SCHOOLS IOf EN AT JACKSONVILLE "I ANUARY SECOND JACKSONVILLE. 13ee. 30. Tin. jaiksoiivlllu sehool vill open Tues juV January 2, tho teachers and pupils linylnt! enjoyed a week s lioll- JB. 8. (irlKUby of Klamath Falls was . mi(8t Hi' f. e. rmin iveunesuay. Mr. and nadUlBinnn anil dnuulit'''' or I'ort Townseiul, are miendiuK several woeks visiting rela tive In cu' "Ilu -"ouiora. .Mrs. t'liarles Kerwert and son ami dnusliler ' spending this week al jllll.'Callf.. vlslllnir her parents, .Mr. ad Mrs. James Roek. James M. I'niitrnll of Weed arrived In our eity Thursday ovenlng for a few day'" visit with relatives. Mr. J. O'llrlen and mother, Mrs. jj,'o. O'llrlen and Mr. John Uark dull passed through our oily Tuesday, having spent Christmas with rela , liven' In tho Applentc. .Peggy Mario lloter of Medford Is siiendiriK a few days in our city, the guest of Miss Bernlce Itetor. Mrs. Arthur Klclnhammer of the Aplegnto returned to her home, hav ing spent scvoral days with friends in Ashland. . Dr. and Mrs. J. W. Robinson were dinner guests Christmas at the home of Judgo and Mrs. F. L. Tou Velle. I. Oftondahl, aceomiianicd by his ulfo and son,7 arrived in our .city Thursday. ' JM'rA Mabel Stevens, tho assistant "lirlnclpal In our school, is spending this .week iit-her home near Portland. . Jlfs. Jop McMiihon is at tho home of her uibtlioivMrs.:T.' K. Bolton of Aahlimd.'.who. is reported seriously ill. .Mr. and bfra. John Dunnington and daughter, Margaret, of Klamath Falls are guest.4 of relatives in our city. Mr. and. Mrs: JohnXaylor and Mr. and Mi's." . Everett- Miller passed through town Tuesday, en route to their home in Portland, having spent Christmas with relatives on tho Ap plegatc. ' - - . . ' .Mr. and Mrs. Hehry'Mensqr, who have been guests of his son,- Edward Mensor of Portland, called on old time friends in our" city Thursday evening, en route to their homo' in Oakland. .... k7 : . Henry namoburg passed through town Wednesday with a band of cat tle lie was taking to the Appjegate whero they will be fed. ... .Mr. and Mrs. Ansil Oilson and Wiii: Jennings were among tho many from the Sterling precinct, transacting business In our city this week. Goldle Uoone Is visiting her par ents, spending her vacation from the O. A. C. John Devlin of Portland is spend ing this week with his slstor, Mrs. .Miles Can trail and family. - Mrs. Pauline Hiuos, who has been seriously HI at her home, was taken o the Sacred Heart Wednesday morning"- '" - Ilegleno I.ytle, who is'.attending tho OKiA. C, Is upending the holidays with her relatives. .'- . Mr. -and .Mrs. J. S. Sawyer and children of Yoncalla, Ore., arrived in Jacksonville Saturday to spend tho holiday season w-jth Mrs. Saw yer's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mclntyre and family. ; George Armstrong nnd family of Baker county, but former residents of our city, returned to make Jack-j sonvillo their home and have rented the Cronemlllor house. Tile ninny friends of Mr. H. A. Hawkins, a resident for many years of our city, were grieved to hear of his sudden death at his homo In lllehmond, Calif., on December 22. lie leaves a wife; besides a host of friends to mourn his loss. Charliu Dunford, the hustling farmer of tho Anplegate, spent scve ray days In our city. rEDFQttr MATL TRIBUNE, MEDFOftn OftKflOX, SATURDAY, DECK M HE It 30. 