pace Frrnirr xnmroRD ifiiE tribcjte. medford Oregon. Tuesday. iErKMLi:n io. 1022 10,000 CARS OF APPLES DUMPED INTO COLUMBIA KETTLES BOILING E Th Hlvatum Army appreciate th Washington Growers Protest;"5' in "teh - I Ihc onur-lzjlion In contributing of Against Low Prices and.,h,r mtan to,rr h cbrima and rtlUrf work. Hiah Freiaht Iowa Senator to om. o- a hundred doiiar. I com In xhrtjVKH the kettle and with tor 'Common People Every where He Admits. this amount and that which Hill steadily come In, the Salvation Anr.y erpecis to make many happy which otherwise might not receive the blM- iiisrs that attend Christma In the honfea of moderate means. The" newii hoys of the street cpr- f WASHINGTON. lte. 14 The ad ministration hit.oiUK bill wa attack- riers. the g-lria of the atorea and of- d and thf. Norrts agricultural finar.o- n,J th biinei men. aa they 'in measore waa praiaed In the .en- "a? f"y, ",""r '.? the' """a"""- . . . .' and do It with a smile. ;al today by supporter, ot the mo-, A autiful ,pirll of , Hon to lay aside mo shipping legUla- af,rftad ia ,h!, community which will lion In farorof the .N'&rris bill. I'repa- more Keenly felt and aureciated .rations were made under the corer christrnaa niorninc in the homes of 'C. debate for a vote btfor adjourn- the poor. ' went. I Captain Ford, officer In charge of ! Senator lirookhart, republican, of th or- lat ,here ta rat, I.a, led off for th supporters of clothln especially for chil .. i dren and men. and requests those who the motion with an attack on the hv ,,,, unrt hm. mhi, h tblpplng bill, which ho declared was aoSng no ont good or whlch ta tut. oppowd by tho "common peoplo er- grown, that it will be sent to the erywhere." He said tho situation relief department. i20 E. Main fit demanded Immedlati attention and or call phone number tit and it will read a telegram from John Oulncy be called for. AAamm nrhi,:, of ll.r, Farmers' J '"Jit. or Other articles Of .i, ... tt... ...... ,.i u',.i,in,inn , food will be gladly accepted. ' . . ' . . I'erwonal thought, attention and saying that owing to tho low pricoa ACTos will bring to the giver the aiii treigov rai r. aa.j..iKioii api"- Wr1winlc that the savior promised was forced by tkksejc to lew case toon after ru beginnisg. re the SPOKANE, Dec. 1 J. Whether or cot tbe state will be permitted to re open Its case in tho trial of fourteen defendant! charged with subornation of perjury in connection with tbe Ecg Dro?. PORTLAND, Ore., Dec. !. Eggal, declined three cent' a dois whole-; sale here today da' tc- moderating weather and .recessions in csuide' markets. Wholesale nricea for se lects bow range 50 to hZ cents, firsts. i to JO cents and pallets 43 to ' cents. ' " ' ... I . taat Attorney General Seymour aa-' Wright-Martin ca.-e would be submit- .-.llwiur ;-""""."". ' , . : ,,f AitXiUiibT I.inuay, Jr., Co be a. aounced that if Mr. Woodruff and u item. . '. A1"' " ' . . , ,,, ... , rzz ; The : "' lu,ulce of ,l,e uPreme of lost ice all the papers relating to th : r"rn'iw if l-u M Hull "' '"' "' , IN KINDER MOOO (Continued from ps one) to go a mAUer for this committee into."' murder trial of Maurice Codd was' The South Dakota member said that postponed by Superior Judge Askrenjin view of the suits brought by the; today until Thursday. Meanwhile , department of Justice there had been a ; be directed that tbe defense counsel ' decided change in the situation since: examine three new witnesses who the last April. Referring to tbe pre para-1 state has asked be permitted to tes-ition of tbe cases, he added that Mr. t!fy that Codd told them he threw ' Dacgherty necessarily had to re-organ-j Frank F. Brlnkton. a soldier, down a 'tee tbe department and much time was. light well In a local lodging house, ' needed to Investigate all tbe cases. causing bis death. The defense con-1 Reiterated that be believed the sito-j tend Brinkton fell down the shaf ration with respect to war fraud cases during an altercation with Codd. bad been corrected so far as the- de- The second member of the coun- partment