PAGE TWO MEDFORD MXTK TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREGON," SATURDAY. - DECEMBER .TO, 1922 Tocaland Personal Heoause of Monday lioinjs Xcn Yearn day practically till slpi'cu niiil other' business places Mil bo clox?tl that day, ns well hh all ulllc city nml county offices anil the postofflce. Tilt Mull Tribune in accordance with its niiunl custom will not bo published! "e oos- " that day. "Ie lotof"(,e be closed Mon- There's no place like Holmes for day except that the stamp and Keneiul complete Insurance service. . delivery windows will bo open rrom 8 .., ... , , ,. to 10 a. in. There will bo no delivery muii3 ,cr en a uuii:u, luiimi flallroom ton" arrow night! Nineteen more hundredths of an inch of ruin fell during the 24 hours entlliiK Tho committee in charge are oomf Thomas Moffatt of Weed, Calif., for plctlni? arrangunients for the Klks mer well known resident of .Medford. cnen homo on New Year's day, for the members of the loilne and their fam ilies only. The blfir New Year's dinner will no served from 5 to 8 p. in. I'erfect floor! Kino music! Oriental I!ullro:m! Sat. niKht! 239 lis Merchandise shoot at Kaifle will leave for homo tonight, having come to attend the big Dokle cere mnnlal of lust night. Kor Sale New Columbia phono graph records at half price. Victor, llrunswlck, Columbia, I'atlie & Sonora phonographs and records at reduced prices. Music Shop, 15 N. Grape street, Hot tamulcs and chill cou carne atlnextto Karmers & Krultgrowers Hank at 8 o'clock this morning, and It was still raining today and rain is predicted for Sunday. Up to this morning near ly 1.00 Inches of rain had fallen this week. Sound Red Winesnp apples 7Sc a Independent Kruit Co. 24 1 The Sample Store is selling ladies' shoes at about 1-3 to 14 less than for- mer prices. 2.'!!i The postofflco this morning had re sumed Its normal business, following tho great rush of the Christmas season and all employes of the postal service are gradually getting rested up. This office is prepared to print ledger sheets, Dills, etc., used on the bookkeeping machines. Don't give your orders to traveling men and have them printed out of Medford. Phono urf and we wilt call. (I .The overhauling season is here. We specialize on reboriug and honing cylinders. A. stock of pistons, rings and parts on hand. We repair nil makes of cars $1.00 per hour. Itlver side Garage. ' tf Tho report of the Corvallls-Scott football game on Hell fiold in Corvalliu Monday will be broadcast from the O. A. C. men's gym and will he cnpabli ' of. being picked up here by radio funs with audion nets. Mason, IChrman & Company have moved hack to their former quarters. The building they occupy which was damaged by fire sixty days ago has been completely rebuilt anil is In first class shape again. 2;i'J Don't overlook paying your city assessments. There Is a penalty of five per cent after January first. 241 There will be no Knworth I.oague at the Methodist church at the refill lar hour, but Instead it will be held after church on account of the New Year's "watch party." Mattress work all kinds. Medford Auto Top Co. Phone 104. tf Dance, Jackson Hot Springs Sat nlte. ' 1 2:i!) Tnke your kodak films to Palmer's studio, First class work and prompt service. If Jack Kerr leaves Monday for Grants Pass and Roseburg on business for the California-Oregon Powor company. Iearn to dunce. The Oregon Dune ingi.,Aeaileniy. --Central- l'oint, -opens January 3, 1923. Come to the opening class. Mrs. Blanche Crosson, Instructor '' ' ' ; 2:19 Orescent orcliestta masquerade Eagle Point, Sat., Doc. 30th. 239' Don't forgot the big unloading sale at the Sample Store. 239 Olenn Fabrlck, member of tho ad vlsory committee of the local De Molay chapter, accompanied by five officers of the local DoMolay was entertalnod at a dinner last evening In Grants, Pass by the Grants Pass com- niandery. An excellent turkey dinner with all embellishments was served and the Grants Pass Masons intro duced twenty-seven of tholr boy friends at the1 meeting.' Following tho dinner Mr". Fnbrlck and the officers of the local chaptor of the' DeMolay gave short talks to the Knights and tholr boy friends who decided to organize a chapter In Grants Pass before the meeting had inded. The Medford lodge will pntjm the Initiatory work In Grants Pass In a month or two. System Service Co. wrltos Fire and all other