Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, December 15, 1922, Page 2, Image 2

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Zocal and
, A h. x xcrTl rr3 ' tk
fe-t ia i-er-s-: r,l iT-jfik tk' :-.Fi-i.-rsur
''v r--T ar.-f .'
lev U i rr.e t-IiJL3!r of OtB-
:jrr-e ;tjtrCAr. where .t il ! k.- t!ie 1uV-atf if trfri.j in
i.iuc:' to the f-ity.
iias ioa tr:! that bz 3i.'t aaite
at DeVo? tf
Hare jFiwKT CbrUtmiS c-aricar
wrjed Jit tli oSfiae x.&4 itr srilT
rac tb- !-!j:atie is gf.vd o7&
iiiicaa tf
Eitr dice' Pavr.ion' Sa-t. sit-' J
A (!t tin of jtm, ca rait Ion. !
VUttieCa., 'ICSSM kU fciae o4 smtteei '
(.iABUi im'tfciics ferr... T-ian.o. KTtm-i
VOse. ;'.ett. fern (fiifc Xm
drrf a4 p'f.,r. natural 2:t!
arufitfid rrea;t- rrr.i. etc. ila,.vff
The feo-ra! bcr.-Iir-g at this ciy a
r.-earlr is nei of another janitor tso
can be i;aced At wortt at ooo. Ai
firats tor the job otnst jerrw.Aily
rUrt Postmaster Wm. J. Warner b;
i ax.ou t fill the raatwy at o-e.
rxrj time later on a ciril service
-iin.,ss-?B win i held here to r-'
auasenti' fiil the portio.
fdtrin Corset .Shop. 34 3. P"r. i'l
12.361 vitity case Sf.3 at jous'.
onil 1 4 oot of tbe W Xt. Better Hon-r.
ford, Cbrrrjt. Overland tins!
tii a low as 82.25 a pair at the'
t)T Corner Motor Co. tf
Cieuso toast, cake and srfe at the
ileerord Cafeterta. boseroem Mfurtl
Cuer BMC ron I to 5 o'ctoek. 2i
Dr. and Mrs. T. T. Sfaiw left lav
irirbt for Xo Angeles to spexwt the
Ixiiars with Nolaa MarrlfjB. a r,a of
-tf rv 3fc2 rbo ia aaw a reiMest of
tiie OTBthera setroirf)i.
A3 tair socmU tedtu4 tbla eeic
ilwsfiwij Beauty Shop. 4th fUr
for4 KniWltr. 225
For iMasKari eoaJ ftrlrketta, phoec
TaBer fVl Co. Pbnee 78.
SeJerted iWlni. Knot Music Co. :T
Toe Sotal O. A. C atocenta wtH be
SCin to Ktlas borne tf nifct to spend,
the aottaa, UjlUjwiwi tbe completion
of tii osuirterl eiMnisatVm thta
fortaorw. The najortty. howeirer, are
erpected to arrire borne Statarrlay.
Hare ywir CbrfMaiaa paefcawes
wrapped at Urfa offlee aad they will
reach tfcetr destlnatbm to good condi
tion. FimitTire repaired and made to
order. Work eallf-d for and dellrered. i
It H i made of wood w make ft. Wm.
Bradley, phone 1M-L, J2
Cars neatly and can-fully washed at
Crater Lake Automotive Co, lil S. !
Front atreet. 2i2"
A. Hoi den and L. R. White wens
amanK tile Medford rlaltorc In Grant
fan yegterday and on Wedneaday.
His selection of men'a $1.00 ties.'
coins at 75e at Jones'. See these. 231'
Bis aeSertWm at handkerchiefs at
Jones?, prices risht. f' 231"
As a Christmas sreetins to onr many
customers, we are again glrins beau
tiful sllrer uteel poker. Ask for yonrs.
Valley Fnel Co. Phone 7.
Mr. and Mrs. Ralph DonUy and baby
hae returned to their home at Trail
after a rlsit at Ashland.
Expert auto repatrac at 29 H. Front
at. Komi of the Stephens. Star
Motor Supply Co. M6
Dance, Hot Spins. Sat Bite.
Turkey dinner Sunday from ona to
seven. Medford Cafeteria.