of justice was concerned Mr. ell for tbe defense, was forced to . Johnson said it had not been so far as leave the case today when Attorney the war department bad been con Edward W. Robertson, nephew of F.'cerned. j C. Robertson, one of the defendants, j "I think a lot of officers down there went to tbe hospital with a broken ought to be court martialed, instead of j leg, sustained yesterday when he promoted," said Mr. Johnson. j slipped and fell. Attorney Jravw Mr. Johnson was excused and Assls-; grower): were dumping l1).')')') car 'loidi! of fruit In the Columbia river, i The provisions of the Norrlu bill were detailed by Its author. Chair man .Vorrif of the agriculture com- 'mlttee, who declared It sought to set u; a ' gigantic middleman. when He said. "It Iff more blessed to give than to receive." Tanker Missing PORTLAND. Ore., Decj 19. The tanker Richmond of tbe Standard Oil under company which left Astoria, Ore., yes- Kovernment direction which would terday at 9 p. m. for Portland and was enter Into competition with privately j due here about midnight, had '.not arrived here early this arternoon and efforts were being made to locate the craft. jezlablisbed concerns. WASHINGTON, TJec. 19 Hear 'Iiisji by a senate suWommlltee on the ficnlon bill providing for fed eral rr-gulation of scurlty Issues by barr'ng certain classes from Iron Workers Agree CINCINNATI, Dec. 19. Internation- the'al headquarters of the Iron molders' malic were closed today with testi-; union here has been notified by Presi- mr.ny of W. t. Davie of Fort Worth," dent Joseph F. Valentine, who is at Texa, . reprewnling the clearing ! Atlantic City, that an agreement had hoito association of that city. I been concluded with the stove foun- ' The iCli-cominlttPe Ir expected folders' national defense organization 'submit Its report which probably will ' whereby the minimum wage on day siiapest several changei; In the bill, I work for molders Is advanced from 19 Jftcr tlin Christ ma recc-ie. to 15.50 a day. Tho scale for piece ',' The Ford Worth clearing house work also has been Increased, Valcn 'through Its representative entered ob- tine said. Jections to some features of tho blll " too drastic, although recognizing j With Med ford trade Is Medford made. ,lia iran curb should bo placed oni . site IsKiianre of frandulnnt securities.! Sun Classified ads get results. i .1 V' 1 Tomorrow WALLACE REID in "The Dictator" ultli I Jin ln nml a (rri'iit rafit. Can you iiiiuiiin n bet ter Combltuitiun than that nlileli brings America's matinee Idol "Wally" IU-ltl to Uw In role rnlit of Itlclmi d llfinllnt; DnviM Mfiroat. r-it Ktoty," "Tbo llc tutor." ( - ' Toiilubf "1I(X)T ' filllSOX In i; Tlu- IahiIciI I lour" R I ALTO A Visit From St. Nicholas Complete the Christmas Tablo with I Peerless Bakery BUTTER-NUT Bread One loaf will convince you of its superiority! Just 100 years ago on tbe night of Dec. 24, 1821, Dr. Clement Moore Clarke wrote this famous poem that has thrilled the hearts of so many children and grown folks and has been published every year during tbe past century, by hundreds of newspapers. 1 . Dr. Moire was at that time professor of biblical learning in a New York seminary and lived in a suburb cailed Chelsea. And on the night be fore Christmas In 122, he read tbe poem to his own children, who had gathered around him to hear the story of Santa Claus, as most children do. The poem was published first by the (Troy. New York) Sentlnal. 