1022 PAOE Tint EE Music at the Churches A' ,0f ' First llaptlst extendi..! . ',Uu'- An invitat.on is a-end I ! " ,to":i' ""' '"' ear' Li t "" t,,f"ri wl" "I.- llMiin, Jy to thu Wwd.. .,. , Congregation. Anthem. '-Soul. f n-i ,., Hiring quartet .'Scrcu'" " Mr. ltout. cello; Mr. Scott, piano. , S'-rlpture lesson. ivvo-nai-t chorus for women's voices, Herdsmen's Christmas Kong".. 'olm solo, Melodie" . . .Tschawskl Mr. .lanes Prayer Anthem, "Ih-lghtes tand Heat" ... i Ncvln I Miss Campbell, violin, Mr. Janes, violin; Mr. Hoot, cello; Mr. Scott I lilano. Two-part chorus for women' voices, "So Amid Winter's Snow" .... Announcements and Offertory Anthem, "When Christ Was Hern" Address, "Make Itoom for Christ," Nov. F. It. Lcaeh Soprano solo, "Ring Out Wild Bells" Oounod Mrs. Scott . ' Ilenedlotion " ' Morning service, It, a. m. Soprano solo, "Star of the Kast ' . . Coo libs Mrs. Ixirralne Harr'son Scott Violin soo, "Kllgle" Fanconler Mr, Carlton Janes Sermon "Tilings Which Cannot Taps Away" rtev. F. II. Leach St. Mark's Episcopal North Oakdale and Fifth St. 8:00. Holy communion. 10:00. Sunday school. 11:00. Morning service. Wm. H. Hamilton, vicar. Evang.-Luth. Zion's Church . Fourth St. at Oakdale Ave. ' Uev. Dr. v. r. MorenzOesor, pastor, lies. 51S West Fourth St. Sylvester. No divine service. New Year: Dlvino service 10 n. in. You and yours aro cordially invited. First Christian Church Cor. Ninth and Oakdale. D. E. Millard, Minister. . Hible school services J:4o a. m. Her bert Berrian, supt. Preaching service 11 a, m. Subject: ' All Things Unto All Men." Christian tndeavor service 6:30 p. in. evening service 7:38 p. m. Sermon subject,- "The Immortality' of This Life." A New Year's message. There will be special music by' the mixed and male quartets nnd two special orches tra selections for the music lovers. Main St. M. E. Church, South . ' Coy R. Sims, pastor. Bible school 9:45 a. ni. Dr. Frank Roberts, supt. Morning worship 11a. m. Dr. J. P. Hray.-fotiiier pastor of the church, will preach -1 lie-sermon. Kpworth League 0:30 p. m. Miss Minnie Whtjiple assisted by Miss Vornia Peters .will lead the service. The pastor will, preach at the even ing service 7:30 p. m., taking for Ills subject, "The Old i'51'.tho New." The public is cordially invited to these services. Don't forget that New Year's resolution. l evening, December 31st will be "When the New Meets the Old." A New Y car's sermon. WASIUNOTON, Dec. 30. Represen tative Mansfield, democrat of Texas, read into the record today u statement tlutt Henry Ford was making coke and selling it to his employes at $8 a ton, about half the price he said was charged "by the coal baronB.'; "That's a fair example of what the farmers may expect in the way of fertilizer If Ford gets Muscle Shoals," he BUlil. "Actions speak louder than words and Mr. Ford does not talk very much." COUNTY COURT PROCEEDINGS (Continued from December 17th.) I'rolilbiUon Kiifoi-comont. S. M. Sauclefer, prohibition enforcement expense 643.71 B. L. Moses, prohibition en forcement oxpoiiBo 64.00 J. 11 Lcggitt, prohibition Qiifdrcomenl expense .... 