmly ftr two senerattons. No bad after tflFetS. Salt and depwidabta. Demand rrd bos bearmf Mr. Hill's portrait sod aifnltur. I At All Orals-jar a JO C.nra Emil Coue Arrives In New York for a Clinical Campaign - - .....,. . NEW Y03K. Jan. 4 (By tbe Associated Press-i Emile Coue. the little pharmacist from Nancy, France, came u America today on tbe steamer Majestic U 4 hopeful of spreading through the country his auto-suggestive Phrase "day by day. in every way. I'm getting better and bet ter." Greeted at tbe pier by a party of .welcome, he announc ed his intention of opening a clinic in New York and ex pressed the hope that his meth cis would be introduced" in medical circles to fight disease and in penitentiaries to com bat defects in character. ,. AhoOk-t C-cnvi-nt Burned. QUEBEC, Jan. 4. The eleventh f're to sweep a Catholic institution in Canada within tbe last vear was re- 1 ported today-. It razed tbe Good Shepherd convent of St- George de Beauce, about SO miles from this city, shortly after midnight. Cut This Out It Is Worth Money Cut out this slip, enclose with 5c and mail it to Foley & Co., 2S35 Ehef- neia Ave, Chicago, III., writing your name and address clearly. You will receive in return a trial package con taining Foley's Honey and Tar Com pound for coughs, colds and croup; Foley Kidney Pills for pains in sides and back: rheumatism, backache, kid ney and bladder ailments ; and Foley Cathartic Tablets, a wholesome and :horoughly cleansing cathartic for con stipation, biliousness, headaches, and sluggish bowels. Sold everywhere. Adv. natal I Officers Stated session. HU lah Temple, Friday evening, Jan. 5, 1923. Masonic hall. Ash land. Installation oi new officers and oth er important busi ness. Full atten- dance required. 242 F. J. XEWMAX, Potentate. A Call for Bids Notice is hereby given that the undersigned Clerk of School Dist Xo. 18. will receive bids for the following property belonging to said District: Old school house, woodshed, stove and twenty-four (24) school desks. Bids will be opened Jan. 15, 1923 at two o'clock In the afternoon. H. E. RODGERS, ; 246 Sams Valley. A GOLD GONE II FEW HOURS "Pape's Cold Compound" Acts Quick. Costs Little, Never Sickens! In a few hours your cold is pone, head and nose clear, no feverishne-&, headache, or stufTed-up feeling. Drug pints here puarantoo these pleasant tab lets to break up a cold or the grippe quicker than nasty quinine. They never make you pick or uncomfortable. Buy a hox'of "Pape's Cold Compound" for x. few, cents, and get rid of your colt rigbt now. RIALTG Now Showing! Two big stars in a thrill-swept romance of raging seas and society ballrooms. DOROTHY OMJOl JACK HOLT MrTCMElLEWISk SunilHy STKOXUHKAKT the Wonder 1HR in "The Itrann of the North." Handicraft Chop. Hemstitching Plcoting lo per yard. Bottom covered. - Shriners I 'IE' -v Program for Farmer's and Home Makers week ; j begins Tuesday. Jan. MB. , ends Saturday, January 13th. at pub lic library, Medford. Program starts at 10 a. in. each day; doses at 4 p. m. Tuc-Mlay, January fth lOiiu a m. Orchard ;anae ment, C. L. Long. Ch-Uren's Cloth ing: Fabrics, color and line, .Miws Lila O'Neale. . 