iPAOE EIGHT DFORb' MAIL .TRIBTftnS, MEDFOnD .-DREriON-. TUESDAY.- DEf'EMliKT 12. 1022' L DINNER FOR THE V KIDDItS, DEC. 24 usl :.; ", . . . ; Good new for the poor children of tha ctty Us 'that a big Chrlstmai dinner and entertainment will be Jield for them the dn before Chrint- iaat, Sunday. December 24th, thauks Ho the goncroslty of Messrs. Dates and Lydlard, the proprlotora pf the "ICconcmy Orocctorla. It will be their second annunl Christmas Mu&or to 4he poor children of Modford, ten dered in gratitude for the prosperity ft their business. - The dlnnet will bo imM at. a b'clock' In the afternoon at the Ho Jel Holland dining room and will be a regular Christmas affair with tcast turkey and all the trimmings for such an occasion. There will be ftlso music and entertainment, and 1'kewlno a Santa . Claus unlmu .mil lyriad should happed f.o got shav- cu oerore mat cate. . The Red Cross chapter, as last year wtll have charge of the dinner rind other arrangements, and it is es 'fpntlnl that everyone who knows of Children who are in need of a Christ mas dinner should notify the.. Red Croat as soon as poalgblo so that am ple preparations ran be made to ac commodate all the boys and glrlB Vyhb como. Last year over 100 child ren enjoyed the Economy Groceteria Ifllnner, The proprlotora don't care ijow.many more come, iu fact the anore.the merrier. - All the poor kids of the city and MC'cfnltX' urn urffnrl In nttpnrl nnl ah- orb all tho Christmas sunshine they in. Hut all Invitations must come Jhrough the Uod Cross chanter, hence e necessity or citizens notifying the .apter of Worthy boys and girls ho would otherwise not have a i'hrlstmas dinner. A never to" bo for- f 'tten scene was last year when the AO happy children assembled, and In their gratitude broke forth into I'npfns'The Holy City," following he banquet. J j ,! HERETO IKE A SURVEY OF CITY RUIN UNLESS TAX i wo omeiais 01 tne stale r re mar- CHICAGO. r. io n,i.,i,. iT,i 37. V. r V"8..1" . breakdown of the national revenue sys- spectlon and fire survey of the city,!.'!1! ,mlc8S ,ree Becurltles nre !" wnich la expected to last a week or ,. "' "" ten days. Their headquarters will " clne r n. taxa- bo at the fire department. tlon dlrcctor of the American Farm All citizens are urged by Fire Chief u"u ' "o duress ue- Lawton nn,l tha inani.ir.r. aniraffii t ,ore tM '"""h annual convention of to cooperato In the work of the sur vey by reporting anything they know it suspect to be wrong In regard to fire hazards. Such information will be treated as confidential. Of course the main survey will be In the bust- OF FRENCH DEBT noss district, but general conditions fat ".000,000,000 of tax free socur- or any thing specially hazardous will also be looked after in the rosldonti sections. The officials hero am TnnnAoMro which has just been presented to con- Horace Sykes and Jamo Oleasou. gresa sh0W8 tllat tllore are only 395 The latter Is the electrical inspector. Per80ns In tho United States paying on Captain George W. Stokes, another Stable Incomes of 300,u00 and up. Inspector, was also to be here with Wnoro 18 " the money? In tax free the above mentioned, but on his way securities. Unless Issuing of tax free to the depot in Portland last night ocur"lo ' stopped it will wreck our to take the train for Medford, he met tax B'stem-" with an automoblln accident, an thai H asserted what he called defects others reported . in tho present bill should be remedied They did not know any of the de-,at once- "There is an epidemic of tails of thn ncclilnnt nnr hnw haH otock dlvldeuds, he continued. "With Captain Stokes was Injured, except ln tort davs ey amount to 1,C00,- that no was taken to St. Vlnrnnt'n '. ura ibbuu ia urn ur ra nera. hospital and was conscious there nt. " the recipients have owned the orlg- the time tholr train loft. Captain' lnal shar9 fr two years or more they Stokes la well known In Medford through his Inspection work hero in past years. ,,. ,. LONDON. Doc. ' 12. (Ky the Au Hociutud Proas) Tho belief that Urout lirllaln Intends to sound out tho American government's willing ness to take some such action In ref erence to allied debts us tho ponsible cancellation of tho French debt, is III.. f,lrnll,,n Tl