3 MEDFOTTI) MATC TRTBUNTO, MEDFOTIT), OnriOT, TTTESTUY. tVF.CKMBER 10. 1023 jfic!H& jJUM'5SA;- '' " We are Better Prepared Than Ever to . Make THIS CHRISTMAS FEAST OJE :TO BE ; LONG : REMEMBERED. GROCERIES FOR THE CHRISTMAS FESTIVAL West Side . Groceteria 132 West Main St. Phone 109 Hundreds of GIFTS ON DISPLAY IN THIS STORE We have stocked a vide assortment of ideal Christmas gifts. Men will find just the things here that their lady friends will be delighted ' with.- ''" ' ...i '. KODAKS A; -Kodak adds joy to the days of every member of the family. We have a wide assortment and at prices within . the' . reach of your purse. " ; Prices $2.00 to $75.00 ? v. Stationery Always Aocsptable Every, woman -enjoys a gift of sta tionery. It is always accept able and always useful. ' - You'll find some of the very finest here at most reasonable prices. Also put up in gift boxes. AMONG OTHER GIFTS Pyralin Jvory for Ladies 25 Discount , . . , Other Ivory at Cost Imported and Domestic Perfumes in Bottles ', ' and Sets ' AVOGAN'S CANDY Say Merry Christmas ' with a Box of Candy '" i '' It'll please her im meusely. Every wo-; man wantsH, candy at Christmas time. We have candy , in very 'fine gift boxes. Mi.:t .If ' PLAN NOW YOUR PLANTING i Of Trees and Plants for the Season ORDER RELIABLE STOOk FROM GOOD ASSORTMENT. ? CARRIED BY " Salem Nursery Company ..: - '428 Oregon Bldg., Salem, Oregon. FRI LOOKS BEST IN Gordon McKay, ono of tho top notchers among coast middleweight ring men, will arrive In Medford to morrow for a short period of train ing before ho mceta Rattling Ortega in a ten-round main event at tho Nat smoker next Friday night. McKay is an exceptional scrapper and will fiivo Ortega a stiff go from nil Indications, Ortega, however, Is In A-l shape and is hacked by a long string of victories over well-known fighters. Tom Sharkey, who showed up so well at tho Legion smoker Armlstico day, will mix with Jack Bdmonston for six rounds, catchweight entry. Edmonston It appears, Is a mighty clever boy and will bo a good match for Tom. liattllng Prick, ono of tho most popular of local pugilistic aspi rants, will tangle. with Danny Cum mings. - If this fight Is of tho cali ber of Frick's usual entorlalnmcnts, fnns may expect this event to bo one of the best on Friday s card. In tho curtaln-rnlsor Roy Byrcley nnd Kid Rodftera will perform. These two lit tlo 130 pounders should supply an Interesting four-round go. ' 1 The entire card, twenty-six rounds In all, looks better than any program held durin? tho last year. Martin Bowers of Gold Hill is arranging the entertainment 'which assures tho fans their mon'ey's worth. The Medford Boxing commission is supervising the smoker and if tho pcoplo attending do not ?ct their money's worth, the mombers of tho commission assure tliat It will bo refunded. ) A cordinl invitation has been ex. tonflod to thoso Interested to visit the old headquarters of tho Medford Athr lello club in back of A. W. Walker's garage .and see Ortega and McKay work out. i Market News IAvostoik PORTLAND, Dec. 19. Cattle, hogs and sheep nominally steady; uo receipts. lluttrr PORTLAND, Ore., Dec. 19. -Ilul-ter and uuttorfat firm, scarce; prices unchanged. Portland "Wheat PORTLAND, Ore., Doc. 19. Wheat: . Hard white, bluostHin. Eaart $1.50; soft while $1.20; west ern white. $1.26; northern spring, 11.21; bard winter 11.20; western red $1.18. . . . Today's car receipts Wheat 14; oats 4; hay 7. Wheat, option, hard white $1.50: club 1.19(&?1. 