MEDFORD MAIIJ TRIBUNE, MEDFORD. OREGON. FRTDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1922 PAOF, STX m.- 'T ' 9 9 '- Items of Interest From the Rogue RivejVaUe Hotel Medford ASHLAND GRANITE RETAIL ASHLAND. Doc. 29. An additional phnso of Brunlto development haB Uiki-n placo In connoctlon with thu extensive qunrrlcg nlontr Nell creek, Bouth of town, thin beiiiK aupulomen tury to tho output from tha Blair properties. Tlin Ashland Granite Co. I tho namo of tho new concern, which has rented quarters on tho ground floor of tho Overland garage, fully equipped with tho necessary tools and machlnory. A retail business Is the Him of the management, which will canvass for orders throughout quite an extent of territory. '' 'Married recently, Mae Kaegl, of this city and Max Camps of Yrcka, which town will be tho homo of the young folks. ''. f li'A wedding anniversary out of the ordinary occurred in this city on Christmas day, that dato witnessing the sixtieth unnlversary of tho mar riage of Mr. and Mrs. Albert John son, an event which was observed so cially by mutual friends at tho home of their daughter, Mrs. O. O. Van Nattu. First Company will resume Its drills under tho new year schodulc, January 4. In the meantime a series of athletic and social features arc being pinned under military auspices during tho winter season. . Meetings of the lady Elks have been postponed for the remainder of the year, tho routine to be resumed In January In nccordanso with a well defined program as to dates and spe cific uctlvlties connected therewith. Pennlston pcro. Is receiving a visit from his son. Hill, now a resident of California in the vicinity of llerkelcy Fred and hlB sister, Mary, aro also here, so that there has boen quite &' family reunion in tho Pennlston Tanks of late. been a resident of this vicinity for about n deeade. Interment was In the Oild Fellows addition to Mountain View cemetery. Mr. Hawks was a na tive of Virginia. Ho leaves a wife, mother and three sons, ono living here, ono ut l.bng Beach; Cal., and another at Klma, Wash. Ho held a 2000 certificate in the Modern Woodman order, and wus a member of Mahogany Camp No. CG05, the local unit of that fraternal benefit organization. At the Congregational church, last Sunday, instead of the customary evening service, there was u vesper Christmas program, splendid In tho spirit with which tho great Christian holiday was observed. Tho new year will witness a re sumption of aotivo operations con nected with construction work on tho annex to the Houthern Pacific round house in local yards. A ChrlHtmas assembly of local school Btudents wa regaled with .a forensic play appropriato to tho holi day season, given lam Friday with a dozen or so nmateurs in the caHt, all acquitting themselves most creditably. Among Ashland' teachers taking examinations at . Jacksonville last week wero Mildred Million, Lillian Rood, Hazel Iteese and Elalno Todd. Walter Mlksch from McMlnnvllle; Ulllo Poley, Eugene, and Mary Moore, teaching at Ada, aro among Ashland young peoplo at homo dur ing tho holiday vacation. Verner Car son Is also hero from Oakland, Cal., where ho Is employed in tho Houth ern Pacific's civil engineering department. CREEK .V Tho "Cnptaln of Plymouth hns postponed his advertised visit hero 'Until January 28 of tho now year, In the meantimo cruising tho stormy ours until tho operetta, under high school nusplces, shall have nttninod the rllmnx of perfection Incident to further diligent effort as applying to jrohoarsuls and other preparations. il .... .