4S.00 First Church of Christ, Scientist Authorized branch, of Tho Mother Church, -The First ChnrcU of Christ, Scientist, in Uoston, Mass. Services are. held every Sunday at 11 o'clock. Subject for Sunday, De cember 31; Christian Science. Sunday School at 9;45. Applicants under the age of twenty may he admit ted. Wednesday evening meetings, which include testimonies of Christian Sci ence healings, at 7:40, church edifice, 212 North Oakdale. The Reading Room, which is in the Medford Dldg., is open dally from 1 to 5, except Sundays and holidays. All authorized Christian Science literature may be read, borrowed or purchased. The public Is cordially invited to attend the services and visit the Read ing Room. - G, OOLD 1111,1,, Ore.. Dec. 30. 'Special) Professor Malcom E. Wright, assistant principal, in the Central Point schools has been elect ed to succeed Prof. W. It. Putmnn, deceased, Into superlntemlent of the Gold lllll schools. During the late Illness nnd death of Professor Put man, whose Illness commenced early In November, W. II. Wegner. assist ant principal In tho high school has had chargj! ns superintendent and Mrs. A. W. Hubhs. substitute teacher In the Medford high schools served In his tin pn city. Professor Wright has already moved with his family to fold Hill nnd will assume his now duties after the holidays. Ho Is do miciled In the Johnson dwelling, lately vnentcd by. tho Putmnns. Mrs. Hubhs has been ejected to assume the duties vacated bv Prof Wright, Itnln Xc.vt Week. 1 WASHINGTON, Dec. 30. Weath er outlook tor the week beginning Monday: Pacific stales -Occasional rains; temperatures near normal. Oregon Teachers Oppose Fatty. POIITLAND, Ore., Dec. 30. Pro test against restoration of liosroe Ar btieklo to the screen is contained In n resolution adopted yesterday after noon by the Oregon Slate Teachers' association. . "Have been troubled with weak kld Ve.vs since childhood." writes Mrs. O. de, Benzonia, Michigan. "Now past urty and have had terrible uacKacne nd that tired out feeling, hardly able ,0 do my work. By using Foley Kid- ey Pills accompanied with Foley athartlc Tablets I soon felt like a new erson." nacknehn. rheumatic nalns. lii.... 'j ....I . .,.,.!. i..iucng nun unirivu iniun ii o d.. tome of kidnev trouhle. Fo ey Kidney Pills clv nn I elf relief Sold every where Adv. Methodist Episcopal Church Gold Hill, Ore. A union of all denominations. Dr. M. M. Reld, pastor. Sunday school Sunday morning at 10. A. E. Kellogg,, supt. Devotional and workers' at 11. Evening sermon at 7:30 by the pastor. Subject, "Spirit ual Inventory and Appraisement for 1923. v A reception of now members by card following the sormon. Tuesday mid-week lecture at 7:30 by the pastor. Subject, "Mental Analysis." A special invitation extended to all to attend all theso services. Church of the Nazarene Cor. Central und Jackson. You are soon going to have to bid good-bye to tills old year forever. How have you spent It? What memorlos will It be obliged to leave wth you? As this Is the last Sunday why not spend it as you should? Como to church. You are cordially invited to attifhd the following services: Sunday school 10 a. in. preaching .11 a. 111. and 730 p. m. Prayer meeting Wed. 7:30 p. "in. Mr. Dole will preach Sunday morn ing. The evening service will be evan gelistic and the text in harmony With the occasion. Wishing you all a happy New Year, C. M. King, pastor. ..Catholic Church . South Oakdale Ave. First mass Sunday at 8 a. m r?cond mass at 1.1 a. 1:1. ab Reverend George Coupal, cele brant; Rev. S. A. Coupal, deacon; Rev W. Meagher, sub-deacon; Rev. J. Pow ers, arch-priest; Rev. F. Black, master of ceremonies; Edward Smith, censor- 5 roughs, acolytes, Rev. Francis Black will preach the sermon. The