A PACE TWO arEDFORD araiE tribune, arEDFORp, oreoox. FRTPAY. PEf'EMHKl? 20. W22 T U ocal and Personal There are four cases of a mild tyna i f illiithdrin in tho citv nnrt tht hi'iiP4 ..r each patient are quarantined, one of wln"r. but sa" th" ncxt veBr- ir which has resulted In District Allur- roaiU are ,n better condition, he will ucy Ravvlcs Moore being put out of keep open nil year so guests can enjoy commission for some time, as his old-. win(er Blurts. Portland Oreiionian. est daughter Marion, uned 12. was! Snappy New Year dance, Oriental taken down with, the disease last Sun- Hallrcom tomorrow night. 23&' day and he was cauKht ill the quarun-! We make allowances on old tires on The management of the Oriental Hullroom has made special prepara tions for the bin dance tomorrow night A. 1. Parkhurst. formerly owner of Crater Lake lodge, but now operating an inn on the McKenzle. is registered with his family at the .Multnomah. Ou; that excel anything yet presented. A account of the condition of the road up ; new and splendid stage setting of the the McKenzie river. Mr. Parkhurst was ' desert and an Oriental city in the de forced to close his resort for the ; tance will be shown as an added decor ation to the already gorpoous ballroom, tinusuRl caniival favors v.il be distrib uted and the Oriental orchestra witli I.uper and his saxaphone featured have arranged to play a number of the latest brilliant novelties In dance i music. tin pstablished at his home. No ar. ' nn una. ttphmin Tir. rn 9V . "am 0 rianqueue wainui iree hv v,.t i,p..n mmiA fnr I ... ... .. .. ... .. i along the street parkway. Salem has temporary county prosecutor to take J " d " r " "e IZ ! " a."e8 "?.? ."! rees .w.ll"i" over Mr.looreoff,cia. duties un.i.ll6 ttnJ famlly spent Christmas ' ,' L f-r ,n, PaB VurseiV V no is reieabeo. irora quarantine. wllh relatives. Mrs. Holt and the Snappy New Year's dance, Oriental! children will not return until Kebm I !u II room tomorrow night! 2!iM,jary. Tenth St. Giants Pass, Ore 239 ; Don't forget the big unloading sale I at the Sample Store. 23U I have room tor four or five people I Start the new year right by having; Zimmerman of Gold Hill, was in my big six Studebaker to attend the your automobile work done at the j a Medford business visitor yesterdav. Riverside Garage. tf j System Service Co. writes Fire and Goodrich tlreb and tubei at Colonial all other Insurance. Strong companies. football game at Corvallis New Year's day. Donate a little to pay gas bills, . jCtt, and have a real trip, and see a great game. See Chns. I). Howard, ( tlurnum Apts. li'Mi ' A largo number of college students, , alumni and members of the senior class of the high school are expected to attend the annual O. A. C.-i;. of O. ' dame to he given in the American Legion hall tonight over the .Medford "Xullonal hank. The high school sen iors are as usual the Invited gnosis of ' the college stunents. -.. The overhauling season is hero. We "; specialize on reborlng and honing cylinders. A stock of pistons, rings and parts on hand. Ve repair all mukoH of cars $1.00 per hour. Hlver side Garage. tf Dance, Jackson Hot Springs Sat. hitn. ' . 2;!S Nine hundreds of an Inch of rain ' fell during the 24 hours ending this morning, making in nil 1.3G Inches that have fallen In this city this week. It continued to rain today and rain la the prediction for Saturday. CrcBcont qrchestra masquerade, Kagle Point, EaL, Dec. 30Ui. 239' We vulcanize and retread every day; no waiting. Kxchange Tire Co. 2-I2 Corporal Jesse P. Dressier of Med ford and of Separate company A, who about a month ago took the examina tion of candidates for appointment to the West Point Military academy, und who stood second among the seven candidates from over the state, has been recommended by Adjutant Gen eral White tor the appointment Only one appointment was originally alloted to Oregon, but one of the other states fell down in its quota, hence another appointment was transferred to this state. Don't miss it! Big dance! Oriental Hallroom Sat. night! ' 239 See Colonial ad on page 2. 238 Among the candidates to be initiated Into Puhat Bttrkhan temple at the big D. O. K. K. ceremonial tonight are fourteen men from Grants Pass. liig merchandise shoot at Eagle Point, Sunday, Dec. 31. 