PAOE FOITC MEFORDaLTRIBUyE, MEDFORD ; OREGON, SATURDAY, DEflEMBfiR Ifi, 1022 Medford Mail tribune AN INDEPENDENT NEWSPAPER "OBUfiHBD EVE BY AFTERNOON EXCEPT . , . , SUNDAY, BY THE . 1 ' MKDFOUD PHiNTUIO 00. Th Medford Bon day Morning San la furnlahod HBwnww aesinng i sevut wj amy nawapapcr. Ottie Mall Tribune fialldlDff, J6tM9 North fto atrtet Pbona 76. A consolidation of the Democratic Tlmaa, the afaUord atalL the Uedford Trlbunt, the Bouthehi ratonian, The AttUnd Tribtwa. . BOBKttT W. BUHL, Editor. SUMPTKfi S. SMITH, lUiiatftT. SUBSCRIPTION TERMS Y If AIL In Adviocc: Daily, with Sunday Sun. year 97.00 Dally, with Sunday Sua, mouth .75 Daily, without Sunday Sun, year........ 6.60 Dally without Sunday Sun, month.,.. .6a fffcUy Miil Tribune, on year J. 00 Sunday Sun, one rear I OU Y OABRIKH In Medford, AthUnd, Jackaon tllle, Central Point, Pboaoii, Talent and on Hlfhwaya: - Daily with Sunday Sun, month - .76 Dally, without Sunday Sun, month 06 Dally, without Sunday Sun, year...., 7.00 Dally, with Sunday Sun, one year. 8.60 All terma by carrier, caab la adnnoa. Official paper of the Oi tj of Medford Off Ida) paper of Jackson County Sworn dally arerurt orculation tot ets months todtng April 1, 1023, 8A2H; more than double trie circulation oi any omer paper puDiianeo oi eireuiatea in jacason uounty, The only piper between Eugene, Ore., and Sacramento, Calif., a distance of over 600 mile, aavuif leaaea wire Anaociatea rrese sernoa. Entered aa aeoond ciaan mattel at Medford Oregon, under the act of March , 1870. ' MEMBERS OP TUB ASSOCIATED PRESS. -The Associated Press ia excluaively. entitled to the um for republication of' all aewa dispatches eredlted to It, or not otherwise credited in thia paper, and alao to.- the .local nawa pobUahed tarein. All rlfbta of republication of pedal dia patch ea herein are also reaarred."- ""i:r.....v.rTr. vt,-77,,-,-t-t, "" i Ye Smudge Pot ,' By Arthur Perry. It Is now quite 'appAfent to one end- all, that King Winter' Is here, and uniformity in comforters on 4ds is the erylng need. ' 1 ' FIERCE BUTLER AND 'THE NEW REPUBLIC. T UK NEW REPUBLIC is fighting the confirmation of Mr. Pierce Butler, Democrat,- to thp' Supremo Court, In tlio'currcnt issue a special -article opposing the confirmation closes with the following 'paragrnppi :,' In l sense' Mr. Butlor porsonlflos' tho great American sophistry, the land tit cuual opportunities where the child of the humble and poor may rise to become president or to soma other exalted posl- , tlon. He wiis born In a log cabinl- near Northflcld, Minnesota, of piouoering It-lull pnronts, and he known what it In to work, The masses,- howover, can derive Utt'.oi comfort from thiit fact. He in a. milllonulre or nm'i-ly mi, und hus lira point of vl,w of tlio roan oi great wealth, . , , . ' . . - - : ; This is a-good example of that class , prejudice ' from which the New Republic suffers, and which prevents' what is probably the most intelligent journal of opinion in this country from being as influen tial as such a disinterested and ably-edited journal should be. The New.Republie seems absolutely unable to form an opinion of a public officials qualifications,' regardless of" the "amount of money he may have in the bank. It prides itself upon its fairness, and yet! it is quite as, biased against men of means; as it claims newspapers like tlio New York Times'urc biased againsfinen' without mean's. "We'liave no personal acquaintance with Mr. -Butler, he "may be qualified. for' the Supreme Court or he may not be, but the point we wish to make is 'that, the" fact thaff Mr. Butler-' is "nearly a million