Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, December 21, 1922, Page 6, Image 6

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    PAorc six
has occasional interruptions
or unforseen delay on bak
ing days, but the house
wife who uses Crescent
Baking Powder will not
She will have light, melt-in-your-mouth
biscuits, mu
ffins, and cake because
Crescent combines the two
leavening units that Insure
good results under variable
; ' From any grocer
; Crescent Manufacturing Company
- Seattle, Washington
Rakes the
. when 3'ou purchase
Cigars, Tobacco
and Candy
V; for Christmas
Under new management.
Formerly known as thr
v Rialto Cigar Store.
C. F. Bowman & Son
Next First National Bank.
1 Tit's a
Any bilker or bakery would
'lako prltto In nerving t ho pub
lic nit li bread of such high,
qnallty aa
1 Scholz's
Its puro and wholesome,
made under mint sanitary con
dition!! and comes In a gener
ous slo loaf.
Next time, you order, ask
your grocer for
Tho local ; Institute of the Apple
Kate Teachers aono was held at
Ituch on' IJcccmbiT Bth, Mrs. Edna
B. Alien prcHldlnR. Mr. Lloyd Moss,
county club lend or. , explained .the
UHes and benefits of club work and
aroused the interest of some of the
larger boys in the "baby beef" wurk.
.Miss Born, - count y mwrVlsor, fol
lowed with some explanations on
club work now available for the
At noon all did amplo justice to the
splendid luncheon served in the
newly finished hot lunch basement
by the' ladies of the several districts.
At the business "meeting following
the luncheon hour the following- of
ficers for the zono were elected:
Mrs. Allen, of Kuch, chairman.
Mrs. Collins of Beaver creek, sec-retary-
Mhut Kuhll, Of Applegato school,
county falp director.
Miss Montgomery of . Unlontown,
Athletic leader.
The next meeting is to be held at
Applcgate school on February 17,
1923. ;
Miss Fuller, of Sams valley, ppoke
of the needs of a community hall In
every rural district.,.
Mrs. Collins of Beaver Creek,' pave
a very helpful talk on geography.
She had her subject well In hand, and
explained how much help she had
received through various Chambers of
Commerce toward collecting Interest
ing facts for all her classes.
Playground "Work wjw presented by
Mrs. Purcell of the Wat kins school, in
which she stressed tho importance of
tho playground life in tho develop
ment of Judgment, fairness and lead
ership. MIbs Kubll gnve a lesson On "Pri
mary plans In the rural schools, clos
ing with a pleasing bird story.
The closing number of the program
was a discussion of educational aims
by. county superintendent, Mrs.- Carter
after which the meeting adjourned
at 3:30 p. m.
Th rough an Krror On r Office
Teh'phono Aumbrr waa omitted in
the now Df.rociopy,
IT IS 77
Intltry and X-ltny
find Floor Mod ford Mriff.
j t Successor to Weeks-Conger Co.
Medford. Ortv
; Blue Front Fixit Shop
lit S. Holly St.
, j . ' i l'liono 4.4
Itaxor niade Nruirponlng
Babbiting, Welding
Lathe Work
Crater Lake Automotive Co.
123 South Front St.
Tho Christmas exercises 'of the
Presbyterian fcjundny school will be
held promptly at 7 p. in., Krlday
evening at the church. The children
of the primary and junior and inter-
medlato grades are presenting a beau
tiful cantata entitled ' Miks Christ
mas Day." Miss Helen liullls and
Mrs. Charles W. Keames havo had
charge of tho drilling nnd havo been
at work for a month getting tho chil
dren in readiness, 'It promises to be
one of the best entertainments ever
given by f. ho Protlbyteqian Sunday
There will bo a .largo and beauti
fully decorated tree, Star of Bethle
hem and other attractive decorntions.
A girls chorus of 16 voices will sing
for the opening numbers of the enter
tainment, several choice Christmas
enrols. The platform has been ex
tended four feet to tho front In order
to accommodate the large number of
children who oro n the cantata.
Santa Claus will Appear at the clone
to distribute, hie usual Sunday school
treat to tho children. AVo appre
ciate greatly the Interest shown by
parents, teachers and pupils In the
school tho past months as It has
grown beyond ull former records.
Tho highest record was reached last
Sunday with 148 present. 'Remember
to bo present promptly nt 7 p. m., so
as not to miss a single number of the
splendid program. Como ahead of
timo to bo sure of a good seat.
