MEDFORD ' MSIE TftlBENE, .MEDFORD. OTTF.fiOX, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 1-1. 1922 PAGE FIVTJ BEADS RD3BONS ' BLANKETS SLIPPERS SHOES CAMISOLES TOWELS SILKS HATS GOWNS VEILINGS M.M. Departm't Store for Women and GREA THRONGS I PAY TRIBUTE 10 J. WANAMAKER PHILADELPHIA, Dec. H Tlioua- ands of persons representing virtu ally every walk In life, did homage today at tho bier of John Wanu- makcr, whose body lay In slate Irom nine o'clock until n'uon In Hethnny Presbyterian church where tho fa mous merchant had worshipped since boyhood and whero he was a famil iar figure In tho Sunday school and other religious work. A lonif lino of persons formed on tho streets adjacent to tho church awulting turns to pay their last re spects. Never before was there such a thronff In the modest neighborhood, tu South Philadelphia whero ; th church la situated. Many celebrated persons, Including high representatives of tho official life of tho nation were hero to offic iate as honorary pall bearers or to attehd the funeral services this after noon. The services at both the churrb and at the Wannmaker. mausoleum in the cemetery of St. James the Los were private. Invitations were issued commensurate with the seating- ca pacity of the church which is esti mated nt slightly In excess of 2000. Simplicity marked the lost rites for tho merchant prince. Three hymns that were his life long favorites were his musical requiem. They are 'Jesus, Saviour, Pilot- Me." "Jesus. Lover of My Soul," and "Nearer, My God to Thee." The first named was 'sung by the girls', quartet of riethnnY, the othorn by tho Bethany choir The services were conducted by. the Rev. A. Gordon MacLenna, assisted by tho P-ev. K. Ritchie, : Mr. and Mrs. E. I). Earl of Merlin are Buests at tho Hotel Medford as are Wm. ' pilverborry of New York, George V. Mclntyre of Eunene, Albert .Mitchell of San Francisco, C. E. John ston and family of Yakima, Wash., S. V. Douglas and Wm. S. Douglas of Everett, Wash., G. D. Oliver of Corvnl lis, A. C. GragB of Salem, Louis Ram malle of Astoria and Ed Powell of Seattle. . Wrapping paper, cut to fit any size paper holder, from white print paper, at this office at prices much below the plugl regular wrapping paper price. v-uii ui once or phone 75. it Mattress work Auto Top Co. Phone Goodrich tires and tubes at ColonUU; nb(.plU Wlillo the local students at the O. A. DULY INVESTED BY POPE PIUS ROME, Dec. H. (By the Asso ciated Press.) Public investuro by Pope Plus of tho eight new cardinals took place In St. Peter's today,' when. at tho first public consistency of pontificate, tlin.rwently creat ed princes of the church received the ' ... . j ir.jr.t Irom the pontiff tho red hat and an kinds. Medford nglgua o. eXeetlon ionelU4. j Cardinal Locatelll and Cardl rdinal the former can, as well as the cardinals and pre lates resident or visiting In Rome( nttlred in their gorgooUB roheB. Now members of the sacred college were led by Cardinal Yannutllll, strong and erect, notwithstanding his S6 years. In the processlson were tho hereditary officers of tho papal court, ; Prince Colonna and Prince Orsinl, usslstunts to the pontifical throne, who precoded and followed tho pope into the hull. As the pope took his seat beneath n canopy of violet silk and gold be hind which wcro prlceloss tapestries, tho cardinals opened the consistory by kissing his hand. Tho ton car dinals, each escorted by two cardluul deacons, were thon led Into tho pa pal pre3enco. Bowing they knelt on tho lowest stop of the throno and kissed the pontiff's foot, hand and cheek, retiring to a bench at tho loft of the dins. being In Lisbon and the latter In Toledo. They will be Invested by the heads of their respective states. Tnrtm.'o nnnniiitniV UV1U Ihn attending tho U. of O. and other Wil- hcd for many year8 , , Ha of will arrive home the Inst of the week for the Christmas vacation, those Beatification, which has been closed ' during tho restoration of the ceil ing. . i In tho throng which hastened to Ft. Peters were men in turmal ai- lamette institutions will not arrive until tho latter part of next week. For Sale Good sound Spltzenberg apples, $1.00 per box, bring your boxes. Also extra fancy Newtowns, packed, 11.76. E. F. Uuturie, Zii Jacksonville. t)r(J wompn (n ,)lack dressPS alul 1(lca .. .. . .' . ". mantillas, papal diplomats, members Good potatoes Sl.oo per nunarea ae- , , oomn ....istocracj and the , v,ir,,i n,i vi.initv .h ki.r1 ivered. Warner, Wortman & Gore. nlninlv- dressed monks aiidji.. ..muu IU. ru.i. nuns. When the SILK UNDERWEAR TABLE LINENS LEATHER GOODS IVORY NOVELTD3S SUITS COATS BLOUSES BATH ROBES PETTICOATS HOSIERY SWEATERS GLOVES ART LINENS UMBRELLAS NECKWEAR NEW WATER LINE IN IT ttnder th6 direction of Chas. Davis, superintendent