aire," should have nothing to do with the case,, one way or . the other. The late Colonel Roosevelt . yag'"'nea,riyj a millionaire." Henry Ford is a mnlti-millioriaire. -. And yet uo American of this generation had, a better understanding of. the man in the' street, than Roosevelt no' more man was lmted more heartily' by so-culled Big Business, or ..A .Vl'.f& it... l..l,i .1...' T;,. T,,1,1. i;i . . - the masses. V : 1'w ' ':''' ", ' ' " ' t Henry Ford is apparently a contradictory person, a queer mixture of the idealist and tb,o opportunist,, but few pcople will deny that he hus a genuine sympathy and, aff ectipn. fpr,the vindep dog, and a posl tjvely malignant aversion to Wall otrcet. Similar examples could be cited zn every cdinihunity, demonstrat ing that a man's character, his, outlook oh life, liis' sense of justice arid friir play.'liis freedom from class prejudice, have iio more to do with hiis check book capacity than the cut of his hair or the hang c his coat." That the United States is the great larid of otjiportuuity is not a sophistry, but one of the plainest facts of ceouolniie historj', a fact which' is demonstrated every year and every day. ""Thero are abuses How Local Fruit Growers Can Save $250,000 a Year npector'a pense Total salary and , ex- 200. 50 That portion of the human family In knee pants, now keeps Its face washed saintiiness as a poljtlclan after the ""u dangers and imperfections, absolute equality and opportunity as church vote. ' - " an ideal has not and perhaps never will be reached, but fundamentally . . I America is still the one country in the' world, wherfe the average man, CHRISTMAS ' TREE (Ad Portland; unassisted, has the best chance. Journal).- The uplift. ' I . So the New Republic, which claims Truth as its professional goal. -"' injures its own cause by failing repeatedly to see the' truth, -when the he thrcw.a handful or chonnod carrots dollar mark is concerned. It invites the very dangers it seeks to Into-the pot, "that Deof Broth nla remove, by lighting the hard bouea philosophy ot tne wall Street AnglalHe, Is now Creme de Mutton eu Soot! ' .; THE PAINLE83 WAY. . ; (Siskiyou News) " 1 There IB a whole lot of mining being done in this section. In a . comfortable chair along ' side a good fire It is astonishing how much ground can be moved.'" If Portland can't raise $3500 for an East-West football game, It may hustle them some to get $6,000,000 for the 1927 world's fair; ' . . i SHIP, ON ROCKS, IS DESERTED WHEN HOLES FILL HOLD (Hdlino Albany Democrat). It was about time. The diabolical whlaUIng of the hell for efficiency Espee, Is to inform the hind-end brakoraan it is time to quit leaning on the caboose, The brake man ought to have a German cannon, to let the engineer know he hoard lilm the first time. baronial type, with the soft headed philosophy of the parlor Bolshe vik. This is merely changing the spurious coin of the class prcju dice of tho "Ins" for tlio spurious coin of the class prejudice of the "Outs." - ' ' This is what the country doesn't need, in journalism or anywhere else. What it does need is integrity, true democratic faith and. dis crimination, that discrimination that can distinguish what is good from what is bad, regardless of all "superficial considerations, Quill Points The smaller the man, the more pompously he can say : "Quite so." The lost chord of the concert of nations appears to be accord. . ONLY RESULTS COUNT (Oregon City Enterprise) ' ' Mrs. Tom, Hagan had a thrilling experience with a certain kind of a cat recently that had beon "snooping" around the chlckon house and finally got undor