BRINGING YOIHDERFOL PL.A.CE.? si iV- PITTSBURG, Doc. 23. Four ban dits shot and wounded Ross Dennis paymaster of the Pittsburg Coal com payny and escaped with a satchel con taining about $20,000 lu curency. the holdup occurred lu the hills be hind Mount Lebanon, near here, .while a party of company officials 'Were taking the Christinas pay to miners at Beadling, Pa. p County detectives, armed with riot guns, were rushed to Mount Lebanon from the sheriffs office here. Dennis was riding a motorcycle in advance of an automobile in which Superinten dent .William Young of the Beadling Wine and three other employes were guarding the pay satchel. The bandits shot Dennis without warning, lie tell from the motorcycle. Before the Jdrlver of the car could stop his ma chine the bandits were upon it- They covered the superintendent and the guards, obtained the satchel and BURNED IN HOI. I SPOKANE, Doc. 23. Mrs. Ous fiwanson was trapped by a fir6 which dostroyed her homo at Hillyard, a su burb, early today and was burned to death. Mrs. Swanson,- a cripple, was junablo to' escape from an upstairs Biecplns porch. Her husband and a 26-year old son escaped through the snow in their night clothes. utter they 'had mado an unsuccessful attempt to fescue her. ,, ., N. Y. Stocks ' Livestock PORTLAND, Ore., Dec. 23. Cat Mo, bogs, sheep nominal y steady; no receipts. Butter PORTLAND, Ore., Dec. 23. But ter and butterfat steady; unchang ed. IOrtland Wheat -PORTLAND, Ore., Dec. 23. No wheat session,' holiday until Tues day. Today's car receipts Wheat 55; flour 8; corn 2; oats 6; hay 10. San Francisco Markets . SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 23. Dairy produce exchange cloBod. SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 23. (State Division of Markets) Live turkeys 3034c. Court News (Furnished by the Jackson County Abstract Co.) Marriage License . Ray II. Hoxie and Ethol Uiggln- botnam. ' ' .Choste A. Roberts and Mary Sutherland. Circuit Court . W. C. Foster vs. E: H. Sanders et al. Amended complaint. Orders Answer. Clear Spring Orchard Co., et al vs. Eagle Point Irlrgatlon District. Motion. -Tillamook Co. Bank vs. D.Barford ct ux. Motion. J. P. llittson vs. ' J. R. Schump Chattel lleri. PERL FUNERAL BOMS At Tow Servtoe Day or High! lafonuuioe Cordially OtlM Oar. nod Oaknala linn i hh n t- inu in . i UP FATHER 1 I 1 1 7 Y7 1 I 7 3 1 NOW THEtEAKE RACint TrW?) VHERE F HE FOOtSO OUT THAT DID HE. ALL OF :: " ' THE OLD ROlN-b OF J( u A Hlb NOTHERV- AW OF Mlb VIVEj HfO KILUVW? T27ir :i Medford National Bank vs. Oeorge A. ' Mansfield.' Affidavit.' Motion. Answer. State .Land Board vs. Fred H. Mil ler et al. Mottou and order. De fault decree. ' Harvey Walters vs. Elizabeth Tou Voile. Amended complaint. L. M. Langley vs. M. Caldwell et al. Demurrer. . Geo. G. Ogg, et ux. vs. Wm. F. De Witt et al. Summons. Lola M. Maddox vs. Goorgo B. Maddox. Divorce. Probate Court Volney Webster, estate. Admitted to probate. Mary F. Klrkpatrick, estate. Proo(f of publication. Sophia F. Patterson, estate. Proof of publication. Davis Vawters & Howard, estate. Proof of publication. George W. Howard, estate. Proof of publication. Jane E. Plymale, estate. Proof of publication. Julia C. Fielder, estate. Proof of publication. , Lizzie B. Kincaid, estate. Vouch ers. William S. Crowell, estate. Claim. Petition. .Order. Waiver. Proof of publication. Vouchers. Francis Hellam, estate. Order. Bond. " Rufus' Edwards, estate. Third re port. Vouchers. Real Estate Transfers Alice Hurst et vlr to Carl Clifton et ux. Lots 1, 2, 3, 4. 5. 6, 7, block 31,-Jack- - . Bonvillo I..-. 