MKDFOltb MA1JJ . TRIBUNE. MEDFOKD; Q1X30N,-. THURSDAY. DKOEMlJElv 14. Iff" PAGE THREE STATE HIGHWAY rr ..' MEXICO ' CITt.' Deo' 14. (By the Associated Press) A resolution pro testing against tho exclusion of Mexl- l. co from tho Central American con- ' ferenco at Washlnitton and declaring Mexico's opposition to the establish ment of United Btaets naval bases on any Latin-American coast . was with held from tho chamber of deputies last i night . through tho intervention of the co-operlstas party lender. The latter Induced tho framers of tho res- , olutlon; who form a considerable STltmp in the chamber,- to postpone their action for a few days. As originally framed the resolution points out that Mexico was in reality tho moving spirit In the conference of 1906 which culminated in the treaty ofl907 to which Cluatomnla, Nlca- rngu'a, San Salvador, Costa Rica and - Honduras were signatories. Jn view of this' fact, the protesting deputies . : assert that Mexico as "tho neighbor - and brother of nil the Central Ameri- ' can republics, is vitally interested In nil questions affecting their welfare," nnd should bo Included in any con yi'gress in which these nations particl "i: pate' 1 . ' Protest" also Is made against "tho danger to Mexican independence in ''' the establishment by the United States of naval bases on J-ntin-Amer-ican coasts, the-ereution of financial . guardianships, the maintenance - of armed foreign forces in the Latin American republics, and in general, diplomatic, financial, political or military intervention by tho United States in any Latin-American country which has as its object the extension of North American imperialism all of which Is not being treated at the Washington conference." Baby Clinic Hero (Saturday. Do not forget to register babies for tho clinic to be hold on Saturday, De cember 10. 2 to 4 p. in., in tho county nurse's office. Babies from one to two years of age may be registered. 'Phono'-4S0. ' ' Too Much Meat Hurts Kidneys Take a. glass of Salts' to Flush ' . ' Kidneys If Bladder bothers you. !' Eating too much' meat may produce ; ' kidney trouble in some form or other, the uric add excites the kidneys, they kecomo overworked, get sluggish, clog , lip, and cause all sorts of distress, par ticularly, backache and misery in tho kidney region; rheumatic twinges, se vere headaohes, acid - stomach, . consti pation, torpid livr, sleeplessness, blad der and urinary irritation. ' i The moment 'your back hurts or kid neys aren't acting right, or if bladder bothers you, get about four ounces of Jad Salts from any good pharmacy; take a tablespoonful . in a glass of water bofore breakfast' for a few days and your kidneys may then act line. This famous - salts is made from the acid of grapes and lemon juice, com bined with Hthia, and has been used for generations to flush clogged kid neys and stimulate them to normal -.'activity; also to neutralize the acids in the urino so that it no longer irri tates, thus often ending bladder dis order. i Jad Salts can not injure any one; 'makes a delightful effervescent lithia 1 water drink which millions of men and women take now and then to help keep ;;the kidneys and urinary organs clean, thin often avoiding serious kidney di. , orders. DIAMO at prices that will mean a great saving r Our stock is new and up-to-date. Each article will carry a satisfactory guarantee, the same as we always have given to our customers. We hava some very pf etty new designs in Sheffield Sil ver Rolls and Case Plates. Large size.i at $4.75. We made new customers by our sale last Christmas, by saving them money. We are going to do as Well by you this year. , '. , 10 ENLARGE SCOPE ' OF NAVY TREATY WASHINGTON', Dec 14. A request that President Harding seek to broad en the Bcopo of the naval limitation agreement so as to Include a limitation' on construction of small types of war vessels and on military and naval air craft, Is Included in the annual naval bill as reported today by the house , appropriations committee. Under Die . bill as brought Into the house, the president would be asked to open nego 1 tiations with Great Britain, France, Italy and . Japan for an agreement I which would limit future building of all surface and submersible types of warcraft having a tonnage of 10,000 or less and cn all classes of army and navy aircrafts. In Its report the committee pointed out that the arms conference did not limit the number of types of smaller vessels, and added that information had reached congress that "already large programs' are planned of vessels up to the maximum size permitted under the agreement and that new and larger types of Bub-surface craft have begun to put In an appearance." ' "In other