MEDFORD ItitilL TRIETjyE, MEDFORD OREfSON". -THIHSDAY. DECEMBER 23, 1922 P10E rotm Mepfobd Mail tribune AS uuirzxvzxT wrifiiti BUNOAT. Br THE , UZlltOKil PKU'TIKO 00. TIM rtttort ndy Morglr to la hnM Offle. Kail Triboa aUtlCf. tf-J-Jt tk A aiaai'drtitf of tU Dmomtft TIsms, tb HMfWd m.ii tL Motion) TyiWM, tka Sogtbacs prasvalaA, Tbt Wlw ROBERT W. BIHL, tdllof. t-arrca una. SUBSCRIPTION TERMS) tT II AIT. In Atfu: Dd7, vttA fsdr Boa. year. ........ IT.M tauir, wit sabd. feuO. SMtB 7 Difj. vicabs fecscsr rw n Dii)T, vnnoat SuuUr Sob atocth 7l7 Kail TTibau, as JI S.0 BsiriAV Ban, one mi.. 1 0 T filTa in Kadlord. AafclaBd. JadBM- tile. Coal fetal. Ytoaix. TaJenl sad as IHJy fits Bandar 8m. AMetti. . . ..... .71 rja-ijy. voUmma arjdr fus. xreta. .. ... .81 rttbet Bu&dar Bus. ytar..... T.SS WL'f. a-it bavU? bm. on raar...... I Ail brH by euTMr, csaa ts adta&ea. Official paper of tfc Ostj of Ksdtod. Ot&dal oapat of Aaoaws County. eumf as SMona Oaa swtta at KtdJaM Orafoa.. oodB tta act a) Marco U7S. , MEMBERS or raz ASSOCIATED press. TV AaaoO.ttd Piaa ia cxclianm; eiUUod t t aaa for rcpubllcktiaB of all Mf Awptlii araoliod to It or not oUwrwiaa rrodiUO la tLia aaan. tut also to tta local am pOBUatxd Ssrria. AU ffirota of rrpobUeatioa of special 4aV a Lrl& ara auo rcoerros. Ye Smudge Pot " ly Arthur Psrry. Now Mr. Arbuckle realizes that be! should bare staged his Scripture-1 rooUiM!-rcturntoutard pie bearing I last-fall, -when the order of the day1 consisted of as irate lemaie snooting a preacher. THE PARTISAN COMPLEX. i' rilY CANT politiciaus be huraanf Today is -President W Wilson's birthday. In the senate, a resolution -was introduced expressing the pleasure and joy of the senate uiin the recovery toward health of the former democratic standard Isvarer. , According to press dispatches there was a chores of "ayes" frotTi the democratic side and silence from the republican side, white Mxe presiding officer announced the resolution passed. ( Wfcv "silence " from the republican side t Xo one believes the individual Bepublican senators are not pleased that Mr. Wilson's health has improved. Why couldn't the entire assnbiae rise to tut oeeassion and do the courteous thing, as a tribute -not necessarily to a party leader, but to a former president -as a fellow citizen 8nd as a man. . The answer is that the partisan habit has become so strong in the upper house, that all sense of proportion hag been lost. ' If the condi tions had been reversed, and a Republican birthday had been before the senate, the result would undoubtedly haTe been the same. There is something about attaining high political "office that seems to destroy what is ordinarily known as sanity. To view men and is sues in the light of reason and commonsemse, seems 'to become auto matically impossible. Sueh a spectacle is amusing. And yet it has $tu serious side. For this inability to act and think rationally, when party is concerned, is one of the most discouraging features of the American political sys-1-in, today. When real issues arise of genuine moment to the country; it is this sort of stupid narrowness and bigotry,' this silly nabit of the ' partisan-grooved mind, that so often leads the ship of state close to j the rocks of disaster and tragedy. Among the minor blessings of Pro bitihknt (so-calledj, is the eradication of the citizen who was forever telling the world, that the late Jack London bad this neck of the woods in mind, wben ha wrote, "The Valley of the Moon," The Produce Survey, as proposed, is a wise more, but the surveyor do sot waat to overlook the never-falling pro ductsHell, Hair, and Hysteria. They always want to determine why crops that Interfere with the fishing season, fall to mature In this climate. England is sending a mission to this country, to get out of paying the war debt ' The same conduct on, the part of Germany, would be reprehensible. and knock a speech out of King George.' A sad tale comes out of southern Idaho, relative to the condition of the agriculturists stranded there, but when wsr prosperity smote them, they starts ed ' chasing iackrabbita through the sagebrush in Plerce-Arrows. (Pendleton Tribune) , Two marrjed men lodged in the city jail and who were serving small sentences were released yes terday, by Chief of Police Taylor under the condition that tbey would spend Christmas at home. The copious downpour is beneficial only to Messrs. B. Thlerolf and 8. Richardson, who bare a new pair of red topped rubber boots. Both are filled with a passionate desire to bare water run over the top of them. The - weakebinned damsel, who peeped through a knothole, and told the Portland police, she viewed a sordid murder, now admits everything, but the knotholo was