FUSE STS , lun and lduhu Uarr lotmllrt. The ult of tUw n.tuiff win i, ivjionxd if the Ineiaiuturwi o! ti thrw wt tw tnT uunvune mou'd. lit.TMtarr of S-.a.)" Sum Eur eik T. A. Kutiwrt. b?ud of top -crurf ic itf. UuKtB ol tlx- mme will rtpF?-nt Or. HEU SMS H POSTER IW TO ERECT BU1D9NG 11TH GENIRU; URGES WOMEN TO EXERT fOLfTICAL (iimit liie. iuiHretu in tin- hunie is the moot iniuoruint, sue uuuh. . I CsWJJUWj I j-.ru uu e. ye at me ul amsi.j--. - i mm C. Tun Wye. professor of public , spouting .at tue T n'-veralty of Cmcuvj uuti. I UWSINPOR OFFICER !S SUJN INGIEPM gun: i- McArUi. dirnur uf b. "C T.t- mairy uud F"d i- Ittthi. (iirwesur a KA1SES KCT COLLECT ir nrnr Tt-V.TL.AJCD. Ore.. ItC -iBd muuir vhn:le tratfn- iHRWlu-jun Will lir UuKUBlHid IXi B TIKWUIir D nM1.m.MtktitnTivi of '.wirim "W'uHittnr- U.wiibhs. wll! jiliri-Hui wuMuiinr.ot uko b'iretiy of Ikvr.r 11. X. Juuns & NE 8 A-mftHtms oT the Htuie AihheUc as wwiu'.loii will le li'lilt in Portland if rlUuy art luc Lincoln lilch sifhuul und he -rules liiot juvwii the uasnui .tftlor. will irwieive it ttimtpiHic vpvision teiuording Hi tbe ChreHonlun of Ic SCsii. Jt is er.peded chat aniline Piuii will be lurmuiiiUid Whereby cue leud ,ere 'in -euiih r lie or district will be enabled to pUty a poHt-seuuon came with the flhunwionB of toe o:br dia rVtj'.te .and .wlievuby ibe aiate cham- KTEri;E.WrL.LE, Otiiu. .Liec. at. I I A .ttferth and -Viuiii-oiib warfare im-i apeiiK euinen." "nip puckitt venibmi, '( "ltfvuie purmr purtl'r." und the "injttntr upe." in Jcftermm .'iniir'.y'i' Ullefr-Mt hiiuiir comitinc. WW be kstmcned at owe. J'rouliittion offi cers announced nulity n tti- rHufc til the riiuymg holt nmlitutlu -of Churie "Uniaey" Ulion- .leuue-r of a aiiuud uwtlit dry agents. .(.o-ojmruliiie" with city Tin- first new IniHiiivHB liulldme -to' go up in .tietifnrU the coming eur will lie a iurge cimcrese structure or. the lurpe vucunt lot no the northeast. corner of North Cenfrul avenue, unii East B':;;ii s-.reet, which will be u weicume boon to the buillues Ills-; crict. i The builder of this structure will be Suiter J. .Neff, the well-known at-!j CSSCtXXATI. Oiiiu. Ic ilr. JUiy Vuh Wye. wrfe of a imitoHWir unu tiitr- HfiT"HSETK, Iwc. 2fi Aiwuciut- anlfu fornmr aohuo! t!:u:ur. wub eiuui- w nrumii. The dKcinhm of the luwer !i!iKiim courts tout iornier mpror William liuis no riain to uoUect imerem on- liritmli honUa hub iin auutuinati hv tlie eoiin uf umieuls in n uttumnni luiucid dnu ioduy. The court ovdored u IlruBHUiH exuiiuuse hrokor to rtund j turuey. whi rei:nn:iy punihuaed toe' feneutnUstw by TC.HlMi votes. lo the hunt mvuluHd apverul milium police and lot us ui: :invi;siniirt 4rom Sire. Cur- Horn und educutod in Dvuui:lnx. iirs. truniis jiuid nn cnuiiont wmuu the uuob d by repuulicun uf iiuniilttm c.iimr' to ue one uf the women 'U: will repre- UBnt tiiia county in the Ohio lepiuio-; ture fur the nest two yun. ilru- Tan Wje wua elBirtHi! ti, tiie hnuut of rei- " i w, . ' n . ladnilttnU th-y inhvv nooMXHHioti Rittniw iiita tatuaoc a kooii cnonfy otfi.;i. the nforiimnim of-1 rie Curnuhun. und who will mmrt the 'Tun Wye came hre ulimit ill veurF luiflr.leumed lieiong to the es-l;uiHr. Bui' ; The ownership cunie