20; barley feed J3K: rolled or ground $44; oats .15.80?f 37.50; corn, No. 3 yellow $33 34. Mlllrun 35SG; middlings $I5 47: scratch feed $4(1. Hay, buying price timothy valley, $21; eastern Oregon 24: alfalfa $21; grain $22; clover 21; straw $9 a ton. N. Y. Stocks TOO MANY BILLS WASHINGTON, Dee. 19. Federal Farm Loan Commissioner Lobdell gave tho senate committee his opinion of various features of pending bills proposing additional farm loan credits. Directing particular attention to the proposal to establish:!' government de benture department to handle loans secured by personal property, he sug gested that If guch debentures were issued it should be under direction of the federal reserve system rather than under the farm land banks. He could see no objection, he said, to creating credit based upon production. . Such credits would rest, he added, upon the personal character and standing of the borrower there being no tangible basis of credit In a growing crop. In discussing proposals to Increase from $10,000 to $25,000 the maximum ot loans which could be made by land banks to any one borrower, Mr. Lob dell gave his conditional approval, sug gesting, however, that such an in crease might operate to the disadvan tage of the small borrower. Various methods were discussed by members of the committee with Com mtssfoner . Lobdell looking to some means by which state banks and trust companies could be brought Into the federal reserve system. The general condition of the farmer Is much better than last year, Mr. Lobdell said, adding that agricultural demands for credit are being better met now than a year ago. . Court News (Furnished by the Jackson County Abstract Co.) Real Estate Transfers. Marriage Licenses Netherdread Thomas and Edith Carthell. 10 125 Dort Anderson (trustee) to An drea Johnson, lots 10, 11, 12, blk. 5, Imperial Add: Medford.. John W. Hall ct ux to Win. Hall et ux, WV4 of SW, sec, 4, tp, 33 8. II. 1 W Ralph Raymond et nl to A.- F. Hortskorta et ux, lot 2, liar . bough Sub-division .. R. H. Toft ot ux to City of lied--,tO) d. lots 1, 2, 3, 4, , blk. 10, Imperial Add. to Medford. R. H. Toft et ux to City of Med ford, lot 7, blk. 6, Imperial Add. to Medford U. H. Toft et ux to City of Med ford, lots 17 and 18, blk. 2, Grays Add. Medford J. T. Gannon to Pine Lumber Co., land In Walnut Park Add. Medford . .... Carrie E. Carnaban ct vir to Por ter J. Neff, lots 11-12, 8V4 lot 10, blk. 12, Medford 12,000 Herbert L. Alford et ux to Roy C. .Thomas, W. 43 ft. lot 5, E. 25 25 60 10 WASHINGTON, Dec. 19 Objec tion to Immedlute consideration was made when the nomination of Pierce Butler, St. Paul attorney, to he an as sociate justice of the supreme court was brought up today at an execu tive session of the senate. The objection was understood tn have been made by Senator lloblnson democrat, Arkansas on behalf of several absent senators and led to brief discussion during which It was learned . that a - snmwwhnt ' tentative agreement was renched In take tip tho Poultry and Kggs ' i PORTLAND, Ore., Dee. 19. Eggs, selling price, case count 42 44c: buying price, current receipts 42c; henneries 46&48c; selling, price, canillud 48 Si 50c; .selected candled in cartons 60 52c. Poultry demoralized; hens, live 13 21c; dressed 22 25c; broilers, live 1718c: dressed 24 S 25c; roosters, old, Uvo 10c; turkeys, live 28c; dressed 3637c; geese, live -nominul; dressed 20(p'22c; ducks, llvo nominal, dressed 22 25c. . , ' Sun Fwincisro Markets SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 19. (U. S. Bureau ot Agricultural Econ omics.) Eggs extras 54c; evtra pul lets 49 c. SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 12. (State Division of Markets.) Poul try unchanged. Chicago Wheat CHICAGO, Dec. 19. Wheat: No. 2 tinrrt 1 1 27 (f?) 1 2 R M . Torn Nn 2 mixed 7677c; No. 2 yellow 76 ?7 -c. Oats No. 2 white 4614 I 48; No. 3 white 44V445c. Rye No. 2 9191. c Barley 6371c. Timothy seed $6.006.75; clover seed $16.0020.00. Pork nominal. Lard $10.55. Ribs $10.5011.50. Liberty ltouds NEW YORK, Dec. 19. Liberty bonds closed: 3 Vs 100.48; first 4's blank; second ' Vs 98.12; first 44's 98.90; second 4's 98.10; third 4 's 98.76; 'fourth 4's 98.48; Victory uncalled 4's 100.34; called blank; TJ. S. Treasury 4'4's 99.78. NEW YORK, Dec. 19. Prices of stocks shifted about in a bewlldorlng fashion after mid-day, bouyancy showing In some Issues while others wero acttttely weak. National Lead Jumped six points, Cluett. Peabody 3 and St. Louis Western preferred, Weattnghouso Eloctrlc and Pierce Ar row preferred 1 to 3. Meantime Delaware and Hudson was dropping 3 points and Central, Leather. Amer ican Smelting, International Harves ter, Sears Roebuck, Union Pacific and .Marino preferred 1 to 2 points. An official announcement that no stock dividend was contemplated by tho General Electric company caused a break in tho shares from 109 to 108 which turned tho general . trend downward In the later dealings. Allied Chemical & Dye 80.7 Allsi-Chalmers 44 Aniorlcan Beet Sugar 38.8 American Can 73.5 American Car & Foundry.-- 1S3 American Hide & Leather pfd 63.5 American International Corp 28.1 American Locomotive 125 ; American Smelting & Rofg 5C.8 American Sugar 74.7 Aniorlcan Sumatra Tobacco 24.7 American T. & T 124.8 American Tobacco 152.5 American Woolen 95.7 Anaconda Copper 50.5 Atchison ....:.,.i00.7' Atl., Gulf & W. Indies - 22 Baldwin Locomotive 130.7 Baltimore & Ohio 41.2 Bethlehem Steel "B" 61.7 Cnnadian Pacific 141.5 Central Leather 32 Chandler Motors 62.3 Chesapoake & Ohio 70.7 Chicago, Mil. and St. Paul 21.2 Chicago, R. I. & Pac 30.6 Chino Copper - 26.5 Colorado Fuel & Iron 25 Corn Products 130.3 Crucible Steel 70.5 Erie , 10.2 Famous Players-Lasky 92.2 General Asphalt ., 46.3 General Electric .. 184.6 General Motors 1 13.6 Goodrich Co. , . 33.6 Great Northern pfd - 77.5 Illinois Central - 107.8 Inspiration Copper 35.7 City Attorney Fred W. Mears who left last week for a visit at California points is. hot expected home until some time after Christmas,, hence will not be present at tonight's city council meeting. It was erroneously, announc ed In this newspaper last week that Mrs. Mears had accompanied, him on the trip. . - Genuine leather handbags, latest style. Hasklns Drug Store. 234 Fine-toned guitars. Root Music Co. -232T Auto Insurance, Brown & White. Crescent orchestra masquerade, Eagle Point, Sat., Dec. 30th. 239 Christmas gloves with , very . low prices prevailing as we are closing out this line. The Busy Cornor Motor Co. 234 Mrs. York's home-made fruit cake' and plum pudding at Marsh Grocery. .231 Sash and doors. Medtord Lumber Co. Hemstitching and pocotlng at Deuel's. 240' Thirteen more hundredths of an inch of rain had fallen here during the 24 hours ending at 8 a. m. today,. and tho prediction Is for Bhowers tonight and Wednesday. There was only 3 de grees difference between yesterday's maximum of 40 degrees above and this morning's minimum of 37.14 degrees above. . ... Jones' Xmas candles are all here buy while the supply is fresh. 