Mandolins. Easy to '.earn. Root
Music Co. K2
Milk and cream at DsVoe-s. rf
Saertff Srjjiter of tmuda coatj
tm Yi aealay. a rtit warwrrs
to aTJ ixae FEaBa:ers that no ' ':-'
raf.o i;e-rw. wilt !ne aiiawed ia 'taa.-
lianis &erKifrr ai tie macaarers 'rll
e jiifjiert to arrest as4 fine f tl:-1.'
j:tvnr.ed -rvyr.i -a te floor
:tV. st actlfyins tii a:jtr..vntiei anst'
iw:aiftl'n'K a nms for their arresrf.
Dan nil! magi rers will te s;ies'
aiirhoritv to aiajce arreats.
When s aeed. of sub anj door. !
rail "A1 allac Wooaa. ILt or ecaM to
7i; E. Us rtreet
VV'e lar Ijeary wrapj-S Str n!
icsow iw to wrap yjstr '
,-ja-lAses so thev wra so safety thru i
the mail, ilail Trit.'sxe. cf :
Beautiful ririt and a beaatifsi ec-'
tins a! to woriiS f beaat;-. ie in 'ief
Or.atil riillrooc Satu.-cay ttistt. TTS i
A 'araerte cleaner!
.Hike a rtaaiy preiienit. Srrall par-j
ment dwwn. balance montt-ij". Call:
Mrt. CiHacMnv brwe JzT-X. 2: I
There in 12 incfce of sow oa the!
Green Ziir.z-x iraxtaut road, asd ie:
ir-ite ttis fact the road j in cam tra-i
elms con:tkn as the snow is nicelyi
aown an the nu care bnj
fiilerl with snow with the poi-S crer!
tbem by a snow plow. whtTh is oeini
ma-iirtalned by the Mtton4-Kiairjaitfei
Palls aiuto staee tine rn eooperatlan !
with others trarellns freirnemly oreri
that road. It may be posrfie to keeri
the read ofjeo for traret all winter anri !
the only thins to protaoly rerect will
lie a is thaw. ,
lJSjne- in the Oriental Ballmers to
morrow cijrfct. Admiswkm 1 eetrts.
Sinsle dances IS cents. Entire ereniEsr
-. 227
Don't make yorr Xmas seiectiocs
wttaost seeins Jones' line. Buy use
ful selections. 231
Gtfr czrds with masaz:ce sohscrtp
tiocs. at the Medfort Cisar Store.
Rncts bettoa prtees. 234
The Oriental Ballroom has 1W Jeeti
steam radlatk.n. Balmy as a nisht in
Jnce. Dance there Saturday nisht. !
In the news acsouct of the death of
Mrs. Cynthia E. Buck at her borne oni
Tripp street os Wednesday, it was In
advertently stated that death was due
to a pnenmonla attack. Her demise
was earned by a stroke of paralysis.
Dance. Hot Spixars. Sat. nite.
Watch for Diamond" s big Jewelry
sale. 22S
Tjrkey dinner Snnday from one to
seven. Me4ford cafeteria. 22S
The new fox-trot sensation, "Burn
in; Sands" named after the motion
picture film now playlns here at the
Pase, will be featured by the orchestra
at the pavilion dance tomorrow nisht.
Mixed candy 14c a pound at Jones.
Buy while you hare a chance. 231
Lima and cement. Med ford Lumber
Splendid banjos. Root Music Co. 232 i
Notice! January 1st the Vacuefte
suction sweeper advances tS.DO. Take
advantage today. Phone 527-X. 222
All kinds of rongk and dreasee
lumber. Wallace Woods, phone 10
711 East Main street.
A. Ilevan of the Caltfornia-Oresnn
Power Co, has returned to Jledfoni
after several days business la nor
thern California.
We sive a framed picture of beauti
ful Crater Lake with a Are dollar cash
purchase. Med ford Pharmacy. 230
A few suggestions for Xmas gifts
that will please mother, sister or
sweetheart: a fancy comb, beauty box,
or toilet water, powder and many other
articles not mentioned. See onr line
before buytng. Prices right. Medford
Reauty Shop. 4th floor Medford Bids.
Dance In the Oriental Ballroom Sat
; night. 227
Auto insurance. Brown & White.
