( A MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, 'MEDFORD. OREO OX, TUESDAY. DECEMBER 19, 1922 PAGE THREE VIA BLUE LEDGE ; The American Smelting &. Develop ment company, own Ins hydro-elcctrlc power on the Klnmoti river and altos ut M .Trinidad, port oC - Humbdldt county, California, for installation of a gmeltlng plant, is reported ready to build a railway connecting the port with points on the ' Klamath as far ;us Happy Camp (Qray -Eagle mine) in Siskiyou county, 10 .miles south of the .Oregon line. Development of -power at Ishl-plsh boiian nbou tlO years ago under di rection of Frank Lungford, who Just prior to that handled installation of equipment nt Braden mine in Chile, South America, slnoo taken over by the American Smelting & Keflnlng or the Guggenheim Interests. The last transfer of the proportles at Trinidad indicates entrance of Colonel JaokUntc into that phase of the plans. It Is understood that dn- clsion to build tho railway was taken last month at tho time of the pur chase by , Anaconda of Chile Copper, & Ouggenhelm enterprise. . fehlit last transaction is viewed with some reservations by those who re member the acquisition of the Oug genhelm smelting interests in 1900 by the "American Smelting & Refining company. It developed immediately after the sale that Guggen helms own ed ft-.majority of smelter stock. Since that time -water has been running under the bridge, throe Important ' membeni of the Guggenheim family '. have died and tho family holdings In A. B. & II. stock have been largely . liquidated. .Anacona Is in ty stromc position, nnd one which lost nothing by pur r chose of American Brass early this year,, so tho Anaconda could easily swallow ' the largest ; copper mine known In tho world, Chile. ,J, .For some years there have been ob , seure Indications that Gray Eagle copper while standing in the name-of Thompson & Ounn, is really con trolled by Anaconda, one "of - which ":was.a sum carried on tho balance sheet for the construction of this rall : road to Gray Eagle. ' The future of mining in the Med 5 ford district is largely dependent on ' the building of this railroad to Gray Eagle, which will soon bo com. i menced, according1 to this informs ! tlon. Blue Ledge mine, another copper I property, in the vicinity of Gray Eagle ij Is 'handled from Medford. Blue Ledge . , . , , is on the Boguo river drainage and has shipped more than one hundred cars of high grade ore through Jacksonville- and Medford to Tacomn. The Oregon highway commission this month took . the steps necessary to bring about connection by a high way through the Siskiyou range be tween uray jsagio and uiue Licage. The Oregon end of this interstate road is known as the Blue Ledre highway, running from Medford through Jacksonville to tho state line at Seattle Bar. - It is regarded as certain that this railroad up the Klamath River -eventually will bo extended to Klamath Falls. Being on wafer grade through out, it will bo tho natural outlet to tidewater of suoh Southern Oregon tonnage la is handled by sea. Port land Journal. WORLD PEACE DRIVE TO START SUNDAY WASHINGTON. Deo. 19. The fod- eral council of churches of Christ in America today issued ' a request to 100,000 congregations In the United States to observe .December 24 aB "world peace Sunday," to demand that the governments of the -world find ways to settle tbelr disputes other than by war.- The message also asked that the churches act jn-conccrt thru- out the year toward' attainment of n wnrless -world through ' International co-operation. ' " Christians In 27 countries- will ob serve " world peace Sunday; it wns added. WASHINGTON, Dec. 19. General encouragement as to the prospects of meeting present prohibition enforce ment problems through closer co-opor-adon between the federal and state authorities and an earnest appeal for reverence of the law was felt today by the administration as a result of President Harding's conference on the subject with state governors. . Among the fourteen state executives who discussed the subject informally with the president nnd administration officials there appeared to be almost unanimous opinion that the way to Improvement in the enforcement sltua tlon lay not in relaxation of the pres ent enforcement Btatute but rather In more rigid execution of Its terms. In a statement after the conference, Prohibition Commissioner Huynes said in many instances the reports of the governors were of an, "encouraging nature." , LONDON Prince George, the king's youngest son, was successfully operated upon for appendicitis today. CLEVELAND A long d'ntance phonograph which will record sounds mndo hundreds of miles away, wns demonstrated to tho society of west ern engineers last night by B. 11. Colpitis of the T"mr..rn Flvtiir company. He nlso dei:;jnsti-Hted r. de vice through whicl live conversations can be carried mi vor o-.o phone line, any one bcln:r cut out at will by tut-ning a wiicn. MOBILE, Ala. Mobile will be given the same rate as New Orleans on export and Import traffic shipped between the Pnelfle const and gulf by rail, according to notice received today nt tho traffic bureau of the chamber of commerce. NEW YORK The birth of a grandson of the late Andrew t'at-ne-glo wns announced today. The motlnr Is Mrs. Roswell Miller only child of the iron rnaRter. v , NOTICE. Through an Krror Our Office Telephone Number was oinltlnd In the new Directory, IT IS 77 dr. n. k. Mimriiy. ' , Dentistry nnd X-Ray Snd Floor Medford Illrig. . . "Tho' United -V Mates Is HoInK ivWct" : .