-Vera Mannlc, local teachor, -is In Kugeno for the holidays, and Sarah Williamson, also an Instructor In tho city schools, Is a Portland visitor, where she will remain during the meeting of tho Htnto Teachers' asso ciation. Agnes Dnnford will return to Palo Alto, Calif., after tho holi days, whero she is teaching in n girls' school. Hornlco Yeo, also Bornlco Mycr, both students in tho music de partment of tho stato university, nro hopio visitors during tho . holidays. Marguerite Hammond, teacher nt Gladstone, which Is the .chautnuqua center for territory tributary to Port land, is visiting her parents hero nt Trinity church vicarage. Carolino Tllton Is another stato university girl visiting the homo folks, also I,uclllo roroizl, from tho samo institution. Mabel Trott, teachor at Drain, enmo homo for tho holiday season, Le banon Is the destination of Huena Tomple, another local teacher, where flhe will visit preliminary to going to l'orlland for a brief season. Mrs. Clnlro Mlnard, of tho Confectionery, who hns been 111. Is gradually Improving. ,, Plaza quite . Ashland lodge of Masons Installed the following officers for 1923, Wed nesday evening! Karl P. Minis, mas- tor: wardens, M. H. Ellis and B. A. Peters, Jr.; deacons, Dr. It. L. Hurdle nnd W, E. Cook: stowards. Ira Lob- JI6 and Eugene Harris; E. V. Carter, , treasurer; W. II. Day, aocretuyr; llov. P. K. Hammond, chaplain; Cleorge Jenkln, marshul, and Chris Weisen burger, lylcr, aro continued In of-fico. At tho Catholic church thoro was : midnight mnss on Christmas evo, also formul services at both 8:30 nnd 10 o clock In the morning. Annual meeting of stockholders of tho Ashland Fruit & Produce nsso elation will bo held In the city hall on Haturday, January 6, 1923, nt 2 e'clock In the afternoon. This being n Important gathering, a full utten dance Is requested. ; . Funeral services of tho lalo Hle- phen A. Hawks, who died lit tho fain lly- home on Factory Htreet In this city. Wednesday morning, were hold oniFrldsy at the llaptlHt church, . 'De ceased wits li 1 years of age. and had ENTERTAINMENT RETURNS TO U. S. FOR CONFERENCE WITH HOOVER Miss Viola llogun, teacher of the Thompson Creek school, wag quite seriously Injured last Wednesday evening when Bhe was run otfer by a Ford "bug" driven by her nephew. MIbs Hogan had just left the school house and was struck by the car whon her nephew suddenly backed the car. The children screamed and the young man shot tho car ahead, the wheels passing over Miss Hogan a Becond time. A Medford physician was called. It Is not as yet known just how seri- otiBly Miss Hogan Is hurt. They took Miss Hogan to the Sacred Heart hospi tal on Friday of last week and at last accounts wiib gottlng along nicely, no broken bones or Internal injuries. ' Christmas passed very quietly in this section of the county, the majority of the peoplo remaining at homo, Tho sun shono so bright and warm, and was altogether such an Ideal duy some of us scarcely realized It was Christ mas. However there was a decided change took place during the night as It began raining some time in the enrly morning of tho 26th and has boon al most a continuous rain up to this writing. 111 , Will Jordon went down to Apple gate to tho store Monday, Christmas. Mrs.'H. Connelly of Welser, Idaho came over from Medford last Sunday, where she had been visiting a few days with her daughter, Mrs. C. H. Uiibb. Mrs. Connelly also visited her son George In Qrand Rondo Valley on her way down. Will make nn extended visit with her son Ed and family and may Bpend tho winter In ' southern Oregon. ' ' " ' Mr. nnd Mrs. C. W. Uabb motored over from Modford last Sunday to Mrs. Hnbb's brother's, Kd Connolly. MillHp Connolly, son of Ed Connelly got the foroflnger on his right hand bitten by n horse, not Borious hut pain fully. Mr. nnd Mrs. II. II. 3. Tumor and Mr. Donny of Stoamboat wont to Mod- ford on Wednesday. They worn do talned on Uie way as thoy encountered a number of trees across tho road caused by the recent wlnstorm. Mr. and MrB. Roy Johnston went to Modford last Friday (or Saturday). Miss lH'Nslo Johnston returned to hor homo recontly from Modford whero she had been In tho hospital for sev eral days following an operation for appendicitis. Herbert Elmoro went to Medford a fow days