? iTEDFOUDMAtL -TRIBUTE. MEDFORD, OREGON", FRtDAY, DECEMBER 15. o 1922 PAGE THREE INGLE OPERA H'SE TO BE REMODELED , The buildlug on Maliri street, own d and occupied by Nlcuulfl and Ash oU), the first throo stoiV '.building n' Jledterd, built in 1884. awd a plo ver landmark, will be overhauled jfj reduced to two stories lJn the prlng, and altered Into modo'wi , of lees. - -' Tho third floor known for yeVirB the Angle Opera house, will tbo d down, and the brick sold, to thV ilghest bidder. In early days, it 1 used as a dance hall, political onvention assembly, and show ildce. Most of the glory gained by ud Anderson, in his pugilistic cam lalcn, was won there. Since then it &4vb(n crumbling (into swift decay rtoont for bats and pigeons. , ; Thfi ' building was, built by. Angle atntd Plymale, and wtan the backlxmo OS, tbe spring bulldlise boom In 1884. ! SENTENC geSdes' - 1 : , ' OedMHe Tucker, wlsn waul arrCHtcd by .S)i(rlftvTerrlli Inst' Saturday night on 'u cliuiftro o( clrunkamios, and who was sonUinccU to ten doya In tho eltrj Jail "when he pleaded,' guilty to tho icharjre boforo Justice. Glenn O. Taylor wits'nRain brought bofore that diRntaiy' this morning. (Ho pleaded guiltfcr to'a chargo of driving an auto mobile -while intoxicated and was suntentwd to a torm of fifteen days in the ciAwty jail, Ho has., qlreudy serv ed foisr days of tho city jail sentence and will bo transferred to the county Jail at once. The liccond complaint.! that of driv ing a-tlar while intoxicated; was filed by Deiluty State Motor; Vehicle In Hpector .T. J. McMahon. ' STARTS TO SERVE JAIL SENTENCE James "Shlno" Edwards, after much legal procedure in the courts for a long time past wuich resulted in his conviction on bootlegging charges and whose appeal to tho su premo court, of. the state was denied earlier lu the week, is now serving out his sentence of three months lu the county jail. A 'flue of $400 was also attached to the sentence . EdwardB, who had been living at Weed, Calif., for some months past, yesterday voluntarily reported at the county Jail to serve out his sentence. Chief of Police Timothy who hap pened to visit the county jail this forenoon on another matter, visited with '-'Shine," who is in good health and Bpirlts. considering the clrcum- ; A Tip from Jones i ; when you (ire Xmas shopping, buy useful , article..;. Buy some thing your friends or parent?! will use every day. It is much more, appreciated than something they have to put up on the shelf and look at ..''. ' , Our line of Bath Towels is getting low. Better hurry. Any woman or girl would appreciate a- couple of pairs of silk or wool Hose. 'A ' For the men and boys we have a big stock of Wool Sox, Ties, Handkerchiefs, etc. '. . - - , . And our prices are so reasonable that it will make your Xmas shopping a pleasure instead of a hardship. For your benefit we ' are going to give you another chance , to save money , on some Xmas articles: - ; ; ', , . $1.25 LadieY Wool Hose .... . '. . .U . $1.25 Men's Wool Sox. So fine they 'can't scratch $1.75 Ladies' Silk and Wool Hose . . . .... $2.50 Vanity Cases v. . ; . . ; ..'.. . '.' . . . . $1.00 Men's Grenadine Ties. The very latelt . . . . $3.50 Ladies' Silk Hose. These ' ave humdingers ., . $4.50 Men's fine Wool Shirts . . 92c . .. . , $1.00 . . . $ 1 .45 . '. .'.. $1.38 ;.75c . . .$2.75 .... $3.78 Our line of ladies' 25c Handkerchief s,. equal to- any 35c line in Medford. ; '!:;'; -;i ; ' rr;'jK-:-V-.:-:V:V T--''-. ; V-v-. ")- Oranges- Oranges Oranges From 30c dozen to $1.00 ,. , -' 5 Only a few cases of the small sizes. - So hurry, hurry. "'';; Candy Caridy Candy A big assortment, from 14c to 35c a pound ; 1 -pound box Chocolates 25c. Can you beat it? : Stationery You all know our prices are about one-half the : price others ask Don't worry Let us fix you out with your Xmas presents and eats Jones of course ' The Store That Protects Its Customers Against High Prices . Phone 125-126 Free Delivery DURING OUR SALE '-.'