BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManus THE PRINCE' OF CHOW-CHIIS i m Market News j ; Livestock . . i PORTLAND, Ore., Bee. 1C Cat lie; receipts 168. I Iocs and sheep nominally steady; no receipts. Butter PORTLAND, Ore., Dec. 16. But ter strong; prices unchanged. But ter firm, unchanged. Portland Wheat PORTLAND, Ore., Dec. 16. Wheal: Hard white, bluestem, Bnnrt ?I.r0; soft- white, western white, J1.25. Today's car receipts: Wheat 29; barley 9; flour 0; oats 2; hay 7. Kan Francisco Markets SAN FRANCISC. ' Dec. 1G. Dairy produce exchange closed. SAN FRANCISCO. Dec. 16. (State Division of Markets.) Live turkeys 3236c. Dressed 3942c. Court News (Furnished by the Jackson County Abstract Co.) ' Circuit Court, ' .Albert FV Horstkorttt, et tlx, ' vs. Frank E. Morcy, ct ul. To quiet. A. J. Btaub vs Win. Staub, et ux. Foreclosure. Leslie Cook vs. Adelaide Cook. Satisfaction of- judgment. O.; J Johnson vs. E. If. Lamport. Notice of appeal. , ,, Harvey Walters, vs EIlz. Tou,. Voile. Motion.; : Efhel L. Curran vs Frank J. Cur ran,:. Answor and cross compluint. Wdllaco Woods vs James II. Phlpps ct al. Lien. Probate Court. Estate of L. J. Paxson. Admitted to probate.' , Estato of Richard D. Fauld . Proof of publication.. Etrtato of It. P; Neil. Order. Bond. Ilnrry Hansen assumes the name of 'Hansen Conl. Company. D;: It. Conner assumes the Iviei ncss name, of ltadio Buttery and Electric Shop. ;- Marriage Licenses. Leator A. Merrlman and Helen A. Dlttcmorc. Oral Curtis Parker and Vera Pearl Read. Edward Brock and Luellc Goold. Edward Vilas and Catherine Deuel. P. Real Estate Transfers. Hales Piano Houso to J. F. Hale W. D. to lot 3, blk 1, Olson add to Medford I Jarkson County to Mary E. Bowlintr Q C D to pt blk 4, Park add to Medford H. G. Mntho set ux to John E. Callahan, ct ux. W.,D. to W 10 CO feet lots 33 and 34, blk Q U It add to Ashland ..... 850 Laura V. 8toelC. et vlr to W. C. Gibson,- et ux. W D to lot 1, blk 3. Alfa ndd ' to Ashland 250 F. C. Conway et ux to James O. Merrott, et ux W V to lot In Coolldgo ndd to Ashland ... J. F. Gaines, et ux, to Matllc C. Hair, W D to land In sec 10. twp 39 8, H 1 East Charles' A. Nutter, et al to John 8. Wordcn W D to lot 20. blk 1, Whitman I'm add to Med ford M Elsie C. Clay to lien F. Moller, et ux, W IJ to lot 3. blk 2, Frultdnle ndd to Medford . . . Thcodoro Rein, ct ux to Andrew Lanscsarnvics, W D to SW of SW see 10, NW of NV see 15 twn 35 K It 1 West 10 10 10 10 Elsie Reamcs Chrlstensen, et vlr to, Edward E. Foss, W I), t" land In V L C 57, twp 38 S, It 1 West. Lloyd N; Best; et nl to Millard V. Olds W. D to NH of 8W see 23,.' twp. 35 8, R 3 East. . ... .. 1 William,. Lowell to Delphls Le Biane, et .ux W D to Wti of NE, NE' of NE, sec 26 twp 39 8, R 1 East I500 Btnto I-and Board to J. R. Har vey, deed to lot 3, sec 20, twp 111 ft, R 1 Engt-. . PERL FCSEBAIi HOMB Al Tour Ar1ea Da? or Sight lafpraiaUoaOnrdUlly GlTa; nth u4 IlKkdml ti Jkm0- . ri v . jv , CRWTO KNOW WHAT IT l-b-co DCTwrs AND AbK YE1T- II. W. Lindsay, et ux to 1 1,. Noreross, ct ul. W D to hind In see. 2, twp 37 S. It 2 West Elipzon lirr (o J. T. Cannon, W D to KB of XE, X5i of SI-: sic 2li, twp 38 H, It 2 West Samuel It. ISuir to .1. T. Gannon V 1) to W',4 of NE, E'i of NW, see 20, twp 38 S, It 2 W Frank W. Goodale, et us, to Maiden Bishop, W D to lot 14, blk 3. C & n sub-dlvislnn to Medford . I 10 10 10 Strong Western