ago. ' George Leonard of Hilt, Calif., and C. A. Leonard of Medford nro visiting their father, Al Ionnid. Henry Kverhnrd of Medford Is also visiting Mr. Leonard. Remove Corns 1 s Easily, Quickly B0t b7 painful, dangerous goiiffinv ot atlntT. Dot tr burnlnir but ittilljf -lmply by nfirlvollnR them up to ymi ma peel them od in one pieco. Use "GETS-IT" Demand the enulno. Yonr mono? hack tf It falls. Gentle, soothing, ntuuimeiy CxiukM to live nah. At All rtrunti. . f m bat trlOe, B. Lawrence A Uo, IsITm Obieavo, , 1 Iieon n, Tlasklns : gtrnf ' "0 Wore. On Monday evening the Agate school gave a hard times party nt the school house. The large crowd pros- ent enjoyed tlunselves throughout the evening playing games, ending up with a while ronst at midnight. Mrs. Eva Collins and Mr. Arthur Tlmmons received prizes fur having the best costumes. Mrs. T. H. Weedon and family have rented their farm to parties from Montana, and are making prepara tions to move to the Applegate valley where Mrs. Wcedon's on has pur chased a ranch. Mr. and Mrs. John Pruett visited rc'ntlvos at tllendale during Xmns. Mrs. Wallace nnd pupils gave nn In teresting program nt the Agate school house Inst Friday. A bountiful din ner was served nt noon to the parents and friends Hint were present. Mr. and Mrs. Kurr Peyton of Pros pect spent Hunduy at the Mct'ay home. Knrl sold bis Ford the last lime lie was down here and has taken unto himself u new ltuiek. We arc sorry to learn that Mrs. Win. Gregory Quito 111 at the pres ent writing. Mr. Fred llollnwnv of Portland Is visiting wllh his coimlni, Mr, John Tlmmons and (iinillv. CLUB AT TALENT By Iwaiy O. Carey. EDEN PRECINCT, Dec. 28. The many residents of Talent are looking forward to the evening of December 30 when the Kulston-Frosh Entertainers will. delight those who attend with their lyceum entertainment, songs and stories of the sixties. This is said to be a great privilege to -hear these young Indies. The entertalnmont Is for the benefit of the Community club. After the entertalnmont the musicians will play and those who wish will dance for a while. The Christmas tree given by the Presbyterian church at Phoenix was a success in every way, tho program bo Ing good, and everyone who was there enjoyed the evening. Good cheer was given to every child within the reach of the church peoplo. E. R. Jones of the Log Cabin Service station, on the top of the Slskiyon mountains, writes your correspondent that the roaiU are something terrible. That which has been termed the Fairy land Drive, in winter, is no longor passable. Many iiersons drive over this road on a Sunday when there is snow on the ground, just to enjoy the scene. Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Rader were tho hospitable entertainers at a bounteous turkey dinner Christmas, where twelve guests enjoyed the festive day. Sirs. Effio Taylor remained until Wednes day evening, when she returned to her home In Medford. We are glad to learn that the cow testing man for this part of the state has been visiting Beveral dairy herds In the vicinity of Talent. We feel that every farmer should have the ad vantage of this office, not only for the protection of those who use the pro ducts of the dairies, but for the indi vidual hlmseir. No man wants to have his family using the milk from a cow infected with tuberculosis. This is why thore has been a way provided for the finding of infected animals. Not every man realizes the full benefits af forded to tho cow owner by tins ser vice. ' Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Colver had as their guests for dinner Christmas day at their pleasant home in Phoenix, Mr. and Mrs. Cnllahau ot Medford. Mrs. Jack Alien has been enjoying the company of her two brothers nnd their wives nnd little sons during the Yuletide. At the ' bounteous dinner was her mother and father, Mr. and Mrs. John Rice of Ruch, and her youngest brother, John