to liKht whan iiunoti the Britiun pwernmeut prutaHtHU piouaiilu jn loofiiull will 'be dnidd ' l'1ll"VE drive will omutt in ; a'.rutnure lor Ctttoa and Xvcttesit. to Mcu and enKufKd m ciiiin! work, ttiitt rout. J wholvmie unNMia. mnar. of !ntM oeettjiiwl -on -limftime by wa memtMR'.af tne Kauanul Cu dul if contspvoniy tblis jiur ub , ecu! warn iin cite Htule liuvo v niainod nnd'fuiiid ilurlue tliv u:u- Wlll. . ; Tb Cji(iun'liu Ja uuotod us lol Siwk: ! "jmwtM .uf this the (ibanipiMn-;i Ship i) ttrwun .thiB year ia aoniotliine; ithut .ui Jiot be dMiermiinid. la the aoiitherp aetniiun 'Medfurd wttli un Urtlwiuten jwcord liua luid cluim to :lie(ng tlie 'heat of itbe Ulfih achmil ltmmiB ptttaide of ortlund. "iCoriUi, wtth a far nuire im-jM-BUHlie PHCurd than Mtidford n and the ttnditiputod champion of the V 11- lamecui vnltVy, baa not made any damn to the atule uiiumpTonaUip. but Is undoubtedly in line lor it.. Lu. :Graode u.in und ACbRiia in euatm Ornjson. rfhouKli eui:h bad a. defeat lo mur its ri:oid. had excep .f'.oiiuliy atntne fid machines. J-ir:mnd bieb iwMiunla do not af- t.'lUne with t.iie a lute uaucmtiou. bu' uo iucaj Acbuul baa even bad t.u tomitiir M muy that .H could beut au n f -foe ouiaidnra mentioned lrfwntifiiTe.w Jlorvallia' "ur mrire licpreaaivt" iiwjorn"' aoiMiata of I'VS putnta o op poflmiu)' uealnat Jdedfurd'a 'ill Point so .opboner.tif' 10. Sled lord aoored 75 jnore jiolnta durine vlif aeaaon anuinat lilph school op pi uenta than Corvstlia did and yet in rated a hrferiw by tbe Oregonian nports wrtter. ! The writer In tlie aame nrtiflle aV; chat Medfortl ,'U down on tlie FUK.rii.mw." AleUlord cuarantend luiU. Alad it nut been Jut "ort hod' obHtrnntlve itarttlca which ail-i butflud .by ith wboBe body. Willi hree htiliet wotmUn. wua finmd ir a durk nliey with lua empty pucKe'iuioii Kvitiic tlife i'.iHt away und .Iub "r,vul-: yr 'nutitiiiii;. Jlliun :1a :ie liftli uontiW prohibi tion -oftit-'ur io nirt .uvudi Ul till: handa ui unknown i;unniTTi. m POBUC BUD be Economy Groceteria The lot property purcbuaed b5' Sir. Unit ia 1Kb by l"o laet, und it ia underHtood the purchuwi price wua betwMHu ITuiiii und jhbiiti. -tan. Ciuta und lydiurd, .whoue leuae hi Cbeir preaetxt lucutiou in the illedford biill'.iiue expire nest .;oenllll. ver recently tbenial.vea contero-1 of Imlenae. during the war. heme .m ucumiit the payment. The Initcn iiunE direct churne of the aociul -work of , f ujin-mc in chm cuHe. Muid to he one i if tiuit orBuuiautiim, anil uIhd imrued ub aoverul tliroufju which the turniov m cbairmun of the J'utriotic leucue. She perur But coupons to ne cuHheil B IB now connected wish the S. V. C. A. Uiut truce uf their origin micbt 1 In nn officiu! cuimi'lty itnll in alira u .; lout wuu exiraRmted ub an iimutmt :mouiIier.uf Beueru.cluibol' Cltuuinuu'i. i purry. Jt la Mm. Tun Wye's firm venture ui ; A He contribution o the holiday fettttvities- Tuiiet Buri.un Temple oi' the Xmimutic ror JCmchte of jtbor uaaan, baa armnced to etve a free piibiic bund eonuert by ita celebrated U. O K. XL bund of Ub piecea, at 7 p m Friday. XJeceniber "JS. in tbe Orien tal Jballruom uf tbe NuUitoriuiiL A cordial inritatiun ia extended to all to cune and bear