imagination. The authorities are at a loss to find proper punishment for the vengeful tongue that migbt hare sent a father and his son to the gallows. Ouill Points The only effective speed limit is the one built into the ear. Europe carries a very small stock of cabinets, but think of the turn-over. Still, the gifts you don't want may now be sent as return gifts to those you forget. If congress is to convene on January 1, what substitute shall we nse for "Happy New Year"? Wives are people who keep wondering if the davenport wouldn't look better against the other wall. The age of discretion is that at which a man begins to suspect that not all the nuts arc in one party. Wonder what Leonard Wood thinks when he hears Pershing preaching preparedness and getting away with itt Oddly enough, the age that does most to prolong life is doing the most to make it not worth prolonging. It is a fine thing to give a woman a seat in the house. She seldom has time to sit down in her own house. To the car owner, auto-suggestion means: "Every day, and in every way you're bringing me nearer the poorhouse." A feuiinist says the ideal husbanll doesn't asmoke or go out at night. She's talking 'about Vf ire.' not a h'usbaiu!. T f ? f ., . OFFICIAL COYNESS 1 (Seattle Record) " Proprietor came out of an office. "What's the matter?" He rested hli hand on the policeman's shoul der. "A man has been shot up stairs'." "The hell with him.' Let him get shot." replied the light baired man sweetly. The policeman walked away. RipplingRhuras y won nsxxi THE GREATEST BOOM. "I lledlam broke loose on the Espce again last night, about bedtime, and the C of C. 4-iun has not even sang a song to stop the atrocities, committed In the name of efficiency. ABUSE OF A RIVER, AND MAKER OF THE FLIVVER (Congressional Record) Here comes a man, when he reads that report, who say In substance: "From what I can hear of Muscle Shoals, such a course would be an outrage on decency and a travesty on justice. I will go down there and take with me a man In whose Judgment the whole people have great confidence"; i ndie take the wltard of the electri cal world, Thomas A. Kdlson. Tbey go down and look at at, and marvel at what they see this water singing the song of wasted strength as It winds Its way to the sea becauso of maltreatment and neglect on the pan of tho Kcpubll. can party. lknr old is Henry Kord? le any. body know? He is 60 or pcrhsps a little more. He is going to organlie a corporation with a capital stock ol 110.000.000. H is that corporation and , Heary Ktord with which tho govern ment deals. He binds himself, his heir and executors, to what he has agreed to do In the contract, and that is to organise that corporation. Vhn h organise it with a capital of 10,- 000,000 he ha complied with his pro position. He 1 not name any runner Giving him credit for all of tho good mmlltlo that are claimed for him by a t h.Tfl narar vet heard any-1 one claim that he Is such a super. human I)"" U"1 oln M him llyi IW rears l control his ror- poi ation, ' ... F I ILVD health not fame nor wealth nor grandeur could allure me," said Hiram Hick, "but I am sick and all the docs can't cure me. A dark green taste like rancid paste is in my mouth forever; I'm growing worse) say doc and nurse, in spite of their endeavor. One thing alone is fit to own," sighed Hiram, heavy hearted; "I speak of health ; and now by stealth that bless ing has departed." This Hiram Hick was pretty slick at raking in the plunder; by day and night he used to fight, and tramped his rivals under. In marts of trade his wad ho made, and would not rest a minute; "I can't afford to rest. "he roared, "there is no profit in it." And then one day his strength gave way, tho doctors gathered round him, and he was packed in ice, ncrvo wracked, and rules of diet bound him. And now he's prone to talk and moan about his bygone blunders; "Health is," he fries, "our noblest prize, tho greatest of all wonders. Of what avail arc heaps of kale if one has got bone spavin, if he must spend long hours on end at rubbing beeswax salve in! A cheap john game is human fame if one has got lumbago, and has to drink some bit ters pink, and live on bran and sago. Good health's a graft at which I laughed when I was chasiug riches; now I'm half dead and in mv head the sawbones sewed nine stitches.' C. aV. Train Hits Street Car, 2 People Killed w-re r-ion-d lo be recovering. I I:tKi:!!:y for the ait-idenl had not kMY-n dett-rrr.ined. but it was said the irain had barked into the street car at a level crossing. ' ' VANCOUVER, B. C Dec !S The death list resulting from tne col lision here tan nlcbt between a Great Northern freight train and a street car was increased to two this morn ing when Ale zander V (Donald, a street car conductor wbo was riding as a passenger i0 the wrecked elec tric car. succumbed to his injuries. The other victim was H. 3. T. Duthie accountant of Seattle, who died of shock shortly after the collision. Twelve 7crspp . ghghtiy Crab Booze Launch And 39 Cases Liquor y cviTTi ' tw 28 After playing i nun , . "Vi - .