rfn.o,l tho.,. v. "" -J "1"' -.w u.ubuvuu mo hm-, ..... ntnritti. itrur uuon oi nuuonai uanKS. - , Tho French detonation to the ad- "The dwindling revenue from theijourned premiers.' conference' was federal Income tax," Mr. McKenzio ' represented Inst night as holding that charged, "is largely due from errors In tho British might approach the Unii- the 1921 tax law and the existence of ea oeroro the January Z meet- inB oi ine promters xo ascertain whether America would be willing to consider cltncr cancellation of the French debt or participation In a conferenco for consideration of such a step.' ' In this connection tho Tolegraph's correspondent says: . , "It is the Mention of the British government, 'pending resumption of tho Inter-allied conversations to maltc discreet Inquiries in Washington either through Ambassador Harvey or Ambassador Ocddes respecting tho attltudo which tho American treas ury would bo inclined to take towards its European debtors other than ourselves, if, and ufter Great Britain has definitely decided to re mit the French and Itallun debts to thlB country." The writer, however, quotes French sources as indlco,,g (.he. unlikeli hood of suoh action. . ities.' "Tho report of the secretary pf the treasury for this fiscal year, 1922 DECIDE NOT CALL ETAFT f WASHINGTON, Dee: .12.- The Ju ilcfary committee decided, today It 99 not necessary to call Chief Jus Jjf.co'Taft to tostlfy at Us; hearings of , Hio; Kellor Impeachment charges (gainst Attorney Xloneral , Dougherty. t- Evidence brought otif during tho flay,- tt' was determined', adequately iovered the points regarding which tiie chief justice had expressed will fngiioflfl, to testify, ,lt was decided U was not micessary for him to con- Prm a letter which he Is said to bavo written while president to At rnoy General WlckorBham in which .he criticised W. J. Burns, who was later appointed head of the dopart- of lun'ca bureau or lnvostlgn itjon by Mr. Daugherty. . TO GIVE OPINIONS LAKE-SEA PROJECT CHICAGO, Deo. 12. (Uy Assoolated Press), Kopreseifttttlves of eight uild- die-western Btntes including - Great Lakos-St. Lawrence watorway com- can liquidate and pay only 12 per cent instead of the regular surtax which runs up to DO per cent' The personnel of the tax 'department he declared, needs strengthening, and ho cited two Instances wherein he charged tho department lost valuable men because of an Inability to pay ade quate salaries. Installment of the ex- cobs profits tax, he said, should como In event the 1921 tax law does not pro duce sufficient revenue. No penny ever spent does more good than the. penny spent for a Christmas WEDDING BELLS r Lester A. Morrlman and Helen IMttemoro wore married at the. homo of the bride's parents, Air. and Mrs. j. II. Dlttemore, this aftornoon, Rev. F. II. Leach of 'tho First Baptist church performing tha coromony. RIALTO NOW! ' LAST DAY TAKE THE JOY CURE with , MR-.-MRS. CARTER DE-HAVEN in a play of wives and rumors of wives. Digger on VWI IJio Screen V'-Jw I Than oil' Vjp-' I - Tomorrow - ,:, "THE COWBOY AND .. . THE LADY" ' with ' , ' .; TOM MOORE ' i.'., . and 5. 4 MARY MILES MINTEK, missions apiwlnted by their respective1 n2, u c ., flin ' 1Ted reBoluon rolycgromp .wrought iron- work, mvltlng railroads of the country to a hnn(, niad0i ncwcat thlng. VoRUe and conference for the . purpose of .de t- olnor magazines having articles about ing tho relations of the railroads to tho ti. .1.1. . .....j jnvo-bWi,uuiI US till OSeUUvlU! element In the creation of a national transportation system." The council also approved resolu tions prepared yesterday by Its oxeoit. tlve board urging congress and Presi dent' Harding to hasten the necessary legislation for tho lakes to sea touto because "commerce Ib starved by the transportation shortage," and declared for government ownership of the pow or plants included in the proposed pro ject and decided tho nuestion of aov- ernment or private operation did not concom it, The invitation of the railroads to Join In a concerted transportation plan recited that the roads are engaged in widespread propaganda, appealing to the people "for a fair and liberal treat ment. In ordor that with revenues pro. porly 'nourished, they may