SEVEN BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManusi '.',W MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, DREOOX, TUESDAY, DECEMBER 12, 1022 THE. CHIEF" OF" POLICE OF I I . VELU'VOURFRIEND r pooR THt l-5 THE U-ed . VELL. IF IT ISN'T HONOLULU lb IM THE 1 ) OlNTY MOORE S IN I DusTX-HCU. HrVPPiET DAC ' T , pOOV MiOlRE- CPTN'b CBIN HE J DIDN'T L THE HAvNOt OV THE HWE TO OF M( LIFE- cwftffi ' -b WANTS TO TQU- I 00 WjfRfi POLICE HOPE HE b IN HONOLULU ' (tf'tyCy ' " -Ct?T THECHIEF' V. NIOEEI NOTH.N"! gg OTim OMUfDR VJ (( ) --jgminr&SSff HERE I 8 " f f ff S rVlHBl g I ' ,- " "'"" ' 'i m Intl FEATURfe' Service. Inc. f' Market New j ..... ........ JJypjjk PORTLAND,; Ore., Pec. . 12. Cat tle and sheep nominally steady; no receipts. Hogs . nominally steady; 1740 Dakota hogs come direct to packers. Butter PORTLAND, Ore., Dec. 12. But ter thre cents higher. Extra cubes 4647c; ordinary grades 4446c; cartons 52c; printed 51c. Butterfat 4c- higher. No. 1 churning cream 52 iff 04c f. 0. b. Portland. Undergrades 5052c. Portland Wheat PORTLAND, Ore.. ' Dec. 12. Wheat: Hard white, bluestem, Baart $1.50; soft white $1.25; west ern white $1.22; northern spring $1.20; hard ' winter, western .red $1.16. ' ''Today's car receipts: Wheat 46; flour 2; corn 4; hay 5. : Portland Efrgs and Poultry . PORTLAND, Ore., Dec. 12. Eggs: Belling price,' case count 4648c; buying price, current receipts 45 47c; henneries 48c; selling price candled 48S0c; selected candled in cartons 5355c. ; r-Poultry: Hens, heavy 22c;' light J3c live.'. Springs, live 1718c; old roosters 10c; turkeys No. 1 live, 26c; dressed 3536c; geese 18 c;, ducks ?0c.: . .- ; v: i Wheat: BlucHtem $1.60; ' options $1.1691.25; barley $30: oats $35 36.50;-com No. 3 yellow ... $32.50 33. .; ' ... ... '. . .Mlllstuffs: .Millrun $36; scratch food $36; middlings $43. Hay: Buying price, timothy, val ley $21; eastern Oregon $22; alfalfa- $19; grain ,$19; clover $19; oat and vetch $ 2 0 2 1. ton. San Francisco Markets. SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 12. U. S. Bureau of Agricultural. Econom ics) Eggs, extras 58c; -undersized No. l,"4Kc.;' Poultry unchanged. WcatluT Boosts Wheat 1 CHICAOO, Dec. 12. Cold weather threatening crop damage tended to lift wheat .prices-today ''during tho early dealings and so likewise did on upturn in sterling exchange. The strength of sterling more than offset tho fact that Liverpool quotations on wheat showed but littlo reBponso -.o yestorday'B -advance hero. Continued notice of prospects for enactment of credit extension measures at Wash ington counted also In favor of the bul) sido of tho market. The open ing, which varied from unchanged figures to o higher with May $1.20 to $1.20'V and July $l-10i to $1.10. was followed by a slight sag and then by material gulnd nil around. -. ' ' Corn asconded with wheat. After opening unchanged to a shado off. May 71 H to' ' 7114c,' tho market scored a moderate general advance. Onts wore activoly weak, owing to liquidation sales on the pnrt of holders- of ' December contracts. ' Prices-started unchanged to I Vic lowor. May 44 to 440.01 later showed small gains for May and July.. Clilcago' Market. CHICAGO. Deb. 12.-MU. S. Bureau of Agriculture) Hogs receipts b7. 000; market 10 to 20c lower than Monday's best time; bulk 200 to 270 lb averages $8.25 8.30: few 1J0 to 170 lb. averages $8.36 W 8.45; top, $840; packing sows mostly $7.G0X; desirable plgc around $8.25; heavy hogs -8.158.80! medium - $8.0 8.30; light $8.208.40; light .light $8.1008.35;. -packing sows, smooth: $7,00 iff 8;; packing sows,' rnugh, 7. 30(87.85; killing pigs $8.2003.36 Cattle receipts 15,000; beef Bteers fairly active, generally steady: kill ing quality better than Monday; bulk native beef steors $8.6rio.i'5; cev eral lots matured utccrs MOItlO.75: $12.00 bid on choice Inads; she stock steady; hulls slow: veal calves strong to 25o higher; atorkers and feeders. slow: better kind steady: others Weak: desirablo veal calves to packer I9.283 9.30; upward to- !0 for- few choice animals: bologna bulls M.25: PERL FUNERAL BOMB At Tonr e Hw THf or Hlgkl - Ifttoraadoa CordUll Otrca Our. ftth ad (MMal bulk Blockers and feeders $3.50j 0.70. - - Sheep recclpu 15,000; ' opening very slow: few early sales fat lambs around