MEProftp MXni tribune. MEDFOitn ortKooy, totdav, tecemmkk gg, in?? PAOT! THREE LAST MINUTE GIFT BARGAINS . .$1.50 .,$1.00 . .$1.00 $2.00 Combination Box Sets . . $1.50 Combination Box Sets . $1,50 Ties in Boxes 2-Pant Suits $37.50 : Oregon Wool O'coats $25.00 ' Springer 6 Lee "Duds for Men" Opposite Rialto Theatre " Open Evenings Millions of Dollars OF HIGH GEADE ARMY GOODS JUST RELEASED BY THE GOVERNMENT FOR DISTRIBUTION TO THE PUBLIC AU priced at less than cost to the government. ' giving the people, of this section . the opportunity of getting some of this high grade at Hook liottom IVices. We luive many items in stock now whlrh will make wonderful gifts for the working mnn. 1 ..$6.85 !.-. New Moleskin Leather Lined Vests .'. .......... New Moleskin Leather Lined Vests, a better one......'..! New Sport Coats, Wool Khaki ' New Race Coats, for work, or play Ksmqnd piupH.ets, Navajo Patterns, fapt colors '". Stag Handle Pocket Knives Eboriy Handle Pocket Knives .........1... .. Ahalone Shell Handle Knives New Cotton Double Blankets : New Irish Frieze, All 'Wool Overcoats, a $20 value A full line of Herman's Army and Police Shoes. Trade at thc,Anny Store and Save Honey. United Army Stores . v ": 32 Central Ave. South :......$7.2: .'..,...1.8.T :...i..?W.83 ,.1"...4.1J $i.a.i ..:.:.90c ...;.:..05c $1.05 :....$14.50 Tomorrow Is Saturday aiid you believe your CHRISTMAS SHOP PING is about over, but have you bought your box of WHITMAN'6 CANDY? There is nothing, that "rounds out" and completes 'the Christmas spirit as well as a box of this NOTED CANDY. Fresh today.. : Heath's Drug' Store Phone Eight-Eight-Four . v -109 E. Slain SPECIALS Nice young Turkeys, per lb. ...... . .35c A choice lot of Geese, Ducks, and Chickens and everything to make the Christmas dinner a success. EASTERN OYSTERS OLYMPIA OYSTERS Star Meat Market Phone 273 We Deliver Good news for tho children who attend the Christmas dinner us guests of the Kconomy Groceteria on Sunday afternoon Is that Santa Claus, Imper sonated by the mayor of the city will be present to give additional cheer to thin great occasion. .The assemblage of children during the short program following tho foast will sing under the direction ot Miss Sherwood, musical supervisor of the public, schools, und will march from the liotel Holland cafo ufterwards to tho publlo library park to take part In the Community Christmas tree there. . Pop Gutos is very busy these days rehearsing for the Sunta. Clans stunt and grooming tho three Shetland ponies,' which he will give away as prizes on New Year's day. A real Christmas carnival of fun! Pavilion. Sat Xmas favors and pres ents for everyone! Don't fall to attend! 234 .Xmas candles from 14c up at Jones' 233 i Among the Medford young men who are attending college and who aro cot expected home for tho holidays this year are Joe Hurd at Stanford and Winston Vance at the University of Southern California. Choice music and free dancing. Med ford Center Dept. Store. Concert In the afternoon 3:30 to 5:30, dancing 8 to 10 p. m. . . 234 I We have heavy wrapping paper and know how to wrap your Christmas packages so they will go safely tbrou the mull. Mall Tribune. tf Jim Pardee, elevator man at the CoK building hus been ill lor the piiHt two duy.i. Fortunately the many em ployes aro not compelled to walk up and down fitulrn however as the eleva tor is of the automatic type and can, In case of necessity, bo operated by merely pushing the button. ThU office U prepared , to : print ledger sheets, hills, etc.. . used on the bookkeeping- machines. Don't, give your orders to traveling men and have them printed out of Medford. Phono us and we will call;' : tf . Dance, Hot Springs, Sat. nite. ' 234 Darrell Mtnkler of Portland, former ly a Medford resident and a former Juuies Edmlston ot tho Oregon Growers Packing corporation returned this morning from a several days busi ness visit at Salem, Dance, Hot Springs, iu. nlte. 234 Danco In Oriental llallroom Weil and Sat Admission 10 cents. 