?.f7!DF07m MATE TTTTirNT. MTDFOTSTJ. fiTirV.OW FTJTTAV. rr.IrRF:R IV m St MANN'S MANN'S- THE BEST GOODS FOR THE PRICE, NO MATTER WHAT THE PRICE -THEE NEIS S1700 Christmas Clearance Sale ? H PAGE SIT Tte Elks' Cfcratm tre of bin s'.rht milled !a Ue uiil Urge t lemiiac of tt hundreds ct raeas Srs ot ta lodge md the raisins of ever J$Kv 1b cash to add to the fud which the lodge vlil dUpesiM lit Its aaaoai Cbristais cheer laecc tile eeedy poor within it jaiisdic tics of lie lodge. " Elks were preeent from ail over ftc toaatry by tte haadrei !li kinds of eager backs eadtaoricg while tfcey d:d their best to eaptore sec cf the many offerings of chic Il ea, tarkeys, geese, tacts of pota toes, bcies of apples, and other good and TiabSe- things, to add their cash mite to ice big fsnd being rais ed. Long before midnight there sra cot a thing left except the Urge sum of mosey In the hands of tee cash iers. Among the pleasant eTents of the igBt's fan was Cos Newbury's suc cessful bidding of some of his hard earned dollars on a Mind package outfit, which proved to be a set of r-ew bctka on the history of the Ka Klni Kian. A conspicuous unpleas ant erent was the capturing by Irwney Patton of a saxophone, which he persisted In playing, and then sold for ninety cents to an Elk who could do it. Johnny Reed, the Gold Hill post master walked home with a big dress ed hog, and the brand new typewrit er, one of the two grand prise, fell to th lot of a feeble Elk of this city, who was so orercon.e that before he recovered bis balance several mo menu Uter, he started home with a f4-pcend dressed turkey as a neigh bor to the machine. Editor's Note: A certain Medford newspaper scribe also got a crate of fancy chickens, a box of Dr. Kor tntk't sparln care and a bottle ot Ir. Boulder's hair tonic. Thanks! lie BUrdi them ail. SI Illinois Governor .Must Face Trial in Case of Civil Action SPRINGFIELD, III., Dee. 15. (By the Associated Press.) Trial of the clTil suits against Governor Len Small and two other state officials will proceed. Demurrers against the bill for recovery filed during Gov ernor Small's trial at Waukegan were denied in I ho circuit court here today by Judge Norman U. Jones, democrat, of Carlton. The suits charge that the governor, the lieu tenant governor and the state auditor withheld Interest money on state funds while they occupied the office of state treasurer. AMBASSADOR CALLED HOME (Continued from Page One) pUnalioa, the impressions gained currency that Mr. Harvey had been called to Washington In connection with the situation as regards German reparations, now threatening a rup ture between Creat Britain and France. - Cabinet Is Called WASHINGTON, Dee. 15. (By tbs Associated Press.) The Euro pean . reparations Ungle which Is threatening a break between Great .'riuin and K ranee is understood to have been discussed by President Harding and his cabinet today at a meeting which Usted mora than two hours. , D. Otto Wiedfeldt, the German ambassador, conferred at length to day with Secretary Hughes, but no Information was available as to whether their, conversation touched on reparations or look cognizance of the serious economic situation in Germany reflected by reports receiv ed through official American trade channels. The call of the Germsn envoy at r state department, however, torn- lag last before the usual Friday cab- net meeting, was regarded as an in titration that the president