11:00 a. m Life History of Cod lin Moth. M. A. Yothrs. Cood Taste in Children's Clothes. M.sa 1-" O'Neale. 1:2 p. m- Orchard Diseases. Prcf. H. P. Bares. Crcups and Cold, Dr. P.bert Stearns 2:30 p. ra. Blight Methods. Prof F. C. Reimer. Dressing for Health. Miss Lila O'Neale. 3:30 p. m. Sprays and Spraying. C. C. Cate. Care of Clpt!iinB. Miss Lila O'Neale. i YVralnoMlay, January I'ltli 10:00 a. m. Farmer's Marketing Problems. Prof. Beese. Growth Ma terials' for tbe Child, Miss Marjory Smith. 11:00 a. m. Government Aid '" Farmer's Marketing Prog-am. Paul V. Marls. Teeth in the Making. Miss Marjory Smith. 1:30 p. m. Cooperation of Farm ers and Business -Men. W. B. IJodson. Infectocus Diseases. Dr. Wm. P. Holt. 2:30 p. m. Marketing Jackson Countv Farm Products F. C. Rei mer. Why Doesn't He Like It? Miss Marjory Smith. 3:30 p. m. Relation Farm Bu reau to Commidity Marketins Organ izations. George Mansfield. How Do Your Children Do? I with lantern slides). Miss Marion- SnV'h. "Thuifday. January 11th 10:00 a. m. Breeding for Eggs. Prcf. Lunn cf O. A. C. 11:00 a. rn Feed 1923 Crop of Chicks. H. E. Cosby. O. A. C. 1:30 p. m. Poultry Houses and Big Reduction Sale ALL Trimmed Hats I 1 . - .$4.95 j 1 Georgette and Crepe de Chine Over-Blouses Sport Blouses See MISS LOUNSBERRY at The Vanity Shop MAIN AND BARTLETT Oimlly! JSBfel ARTHUR MIDDLETON AMERICA'S GREAT BASS-BARITONE PAGE THEATRE MONDAY EVENING, JANUARY 8 Seats on Sale Saturday, January 6 Mail Orders now Lower floor, $2.00; Ualcony l.oO, $1.1X1,50 cents. ' ' Farmers Week . Yards Illustrated, Prof. Lunn, 0, A C. 2.30 p. m. Marketing' Poultry Products, C. N. Culy. 3:00 p. m. Why Poultry Mea Fail. H- f- Cosby. Frihiy, January 1-th Hog Feeding, Prof. Llndgren, Maiketinn Hogs, C. M. McAlister, Games and Toys, Mrs. Sara Prentl,,. 11:00 a. m. Needs ot the Dairy, men. Prof. Brandt. Pig Clubs, Lloyd Moss. The Child Mind, Prof. J. p, Brumbaugh. . 1:80 p. in- Stock Yards Method of Marketing Livestock, R. Clark, Child Play and Recreaticp, Mrs. Sara Prentiss. 2:30 p. m. Dairy Talk, Prof. Brandt. Calf Clubs, Lloyd Moss. Child Training and ManaKement, Prof. J. F. Brumbaugh. 3:30 p. m. Tuberculosis of, Cattle, Dr. Bishop. . Saturday. Januray tilth 10:00 a. m. Farm Crops for Jackson County, Prof. Hyslop. Corn Clubs, Lloyd Moss. Hot School Lunch, -Miss Grayce C. Telch. 11:00 a. m.J Irrigation and (irain aire. Prcf. Price. Irrigation and Drainage, local speakers. 1:30 p. m. Moles and Gophen, Ira Gabrielson. Home Demonstra tion Program. Miss Grayce C. Teicb.'. 2:30 p. m. Crop Fertilizers, Prot. Hyslop. Boys and Girls Club Work, Miss Helerr Cowgill. 3:00 p. m. General Crop Discus sion. . Notice The annual meeting of the stock, holders of the Jackson County Build ing and Loan association will be held on January 8, 1923, 7:30 p. m., at Xo. 30 North Central avenue, Medford, Oregon, for the election of directors and the transaction of such other busi ness as may come before the meeting. 245 O. C. BOGGS. Secy. $7,501 $2.95 1 The Victor S keys adds to a mil lion. Docs every op eration any adding, machine can do. ; PRICE $105.00 . ' You save $145,00 Medford Book Store 34. No. Central. 1 V llJ