Insurance. Strong companies Office 2nd floor Medford-Iildg. tf We vulcanize and retread every day; no waiting. Exchange Tiro Co. 242 Hemstitching and pecoting at Douol's. 240 There were many sleepy Knights or Pythias' about the city today as die big ceremonial and banquet of Kuhat Dtirkhnn temple, D. O. K, K., did not wind up until 5 o clock this morning, liiarn to dance. Tho Oregon Dane mg Academy, Central Point, opens Jan, 3, 1923. Come to tho opening class. Mrs. lllnncho CrtiBson, Instructor ' ' ' 239 !llg' New Year dance, Oriental Hall room Sat. night ' 243 Auto Insurance, Tlrown & Whlto. The passing of the old year and the coming of the new will bo noted In the sermon nt tho Presbyterian church Sunday morning on tho change from "The Old -Life to Tho New Life" In church and Individual under tho Influ once of Incoming presenco of Jesus Christ., The quartot will sing for a special number "Lead Kindly Light" by, Flusser. Wo wish to call special nttontlon to Mrs. Warner's lllblo class in the Sunday school which has had such a remarkable growth recently JG.60 motor driven horns nt tin Kloctrlo Shop. ' Don't miss II! Bis dance! Oriental Tlallroom Sat. night! ' UTO Everybody will have a good tlmo at dancing cltiss tonight. American Legion, hall. 2:19 The public market of today was fairly gone one, due to tbn rainy weuther. which much lightened the UBiml offerings and pnlronnge. Snappy Now Year dunce! Oriental Hallroom! Sat. night! Don't miss It! 1; : ' ' 2i:i Improve 1 your property along the highway by planting tho famous I'run quette walnut, perfectly hardy, best nut grown .In Oregon sold in 11, 8 and 10 ft sizes by Grants Pass Nursery. N. Tenth St., Grunts Pass, Ore. 23 All kinds' of rough and dresned lumber. " WallUcS Wttotta, plume 10S. Ill Bast Main street. 1 of mull Monday by cither the city or rural carriers. There will bo a penalty of five per cent on city assessments If not paid by January first. ''241 ' Dance where the crowd goes. Orien tal Hallroom. Sat. night. . . ; 243 MUli and cream at DeVoe's. tf Dr. J. K. lieddy has been located in Lob Angeles for some time past whore he is engaged In the oil business in that district. Phone 4II5-J. tf Dance, Jackson Hot Springs Sat nlte. .. 239 ! Hrlng In your old tires and have us put on a guaranteed retread. Kxchunge Tiro Co. i 242 Judge F. M. Calkins left Thursday morning by auto for Kugene and will return today with the Judge's Bister. Judge and Mrs. Calkins and the judge's sister will leave Monday for J.os Angeles, . The Judge was accom panied on his motor trip to Kimono by K. Riley Davis,', son of Mr. and Mrs. K, Roy Davis of this city, who has been visiting hero during the vacation period of the 1'nlversity of Oregon at There's a busy business College In which institution he Is u student. your home town. GWX. Crescent qrclieslra masquerade, Eagle Point, Sat., Dec. 30th. 239 Go where tho crowd goes! Oriental Ballroom! Sat. night! 239 Pruning demonstrations will be given by the county agent's office next Wednesday afternoon beginning at -p. in. at tho Omega orchard of A. II. Ward at Talent, to which all persons interested are Invited to attend. Crescent archostra masquerade, Eagle Point, Sat., Dec. 30th. 239 Hemstitching and picotlng, silk or cotton, 8 cents per yard. Cor. Main and Hartlett. The Vanity Shop, tf Don't forget dancing class tonight, American Legion hall. 239 Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gay, former residents who visited here over the holidays with friends and relatives, left yesterday for their home In Reno, Nevada. Goodwin Corset Shop, 20 S. Fir. 252 Save money. P:iont, us your order Tor a Vacuette Non-electrlc cleaner to day. Costing more Jan. 1st. Mrs. Callaghan 527-X. 239 ' All wool navy sweaters $1.95 at the Sample Store's unloading sale. 239 Providing tho weather Is not too in clement tomorrow, a large crowd is ex- January first will be the last day to pay city assessments without penalty. 241 Oriental Ballroom! Ilig dance! Sat. night. Admission 10 cents! 239 Don't forgot to pay your city assess ments before January first. 