IfEDFOtlT) : MATL TtllBTTNT!.' lNfEPFORD, OftEClON, TUESDAY, PEC KM P, K R - 1 9. 1 022 PAGE Fin? PAGE THEATRE The Christmas Treat- Mat. and Night Dec. 25 Christmas will not be com plete unless you see the only Mitzi L. ma I MNy VUSVKS OTFCR.S TH LITTLE HUMAN DVNflMO MAIL OIIDKRS NOW ' Bend chock oi' money order to I'aieo -theatre Kneloso SClf-ad-dreSSCd HtlUllH(l OllVClopo tO 111- miro safe- return of tickets. MUCKS At Matinee Lower Floor $2.00; Halcony 1)11.50, $1.00 and 00c. At Night lower Floor $2.50; lSalconv $2.00, $1.30 and $1.00. AAA tfl twin fvt fnn av Kltuu v n.i vwuv mvt lM.it Int. at 3 sharp. Night at 8.20. Why Druggists Recom c mend Swamp Rcot For many years druggists have notched with much Interest the re nia'rkablo record maintained by Dr. Kilmer's Swa'mp-Itoot, the (treat kid ney, liver and bladder medicine. It Is a physicians prescription. Swamp-Itoot is a strengthening medicine. It holps tho kidneys, liver nnd bladder do the work na'.uro In tended they should do. Swamp Root has stood tile test ot years. It Is sold by .all druggists on Its merit and it should help you. No other kidney medicine hns so many friends. - - , Be sure to got Swamp-Root and rtart treatment at once. However, if . you wish Iks! to test this (treat preparation, send ton cents to Dr. Kilmer & Co., fllng hnrnpton, N. Y., for a samphi bottle. When writing, bo suro and mention this paper. . Adv. CANDIES Ymi hovA .' a. flanrlv - Vart.nrv in I your Home Town. We ask for your patronage. Our goods am QfiOfl, pur Prices Right. , -, f . The Shasta HEAT WITH COAL Huco Your Order Now for Quick Delivery Hansen Coal Co. . (Successors to Eads) W 8. KirSt. I'hone 2J10-J M.M. Departm't Store Gifts for Women and Girls LE TOURNEUX BROS. Civil Engineers Surveying, Plotting, Mapping, Drafting. 512 S. Holly St. I'hotie 011-J Blue' Front Fixit Shop 111 p. XlUliy CFU "WE FIX ' ANYTHING" . Phono 434 liazor ' Illadc Sharpening PHOTOGRAPHS for Christmas SWEM'S STUDIO j7 K. Main Bt Medford Brand new 1923 FORD SEDAN Never Been Driven . Liberal Reduction GOOD TERMS 6. V. Myers Valley Oarage Loans to Farmers Under Federal Supervision Money for to refund existing Mort Bagos; buy more land; provide bulld '"gs; Improvements; equipment; llve itock; or for some other agricultural Purpose; on a non-maturing mort SKe at 6 per cent Interest for a term from 20 to 33 years; under an onortUatlon plan; with privilege of Paying any or all payments after five J"oar. and can give prompt attention ' applications In amounts from '".000 to $50,000. i California Joint Slook Land Bank " ' . SAN FRANCISCO. por applications and particulars K, H. Hurt, 403 Medrord nijjf., Medford, Oregon. SILK UNDERWEAR TABLE LINENS LEATHER GOODS IVORY NOVELTIES SUITS COATS BLOUSES BATH ROBES PETTICOATS HOSIERY SWEATERS GLOVES ART LINENS UMBRELLAS NECKWEAR i BEADS RIBBONS BLANKETS SLIPPERS SHOES CAMISOLES TOWELS SILKS HATS GOWNS VEILINGS HANDKERCHIEFS FANCY BASKETS POWDER SETS TOILET WARE BOUDOIR CAPS BATH MATS Gifts for Children DOLLS BOOTIES RATTLES KEWPIES . SLIPPERS HOSIERY , SHOES " CAPS SWEATERS UNDERWEAR BATH ROBES GLOVES HANDKERCHIEFS CRIB BLANKETS RIBBON BOWS MlDepartinenlStore E! PEKING., Dec. 19. (By tho As sociated Press) General Chang 8hao Tseng, tho military leader, has been appointed premier with -the approval of parliament. His- selection, which was supported by General Tsao Kun Is believed to indicate the Intention of tho military party to resume con trol of China. ' Tho Chinese newspapers published reports to tho effect that President IA Yuan Hung will soon rctlro and that General Tsao Kun will take his placo. Another report says thnt Tsao Kun, with the backing of General Chang Tsao Lin, Is preparing hos tilities 'against General Wu Pei Fu for early spring, with tho purpose of placing tho pending government com pletely In tho hands of the militar ists. Tho appointment of Chang Shao Tseng to tho premiership Is declared to be a conceptod move of the mili tarists to regain control. . It is said that with the' support of tho military group in sixteen provinces Tsao Kun Induced President Lu Yuan Hung to nominate the new. premier and that parliament had' acted, almost, unani mously In his favor. This Is taken to Indicate that par liament Is ready to support Tsno ICun'B ambition to accede to the presidency. : ; General Chang Tsao Lin succeeds Wang Shin as premier of China. The latter was designated as acting pre mier early this month in n ministry supplanting thnt headed by Wang Chung Hul. General