1 48B R. J. Edwards et ux to Irving Flnley. Land in sec. 3, twp. 39, S, R. 1 east 2,000 Frank 31. Amy to . Win. G. Tait. - Lot 4. block 71, Med ford! 10 W. J. Moore et ux to City of Ashland. Land In sees. 10 ' and 15, twp. 39, R. 1 east.... 1 Virginia N. Baker to James T. Baker. Lot 1, block 6, Carl- Canadian Farms Owing -to heart trouble doctor or ders my wife to a lower altitude. Will Nell or trade, together or separ ately, my two Alberta, Brain farms consisting of B-10 acres and 820 acres respectively for income boarlng busi ness proper.ty or producing applo aud pear orchard. No butter grain farm obtainablo. Closest investigation In vited. Give full particulars of what you have to offer. For further Information address, owner, 30HS H. STUART, 524 4th St. So. Scthbrldgc, Alberto, Canada. FREE! We pay entire 1923 licenses on any car bqught of ' us for cash during balanco of month of Decern ber. A real saving. BUSY CORNER MOTOR CO. MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE. ton addition to Medford.. Jackson County Building & Loan Association to Mattie E. Pickel. Lot 3, bly 1. Summit addition to Med ford 10 Omer S. Welshcr to William Bohnert Land in sec 4, twp 37 S. R. 2 West 10 SJierlff to W. C. Foster. Lots 1 and 2, E of NV sec 18, twp 33 S. R. 4 West 427 County 'Treasurer's Fourteenth Call for Cold Hill Irrigation District General Fund Warrants tn,te of Oregon, County of Jackson. Treasury Department. Jacksonville, Oregon, December 22, 1922. Notice is hereby given that there are funds on hand for the redemption of Warrants Nos.: 275 277 281 276 280 282 drawn on the General Fund of the Gold Hill Irrigation District Interest on the above called war rants ceases on this the 22nd day of December, 1922. A. C. WALKER, Treasurer of Jackson County ana Ex-Offlcio Treasurer of the Gold HU1 Irrigation District. 233 HELP WANTED FEMALE WANTED Experienced confectionery girls at .Crowson s. Apply in person at once. WANTED Stenographer; -also sales woman musical instruments. P. O. Box 1094. tf WANTKD SMJUmdLAjrBOIJB WANTED Surplus, waste, refuao, squash seed any quantity, (junto lowest price. W. Relim, 50 Pine St., New York City. 254 WANTED To boy corn. Phone 597-J-8 tf WANTED All kinds of guns to repair and saw filing. Upstairs 22 3. Grape. 237 WANTED Cash paid for pelts, hides, wool and furs. Johnson froauce Co., 241 N. Fir St. Phone 97. tf WANTED House moving and repair ing. Phone 4SS-M or 488-x. HELP WANTED MAIiB WANTED Real estate salesman and mdse. clerk who can drive auto. P. O. Box 1094. TO THE PARTY OP LIMITED MEANS, 1 four-room house, lot 50x120, water and gravoled street. Price $750. 1 five-room house, lot 50x120, water and graveled street, Price $1250. Very reasonable terms on either, 6 interest on de ferred payments. SO acres foothill land, partly cleared, large portion good for grapes, peaches and apricots, located between Central Point and Gold Hill. Price $800. Cash $400, balance payable $100 per year, h on de ferred payments. Small pear orchard near Medford, crop this year brought $3300. Will sell for $5,000, reasonable terms. Fine large homesite, with unobstructed view, on East side, $450, easy terms. 2A acre lot fronting Rogue River, good soli, $300, eusy terms, 57o interest on deferred payments. JTiono 285, i. W. DRESHLEU CO., 123 E. Main St., Medford - WE TAKE THIS OPPORTUNITY to wish you all 'A Merry Christmas, Happy New Year (Watch us grow) FOUR-SITE SALES AGENCY Real Estate Business Medford Bldg., FOR SALE Strictly modern, 5 rooms and largo sleeping porch, stationery tnbg, two good shade trees, nice high lot. Tills house is nicely fur nishrd. Can give immediate possesion. Terms. Unusually well , fumMicd two-tory modern bungalow, fire place, nice large lot, well located on paving. Close in, I'arlos going cast and will sell at a bargain. REASONS WHY YOU SHOULD NOT BUY , 1-2-8 Thero aren't any. C. 