PAGE STX MEDTORT? MATT' TRTTftTNTC. fTCDFOTtDf HI EG OX; TUESDAY, DKf-'KM HER " 26', V.)tt DISAPPEARS DAY HE WAS TO DIE NEW YOTtK, Ic. 20. Tho offino pf thki' "Irish coiiHUlato" from which Oanlul J. McOrntli directed tho uffnlrn of tint J3.-U1 Kiifann In thin elly bo fore ho Vooolvud a letter thrnntenlntt drum; , unions In- U'ft tho country tw'fore Doci'mlMT i!6, was closud to day, i, Ix-adom In liinh nffalra hrc Tlnlinfed they did not know whore Mr. McClrnth wna. ' . ... . MiV'McOralh received tho letter, signed by "military authority, IrlHh rnpuhllcnn nrmy," oj ..Pecembcr 14. In It ho wan fold hp would bo Hliot on sight lifter -tike '.morning of December XB bocaiwe tho writer held him ro sponnlble for, .,Xho execution of Rory O'Connor 'and; three other IrlHh re publican le;idom In November. At that tlmo Mr.' Mcdrath declared he Wh not nctually IrlHh consul. Ho said bn had directed nffnlrn slnco the reslKrtation of Joseph Connolly, a few weekn before, but insisted ho had ro HlKneU that HllKht offleo tho night O'Connor wns executed. o,1 Offlollilu 'lWthe. BrlttahV consulate sad today that Mr. McQrath had not biYMi officially recognized us consul hrfre. : -.f:-.. ' It. M., and when tho ' Jacksonville lodge membership was transferred to Mud ford, he continued his member ship hero. Up until his Illness he was a regular attondunt to tho Ked men lodge. Mo loaves two sons and two daughtors, John Do Roboani, of Iodl, California; Wm. E. Do Koboum, Tacoma, Wash.; Mrs. Ida Owing. Hoguo Illver, Ore., und Mrs. I'eter Ingram, Medford, Ore. Funeral ser vices will be held Wednesday nt 2 p. m., at tho Perl funeral home. Ser vices at tho grave In charge of Red men lodge. . Interment In Jackson ville cemetery. Takes Local Agency For R. Bosch Magneto OBITUARY '!DE RODOAM Bmll De Robonm Med nf his homo 324 W. 4th Htreet, jllecembor 25, nged 73 yenrs. Mr. De Jtoboam ' was born nt Haint Ia Ovande, Franco, December 25, 1849, (coming to Jackson county In 1870 and .has been a resident of Medford for 'ill' years. For twenty years ho was superintendent of the Jackson county poor farm. Deceased was a charter member of Jacksonville T,ndgo I. O. G. A. Johnson of the Battery and Electric company, has taken the agency for the Robert Bosch mag netos and has recently remodeled his place of business to take care of the new stock of magneto parts, etc. New shelves and show cases have been Installed and the electrical workshop has been sealed In, Im proving both appearance und work ing conditions. Tho Robort Bosch magneto Is guaranteed. A model Is manufac tured for. all makes of. automobiles, trucks and tractors and the Buttery and Electric company Is now fully equipped to give complete service on them. OMAHA, Nob., Dec. 2(1. MIah Vera Ji?fforH, 23, of Horaco Nob., and her countn, Arthur Clnrk, 25, of Knn dolpli, Iowa, wow drowned last ntRht when the automobile Clark was driv ing to a ChriHtinas dance at Glen wood, Iowa, plunged into a river near Randolph. ! TREACHEROUS GOLDS! If V j Sj .V . "Just a cold" you say yet that is the way many grave and dangerous diseases start. When you" feel "snuffly" and heavy headed when your throat is the least bit sore take that simple precaution which will protect you from illness BINZ Bronchi-Lyptus. BRONCHI-LYPTUS TRY YOUR DRUGGIST FIRST OCEAN LINERS ON NORTH ATLANTIC NIC W YORK, Deo. 26. TempeBts of the sort known only to seasoned mariners of tho North Atlantic, against the howling power of which hugo, ocean liners are hut flimsy cockleshells, have raged throughout the past week, threatening smaller "vesols with destruction, wrecking steamers', deck equipment, driving fust liners out of their usual courses and. striking terror to tho hearts of hundreds of passengers, according to wireless reports received today. Relentless, gales, playing havoc with the schedules of the ' large steamship schedules, described yes terday by 6flcer8 of the Cederlc, the Zealand and the United States, which arrived several days late uftor weath ering the worst storms In their his tory, still are whipping the waters of tho Atluntlc to fury. The' Mariehurla and LaSavole re ported toduy they would urrlvo on Thursday, two days late. The Nlu gara, duo today, reported that she will try to fight her way to port to morrow. The Curonla reported from Halifax that she should be forced to put In there. The Mont Carrol Is due here and the President Monroe In London tomorrow, both far be hind schedule. Veterans of cores of