this concert. Tiie band baa betin conaiderubly aurmeuted in numimra until It now ranha aroone tbe bent in tbe aune yrenorutiona are already under way to. aend tbe band to the National I). O. K. K. coiwentinn in Jjrtland nest A up 'Kit. where rt will enter the band couteat wbiub will be a Jeature of tbe uonvention. Jk jiopuiar procram ha been arrang ed by Bandmaster Waive for the Fri dey evening cimcert, ae followa: Bllver Trumiieta ToceuionaI Ulareb ! fojiular. Bmllin' jCiibura und Hoae Hunwrneake ...imirah Vftmili.r Tltin' lifting 1 PfuiiaB Knuf. iowed """"i" M m in U liPftrajj Tu. TMim of"" Bulome Jjnir.pe Pbeat! of WleftSorfl with the wire em-ruBteMtni: Hn, the same would bae been nlaynd here. .Portland JU flown ion the ruaranW and IIiirtbeTmoite would not jilay tbe : nsme even when Kalpb Bardwell, a! local aport fan. e?eid o underwrite I 4ii vihai r.r l!!r.lll nitd tt.IrA tho' SKte rooeipia. politics. liui'iuf; her .cumuaiBn Hhe TTBILASTl. Mich.. Iwc. St. -BiBb plutine purchaainc the iot on which spohe on leciahttion fur wonion. Hhe i un.-verHity nfficiuia us well ub uridinra to bulid. but Air. fietf beut tbera tu it., ulao Btresaed' the imuurtuuce of tlie : Htura of Shis ana other yeuri. Rutnwreu However, when they learned ot women eserciaine their new'y ucquimd i tuda; to puy iuat himore to liernurd thie they eoon becan neRotlatlont riRlrts. KirlL. Btur footbull pliiyer uf the t ni- with Mr. lo erect a auitabh The woman minesontntrt'e my that varsity of aticbitsnn. whose dea'.b re- structure lor luius-term leuae by Che her main hobbie ie tnsvelnir;, but thut , Biiited Sutnrduy fnini an automobile Economy Groceteria, which bus Bhe in alao fund uf jnivdcninc und out-. URciiient. proved succeaaful. : Tbe new structure wlU be of con- ' crete und ornamental trimmirujH. ! 70x1-0(1 teet in dimensions, and the ; work of ereirtint; it will be lun in j Feliruary. Mr. SxKtt is yet undecided as to whether to have two atonea to tbe building, tbe upper floor to be J conatructed iur line iamilfi apart- mecia, or to have it a .ample siory ; His architect ia at present preparing ' lu submit several plans. ' Tbe cuat of tbe bulldinr.. for thie reason is not yet known, but it wlli ; probubly be we!l up into tbe tboiis- UllllH. Our Annual Distribution cf hoafchrld file is now on. One given away with a fifty cent purchase. Keep tccour-t of your 1923 expense. It is important to know where the money come from, but more important to know where it goes. Saving beat Making. Heath's Drug Store Phone Eight-Eight-Four 109 E. Main Street 111 AM I BIG SI ut buromtitMieit. mtrtur. trw:kt? und jtlunVtd Ch erf hotnen n tbe nil ARE ENDORSED Jnrtetatnrf weather ittd tbe poav' lio "jdsy riilaitaUoii served 10 dampen leal iilgbt'a Outer ,-eltib -baatjuet to Kni xtent. Jteiireaeuteitlvea ('ark id and Cvwslll ere present and beard K. 1. alrber address tbe club tn bttbalf vf tbe tourlat bureau appro jr.auns wblcb it ia lenlred le cun iloue. At tbe dte of tlie dlacus iiion of tbe matter i.be lub went on reeord a farurint eortinuance of Tbe d?ertjlnt and Information aa Cietrtbutefl tbroufb tlie tfurmt bu ieaua. nasi noni 'uat iona for .club of ficials were made and aunuai ler fjou b held at