Picture i.,:. "TUo'CoFboyauul.the-Lady," a West em picture featuring Mary Miles Min ter and Tom Moore, will bo showd at tbo Rialto theatre for the last times tonight. It is said to be a strong picturizatlon of the late Clyde Fitch's stage success of the same name. The picture was screened in Wyoming; in which the scenes aro supposed to take place, It's well worth one's while. A Remarkable Cast The two featured players in George Molfordss latest production of "Burn lug Sands" are Wanda Hawley and Milton Sills, both of whom had prom inent parts in Mr. Melford's preceding production, "The Woman Who Walked Alone." In "Burning Sands" they play parts which are direc opposites of the roles played by Agne3 Ayres and Ro doiph Valentino in "The Sheik," in that Miss Hawley plays the ' head strong, Englis hglrl who.' 'set'; out; to win the man she loves, while Mr.-Sills Is the one who does not know-love until it comes close to his heart; "Burn ing Sands" shows for the last time at the Page tonight. For CIuuwo in Jury Law. EUGENE, Ore., Dec. 10. The Ore gon State Association of- District At torneys in annual session yesterday went on record as favoring the repenl of the present woman jury law as It MJBT LOST A fur glove. Kindly "leave at office of Oregon Growers. : A. H. DavenuUl. "28 LOST Small purse containing 3 keys, on fliain pr near imunu iuat t. T.ftavn at Mail Tribune. . . 229 HELP WASTED FEMALE VANTED Lady dental. Experienced. Phone 669. WANTED Strong woman to help with invalid ana nouseworK uunns dav. Good wages. .330 8. Fir, Med ford. 229 WANTED Housekeeper. Phono 244 or call nt the pantoriura. WANTED Lady to handle corsctry in Medford. Box W K, man lrioumj. WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED By man with family, posi tion In store or offlce. Box 27, Mall Tribune. - i " 230 WANTED Sewing by the piece nt 204 N. Ivy. Phono 559-J. WANTED Position . general house work. Phone 31-X-2 Central Point, Ore. 228 WANTED Young- man wishes part time employment. Keioropces. 1-. w. Box 557. 229 Easy Shifting Run up on our Grease, Rack and have the Sticky, Heavy - Grease drained out of your tranmission and replac ed withValvoline Semi-, Fluid Gear Compound. Crank Cases Drained Free JONES & KIRKPATRICK Next to Nat. assistant 22S ; I apSSsUH I'LU C UEA.R OFF" L THE PRESENT HK'a HE V THEV PmT W DE5K-ttL . VrRiVED ii,UT THE AtSD DOM'T ALLOW I " . PUT THE PREfeSNT CLERK -WON'T LET WHV lLEPHVSTb Mi; rHTHEREWHEH MEBRlTUPj NOT? T HOTrZUJ A ' -- , . - : . relute3 to the number of women re quired in the trial of sex cases. The law requires that at least half of the Jury In each case bo women. WANTED KfSCCOuliATnCOUS WANTED To hear from owner of good ranch for sale. Stato cash price, full particulars. D. F. Hush. Minneapolis, Minn. 22S WANTED Small . used safe. Phono 202. 22S WANTED Will pay cash for a bar gain in a good used piano. II. U. Launspach, phone 04 U K. WANTED to trade an nuto for piano. Phone S34-J, or address 21 S. Cen tral. 228 WANTED A gentleman to room and board. Phone 93G-R. tf WANTED To buy corn. Phone 597-J-3 , tf WANTED All kinds of guns to repair and saw filing. UpBtairs 22 S. Grape. 37 WANTED Cash paid fqr -pelts, hides, wool and furs. Johnson Produce Co., 241 N. Fir 8t Phone 97. tf WANTED-House moving and repair-. mg. jf none 48S-m- or 488-x. FOR KENT AI-ARTMENTS FOR RENT Furnished two room apartment. Phone 9G3. 