Chang, who became military governor ot Sul Yuan Cheng in 1912, has not occu pied a prominent place in Chinese af fairs for several years. General Tsao Kun was favored tor tho presidency at the time of Li's election last summer and his name has recently appeared as a prospec tive candidate for tho presidential chair. Dispotches this month . have indicated that Tsao Kun and Gene ray Shao Tseng would como togothcr to attempt to eliminate General Wu Pei Fu. ; TURKS TO GET PEACE TREATY SATURDAY LAUSANNE. Dec. 19. (By : tho Associated Press) It ,was reported Oils oTternoon' that a 'completo draft of hto peace treaty drawn up as a re sult of tho deliberations of the Near Bast conference hero would bo pre snted to the Turks on Saturday. Today's .session of the conference body dealing with tho question of the straits was adjourned at two p. m. until tomorrow without, an agvioment having bceni reached. Tho turklbh delegates: woro. conciliatory, but the Russian representatives . ..maintained an attltudo of opposition. Lord Curzon announced that the discussions wcro dragging on too len iently and that tomorrow's meeting must bo tho last for consideration ot tho straits problem. Foreign Minister Tchltchorln of Russia mado an effort to draw fire from tho American delegation. Ho urged that tho American statement as to tho attitude of tho United States on he question of tho straits should be Interpreted to mean that only war ships on crrandB of mercy could go through the straits to the Black Sea. The American representatives did not reply. -.' . : ' ;'" ' - '; T . '..LAUSANNE, Dee. 16. Djcllaladlnc Arif Bey, representative of tho .An gora government at noma and mem ber of the Turkish dolcgation at tho Near Bastorn conference, was presi dent of tho senate In Constantinople when the allied governments, under British leadership, - closed up the Turkish parliament In 1919 and ban ished most ot tho nationalist leaders who had not joined Mustapha Komal In Angora. ; -. Tho British wcro after DJcllaladlne but ho Vf-as too clover for them. Ho was warned in advance and lay In hiding until ho was able to make his way across tho Bosphorus disguised as a peasant Then ho slowly-worked his way across Anatolia to a point on tho Angora railway which was bo yond allied control. . , 1 DJallaladlno Arlf Bey Is as largo a man as Chief Justice , Taft "of the United tSatcs supremo court. ' His companion in flight was Halldo Edlb Ilanum,- tho celebrated woman na tionalist whom the English also want ed to send to Malta because of her effective agitation against tho terms of tho Sevres treaty. Hallde Edlb Hanum Is of slight, athletic build and found the night walks and horseback rides comparatively easy. But It was difficult to find horses strong enough to carry DJellaladlno Arlf Boy. Tho horses fell under his weight, and ho) was badly battered and bruised be fore ho managed to reach, a zone of safety, .. , .... ; In tho threo years and a half since that flight the Angora ' government has won recognition as tho respon sible government of Turkey; has de feated Greece, and has unseated the Sultan at Constantinople So the rcfugcos of 1919 aro now returning to Europe tinder conditions far dif ferent from those under which they fled. "Have been troubled with weak kid neys since childhood," writes Mrs. O. Hyde, Benzonla, Michigan. "Now past forty and have had terrible backacho and that tired out feeling, hardly able to do my work. Hy using Foley Kid ney Pills accompanied , with ' Foley Cathartic Tablets I soon felt like a new person." Backache, rheumatio pains, dizziness and blurred vision are symp toms ot kidney trouble. Foley Kidney Pills give quick relief. Bold every where. Adv. POLE PRESIDENCY IF ELECTION HELD PAIUS, Dec. 19. (Uy Associated Press), An increasing probability that I Marshal Pilsudskl, former premier of the Polish state, will become a candi date for the presidency of Poland in the election to fill the vacancy caused by the assassination of President Na rutowlcz is reflected in dispatches re ceived by tho Fronoh foreign office Tho marshal's Intervention pre vent reprisals against tho nationalists after tho assassination of tho presi dent Is said greatly to have strength ened his position and it is thought ho will bo able to muster such a majority as to remove his own objections. . WARSAW, Deo. 19. (By Associated Press). The government, In Its ef forts to determine whether a plot ex isted for tho murder of President Narutowicz, is 'continuing to effect