i t mtdfotcd fAi TTtrauyR MEnrcmn, omcrsox. Tnrnsn.w. dkckmher 14. 102-2 qcal and X Personal A little of the told weather that has ' encumbered other parts cf Oregon the ! past few days except in the Hogue Klver valley has finally reached Med-1 ford, and the prediction for tomorrow Is "fair and continued cold." Tbore was quite a drop in the temperature from Wednesday's maximum of 38 de crees above, to the , minimum of this morning, 24.3 degrees above. A year ago this morning- ttier minimum tem perature was 28 degrees above, fol lowing the maximum of 43 above the day before. e Have you tried that big milk shake at DeVoe's? tf Have your Chrlatmas packaKes wrapped at tills office' and tlioy will reach their destination in good on-l It. I. Stuart and son of Medford, Mr. and .Mrs. E. K. Gore of this city, who have the contract for lining a and Kev.- Angell of Phoenix, were portion of the Talent Irrigation Dis- among the Medford people who attend trict's dlteli, are carrying on the work ed the Rev. Price "divine healing us rapidly us the weather will permit.! meetings" at Albany, that closed Inst We give a framed picture of UoaiitI- Sunday night, with a $2-100 collection, fill Crater Lake with a five dollar cash 'They .report large crowds and great purchase. Medford Pharmacy. 230, interest, wmi some astounding cures. ' All kinds of rough and dressed , lumber. Wallace Woods, phone 10S. , 711 East Main street. i Chester A. . Arthur post, 0. A. M., ! held its annuul. meeting this afternoon for the puriiose of electing officers. Auto Insurance, Brown & White. Milk and cream at DeVoe's. tf The local chapter of the Order of Lie degrees j Molay will hold an annual election of officers at the meeting in the Masonic hall at 7:20 tonight. .- Christmas g.-jves with very low prices prevailing as we are closing out this line. The Busy Corner Motor Co. 234 :ditlon. , : . tfl Wo have heavy wrapping paper and A baby girl weighing seven pounds i know how to wrap your Chrlstnius was born early this forenoon to. Mr. i packages so they will go safely throu and Mrs. Chester Darr, as a companion i the mail. Mall Tribune. tf to their three year old son, Chester! C-. A. Gardner of Jacksonville and .li The little miss has been named : James Owens of .Medford, respectively Dr. Price expects to hold a short series of meetings In Eugene and Corvallis, leaving soon for his California home to spend the holidays. , , There was born Sunday, Dec. 10th. to Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Holloway of 1017 W. Ninth street. Medford. a seven pound daughter who has been named Mary Frances. This office Is prepared to print ledger shocts, bills, etc., used on the bookkeeping machines. Don't give your orders to traveling men and have them printed out of Medford, Phone us and wo will call. tf A Inutility rh.lotn.nn Made In Medford. Roxy Ann zephyr ;., "toss enberY milk goat that glnghan, dresses for ladies and ch.,jwm nfn heaU y s", pi, ' o dren A pleasing variety of colors. mllk. Mature does coming fresh and u. uunibuo. iiicuium V-UULUi UBJl. (()Q kidS fl' oiure. . zii' L'linor, and mot!ier and daughter are doing fine. - . . ! 2.D0 vanity cases 1.38 at Jones',) only 14 out of the 50 left. Better hurry.: 227t Ford, Chevrolet, Overland tire lmlns as low as 12.26 a pair at the; uusy corner Motor Co. , tf The people of the city are requested to visit the Red Cross Thrift shop In the Sparta building, on Saturday to i trade. county judge and county commissioner of Jackson county, are In town to meet with the state highway commission. The Oregonlaq. . ,. . .. Sash and doors. Medtord Lumber Co. Jones' XinuB candles are all here buy while the supply Is fresh. , 231 . Many merchants of the city have put on additional clerks for the Christmas purchase dolls and clothes for Christmas.-' -: ,. :. .. ... All hair goods reduced this-week. Medford Hcauty Shop', 4th floor Med ford Julldlng. . ."'