boys' surpliced choir will sing. ' The Knights of Columbus aro re quested to moet in the parish hall at 10:45 a. 111. to form a guard of honor to the newly ordained priest. If weather permits, there will be a procession from the rectory to the church before the services. New Year's: First mass at 8 a. m. second mass at 10:30. Benediction after second muss. Rev. John Powers, pastor. Totul I 747.71 ItO.ll) KIND. Road Ulsl. No. 1. Jack True, payroll market No. 1 632.73 Harrison Bros., expense district No. Standard Oil district No. 1 Co , 1 .. expense 2.02 100.62 roads , Thos. ltoseberry, labor, gen- oral roads Southern Pacific Co., gon eral road expense Sherwin-Williams Co., gen eral road expenso Arthus Shaffer, labor, gen eral roads Mike Van Houten, labor, general roads Elwln Vroman, labor, gen eral roads Weeks-Conger Co., general road exMnso J. Hnrtman, general road expense Asocluted Oil Co., general road expense Billings Car & Auto Works, general road epense Clyde Equipment Co., gen eral road expense C. K. Cass, general rond ex pense Fred J. Frick, genoral road exponso F, E. Jenkins, general road oxpense $ Medford Furniture & Hard- general road DU.OOj 1 7 1.00 I S.25 30.70 130.00 30.00 108.00 100.00 132S.12 377.20 16.50 32.00 43.00 C6..12 17.23 BIG SHOOT! AT EAGLE POINT TOMORROW, SUNDAY, DEC. 31 Merchandise, Geese, etc., given as prizes THl$ IS A GOOD ONE DON'T MISS IT ware Co. expense Medford Sheet Metal Works, ' general road expense 33.00 Medford Tent & Awning Co., general road expense 3.00 Oregon Slate Highway Com , mission, general road ex penso 3053.33 Rlversldo Garngo, general road expense; 8.25 Standard Oil Company, gen eral road expense 1612.23 Southern Pacific Co., gon- oral road expenso 13.97 Union Oil Compauy, general road expense 146.83 Total .'...:.'. '...$ 733.39 J toad Inst. No. Wm. Bruin, naroll district No. 2 1,055.30 I load Dint No. il. Wm. Perry, payroll district No. 3 813.49 Itoad lst. No. 4. W. M. Tetherow, payroll district No. 4 171.73 Itond IHst. No. 5. F. J, Watson, payroll dis trict No. 5 ; 248.20 ltoud Dist. No. . John Walch, payroll district No. 6 773.33 John Walch,' expenso dis trict No. .6 76.00 Hugh, Jones, expense mar ket No. 6 169.00 Total $ 1018 53 Itoad Dlst. No. 7. J. M. Allen, payroll dis trict No.- 7 62.60 C. Frank Rhodes, contract market No. 7 .- 6244.71 Bishop & Thomas, contract market No. 7 SS.00 Billings Car & Auto Works, expense district No. 7 29.00, Itojul District No. 8 H. L. Gregory, payroll dis trict No. 8 34.25 Medford Concrete Const. Co., expense district No. 8 1.40 Total x $10,287.03 County Library E. Fay Woolsey, librarian's salary $ 66.66 E. Fay Woolsey, current li brary expenso 13.00 Mildred Bliton, assistant II- ' brarian's salary ; ' 70.00 Marjorio Myers, assistant li brarian's salary 25.00 American Library Associa tion,. book lists for library 0.01 Foster & KlelBcr, library supplies 16.00 The J. K. Gill Co., library books t 14.66 The Klocker Prlntery, book lists, etc., for library........ 11.25 John 13. Palmer, photos tor fair 24.25 DANCE at the Oriental Ballroom Saturday Night and New Year's Night Admission 10c Total $248.83 Dog Fund Henry Schulz, sheep killed by dogs - 3.00 llounty ltoport E. H. Noidermeyer $ 4.00 G. W. II. Albert 3.00 Jasper Tungate i 7.00 Zcra Dahack ;". 