If you enjoy the finest of Christ
matt music, plan to hear the sacred
concert to bo given by the , double
quartet Sunday night nt tho Presby
terian church at 7:30 p. m, -
WASAW, Dac. 21. (By Associated
Press). Stanislaus Wojclechowski
was clectoil president of Inland today
to succeed Gabriel Nanitowlcx, who
was assassinated lait Saturday.
WASHINGTON. Ieo. !. The sen
ate passed a measure permitting Im
mlKrnnts who entered Mnp'h 1 In ex
cess of quotas and who wore admit
ted undrr bond, to remain perma
nently in America.
"Pape's Cold Compound"
Acts Quick, Costs Little,
Never Sickens!
Kvery dniggli here guarantor each
package of "l'sps's (told Compound to
break up any cold and end grippe tniserv
In a few noura or inonry returned.
Ktuftineas. pain, headache, Icrrrishnes.
Inflamed or congested nose and hesd
relieved with first dose. These safe,
pleasant tablets cost ord? few ren)
and million. ni-Tv Uka Ihem lini.nd . f
,t-kimig quinine.
PORTLAND. - Ore., Dec. 21. A
condition beJowJtho ten-year average
over un acrfage somewhat less than
last year is the Oregon winter wheat
situation as outlined in the latest re
port of F. L. Kent, stati-ilcan, U. S.
deparment of agriculture.
Throughout tho principal winter
wheat growing counties the fall sea
son was too dry for satisfactory seed
ing In some of the counties about
tho usual winter acreage has . been
seeded, but in others seeding has been
much below tho average. ., A report
from Union county says , in part:
"Very bad weather has interfered
with fall seeding, prevented fall
plowing and damaged wheat that
was sown. Fall wheat acreage, 00
per cent of last year." Baker, Wal
lowa, and Jefferson aleo report ac re
ap o and condition much below nor-:
mal. Umatilla. Sherman, '"Wasco,!
Morrow and Ollllam counties, 'with
about 72 per cent of the total state,
acreage of winter wheat report about
the same acreage as last year, but
with a somewhat lower condition. '
In the western part of the state,'
fall seeding conditions were nearly
ideal and most growers had. ample
opportunity to seed all tho winter
wheat acreage they enrud to with the
result that the wostern Oregon acre
age appears to be considerably in
excess of that of last year. But onlv
ten to fifteen per cent of the state's
winter wheat crop is grown m this
western district.
The total Oregon acreage seeded
thin fnll is estimated at S52.000 acres-
which compares with an estimate Of J
861,000 acres seeded a year ago.
Condition reports Indicated 91 per;
cent of normal on December 1, which j
compared with 92 per cent lowt year,!
97 per cent In 1920 and 92 per cent,
for tho ten-year average.
'Condition of the Oregon crop ban;
Improved somewhat since December
1. Whllo tho post woek has been!
unusually cold, most of ' the wheat
fields have a good snow covering
which fell on unfrozen ground. , In
much of the wheat belt a good ralnj
preceded tho snow, so that soil mois-j
lure , conditions have materially im-
proved. On the strength of this im-j
provement some growers, who hadj
engaged seed for spring reseedingvi
have cancelled their orders. It is
pretty generally " expected that moroj
than the usual amount of rcseedingj
will be necessary, duo to unfavorable
fall seeding -and growing conditions',
but not much dan be determined !
definitely until early spring. ,
The Oregon ryo for grain acreage
seeded this fall Is estimated at 34,000
acres compared with 37,000 ucrcs
seeded last fall. Condition of thoj
prop' is placed at 90 per cent. Tho
December 1 condition last your wus
91 per cent, the 1920 condition, win
96 per cent and tho 10-yuai averasej
96 per cent.
Tho U. S. ryo acreage seeded this
fall is placed at 6.608,000 acres, com
pared with 6.310.000 acres in 3921;
The December 1 -1922 condition was
84.3 per cent; 1920 90.5 per cent and
the io-ycar average 90.8 per cent.
it was estimated today. Eighteen
death claims Aggregating $81,000
were approved yesterday by the city
council's finance committee. The city
previously had paid $20,8000 for five
other deaths.