8. nCTTERFIELD BUNGALOW SACRIFICE $1000 Cash, $2500 Terms Six-room bungalow, hardwood floors,' flroplacc, white enameled bathroom and kitchen, all built-in features, large garage and wood shed, on pavement. Paving paid In full; lot 60x125; near school. This bungalow would cost over $4,000 to build. Present owner paid $4,200. Business elsewhere, so sacrifice for Immediate sale, fries $3,600. Phone 781-L J. O. nARXKfl MEDFORD. OREGON, SATURDAY, DECEMBER 1 WANTED -SITUATIONS I MISCELLANEOUS l')R SALE MISCELLANEOUS BUSINESS DIRECTORS WANTED Wood to saw. Call even ings 452-J. 237 A' ANTED By young man, good steady position; will iuruisn good refer ences. Call 627-M. 235 FOB RENT AfAKTMENTS FOR RENT Three room apartment, $25. Lights, hot and cold water in cluded. Call at Sugar Bowl. tf FOR RENT Apartment, 124 King St, corner of Tenth; also car and truck storage. FOR RKNTL HOUSES FOR RENT OR LEASE by the year, splendid close in corner home seven rooms, large bath, four bedrooms, with closets, best locution. Call 704 W. Tenth. Phone 637-R. 238 FOR RENT Furnished four-room cot tage, inquire 243 N. Holly. 234 FOR RENT Booses. Brown tc White. FOR. RENT FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT Room with board. 223 N. Central. 24, FOR RENT Comfortable furnished sleeping room with bath privileges. 325 S. Riverside. Phone 701-J. tf FOR RENT MjBCEZiLAlTEOIJS FOR RENT Two very desirable large office rooms, Liberty building. Steam heat, hot and cold water, elevator and Janitor service. Call at Liberty building. . ... tf FOR RENT Garage at 1103 W. Tenth Bt. Phone 82. ; tf BUSINESS CHTOlgHJNll'IHS WANTED Man to back wonderful mail order proposition. Investigation -will prove that I have one of the best money makers you have ever seen. Don't fall to look Into this if you want to get into something that will net you big returns. Address Josephine Hotel, Grants Pass, Ore. (.:.' 235 MONET TO tOAN MONEY TO LOAN on improved ranch security, $5000 or less, 6 per cent interest O. C. Boggs, Attorney for State Land Board, Jackson County. Opportnnitie Medford, Oregon Exchanges Nash lintel Corner STORAGE Cars, $2.50 per mo. Trucks $4.00 to $6.00 per mo. Space ror rent. T. I. Temple, 221 N. Fir. 23ti FOR EXCHANGE TO TRADE 5 acre tract close in to trade for home In Medford. Neat bungalow. Value $2500. Also have 2 or 3 larger ranches to exchange for town property. Phone 105 or 517-L. 234 TO TRADE Working horses for smal ler team. Palmor Bros., Jacksonville. 236 FOR BALK 1JVE5TOCK FOR SALE Saddle borae about 1150 pounds. Owner-must dtapose of soon at big sacrifice. Phone 18-X-3 Cen tral Poiut or write Box A B, Tribune. 235 FOR SALE Poland China pig, regis tered, 11 month old. at a reasonable price. M. S. Woods, Eagle Point. 258 FOR SALE Gentle Shetland pony. $50. Phone l-F-22. 237 FOR SALE Puppies for Xmas..Phone 691-K-l. 234 FOR SALE Fresh cow. Wost Jack son and Cedar. 234 FOR SALE Puppies, beauties for Xmas presents. Phone 591-R-l. FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE Buick six, good condition. live cora ures; win consiuor rora in trade. Phone 758-J-l. 235 FOR SALE REAL ESTATE FOR SALE Special bargain in 80 acre tract uot far out. 7 room house and large barn. A fine place for raising turkeys and chickens. This is a forced sale and the price is only $2000. Phone 617-L or 105.. . 234 FOR SALE 12 acres well improved ' near Tolo. J. B. Stevens, Tolo, Ore. 236 FOR SALE Cheap for cash, or will exchange for property In or hear to Sacramento, two lots in Mountain View addition and a twenty-acre tract near to Eagle Point Address Mrs. R. H. Bullock, 1304 Second St., Sacramento. 