adequately render tho sorvico duo from thorn.' BIQ FREIGHTER ON THE ROCKS (Continued from pace one) to bo In no danger, becauso two res cue ships woro standing by. Wireless mosages received by tho San Francisco beach station of tho rodoral Tolegraph company told of tho arrival of tho stcamor Cotton Plant at tho scene of tho wreck at 7 o'clock. Tho steamer Kl Segundo leaving San Francisco last night lti rcsponBo to S. O. S. callB from tho Ortorle, slghlod hor about two hours after midnight. . Tho messages told of no attempt to tako off tho crow. A heavy fog still prevailed at day night. The EI Segundo reported that. It was unlikely tho crew had been able to land because of the stocp, rocky shoro, but that the men probably could bo transferred at sea without diflfculty. The Ortorle, cn route to Eurokn. C'al., to load lumber for the Orient, ran Into tho rock last night. Pre sumably she lost her way ln tha fog. She had a tonnage of 6696 and Is owned by tho Hank line of Glas gow. Store. . . 224 ..John Carlson forfeited a twenty dol lar cash bail when he failed to appear in Justice Olenn O. Taylor's court Mon day, to answer a charge of'dlsorderly conduct. ' ! When in need of sash and doors, call Wallace Woods, 108 or come to 711 K. Main street "Mrs. John 'Grieves and Miss Jose phine GrieVcB are expected to return, for the Christmas holidays, about the end of this week, from Corvallis where Miss Grieves has been attending O. A. C. ';:...'. ' While evory line of merchandise Is advancing we are selling all leather goods Including Cordova, stationery and fancy baskets at 1-3 off tho old prices. Medford Book Store. 224 Dance Wo'd. night ln the Oriental Ballroom. Admission 10 conts. 224 Judge Calkins was holding court here today, probably for the last time before he gives up his judicial seat to C. M. Thomas, ele'eted at tho last elec tion. He is heating a number of minor cases, several suits for dlvorco bolngi among thein. Grants Pass Courier. Hear Launspach's unexcelled pavil ton orchoatra play all the latest dance hits as only master musicians can play thorn! Harmony with a capital 11 Pavilion pnrty! Wed! . 225 Harry Gillman was fined fifteen dol lars for being drunk in the street, In Justlco Glenn O. Taylor's court on Monday. Night Pollcoman Adams mado the arrest. Oregon's fight against tuberculosis Is financed by tho Christmas seals. Put a llttlo health stlckor on every lettor and package going through the mall during the month of Dcccmbor, In this wny you toll tho world that Oregon Is conducting a winning game against the world's Inslduous enemy MONTEVIDEO, Uruguay Dr. Balta sar Brum, president of tho republic, challenged a political opponent to u duel. s Important to All Women Readers of This Paper m - . Thousands upon thousands of women have - kidney or bladder trouble and never suspect it. . Women's complaints often prove to bo nothing else but kidney trouble, or the result of kidney or bladder dis ease. : '. -' ' - , - You may suffer pain In- the ' bank, hoadneho and loss of ninhltion. . ; Poor' health makes vou: nervous. Irritable, nnd mny be1 dospoudont, it makes any ono i;o' ; . But hundreds' of .women claim that Dr. Kilmer's Swamp-ltoot, by restoi- Ini; health to the kidneys, nrovci to ue just mo remedy .nOoded to .ovot come such conditions. .... Many send for a nanip'e lut le to seo what Swamp-Itoot, the (treat kid ney, liver and bladder me'llcinu will do for them.. By enclosing ten cents to Dr. Kilmer & i.Uo;, Hliiglmnipton, N. y., you -nuwreuelvo. sample size bottle by Pnrcel Post' - -Jfoi: can n'u'r- chaso medium and largo size bottles at nil drug stores. Adv. SAN FIIANCISCO. Dec. H. The nrll'sh freight steamer Ortcrlc, car rylng 5 persons, aground off Fish Knnk, on tho California coast, CO miles north of Point Koyes, was sighted at 1:40 a. m. today by the steamer Llscgundo, according to a wireless rccolved at tho Federal Telegraph company's beach radio Inn here. The Elsegundo left ranrlsco last night to rescue the Orterlc. The Elsegundo reported that the Orterlc was being pounded on a steep roasts and that It was unlikely any of tho crew had gone nshnro but that It would not be difficult to ef fect a rescue from tho sea side. Illation San Fi REPORTER