234 A Vucuette non-eloetrio cleaner makes a dandy present. Small pay ment down, balance monthly. Call .Mrs. Callaghan, phono 627-X. student at the Meuford hlKh school For Sole Good sound Spltzenborg arrived yesterday to spend the' holi days here visiting relatives. Hemstitching and plcotlng, silk or cotton, 8 cents per yard. Cor. Main and ltartlett. The Vanity Shop. . tf Crescent orchestra masquerade, Eaglo Point, Sat, Dec. 30th. .; 239 Miss Isabella Stuart, University of Oregon student, returned this morning apples, $1.00 per box. bring your boxes, Also extra fancy Newtowns, packed, $1.75. E. F. Guthrie-, 232 Jacksonville. . . - - , ., . 240 Luper and his saxaphone in Oriental llallroom Sut night! Don't miss him. j - 233' The majority of the gasoline and oil service stations in the city will close from Eugene and will spend the holi- at noon on Christmas Day. Dec. 25th. take your kodak films to Palmer's studio. First class work and prompt service.. tf See. the only Automatic windshield cleaner that wipes the entire width of glass, at Crater LakeJ Automotive Co. . . 235 Crescent Orchestra dance. Lake Creek, Friday. Dec. 22. 233 Free Christmas presents for every one! "Pavilion Christmas party." Sat. ' . 234 Miss Josephine Lindley is expected home tonight from Eugene to spend the Christmas vacation with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. George - Lindley. Miss Lindley is a first year student at the University of Oregon. Genuine leather handbags, . latest style. Hasklns Drug Store. 234 Oet your Christmas candies at Hall's 233 "Christmas party!'-' pavilion! Sat! 234 Crescent : . orchestra masquerade'. i Esie Polnt Sati Dec. 30th.- 239 The local Knights of Khorrassan are busy at work on their arrangements for the big Dokle ceremonial that will be held here' on Dec. 29, which will include initiation of many candidates and a street parade, ; Christmas gloves , with very low prices prevailing as we are closing out day vacation with her parents, Mr, and Mrs. n. I. Stuart of this city. Dance In Oriental : Ballroom Wed. and Sat Admission 10 cents. 234 Christmas novelties at The Vanity Shop, Main at Bartlett. ; 233 Gordon McKay and L. a Schott of Soattle are . guests at the Hotel Hol land. Other guests Include Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Carroll and Bon F. Hunt of Portland, Carl Mitchell of Beagle, Ore., Mr. and Mrs. George W. Darker of Butte Falls, Ore., and D. L. Parker of Santa Clara. Calif. We are giving a discount ot 30 per cent on all White Ivory toilet articles. Medford Pharmacy. ' ! 234 Holiday masquerade ball. Pavilion, Wed. Dec. 27. Plan your costumes now ! .- : ; 234 Mr. and Mrs. W.'T. Grieve of Pros pect arrived this forenoon from their ranch and will -remain until tomorrow forenoon. . . They 'report- that there is very little snow at Prospect and that at Trail and above the atmosphere was clear with- the' sun shining brightly. Upon arrival at Trail this morning they, struck the fog-bank which has enveloped the valley 'for the last two days. Miss . Etta Grieve Is expected home from Portland tomorrow andwijl accompany her'parents back to Pros pect where they will spend Christmas, Mr. Grieve reports the roads between Place your order now for Christmas Dance, liot Springs, Sat, nlte. , .. 234 Don't overlook paying your city assessments. There is a penalty of five per cent after January first. 241 Crescent orchestra masquerade, Eaglo Point Sat; Dec. 30th. . 239 Mrs. Cora Crump arrived in the city last Tuesday from her borne In Apple gate to spend the holidays here with relatives. Order Christmas turkeys, dressed' or alive, at booth 5, Public Market, Satur day, or address P. O. Box 800, Medford. Will deliver: . . : -1 ' - i - 233 Hemstitching and pecoting , at Deuel's.