and his official family might desire to have before them at once all available in formation as to precise conditions in Germany aa they relate to the prob lem of reparations payments. Kind Oor 8nekV LONDON. Dec. 15. (By the Asso ciated Press.) King George, in his speech for the prorogation of parlia ment today, stressed the need for the economic rehabilitation of Europe asserting that the task of restoring conditions that would be favorable to economic stability was causing deep concern and could only be over come by co-operation among the na t'ons primarily affected. The Ques tion of unemployment, which has given rise to so much heated debate In the bouse of commons, received special consideration. The king suted that the government would do all in Us power to alleviate the eon dltlons against which the Uborltes have protested. . FLAYS KU KLUX KLAN (Oontlnied from Page One) Vn Dee. IS. Governor Ben W. Ol rort of Oregon, who addremed the conference of governors here last nluhl on The Menace of the Klan." announced. this afternoon that he hut received letter threatening him un-!- ha ceased his activities stalnst the ifsnUatloo. la Of Women's and Children's Winter Coats Suits, Dresses, Skirts Waists and Sweaters Sale Opens Saturday Morning at 8 o'clock Shop Early, in the Day A FUR COAT IS A THOUGHTFUL'GIFT FUR COATS AT LESS THAN COST PRICE. JUST 6 LEFT TWO CONEY COATEES lined with good Silk, $35.00 values. This $19.95 sale, each Women's Coney Coat, nicely lined, well made. Regular price g00; $49.50 Women's Alaskan Seal Fur Coat, with genuine Squirrel Collar and Cuffs. Regular price $200.00. On sale Saturday $115.00 for . . '. Women's natural Muskrat Coat, self-trimmed. Regular price $200.00. $ 1 1 5 4 0 0 On sale Saturday Women's genuine Marmot Coat, fine qual ity, $150.00 value. $75.00 Now 207c OFF ON SKIRTS Bay One for Christmas I $8.00 Skirts, now . $9.00 Skirts, now . $10.00 Skirts, now $12.00 Skirts, now $15.00 Skirts, now BUY UMBRELLAS FOR GIFTS ,25 all-silk Umbrellas, in .Mack and colors, with fancy handles and tips. Cans Bros. make. Regular price $6.50. !Tdar' $5.00 .$6.40 .$7.20 :$8.00 . .$9.60 $12.00 - PARISIAN IVORY FOR GIFTS Ivory Combs, each 25C to 91,50 Ivory Toilet Axtiules. Priced from, 25 C to $3.50 each Ivory Brushes $2.50 to S5.00 Ivory Mirrors, each $3.98 to $8.98 Shell and Amber Toilet Articles $1.50 to $10.00 each HANDKERCHIEFS FOR GIFTS Best Selection in the City Children's Handkerchiefs. 3 in a bos. Priced from 23c to 75 bos Women's Handkerchiefs. Put up 3 in a box. From 50C to $1.75 bos Women's All-Linen Initial Handker chiefs 2oC to 69C each Special values in Men's Handkerchiefs JEWELRY FOR GIFT S New Bar Tins 69? to $2.50 each New Ear Rings 69 to $3.50 each New Necklaces 69C to $2.50 each New Bracelets 69C to $2.50 each New Cuff Links 69c to $2.50 rir Fancy Combs 4S to $2.00 each SPECIAL SALE of Handbags and Vanity Cases for women and children. The best selection in the city. See big display in windows 25 to $15.00 each The Hummer Railroad Train. Steel engine with coach and track. Verjpeeial (f Saturday .. J 1 UU i 4 & i ;0 ; w A DRESS MAKES A GOOD GIFT EVERY DRESS IN THE STORE GOING IN THIS SALE AT 20 OFF $10.00 Dresses, now $8.00 $15.00 Dresses, now . .$12.00 ' $20.00 Dresses, now ..$16.00 $25.00 Dresses, now . . .$20.00. $35.00 Dresses, now . .$28.00 V.$50.00 Peggy Paige Dresiet, JJVnow $40.00 $40.00 Betty Wales Dresses, now $32.00 $75.00 Peggy Paige Dresse, now . .