Rice.' C. Carey Bold to W. H. Fraley of Fern vallev. several tons of his fine oat hay for tho feeding of a bunch of dairy cows. Hay Is beginning to no very scarce along the highway now. ' Mr. nnd Mrs. Thurber Cole and Mrs. Cole's brother, Earl Rease, all of Ash land, were down to Medford Wednes day on business. They stopped for a short call nt the home of your corre- suondent on their way homo. Mrs. L. A. Reumos of Phoenix, gavo the Christmas dinner this Christmas nnd had tho following ones of her ,.)iii,ii-ii nt' homo: Mrs. A. II. Hoarn and her husband nnd their son llcrth- old and dnughtor Mabel, Mr. and Mrs. E. G. Colomnn and daughter Miss Fay flarvor and Hurry Reamcs. Harry Mason of Talent, went to Portland Christmas day to have an nvninination of hlB throat. Fears are eninrtniiind that tho malady from which he has been Buffering may be of a verv sorloua nature. - Mr. nnd Mrs. Louie Colver nnd her mother Bpont ChrlBtmas day with Mrs, (Solver's brother and family, Ed Kohl son and wife of Wagnor creek. A uioat bounteous dinner was enjoyed at the old home. Mr. and Mrs. Noah Chandlor and Mr. nnd Mrs. C. Cnrey spent ChrlBtmas in Modford at the homo of Mr. Carey's Sister, who Ib also Mis. Chandler's mother, Mrs. T. T. Simpson. Phoenix school had n very fine pro gram last Friday ovoning, which show ed that tho pupils had had much care ful training, by tho able corps of teachers. Professor Minim inscs real Interest in his ontiro school, and does everything to have tho pupils get tho very most nut of their school venr, regurdless or his own personal, interests. Tho aamo may be said of: every teacher in tho Phoenix school., Thoy try to glvo liberally of their time I that 'the pupils may receive mo ! benefit of each day spont under their, supervision. I Mm nnd Mrs. A. B. furry w,o most bounteous Christmas tunner i" which nil of their children were gath ered for tho holiday. Aiioro , .men j youngest son came home irom cugeue ror tho holidays; sir. aim ,ni. Franklin of Medford, nnd Mr. Colver ; Furry and wife, and littlo Carrolitn! wero all homo to enjoy tho festive day. Also Mrs. M. Uoso and her; brother, John Dollarhldo. ; Taloiit school had a very interest int. "watch your I BATTERY j PUKST-O-UTE BATTERY STATION j For Quick Semen rttone ll ' 2 -V Iff' r if Pit '0 Col, Wm. N. Haskell of the Amer ican Relief administration, photo grapher on board the S. S. Ilerengnria upon which lie returned for a confer ence with Herbert Hoover on the sub ject of the distribution of fpod to thou sands of Russians. ' program last Thursday afternoon at the schoolhouse. The Talent orchestra furnished the mubio for the occasion. Quite a number of the patrons of the school were In attendance. Miss Lucille Holdridge of Talent, came home for the holidays from 0. A. C. Miss Holdridgo is making a special course In domestic science along with hor other work. Mr. and MrB. A. II. Evans and Mr. and Mrs. Frank Evans, Mr. nnd Mrs Hubert High, accompanied their broth er Albert Evans who came on from California, out to Dorris to spend Christmas with their father and moth er, Mr. and Mrs. Evans, Sr. Albert had not seen the parents for fout years. All enjoyed a most happy Christmas together. All of the young er Evans brothers have been.reaidents of Talent, 'also Hubert High and wife. Rev. Reed and wife who formerly occupied the pulpit in the Methodist church at Dorris, are now in charge ot the same work at Talent. Thoy ure meeting vlth hearty cooperation in the work. T hey were favored with the willing help of tho young people in gottiug up a flno Christmas program at the church us well as a Christmas tree BY FALLING INTO LI TRAIL. Dec. 2S. (Special) Little Wanda Howe had the misfor tune to gel badly burned with boiling water Sunday evening of last week. The worst burns nro on her forehead and hend and Is, of course, very hard to treat, hut, is doing as well us could bo expected. Miss Ester Mechem