the dwelling houso. It is quite a long story, but this much can ho said, she aimed nt tho tall and shot off the animal's head. .There has beon no civic squabble for six weeks now, and somo are ready to break under the strain. Orders have been, issuod for tho Republican party "to got together,1' but not like they did In the late campaign. THE EUROPEAN RAT HOLE -' (Congressional Record) . Senator Shortrldge, of California, Mid: I invito the attontlon ot thought ful senators to the facts that we loaned tot Armenia somo $11,000,000; to Aus tria, $24,000,000; to Dolgium, $377,000, 000; to Cuba, $7,000,000; to Czocho-Slo-vakla, $91,000,000; to Esthonlo, tho new little country of Europe, $13,000, 000; to Finland, $8,000,000; to France, almost $3,500,000,000,000; to Great llrl taln, $4,000,000,000; to Greece. $15. 000,000; to Hungary, nearly $2,000,000; to Italy, one and three-quarter billions Id round numbers. To lAtvIa do all senators know Just whero Latvia Is? wo have loaned that little nowborn country $5,000,000. To Llthuanln, an othor now country lorn nut of the great World war, wo have loaned 5,000,000; to Poland, $135,000,000; to Roumanla, $36,000,000; to Russia, $192 000,000; to Serbia, $51,000,000; and we aro told hero authoritatively that of these' large loans full 30 per cent have been made after the armistlco four years ago. . ''' " '' Evcu so, the straits over there cause less trouble than the crooks, Still, Solomon in all his glory probably didn't seem, quite so ma jestic us a traffic cop. . ' Who are these Scots who are demanding independence? ' We never knew a Scotsman without it The prophet who said the moon shall not smite you by night, wasn't speaking of moonshine. " ' " " '" ""' "" "' ' "" "This placo looks inviting," said Jonah, at the sigu of the Whale's Mouth; "I'll just drop in for lunch. ' 0 ' "Drink-morc-coffce Week" will bo all right, but. we register ob jection to drinking more wcok coffee. ' ' : Another nieo thing about a phonograph is that it cau't, sco your pleased expression and coino back with an encor. Correct this sentence: "Every day and in every way," the stout dame cried happily. "I'm getting fatter and futter." RippIingRhiiras Valt Mason YOUTH AND AGE. W . . ' Grandchild Had Crouny Cough ' "My grandchild could got no relief whatever from a vei-y bad croupy cough," writes Peter Lanriis, Meyers. dale, Pa., "until I gave him FoIh) t Honey and Tar. It Is a great help ft -chest and throat trouble.1'- Coughs, colds, croup, throat, chest and bron chial Irritations quickly relieved with Foley's Honey and Tar. Contains no opiates ingredients printed on the wrapper. Btood the test of timo serr trig three generations. Sold every where, ' . t Mr,' HEX I was young my trenchant pen for nil reforms was strong; I looked upon my fcllowmen, and saw them bonded wrong; vioo reigned triumphant in its don, while virtue limped along.' Abuses of a hundred sorts were thick as they could bo j I called upon all dead game sports to upset things with me; and writing fluid, quarts on quarts, I spiled, to make men free. Whero fell corruption bored its fang like Nemesis I'd tread; and no one seemed to euro n hung for anything I said; men listened to my wild harangue and bade me bako my head, I look back from tho heights of age whero I serenely rest, and wonder nt the foolish rage that used to fill my breast; a' deadly warfare I would wage, for things that were a jest. Tlio evils that nroused my ire are all forgotten now; the dragon, with its breath of fire, turned out to be a eow; it's wiser to assault a lyre, somo wreaths upon my brow. Where are the windmills