234 FOR SALE ISO acres logged off land near Butu Kails; will sell cheap and flva terms.. Big Pines Lumber Co. ' FOR BALK BOMBS FOR SALE Good 9 room house, mod ern improvements, garage, chicken f house, three lots, $2600, half cash. C. A. Thompson, Central Point 235 FOR RENT Five room furnished bun galow. Phone 488-Y. 237 FOR SALE Must sell, attractive five room bungalow, modern except heat. Three lots, garage, chicken house, wood houso. Terms. See owner. Phone 488-Y. 234 FOR SALE Rouses ana bungalows, furnished or unfurnished; alsc acreage. Insurance. C S. Butterfleld. Medford National Bank Bldg, Phone S8. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Hatching eggs from our Bred to Lay White Leghorns. Our stock unexcelled In vigor und pro duction.' Tested yearling and two year old liens nmtod to Tancreu Imperial cockerols. 1 sotting eggs $1.00, 100 oggs $5.00, 1000 eggs $40. 6000 eggs $200.' Small orders on I large appreciated. A few fine pedi greed cockerels- for sale. lU gus River Poultry Furai. Phono 20) -W. 234 Easy Shifting Run up on our Grease Rack ,and have the Sticky, Ileavy Grease drained out of your tranmisaion and replac ed withValvoline Semi Fluid Gear Compound. Crank Cases Drained Freo JONES & KIRKPATRICK Next to Nat. 23, 1022 By Geor&'e FOR SALE Two 1u0-okK electric incubators. Rosue Kivor Poultry Fnrm. Phono 2U1-W. 231 FOR SALE R. I. Red pullets. Plums 2U1-Y. 230 FOR SALE Hoys' bicycle, good con dition, l'rlce fiu. au UU2-J. 234 FOR SALE A No. 1 oat liny, one-hnlf mile south of Phoenix on highway. C. Carey. tf FOR SALE Phonograph and twolve records. $16. ivenilworth Hotel. 235 FOR SALE Kitchen cabinet, ivory enamel Gate leg breakfast table, office desk, library tnble, all new, fine for Christmas present. Phone 199-L. . 231 FOR SALE Choice alfalfa hay. Will deliver. Phone 788-R-l. 237 FOR SALE-691-R1. Alfalfa hay. Phone FOR SALE Baled alfalfa hay. $23.00 ton. Rogue River Valley Canal Co., 204 S. Fir St. Phone 129-J-2. 261 FO RSALE Jonathan apples. 112 S. Fir. 237 FOR SALE Mitchell wagon. 400 gal. wukou iuuk. jiiuu khi. Kiuruge num. 700 oil pots. Phone 25-K-2. 231 FOR SALE Alfalfa hay, nt ranch or delivered. Phone Cso-K-G, C, C. 1 loover. tf FOR SALE Second cutting baled alfalfa hay, $24 per ton delivered cash. Monarch Seed Co. fiiono 260-529. . tf FOR SALE Now Columbia phono graph records at half price. Victor, Brunswick, Columbia, Patlie & So nora phonographs and records at reduced prices. Music Shop, No. 15 No. Grape St., next to Farmers & Fruitgrowers Bank. Phone 466-J. tf FOR SALE Hay at Gold Range prch- ara ai fiu.uu per ion. 11 soiu wunin the next eight or ten days thero will be a man to help load. 234 FOR SALE Good second-hand stool cables over 200 ft., low price, inquire Medford Bldg. janitor. tt FOR SALE ChunK ftr or hardwood. Telephone 245 Jacksonville. 234 FOR SALE Two General Electrlo motors, 85 h. p., 40 degree, 60 cycle, 2200 voltage, complete with compen sators. 1 Tacoma logging engine, 10x15 with line. Big Pines Lumber Co. FOR SALE) Turkeys for breeders. from Mr. Wright s stock, Washing ton. Fat geese 30 cents dressed. Beef 10 and 12 cents. Phone 7-F-ll. 236 BUSINESS DIRECTORY Abstraetnte MURRAY BROS. & GREENE ' Abstracts of Title. Rooms S and 6, No. 32 North Central Ave, upstairs. jsckson County ABSTRACT CO. . The only complete Title System ,ln Jsckson County. Abstraots of Title and Title Insurance. WAT80N & KELLOGG Reliable Jackson county abstractors oi titieB, Gold Hill. Oregon. 1 ar" i Attorneys O. O. BOGGS Lawyer. Specializes In Real Estate and Probate Law. 80 North Central Ave. I. E. HEAME3 Li Tier, cJtfcd St Liberty Building. I. E. KELLY Lawyer. Resumed practice of law. Office with Porter J. Neff, Medford Natl Bank Bldg. Bull drag Blaterlats MEDFORD CEMENT BRICK BLOCK WORKS Specialize in aU kinds of cement building products Cor. Ftr snd Tenth Itreets. Export Accountant WILSON AUDITINO CO. H. M. Wfr son, C. P. A. Attention given to SB! ' thing In accounting and Income Tai 1 requirements. lxok Into our elmpU fled accounting method. Liberty Bldg., Medford. Phone 157-R. Money to Loan . , J. 11. ANDREW'S Buys and sells : mortgages and loans money on good , security. 