of Upper Trail spent the week-end with lima Ash, ind also attended the BC-hool pro gram Saturday evening. DunM Middlebushcr nnd sister, Enid, were shopping In Medford Wednesday of lust week and return ed with a fine Victrola, which was much appreciated by their mother, who is as yet unable to walk without crutches. Elmer Moore of Tiller, Ore., is spending the Xmas holidays with friends near Trail. Miss Evans left Saturday for Rose burg to spend her' vacation with friends nt that city. Kenneth' Ulumlinll returned from California Monday, whero ho has Ijeen visiting friends and relatives the past week. The Misses Lucy and Eula Foeller wero pleasant callers at the Howe home Saturday evening on their w-ay home, whero they will spend the holi days. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Sturgis attend ed the banquet in Medford, given by the Conco. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Middlebusher of Prospect spent the holidays with rel atives in and near Trail. Tho school program given by Miss Mordorff's school was not as well at :ended as we expected, owing to so much sickness In our vicinity, but was greatly enjoyed by all present. - Mr.- and Mrs. Georgo - Porter left Sunday for Grants ,Pas3 where they expect to spend the balance of the winter. We are all very sorry to see them leave our vicinity. The Misses Eileen and Lorraine Mordoff of Medford spent the week end with their sister at Trail, Miss Mordoff returning homo with them tor a-vacation Of two weeks.' Mr. and Mrs. B. B. Ash and Irma and Wayne Ash spont Christmas with Mr. and Mrs. Irwin Howe. 5 Mr. and Mrs. . D. '. Foollers and daughters. Lucy, Eula and Sadie and ion, Charley, motored to Medford Christmas. . GOLD HILL VOTES THREE! 0 ONE FO NEW WATER PL Will serve tliofollovinjj New Year's Dinner EVANS VALLEY ' ENIX T THE OLD YEAR OUT GOLD HIIX, Dec. S.(Speclal Tho special city election held in Cold .. . i - tUtta til Hill vpstcrJuy l'f.sultt'U in u "n'eoteil, favor of the .23,000 bonds for the purpose of reconstructing the city's water plant -and '", SK-e' rnr plans are pruposed In 1 ftlns " water from the river to tho reser voirs nbove tho city and among them are plans of u battery or . rums supplied with water from the canal and diversion works owned Jointly by the city and Gold Hill Irri gation District. Whatever plans ndopted will necessitate the comple tion of the enlargement of the canal by the city beforo tho irrigation com mences the coming season, May 1. J. W. Chirk, who sold his furni ture and second hand business on 2nd avenue north, early last fall to George M. Crabtreo nnd left for Portland to reside has recently re turned to Gold Jlill- He was de sirous of buying his old business back but was -unsuccessful and has rented the Kellogg store building below Schuerman's grocery and will soon open up a now five, ten nnd fifteen cent store. Since their return, Mrs. Clark has been uulte sick at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Georgo Ham merslv on Garden Row, Tho Christmas services at tho M. E. church last Sunday evening wus well attended and a splendid pro gram was .furnished by tho commit tee. A tree beautifully decorated and light and attended by Santa Cuius, was the delight of both young and old. All tho children present were supplied with tho usual Christmas sack and thoso dbsent were looked after. The business men of Gold Hill furnished tho finances for pres ents to the children. . , ' - - -, i Christmas day was well observed in Gold Hill by all tho business houses. The sunshine took most of those with autoes to the neighboring towns after dinner calling and visiting . the movies, while many visited out-of-1 town by the trains nnd jitneys dur- -,,, . 1 1 .Qfi (o o n , r. u. n ., Ing tho day. Many visited friends in "O"1 i : 11 '3V 1 - P- - J V J P- Gold Hill during the 'day from all over the valley.