231 ..Will pay cash for a bargain in a good used piano. II. G. Launspach. Phono 646-R. When better automobiles are built, Buick will build them. , tf , See Jones about that Xmas candy. . 231 The post offices will not i accept packages that aro not well wrappod. Better let us wrap them for you and insure safe delivery. Mall Tribune, tf Auto lnnurano. Brown & White. - .Crescent orchestra masquerade, Eagle Point, Sat., Doc 30th. 239 . Strathmore novelties, beautifully boxed, with clever verBes, 60c to $1.50. The Vanity Shop, Main at Bartlett. . . 233 TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY FOR SALE Surveyor's transit, $40.00. Luke Ryan, 216 E. Jackson 8t 231 FOR RENT Modern bungalow, gas good garden, garage, olose In, unfur nished or partly fumlBhed, cheap. Phone 814 after 6 o'clock. 231 WANTED Married man for ranch .work. Steady Job by the day. Call ' 491. 231 FOR SALE Guinea -pigs, 26c each. Phone 666-M. 231 WANTED Ford body. Phone 666-M 231 WA NTED Ex perlettccd confectionery girls at Crowson's. Apply In person at once. FOR SALE 3 year. old Hamlltoniau mure, gentle nnd sound, well broke. International Harvester .... Int. Mer. Marino pfd International Paper '. ... Invincible Oil 1...... Kelly-Springfield Tire . Kennecott Copper Louisville & Nashville Mexican Petroleum . Miami Copper Middle States Oil ; Mldvalo Steel Missouri Pacific ..J .... .... 90.5 . 80.6 . 52 . 14 . 43.5 . 37.6 .130 .251 . 27 . 11.2 , 28 ,. 16.8 New York Central 93 N. Y., N. H. and Hartford. 20.6 Norfolk & Western 109.6 Northern Pacific Oklahoma Prod. & Ref. Pacific Oil Pan American Petroleum Pennsylvania . 1 People's Gas Pure Oil Ray Consolidated Copper... Reading Rep. Iron & Steel 46 75.2 1.8 44.8 90.1 46.2 93 27.5 14.6 78.7 Royal Dutch, N. Y. Sears Roebuck Sinclair Con. Oil Southern Pacifio Southern Railway Standard Oil of N. 61.5 88.8 31.5 87 23 39.1 Studebaker Corporation . . 133.7 Tennessee Copper . Texas Co. 9.2 ..... 47.2 ..... 20.7 ..... 82.5 12.2 135.2 71 Toxas & Pacifio Tobacco Products Transcontinental Oil . Union Pacific United Retail Stores U. S. Ind. Olcohol 66.2 United States Rubber 52.3 United States Steel . ......106.5 Utah Copper . 64 Wostingohuse Electric 59.fi villys Overland . 6.5 Aniorlcan Zinc, Lead and 8m 16.1 Butte and Superior 32.1 Cala. Petroleum 57 Montana Power 67 Shnttuck Arizona ... 7.8 Groat Northern Ore - 31 Maxwell B '. 34.5 Linseed 31.5 With Medford trade Is Medford made. I PATTERSON PICTURES The one gift sure of appreciation and an , everlasting - reminder of your Christmas Greetings. Every si3e and price at MEDFORD BOOK STORE He Have Made a Big Mark Down , on, our basket. prices. This is an im- ported line. No home has too many baskets. , Heath's Drug Store Phone Eight-Eight-Four ' ' lC9 E.Main ' ' A man would rather have a five gallon . . can of, . -'i ;v Valvoline Oil for Christinas than a handful of Wild Neckties Jones & Kirkpatrick Patronize an Independent Service Station ffl i r DON'T FORGET THAT EVEN FOR CHRISTMAS A Miller Geared-to-the-Road Tire "Goes A Long Way to Make Friends" Exchange Tire Company 28 North .Riverside ; - :y;;'ff;l m IN i nominstivn Tftwrwy. W, Jl, Ucckman, pljoric GOO-U-0, . Jj31 Kviiniisirwnovrci