. .229 Dance, Hot Splngs, Sat. nite: Members of the Elks lodge began to arrive la the city (his forenoon from distant parts of the county to attend tlie.Klks Christmas troe at the temple tonight, which Is held, to obtain funds with which to provide Christmas cheer foritho poor. The full resident mem bership in the city and county is ex pected to be on hand early and remain lnte in the furtherance of the wortby cause. Watch for Diamond's ... big Jewelry nam. .4 , 226 Have- your' Christmas' packages wrapped at this office and they.iWlll reach their destination In good condi tion, . , . (', . .. Ileames chapter of the Eastern Star ordjbr held , their annual election" of officers last night, '..,; ' Furniture . repaired and made... to order! Work called for and delivered. If It's made of wood wn make It. Wm. lirndley, phone 199-U 232 Dig selection of men's $1.00 ties, going at 75c at Jones'.. See these. Ml Lib? selection 'oty handkerchlofsj iit Jones, prices right.. , ... , ,,. Z3r J. Ml. Owen, the. lumber , operator, lunveB tonight on a-visit to Portland. Kxuert auto repairing at 29 S. Front St. . Homo of the Stephens." Star Motor & 8upply Co, 230 Dance, Hot Splngs, Sat, nite. Mrs. J, F. Hittson, who has been sorlbusly 111 for the Inst two months Is now able ta sit up a few hours dully. Tom Fallow of the Lake Crock dis trict wits a busInosB visitor In the city the (first of the wock. . ,. . , .. Wlion lu need of snsb and doors,, cull,, Wallace Woods, 108 or come to 711 B. Main street. WJm, have heavy wrapping paper uml know ; how to ,wrap your Christmas packages so they will go Bafely thru the mail. Mull Tribune. U Through tourist sleeping car service between Portland and lvOH ; Angeles handlist been put Into effect by the Southern , .1'aclfio company on Its : Shasta and San Joaquln'Vulley toutes, according to itn announcement by John At. Soott, general passenger agent for tha Southern Pacific, Don't make your Xmas a selections without seeing Jonos' line. Huy use ful selections. .'. .. : ' 231 Gift cards with magazine subscrip tions.' at the Medford Cigar Store. Hock bottom prices'. , , , ,' . 1 1 -, 234 The electrical dealers of southern Oregon held their, periodical meeting in Grams Pass last Monday night. Tbo next monthly meeting of the dealers will be held In Medford.' i i, , Dance. Hot Splngs; Sat; nite. . Watch (or Diamond's big jewelry sale. -,i :i i- '-. 1 3'ia Mr, and Mrs. Frank Preston of tha Appfegute spent Wednesday afternoon In the city. , . ., Mixed candy 14c a pound at Jones'. Buy while you have a chance,, 231 ' LNne und cement. Medford Lumber Coy-1 ' i , ... BREAK CHEST COLDS WITH; RED PEPPER Earn- your tight, aching chest. Stop 'thi f.nln. Hreiik up' the rongi'stlon. .Ki-el a bad enld lonwen up In Juki a . short time. "Red I'epprr Hub" Is ' the cold ' remedy that brings nuleket relief. It cannot hurt you mid It certainly neciim to end the ilKtilm-MK and ilitv the coiigeHtlon and m.renes light out, Nothing ha Kin-h concentrated, penetrating heat Ss red peppers, and when heat penetrates Hunt down Into 'rolris. congestion, aching muscles and sore, stiff Joints, relief comes at once. The moment you apply lted Pep per Huh you feel the tlnxlintr hent. In ihree minute the rnnKeited spot In wanned through and through. When you nre suffering from a rotd. rheu matism, hnrkftche. stiff neck or snre niuwleo. Just gel Jar of Howies tied Pepper Rub. marie from red peppers lit any ii rug more. You will hnvo the tulefcet relief known. A1vav snv :e.." -"- . My Dance. Hot Splngs, Sat. nite. We are giving a discount of 30 per cont on all White Ivory toilet articles. Medford Pharmacy. 230 R. A, Cooke of Hornbrook is a guest at the Hotel Holland. Other guests Include Wm. H. Felgonson, L. A. Han sen, Charles Norton, R. D. Marden, W. II. Goodwin, J. D. Jordan all of Port land, Charles Lockwood of Roseburg, j C. A; Wlnctrout of Grants . Pass, and Mr. and Mrs. N. McKenna of San Francisco, ., ,.i Strathmore novelties. beautifully boxed, with clever verses, 50c to $1.50. The Vanity Shop, Main at Bartlett. '...'