239 Go where the crowd goes! Oriental yiallroom! Sat. night! 239 Marry Rosenberg has returned from Seattle where he spent Christmas with l datives. Save money. Priom, us your order for a Vacuette Non-electric cleaner to day. Costing more Jan. 1st. Mrs. Cnllashan 627-X. 239 Dance, Jnckson Hot Springs Sat. nlte. . 239 Garage. Office 2nd floor Medford Bldg. A meeting was held here this after- Men's underwear gouig at 20 i Ainopg the nusiness visitors in me city yesterdny from Grants Puss, wore t H. Dramwoll and Hon Collins. 1 Final clean-up sale at the Colonial. 238- Continuous IVrformanro To morrow, Humluy und Monday. R I ALTO NOW SHOWING! James Oliver CURWOOD'S THE VALLEY OF, Silent Men Alma Rubens iinil I.KW fODY A titory of the rmiaillnn Korklra, vlieiv: it wan fllnml. "The Vnltry c : Silent Men" Is one of tho iiiimI beautiful photo. plnyx r-vrr nmdtv almnt equal to H trip to lljuiir: . Snub rnllmil in "Ma Dnyn:" n Sport Itrylinv and Alice .lay's mn.lr- thew nre Jn.st the high Unlit on our extraordinary hill. New VoAr's Attraction lirgins Niinilay. HKTTV XIPKOX In ' "The Ilontlocl Woman." tee on home demonstration work, the members of which are from various parts of the county, to outline plans for the home ' demonstration work program for 1923 with Miss Florence Pool and Miss Grayce Tclch, the out going and incoming home demonstra tion agents. There's no place line Holmes (or complete Insurance service. Dance, Jackson Hot Springs , Sat. nlte. 239 A meeting of the Presbyterian Home .Missions committee was held in Med ford last Wednesday. Bring in your old tires and have us put on a guaranteed retread. Exchange Tire Co. . 242' January first will be the last day to pay city assessments without penalty. 241 The Revorend George Coupal, who was ordained to the priesthood Wed nesday will celebrate his BOlemn high mass at the Catholic church Sunday at U a. m. Reverend S. A. Coupal. pastor of St Ann's church, Grants Pass will be deacon, the Reverend William Meagher will be sub-deacon and the Reverend J. Powers will be areh-prlest. The Reverend Francis Black will be master of ceremonies. Edward Smith will be censer-bearer and James Smith and Joseph Burroughs, acolytes. The boys' surpliced choir will sing at the mass. The sermon will be preached by Father Black. Oriental Ballroom! Big dance! Sat. night Admission 10 cents. 239 Wear old clothes and win prizes, Jackson Springs, Jan. 1st. 239 Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Mann left this afternoon for Los Angeles and other points where they will spend the next two or three weeks. Special prices on retreading. All retreads guaranteed. Exchange Tire Co. 242 Dr. J. C. Hayes who has been, ill at the hospital and his homo for two weeks is again at his office. ' 238 Seth BulllB, Jr.. -was inkon home from the Community hospital Wednes day after having been there since Sun day afternoon as the result of an In fection which developed In his face after he had run Into a barbed wire fence. Don't forget the big unloading sale at the Sample Store. 239 Furniture repaired and made to order. Work called for and delivered Phone Win. Bradley 199-L. 248 Mrs. George M. Roberts entertained this afternoon with a card party for her mother, Mrs. H. Lee Early of Cin clnnatl, who, accompanied by Mr. Early is visiting Mrs. Roberts during the holidays. Improve your property along the highway by planting the famous Fran- quotto walnut, perfectly hardy, best nut grown In Oregon sold In 6, S and 10 ft sizes by Grnnts Pbsb Nursery, N. Tenth St., Grants Pass, Ore. 239 This office Is prepared to print ledger sheets, bills, etc., used on the bookkeeping machines. Don't give your orders to traveling men and have them printed out of Medford. Phone us and ws will call. tf Chas. R. Mee of the Applegnte valley Is a patient at a Grnnts Pass hospital recovering from an operation for ap pendicitis performed there last Tues day. Perfect floor! Flno music! Oriental Ballroom! Sut night! 