31 N. Grape St Phone 63-M W6 O Auditing O Accoutvtma J ysten!Service(o; u. r, Ksmrr' tad floor Medford Rldg PAOE FITT? t McManus Chiropractic Physician DR. JOUETT P. BRAY Scientific Chlropractio adjustments. Hours 9 12 and 2-5 except Thursdays. 318-S15 Medford Bldg. Office phone 29, re, phone 494. "Keep Sailing." DR. HARVEY P. COLEMAN Chiro practic and Electro-Therapy. 427-28 Medford Bldg. Phone 965. DR. A. R. HEDGES Neo-Ecleotie Physician. DR. LOUISE E. HEDGES Naturopathic Chiropractor. Me chano - Therapy, Spondylotherapy, Food Sciences, Chiropractic. -Office: Stewart Bldg., 235 E. Main til. Phones: Office, 170; Res. 170J-2. '. DR. E. W. HOFFMAN Chiropractic Physician. Office bra. 9 to 12, 3 to 5. Suite 203-04-05-06 Liberty Bids. Office Phone 580, Res. 1027. Dentists DR. O. J. JOHNSON Dentist. 22 B. Main St, over M. M. Dept. Store, Medford, Oregon. Phone 669; rea. 1002-Y. Office hours 9 a. m.-6 p. m. Evening and Sunday by appointment Farm Loans FEDERAL FARM LOANS NOW 6 Applications should be on file by Dec. 25 for December appraisal, li. H. Hurd, Secy-Tress, 402 Medford Bldg. - - Monument ' THE OREGON GRANITE CO. Mont. nients. m. A. nicks, general manager. P. M. Kershaw, sales manager, 10 E. Sixth St., Medford. tf Ostoopatlis i ' ' DR. F. Q CARLO W, DRi EVA MAINS CARLO W Osteopathic Physician4 416-418 Liberty Bldg. Phone 90W-1 Residence 26 S. Laurel St. BR. W. W. HOWARD Osteopaths Physician. Special attention glvej to eye, ear, nose and .throat M Liberty Building. Phone 486. Physicians and Burgeons : 5rT J. : J. " EMMENS-Physloian JsJ Surgeon. Practice limited to eye, ear, nose and throat Eyes, seiesy tlflcally tested and glasses supplied. Oculist and Aurlst for & P. R. B, Co., Medford Bldg. Phone 66T. DR. WM. W. P. HOLT Physician and Surgeon. Offices Medford Bldg. Phone 166. Residence 118 Genesee St. Phone 166-J-2. DR. A. BUR8ELL Physician and Surgeon, 312 to $14 Medford Bldg, Entrance 16 - N, Central SpeelU attention to spine. Phone 19. DR. LINCOLN KALLEN X-Ray spec ialist Medical and Dental X-Ray Diagnosis and X-Ray Treatment Laboratories 211-213 Liberty Bldg Office hours 9 a. m. to 12 m. 1-6 pja. Telephone; Office, 61; residence, 61-J-2. Piano Instruction FRED ALTON HAIGHT Teacher o Piano and Harmony. Composing, Arranging. Studio $18 Liberty Bldg. Phone 72. Printers ana Publishers MEDFORD PRINTING CO, has the best equipped printing Office ta Southern Oregon. Book binding loose leaf ledgers, billing systems, eta. Portland prices, 7 N, Fir St Publlo Accosntants HUGH R. ROBERTSON & CO. Mem ber Amorlcrv Institute of Accoun tants. Public Accountants and Audi, tors. Portland, Ore. and Minneapolis, Minn. Addressr 1517 Yeon Bldg, Portland, Ore. ; . , -, y Rug Wearing MEDFORD FLUFF RUO WORK makes fluff rugs from old and worn carpets and rugs. Phone 610-1L 704 Pine St -, . . Transfer'' ADH TRANSFER A STORAGE CO. Office 41 North Front St Phone lis. Prices right Services guar anteed. DAVI8 TRANSFER AND 8TORAOB CO. Anything moved day or night Service guaranteed. St S. Grape.- Phone: Office $44, or reel dences 847-R or SOS. tf Upholstering J. WEIS UphrV-ry. Manufacturer of overstuffed furniture. Fall line) of materials. Draperies made to orosr. we do all Kinds of athot eterlng. We deliver and wllf end show samples. Phono l Jaeasoariiie. ore A. N. THIRAULT Upholstering, ro glueing and rnflnlshlng. Work done at your home. Telephone - WML. 3, Box MA, MsdlorO, j.,'l V 77 msTOrWw