storms who guided liners Into . port yesterday said they had never before seen he treacherous North Atlantic in such a protracted hurlcane mood. Power Co.' Mr. Scott-Is well and fa vorably known In Corvallls. ' The many friends extend best wishes and congratulations. RECOGNIZED NIGHT RIDERS (Continued from Page One) In accordance with their annual custom the Oeorgo A. Hunt company gave an enjoyable free performance at tho Rialto theater on Christmas day, beginning at 10 a. m., for the children of the city. About 500 children attended who greatly enjoyed the show, as was evi denced by their vigorous applause during the progress of the films. Tho boys and girls were woll behaved and as usual oq such occasions the man agement looked carefully after the seating and general welfare of their many juvenile guests for a couple of hours. ? FRANK PATTERSON 10 BE Frank Patterson of Medford will speak on "The 'Scenery of Southern Oregon," at the Chamber of Commerce Forum luncheon at the Medford hotel tomorrow. . Mr. Patterson has painted many pic tures of scenic spots in this section und no doubt will bring you a message of undreamed of beauties. Come and loarn more about your Immediate vicinity. ' . . t Card of Thanks We wish to thank our many friends for their sympathy and the many beau tiful floral offerings. , ' , MRS. I. A. MERRIMAN. HARRY MERRIMAN. CHESTER MERRIMAN. 23G . LESTER MERRIMAN. the character of tin. witnesses the state will call are authority for Hie statement thut they will not fear to testify to all they know. It was this spirit of defiance to the robed and masked men that Is believed to have led to the deaths of Daniels und Rich ards. ' . - ' Whetstone- lol'tl the authorities . ho was a nephew of former Deputy Sher iff D. J. numett, the suspect who has been jailed here. .' ,; ' Attorneys for jlurnett are anxious for a ruling on their petition for a preliminary trial for their client thru the regular court channels. The peti tion made before District Judge Odom has been forwarded to the attorney general who has taken no action. . Governor Parker at Baton Rouge today doclined to affirm or deny a report that the state had two men in custody who have made confessions. uuless needed to testify. Dr. McKoin's edict last summer that Illicit distilling and other kindred law lessness must cease, Is said to have been the opening chapter in the seizes of events that led to the kidnaping episode and 'the subsequent murders. The attempt made to assassinate the mayor as he was answering a sick call, culminated In his departure from this section in which he was born and his kin resided. The hotels served special Christmas dinners yesterday but tho patronage was rather light as most people dined j at home or-at family gatherings. Mow- ever, the hotel dining rooms will be crowded with diners New Year's day and night, as Is indicated by the many reservations for tables already made or applied for. The annual installation of officers of the local chapter Order of De Molay will be held . In the Masonic mill Thursday night. Parents of members und Muster Masons ure Invited to attend the installation Beromonies after which there will bo a dunce and refreshments. , , ' P. K. Gordon: and Ralph Young of San Francisco are guests at the Hotel . Medford. Other guests Include Geo. ! Irvine of Copco, Calif, C. L. Gray of, Eugene, Mr. and Mrs. Lee L. Parker of Klamath Falls, Mr. and Mrs. P. St. John of Redding, Calif., Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Iver of Grants Pass, E. W. Wilier of Portland and Bert Stephen son of Grants Pass. Snappy New Year dance! Orientaf Ballroom! Sat. night! Don't miss it! 243 Dr. Charles T. Sweeney returned the end of last week from Kansas City where he has been for the past two weeks as a result of the death and funeral of his mother. ...( . The holiday masquerade and carni val at the Pavilion tomorrow night will mark the close of this amusement center for the 1922 season. The annual unloading sale at the Sample store started oft in fine shape today despite, the feather. Now that Christmas Is over they are making a sale to reduce stock before Inventory. Dance where the crowd goes. Orien tal Ballroom. Sat. night. . 