Anyone Can Put a
1921 Holdover-
with a Piece of 1922 Holley!
Eut no one can put it over in Shirta, Ties, Mufflers
or Neckwear not to the men we know and wait on.
Everything Ladies, in this store that we suggest
for "his gift" ia crisp, fresh, new and cracklyl
Truly llw sort of things he would buy for himself
are offered to his wife, sister and sweetheart.
SEE US Our label is the authority that the
fashion i3 authentic.
Shop in the forenoon if convenient. It will be to
your interest. We are here early.
Model Clothing. Co.
S. T. Richardson, Prop.
126 E. Main St.
Mr. "and Mrs. &. Petersen a&l "orj
ra.r oW riaurrner cf Ord. Jfe., who
were in a haf sots eetlistoa as tbe
bi.w2:T near Rot?- River !twe
their Drvlre roswfcster a&4 a Ford coacie. 1
!at Wecescay said iry the Grants'
Pass Coner to have be driven or
frs. I:iii Lewis, are stiil in Grants
srs. Mrs; PersoR r svrffertns from
a painful sevn-inci loss scaip aj-irr '
i1 the Ourteter from broiten snsi
citi rt is that Mr. Peterson sirt'
the driver of the other car capei
misry. fcat both laot wre tiadlf
wrectid. '
Sat it with Cirfittaas Seals. !
Auto Insaranc. Hrown t White. !
israraj Sieves with very kw
prices prevailing as v ire c-iosits oat ',
this The Busry Caroer Alaot Co. :
flrie-tcioeil guitars. Root Jlsiiie Cn.t
222 '
Mr. end Mrs. J2me Grieve of Pros-f
ruet ikbukI Thrcar team a teal
days tno to Portland where they at-;
ter.s.rt the state hotel mes s cotrren
uon. attesed to hssiness matters and!
took a few days off. Mr. Grieve says!
that he wm improve the Prosae-rf act'
t"r,kn Creek resorts to handle the 1925 1
-jo.ines. Trsey returned home to Pn-!
pei't t'Kiav with thetr a'rto loaded wltht
Wid thmrs which Mr. Grieve acqniredj
it the Elks ChrtrAtnas tree here last!
night, including turkeys, a patent f
stove poker and some monkey glands. I
We have heary wrapping paper and i
know bow to wrap your Christmas
packages so they will go safely thronl
the mat!. -Matt Tribme. tf'
Kemstltchln; and fecoting ari
Deoela. :4rj
Sash and doers. Medtord Lsmber Co. !
Hcnie made sausage at P-ibUe Mar-1
ket Satorriary. Wm. Petne. 22T
Miss Gladys Hartley and Miss Jose
phine Koppes are among the local 0.
A. C. students who will arrtve home
Lite tonight from CorvalUs to spend
the boHdays.
Jones' Xmas candies are all here
buy while the supply is fresh. 231
Dance, Hot Spins. Sat. nite.
The Oriental Ballroom orchestra
plays the latest dance hits in the
tesipo now aopntar in the larger cities.
You'll like it- Tomorrow night. 227
W. M. Jinks of Calgary. Canada. Is
a gaest at the Hotel Holland. Other!
guests are Tracy Sirusser and E. P.
Merrtck of Salem. Mr. and Mrs. P. W.
Henri rick imn of Chicago,- M- Priedea-
thal and E. C Post cf Eugene. Mr. and
Mrs. Jas. E. Grieve of Prospect. Mr.
and Mrs. F. K. Donaca of Carnation.
Wash, F. L Green. Mr. and Mrs. F L.
Holmes and Mr. and Mrs. W. A- Thad
aolt of Seattle and A. M. Crawford of
Will pay cash for a bargain !n a good
useq piano, n. 'j. i .anrfTpaca. rauw?
r.i(ip 1
When better automobiles are built.
Bulck will buUd them. tf
Strathmore novelties, beamifolly
boxed, with clever verses, 50c to SlJO.j
The Vanity Shop, Main at Bartlett.
The post offices w-fil not accept"
packages that are not well wrapped.
Better let us wrap them for you and
insure' safe delivery. Mail Tribune, tf.
See Jones about that Xmas candy. I
One-third off on all stamped goods.