- ' - BIG BOOZE SHIPMENT TO ' hide and seek with the coast guard rut-; SEW YORK FOR HOLIDAYS ,er 0uan( tor several days, the speed ' launch Jll-K loaded with 89 esses of NEW YORK. Dec JS. Alexander wntiiu,y was run down and captured, ! WHiiaros. who said he was an invest!- Anacortes today, according V ipator for rhe " department of Justice, woid received by customs officials said today that aovt thn 4AO.000 bn;. Herbert Hodges and-M. Nelson I worth of liquor had been smuggled ,rere arreated on board and taken to I into New Tork through New Jer8lrH4.iinirham this afternoon for arraign- waters for the holiday trade. , meBt Mon a United States commis sioner. lj UUVroj ir.-jTd 'With Medford trade is Medford made. PLACE YOUR ORDER NOW FOR Bbsc Pear Trees Now BARTLETT, COMICE, ANJOU, SECKEL, WINTER NEXLIS and, . .... WINTER BARTLETT also in tock Salem Nursery Company Fruit Trees of all Kinds, Small Fruits Roses, Shrubs Call, Phone or Write. JiVMES INGLIS, Representative . 4 to 6 p.m. daily at HOTEL HOLLAND In 11 mmttwim ksfifctxoaaJvY thru (mzdlMadion for Winter motoring Your motor will start readily and operate flexibly, in winter, if you use an oil that stays fluid at low temperatures. The battery troubles, worn bear ings' and scored cylinders, experi enced in winter.are simply evidence that the motor is bound with con gealed oil and deprived of lubrica tion. Zerolene Stays Fluid in Winter Zerolene No. 1, No. 3 and No. 5, which are good cold test oils, move fre?ly in winter with the action of the motor. They give a cciitirruous flow of lubricant of the proper "oil iness" to the pistons, connecting rods and crank -case shaft bearings, and save batteries. For safe cold weather lubrication, consult the Zerolene Chart at ga rages and service stations. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (California) Sat w -ssr sa avl r "Nc Ford Complete Without One" - niasjT - TTU0 FOWTMj fcisassssssssssssssssss sssaassT Greater Pulling Power, Faster Get-away, Higher Speed for the Fotd. , UP the stiffest gr.uicj, thro:.-;.! the worst mud and sand, , and stcppir.j; out in traffic, constitute three of the points fc-hefe the Rucksteli equipped l:ord outshines all others. Providing as it docs, lour pear changes in place of two, as in the Standard Ford, die driver is given a double range of speeds to choose from when conditions necessitate.' ' Added to these features, b (hat of greater road speed, by the installation of our special 3 to 1 liigh speed gears, which combination gives 20 increase of speed, -with ho more engine revolutions than in Standard Ford. The saving thus effected is not only in actual cost of operation, but in lessened depreciation as well. Any Ford dealer will gladly demonstrate this for .ydu." v , . $62.40 f. o. b. Berkeley, Cat. SOLD DY ALL FOItD DEALERS CURED In 6 to 14 Dmym All Droits are authorized to fefundBoney if PAZO OINT MENT fail to cure any mm of : Br iK-n rt rrrHNn or PROTRUDING PILES. Cores ordinary cases in - worst case in H days. PAZO OINTMENT instantly Re lieves ITCHING PILES and yon can get restnu " Bret soplicatkm. 60a. I When voi) order a loaf of Scholz's Butter-Roll Bread You are fissured of bread a little better than any other. This is possible through su perior ingredients and ex perienced baking methods. Try a loaf. You'll appre ciate it to the last crumb. PUEE AND WHOLESOME '' - At Yonr Grocer SEEDS : for -7 . Every . Requirement Farm Orchard Garden New catalog sent free on request. Write UK for special ,prSees on' quan (iood Crops. ' titles. Good Seed Produces C.GMorse&Co. 749 FRONT ST; PtAil Store ITS Market St " . STiX San Francisco. Cal. L.2a1 HEAT WITH GOAL I'laco Your Order Jfow for . i - Quirk IleliTerr ' '- Hansen Coal Co,v (Hncccssors to Knds ) 54 8. Fir at.' . ' Phone 1KWV.1 WATCH YOUR BATTERY PRE8T-6-LITE BATTEItT STATION For Quick Servtce Plione 11 . RUBBER BOOT REPAIRING . HALF SOLES AMI IIITX8 Medford Vulcanizing Works H. W. CONGER UNDERTAKER Successor to Wccks-Congcr Co. Medforr!. Ore. Babbiting, Welding Lathe Work REASONABLE RATES Crater Lake Automotive Co. 123 South Front' St. NOTICK. Through an Krror . Our Office Telephone Number wss omitted In the new Directory, IT IS 77 1 ' ' rn. H. K. MlTtPHY.' Ilentlnry and X-FUy 2nd Floor Medfnrd nids. Blue .Front Furit Shop 1118. Holly St. "WE FIX ANYTHING " , Phone 4.VI Raior lllatle Shnrjienlng