..; , , , 233 The "Hanging of the Green" party et the Y. W. C. A. Thursday, Doc. 14, at eight o'clock Is for all business and professional women. Please bring a piece pf ChrlBtmas green for decorat ing the house and a small present cost ing not over ten cents for the Christ- uuur tree, i, . ('"' ' ' -226 Louis Dodge and Hurry Hosier of Ashland attended the meeting here curly in the week of the fish and game protective association. , j The post offices will not accopt packages that are not well wrapped. Better let us wrap them for you and Insure safe delivery. Mnll Tribune, tf A few suggestions for Xmas gifts that will please mother,', sinter or sweetheart: a fancy comb, beauty box, or toilet water, powdor and many other articles not mentioned, i Soe our line before buying. Prices right, i Modford Beauty Shop, 4th floor Medford Uldg ,227 The quarterly examinations of the O. A. C, which have boon on nil woek will como to on end tomorrow fore noon, and the many . Medford and county studonts at the Institution, will nt once hurry for homo to spend the Christmas vacation. Some of . them will Just have an hour's time between the completion of their examinations In which to rush to Albany on the elec tric cars In time to catch the south bound passenger train at 11 a. m., which roaches Modford at 10:35 tomor row nlghti , -. .... Seo Jones about that Xmas candy. Mrs. Charles J. Nichols, who is grud uate X-ray- and laboratory technician of the Mlnneniiolls City Hospitals, bus taken charge of this tlopitrtmont for Tho Modford Hospital, 701 North Con trnl avonuo. . , 230 Ed M, Geary of Klamath Falls, Is spending a few days In the city visit ing friends. . He reiiorts that it was sovon degrees ahovo zero in that city Monday morning., Party with some salesmanship to take over, business covorlng southern Oregon from Portland south. Roquircs a personal or. socurity bond, and small amount of cash. Clearing $250 a month. Address postoffice box 3774, Portland. . .. 22C Dance, Hot Splngs, Sat. nite. Ray Rowno of Ashland, spent Tues day and Wednesdny In the cUy on bus iness.. ; , The post offices will . not . accept packages that aro not woll wrapped. Hotter let us wrap them for you and Insure safo delivery. Mail Tribune, tf Olvmiric feeds, Cen. Point Feed store 2.11 Tod Thyo, well known In the valley us a wrestler, did not lose the mutch with Mlko Yokel of Salt Lako City, In Spokane ten days ago as roKrted, but was defeated by the referee. Thyo In cavorting around on the mat, kicked that dlgnutury In the race with his foot, .knocking him out of the ring, to the great joy of the crowd. Tho referee crawled buck In the ring, and slupiwd Yokel on the back, signifying that he was the winner. Tho rofmoc skinned out before the crowd or Thyc realized what hud happr-nd. and the match broke up In an argument. l'l to this time, each had won n fall. The contest was held under the White rules. . Christmas novelties at The Vanity Shop, .Main at Ilurtlett. 233 Tho Medford Pharmacy oifer a 30 percent discount on ttieli- fancy or plain box stutlonery. , 230 Attorney James T. Chinnook - of Grants Pass transacted legal business in the city Wednesday. Christmas tokens of affection are best arranged for now free from the bustle and confusion of tho holiday season. Arrange for an appointment nt once. This will Insure prompt de livery. 204 East Main and Central, upstairs. , Mnckey. . 230 Hot tamales nml chill eon carnn at D Yof's, tf. Buy Bubble Books for the children Christmas only $1.00 at the Palmer Piano House. , -220 The legislature will be culled Into session Monday, January Sth. Colonel Carl Y. Tengwald Is spoken of for one of the minor capacities in the lower house. ,i Beautiful and acceptable Christmas gifts, priced from 25c to $1.50. , The Vanity Shop, Main at Bartlett. ;'233 Hemstitching and pICGtiug, silk or cotton, 8 cents per yard.. Cor. Main and Bartlett. The Vanity Shop, tf j Vernon Vawter has returned from I Porftland where ho uttended to -.business matters and visited friends. ; ' Infants white flannelette gowns with patent flap and drawstring. Soc ial fcflc. Medford Center Dept. Store. .220 Merchandise shooting match ; one mile north of Phoenix, Sunday, Decem ber 16th. 2'i9 Will G. Steel of Crater Lake Nation al park In the summer and of Eugene In the winter, who was In Medford Tuesday on business, returned to Eugene Tuesday night. An Edison phonograph and records for sale at 821 East Jackson. Just as good as new. 226 Davenport, rocker and chair In blue and old rose tapestry, first-class work and material, $175. A fine. Christmas present. J. Weis Upholstery, Jackson ville. Ore. Phone 202. 