241 You can got It nt DeVoe's. tf A large number of O. A. C. and U. of O. students and alumni and high school seniors attended the dance given by tho students of the two insti tutions in the American Legion hall lust night. Tho Imperial trio furnish ed music for the affair. ' ' . Wear old clothes and win. prizes, Jackson Springs, Jan. 1st... . , - 239 Special prices on retreading. All retreads guaranteed. Exchange Tire Co. 242 IC. O. Tlrndloy lias opened business at 127 North Riverside as Medford Auto Painting, with 20 years experi ence. I can guarantee my -work Jo glvo satisfaction, estimates- free. Phone 2C. 339 For Sale Good sound Spitzenberg apples, 11.00 per box, bring your boxes. Also extra fancy Newtowns, packed, ?1.75. 10. K. Guthrie, 232 Jacksonville. 240 All American Legion posts in enst- pected nt the shooting match which Wrn Oregon, from Portland to the will be held at Lagle Point. A number ,,,,., ,. ,,.,, ,,, ., of local sportsmen plan to attend and colmty o( tn6 to at. compete for some of the prizes. tend the reception that will be ten- vvnen inkier antinomies are uu.ii, . (lered at Eugene January 4 to Alvin Huick will build them. tf Auto Insurance. Brown & White. Dancing class tonight, American Legion hall. Prlzo waltz. 239 Win. A. Altken expects to leave to ll. Owlsley, national commander of the legion. As Eugene und Portland j are the only cities in the state at j tarry for a meeting, it is oxpectcd that which the national commander will morrow wlfh a. party from AKhland to m,lnv , lnomh.D , , ,, m make tho trip to Corvallls by auto for southern Oregon will be ut tho . big intersoctlonal football Kreet tho legionnaire leader : ' ' between Corvallls high and Scott high of Toledo; Ohio. , Other Medford foot ball fans who are planning to make the trip by motor are Clark Rawlings, Arnel nutlor, Rltchio Payne, Ward lleeliey,' Stewart Nicholson!' Sherman Welch, Stun Shorwood, Dan Watson. When In need of snsh and doors, call Wallace WoodH, 108 or come to 711 E. Muln street. Dance, Jnckson Hot Springs Sat. nlte. 239 City Attornoy Fred W. Mears re turned lust night from a week or ten days visit In California during which he visited relatives In the Bay cities and his son Fred, Jr., who is attending the University of Rodlunds nt Rod lunds. f Crescent orchestra maBqucrnde, Eagle Point, Sat., Doc 30th. 239 For Sale Radio set, -3-stago ampli fier, Magnuvox and batteries. Can henr Detroit und Chicago. Inquire 524 N. Hartlett or phono 229-Ri 239 A slumber party was given last evonlng at tho homo of MIsb Edith Lumsdon and a number of guests wore present Including lola Rubensteln, Margaret Vim Scoyoc, Kotherlne and Josephine Llndloy, Josophlne Hartzell, Hotty Moore, Jeiln Vllm and Dorothy Newman. Provide against loss, Insure with Roildon and Cnnaday. Snappy' New Year's nance, Oriental Ballroom tomorrow night. 239 New Yenr's services with appropri ate music and sermons nro announced ; Don't forget the big unloading sale at the Sample Store. 239 , Furniture repaired and made to order. Work Called for and delivered. PJione .Wnu Bradley iS.-h..,.. 248 For Diamond coal brlckotts, phone Valley Fuel Go. ," Phone 7Siv .:, Special prices oh high school type writer practlco paper at this office, tf "Lady Billy" with the sparkling MltziNs Bttir, which played hero lost Tuesday night at the Page nnd made such a hit, opened Its Portland en gagement at the llcllig theater last Thursday night and won much praise and commendation from the news papers of tho state metropolis. Have you tried that big milk shake at DeVoe's? tf Plant a Frnnquette walnut tree along tho street parkway. Salem has over 72 acres of these fine trees within the city limits. Sold In 0, 8 and 10-ft. sizes by Grants Pass Nursery, N. Tenth St. Grants Pass., Ore. 239 "It Is reported that J. W. Opp, after numerous breakdowns and vexatious delays, is at lust ready to commerce operations on his contract to furnish the S. P. Railway Cot with 300,000 yards of gravel for ballasting pur poses," says tho Jacksonville Post. "In that event a large number of men will be put to work within n short time at tho rockcrushers just west of town." Men's underwear going at 20 er cent discount at the Sample Store. 