words," the report' con cluded, "competition is on again In the single direction to which the . agree ment does not extend and If it be al lowed to go on unchecked, the purse strings again must be relaxed and this government like all others will be con strained to launch upon a new program to the' extent necessary to keep up at least abreast of any of the other powers." . . WASHINGTON, Dec. 14. An enlist ed personnel during the fiscal year beginning next July 1 of 86,000, the same as at present. Is provided for In the navy .budget, carrying a total of 293,806,538, or approximately half a million dollars less than last year, re ported to the house today. I.S. CONTROL ARWIY, NAVY v'f -; . "t: v WASHINGTON., Dec. 14. Consoli dation of the wnr nnd navy depart ments In a department of national de fense designed to function under a cabinet member with assistants In charge of tho. army nnd navy, .respec tively, tins been definitely recom mended tof President ;. Harding,, .by Wnlter F. Brown, head of tho com mission appointed to prepare a plan of ffoverninentnl1 re-orgAnlzatlon. The president Ik, giving .serious' conside ration to this and other recommen dations submitted by Mr. Hrown and may lay them beforo congress within a week cr two, accompanied by a special messngo expressing tho opin ion of the administration on each of the changes suggested. BOXED APPLES WEAKEN ' I.V CHICAGO MARKET CHICAGO, Dec. 14. Cabbage ad vanced to Its highest price of the sen son, (2 dto $30 a ton during the week ending Monday, December 11, with onions reaching $3 a sack nnd sweet potatoes following in tho ndvance, the weekly market report- Issued by the United States Bureau of Markets stated. ........... . : - - - Enrreled apples remained firm with common storage stock selling . from $4.26 to $5. Boxed apples weakened slightly in the principal markets. Other fruits and vegetables were ro ported steady to firm- for, the week. We want 1 -t Diamonds, SALE STARTS FRIDAY, DEC. 15 t; When they sell for less, they loose money SPECIAL $150 New Phonograph for $110. $125 Phonograph for $90 Cash They are one of the finest tone machines on the market; fully guaranteed; plays all records.' Come today, tomorrow may be too late. TO TASTORI PORTLAND, Ore., Dcc 14. Prompt action was taken' here today by the stato highway commission on a propo sal to aid tho fire stricken city of Astoria by constructing a street thru the devastated urea as part of the low er Columbia river highway. The com mission approved a suggestion to ob tain in udvance consent of the mem bers of the state legislature to a pro posal for using available funds for the work. The plan is to devote to the purpose 1 a quarter mill tax levy voted by the legislature originally for road purposes but later' diverted to children's insti tutions. Highway Engineer Herbert Nunn was sent to Astoria this afternoon to confer on plans for the re-establish- ment of Commercial street as part of! the highway. Preliminary estimates were that $100,000 would be necessary for the work. The commission gave direct relief to Astoria In settling a controversy over cost of a right of way at the city limits. The commission agreed to pay the Amount in controversy. LOS ANGELES, Dep. 14. Armour Leo Phillips, husband of Mrs. Clara Phillips, convicted "hammer mur deress," who escaped from tho Los Angeles' county Jail December 5, plnnrt to return In a few days to his former home' In Houston, Texas, It becamo known today. v . . After his wlfo encaped Phillips was 1 detained by the authorities over night I whilo they questioned him, but ho convinced them, they said, of his In- nocene'e in lib affair and. they have: given him permission ' to leavo Los j Angeles, ' Tho sheriff's office announced ! plans to question Mrs. Phillips' sis-1 ters, Etta Mno Jackson and Miss Ola Weaver, in their searcll for clows to her wheeabouts. . TO WASHINGTON, Dec. 14. W. J. Burns replied Into today beforo the house Judiciary committee to charges brought ngalnst him in connection with the impeachment' proceedings against' Attorney .General Daugherty, Burns not only donlod any undue activities In connection with tho drawing of tho Jury in the trial of William M: Jones, convicted In tho Oregon land fraud causes, but charg ed that Jones hnd paid for his pardon before granted by President Taft In 1912. " ' : .8 Boys' Killed' Coasting . SETTLE. Dec. ,14. Put on tho alert by the' killing of two boys in throo days and, tho Injury of two boys In throe dnys and the Injury of two others, Seattle coasters are pro tecting the choice, sliding hills from automobiles on cross etreeta by Juve rlle traffic cops, with red lnntcrns. ND'S BIG JEWELRY i to turn everything into cash that we possibly