243 Ex-Mayor Called BASTROP, Doc. 2C Sheriff Fred Painter, on the advice of Attorney General Coco today addressed a tele gram to Dr. B. M.. McKoln, former mayor of Mer Rouge, believed to be a student at Johns Hopkins university at Baltimore, instructing him to re turn to Louisiana as a witness at the opening hearing of the Morehouse kid naping case which begins nt Bastrop on January, 5. Notice The annual meeting of the stock holders of tho Jackson County Build ing and Loan association will be held on January 8, 1923, 7:30 p. m., at No. 30 North Central avenue, Medford, Oregon, for the election of directors and tho transaction of such other, busi ness us mny como before the meeting. 245 O. C. BOGGS, Secy. Big Now Year dance, Oriental Ball room Sat. night. " 243 WEDDING BELLS Saturday evening' at the residence of the officiating clergyman, Rev. Frederick It. Leaah, Miss Elianboth 11111, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dillon Hill, was joined In marriage to Mr. tHurold M. Scott of Corvallls. Miss Hill is one of tho prominent and popular young ladles 'of Medford, a grnduato of tho Oregon Agricultural Collego and nt present employed in the offices of the California Oregon MONROE, La.,' Dec. 2G. In contra diction of t'-. announcement last night by officials of Johns Hopkins univer sity at Baltimore that Dr. B. M. Mc Koln, former mayor of Mer Rouge wag not registered ns a student there and his mail had ' been returned to the office a3 unclaimed, E. M. McKoln, the physician's father declared here that his son was at the university.- The elder McKoln denied the reports that his son had fled to Europe or had gone into hiding. He said the former mayor would not return to this section EMS; Be Cured to Stay Cured I GUARANTEE to per- : manently cure your Piles . without, cutting, burning, , stitching, anaesthetic, con finement or unpleasant after-effects. My patients are reputable men" and women In every walk of life to whom you may refer about this painless, non-surgical cure. If you are a sufferer from Piles, Fistula, Fissure or other rectal disease, call or write today for my FREE booklet. 1 . : Cost of treatment returned if I fail to cure your Piles. . DR. CHAS. J. DEAN I ND AMD MORRISON PCHTLAHD.OREtWN j MENTION THIS PAPEft WHEN WRITING I Begins Tomorrow! RIALTO HOWDY, 1X)LKS : Hoiw's a smashing story tlutt raii-leN tho taiur of the great. Can adian Rockies in the Hiuiff and Ijke Ionise regions where this picture was filmed: JAMES OLIVER CURWOODS "The Valley of I Silent Men" ill fllma Rubens Lew Cody Tonight Mack Sennet t's roaring burlesque melodrama of a thousand thrills ! ..And you can't count tho luughs ! ' ... .i "The Crossroads of New York" WE FIX THEM YOUR AUTO CURTAINS At BURK'S OrinoRttn . P. Heno Some Very Desirable Buys id Used Cars V"V One 1921 Dodge Brothers Touring, liko'ncw..,.$600.00 One 1920 Dodge Brothers Touring, in good condition . y ; $550.00 , And we have one 1922 Dodge Brothers Roadster, practically new ..$875.00 Geo. L. Treichler Motor Co. 16-18 S. Mr St ;.".' ...... Phone 30-t THE COLONIAL -UP SALE FINAL on Ladies' Ready-to- CLEAN Wear, Dry Goods WE CLOSE A PART OF NEXT MONTH FOR REPAIRS ON OUR BUILDING AND WE- WANT TO CLOSE OUT EVERYTHING AND RE-OPEN i ' ' FEBRUARY 1ST WITH AN ENTIRE NEW STOCK. We are offering the remainder of Qur present stock at prices that we believe have never before been offered in Medford. It will mean a big saving to you if you buy your late Winter and Spring apparel at this Clean-Up Sale. Below are a few of our prices: Coats, up to $107.00, now ..... ...... $67.50 Wool Dresses, up to $25, now . . . . $16.75 9-4 Unbleached Sheeting, yard ... . . 55c Coats, up to $84.50, now .... . . . .... ... .$41.50 Wool Dresse., up to $1 7.50, now . . . .$5.98 . Percales, yard ... .16c" rft.i. ,mi.twi;n oi ca Silk Dresses, up to $62.50, now ...... i ... . $31.50 . i ' . Coats, up to $32 .50, now $21.50 snk Dresse$, up to $45, now, . . . . : . . . . .' ; $24.75 C jrard . .... .... , 27c Suits, up to $67.50, now .... , . $37.50 36-inch Outing Flannel, yard ........ ... . 31c Linen Toweling, yard 58c Wool Dresses, up to $55, now $29.75 32-inch Gingham, yard ................ . .29c Barred Flaxon, yard T; . . ; . . .40c Wool Dresses, up to $35, now $21.50 27-inch Gingham, yard 22c Barred Demity, yard ..... ........40c, All Hose, 20 per cent discount; Silk Underwear, 20 per cent discount; All Neckwear, 20 per cent discount; Corsets and Brassiers, 20 per cent discount; Vanity 1 . Cases and Purses, 25 per cent discount; Umbrellas, 25 per cent discount. NONE OF THIS MERCHANDISE WE ARE OFFERING WAS DAMAGED :'lN OUR FIRE. EVEHYTHI NG IS CLEAN AND UP-TO-DATE. Sale Starts Wednesday Morning . ,..-.1... .dfc,,.. :,iC .