LOS AXOELES, Dec. 21. Los
Angeles police placed little credence,
they said, In tho story told tho au
thorities of Toledo, Ohio, by John
Marnzino that ho knew who killed
William Desmond Taylor, motion pic
ture director, hero last February "i
and that because of his knowledge
Mb life was In danger. Records
showed Marazino was unknown to tho
Los Amteles police department. Of
ficers said they had considered his
theory that a "drug ring" was back
of the Taylor murder, but had aban
doned It many months ago for lack of
NEW HAVEN. Conn. Two under
graduate committees, one nindo up of
academic students and the other rep-,
resentinir ' thn Hlu.rrioid Hclentiric I
school, havo been chosen ut.Ynln uni
versity to work toward co-operation
In the student body to bring about a
greater . respect for the prohibition
laws. '
Summons for Publication
In the Circuit Court of the State of
Oregon,- for Jackson County.
The City of .Medford. Oregon, a munic
ipal corporation. Plaintiff, vs. Wm.
llittle Wells and . Muble Parker
Wells, husband and wife; Scott V.
Davis and Ida H. Davis, husband and
wife; G. M . "Wells, Richard Williams,
Florence Wost; the unknown heirs
of the above namoJ defendants if
deceased; also all other persons or
parties unknown claiming any right,
title, estate, Hen or Interest In the
real estate described In the com
plaint herein, Defendants.
.To the above named G. M. . Wells,
Richard Williams, Florence West; the
unknown heirs of the above named de
fendants If deceased: also all other
persons or parties unknown claiming
any right, title, estate, lien or Interest
in the real estate described in the
complaint herein, and each of them:
In the Name of the State of Oregon
You, and each of you, are hereby re
quired to appear and answer the com
plaint filed against you In tho above
entitled Court and cause, on or before
the last day prescribed In the order for
publication of summons herein, to-wlt:
on or before the expiration of six
weeks from the date of the first publi
cation of said summons.
And you, and each of you, are hereby
notified that if you fail to so appear
and answer said complaint or other
wise plead thereto, within said time,
for want thereof the plaintiff "wllf ap
ply to tho Court for the relief demand
ed and prayed for in Ihe complaint,
succinctly stated as follows, to-wit:
For a decree of the Court requiring
the defendants, and each of them, to
set forth the nature of their claims In
and to the following described real
property, situated in the County of,
Jackson and State' of Oregon, to-wlt:
An undivided five-sixths Interest in
and to lots numbered - One ( 1 ) and
Two .(2) of Block number "Twenty-
tnreo (23) or the Original Town mow
City) of Medford. Oregon, as the same
are numbered, designated and de
scribed on the official plat thereof,
now of record: . .;
And that all adverse claims to said
premises may be determined by decree
of this Court:
That by said decree it be declared
and adjudged that plaintiff is the
owner in fee of said premises; that
lts tltle be qnleted and declared good
and valid; and that the defendants.
and each of them, be adjudged and de
creed to have no estate, or Interest
whatever in or to said premises, or any
pare tuereor; . ,
That said 'defendants, 'and each of
them, be forever onjolned nd 'de
barred from asserting any claim what
ever In r to said premises adverse to
mo piainuti;
That plaintiff have an order of the
Court directing the Registrar of Titles
of Jackson County, Oregon, to cancel
the outstanding certificate of title to
said premises, and to transfer said
promises and Issue a certificate of title
thereto to the plaintiff.
'This summons is published In the
Medford Wail Tribune, by order of
Honorable K M. Calkins( Judge of the
above entitled .Court, duly made and
entered on the 4th day of December,
1922. The date of the first publication
of this summons is the 7th day of De
cember, 1922.
' Attorney for Plaintiff.
Address: Rooms 201-206. First Nafl
Uank Illdg., Medford, Oregon.
CHICAGO. Dec. St. Another
rrfovrment'of footloose 1. W. W. was
snid to be directed westward today
with I-os Angeles the objovtlve point
as a rvsult of appeals to tho I. W. W.
Iirntbtiiartrrs lure from the marine
transport workbrs. It Is planned to
fill the Jntls. where already 140 1. W.
W. are wild to be under arrest In con
nection with the dock workers' situ
mlon nt San I'cdrof according to the
Defense News Service.
News Summary,
of Last Night
PLYMOUTH. Mass. Plymouth to
day observed -Forefathers- day. In
memory of the PIlKrlms who landed
from the Mayflower at Prymouth
rook SO: years ko. The program In
cluded 'a military and civic parade,
addresses "by prominent citizens and
the singing of Pilgrim hymns.
PAHIS Btlll another group has
been formed In the chamber of dep
uties It describes Itself ns being or
ganised for the "suppression of the
crime of war."' The honorary presi
dent la Henry Pate.