can Therefore we are! offering to the public Watches, JeWelry, Clocks, FOR A HEARING SEATTLE, Dec. 14. Tho Rev. H. J. Chntterton, executive secretary of tho Seattle' council of churches and the Rev. Chauhcey J. Hawkins, pastor of Plymouth church, both of whom re cently assailed Mayor Edwin J. Brown for ulleged slack law' enforcement, were among witnesses called before the special King county grand Jury which began a probe of law enforce ment and alleged vice conditions In the city. In a report to the city council today, Mayor Brown declared that a number of dance halls operating In the Yesler Way district, subjects of particular attack by the Rev. Mr. Ha'Wltlns,' "were serving a useful purpose." And urged that they bo permitted to continue with suggested changes in the manner of operation. Mayor Brown, In a letter to the Seat tle Ministerial union, requested that he be permitted to address that body to answer attacks made by ministers upon his administration. LOOMS IN IRELAND DUBLIN', Dec, 14. (By Associated Press). Further talk of peace between the factions In Ireland Is heard as Christmas approaches. Action taken by the new senate of the free state Tuesday lu' appointing a committee to work for the immediate cessation of hostilities has developed some indica tions that a considerable section of tho republican party Is willing to treat for peace and that the rank and file Is moving in that direction. . Summoning of all the Sinn Fein clubs In Dublin city to debate the question Is pointed to as significant especially as although the clubs are composed . of both treaty supportors and -republicans, ft is the republicans who sent out tho press notifications for Sunday's meeting. ,,, , - Rain Halts. Cougars . LOS ANGELES, Dec. 14. Rain here is seriously' Interfering with football practice at the University of Southern California. Nothing but light workouts have hecii held since Coach Hender son's return from Seattle. , , "', With favorable .weather today, the first sorlmmago in three weeks was to be held In preparation tor the game. ; Snmv In Seattle. SEATTLE, Doc. 14. Moderations which began yesterday after threo days of weather ranking close,- to the ooldost in tho history of Tuget Hound was .promised., to . continue , today. Early this morning snow that bogah before midnight was lightly falling. , V Grandchild Had Croupy Cough "My grandchild could get no relief whatever from n very' bad oroupy cough," Writes Peter Laid IS, Meyers-dale,- Pa., "until I gave him Foley's Honey and Tar. It Is a great help for chest and throat trouble." Coughs, colds, croup, throat, chest find bron chial Irritations quickly relieved with Foley's Honey nnd Tar. Contains no opiates Ingredients printed on- the wrapper. Stood the teBt of time serv ing three' generations. Sold every where. . Adv. 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4' 4 4 4 4 Jewelry The Gift of Gifts for Christmas A Christinas Gift of Jewelry will always be appreciated. It is a gift that lasts and grows 4 more valuable with age. We have prepared for your selection a most comprehensive array of fresh ,4 CHRISTMAS JEWELRY I Including Watches, Wrist Watches, Purses, Bracelets, La Valliers, Brooches, Bar Pins, Watch Chains, Cigarette Cases, Cigarette Holders, Pen Knives, Watch Fobs, Silver and plated ware and a hundred other appropriate gifts. j Watches and Wrist Watches of All Standard Makes On Display. We Make a Specialty of Watch Repairing and Guarantee AH Work. Medford Center Jewelry Shop I Ella Sinclair, Manager Medford Center Building, N. Central; " H Ford MII(CICTIE1LIj5s r Makes tltfe Ford a Car o Greater Power Utility Read below how jt does It then aslt a Ford Dealer to prove it by demonstration. ( SOLD BY ALL FORD DEALERS I Complete without One" ' Comfort; Economy and t. The Ruckstell equipped Ford, using Inter mediate High will dime i the average hill it from 20 to 2) miles per hour and this without hav ing to hold down a foot pedal: ''-'" . '" .."V' '" 3. By the use nf the Ruckstell Intermediate High, the For) will crawl along at a valki'13 pace when traffic is congested, and iweep away like the wind when it ; opens up. . . . . . ..'''".. 3. By the use ot Ruckstell Low, 55 more . ' power than Ford low is developed, ihi tre- mendous power will pull' the Ford thru the heaviest sand, mud or snow, and up the steepest 4. The Ruckstell Axle in conjunction with ) to 1 gear give the Ford a speed range 10 higher than with SunrUtd Ford gears, without aarri firing the pulling -power of the lower speeds. , 1 1 $62.40 f.'o. b.berfcelcy. Cai Cut Glass ' .. A, - i ;' ' ,i (' ; " !' ! ' ?t.:' i 'J 1 1 ' ,H SA - ..... I , , i.: .Jeweler FAY E. 115 E. Main Medford i . 11J E. Main Medford DIAMOND