230 FOR RENT Apartment' 124 King St, corner of Tenth; also car and truck , storage. ,1 FOR UETNT llOCSKKKEKINO ROOMS FOR RENT Furnished housukeonim: room for lady employed, $10; also sleeping room with stove. C41 Pine, near Lincoln-School. Cull Sunday. ' .-'. .- ..' - -- ?- 2228 Fuji KENT Housekeeping rooms with kitchenette. 344 S. Central. 228 FOR RENT Largo housekeeping room, clean and sunny. 433 8. Fir St. 230 FOR RENT &U4CEbLANKOCS FOR RENT Riversido. -Large barn, 806 North FOR. RENT Garage at 1103 Tenth St. Phone 82. . tf BUNGALOW SACRIFICE $1000 Cash, $2500 Terms Six-room bungalow,- hardwood floors, fireplacei white enameled bathroom and kitchen, all built-in features, large garage and wood shed, on pavement. Paving paid in full; lot 60x125; near school. This bungalow would cost ovor $4,000 to build. Present owner paid: $4,200. Business elsewhere, so sacrifice for Immediate sale price $3,500. I'bono 78-1-L . J. C. BARNES The Best Home Bargain in Medford ; .,,,-.'.. ' . .. . . , 1 Best close in location,. f!no homo surroundings. A beautiful southeast corner. . Splendid 7-room houso, largo bath.- Extra down-1 stairs toilet, 4 bed rooms, all with closets. Will sell for $1,500 less than offered for It last year. Small cash payment; balance monthly, payments. If not sold In ono woek will lease by the year or longer. Would take a late model little used car as part payment.- - - Call afternoons 704. West 10th St., to see proporty, or Phcaio . afternoons 637-H., : . , $5000 ANNUAL INCOME And more can be made from this splendid ranch If It 1$ reasonably ', operated... GO acres fine bottom land with full paid water right. Fine producing pear orchard... All land adapted to the growing of alfalfa, potatoes, onions, cabbage and all other high valuo crops. Best surroundings; school and electric power faollltlos at hand. Price lower than any similar property. In this valley $200 per acre! ' reasonable terms; no trades. ' Pear crop alone should pay for prop erty in threo years. If you Want a real producing property at a remarkably low flguro come and J. W. DRESSLER CO. Phono 85 ' :;.'., EXCHANGE OPPORTUNITIES ' i 6-room modern eeml-bungalowi Medford, to trade for largor city home. Will pay difference. ' 1 10 acres Improved, nil In fruit, paid water right, close to River side, Calif., to trade for Medford or Ashland home. 12 acres, all bottom land, with paid water right, 1M mllo from Medford; Improved, all In alfalfa. Want to trade for dairy furui . and pay difference. 1 acre, lots of fruit, nt city limits Medford; equipped an chicken ranch, five rooms, city water. Only $2500. Will trade for house close In. SEE' rs TODAY FOUR-BITE SALES AOENCT Real Estato Duilncus Opportunities Insurance ' ' ' Medford Illriff., Hcdfnnl, Oreaon ' : 1 FOB KKN1 ROL'hTO MONEX TO LOAN FOR 8ALK MISCKI.I..'. XVOV8 niSlNKSS DUUCCTORY FOR RENT New five room bui galow, breaktast room, many built-in fea tures. 708 W. Second St. 23U FOR RENT Modern 7 room house. garage and sleeping porch, 5 blocks from Main St. Phone 191-L or 81-1 alter G o'clock. 230 FOR RENT Six room modern bunga low and garage, $40 per month. Phone 7S4-L. See J. C. Barnes. 230 FOIt RENT Sleeping rooms,., Bteam heated. 1005 W. Main. 231" FOR RENT Three room house'. S. Willamette St. 122 228 FOR RENT Small cottage or four room apartment, partly furnlBhed or unfurnished. 