I would storm, all armored for the fray f Whero arc thu Issues, throbbing warm, of that dim, distant day? Whero are the fiends in human form, that I wetnt forth to slay? The goblins and tho bogies died and others took their placo; the heroes laid aside their swords to hunt a feeding plnee; new witches on their broomsticks ride, new perils round us race. To every orchardiat in the Rogue Kiver valley ft is all too well known that every year an. enormous tax Is collected by the codling moth. In some of the better eared for orchards and, others whero tho pest baa fortu nutoly not yet become seriously cstub llshed and In others where tho trees aro very young the loss from woi-my and stung fruH; is not as great as to cause unuuo worry. But these are exceptional cases, and the average or chard 1h generally Infested year after year - with -a more or loss serious abundance of the codling moth. Many of the orchards ure seriously infested, evory year with seemingly uncontrollable numbers of tho pest. After fivo years observation of tho orchards of thlB valley It is tho esti mate of tho writer that the pear crop will average an annual loss of from 10 to 15 per cent and the annle eron from 10 to 60 per cent. Now what docs this loss mean In dollars and cents to the community? As au ex ample take tho pear crop, this sea son. There have been shipped 1328 cars. Taking nn average of 12 por cent loss-, wo would have, at a con servative estimate; a loss of $120,000 figuring ' the . 1328 cars worth at Assessor's Office J. B. Coleman,' . assessor's salary- s. .....;....;;:.$ .....$429.00 least $1,000000, This season tho apl6 Llnnle HwMWteiuty'a crop was not representative either as; Bes9or's salary sor s salary ....!..:,;....).-.....: Elva C. Mitchell, work in as- sossor's office , Ashland Tidings, assessor's expense J. 13. Coleman, assessor's traveling -expense ... J. 1). ' Coleman.l assessor's office expense '. to quantity produced or as to tho perj Ray Coleman; deputy asses- .v,,v u, ,,,i'ivu iuii. in mi uver age season producing COO cars of apples, the amount ot infestation would average near 26 per cent or a loss ot 1100,000; Taking these two crops together, we have an annual loss of over a quarter of a million dollars worth of potential rult fed to the 'worms. - Xow that is certainly something worthy of our attention when wo' arc devising ways and means of reducing our tuxes and-increasing our incomes -ror all 6f our municipal, county, state and fcderpl taxes aro as nothing compared with this tax of tho codling moth worm. Tho saddest and most regrettable thing about this enormous loss, and yet the most cheering nspect ot it Is that It is largely unnecessary anu preventable. With strict adherence to a reliable spraying program, with thorough and conscientious carrying out Of the de tails of that program, most of this quarter of a million dollar los each year can be saved to tho community, ' M. A. r YOTHEJRS, ' Government Entomologist, Corn Leads All 1922 Crops in Value . WASHINGTON, . Deo. 15. U.' S. crop values, based on prices paid to fnrmcrs pecemuer 1. The finar pro duction figures and the total value of -the various crops follow: Corn 2,890,712,000 bushels and $1, 900,287;000 : Winter 'wheat 680,204,000 bushels and $614,661,000. " ' Spring wheat 270,007,000 and $24,678-,000. - - - . -All 'wheat -856,211,000 and $864, 139,000. , .-. , : , - -.',-- Oats, 1,216,496,000 and $478, 584,-000.' . Barley 186,110,000 and $97,61,000 llyo 94,970,000 and $60,085,000. . Buckwheat, 15,060,000 and $13, 312,000. " Flax Seed, 12,280,000 ; and. $25,- oyo.uuu.. -7 , ! Rico 41,965.000 and .