of the city water works and, streets, workmen -have bee'n en gaged several days past in laying the new pipe line through the warehouse district, which when completed in sev eral days more, and connected up with the water system, will gjve that dis- trlct greater fire protection and gener ally reduce the fire hazard of the city. This boon has long been talked of by the city administration. The new pipe line is 1000 feet long, of six inch cast Iron pipe, and its cost when installed will have amounted to about $1600. It extends from Twelfth street south as far as the Knight pack ing plant, and will give the big ware house, district of that section ample fire protection as far as water supply goes. At present, as In the past, when a fire occurs in this district south of the Mason-Ehrman wholesale grocery building the nearest water with which to fight the flames has to be taken from the hydrants on South Central avenue. HANDKERCHIEFS FANCY BASKETS POWDER SETS TOILET WARE BOUDOIR CAPS BATH MATS Gifts for Children DOLLS BOOTIES RATTLES KEWPIES 8LIPPERS HOSIERY . SHOES CAPS SWEATERS UNDERWEAR BATH ROBES GLOVES HANDKERCHIEFS CRIB BLANKETS RIBBON BOWS ii irnvaMtCiA C5S OBITUARY L To ralso funds with which to pro- ride tholr annual cheer for the poor 224 waicn lor manionus uie When the pontiff entered, liornn i sale. . f,.nin his nr'vnte nnartmenls ill tho l In.,,ln nra atvloAit Tint fn Wrltft tllO .. . .... .,.. n ... .. t 'ii Vv .u w..uu - - vnnriin 111 inn dcuhi ut-aLiuuna word as "Xmas." X represents an (Cnalr of Cnmmnndl lie was recelv- i unknown duantlty, or nothing. Christ- fi(, )y (hH stran8 o -ro Es Pctrus." - ; mas is a celebration of Christ's birth- pius wng ncconipanicd by his en-1 1 day and therefore represents a great tiro ,,0.j,.t event, instead of nothing. . rteMnri the ranal cli.i'r enmo nil ' For Diamond coal brlcketU. phone .. , fU11Ptilnrlea of the vuli-i! v alley r uei ue, r uuue t o. .- $6.50 motor driven horns at . the Electric Shop. Wo are selling all fancy goods ntj great reduction. . Buy now, don't wait i until after Xmas to . get this rate. Medford Beauty Shop. 229 tonight, which will be attended by members of the lodge from all ovor the county, and visiting Elks. The doings will . begin at 8 o'clock and will last until midnight. Elaborate preparations have been made for this occasion tojiight and all day long, motor truckB and othor curs havo been huullng to the Elks' temple turkeys, chickens, carcassoB of beeves, calves and pigs, sucks of flour, typewriters, boxes of apples, produce of various kinds, groceries. fancy work and the like. The Elkg -anticipate a big fight among them-', , selves to see which one of them will take home tonight the carcass of a-' hog weighing 60 pounds. I, i Signs of Sulcldu. KALAMA, Wash., Dec. 14. Police hero today' were seeking traco'of A." F. Kuhl, 05, who left a note in his hotel room saying he was nbout to , end his life. . -His hat and cet were found on tho dock. Kuhl had atated he enme from Tacoma. " -' IF SICK, TAKnCASCAREIS'' Clean Your Bowels! End Headache, Biliousness, Colds, Dizziness, Sour, Gassy Stomach To clean out your bowels without oramping or overacting, take Cascaretsl You want to feel tine; to be quickly free from tick headache, diuiness, biliousness, colds, bad breath, a sour, acid, gassy stomach, constipation. One or two Cascarets, anytime, will tart the bowels acting. When taken at night, the bowels work wonderfully -in morning. Cascarets never sicken or iuconveni-, ence you next day like pills, calomel, . salts, or oil. ' , Children love Cascarets too. 10 cent '"' ' boxes, also 5 and 60 cent sizes. Any . drugstore. '.'jl E FORSYTIIE The funeral . services for, Samuel Wells Forsytho -who died at his hbmo, 118 Mistletoe. December tf, will bo held at tho Perl Funeral Homo Friday at, 2 p. m.. Kov. J. It. Sasnott officiating. Intermont ;in I. O. F. cemetery. His Bister, Mrs. Rosa 8. Eshom, arrived In- Medrora Thursday morning from Yucca, Ariz. BYCk Cynthia E. Buck died at her home. 27 Tripp street, December 13. from pneumonia. Aged 68 years, months, 7 nays. Biio was torn at Stanton, Illinois, Marcn e, iss4 ana she has been a resident of Medford for tho nnst 35 years. She was a de voted wlfo and mother and leaves a host of friends to mourn her loss. Slip loaves her husband, Charles P., and' two daughters. Mrs. Wilbur F. Tnnner. Ttavmond. Cal. Mrs. Ouy. it. Moore. Hnrrlsliurg, ore. jne junorni service will be held at' the Perl Fu neral Home Saturday nt 2 p. m., Kev I). K. Millard officiating, Intermont In I. O. O. F. - cemetery. ' E BOARDS OF TRADE CHICAGO. . Dee. 12. Legislation to compel grain exchanges to take into' their organizations lawful producer owned companies was urged by E. H. Cunningham, president of the United States Grain