1205 E. Muiu or phono 7J6-J. 228 FOR RENT 6 room modern I'urniBhcd house, 619 S. Central. B-room mod ern furnished house, 203 N. Holly. 2-room furnished houso, 209 V. Jackson. 80-acre ranch near Central Point, some orchard. 27-acre ranch near Medford for rent, some fruit. J. W. Wakefield, Palm Block, Med ford, Ore. . . 238 FOR RENT Houses. Ennrn Ic White. if FOR RENT FURS1SHKD ROOMS FOR. RENT Comfortable furnished sleeping room with bath privileges.! , 325 S. Riverside. Phone 701-J. tt FOR RENT Sleeping rooms at 204 n! Ivy. . 1 : 231 FOR RENT Room with board, , N. Central. ,.,. 223 228 FOR SALBIjIVKSTOCK P'OR SALE One1 team and harness, price $75, or will trade Same for cow. Phone 610-J-l. , 230 FOR SALE White Collie pups. Phone 292-Y. '229 FOR SALE Largo type 7 months old Poland China ; bpars ; also Tanered White Leghorn pullots, now laying. Ernest Webb, Central Point . 228 FOR SALE Puppies, beauties for Xmas presents. Phone D91-R-1. FOR SALE One team good work horses cheap.- Schuchard Orchard. Phone 611-R-3. - 228 Nosh Hotel Corner see us. 133 East Main St., Medf or J MONEY TO LOAN on improved ranch security, $5000 or less, 6 per cent interest, t). C. llopgs, Attorney for Stato Land Hoard, Jackson County. von sale AirroMonrLES FOR SALE A snap, going east, will sacrifice my Haynes Six ouring ear, $150. Terms. Phone 574. 229 mn gai Three Fords, a Dodge mm ik ivcm ii 11:111 1 if, . day. Clark Motor Co. n t ... iii FOR SALF RF.Ali KSTATB FOli SAL5280""fccre logged off land near Butte Falls; will sell , choap and give terms. Big Pines Lumber Co. FOR SALIi HOSiKS FOR SALE Five room cottage cheap, on pavement, close In: will accept car in trade. F. L. Clark, 127 N. Riverside. 230 l-XJR.. SALE House rontalnlng . fivo apartments. u!l furnished, close In, 'paying well: ?10tiu will handle. Ad dluss Box 8G, Tribnu 9. 228 FOR' "SALE Must sell, attractive five room bungalow, modern except heat. Three lots, garage, chicken house, who'd -'house. Terms. See owner. Phone 4SS-Y. - . 234 FOR SALE- House wit bungalows, . furnished or unfurnished; aide " abreago. luEUronce. C. S. Butterflold, Medford National Bank Bldg., Phone 889. ,. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALK Power wnuhlng machine to bo run by motpr or engine, $5.00. 40S-N. Ivy St. . ' 230 FOR SALE Folding haby $5.00. 408 N. Ivy St. carriage, 230 i FOR SALE Fine set of furs, gonuino ! mink. Call ut 119 Crater Lake Ave. I -228 FOR SALE 12x16 floored tent 316 233 Howard St., Medford. FOR SALE Two glass Bhow cases 6 ft long, and counters, cheap. Med ford Shoo Hospital, 103 N. Central. 228 FOR SALE White Wyandotte and Huff Orpington cockerels, good stock Phone 7-F-14. 229 FOR SALE Uoys' medium size 228 bicycle. Phono 297-L. FOR SALE Alfalfa hay, at range or delivered. Phone 685-R-G,. V. .C. Hoover. tt FOR SALE Second cutting baled alfalfa hay. $24 per ton delivered, cash. Monarch Seed. Co. Phone 260-529. tt FOR' BALK OR TRADE Waterloo gas ehgino, 12 h. p. W. E. llutler, be twecn Brownsboro and Eagle Point. . 231 FOR SALE Persian kittens; also Bronze turkeys for breeders. Phono G39-J-1. .'..231. FOR SALE Now Columbia phono graph records at half price. Victor. Brunswick, Columbia, Phtlie & So nera phonographs and records at reduced prices. Music Shop, No. 15 No. tirapo St,, next to Farmer & Frultgrowors Hank. Phono 405-J.. tf? FOR SALE Schaffor p-.nno. and hall tree. 407 Realty St. Phono 690-11. -i ... t -.-.