226 Despite the discouraging , reports about the condition of the Pacific high way over the Sisk'lyous that were given out In Ashland by several dis gruntled tourists, it Is cdlalmed, Roy Nunn, the district highway engineer, reports that there Is only 14 inches of snow at the summit instead of 22 Inches, and that everything is lu good shape over the mountain, as tho high way department with Its catorplller tractor which has a steel plow. In front, Is keeping a pathway for cars through the snow. E. E. Kelly was one of the Medford visitors In Ashland yesterday on busi ness. .'!'.... . 1 : Merchandise shooting match one mile north of Phoenix, Sunday, Decem ber 16th.' 229 Auto insurance. Brown & Kvhlte, The renowal.fee of $3 tq .practice professional engineering in the state of Oregon for 1923, Is due and payable at the office of the secretary of the board of engineering examiners, on or hoforo December 31. . All registered engineers should muko this payment this month as tho law Imposes a pen alty of 10 per cent a month after the year ends. , ... , , , I have a lease on a 10-room rooming houso In Portland; Want .to trade lease and furniture, also furniture for four rooms nioro; also bath house and all equipment. Hath house will net from $2500 to $1000 por season. Want rooming house In Medford.- What have you? Address 29, Mull Tribune. 230 New pianos and phonographs, II. G. Launspacb, res, phone 646-R. Big stock nt Weeks & Orr, W. Main. tf Dave Rosenberg and family left yes terday evening for Scuttlo whero they will spend the Christmas holidays with Mr. Rosenberg's mother and other relatives. Harry Rosenborg has been tn Seattle for the past three weeks and will remain there for the Christmas holidays. War Salt! New . Columbia phono graph records at half price Victor, Brunswick Columbia, Pathe & Sonora phonographs and records at- roduced prices. Music Shop, 15 N. Grape stroot, next to Farmers & Fruitgrowers Bank. 'hone 465-J.- . -. om heavy milk stock. Come early and get your pick. R. II, llolo peter, Jacksonville. 227 Fred Strang and family of Roseburg leave tonight for their home after hav ing -spent several days here visiting Mr. Strang's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Strang and other relatives. Please make your appointments ahead during' holiday season. Wo thank you. Medford Beauty Shop, Phone 191-L. 229 System Service Co. writes Fire and all other Insurance. Strong companies. Office 2nd floor Medford Bldg. tf Pauline Vroman, daughter of Mr and Mrs. Elmer Vromun who has been seriously 111 with pneumonia Is report ed as Improving. There's a busy Business College in your, home town. OWN. ' You can get li nt DeVoe's. tf Mrs. - William Carlton and grand daughters, Freda Carlton and Mrs. Morris, from near Talont, were inter viewing old friends in Ashland recent ly. The Carltons are efpecting Mrs. Etta McCollum, of Medford, as Christmas guest at their home. Mrs. McCollum was a former nolghbor of the Carltons at their home in Douglas county. Ashlaud Tidings., i Goodrich tires and tubes ait Colonial Garage. '. Say it with Christmas Seals. ,-J. J, McMahon, deputy state motor vehicle inspector, spent yesterday In Grants Pass on business. Hemstitching and pecotlng at Deuel's. 240 When better automobiles are built, Bulck will build them. tf; J. E. Callaghan of Ashland was fined $10 this morning when he plead ed guilty before Justice Glenn O. Tay lor to a chargo of speeding. He was arrested yesterday near Gold Hill by Sheriff Terrill and Deputy Alden. One-third oft on all stamped goods. Deuel's-Art Shop. . .' 