Deuel's Art Shop. 227
Conn Clarinets, best American made I
Root Music Co. 233 ,
Mrs. Henry Hart returned this morn
ing from Portland and Bremerton
where she accompanied her son. Dr.
John F. Hart and family, earlier in the
Turkey dinner Sunday from one to
seven. Medford Cafeteria 22
Mrs. Charles J. Nichols, who is grad
uate X-ray and laboratory technician
of the Minneapolis City Hospitals, has
taken charge of this department for
The Medford Hospital, 704 North. Cen
tral avenue. 230
Dance. Hot Spings. Sat. Bite.
"Follow the crowds." Pavilion! Sat'
There's no place like Holmes for
complete Insurance service.
Christmas mail and parcel post
packages are beginning to arrive in
Hertford in much larger quantities
from distant points of the United
States, and the outgoing parcel post
matter from here to distant points is
growing quite heavy. About forty to
fifty sacks of Christmas matter has
been sent by the local postofflce night
ly for day past on the evening trains
We are giving a discount of JO per
cent on all Whir Ivory toilet articles.
Medford Pharmacy. 230'
Special prices on high school type
writer practice paper at this office, tf
All kinds of rouga and dressed lum
ber. Wallace Wood, phone 108. 711
East Main.
The post offices win not accept
packages that are not well wrapped.
Better let ns wrap them for ynn and
insure safe delivery. Mail Tribune, tf
Olympic feeds, Cen. Point Feed store
Christmas novelties' at The Vanity
Shop. Main at Bartlett. 2-'3
The magnificent Oriental Ballroom
floor la known as a cushioned floor
because it Is laid or a 4-tnrh asbestos
mntttng. Dance on it tomorrow nisht
Mr. and Mrs. Halhert Deuel have
rnt4 the Emil Mohr residence on
West Main street.
The Medford Fswrmaey offer a Jo
percent discount on Ren- fancy or
plain hog stationery- '
Christmas tokens of affection are
best arranged for now free from the
hustle and rnnfnslon of the holiday
season. Arrange for an appointment
st once. This will insure prompt de
livery. 2M East Main and Central,
upstairs. Mackey. 230
Sperln! chicken dinner Saturday
from S to 7. Medford Cafeteria, base
ment Medford Center Bids. I2S
Wrapping paper, eut to fit any six
paper holder, from white print paper,
at this office at prices much below the
regular wrapping paper price. Call at
once or pbnne 75. ff
Eiectioa at offlci-rs was iarwt Iai(
nigtt at tfc resraUr meeting- of tisei
5rdr of De istuiay and Batter Cote-1
sbs an4 Ben Trodaniise woo hare
erv in tbe cait.-;.-.tis at master'!
ceronc-iior and pn! for tt past yar'
were atir-imsowly eie-4 ty a ax.;
.ag vote to serve another yar. Other '
officers elected were Grant Sefhr of!
Ageiasxt. itrauor corac-.k-. at-i 3ta:
Sherwood, treasxrrer. It was decide 1
to hold a tame for the ttemraers of 1
the order and tbe:r fneac on Thura-1
day aiht. Dee. 2h at Kincft time tiaei
Dew officers win Eie :ntal!d.
Big dan-eer Pavtlion! Sat rtteT tii-'
in . .
Made tn Mejiford. Roxy Ai.c iy&jT
Stagham dresaes iar iasies arts cail-
dren. .4 piaing variety of eoiars. ;
&i-l designs, y-afo.-d Center I-ot. j
Mercfeaxiifse shooting matcis osse
mE north e4 PiWieniX. S'ntUy, Decem
ber iabL
I have a ueai us a rnoT ;ns ,
hovue in Portland. Wan; to tndei
lease and furniture, also furniture for!
! 1
Be; f
four rooms mare: also tilt fcjcie zaA
aa eqclptneat- Bath sons- win oe
from t2"" to t4 per seasoa. Want ;
room ins basse in Mecforrt Whit have j
yoaT Address 2. Mail Tribone. 23 j
Pianos, xiesnld ttoaray. Root Mns'j
Cteyone Potteeger returned tfci
morning from Corvailis where she has I
been in ar.tendsne at O. A. C. Miss
Pottenser la-a sophomore at that insrl
t tit km this year.