...... . -' Many have profited by our exceeding low prices. Do riot fail to see them. Wonderful bargains in gents and ladies' furnishihgsT'lJry, .'goods of all kinds. ..'.--' Corduroy Pants, No. 1 grade. ::;;;,'-';-j'$3.60 ; . .? -. U. S. Army All Wool Shirts $3.15 Ladies' Utz & Dunn high class shoes. Regular $10.00. Now, ; ' tr-y: $8.00 y Buy your Christmas Presents during our sale which closes Satur day evening, December 23. r "" "''" " ' V vi ; ' "A. B. EVA-S Central Point stances, and resigned to the long cou fiuement ahead. He Informed the chief that he had provided himself with a new deck of cards and a supply of cigarets, and expected to whllo away many a picas ant hour in a combination mix up of hi in Belt and the carda with tho other jail prisoners. GIVES $5000 TO ASTORIA (Continued from page one) Counell of Astorlu, post surgeon. An umbulnnce service between As toria and Fort Stevens is promised and all emergency cases will be car ed for. . - San Francisco to Aid ' SAX FRANCISCO, Doc. . 13. Snii Francisco's campaign to aid the strick en city of Astoria was given - fresh impetus today with the receipt of a telegram by Mayor James Rolph from United States Senator Hiram V. John son stating that Senator JohnBon was Jbing all ho could to meet a tele graphed request of the mayor that relief measures be rushed by congress.. PROSPECTS FOR GAME BRIGHT (Continued from page one) football game is off. Washington wouldn't take a chance on guarantee tax V3SO0 for A Christmas day football game here. ' ' Seems funny tliat should have pre vented tho game. ' With the Interest there would have been in it, tho col umns of spaco It would have received, a 3500 gato would have been certain. Every high school youth in town would have been there, and many of their elders. But Washington wouldn't take a chance that wasn't a chance, so It Is all off. , That's too bad. It should have been an interesting game In many ways. It would have given Port land the opportunity to compare at first hand eastern and western foot ball, for high school teams reflect the style of game played by the colleges In their territory. Medford High school, with a terri tory to draw from about one-twentieth the size of Portland, eagerly snapped at tbe chance' to guarantee f 1500 for a Medford-Scott high school game fol lowing tho Portland contest. If Med ford could ; do . that . Washington high should, certainly: jiave been' able toj guarantee a.:paltry $3600. The game would have drawn nearer $7500. J As long, as Portland .high schools are afraid to venture anything, bow can they expect' ever to have a claim to the championship of anything beyond their own city limits? PORTLAND STILL SNOWBOUND (Continued from page one.) here by the Associated Press showed 14 below at Wvnatclico and 13 be low at Yakima this morning. Walla Walla reported ten above. West side cities reported temper atures ranging from 16 above at Ab erdeen, to 2 2, and 23 at Kvcrott and Qellingham and 31 nt Olymplu. It was snowing bere this foreuoon.j but Mr. Keyser said not much more was expected at this time. Seattle Snowbound UL'iTTl l r-. lf..irilL. n diction of continued cold, the Puget Sound country this morning entered upon tho twelfth day sine, the ground was baro Of snow. , Prolongation of a cold spell whose peak was reached with a tempera ture of 19 degrees above zero early! Wednesday, Is attributed to high; pressure over British Columbia, Kam- loops yesterday say the mercury at. 10' degroes below. For tho Bocoud day In succcasisou fair weather was predicted this morning. Yesterday this prediction ' failed, about two Inches being added to tha snow on tho