$41,836,000. Potatoes 461,185,000-and $262,608. 000. .. . ... .,-Sweet potatoos- - 109.534,000 $84,492,000, ' way (tnmo). 96,687,000 tons and 1,2 17,044,000. way (wilfl) 16,104,000 , tons and 114,1)35. hop: - and The Jericho Road : Br W;: BrHlnson. B." D. " Pastor feast Side Baptist Church, Portland, Oregon. There .are lust fdUr men In thi worm. ; only four no fifth. There is "the Hurt mani '. Arid He Is robbed. strinDed of much and' sorely, wounded. ' Thore is tho-Hurting man! Christ called hlni a thief. I am very thankful' for that. There Is tho Heedless man! Ho passed by on the bther side, nml ho said, ".'Safety First!" There is tho Helping man! - Ho went to' the hurt man and took caro of him.' . ..: ' Tho . Hurt man must soon be helped. ' v .-' Tho Hurting jnnn God take him in hand, ... The Heedless man must bo aroused. The Helping man Clod bless him. Will you holp 7 ' ! -Here ls the story that has tho four men In It.-- .; ' . A' certain man was enlnir don from Jerusalem to Jericho and fell among thieves who stripped and bent him and left him half dead. -A certain priest and a Levito saw him and passed by on tlio other side. A certain Samaritan enmo where ho was, saw him, had compassion,- bound up his wounds und took care of him. Luko X. . - - Tho Hurt man Is In tho Near Enst! So is tho lllurtliig man. And aimln i um iano mm in hand. Tho ' Huadlcss ' man . Iipuwa brother! Tho Holpiiiff man Dn it nmv Now. ' ' - ' Chas. Schneider, justice witness Ceo. O.- Timothy,: constable fees ..I.:...-. G, O. Taylor, justice fees.:...: Martin Zanoa, Justice court witness 1.00 2.50 124.00 1.50 Total - - ....$525.30 Sheriffs Office C. E, Terrlll, sheriff'?, sal- '-. :.A...:;..$ 208.33 ueo.'O. Aiden, deputy Bher- ' ure salary . ;.:;,;. 126.50 it. . horncrooK, - deputy sheriff s salary 110.00 u. u. t orncrpoH, finger print work , ig.oo Edna Synder, deputy sheriff " Hire .....;..;..:.;:.. 93.00 Hazel Totherow,- . deputy sheriff hire ..'-.:...::;..:..-. SS 00 Dalfdn; Terrill, deputy sher- . irr hire (.'...;..-;;. ,80.00 Doris Kleahamer,. work In ' ' sheriff's office -. , 78.90 Geo. ,B, Allien, deputy sher iff's traveling expense.... 9.59 Daily's Taxi, sheriff's ex- ' pense , 1.50 L. ,D. Forncrook, deputy - sheriff's -traveling ex- (' ' peuse 57.09 i F. J.: Newman, work on tax j matters 300.00 C.. E.- Terrill,. sheriff's trav- . eling expense G1.31 Total County Court ihweoclings. The followlnu is a. schnri Ilia nf ov. penditures of Jackson countv. Orn. gon, togothor witB a list of the claim ants and articles of service for which tho claim is made and -which wore Passed UDOIl hv (ha nmtnlv nmtrt n, Jackson countv during thn mnmh nt October, 1922. .' The following bills wnrn nllnwo,! as follows Wilh thn ntrantkni csn. County Court iud ' Commissioners' G.M A. Gardner." cniintv' - jtldeo's salarv ' - icaci; Vioort Bursoll, county coiri- ' misstouer s salary and- ex pense . James Owens, county com missioner's salary and ex-ponse E. H. French, countv court witness I.;.:...-;.:... H. L. Hasbrouck,- county court expense ... Flora Thompson, stamped envelopes, county- judge.. Total Circuit Court Hoy Davis, court report er's sulary .-...;.... ,.$ A. H. Thompson, circuit court crier ...........-..;:. . F, M, Calkins, circuit judge's office rent J. K. Bdmlstoo,; grand jury witness ...A...; 63.00 7.1.50 3.00 25. ao 25.50 ....,.$1225.32 Clerk's Office ' Chauncey . Florey, ' county clork's salary .....;...:..$ Mildred Nell Flproy, deputy clerk'H Rntnrv . ' . deputy $354.66 116.66 27.00 45.00 6.00 Total ..........;.; ' JtistJm Cnnrt - - James Bowltng, 'justice' ju ror' ,..'.;!..-..:.......