- - a:to it in k ." ' We pay entire 1923 licenses on any car ...... I1..'"- bought of us for cash during balance of month of . Decem ber.' A real saving. BUSY CORNER MOTOR CO. FOR SALE liahv Phono 910-X. spiky liktj lKiW. 1 2-JS I FOR SALE All of these articles listed below havo ouly bt'eu Ube.l , aliuul six months: Fenl taurine; cur, I vaeutim i-le::ner, 11-.ikIii'S electric rani;.'. elec-t;lc washing . machine, electric watt-r heater, 3 doul'ie, G leather setue.l d!nln;; rooin .-iiairs, 3 bu:-e-iii.A. 2 wood e.Kd; stnvs, G heiiliiK sLoviM, 2 bamboo shelves, 1 wall clo.?k, 1 niniitlo clock, one set of dishes, 1. sofa, , 1 extension dining ntom tnhlo with three extra leaves, 5 ru.s. G cords apple wood, ciniliing utensils, 7 summer clinlra. I sowing maclilne, 1 bicycle, und loo fruit dry ing trays. Ceil Saito, Japanese Art Store, l'hoiw 93. 2:10 FOR SALE 2.1 fine l'arre l Rrxk pul lets at a liars;: in. W. II. Nutter, tw miles n irtli r city on midway road. 228 FOR SALE Holy fir wood. $1.00 per tier. Write Box 4. Talent. Orug -in. FOIt SALE- On.! 4uu Kalion oil wii-m tank, l'hutie M l-R-3. 23J FOR SALE Alfalfa hay. Phone 691-R1. FOR SALE OH that Xmas popcorn nt Public Market Dec, Hltli. 22s FOR SALE 100 White Leghorn pul lets, best laying strain in county. W. II. PeningKi-, 2Vj miles north Central Point. , 22S FOR SALE Crown organ, excellent conuiuon, nc uoitage ai. , .1 FOR SALE Cheap, cream s;inraio-. used vory -little. Pliono U1I.-IV3. 230 FOR SALE Oooft nnnd plan:), e'lsy 1. ' .....-.' 1 FOR SALE Cheap, sewing, bed, small table, chairs, and kitchen utensils. Call 243 N. Ivy. 231 FOR SALE Farmers blusksmlth shop Deere binder, grain crill, all in fo:-4 ohapo. J. Wattonberg, Eagle Pointv 228 FOR SALE Two General Electric motors, 35 h. p., 40 degreo, 60 cycle, 2200 voltage, complete with compen sators. 1 Tucoma logging engine. 10x15 with line. Ulg I'iuoa Lumber Co. . . FOR SALIv Turkeys for breeders. tvora Mr. Wright's slock, Washing- ton. Fat geoso 30 cents dressed. , Seef 10 and 12 cents. Phone 7-F-lt. .236 FOR SALE Baled alfalfa hay In warehouse. Flrat class and oloan, $21.00 per ton. Rogue River Valley Canal Co., 204 S. Fir St Phone 129-J-2. ' '..iv 231 BUSINESS DIRECTORY Abstractn.- MURRAY BROS. . & . GREENE Abstracts or Title. Rooms 3 and 6, No. 32 North Central Ave., upstairs. Jackson County , AD3TRACT CO. The only complete Title System In Jackson County. Abstracts of Title and Title Insuranco. WATS'.IN! - & KKLLOC.fJ Reliable . (.'acknnn county, obstructors of titles, (ibid .JIM, Oregon., - Attornryi O. 0. BOaOfl-Lawyer. Specializes In Real Estate and Probate Law. 30 North ContriU Ave. A. K. REAMEK l.ii'vyor, olflce In Liberty Building. E. E. KELLY Lawyer. . Resumed practice of law. Office with Porter J. iNntr, Moatoru r-ai 1 uanx uiug, liuil(llnt( Mnturlnls - MEDFORD CEMENT BRICK. & ; BLOCK WORKS Specialize In all kinds of cement building products Cor. Fir and Tenth XtraoU. Expert Accountant WILSON AUDITING CO. 13. M. Wll sou, C. P. A. Attention given to any thing In uccountlng and Income Tai requirements. Look into our ilmpii. fled .accounting method. Liberty Bldg.. Medford. Phono 157-R. Mtinry to Limn .1. II. ANDREWS I iuy a nnd soils mortgages and loans money on good uncurl ty. 31 N. (rrupo.-St. Phone b.l-M 3I' YSTmCRVICE(p: r lioui-a."cc jf lrvelnvilsy Una Floor - . i . Medforrt Hldg Chiropractic I'liyslclan DR. JOUETT P. BRAY Scientific f'liiioprHctlc adjustments. Hours 9 12 and 2-5 except Thursdays. 