239 Men's heavyweight korsey pants $2.95 nt the Sample Store. Lots of UN ORGANIZE TO SUPPORT H. practically) extinguished soon after its arrival. Although the flumes did i:ot break through to the outside of the house, the upper floor was badly 1 damaged by smoke and water. ' Tho cause of the blaze Is un-; known, but ltv Is thought that It started from u defective flue. The damaged property was covered by ; 'nsurance. In order that the. work of the home demonstration agent might prove as effective In tho future as it has In tlio past years, a group of representative women of the county met yesterday and formed themselves Into un execu tive committee, pledging their ser vices and time .to the furtherance of the work of that office. It Is hoped that In this way no break in the work will occur as the result of tho resigna tion of Miss Pool and the assuming of that orflee by Miss Gruyce Telch. The committee plans to meet once each month at which time plans for tho work will be discussed und a pro gram made out. Euch woman on the committee will supervise a certain phase of the work as follows: .Miss Alice Hanley, Medford, chair man, canning teams und exhibits. ' .Irs. W. J. Warner, Medford, secre tary, publicity. Mrs. J. N. McCracken, Talent, Valley Vlow, nutrition. Mrs. W. II. Smith, Central Point, clothing. 'Mrs. j. C. Pendleton, Table Rock, Central Point, home improvement. 'Mrs. A. H. Davenhill, Talent, Valley View, Farm Bureau representative. NEW YEAR'S DAY Tfie annual Open House of the Meilford lodge of Elks will be 'held Now Yenr's Day, and eln borate prop-ai-iiilons have been iniule by the com mittee in 'charge for tho' occasion. ' A force, of decorators under the di- I reciion of Tom Sweni have been busy I all week, fixing up tile club rooms j and basement for the banquet and The afternoon will be devoted to mil: ic, ve.udi-vllie, and social enter tainment, with a dinner in I he even ing, and a dance tofollow. The music will be under the direction of Herb Launspach. A large attendance of local and out-of-iown Kilts will be on hand for the Hlart of the New Year right, socially. tor tomorrow 111 1110 i-iihi muuemist oth(,r wonncrful bargains. 239 church. In the morning tho pastor, Wrannlnir nnner. cut tn fit nnv size will sneak on "Heirs of Time." Mrs. Bi-ynn Plerco will sing "My Redeemer and My Lord." A Watch Night ser vlco Is planned for tho evening. ' The sermon subject Is: "The Dower of the New Year." Tho Crater Lake quartet will sing. From 10 to 11 will be young people's hour, tho program being In churgo of tho Epworth League. Social hour rromf 112-12. light refreshments to bo served. From 11 to 12 there will bo un old fashioned testimony and consecration service. Kor Sale Singing cnnarles. 847-Y. tf W. O. W. Big Initiation. New sec ond degree. Entertainment. Niitutor I11111. MoinborB only. Wednesday, Jan uary 3rd. Parade starts 7:45 p. m. Neighbor, don't miss this. Committee. 211 Born, this morning to Mr. nnd Mrs. E. Y. Curkin, a baby girl, tirnnji mother nnd Grandfather Neal lire re joicing over tho arrival of their llrst grandchild. All kinds of rough nnd dressed lum ber. Wulliico Wood, phono 10.V ill East Main. We niako allowances on old tires on new ones. r;xciiango 1110 v.o. .1- llv tho closo of business today at the Medford postofflco the receipts for tho past year will have gono over the mark from tho itu.uuu morn papor holder, from white print paper, at this office at prices much below tho regular wrapping paper price. Call at onco or phone 75. tf Big Pictures for Page Theatre for New Year Tho Pago theatre management is starting tho New Year right with bis pictures of great entertainment value, the first one Harold Lloyd In "Grand inn's Boy," opens Sunday for a four days engagement, others booked for tho onsuhig weeks uro "When Knight hood Was in Flower," "Glided Cage," with Gloria Swanson, Sherlock Holmes with John llnrrymoro: Thomas Melgh an in "The Man Who Saw Tomorrow"; Norma Tnlmudgo In "The Eternal Flume"; Harold Lloyd in VDr. Jack"; Conslaneo Tulnuidgo,j in "East Is West" and Guygititcs Post In "Omar ThoTentinaier.!' 'Those 'plays are all proven national Successes and will no doubt be met locally with the same enthusiasm which Medford always shows over the bigger and better line of any worth-while entertainment. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY cached Inst year, thus Increasing tho( WAS'TKIV-Sewing nt 204 N." standing of the local postofflce among the first class postofflces. This year's ratio of Increase IB tho same ns last year s. Armstrong cords puts tno nines 111 mileage. Phono 27 7-J, star motor Supply Co. Start the new year right ny navim. your automobile work done at - the Riverside Clurage. ir" Phone S59-J. Ivy 241 FOR SALE One sow and eight pigs, eight feeder hogs. John A. Anderson, Central Point, phono 193. 