tbe next nieettng. immediately follwwlue the band :on oert, the hall will lie cleured for tbe bur XHikey oeramouiul which will be cele brated a the third anniversary of tbe MeoSord Temple, wblcb now numbers over bub members amune tbe various ivm aimirdinF to Koliert ti-ioueal. Fytliian hidBea iu southern Oreeon and :u.m otthe Chicajeu Jtjard eff northern Caltfornm. .) Traae in aim IjTUnr the rtteii ot 'flome out to the free concert, and mmuriaeed buuiine n the home and brhur the children. Amide seutihE ar- rruin nutrket. Mr. Mii)oial be- ransemenis will lie jirwvided fur the" bevea, caiiacity of Che large hall. NSTALL OFFICERS T DELIGHTFUL DATiCiriG PARTY ALFORD HOI .' la ielicb'iu! anctii partjr was ;)is at ll borne vf Mr. and Mrs. X. V. AUurd and Mr. and Mrs. Ji L.. milord Kn West 7th street last lorfbt. Tbe fcuetewies wr t'tljr lab-l-y, Jwrtrioe Altord. Coiistauoe fur-, f satin it Unawu. Arteue Kor ai'l kufl Jin K'udle. AmouK those present were: the JUtases Ctlsdy Hsnley, Marion and Iwwbe Hill. tVjnnlfred Clanry. )asd tk-Ur. forotby end Marie Myera, .losepbiue Litcdley. Virrmia few, Couetaai S'auw. Llis InhbT, Hmim Headier. t-blne Koppee,' rVm Jtorn-.tle, r'asllo Johnson. Jris Ktndle, ard Mra f'Td. and Meeera. JtuanelJ Fhersuwd. !e atB, Albert Tvleiuaa, liber-1 m H4rfe. ftlllp Tevng. iuattaj Uib. Dart vlllnus. 3rrte Terretl.l r. Kkr Isri. 'Villbnr Oodlore.i hrk fcswrmra. ri. Mlllla. rmo.-it: f'fweevt. J"U-d f'inrb lies Trvw briCf, IfTlJ Mitikler and Herb-rt ; Huste.VM fsmirbed by aa 4 of rtr-ile! ott bee'ra and fiirleraias deevratltma adorned h btllruvni. Eak zueat reoeivnd siai Ciirlatmaa Wokltj ecutkiiiita a Utur. . how;ever. the endu!urc in . ewinruuf the other wy. pointing out chat the .prlcea on uud araltt haraeK j' are advancing. ! 'in Ibid, there were a.bbO.nu-n horaes in the .cjtiea." aand Al.r. Alt liougii.1. wbtie in there wua a tntie .more than half thul number.. Mont eiry homes are fed upon OKtw and huy. Ouia prim-a re'ientlj aver aged 6 oema ilmlinr -wheat jiruiea, whereua before -ve b-gun using gaao--line ther sverageil C2 celfta beiow wiieat. Thin la a lose of three ooirs . ! per buehnL which baaei upon an av- nata!lKtiun of the r-w ofticora of erage w'i cf one ttituro buahele the Jtedford uhapter. Order of lie nets the 1hmi.it a tidy ions. Muls.r. wiil lie be.d tomorrvw night. 'TlMiri! ia jio due hi the big power Muj'or ". J. Outev wlU lie the Install- I tractor iiaa reached tne aut.uration : ing of fleer and following the cere- j pcrtin- . it. many farming aectiom I rotmy a dunce -will be he.tt. high powered tramum were bougln j All Mnaon and jiarenta of uenv by snuUl auw larmerii. It wan a din- j hem if tbe lie iiloitry are -invited tc astroua vent.ure for many. In the j at.tend the iwireniory and tbe dunne. ' ritei, many bimiTiesaea turned tlwiir Tbe Imperial Trio -will furnmh the 1 barks upon the home for short haul j muuir tor the dance which will lie j wf.b fretjuent atojis. Today the . helti in the Mueoiuc hu'.l. larnier iii lending a j-ard t cuita The Jiiedfortf cbapter of the lie Mo- . and the home ut coming iu'.v hia own j toy ia tbe only rhaviter in the state for ehort huula. oulaide of hon.iaiid and hua grown "The horse