'Twas the night before Christmas when all through tbe bouse Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse; The stockings were bung by the chimney with care. In hopes that Saint Nicholas soon would be there. Tbe children were nestled all snug In their beds, -- - While visions of sugarplums danced through their heads, -And Mama In her 'kerchief and I in my cap ' Had just settled our brains for a long Winter's nap. When out on tbe lawn there arose such a clatter . . -I sprang from my bet to see what was the matter. Away to the window I fled like a flash, Tore open tbe shutters and threw up tbe sash. Tbe moon on the breast' of the new fallen snow . -Gave the luster of midday to objects below, -When what to my wandering eyes should appear But a miniature sleigh and eight tiny reindeer. With a little old driver so lively and quick, ' -I knew in a moment It must be Saint Nick. More rapid than eagles bis courses tbey came,, - And he whistled and shouted and called them by name. "Now, Dasher! now. Dancer! now Prance if tt1ifl"Vf!Cii! . , ' On Comet! on Cupid! on Donder and Blltzen! ' ' . To the top or the porch! to tbe top ot the wall! . . Now dash away! dash away!, dash away, all!."-".. As dry leaves that before the wild hurricane fly When they meet with an obstacle mount to the sky, ".' Ro up to the housetop the coursers they flew, With the sleigh full of toys and Saint Nicholas, too. And then In a twinkling I beard on the roof The prancing and pawing of eacli little lioof- ' ' i As I drew In my head and was turning aruuuu, Down the chimney Saint Nicholas came with, a bound. He was dressed all in furs from his head to his foot. And his clothes were all tarnished with ashes and soot. A bundle ot toys like a peddler's just opening his pack; His eyes how tlicy twinkled! His dimples, how merry. Ills cheeks wero like roses, his nose liko a cherry! His droll llttlo mouth was drawn up In a bow. And tho beard on biB chin was as white aa tbe snow; The stump of a pipe ho held tight In bis teeth. And the smoke it encircled his head like a wreath; He had a broad face and a little round belly. That shook when ho laughed like a bowlful of Jelly. Ho was chubby and plump, a right jolly old elf. ' And I laughed when I saw him In nptto of myself; . A wink of his pyc and a twist of his head Soon gave mo to know I bad nothing to dread; Ho spoke not a word, but went straight to his work ' And filled all the stockings, then turned with a jerk' And laying his finger aside of his nose ' And giving a nml tip the, chimney he rose. r . He sprang to his sleigh, to his team gave a whistle. And away they all flew like the down of a thistle; But I heard him cxclnlm ere he tlrovo out of Bight, "Merry Chrlstmns to all, and to all n good night." Christmas Week Offerings New Unbleached Army Bed Shceds, Black Hawk brand 73x90. .'..$1.43 Sport Coats In Wool Khaki ;...:...i..' tlAI Race Coats In dark brown for work or play .l......!.'.......$3.K3 Safety Razors, Gillette style 3Tc New benv- 100 per cent wool Union Suits .......94.00 Campaign Hats, llko now ......'.,.'.JM.23 New Slip-on Swoators, all wool 91.00 New Sheep Lined Molu Skin Coats, S6 size 911.30 New Irish Frieze al) wool Overcoats, a $20.00 value 911.30 O. D. Army Overcoats, reclaim .93.73 0. D. Army Blankets, reclaim, 3 lbs. and SV4 lbs ....,....$2.95 Esmond Blankets, Navajo patterns,, fast colors $1.83 New Cotton Doublo Blankets , , ...$1.9.) Big Ben Alarm Clocks Y , $3.19 Stag Handlo Pocket Knives 91.33 Ebony Handle Pocket Knives i ! OOc Largo Siio Chocolate Candy 2 for 1c Velvet Tobacco , 11c A full lino ot Herman Army Shoes. ' Trade nt the Army Store and Save Money. United Army, Stores 32 Central Ave. South J. ... ; . . , - -- I HOTEL HOLLAND AND CAFE Turkey Dinner $1.25. Christinas Eve, Sunday, Dec. 24, 5:30 to 8:00 p. m. Reservations II. C. Smith, Prop. ...... Music FOR YOUR CHRISTMAS DINNER A Choice ; Selection of Meats ; You'll want the best meat for Christinas Dinner. That's why you'll want tc order now from ' The Economy and West Side Meat Markets ''' : Phone 46 and 649 ' - Quality Meats at Reasonable Prices Here is Your Christmas Cheer! Buy a case of Graplo today. It never fails to arouse en thusiasm among people who enjoy a good beverage. Pure, sparkling, thirst quenching, it is the real drink. Serve it 'after the Christmas dinner when the Yulrf-fire is lighted and it will help ' create . that ' won d e r f u l Christmas atmosphere,' r No Christmas Dinner Is . Complete without you serve the best v, . Cold Seal Butter, ! Ice Cream, Milk and v Cream ' . ; . . " 'v': ; Jackson County Creamery Medford, Ore. Phone 51