$ P, C. Digham, justice Juror H. G. Burgess,-justice juror O. M. CornltluB,, Justice Ju ror i Charles Carlton, Justice Ju ror Bert Collins, Justice wit- nasa .....,..'.......'....- Mrs.- Cozark, justice wit ness 0. W. Drlskol, Justice Juror Glass & rrudhonimo, justice court exnonsn W. H. dowdy, Justice fees.... J. V. Hatcher, constable fees Geo. Hltiler, Jr., - justice court witness O. L. Harmon, Justice juror em Hastings, justice wit ness J. O. Isaacson, Justice wit ness ; !......,..: John Kirkpatrick, justice ju ror ....... T. M. I.ofland. Justtre Juror K. V. Madlnskl, justice Ju ror ....' II. O. Nicholson ror I', Shlnner, justice Juror., ,1, j- .$194.66 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 2.20 1.00 11.1.-. 327.85 36.90 1.50 1.00 2.20 1.50 1.00 1.00 1.00 i.oo 1.00 166.60 roy. deputy ' - clerk's Ralary ........ J. 125.00 Tolllla Stevens, clork's salai-y :.- 110.00 Ruberta Pearce, deputy clork's saliry ,- 90.00 ilattlo Stevens, deputy clerk's salary 7,5.00 Lucile Koonlz, deputy clerk's salary 75.00 Alice M. Poor, deputy ' clerk's salary 70.00 Irma Martin, work in clorks office . :.....:....A 75.00 Dan M. Pearce, work in clerk's office'....;:.:.....;.... 63.00 Burrqugh's Adding Machine Co., 'clerk's offlco 'ex-1 pense .........V ;.:...'..;.4...:-.. 3.75 BuRltorig & Company, record "-booker clerk's office 107.13 Chauncey Florey,-stamps and express 16.45 Gnlass .& .-, Prudhomme, clerk's supplies"...;.,...,.....: 150.49 I KUham ' Stationery " Co., clork's supplies 291.50 Chauncey Horey, freight ' -and express, clerk's office 1 1.2 2 166.66 110.00 90.00 73.00 2.85 12.50 10.65 for- August and Scptem- ' ber .........;.,'.$ 100.00 Godward Mercantile Co., Jail expense 20 73 Jacksonville Pharmacy, Jail expense 19.90 Anna Schmidt, meals for prisoners , 214.90 Jno. M. Williams Co., Jail expense : 10.98 California Oregon Ppwer . Co., lights for jail ............ G.oo Total -1372.11 . Juvenile Court Marjorlo MaCEwan, juvenile expense ............................$ 15.99 Good Samaritan, Hospltl, ' Juvenile expense - 140.30 Tptal .'. $467.66 Tax llvbatc W. S. Ball, tax refund $ 25.84 S. J. Myers, tax refund........ 5.69 Mrs. H. Walkor; tax refund 29.05 Total- .....-..$60.58 ' Widow s Pension Ella Abbott, widow's pen sion .'...'........". .$ 20.00 Juanita Butler, widow's - pension ......:...-.-......:...'..;..:. 20.00 Effie- Marie Baer,- widow's ponslon J.:.-.:......-. 25.00 Calls, Card,' widow's pension 54.00 Mrs. Nettie Green, -widow's pension 15.00 Alice P. Howell, widow's pension 25.00 Mrs. Ina Huson, widow's 1 'pension .....-............'..i: ; 54.00 Mary : R. ; Higglns, widow's - pension .-......,..'..'. ::.. 15.00 Mrs. Dolly Love, widowVs pension 25.00 Myrtle M. Palmer, wid ow's pension .....-.:.'......-.:.; 15.00 Anna Prescott, widow's pen- - slon .: J........'.."..:.... . 10.00 Rosa A. Pef fly, widow's pen- sion .....f.... . 25.00 Mrs. Gladys Rowen, widow's pension ...: : .." .': 20.00 Retha-M. Richardson, widt ' ' ow's penstqn 32.50 Mrs Lydla Sanders.-wldow's r '- pension-.s.-tM..!:.;.':..?:;;;:.'.'..'.. 17.50 ii. Bevy, widow s - pen sion i:.;....,;;..-..:;.';,-.-........-.'.. 17.50 Rose R, Slngler, . widow's pension i..i.......:.,. 32.50 Addle Webb -Shanks, wid ow's pension 10.00 Amy R, Thorn, widow's pen- Bton- ::. 25.00 Rosa A. Pef fly, widow's pen sion .......'..............:.::.t...:... 15.00 Total ..$1430.20 Treasurer's Office A. C. Walker, county treas urer's salary '.;......:....:.$ 150.00 Dorothy Bedwell.- deputy.' treasurer's salary 90.00 A. .'C.- "'Walker, stamps for treasurer's ' office 6.90 A. C;- Walker.- treasurer's Mravejlng expense" ......:..... 