239 Mattress work all kinds. Medford Auto Ton Co. Phone 104. tf A farewell party for Mr. and Mrs Paul E. Ponrco, who leavo for Los Angeles the first of next week was Riven last night nt the Pearce mine in the Applcgnto district. The guests played games, listened to Indian stor ies and stories of the pioneering days told by D. J. S. Pearce who is a south ern Oregon pioneer. Refreshments woro served nt midnight. Among thoso present were Mr. and Mrs. Paul Pearce, Mr. and Mrs. F. Pefley, Mr. and Mrs. Orn Pefley, Mrs. A. J. Miller, M. C. Flaherty. Mr. and Mrs. II. Wells, Mr. nnd Mrs. C. Cartwrlght, Mr. and Mrs. E. Vromim, Jay Miller, Earl Mil ler. OrviHe nnd Esther Van Dorfy, Euln Haley. Mabel and Pearl Daugher- ty, Charlotte and Grace V. Pearce and Zola Pearce. There will be a penalty of five per cent on city assessments It not paid by January first. ' 241 Hemstitching and plcotlng, silk -or cotton, 8 cents per yard. Cor. Main and Bartlett The Vnnlty Shop, tf Visitors at Grants Pass and Medford during the past week include about everyone. Gold Hill News. All wool navy sweaters $1.95 at the Sample Store's unloading sale. 239" Final clean-up salo nt the Colonial. 238 A laliorer was arrested last night by Patrolman Cavo on the chnrgo of Intox ication, who was later released on $20 cash ball, when he had become thor oughly sober, to appear for trial before Acting Police Judge Fnrrell this after noon. It Is thought that he will fall to appear for trial and thus forfeit his ball money. Auto Insurance, Brown & White, tf per noon of the county women's commit- cent discount lit the Sample Store. 239 .Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Scott have re turned from San Francisco where they spent Christmas. JU.S0 motor driven horns at the Electric Shop. - .- Hot tamalea and cbtll con came at De Voe's. tf The Scandinavian society's New Year's feast to be held In Central hall, Central Point, Dec. 31, promises to be a good one. A turkey dinner will bo served from 6 o'clock to 8:30 p. m. An excellent program will be rendered. All former Scandinavians are cordially invited to come nnd have a good time and watch the old year out and wel come the new year in. There's a busy Business College In your home town,, GWN. Goodwin Corset Shop, 20 S. Fir. 252 All kinds of rough and dressed lumber. Wallace "Woods, phone 108. 711 East Main street. The regular meeting of the Parent TeacherB council will be held Tuesday. Jan. 2, 1923 at 3 o'clock at the public library. Men's heavyweight kersey pants $2.95 at the' Sample Store. Lots of other wonderful bargains.: 239 Don't forget to pay your city assess ments before January first 241 Milk and cream at DeVoe's. tf. All the Medford merchants have; been exceedingly busy 'since the re opening of the stores after Christmas and many of them are nearly through taking the annunl inventory of stock. When la need of sash and doors, call Wallace Woods, 108 or come to 711 E. Main Btreet ' ' Provide against loss. Insure with Redden and Canaday. E. O. Bradley has opened business nt 127 North Riverside as Medford Auto Painting, with 20 years experi- The Woodmen of the World held a very enjoyab' Christmas tree cere mony lust night at which a real Santa Claus was present, distributing candy, nuts und upples to all the children. A llltlgram. eniovpd hv Mhnn! thrpA him. dred people, followed the distribution! of the .gifts and at its termination dancing began and lasted until mid night. See Colonial ad on page 2. 238 Dance where the crowd goes. Orien tal Ballroom. Sat. night, 243 Mr. and Mrs. H. Mensor, parents of Eddie .V.eusor. former Portland ball player, were visitors in Medford today. enroute to their home in Oakland, t'al.. alter an extended trip through Oregon and Washington. Mr. .Mensor Is nn old resident of the Rogue River valley having been born and raised In Jack sonville. His short visit hero gives blm an opportunity of renewing many old acquaintances. "Medford's devel opment," says Mr. Mensor, "has been remarkable. 1 consider it among the finest of small coast cities." . . . Snappy New Year dance! Oriental Ballroom! Sut. night! . Don't miss it! 243 Big Now Year danee, Oriental Hall- room Sat. night. . 243 A daughter was born last night to Mr. and Mrs. Ed Eastman at their home, corner Portland and East Ninth streets. The little miss weighs seven and three-quarter pounds. . Special prices on hlgn school type writer practice paper at this office, tf Crescent orchestra masquerade, ! Eagle Point, Sat, Dec. 30th. 239 That it Is snowing hard in northern California and this side of the Siskl- yous was evident from the arrival .of freight trains it) the city from . the south this forenoon, which had four inches or more of snow on their tops. Big bargains at the Colonial. 