ground. East In Frost. Uitttra CHICAGO,. Dec. 15. Heavy pre cipitation, cither snow or rain, in portions of virtually every Btato ex cept Florida, with a particularly hoavy snow toll In the lower lake re gion, giving Chicago Its first snow of any. consequonco this season and the first heavy snowfall of the your in Now York, marked tho progross of winter over the United States. Three persons wore killed in Chi cago and two Injured yesterday in automobile accidents. Dozens of persons were injured, ships crashed In the harbor and a fuel famine threatened as a rosult of New York's first heavy snow storm this year. OMAHA, Neb., Dec. 13. Another cold wave which promised sub-zero temperatures before morning, began to grip . Nebraska, Iowa and South Dakota Into last night., A rapid drop of the mercury was, recorded horo yesterday with the approacn ot nignt and at midnight tho thermometor registered, near zero. 1- NOW ' 1HAI:fO A Western romanci ( that's got 'em all stopped '-' for real laughs and Willi Two famous stars and a splendid supporting cast. -Actually filmed in the great Western canyons. ! 8unday ' HOOT GIBSON ; in' "THE W APED DOOR" 3000 Pounds of Pure Sugar Candy for Our Christmas Trade 7 We have p. direct shipment, fresh from the largest ; factory in Oregon, and have priced it so low that every one can afford to buy. See our window dis play. Special prices to schools, lodges and churches. A fine Christinas Lixed, lb 15 Mixed Nuts, lb 20? English 'Walnuts, soft shell, fresh, Oregon grown, lb 25 Fruit Cako, True Blue quality, just like home made Cake, lb. carton 65 ? Dates, Figs, Cluster Raisins, etc., and a full line of fresh vegetables. New Navel Oranges arc in, and are lower in price. LOUIE'S FREE DELIVERY Phone 271 CITY, mad; orders received now " , (ALSO OUT-OF-TOWN) it a i n i mm DILL Curtain Rifts at 7:30 P. M. Promptly owing to departure of company on .Train no. la. i AND With Their Own .Jau Orchestra, In Aaron Hoffman's New Comedy .. NOW and THEN" A PROHIBITION DItAMATIC FAKCE IS THREK ACTS Address lettem, checks, .postoffice money orders to Pago Theatro. Include sclf-addi-onsetl stamped envelope to help' insure safe' return. SEAT SAIjK 8ATl"ItJ)AY JiOOX '" ' PRICES, INCIiUDIXO "WAK TAX; Lover Floor 92.20; Ilalcnny, 1st fonr row 2.l Halcony next 4 roure (11.08; noxt three rows $1.10; last three rows 65c. HOLIDAY GIFTS ' Make Your Friends a Present of a Nice Box of Cigars Special for Christmas Box of 25 10c Liberty Chancellor Cigars for $2.00 Carton of Camel Cigarettes..,. $1.35 Franklin's Grocery ItM Deltveriei at 10:80 A. M.-4:30 P. M. 437 South Central : . Phone 310 Announcing the opening of Hall and Hall's I Cash and Garry Grocery- (Successors to Whitaker's Cash and Carry Grocery) We wish the patronage of all the old cus tomers and welcome new ones.' too. We carry all staple lines of Groceries', fresh vegetables and fruits. - Hall and Hairs Cash and Carry Grocery 318 E. Main St. Phone 493 LE TOURNEUX BROS. Civil Engineers - Surveying, Plotting, Mapping, Drafting. Bia 8. Holly St. Phone D41-J . HEAT WITH COAL Place Your Order Now for Quirk Delivery Hansen Coal Co. (Successors to Ealt) 84 S. Fir St. Phono Sao-J $25.00 Added to 'tha Value of your Oar Chevrolet Tops ....$12.50 Ford Tops .........$10.00 . ,. Glass to Back Medford Auto Top Co. Phone 104 30-32 N. Grapo I Gift of all Radio Is the Country's Greatest Amusement Today If you haven't a radio set in your home this Christ mas is the time to give one to sonic member of your family or to a friend. Vi to some member of your II I Radio ollminatog space. It keeps ft you woll Informed on all dully topics and Rives Immoasurablo m k I , enjoymont to the wholo family. yf y. II) 7 (o) Bmnw w VIRGIN'S RADIO SERVICE Cfntrnl and "Main 1 --.n . . ' Phone 90 "HAIXV WEATHER MAKES BAPIO BETTER'' . rr