Growers, Inc.,- in nn ad dress before the fourth annual conven tion of the American Farm Bureau Federation here today. , He pointed to the recent refusal of the Chicago board of trade to accept a1 membership application of the United States Grain Growers, Inc., as a con-j crete example of the need of Buch) legislation, declaring that tho local board broke its pledge to the farmers, ' "if you abide by the rules we will wel come you in," when it refused the far mers organization a seat on tne Doaru "I want the organized farmerB to take up the gauntlet which has been hurled at their feet," he said. "I want to see' legislation supplemental to the federal law enacted at the coming ses sions of the legislatures iu nil grain states of the oountry, which will afford relief. .' ThisMeglsiation should compel admission of lawful .i producerowned companies' to the grain exchanges. The work should not be hair ueartea or pi a compromise-nature." ' ' ' Of the refusal of the Chicago Doara ot -trade to give the united states Grain Growers a seat Mr; Cunningham said, "when art Institution like the Chicago board of trade -thwarts the will of society and defies the mandates of the people's representatives In con gress it is time ror men to spear.. It is time to curb this institution which has erected itself in our midst" Applications of the Unted States Grain Growers, Inc., Mr. Cunningham said, for seats on grain exchanges, were pending at Indianapolis and St. Louis and indications pointea to accep tance, he added. . For Colds, Influenza and as a Preventive ! Christmas Cards Jolly Ones, Serious Ones, Quaint Ones, Dignified Ones,Frieudly Ones All are exquisitely designed and executed and you'll find just the cards you want. Hundreds and Hundreds of different kinds. In fact, our stock is bo large that we can't display them all, and you will find new cards on our tables every day.. GIFT PACKAGE DRESSINGS Here you will find nil tho things that go to make your packages attractive. Hod, green, whlto and holly tissue paper, gold, paper, rib- . .bozene In all colors, gold and silver cord. Labels, stickers and gift enclosure .cards In endless variety. ' . . ..2c to $1.00 Values are much better than last year and you will find cards that sold for 5o priced at ; .... i...,L.;.:. ?o 10o Cards, at And all high priced ately lower. numbers proportion- Tte First and Original , Cold and Grip Tablet . The box bears this signature for Girts 30c .. A BOX ASSORTMENT of 12 Christmas Greetings, all Different , 25 ... . Swem's Studio as COUGH ALL' '.;;' NIGHT? Are vou "kept 'awake' at night with that annoy-1 ing cough that irri tating tickle in your throat? Then keep a bottle of BINZ Bron-chi-Lyptusbji your bed and take just a sip when the cough lwth crB you. You'll be asleep before you know it and your cough will be relieved. "NIP IT IN THE BUD WITH BINZ PRODUCTS" a nRiT 11 PINEAPPLES MAY REPLACE SUGAR AS MovnT.fTLlT. T. II.. DecThe pos- Bllilllty'that plheopplcs may shortly challenge tho nnclrnt supremacy ot sugar enno as Hawaii's prcvi101" crl ii teen In the announcement that the ' Islands' gross Income tnis year irom plncnpples will ho nbout J22.O0O.00O. as compared with tho sugar crop valuo of 6t,OOO.O()0. : Nc.v ncrengc ; and Improved mothods In cultivation I are expected to- Increase the pine apple production oy bi vnn in. and perhaps 100 per cint w'.thln a few yearn. . The production of canned plncup nlra this year anpronimnti-d S.O00,- 000 cam-s. which nolo at nn average i price of $4.46 a case. The Hcrcnge Is estimated nt J6,000, which will be Increased next year besviM the pac k ers have been unabl.i to supply thi demand. ' . Chlwf among the Improvements In cultivating methods Is the utilization of the nrwly discovered paprr mulch ing Jirocpss which has Increased pro duction on certain lands by between li nnd SO per cent In experiments conducted this yenr. Vse of tho Daoer mUlch also reduced production costs because It decrensi-d the nces- Medford Book Store Medfortfs Big Christmas Storei, OFFEES A LIST OF Christmas Suggestions Gifts that are ever welcome and cheerfully' received and reflect the good taste of the giver. . STATIONERY A Very Complete Assortment OTHER APPROPRIATE GIFTS Desk Sets ' Desk Calendars Game Sets , - . Writing Portfolios Memo Books Leather Goods Fountain Pens Eversharp Pencils Drawing Sets Smoking Sets . Receipt Books Waste Baskets . Colored Crater Lake Pictures and Baskets BOOKS Books make an incomparable Christmas Oift. assortment by the popular authors. We have a large CHRISTMAS GREETING CARDS We have an enormous assortment of Greeting Cards which we are offering at greatly reduced prices. We will give yott the benefit of extra low prices. You make your selection from samples wnioa assures you clean, fresh cards.