For Sale New Columbia phono
graph records at half price. Victor.
Brunswick Columbia. Pathe A Senora
phonographs and records at reduced
prices. Music Stop. 15 ?f. Grape-street,
next to Farmers Jc Fruitgrowers Bank.
Phone 46S-J. tf
Please make your appointEjesJts
ahead during holiday season. We
thank you. Medford Beanvy Shop.
Phone i&l-L.:
System Service Co. writes Fire and
all other Insurance- Strong companies- j
omce 2nd Boor Medford Bids. tr
- Follow the crowds." Pavilion! Satf
When Mayor Gates yho spent SIS in
taking all kinds of chances at the Elk
Christmas tree last night without cap
turing a smelL beyond the odor from
the Iimhtrrger cheese on the refresh-
mem stand, came to work this morn
ing his herd of She'Iand ponies quar
tered at the Gates auto garage as
prlies in the jitney weekly periodical
contest, greeted him with smiles and
merry "haw haws." thus accentuating
the grouch over his hard luck.
Beautiful and acceptable Christmas
gifts, priced from 2Sc to J"L5t. The
Vanity Shop, Mala at Bartlett. 233
Hemstitching and pirating, silk or
cotton, 8 cents per yard; Cor. Main
tad Bartlett. Tbe Vanity Shop, tf
Merchandise shooting match one
mile north of Phoenix, Sunday, Decem
ber 16th. 239
Dance in the Oriental Ballroom Sat.
nighr. 227
Miss Fern ES!ey who has been
teaching school -sx Hilo. Hawaiian
:Ts?and torJSHHst two? years, sailed
today from Honolulu for San Fran
cisco and expects to be home in time
rn spend Christmas with her parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Dailey.
This office 1s t prepared to print
ledzer sheets, KT.H, etc, used on the
bookkeeping machines. Don't give
your orders to traveling men and have
them printed out of Medford. Phone
as and we will calL , tf '
A lasting ClrrfSrmas present for the
family, a Togsenberg milk goat, that
will give a clean, healthy supply of
milk. Mature does coming fresh and :
doe kids from heavy milk stock. Come '
early and get your pick. R. H. Holo
peter, Jacksonville. -37,
There's a busy Business College In 1
your home town. OWN. j
Lace and brocade- brassieres In boli-,
day boxes. Goodwin Corset Shop, 20'
South F!r. 227'
Interest is being shown In the holi
day masquerade ball which will be
held at the fair grounds pavilion on
Wednesday. Dec. 27th. This Is the
first masque affair to be given is Med
ford for over a year. Attractive cos-'
tnmes are already being planned for
the event.
Goodrich Urea and tubes at Colonial
Hot tamales and cam coa came at
De Voe's. tf ;
Mattress work an kinds. Medford
Auto Top Co. Phone 104. tf I
Sheet music, hot from the press.
Root Music Co. 332;
Mr. and Mrs. D. E. Root have re-
turned to Copco after a short business
visit in Medford.
"Only 5 minutes from Main St" Bis
pavilion dance Sat. nite! 22S
"Follow the crowds." Pavilion! Sat!
Westerman WhiHock returned this
morning from O. A. C. and will spend
the Christmas vacation here with his
Nick Carter, formerly pianist with
the renowned McElroy orchestra, is
now directing the danre music In the
Oriental Ballroom. Hear him tomor
row night. - 227
The following officers were elected
at the local chapter of Eastern Star
order meeting .Wednesday night to
serve for the ensuing year: Worthv
matron, Mrs. Julia Lawrence: worthy
patron. George Codding: associate
matron. Mrs. Ann Braytnn: conduc
tress, Mrs. Mary E. Sweeney: associ
ate c-mductresit Mrs. Edna Isaacs;
treasurer. Mrs. Mary . Strang, and
secretary. Mrs. Naomi Minltler. '
You can get It at DeVoe s. tf
Goodrich tires and tubes at Colonial
For Sale Good sound Spltxenberg
apples, 11 De per box, bring your boxes.
Also extra fancy Newtowns. packed.