searches and arrests among tho na tionalists and many high officers and officials have been, arrested or- dis missed. Kxtraordlnary precautions against possible disorders are being taken In this city and in the mining regions. The country generally Is In mourn ing for tho late president and the government has ordered all officers to wear a crepe armlet for six weeks. All big public entertainments hvae been suspended for the rest of the season In respect to tho president's death. , ENGLISH SEE HOPE OF AMERICAN AID LONDON, Dec. 19. Thoso news papers to ' which tho British public looks for solid and conservative In formation reject tho Idea that a Unlt od States loan to Germany is prob able.' Thoso. Journals aso their skepticism on long reports from their correspondents in tile United States who appear to have probed Import ant sources of Information over the week-end; .. i , ; , .' v . . . i . Tho possibility of American Inter vention in Europe's troubles still en grosses attention here. ' Two or throe of tho morning news papers reiterated with .more ot- less striking embcllishnwnt last night's news reports. .The consensus of opinion- howovor, Is that thero Is something in ''the wind" and that'thero'is a distant pos sibility that America,' In somo way that has not been divulged, will take a hand In helping to' solve the diffi culties which have confronted Euro pean statesmcni .. .- In nil .tho comment thoro is a clear eagerness to see intervention .and thero aro many Indications that this desire Is based on .a confident belief In tho high American ideals. ,. BOY SCOUTS LOCATE BEIRUT, Syria, Dec. 19,-r-(By As sociated Press). The foundations of a larirn Rnmfln fnmnln nmhnlilv nn an. clnnt Knnctimrv nr Arinnln. hnvn born I uncovered near Kassaba by Armenian Boy Scouts from the American Near East relief orphanage at Jebcll, 25 miles north of this city. -. In this same district the boys found Babylonian and Phoenician rollofB which had boon bnricd in the sands for centuries. . ; - ' ', ' : A small museum has been establish ed at the Jebcll orphanage to accom modate the treasure, but it Is expected that the Near Kast relief will send the more important objects to American museums. ; ' . . . ... . FESTIVAL OF NATIVITY Tho festival of tho Nativity was never held on any other day than the 25th day of December. Tho an cient observance of tho feast, how ovor, continued for 12 days, or In ec clesiastical language, "an octave and a half." other festival days having an 4'octavc" or eight days of observ ance only. Henco, tho last day of the feast was termed twelfth day, Little Christmas (among the French) and Old Christmas day In somo parts ot England. It was In 813 A. D., that tho Epiphany was first celebrated as a distinct festival, at the end of tho Chrlstmaa celobration propor. Tho day has its own observances, twelfth day cako, king of tho feast, tho mys tical bean In tho cake, etc, etc., but Is now usually celebrated as "lo Jour do rol," by the French people, or as the festival of the Eplhany, the Greek word for manifestation ot Jesus Christ to tho Gentiles. . ; Bt Nick for tho Table. - St. Nick's head Is a walnut, his body a rosy apple, his arms are of raisins, his. legs macaroni and his shoes Brazil nuts. A hole Is borod Into each nut to set In the macaroni legs. Ills beard Is of absorbent cot ton, his lips of sealing wax. his eyes ot npple seeds, while his reindeer are long, aweetpotatoes with realistic ant ler of raisins. A wonderful Santa who serves as a "party" when all the other Christmas goodies are gone! Tn you wnnt to mnlH) Kiich ; a , St. Nick? Grit. . '... ; -I i, I - INSURE WITH McCurdy Agency INSURANCE OF ANY KIND DEPENDABLE COMPANIES LOSSES ADJUSTED PROMPTLY Telephone ONE-TWO-THREE MEDFORD NATIONAL BANK BLDG. MEDFORD, ORE. EVERYTHING IN HOLIDAY SMOKES Most all men enjoy something from this man's Store; i and here we offer the choicest quality in VSmok-H ' ables." "' ' .'" .'; ;v;' i: Nothing; but the highest type of cigars is presented at prices that are truly moderate. When you buy here, you get every assurance that the recipient will appreciate the gift. ! ; Pipes, Cigarette Holders, Cigarette Cases, Cigar Holders, Cigars put up in boxes from 10 to 100. y I Ladies Always Welcome r " ijmf Merry Xmas SwV1 lp . brighten up your homes and make your Friends lS- : - Cut Flowers and Plants - J Don't fail to See our Display 'Jvli Jjf . Monarch Seed ' Store : . jW 'ntwL resfl HoUy Wreatns mbA to order . .. jfl' i i twv-'.rr,