313-315 Medford Bldg. Office phono 29, res. 1 hime 491. "Keep Smiling." DR. HARVEY' P. COLEMAN Chlro . pructlo and Electro-Thornpy, - 427-2S Medford Bldg. Phone 965. . tt DR. A. R. HEDOEil Noo-HclectlO Physician. DR. LOTJ115E E. HEDGES Naturopathic Chiropractor. Mo chano - Therapy, Siiondylotherapy, I'ood Sciences, Chiropractic. Office: Stewart Bldg., 235 H. . Main 8t Phones: Oflice, 170; Res. 170-J-2. , DR. E. W. HOFFMAN Chiropractic Physician. Office lira. 9 to 12, 3 to 5.- Suite 203-OI-05-06 Liberty Bldg. Dentists DR. O. J. JOHNSON Dentist . 228 E. Main St., ovtr M. M. Dept. Store, Medtord, Oreron. l'hone 669; res. 1002-Y. Officf- hours 9 a. m.-G p. in. livening and Sunday by appointment Farm Loans FEDERAL FARM LOANS NOW 6 Applications should be on file by Dec. 25 for, Decoinber appraisal. II. llurd, ecy-Treas.. 402 Medford Bldg. ... ... Monumente tM u. oilEQON ORANITH CO. Mont- , m(,nlK. 1.' a. Hicks, cnnnml nnuimnr. P. M. Kershaw, Bales manager, lot E. tilxtll St., Medford. tt- Osteopaths 1 DR. Fi O. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAINS 1 CAHLOW Osteopathic Physician, 410-418 Liberty Bldg. Phone 904-J-J j- Residence 26 S. Laurel St. . PR. W. W.. HOWARD Osteopath 1 F'lyulcian. Special attention give tu eye, ear, nose and throat 801 liberty Building. Phone 496. ' Pliyslclans and Surgeons ''' f.'. DR. J. J. EMMENS Physician an Surgeon. . Practice limited to erst ear, cose and throat- Eyes scien tifically tested and glasses supplied: Oculist nnd Auriat for 8. P. R. B. Co., Medford Bldg. Phone ttti,- W DR. WM. W, P. - HOLT Physlcloa and Surgeon. Office Medford Bid. Phone 165. Residence 118 Qeneiea St Phone 166J-2. ) .,- : DR. A. BURBELL Physician and Surgeon, 312 to 314 Medford Bldg, ' Entrance 36' N.-- Central. Special' attention to spine. Phone 29..-'.'.-. DR. LINCOLN K ALLEN X-Rar spec ialist-- -Medical and Dental X Ray Diagnosis and X-Ray - Treatment Laboratories 211-213 Liberty Bldg. Cuflre hours 9 a. rn. to 12 m. 2-S p.m. Telephone: - Office, 61; residency 61-J-2 , - . Plnoo Instruction FRED ALTON HAIOHT Teacher of Piano and Harmony. Composing Arranging. Studio 318 Liberty Bldg; Phone 72. . .-.v.,.-. . Printers nnd Publishers ' Ji MEDFORD PRINTING CO., has. the best equipped printing office ' in Southern Oregon. - Book . binding, loose leaf ledgers, billing systems, ftc. ' Portland prlcfts, 27 N. Fir Bt . Public Accountants ' HUCrll R. ROBERTSON & CO. Mem ber American Institute of Accoun tants. Public Accountants and Audi, tors. Portland, Ore. und Minneapolis', Minn. Address: 1517 Yeou Bldg., Portland, Ore. - . ' Rug Weaving '' '', "";' ". MEDFORD FLUFF RUQ ' WORKS makes Huff rugs from old and worn carpets and rugs. Phone 510-M.- 708 Pino St, Transfer EADS TRANSFER & STORAGE CO Office 43 North Front St Phone 815. Prices right. Service guar anteod. , ' .-'-',;' ,5 DAVI3 TRANSFER AND STORAGE! CO.-rAnythlng moved day : or night. Service guaranteed. 29 8. Grape. Phone: Office 644, or resi dences 647-R or 206.. - tt Upholstering J. WEIS Upholstery. Manufacturer of overstuffod furniture.- Full line of materials. , Draperies made to order. We do all kinds of uphol stering. We deliver and will call and show samples Phone $' Tnflmnnvlll. Or , . ' Vr ". A. N. THUUULT Upholstertng, r glueing nnd refinlshlng.'- Work done) nt your home' . Telephone 965-R. K, 3, lios 44A; Medfurd, 231 X