227 There's no plac'o like Holmes for complete Insurance service. . . Special prices on high school type writer practice paper at this office, tf C. A. Winetrout, Grants Pass auto mobile dealer was in Medford yester- day on business. ' - All kinds of rough and dressed lum ber. Wallace Wood; phone 108. 711 East Main. -A'!9:. ." - Pianos and phonographs for sale or rent. H. G. Launspacb, phone 646-R. Olflce Weeks & Orr. tf' New rompers and baby sucques at, Mrs. .Jennie Scliwun and Mrs. Geo. the Red Cross Thrift shop, Saturday, Robinson of this city, were visitors in Sparta building. Ashland on Tuesday. Armstrong cords puts the miles in Provide against loss, Insure with mileage. Phone 277-J, Star Motor & j Redden and Canaday. Supply Co. i plaeo yur order now for Christmas Take your kodak films to Palmer's Poinsettias, Cyclamen, Primroses. Cut studio. First class work and prompt flowers of all kinds. Rogue Valley service. - tf I Floral Co. - - - - 230 For Sale Singing canaries. 847-Y. - ' tf Sash and doors. Medford Lumber Co. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY 122 228 FOR RENT Three room house. . S. Willamette St. A. F. & A. M. Regular communication Med- V V ford Lodge 103. Friday even- T Ing, Dec. 15th, 7:30 p. m. Election of officers. 227 L. E.. WILLIAMS, Secy. Thanks to the Public Mr. and Mrs. J...C. Whitaker who have been conducting the Cash & Carry Grocory on East 'Main street and recently sold to E. B. and Alberta Htill, desire to thank the public for. their generous patronage which made our business a success, and ask that they continuo their patronage with the now firm. - - - Wbrlds Standard Cold Remedy - - , In (SflaottMlife weather always I kecu Killk hantv. . t.itv!.irl cokl rcmedv wuilil mrr Sir 1im generations. Safe end dependable: NS'liead nowcs'no bad after- effects. Demand red beat hearing MrHillt portrait ogiuturi to til D.hqh1 v (p. V WM MIU.CO. This Simple Mixture Helps Weak Eyes Medford people, are astonished at the Ql ICK iCsulls produced by sim ple c.impho", hyd.-astlH wilelih iz I, eli. us mixed In L.ivoptK eyo wash After being afflicted with wak. watery red eyes for many ye,-, vs lady reports tho FI11ST bottle ljivup- tlk helped her. One small bottle use-I .illy helps ANY CASK weak, strain-1 Aid or sore eyes.'' Aluminum eye cup I FitBE. Leon B. Huskies, druggist. Adv. Handicraft Shop, Hemstitching Picottng 8c per yard.- -. Battens covered. I THE LAST OF THE BIG 8 r I I " .- . I H .Hfil A Man's Flaming I I Answer to "The Sheik'? 1 fa WLSrfT i. V"? ,18' JSA( fly jJ IV " M M- ".jw nitm r:: jrwJLirflBv m jj Cashier 5 jCj ", J('at)jrMIcDoiMia j 'A'-Big-i'Qoji: Suspenders in Boxes $1 tme Dress box . . 50c All Wool Suits and ' Overcoats Dress Shoes , , CANVAS BY THE YARD Med. Tent & Awning Works Opprwlffi H. I. Teno " CITY-MAIL ORDERS RECEIVED NOW (AliiO OUT-OF-TOWN) , , PAflF Tuesday Night rUl December 19 Curtain Rises at 7:30 P. M. K0L6 DILL With Their Own Jhi Orchestra, In Aaron Hoffman'i New Comedy Promptly owing to departure of company on Train No. 15. AND itra, In Aaro NOW and THEN" A ritOllMUTION DHAAIATIf FAIICK IX THRKK ACTS Adilrts letters, rhiTk,"' pmtofflco , money u-ilet-i to Tnno Theatre. Imliide M'lf-nddrcfcniMl MiiihiI envilop to liolp Insure safe return. SKAT MAl.K SATl'llOAV XOOX 1'itirr.s, ixri.riuxo wau tax: Inmer Floor lluleoti), 1st four rows -.'2n Italcony next 4 rows 1.6.ti nrt thro rows t.l(li am thriys rows B.V, Teddy Bears . . . 98c anid othe Toys Great Big Wagon $3.00 Checker Boards . 10c Footballs . . . . $1.50 Big Rubber Balls . 10c Pocket Knives . Xmas Neckties . 75c AH Kinds of Work Shoes Comp We Undersell all Our ieLitors $9.00 Steam Cooker for $2.50 You can save a chunk' of money here. Just ask your neighbor. Most all of them trade here. Aluminum Ware at about Half Price Some Good Singing Canary Birds . If not in Push the Money Under the Door THAT'S ALL TODAY WILL H. WILSON