2.00 Ausio Rock 3.00 C. E. Wilkinson 2.50 M. M. Mow 4.00 Dora Saltmarsh 2.00 E. M. Case 8.00 John Noidermeyer 3.00 W. A. Fisher 4.00 Verna Matthews 4.00 Presbyterian Church Corner Main and Holly. Rev. E. P. Lawrence, Minister. 25 South Orange. 9:45 a. m. Hlblo school. A well graded, growing school. Join some class tomorrow for the winter months. Carl J. Bronimcr, supt. 11a. m. Morning worship. Sermon, "Tho Old Life Dissolved Into the New" The quartet will sing "Lead Kindly Light," by Fltisser. This will he an old and new year sormon. yartm....;tiRthfVfE h. yfftO'Ofl: : 7:30 p. m. Evening service. "World Peaco and How It Will Be Aattalned." Come and sing the new songs with us. 6:30 p. m. Intermediate Christian Endeavor. Senior Bible Study clas. . 4:30 p. m. Monday, Junior Endeavor. Prayer meeting Wednesday night 7:30 p. m. . Seventh Day Adventlst North Riverside. T. L. Thucmlcr, pastor. Sabbath school 10 n. m. Miss Mabel Daughcrty, supt. Preaching 11. sub ject, "The Good, the Better, and the Best." The Young People's Mission ing Volunteer society meet at 3 p. m. f'nrtwright. leader. Bible Workers clnss Tuesday evening 7:30 Prnver meeting Wednesday evening 7:30. Medical Missionary class Thnra dnv evening. Sunday evening preach .orvicn 7:30. We are making a special feature of this meeting In an--rini the difficult problems of Chris- '.in life. The subject for Sunday First Methodist Episcopal Church Fburtli and Bartlett. J. Randolph Sasnett pastor. Office 216 First Nationll Bank Uldg. Phono 908. Res. 27 N. Orange. Bible School 9:45. An efficient school of rollgioua education. Prof. N. H. VVanklln.supt. Morning worship 11. Sermon: "Heirs of Time." Watch Night service beginning at 7:30. New Year's sermon: "The Dower of tho Now Year." Young People's hour 9-10. Social hoHr and refreshments 10-11. Testi mony and consecration hour 11-1 Church night Wednesday, 7:30. No supper this week. Morning: Anthem, Christian, the Morn, (Shelley). Soloists, Mrs. Van scoyoc, Mr. vroman. Solo, My-Redeemer and My Lord (Golden Legend) (Buck). Mrs, Pierce, hvenjng: Anthem, We Stand in Deep Repentance, . (Mendelssohn- Shelley). Soloists, Mrs. Sasnett,. Mr. MacDonough. - Quartet, Messrs. MacDonough, Meek, er, Canaday, Vroman. Miss Matle Vroman, pianist. Mr. Bornard Roberts, organist. Mrs. May Jordan-MacDonough, director. ' First Baptist Church '. "Tho Friendly Church" North Central and Fifth St. 9:45 a. ni. Bible school, Avard Whit man, supt. Classes for all nges. 11 a. m. "Some Things Which Can not Be Shaken or Pass Away." An Old Year sermon, based on world wide conditions. Soprano solo, "Star of the East," by Combs. Mrs. Lorraine Harri son Scott. - Violin solo, "Ellgle" Fan conler. Mr. Carlton Janes. 6:30 p. in. Conlor and Intermediate B. Y. P. V. . . . 7:30 p. ni. Christmas conceit with a strong and interesting program. Sec elsewhere. Tuesday 2:30 p. m. The Ladies' Auxiliary meets with Mrs. S. L. Ben nett, 631 S. Riverside, assisted by Madams Norrls, Rinebarger and Rich ardson. Subject of meeting, "India's Intellectual Progress." Wednesday 7:30 p. in. Quarterly business meeting. Start the New Year right and attend this meeting. All members wanted. Thursday 7:30 p. m. Choir rehearsal, "Speak a shade more kindly than the year before; pray a little oftener, love a little more, cling a little closer to the Father's love, then life below shall Hker grow to the life above." Close the year by Being with us Sunday, Frederick R. Leach, pastor. S. M. Scott, choir director. Total :.....