23S You can get It at DeVoe's. tf Miss B. Holmes returned Wednesday from San Francisco where Bhe spent Christmas. The Sample Store Is selling ladies' shoes at about 1-3 to 16 less than for mer prices. 239' i ... Women More Alert in Dodging Automobiles SEATTLE, 'Pec. 29. Seattle, po lice declare that figures romnilpH uv them1 on automobile casualties In this city in 1922 show increasing, alert ness by women and growing care icssness by men. The figures show that 44 men have been killed this year, against 21 in 1921; and eight women against fourteen.' - Men injured this year total 110 and women 571. III nnAMAM vmVTlTOT h III CbUnUlTI UHHUj!M!H Rebeccas, Attention Installation of officers, Monday, Jan. 1. 1923 Rt 7:30 Gh.lPn Rafraclitnantc ence. I can guarantee my work tojantl social dnnce will follow. By order give satisfaction Phone 26. 339 Eddie Durno, graduate of the Uni versity of Oregon and now athletic coach of the Medford high school, is spending the holidays with his parents estimates free. , of Nobe GraBi 239 CARY RICKERT, Secretary. Card of Thanks i We wish' to thank our friends for their kindness during the illness nnd Mr. and Mrs. JolTn R. Durno. 161 Eev- death of our father and gramlfatnel. enth avenue east Durno recently nnH olo. rn ,,,,,,,,,..,,. .... underwent an operation for appendicl tls and will not return to his duties at the Medford high until he has fully re covered. Eugene Register. .AH kinds of rough and dressed lum ber. Wallace Wood, phone 108. 71 1 East Main. Armstrong cords puts the miles In mileage. Phone 277-J, Star Motor & Supply Co. For Sale New Columbia phono graph tecords at half price. Victor, I nnd also for the beautiful floral offer ings. MR. AND MRS. PETE INGRAM AND FAMILY. MR. AND MRS. WM. OWING AND FA MIL. 238 J Notice The nnnual meeting of the stock holders of the Jackson County Build ing and Loan association will be held on January 8, 1923, 7:30 p. m., at No. . . . . norm central avenue, Meuiorn, Brunswick Columbia, Pathe & Sonora Oregon, for the election of directors THE HOME OF BREAD LIKE MOTHER MADE ALL STORES WILL BE CLOSED MONDAY, SO BUY BREAD AND GROCERIES FOR TWO DAYS. To close the x?ar we will offer the' following specials, all of which offer a good saving. -' . i Del Monte Spinach, No. 1 cans, 14c each, 3 for .... ... . . . -40c . Libby's fancy Pineapple, No. 2 can 36c each, 3 for . . . . .$1.05 Hillsdale Pineapple, No. 2i can 29c each, 3 for ........ . . . 85c Tuna Fish, white meat, No. i cane, 24c; 3 for ... . . . .70c Caravan Dates, package . He Oysters, 5 oz.'can, very good c Layer; Figs,; lb. ...... . 25c Star, or Horseshoe Tobacco, plug 73c Climax, plug ' 70c Camel, Lucky Strike or Chesterfield Cigarettes .......... 15c .Casedro Pumpkin'Flour 39c; 3 for $1.15 A 1 aeon '- I MorrelFs Airship Bacon, eastern, J Qp for Saturday only per lb. . . . . 4f Bacon Strips, eastern, lb. ...... 26c GATES (& LYDIARD Buy here and bank the difference , B 4 n special phonographs and records at reduced prices. Music Shop, 15 N. Grape street, next to Farmers & Fruitgrowers Bank. Phone 465-J. tf ' A number of Ashland members of the DeMolay and their Trlends attend ed the installation services nnd the dance nt tho Masonic hall last night. Uustor Coleman and Hen Trowbridge who were elected to serve a second term were installed in addition to other officers, and each received a me mento In recognition of their past ex cellent services from the local chap ter of the Koyal Arch Masons, For Sale Good sound Spltzenberg apples, $1.00 per box, bring your boxes. Also extra fancy Newtowns, packed, $1.75. E. F. Guthrie, 232 Jacksonville. 240 Take your kodak fllm to Palmer's studio. First class work and prompt service. tf For Diamond coal brlcketts, phone Valley Fuel Co. Phone 76. St. Mnrk'a Guild will have a lunch eon at the home of Mrs. Snm Klchard son, 31 Geneva avenue, next Friday. After the business meeting nnd the election of officers for the ensuing year the luncheon will be served. A full attendance Is desired. . Have you tried that big milk shake at Do Voe's 7 . tf For Sale Singing canaries. 