HELD RESPONSIBLE (Continued from Page One) this morning, nlthougb (Search Is still being ninde. The woman refund". to answer nuestion I""1 nlnlil. but mndo the request thnt sht lie placed In a dark cell. Her clot hoi nnd effects, which fulled Inst night to reveal any clue to her Identity, will be scrutinized more cnrefully totlny. I Vews Summary ' . of Last Night WASHINGTON Tho supreme court adjourned until anuary 2. ST. VINCENT, Capo Vonlo Islands Tho American steamer Eastern Ulada caught firo at sea. It was reported. LONDON. Dec. It. (lly the As sociated I'ress) Frederlrk Hywatera and Mrs, Kdlth Thompson were found guilty of the murder of Mrs. Thomp son's husband. Percy Thompson, by a Jury In Old Bailey today, and both were Immediately afterward sen tenced to death. Hywntein was alleged to have stabbed Thompson while the latter was escorting his wife home from the theater. Th defendant claimed self-defense but the prosecution produced a mnss of 'correspondence : heiween Mrs. Thompson snd himself In an effort to prove thnt they planned tho mur der. Frank Branch RILEY Lecture 'The Lure of the Great North west" Auspipcs Crater Club Presbyterian Church DEC. 13TH, 8:15 P. M. Admission $1.10 Loans to o Farmers Under Federal Supervision Money for to refund existing Mort gages; buy more land; provide build ings; Improvements; cqulpmont; live stock; or for some other agricultural purpose; on a non-mnturing mort gage at 6 per cont Intorcst for a torm of from 20 to 33 years; under an amortization plan' with privilege of paying any or all payments after five years, and ran give prompt attention to applications In amounts from $5,000 to $50,000. California Joint Stock Land Bank SAX FUANCISCO.'. For applications snd particulars Nee i:, H. Hunl, 40'J .Medford Hltlg., .Modrnnl, Oregon. 40 STORES THE SAMPLE STORE 40 STORES QXOPt "nml look ftt tlleso Prioes' Yoi'l'e missing an opportunity if you pass this up. 1 "is Our prices ore absolutely the lowest consistent with good merchandise. We buy from some of the largest manufacturers and jobbers in the country, in large quantities, thereby getting the lowest possible prices,' and our goods are priced accordingly. MEN'S SHOES A big line of Men's Shoes of all kinds, from $3.25 to $7.00, and Work Shoes from $1.95. Outing Shoes,' to $12.00 Log gers. Boys' Shoes at.. $1.35 to $4.50 SWEATERS Men's All Wool Sweaters $4.50 to $6.50 Men's Cotton Jerseys $1.00 Doy's Cotton Jerseys : 65 Boys All Wool Sweaters $2.45 to $4.00 Ladies' Sweaters...... $3.50 and $4.50 Mens' Logger Shirts ....$5.50 to $9.00 LADIES' SHOES In Ladies' Shoes we have ' a nice line of , Pumps and Oxfords, ranging iu prico from j $3.25 to $6.00 "And High Shoes from..,.....$2.69 to $6.50 , Also a big line of Infants and Children's Shoes. .-' HOSIERY Ladies' Silk Hose $1.00, $1.25, $1.50 Ladies Lisle Hose .........40 and 50 Ladies' Wool Hose 75, $1.00, $1.25 Children's Hose :........25, 30, 45 Men's Sox, black or browu ......15 to 25 Men 's Lisle Sox.... ....:.....i;...'........35 Men's Silk Sox ..., 65 and 75 'Men's Wool Sox .....,..i..v....35. to 75 Also a large line of Mens' and Boys' Suits, Underwear and Furnishings, Ladies' House Dresses and Aprons. Mens,' Womens' and Childrens' Rub bers, Rubber Boots and Shoes. Trunk3, Suit Cases and Bags. Blankets and Comforts. 40 STORES C. J. BREIER CO. "Where Cash Beats Credit' 40 STORES GIVE FURNITURE I! This Christmas MAKE THIS A CHR ISTMAS THT THE WHOLE FAMILY WILL ENJOY Furniture Suggestions Overstuffed Davenports and Chairs Buffets Dining Room Sets Axminster, Wilton and Turkish Rugs Table Lamps Library Tables Tea Wagons Floor Lamps Bedroom Suites Wicker Chairs TOYS FOR THE CHILDREN DOLLS KIDDY KARS HORNS BOATS AUTOMOBILES TRAINS DOLL BEDS DOLL DISHES DOLL FURNITURE SETS TINKER TOYS MAMA DOLLS BALLS GAMES BOOKS OF ALL DESCRIPTION AND HUNDREDS OF OTHER TOYS COME IN AND GET OUR PRICES Useful Gifts ' for Him and Her Smoking : Stands and Sets Flower ' Vases Bud Vases Gardiniers '' Traveling . Bags '-.. ' Suit Cases Wardrobe Trunks Book Ends Phonographs Candle Stick Holders Sewing . Baskets Auto Robes TRADE IN YOUR OLD FURNITURE FOR NEW. FORGET OUR EXCHANGE DEPARTMENT. DON'T MORDOFF & WOOLF . - Complete House Furnishers .