12.60 Kllham Stationery Co. treasurer's offlco supplies 3.13 Medford National bank. treasurer's office expense 10.00 Total .....'..: $271.65 ScIkx1 : Stipf'rintcudont's Offico Susanne 11. vnrter,' school " superintendent's salary:.. .$ Elitabeth Burr, school su pervisor's salary Luollo Ooold, school super intendents assistant Elitabeth Burr, school su pervisors ex henso ..: ' Susanne H. Carter, school sunnrlntnndnnt'a travel ing expense , A....' 50.00 Susanno II. Carter, institute expense - Susanne H. Carter, , school superintendents office Dense Elizabeth Burr, school su- pervlsor's ' traveling ex pense :.:..-. 1. H.. & M. C. Co., school su perintendent s supplies .. "Western Union Tel. Co., school superintendents telegram 166.66 120.00 75.00 18.70 400.00 8.23 13.20 4.00 1.78 Total .:. '. : .....$856.59 Vrult Inswrtor's Offlco ' E. H. Oatmnn,' Itnlt Inspee- ' ' m,'i anlnrv and nxoense....! 222.50 toward E. Warner, trult In- Total .....$473.00 Care of -Poor Not at Poor Farm Nellie Boardman, regular indigent :.'....:....:.....:...;.'.J:.$ 25,oo A. D; Beardsley, regular in- digent 10 00 Mr. Castile, regular indigent 8.00 Mrs. Kate Copple, regular indigent 8.00 MIlUe Dosier,' regular lndlg- , - 1 ent lu.uu Da ye Daniels, regular ln- dlgont .....,..; 8.00 A. Mi Ford, regular Indig ent ;.;.:......: 6.00 Mrs., Hudson, regular - in- dlgcht,: .,.;,:...,;;v.:.:..; v- 8.00 W; Ingram, regular indlg- ' r - ent .:...:.: 8.00 Albert Johnston, regular in- - ' digent : !:. 80U Mr.' and Mrs. T. J. Kelsoe, regular indigents 8.00 Mr.'iand Mrs. J. A; Kane, ' regular indigents 15.00 Mrs,. Lena Lee, regular .in- 1 digent 8.00 Mrs) I; A. Montgomeryj reg- ' ulail indigent :-..- :. 8.00 Mrs. Carrie 'E, hMilleri- reg- ' ular Indigent 10.00 J. Meece, regular Indigent 8.00 Mrs. Alargarot Noble,' regu- ' lar Indigent ...;...::.;'...;-... Doc Parsons, regular ' in digent Eliz. . Patterson, regular in digent ,. James Pough., regular indig ent ..'.... Mrs; Mary Price regular In digent ...:.r.:I....,......:::... Mrs. Jean Ross Smith, reg ular inaigent Total '....'...$162.29 Advertising ami County Printing Medford Mail.--- Tribuno, 1 - county Prlutlng 49.17 Ashland Tidings, printing county notices 56.75 Pacific Record Herald, . printing county notices .. 16.6,1 Tom Swem, advertising ex- ' pense s..!..-....:...;..... 49.53 Total $172.37 Indigent soldiers Wm. Lyman,-indigent sol dier expense .,$ 120.00 .- - Klectlon Bxpcnso John' Harris, work en elec- . tlon 15.00 Davis - Transfer & Storage, - election expense '..;....:...'.. 3.50 Galas & Prudhomme,- elec tion expense 111.57 Paul's' Electric, Store,: olcc-i tlon expense. .................... 5.00 Earl Ulrich, delivering bal lot box' '.........;...."....;... 10.00 Bushong & Co., registration cards 17 97 Billings 'Agency, registering -A voters ..s;.ia: 13.60 Mrs.-' John Conrad, election expense 5.00 A.' J. T. Smith,, registering , voters .'....'...-.I.,. . , 1.70 Total :.;.....:.;......:..;.$1S3.34 county xsurso ' Marie E. Falldlne,', county '"nurse's salary .-.-..'.....j:.-.:.-.;...$ 125.00 American Red Cross, county ' nurse's expense 8.00 Colonial - UWage, . county nurse's expense - ,. 2,50 Jones . & Kirkpatrick,' coun- ty nurse's expense .... 7.30 Medford Auto Top CpM county nurse's exponse .. 1.60 State Board of Health, coun- ty nurse's expense .-.f.,t 1.13 Eleotrlo ' Shop, - r. county nurse's expense ..-j;.:..,.;, j.1.00 Total ...'..... .....$166.43 surveyor's tnrlcc HJva Hooker, ' 'surveyor's stenographer ...:..:..........'.$ 40.00 C. Frank Rhodes, survey or's office expense '.i......i'. i -12.00 10.00 8.00 8.00 10,00 8 00 8.00 6.00 Total .....: :.:;.....