847-Y. tf Pig bargains at the Colonial. 23S Docauso of the continued rains the Rogue river, Hear creek and other streams of the county continue to rise. The river rose four feet Wednes day night at Grants Pass. Crescent orchestra masquerade, F.aglo Point, Sat., Dec. 30th. 239 Auto Insurance. Brown & white. Crescent orchostra masquerade. F.aglq Pdlnt, Sat.. Dec. 30th. 239 Mr. nnd Mrs. P. F. Pally will hold open house nt their home. fi7 South Central avenue, on New Year's dny for tho many friends of their daughter, Miss Kern Dally, who arrived home from Honolulu on Christmas mornlni! to spend the holiday period. Miss Dally has been teaching school on the Inland of llllo, Ilawallnn Islands, for the past two years. Her friends are invited to call on New Year's day. Hemstitching and pecotlng at Douel's. !0 When better automobiles are built. Bulck will build them tf Don't overlook paying your city assessments. There is a pennlty of five por cent after January first. 211 and the transaction of such other busi ness as may come before the meeting. 24D O. C. HOGGS, Secy. A. F. & A. M. Special Communication Med ford lodge 103, Friday even ing, Dee. 29, 7:30 p. m. Work in F. C. degree. By order of the W. M. 23S TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR SALE 5 room house nnd lot one block from paving and near Jnckson Street store. Price only $550. Pay $300 down nnd balance $0.50 per month. Don't wait if you want this but phone 105 or 617-L. 239 WAN'TKD lly fanner, timber for wood, cash or stumpage; also lease of small place, share or cash, equip ped or otherwise. Hox 551, Medford, Ore. ' , 210 FOR SALE 1921 model Ford delivery car in first class condition. Can be seen COS S. Newtown. Price $250 cash. 239 FOR RF..NT Modern housekeeping rooms, reasonable, no children. 5.12 S. Ivy St. 239 TOR RENT 50 acre farm near Med ford. Call 328 N. Central Ave., Med ford. 239 Handicraft Shop. Hemstitching Plcotlng 8c per yard. Rnttons coTerd. ooooootxxxxxsooooooooooooo 6 Non-resident owner wants to O sell 22 acre place located with in one-half mile of Medford city limits. Rlrh deep soil, about 7 acres full bearing apple and pear orchard, lialance in culti vation and suitable for alfalfa or any crop. Modern house with electric lights, and bath, large barn, chicken houses, etc. Ilulldlngs alone easily worth $3,000. Total Trlw Only ?.VJfHI.(M. Address J 1. O. Nov I OA I, Medforil, Ore. eooooorooooooooooooooooocc Continuous INt fori nance Tmnorrmv, Suntliiy and Monday LAST TWO DAYS . .. .' -. , -n ' 1 o-v s?V i . - iiiii mi .jiin i r t PRODUCT rON aren WALLACE RE ID, AGNES AYRtS MAY MCAVOV Knihfti n1 'Williams r ce'j GO NOW' When Sunday morning rolls around don't bo one who will say:'" T wish 1 had saw that show." '( 'hi! ence" Is the last picture of nnd ni vtiii fnii'f iifffifil t mlua If 1-rni'v.i nivni lumrlt.wl lf .t .,.. ll I "IW tty1 laugh at this fiiiimiis Turking-ton com- I Plays rely! I Mili's Music. HEAT WITH COAL i Place Your Order Now for Quick Delivery ' Hansen Coal Co. (Successors to Katls) B t S. Fir St. Phone aiO-J H. W, CONGEE UNDERTAKER Successor to Weeks-Conger Co. . Medford. Orel- t ! en Year's Attrction Su IUIHHIiS ndiiy HAIKU. I) j.l.OY'l) in "tilSAXDM.A'H Ii()Y" ,J"'mS Babbiting, Welding Lathe' Work REASONABLE BATES Crater Lake Automotive Co. j 123 South Front St. NOTICE. .'. Through an Error Our Office ; Telephone ' Number was ouilttod in tho new Directory. ' " IT IS 77 DR. n. E. MURPHY. V Dentistry and X-Ilay . 2nd Floor Medford Bids. Bluest Front Fixit Shop HIS. Holly St, . "WE FIX ANYTHING" Phone 4'i$4".' ''. ; ... Tta7flr Itlndn Slmrpeninil FOR THE NEW YEAR'S DINNER Lettuce Celery Spinach Parsley Oranges Bananas Florida Grape Fruit Calif. Grape Fruit FRESH, VEGETABLES Cauliflower Bell Peppers B. Sprouts Artichokes Cucumber? Sweet Potatoes Parsnips Carrots Cabbage Turnips Onions FRESH FRUITS Fresh Pineapples Persimmons ? . , Fresh Cocoanuts Cranberries Store Wilt Be Closed New Personal Attention H. E. Fancy Spitz Apples Fancy Newtown Apples Fancy Jonathan Apples Cooking Apples 'car's Day . '. ! Prompt Service arsh Phone 252 GROCER Phone 252 We wish you a Prosperous and Happy New Year.