CHICAGO The 191 Chicago race
riots will cost the citizens tcor. than
tsaonan bAsl.Ie their .harp of the f.f tn:UtitVitur titleo slate
troepei on patrol here for nine days.
Notica to Creditor
In the County Court of the State or
Oregon In and for the County of
In the Matter of the Last Wfll ind
Testament of Mary B. Orr, deceased.
Notice is hereby given to all persons
having claims against the estate of
Mary u. Orr. deceased, to - present
them properly verified to the under
signed, at the office ofu. C. Hoggs.-ao
North Central Avenue, Medford. Jack
son County, Oregon, within six CO
months from the date of the first pub
lication of this not Ice, which date is
tho 23rd day of November. 1922.
KTeentriv of the Kslste of
Mary B. Orr, deceased. ,
Most all men enjoy something from this man's Store
and here we offer the choicest quality in "Smok
ables." . ,
Nothing but the highest type of cigars is presented at prices that are truly moderate.
When you buy here you get every assurance that the recipient will appreciate the gift.
Pipes, Cigarette Holders, Cigarette Cases, Cigar
HoldersCigars put up in boxes from 10 to 100.
Ladies Always Welcome
: Notice of Sale of Real Pronertv
I In the County Court of the State of
uregon. for Jackson County.
In the matter of the Guardianship of
Francis George Clausing, Arthur
"Roland Clausing, and Walter Orville
"Clausing. Minora. -.
Notice is hereby given that the
'undersigned, George F. Clausing, guar
' dlan of the person and estate of the
Bbovo named, minors, under and by
I virtuo of an ordor duly made, rendered
and entered on Dec. 4th, 1922, by tho
! above entitled court In said cause,
! lloonslng him so to do. will, on and
after the 6th day of January, 1923,
offer for tale, and will sell, at private
sale, at the office of F. J. Newman.
In the Palm Block, in the City of
Medford. Oregon, to the highest bidder
for cash, or on such terms as may be
approved by said court, the following
described premises, lying and being
situnte In Jackson County, Oregon, and
belonging to tho above named minors,
Lot numbered 4 In Block numbered
1?, of the' city (formerly town) - of
Medford. Oregon; also beginning 25
feet north of Uio southwest corner of
Iot G In Block 3. west Medford, as
designated upon tho plat of said sub
division now of record In tho office of
the county recorder of Jackson Counts'.
Oregon, and running: thence east 1S9
feet; thence north 16S ' feet; thence
west 189 feet, thence south 168 feet
to the place of beginning, all being in
Jackson County. Oregon. Said Lot 4,
Block 17 being subject to a mortgage
in the sum of llfioft ftfl. and will be sold
subject to said Mortgage, said prom-'
ises to be sold colloctlvely or separ
Dated December 7th, -1922. Date of
first publication December 7th; 1922.
Guardian of the person and estate of
Francis Goorpo Clausing, Arthur Ro
land Clausing, and Walter Orvlllo
(.musing, Minors.. -
Many have profited by our exceeding
low prices. Do not fail to see them.
Wonderful bargains in gents and
ladies' furnishings. ( Dry goods
of all kinds.
- Corduroy Pants, No. 1 grade
$3.60 . ,
U. S. Army All Wool Shirts $3.1 5
Ladies' Utz & Dunn high class
shoes. Regular $10.00. Now,'
" $8.00
Buy your Christmas Presents during our sale, which closes Satur
day evening, December 23.
A.;B.:-EVANS '
i . Central Point
Plnco Your Order Now for
"Quick Delivery ' ' 1
. Hansen Coal Co.
(8uccossors to lCacls)
M 8. Fir'Sfc r. . Phone 230-0
Medford Vulcanizing Works'
. For QnlrV Seirvp.. Pi,,mV i t o
fir Pi 2 N5n-osna H
I ! J
.""-ST V -
,v A ' THIRD
Power Economy
Flexibility Speed
to a degree heretofore unknown,
in connection with the Ford car,
are now made available through
the Ruckstell Two Speed Axle.
Four Forward Speeds
and Two Reverse
Operation of the Ruckstell Axle is
positive and noiseless, all changes
being made by simply pushing
forward or pulling back the con
trol lever.
It's all very simple because you
can't get out of gear and you
never fail to make the correct
change under any condition of
engine or car speed.
To really appreciate the advantages of
a Rudcatell equipped Ford, you must
ride in the car ask any Ford dealer
for a demonstration. You'll enjoy it
; without incurring any obligation.
$62.40' f.o.b. Berkeley, Cal.