- : - j , T. li. Roberts, tho south side gro-j oeryman on 2nd nve., north, next to I the Gold 'Hill garage, has rented tho I Lance Uros. brick store building next j to the City Market and will move j his grocery business -to'-the now lo-! cation about the first of tho month.! I.t is reported n new business will be i opened at his old stnnd. , 1 MONDAY January 1, 1923 Happy New Year! Celery en Brnhclie Salted Almonds ' Hipe Olives '' Olympia Oyster Cocktail SOUP Clear Green Turtle Tomato Buillion Cream of Celery FISH Filet of Salmon Sauce Ilollandaiso , BOAST ' Oregon Turkey, Cranberry Sauce ' Clobse,' Apple Sauce Duck, Haked Apple Prime Rib Hcef liti juis Sweet Potato Croquette Green Peas' Brussels Sprouts Pimento Cup Salad I (Entirely' new. Tt Will tickle your palate.) DESERT Apple Hot Mince Pio English Plum Pudding Fruit Cake Ice Cream Fancy Cookies Kaisins Dates : Nuts Milk Coffee Tea Music in the evening. i rrice', Plate $1.50. , Happy jNeyr Year Again HOTEL MEDFORD , Special "year's end" meetings are to be held on Sunday, Dee. 31, at the Phoenix church. "Old and New," will be the theme in the morning at 11 o'clock, with also a duet sung for the occasion. Sermon by the pastor. At 7:30 p. m. tho evening services will begin, to bo continued through the evening until midnight, with brief intermissions. "New Year's" C. K. meeting: at 7:30 (instead of 6:45, as usual), tho leader being Miss Elizabeth Gore, now homo for tho holiday vacation from her work nt Heed college, Portland. Sermon Bcrvlce nt 8:30, with music Everybody, young nnd old nnd between is invited nnd urged to come to bath these mectingB and' stay through the evening. Special music and features to Interest nnd enliven will be provid ed nt Intervals during the last hours oi the old year. "Tarry ye and piny," will also be observed. "Good-bye, '22! Hail, '23!" A brief midnight sorvice nt prayer nnd dovotlon nnd aspiration, will mark tho closing moments of 1922, and the opening of the New Year. An evening worth your w hile, nnd to enjoy, nnd to cliorlsh in nvemOry nnd heart for "ninny days." Mr. and Mrs. E. K. Kichman spent Christmas with friends In Ashland. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Williams. Fred nnd Will Williams, Kob and Roy Cnrtcr and Frank and Webb Neathumer attended tho , dance nt Suvage creek last Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Homer nnd Mr. Cullen were dinner guests at Mr. S. H. Moore's Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. Hcfler, of Crescent City, . CnHf., visited nt Jesse Neat hamr's last Sunday. l'Vnnk Wooldi-idge spent tho week end with relatives and friends on the I Applegate. Irving Pnttee is spending the holi days with his sister, Mrs. ' 'Claude Davis , of Ryhee Springs... 'Mr. anil Mrs. Eugene Curls spent Christmas with relatives in the Ap plegate vnlley. . L. B. ' Nenthanier and family, Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Smlthpeter and Will Hillis and family spent Christmas at Mrs. I). -E. Neathajners ' -. ' -i JJi Milk u& for Infant: invalid A Children The Original Food-tMnlc for All Ages. QuickLunchstHome.OfficeaiFountauu; RichMilk, Malted GrainExtractlo Pow derkTabletformt. Nourithlng-Hocookln-.,. 6" Avoid Imitations and Substitute RUBBER BOOT REPAIRING ttM.F SOI.KS AVT 11FFXR Medford Vulcanizing Works It l 6000 Pair Heavy Wool Army Socks at 25c a pair While they last This price is less than Manufacturer's rprice to the government. 15-inch top lace arctics $3.95 Raincoats, new $4.85 Raincoats, reclaimed .$1 and $2.00 Corduroy Breeches .$4.50- Another lot of Picnic Hams, at, lb. . . 18c Trade nt the Army Store and Save Money. United Army Stores ' 32 Central Ave. South DANCE at the Oriental Ballroom Saturday Night ..V.), and New Year's Night Admission 10c - ' j. ; Start the ;, tJ NEW YEAR Right DRIVE FO A NEW RD SEDAN $702.80 in Medford ' r i ' Equipped With Starter and Demountable Rims C.E.GATESAUTOCO. Cor. Sixth and Pacilio Highway,' . r 7T