-.: ' V ; i ' ' 24S i Give' her table linen,' for, Xmas. 26 per jcerit discount at Deuel's. ; Sty DaflceV Hot Springs; Sat jlte.' s ?34 One oMho-cleverest and- most 'W lia'nt- 'saxaphone. players ; In thtf west, Del Luper,- familiarly known to many local college folk as'Diziy Luper, Ib visiting His parents in Grants Pass for the" holidays and arrangements have been completed for him. to play, with Nlok ''Carter's orchestra Saturday and Monday nights in .the. Oriental Ball roojn.i Mr. Lufier, Is -thei proud; owner of a marvelous gold Boxaphone valued at i45ff,",'whlohr- was presented to him by,,the Buesclier Sax&phOue Co,"aftei; being; shown at the San.franolsco fajft In .recognition his unusual ability as a performer on that instrument. Mr. Luper .has recently returned from an engagement over the Orpheum circuit and everyone In Medford who admires the hiodern and. popular saxaphone will be glad bt the opportunity of hear .Ing it playid, to perfection by. him Sat urday.nlghtV;1 .-i ' '-. When better automobiles are built Bulok Wfil build theli. ; ;,;-' tt tlje; port' 'otttcei will . not accept packages that 'are not well wrapped Better let us wrap them for you and insure safe delivery. : Mall Tribune, r'tt Auto Insurance. ' Brown ft White: Crescent ' orchestra - masqucrafle". Eagle Point, Bat, Dee. 30th. ' 239 The Christmas -program and tree given under the auspices ot the" Main Street Methodist chufch, South, will be given Saturday evening at 7:30.. A cordial Invitation has been extended to people of Medford to attend and enjoy the program. ': - "Btrathmore novelties, : beautifully boxed, with clever verses, 50b to $1.60. The Vanity Shop, Main at Bartlott . ... ... j , ',' U -2S3 Why. riot an automatic wlndshlelfl cleaner or A nice siotllgbt for Christmas?- Bee them at Riverside Garage. ' ; . '233 Oranges! Oranges!, at Jones. - 233 ' "Christmas party!'! pavilion!-Sat! . , - , , . 234 Mri and Mrs. P. E. Merrick returned Wednesday from a several weeks auto trip and" visit 'In Portland and other cities In the northern part ot the state. You can get It at DeVoe'e. If Good 'sweet oranges at Jones' from 30c Up. ' ... - 283 Ooodrtch j.Irei and tubes at Colonial Oarage. . ' ' Dance In Oriental, Ballroom " Wed. and Bat Admission 10 cents. , 234 See Hall's for green vegetables. 233 VISIT 10 ROME WASHINGTON', Dee. 22. Charlos V. Morse, the New York ship build er under indictment hero on charges ot conspiracy to defraud In coniiec-! tlon with war lime contracts was dc-i nled permission In the District nf Columbia supremo court toduy to go! to Rome to consult Dr. .Maclilafava, the pope's physician. W. O. W. Notice AH members requested to altond funeral, of I. A. Merrlman, Saturday afternoon ot 2 o'clock.- Perl's chapel. 233 E. C. S1L1.1MAN, deck. A. F. & A. Mi Special communication Mod ford Lodge 103, Friday even ing, Dec 22. Installation of By order of the W. M. L. E. WILLIAMS, Secy. officers. 233 Odd Fellows Notice All members Medford Ixidge No. 83, aro requested to meet at I. O. O. F. hall at 1:30 Saturday to attend tho funeral of Pro. Isaac Merriman. lly order . . 0. L. HOOKER, N. O. . : tt. H. WILI.SON, R: S. 233 TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR SALE Good 9 room house, mod ern improvements, garage, chicken house, three lots, $2500, hair cash. C. A. Thompson, Central Point 235 FOR RENT OR LEASE by the year. splendid close in corner home seven rooms, large bath, four bedrooms, with closets, best location. Cull 704 W. Tenth. Phone 637-R. 238 LOUIE Wishes everyone a Merry Christmas For the last shopping day our stocks of staple and fancy Groceries, Candy, Nuts, Oranges, etc., are most complete. You are missing a real bargain if you do not pur chase some of our Christmas Mix. Extra Special 51b. box Krause's Fancy Choc olates, fruit flavors, per box $2.10 LOUIE Free Delivery Phone 271 WANTED Man to back wonderful mall order proposition. Investigation ; will prove that I have one of the ! best money makers you have ever 'seen. Don't fall to look into this iti : you want to get Into something that will net you big