$ 35.65 Iloul Dist. No. I). R. B. Vincent, payroll, dis trict No. 9 1700.06 Medford Fum. & Hdwe. Co., expense district No 9 Standard Oil Co district No. 9 expense 143.92 166.83 Total :.$2011.41 Itoad Dist. No. 10. A. L. Goodman, payroll district No. 10 531.10 A. L. Goodman, paroll mar ket district No. 10 ........ 183.73 Rice & Smith, contract mar ket No. 10 3958.74 Wm. Corwln, expense mar- ' ket No. 10 33.00 Arthur Shaffer, expense market No. 10 Gaddts & Dixon, expenso market No. 10 Medford Auto Top Co., ex pense district No. 10 .... 25.68 83.73 4.30 Total $4820.28 Itond ist. No. II. Chas. Magerle, payroll dis trict No. 11 : 205.95 Itoad Dist. No. lli. W. L. Van Houten, payroll market No. 12 488.50 W, L. Van Houten, paroll district No. 12 .., 2109.28 Total $2597.78 uencral Itoarts. Jack Thrasher, payroll gen eral roads 470.79 Marvin Abbott, labor, gen eral roads 89.00 Beaver Portland Cement Co., general road expense D.30 Busy Cornor Motor Co., general road expense 15.44 W.. J. Burbidge, labor, gen eral roads 127.50 Llmer Bartelson, labor. general road expenso .... 103.50 Chanslor & Lyon, genoral road expense 27.88 Wm. Corwln, labor, general roadB 71.50 Isaac Coffman. labor, gen eral roads ..i. 35.00 George Dussault, labor, genoral roads 108.00 Dave Dorn, labor, general roads 17.50 S. W. Davis, labor, goneral roads 117.00 Electric Shop, general road expense , 24.2 Freeman' Wiley Co., general road expense 9.80 Nathan Grcsham, ' labor. goneral roads 108. Q0 Hubbard ' Bros., general road expenso 71.80 Young's Mnchlno Shop, gon eral road expense 40.25 Kelly - Sprlngfiold - Truck Co., general road expenso 108.78 Medford Concrete Const. Co., general road expense 9.60 Medford . Sheet Metal Works', general road ex pense 23.00 F. J. McPherson, general road expense 7.32 Floyd McKee, labor, gen eral road expense 108.00 Elmer Morse, labor, general roads 120.00 A. Penwell, general road expense ; 8.26 Earl Reynolds, labor, gen eral roads .. 108.00 Roily Rlnubarger, labor,- genernl roads 112. RO Matuew Ray, labor, general Total $46.50 CHAUNCEY FLOREY, County Clerk. Lv. Lv. TIME TABLE EFFECTIVE SEPT. 25 MEDFORD-ROSEBURG STAGE DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY Medford 2:00 p. m. Roseburg 1:00 p. m. MEDFORD-GRANTS PASS STAGE ; DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY ' Lt. Medford 10:00 a. m., 2:00 p. m., 5:00 p. m. Lv. Grants Pass 7:30 a. m., 1:00 p. m., 6:00 p. m, SUNDAY ONLY Lt, Medford 10:00 a. m., 4:80 p. m. Lt. Grants Pass 10:00 a. m., 4:30 p. m. We connect with stages tor Portland, Marsbfleld and. Crescent City. INTERURBAN AUTOCAR CO. Phone SO0 POWER COMPANY TOUR. PARTNERS IN PROGRESS Wo consider as sonic of our grout aocoinplishnicnts during tlic past year the constrticiion of a new 123 mile power line from Springfield to Prospect, the completion of the 12,500 kilowatt plant at Copco, California, ,and the acquiring of several hmidrcd new stockholders, i The accomplishment of these great undertakings may be attrib--utecj, in a large measure, to the generous support and friendly co operation of Southern Oregon and Northern California people. This company takes this occasion to thank its many associates and friends for this cordial support and wish them ' A Happy, Prosperous New Year It is our air to become your partners in progress during 1923 in a greater sense than ever before. THE CALIFORNIA OREGON POWER COMPANY 0 - .