-.:..-.....'....-..:$52.00 Scaler of WcishU and Measure E. A. Bond. 7. scaler ot weights and measures sal- -'' ary '...'..:... .; 23.95 Water Master ' ' . Fred N. Cummlngs, water ' Master's salary 123.00 Butte -Falls & Eagle Point Telephone Co., wator master's exDense .:..r. 9.20 -Fred- N: Cummings, water master's " traveling , ex-, pense 38 85 Fred - N. - Cummings, water master's expense :......j.....- 31.10 F. R: -Frey, water master's expense ...:.....'...;....,.:.,.... 1 0.00 Walter.;1 Marshall, -deputy . "1 water master--:- x..:!. 84.00 F. E. Nichols, deputy water- master- ...........i: -..-.:....-.;. 100,00 . F. E. Nichols,- deputy Water master's expense-' 81.40 Mrs. L. 'Schlofflin, regular Indigent .i...-..'.'.v...:...'.--.i!-.-. Nancv Slsemore. regular in digent ................................ 10.00 Stafford T D I.:........-.. 7,0 Z. Wolgamott. regular.' In digent :. 15.00 Wllsoii Alex, regular Indig ent'1.-:..:.:.- ii.-'.r-.v.-'.U. 8.00 Annie Watklile, regular In- ' ' digent .;.....-....;-: tu 8.00 American Red Cross, indig ent expense ...i... .-... 180.92 Evans A. B indigent sup piles ..,........-:...t.-'.....!-'.V 10.00 Granite City Hospital, indlg- - - ' ent care ..-...:.:.;.:-..:.-'..-.;. 30.00 Godard Mercantile Co., in digent supplies i 22.92 Good Samaritan Hospital, 1 indigent- care .-1 .... 60.00 Phobhlx Mercantile, Co., in digent supplies 1.0,00 C. H. Pierce, indigent, sup- ' ' piles '....-........'..-..'.. 10.00 Sacred Heart Hospital, in digent expense -,.v.':i'..---i' .12.83 Talent Mercantile Co., indig ent.' supplies 3.35 Lewis Ulrich, Indigent sup- nlies'-. .- V....W- is.Jt Jno; M, Wililams Co., indig ent supplies .'....-. 5.26 C, E. Wilhlto, Indigent sup plies . Will ' It. 1 Wilson," -indigent supplies o o" Mrs. H.'- B.. Hatch, regular indigent Hutchison &. LumBden.' in digent supplies 2d. 00 John A. Perl, Indigent ex Wneks Concer Co.. county farm expense . 20.00 Mlaa Marv Wedge, labor at countv farm u.uu Mrs. Irene" Wells, county farm supplies 3.00 California - tJregon Power Co., light for county hos pital , 14.91 . Total .....'... .-.,-'...,$479.05 - County Attorney Rawles .Moore,' district,' QJ- , flee expense ...i...'.',i.. ,;...$ 6.0.00 KUham Stationery. Co , dlB-triot-attorney offico ex- . pense .v...-...:...'...i.,i,... 9.88 Rawles- Moore, district. atV ; torney's expense 30.20 Tptnl J........ pense .-.--...i.-:.... .';.. Warner, Wortman & Gore, - Indigent supplies '.'.;. Mrs.'M, E. Middlobtlsher, In- - digent supplies .,.$90.98 30 00 10.00 Total ..'. '.$7a9.71 (To be continued.! EXPERIENCED MACHINIST All kinds ' of Lathe Work. and Machino J-1. .. . - f. K. jenkins ; ; ". .' Atater Lake Auto Motive Co. ' 123 8. Front St. " - ' , Total $453.77 B.. L. . Moses, janitor's sal ary .:.....:..:. ;.. Fred J. Frlck, court house exDense J.. - ---. People's Electric Store, court house expense .7... s.ju City i of Jacksonville, water rent for court house 10. ou California Oregon Power Co.. light for court house 16.93 Fred J. Frlck, court house Supplies . ................1... 13.30 Totat .Tall ,.$148.93 E. D. Collins, Jailor's salary PHOTOGRAPHS For Clvlstmci. i ; SWEM'S STTTDIO 117 K. Main St ' Medford RUBBER BOOT . REPAIRING HALF SOLES AND HEELS Medford Vidnijring, Works HEAT WITH COAL . Plnre' Your OrdrV Nw for . ' ' ' Quick lMlvrrj"' ' ' . . , -Hansen Coal Co.. . ' ' (Saccemors to KeOj) M 8. Fir Hu - Phone SS- WATCH YOUR BATTERY PREST-O-LITH BATTKf$X STATION. For Quirk Sort rtintie 1 10 STATION torn of tildnf? Imubln,' fmey Kmnnyuiii Pills give nulck relief. Sold evorv-illll J.US WUlJf UAKIUMIO M WW SU nun