returns. . Address V Josephine Hotel, Grants Pass, Ore. 235 TIME TABLE EFFECTIVE SEPT. 25 . MEDFORD-ROSEBURG STAGE DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY -Lv. Medford- 2:00 p. m. Lv. Roseburg 1:00 p. m. MEDFORD-GRANTS PASS STAGE DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY Lv. Medford 10:00 a: m 2:00 p. m., 5:00 p. m. Lv. Grants Pass 7:30 a. m., 1:00 p. m., 5:00 p. m. SUNDAY ONLY Lv. Medford 10:00 a. m.. 4:30 p. m. Lv. Grants Pass 10:00 a. m., 4:30 p. m. We connect with stages for Portland, Marshfield and Crescent City. INTERURBAN AUTOCAR CO. . . Phone SO0 this line. The Busy Corner Motor Co.! here and Prospect .in excellent condl 234 tlon. Have your Christmas 'packages wrappod at this office and they will reach their1 destination In good con dition. ' -.. , ' Lawson Studio gifts for : children, school bags, " crayons, and games In attractive boxes. Handicraft Shop. 233 Edward Kelly, son of Mr. and Mi'H E. E. Kelly, arrived this morning from Eugene where he is studying law at the University , of Oregon. He will spend the holiday vacation hero with his parents. " ,: : V Open-evenings, Jap Art Store. ' 233 . There's' a busy Business College In yaW home town. -GWN. . . Wilbur Godloye has taken a position with the Mason Etarman grocery com pany and will be engaged there during the holidays'. : - ' ..". ' $6.60' motor driven' horns , at ' tha Electric Shop, Merchandise and chicken shoot one mile north of Phoenix, Sunday, Dec 24. ".'... - ;i . . -., 234 The public schools closed this after noon for the holidays Vacation which will last until' January 3rd. In many of the school ' rooms Christmas trees and programs were held. : . Crescent orchestra , dance, - Lake Creek, Friday,, Dec. 22. 233 i aooflrich tires and. tubes at Colonial Oarage.-, :':'..., V-.j .-v v v.'::';-'i:(,1 There was another dense fog today. In fact the fog which came Wednesday night . did hot entirely lift yesterday and became much heavier last night. The density of the fog the past two days 'makes auto drivers more careful than usual. ' ' ' Hot tamales and chtU eon earns at De Voe's. ' : - U Have . your Christmas ; packages wrapped at this office and they .will reach their destination in good condl tfon. i-.- ,- -: -. - : i XThrf 'aiyatlpn Army Christmas ket tles have been doing a good business this week. Most people as they pass by the' kettles gaze In on them with idle curiosity and at the coins under the screen, and then toss In another nickel, dime or quarter. -.; ' Mawaphll dolls, something different, at Hasklns" Drug store. ,. 234 Goodwin Corset Shop, 20 8. Fir. ' 252 Get your Xmas stationery at Jones' '.. .' ,. - 233 A program of new dance music will be introduced at the Pavilion -Christmas ball tomorrow night, among them being that feature , fox-trot "Truly " "Bunrning SandB," "When the LightB Go Out In Chinatown" and "The Coun try Flapper." : ;''' ' All, kinds ot rough and dressed lumber. Wallace Woods, phone 108. 711 East Main street. . . '' When In need ot saab and doors, icatrWallace woods, 108 or come to 711 E. Main street Dinner will be served at Hha Med 'ford and Holland hotels Christmas day In time for those deslring' to attend either the matinee or evening perfor mance ot Mitzi and her company- Good sweet oranges at- Jones', from 20c up. ,-'. ' 't ' 233 .This week only Trlcq.' automatic windshield' cleaners Installed, , D.00. Riverside Oarage. - -: . 233 One More Shopping Day Until Christmas WE HAVE EVERYTHING NEEDED CHRISTMAS DINNER FOR THE CHRISTMAS CANDY AND ORANGES CHRISTMAS EVERGREEN WREATHS Personal Attention Prompt Service ;;j;H.'.E.JMarilsk'-:J Phone 252 GROCER Phone 252 : WE WISH YOU A MERRY CHRISTMAS v Do Not Bake During the Holiday Season ASK YOUR GROCER FOR Peerless Bakery Butter-Nut Bread Pure, wholesome, nutritious and palatable. You and your holi day guests are sure to enoy it. It's baked in a modern, sanitary bakery by men who know how to make GOOD bread. PEERLESS BAKERY