win never eome bark to a jnH-n.berMhtp of 3 1'4 in one year, to ius old place n tbe city, but he Officer of the bn:al ehapter have . w going to be sure of an important been invited tv attend a MasonR- ban- plane in nun'mg aiieral larietiea of vuet at Orairu J-'siw yrlduy night to i iintmod.it.iea." tuk to Mutrtina and tbeu- mna on tbe benefiila -if tlie 4ror and a cbiHa ;f twenty .or .mole inemliera ia eriHufte t.e be inlt.ui.i,'d anon .froni t.ru. Puna. The Wli'diiord .chu.irt.er already inf:ludea AlieiHlH.rv .from JriMrt.l:a'.t.v ei'ery towu ill tbe i alley iiiLUudiug a uunibf-r limn Aablatid. 5 OLDEST TELEGRAPHER DEPRIVED OF A JOB ILL ieiWf11THi: inrii fAS TKANCiBrO. Iiec. TC The state railroad eommiasiun baa autji orlwid tbe fast Telegrarb etimpany diacont.il. ue its office at Viaalia and incidentally allowed J. C. W ard., credited writ being the oidt teleg-apber in tbe t'r.itefl States in VASHJSCTO. J't. More! ' "r. ntir, aa manager fhas lb natiuna.1 rar.tltioli eTi ,, , , vonw have b..-n ir.vned to er,d ard hat been in tbe orfice for (' H-rbert Al- deiejwt.ee to a vrnieti inouatrUil .r-! y'grs- e claims tbe dietinrtion tt fererx here January 31 t in. t.bi - na, vac wn the teiegravber at Oen venur!.. dei'rtmt of the A trmro s ; era I tract' beadvuartera drriig t.be reenitioe of LriilKir ar.nouiie. Ti n)Mkera will in-luo e tHoee rm.ity iiietrt toa uagem and omen e orkera. niaoufwuiera and I"!.ury iajet.e.nr. puolM1 kii-alta -rtieeta. induatriai w.a tjarieiaoe. iHtouuHta und government ad n i imet rat ora. 34m. Andtvaoa i direetor f t nr bvrea a. f tra ar. Thomas A. and of barlr.r uugbt Edison the Morse code struts TURK PEWAK.D (CoerlSMid Iroa Pag Onsl WHITE HORSE AND RED FKATTLE. De SC. fr.ime Beattl' aLatiatit-iaa Iiaa iKWered ibat tb a psrtswr wuM ncs be rectigntneC I iv. utviaon nnpbaeuM-a tne lminw- write nurse aM tbe red beaded giri 'U' of MentW Eaaaiaf lun.lr are almost fltirt. Ft the etjume trk- inSuatrr. Irjr sili-b 1 1.. uret im 1 1., lact tb kaitb-tit Klkf ,trr ,r-.k. rru t- rates ay to tb world market. aat.onKM.Be and ftw tbe buman pbe iKOM'tKia be biame tbe Iaabi'.t& ol I eVrr II ar i eaaltaL KEW TOHIi. Isw. IT Tbe pa rty f Aaaertoa adopted a v'uit ftrrls Jot lIJ at !ie senwnd :ioBl tj ttm M avowed Ukat . Metnei. tut.4 v tbe liaitir aea. boM4b tr. anirpoaa was Amerbstc , t5,u rnati...tialiid by be treaty of. Tbe ftr! be maat ge a trim a6 lawot ( swae ieaetit. against Veraailb-s T,be lerritiry Sonwrly be- re.k abare every Raturdar ba cavltai, '. j looged t'j Ortiia n y. tise iwr i)Bas. Isr vtiaaitig. NEW SHOW TODAY THRILLS UPON THRILLS! JAMES OLIVER CURWOOD'S M..-t famous r-iirr isiiife "Th Hirer's End" WITH llmaRubens and LEW CODY Afraally Filrnf-d in the Canadian Kcx-kit-s! h -'i'TiJ - kA t I ' y-c j NSa-M-' W . 1 XvTW i j-ajo. i- i -:rt- HE Is a Fmi'-li 'anadian lieinatj HE I; a liovsl North wert lonntftl Poli (iffer, )ii ed ly Lis intu rati -one day he has to Ac- for hi life. SILE SLkiw? him the way into the Valley of S:lTit M'n with a H-i'n x of her own! Tl I EKE This Morr i EXZ3 POLLAED ia two acts of mirth "355 days' SPORT REVIEW ALICE JAY AT THE OEGAN mm" - SEW TEAE S ATTEACTIOK BEGIXK1KQ STJXDAY BETTY COMPSON IN 'THE BONDED WOMAN"