241 WANTED Partner to finance sure money making mall order proposi tion. Will make more than j2,0o Per year.. Cc.sts. nothing to rnvesll gato this. Address Box K F, Mail Tribune, 241 The Homo Maker's program, Jan uary 9 to 13, at the public libary. In this city, which is the woman's part of (he Annual Farmers and Home Maker's Week, Is a splendid one this year. Emphasis for the wholo week will be upon the children. Specialists from tho O. A. C, such as Prof. J. K. Brumbaugh, Miss Lila O'Neal, Miss Alarjory Smith and Mrs. Sara Prentiss,' as well as Dr. Robert Stearns und Dr. Wm. P. Holt of Medford, and Miss Grayce Telch, Jackson county home demonstration agent, will contribute, splendid talks. demonstrations . and, .exhibits during this week. The subjects tuken up will be every phase of child training and care. clothing, food,;' diseases'- and- club work. No woma'ii'whether sho has a child or not, can afford. o Hiiss any part of tills program. The women of tho county are urged to enjoy the four days 9th, 10th, 12th, ,13th, (the 11th will bo poultry day, but the other four days will be children's days.) The program will ' be published later. - ' -1 Rebeccas, Attention . Installation of officers, Monday, Jan. 1, 1923 at 7:30 sharp. Refreshments und social dance will follow. By order of Noble Grand. 239 CAUY HICKERT, Secretary. Notice The annual nieetins of tho stock holders of tho Jackson County Build ing und Loan association will be held on January 8, 1923, 7:30 p. 111., at No. 30 North Central avenue, Medford, Oregon, for the election of directors and the transaction of such other busi ness as may come before tho meeting. 245 O. C. HOGGS, Secy. G R E E T I N G S G R E E T I N G S FROM THE First Christian Church TO EVERYBODY And a Special Invitation to Attend Our NEW YEAR'S SERVICES Sermon, 11 A.M. "ALL THINGS UNTO ALL MEN" at 7:30 p. m. "THE IMMORTALITY OF THIS LIFE' Special Orchestra Concert Male and Mixed Quartette IS Tho resitlenco of Mrs. R. Bedford and her two children nt the corner of Pino and Austin streets, was' badly damaged by fire this morning short ly nfter 9 o'clock; The Bedford girl was asleep up stairs while her mother and brother wore eating breukfast and she awak ened to find tho house ou fire. She rushed downstairs and Informed Mrs. Bedford nnd tho fire department was summoned. ; Neighbors assisted In carrying out tho furniture from tho lower floor and the fire department had the fire WATCH THE OLD YEAR OUT AND THE NEW YEAR IN 7:;o 'The Dower of the New Year' Itev. ,1. Randolph Sasnctt Crater Luke .Main Quiii-tet. will hIiir. !MO Lpwnitli lx'agtio New V car's Scrvlco. 10- 1 1 .Social Hour for old and 1 young. RcfreshmcntM. 1 1- 12 Testimony nnd consecra tion. II n. in. "Heirs of Time" By ltrv. .1. Hnndolpli Sasnctt--Mrs. ltiynn I'eierco will slnff "My ltrtlcrmrr and Mj lonl." First Methodist Episcopal Church' ; l-'ouitli nnd lliu-tlctt TA y Continuous Performance Today Tomorrow Monday 12:30 to 11:00 P. M, MEDFORD PUBLIC DEMANDED IT AT ANY PRICE!!! SO WE BOOKED IT FOR YOUR SPECIAL NEW YEAR'S ATTRACTION, TO BEGIN TOMORROW AT 12:30. HAROLD Grandma's 11 in his first S-reel riot of fan A Hurricane of Rollicking Hysteria YD Boy' w car.-' PRICES: Adults 50c; Children 25c COMING THURSDAY 'When Knighthood as in Flower" Kvoiylxxly tolls us tlint this In ono of tho RTt'Jitost shows thy vrr saw nt tho Pnsv! And rrniembiT, today is your Inst rluuicc to sou it. Wallace Reid Arih's Ayres nml Mny McAvoy in "Clarence" fl'llllTllMMM Ml III M' I 111 Hl mi..,).,TM,,l'ttC3HlriiMMlW I 1! Hondlcraft Shop. Hemstitching Picotlng So per yard. Buttons covered. LEARN TO DANCE Dnnclmr 1asx American lulon Hall KVKKY S.m ilD.W MHIIT Krerybmly welcome, rmno help u linvo n rimxI time. SUSS. I1I.AMMK UtOSSOX, Instructor. t ? f t . Our Association lias incrensod over $70,000 in assets the past rear, by far tbe Remarkable Growth in 1922 y ? V i largest; increase we have ever had and second largest in the State of Oregon. j y as safe a place as there is in Medl'ord to place their money and the most profit- t aide of anv. i ' Even the most conservative now recognize the fact our association affords t t j Prospective borrowers or investors will he given courteous attention and . Ibiilding- and Loan carefully explained to them, by calling in our office. f Jackson County; Building and Loan Association O. M. 1UIM, Vrcslilcnt. ' O. O. HOG (19, Secretary