IL75. E. F. Guthrie. 132 Jacksonville
Lace and brocade hrassleres in holi
day boxes. Goodwin Corset Shop, 2"
South Fir. 227
The hardwood maple floor In the
Oriental Ballroom was laid at an ex
pense of over IjOOO. Dsnce. on svM
Saturday night. 227
Saturday Specials
Ivory Soap,-small size, 7 bars '
Ivory Scap, large size, 4 bars ASc
WLite Wonder Soap, 10 bars 39c
Sciulllng's Baking Powder, full pound 45c
Calumet Baking Powder Buy a 10-pound can and
get it for 17c a lb. Per 10-Ib. can .$1.69
Fancy Layer Figs, lb. . 25c
Oregon Sardines, 1-Ib. can 10c .
- ' "i Vw
Extra Xmas Special
Swift's Premium Hams - 10 to 12 lb. size - wrap
ped in Xmas wrappers
per lb. 30c
Swift's Premium Bacon - wrapped in Xmas
wrappers - 6 to 8 lb.-slabs
per lb. 42c
; l ;.. i f'j 'C. :
Buy here and bank tbe difference
A. F. oV A. M.
A Regular communication Med-
jr ford Lodge ViS. Friday eves-1 Handicraft Shop.
ing. Dec lath, i : 30 p. m.
Election of officers.
227 L. E. WILLIAMS. Secy.
Pleating -8e
per yard.
Bnttona eovared.
Dance. Hot Sninas. Sat. nite.
1 lot of Coats, up to $S4.'CIiolce $41.50
One lot of Coats, up to $35. Choice $22.50
New Brush Wool Sweaters ... ... . .$7.50
'Any buker or bakery would
I take pride in serving the put
j He with bread of such higft
qiulity as "
! Butter-Roll
Its pore and wholesome,
i mode under most sanitary con.
' ditions and comes in a gener
ous size loaf.' - - - - "Jv"
Next timo you ortlcr,
' four grocer for -
"A pienras , .
BETTEB T2A5 '' '
' THZ SHIES' " i- r r k '
Seattle Times.
s7 U i M f M . I . f Kt w-, atr-lT'. . -"
Iff. MUTON :J-
trOCI Mri r o
Mr. and Mrs. Public:
ln nice girls ever sweep
aMe conventions and wait
tlM hearts of the men of 'heir
choice? Seer no this bill!
( iflinu unlay
and .
Kutherrne VrlviMM
VrtT twi n ? rJ Vnislrtt 11
your Home Town. We ask f ;
your patronage, Onr goods fl
Good, onr Prices Right.
China Herb Store ''J
TW ' t eerttr that Olm Oranl
Medfard. Or, has cured, me at soi
and stomach trouble, a. M. LsonsI ;
K J Su Qranrs Pass. .
This is to csrf.fy tint Stm ChuBf;
Msaf orj. Ora, hss cured ma ot ruo -of
four y-srs standins. F. O. ISM" ,
i. a sr., orsnts Pssa, Ore. ... i
Medford. Or. con. Jan. 1J. l'K.i
This is to eerttfy that L ths "S-
na vrv severs stotnseh trwi"
snd bsd been bothered for srsl
sod last Aniu.t wis not sspectes
ore. and bra of Gim Chung
Herb store is at !U South Front rev
Medfordl, I decided to sst herbs f
loraacn irouoia. and I started to re--better
as soon a I used, them and tw
am a wl! man and can hearrtlv recos
mend anyone afflicted ss r ra
Gim Chans and ti-r him K.rlM. '
Wm. Iwi. Va.i.
5- L. ChiMreth. Easla PsteC
- A-AnJrOT. iledford,
S. B. Rim.s. Eaaia rulnt.-
V- 5- .Moor- Eie Point.
t. V. Vdntrrs. RacK Point.
Gv Too dr H-ll.n. Eacie Petal. ,
Thoa. S. Mcaala. Eagis PuOst.
.aai t . ..... ei- ..- t,i.t.if IfSMltilnr -svttav Hlfinnriltll ins uiiiv fiAtiiuaivn X- Lil Mvul o aaa mimvw . ...kl. .
KTATIOX I Pills glvo mi'lck relief. Bold rvcrvillll . .. ' ; ' ;' ,.- mmg-SP,-' . ... ".'," -