$60.00 EVERY PLUSH COAT FOR LESS $75.00 Plush Coats, now .$42.50- $65.00 Plush Coats, now $42.00 $45.00 Plush Coats, now $36.50 A NEW HAT IS A WELCOME GIFT EVERY TRIMMED AND SPORT HAT IN THE STORE AT HALF PRICE $2.00 Hats, now $3.00 Hats, now $5.00 HaU, now. $8.00 HaU, now $10 Hats, now . $15 Hats, now . . .$i.oo $Syi . . . $1.50 Sin . . . . $2.50 &&yp?"' 'iyE .....$7.50 rS Thoughtful Gifts SILKS AND DRESS GOODS FOR GIFTS PB0VE THE MOST ACCEPTABLE ONES 32 and 36-inch Silk Shirtings in excellent patterns. Priced at $1.48 and $1.75 yard 40-inch Crepe de Chine in a wonderful line of colors. Very special, yard ; $2.25 40-inch Canton Crepe in all the new colors. Heavy weight. Special, yard $3.48 33-ineh Imported Japanese Pongee Silk, 12 mommie weight. Special, yard , $1.35 LINENS MAKE PRACTICAL GIFTS Crash and Organdie Runners. Very stylish gifts. Special, each " $1.00 3tJ-ine.h Handkerchief. Linen, fine sheer quality. All colors. Special, yard $1.48 M.idcria Doilies and Napkins, beautiful patterns. 39c to $15.00 eaeh Maderia Lunch Sots $5.00 to $15.00 Boudoir Pillows, covered with Filet Lace, on pink and blue, each $1.89 PENDLETON AUTO ROBES, BLANKETS AND COUCH CO VERS , in beautiful patterns, make excellent gifts. Priced from $10.00 to $25.00 Colgate and Melba Perfumes and Toilet Articles.1 Tut up in Christmas packages 25 to $5.00 each Matin's Department Store THE STOKE FOR EVERYBODY MEDFORD, OREGON A COAT IS A PRACTICAL GIFT JUST 65 CLOTH COATS LEFT IN THE STORE EVERY ONE MUST GO Lot 1 Women's Sport Coats all wool. Up to $22.50 val ues. Thi, big $12.50 sale, each Women's Sport Coats, all wool. Up to-$30.00 values. $15.00 each Women's Boliva and Sport Coats with fur and salf-col-lars. Up to $40 COR flH values, each ... Women's Lustroso and Normandale Coats, with big fur collars in navy, brown and black. Nicely lined with SUk. $45,00 Sold up to $85. This sale, ea. WOMEN'S WINTER SUITS All going at 1-3 off regular prices Buy a Waist for Christmas 107c OFF ON ALL WAISTS Buy a Sweater for Christmas 107c OFF ON ALL SWEATERS Children's Rain Capes. Kenyon make, in blue and red. All sizes, $5.00 $2 98 values. This sale, each GLOVES FOR GIFTS 2-CVsp Kid Cloves From $1.25 to $5.00 pair 12-Button Kid Gloves. Pair L$3.9S 16-button Kid Gloves. Pair $5.98 Kayser's Chamoisette Gloves in black and colors 69C to $2.50 pair HOSIERY FOR GIFTS Good Silk Hosiery for women. All colors, pair $1.00 Humming Bird Silk Hosiery. Special, pair . $1.50 Full fashioned Silk Hosiery. Specipl. pair " $2.00 La France Silk Hosiery. Speeml, pair $2.50 UNDERWEAR FOR GIFTS Kayser's Silk Vests. Priced from $2.98 to $6.00 eaeh Kayser's Union Suits. All Silk. Spec ial, suit $6.98 Kayser's Envelope Suits. Priced very special, suit .....$6.9S Armenian hand-made Gowns and Step- ins, from $2.98 to $6.00 DON'T FORGET THE BABY Dolls that sold at $1.50. Now, each $1.00 Dolls that sold at $2.50. Now, each $1.50 Baby Rattles and Toys -..$50 to $1.50 Baby Bootees, all wool, eaeh 35 to $1.50 Baby Bootees, all Wool 35 to $1.50 eaeh Baby Bonnets in Silk and Wool. All prices Baby Coats and Capes $3.98 to $10.00 each SILK PETTICOAT SALE Silk Jersey Petticoats and Bloomers. All colors. Up to $4.00 values. Special : $1.9S Fit-rite Petticoats $3.98 to $10.00 each Kayser's Petticoats $5.00 to $10.00 each 1 MAILORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED - POSTAGE PREPAID - - AGENTS FOR PICTORIAL REVIEW PATTERNS