- INDEPENDENT STEEL . TOUNGSTOWN. Ohio, Dec- 19. Talk of a possible meTger of 'the Toungstown Sheet nnd Tubo com pany nnd the Brier Hill Steel com pany,, two of tho largest independent steel companies in the country, wns revived today with tho news that prominent stockholders of tho two concerns had re-opened negotiations. . Conferences held several months ago resulted In a refusal by the Sheet and Tube company to purchase the properties of tho Brier . Hill. Since then the lnttor company has floated a (10,000,000 bond issue and has em barked on n. program of expansion. METHODIST BISHOP CRITICALLY ILL BALDWIN, Kas Deb. 19. Tho con dition of Bishop W. A. Quay le of the Methodist Episcopal church, St. Louis, who Is critically ill at his homo hero was reported today as unchanged. Bishop Quale was convalescing from a stroke of paralysis suffered in Cali fornia last fall when he suffered the second and third strokes Sunday. The attack has left him speechless. Lai-nln' By Radio. WASHINGTON, Dec. 19. John T. Tiger, commissioner of education an nounced today that Thursday his bu reau would start a .regular schedule of educational messages- by .radio. The messages will bo broadcast Mon days nnd Thursdays between' 6:45 and 7 p. m.,. eastern time, ohvft -wave length of 430 meters through N. X F., tho Anacostlrt rinvnl station 1 , .: VERA CRUZ Tho strike of the dock workers was settled last night at- a conference of representatives of the men and B. Hollway, general manager of tho Mexican railway and the Vera Cruz terminal. The work ers get a 22 per eont wage lncMn.se for three months. ' - E EVERETT RECALl EVERETT,': Wash,. Dec, 19. A re call petition signed by 1,408 names, many of them names -of women, ask ing for the recall of C. A. Turner, commissioner of public safety was filed late yesterday with tho city clerk. Several charges are made ltir eluding that of exceeding the budget limit -for . tho police dcpai'tmont. of permitting for a tlmo operation of gambling devices,' nntTof falling to enforce liquor laws. Bcnjnmliv W. Sherwood,: an.' attorney, who framed tho original 'charges, filed the pet! tion. ... -;'-. "i . ' ' Lost Aviator" Found. ! SALT LAKfi- CITY, Dec. 19. Air Mall Pilot .Henry Boonstra, missing since Friday, morning when he be came lost in a bliszard en route to Rock Springs, Wyo has been found alive and well at the Rlgby ranch four miles south of 'where his wreck ed plane was discovered late yester day, according to advices received by nlr mall officials here this morning. NUTS ' For CHRISTMAS Soft Shell Walnuts Chestnuts Manchurian Walnuts Almonds Brazil Nuts Pecans Filberts Shelled Walnuts Shelled Almonds Shelled Pecans Salted Almonds Salted Peanuts Pine Nuts Peanuts Black Walnuts Mrs. York's Home Made Fruit and Plum Pudding Gake Heinz Mince Meat Libby's Mince Meat Home Made Mince Meat None Such Mince Meat Heinz Plum Pudding Heinz Fig Pudding Libby's Plum Pudding N. B. C. Fruit Cake Cluster Raisins Layer Figs Pulled Figs ' Fard Dates Christmas Candy and Granges Candied Cherries Candied Pineapple Stuffed Figs Stuffed Dates Fancy Spitzenberg Apples Fancy Jonathan Apples FANCY FRUIT AND NUTS IN REDWOOD BOXES 6 EVERYTHING IN VEGETABLES V Personal Attention v . s . ;.. .a ; , Prompt Service Phone 252 H. E, MAR5H .;. v'-V; .-. v - .grocer--; - -. - Phone 252 Two Big Shipments ; of TOYS Just Received ' Two Big Shipments of TOYS ; Just Received FOUR MORE BIG DAYS TO SHOP BE SURE AND VISIT FEW SUGGESTIONS WEE IS ORK , ; cr.ITTHFRrSI HRFr.nN'S Rir.r.FST TOY STORE A Most Comprehensive Display, Consisting of : DOLLS OF EVERY DESCRIPTION, WAGONS, CARTS, TRICYCLES, AUTOMOBILES, MECHAN ICAL TOYS OF ALL KINDS, COMPLETE GILBERT LINES OF TOYS, ELECTRIC AND MECHANI- : cal trains; DOLL FURNITURE, GAMES, ETC. FEW SUGGESTIONS -, . ... ' r . Overstuffed Davenports . amir Chairs Buffets Dining Room Sets Rugs, Table Lamps Library Tables Tea Wagons Bed Room Sets Floor Lamps PHONOGRAPHS for Christmas No gift is more occcptfibic at Clirist nifi8 time than a piano or phonograph. We offer you a complete line of new Brunswick instruments and Acolion Vocalion phonoprnphs na well as n com pleto selection of new records. Wc have both pianos and player pianos of .high grade make- at reason able prices. Fancy China, Dish Seta and Glass ware make fine Christmna gifts. We liaro ;thr largest stock in Southern Oreon for your tieleotinn.. Mahogany and Walnut Tiys tor Cln islmai. ill l i i i ; . . - i i i Let this Christmas brighten! the Home GIVE FURNITURE GIFTS WEEKS S ORR Complete House Furnishers Sheffield Ware for Christmas , We have n comprehenBive urrny of Sheffield Hollowwarc which make in comparable Christmas gifts. Wc have sen'ing dishes, fruit dishes, hud vases, candle sticks,, cups, plates, salt, and pepper sets, etc. llodger Hros's silver ware sets. Mahogany Smoking Sets, and smok ing sets for table use will please "Him" this Christmas. Special values' in Chrildrcn's furni ture during Christmas Shopping week. Mother or wife will appreciate and en joy a wjeker sewing stand all the year 'round. Smoking Stands and Sets Flower Vases 1 Gardiniers Dressing Tables; ' ' Taborets ( ' Cedar Chests Writing Desks Book Racks Parlor Stands Pottery and ' : Crockery 5-, .I. frvm?(f 'ym!MTWS-'SrT' . . . l i ',,' ,; -