steady; early top 115.60 to packers: clipped 80 lb. fed lumlw $13.00: shcop full steady; heavy fat owes ,5G; lighter weight up to 7.2G8; two loads aged wethers J8.2B. Ye Lettre Boxe li nises "Loves of Pluirooh." To the Editor: We feel constrained to rush Into print (which seems to be the order of the day,) not however, upon the subjects of politics, Compulsory School Bill, or Divine Healing, but in regard to the production now be ing shown at the Page theater "The Loves of Pharaoh." We have waited for months hop ing to see this picture having read so much of the furore it has created, and hearing from personal friends whp had viewed It in other cltios, of Its greatness. ; ' When, therefore, we saw the an nouncement of Its showing at our lo cal theater, we silently congratulated our manager, and felt proud and hap py to live In a city where the world's best was brought to our doors. , We went late, to avoid the rush of the earlier show! We saw no great line of cars park ed at the curb no lino of eager, de lighted people coming out Wo won dered . ; 1 . We sat surrounded by great yawn ing spaces of empty seats and wit nessed the most stupendous and wonderful picture that has ever been shown on any screen! Adjectives fail us and seem weak, when trying to describe in any adequate fashion this film. This pictu-e, produced by Ernest Lubltsch, called the Film Wizard of Europe, seems, when com pared with other pictures, as a giant among pigmies. The tremenduous power of the characters the mar velous simplicity and hewing to the lino in the unfolding of its Btory tho T'del'.'-, to tho smallest detail of the Egyptian setting tho gripping Interest and ' amazing revelation of the whole, leaves one tongue tied', and they can only he Bllent and mar vel. Also this picture, though caus ed "The Loves of Pharaoh" embodies an atmosphere almost. entirely free from the exotic sex appeal so notice ably Insistent in the De Mtlle and some of the other productions. Why the people ol. our cosmopolitan lit tle city, who go yearly to the cities to invite their souls ' with grand opora and dramatic artists, have not seized noon this opportunity afford ed by Mr. Hunt to see ono of the greatest masterpieces In the world of shadow photography. Is a great mys tery to us. ' The organ Interpretation of Miss Brown is' taasterly. We notice she used the theme of the persecuted lov ers the "Celeste Alda" of Verdi, con sidered the greatest love sone ever written. ' - 'A CITIZENESS. Medford, December 12. WARSAW. Poland Rioting with loss of life and injury to many persons HELP WANTED Male and Female WANTED At once, live man or lady to canvass for good selling nmuie in Medford, Ashland and county. If you have car, so state in answering ad. K, care Mail Tribune 224 Easy Shifting Run up on our Grease Eack and have the Sticky, Heavy Grease drained out of your traiimission and replac ed withValvoline Semi Fluid Gear Compound. Crank Cases Draiucd Free JONES & KIRKPATRICK Next to Nat. marked . the inauguration of Gabriel Narutowlcz as president of Poland. HELP WASTED FEMALE WANTED Girl or woman for general housework. Phone Hert Bostwiclt, Applegate. Address Williams, Jose- ' phine County. 225 WANTED Housekeeper. Phono 244 or call at the Pantorium. 228 WANTED Lady to handle corsetry in Medford. Box W E, Mall Tribune. 228 WANTED SITUATIONS WANTED Young man wishes part time employment. References. P. O. Box 557. ' " 229 WANTED Position general house work. Phone 31-X-2. 225 WANTED Light housework by mid dleaged woman. Call Red Cross. 225 WANTED Wood 452-J. - Phone 223 WANTED Position by experienced lady cook. Call or write Washington Rooms. Either camp, farm or small hotel. ' 224 WANTED MIBCHUoANKOUS WANTED Will pay cash for good phonograph, Brunswick preferred. - Address Box X, Mail Tribune. 225 WANTED $2500 on real estate. P. O. Box 591. 225 WANTED to buy pasture, small or large class. Frank Randier, Jack sonville. 227 -I WANTED-rA furnished or partly fur nished house close In. Phone 31 H. S. Deuel. tf" WANTED Apples for Canning. Rogue River Valley Canning Co. 225 WANTED Yellow Newtown apples for canning purposes. Bogley Can ning Co., Talent. 224 WANTED A gentleman to room and board. Phono 936-R. tf .WANTED To buy corn. Phone 697-J-3 I ' ; tf WANTED All kinds of guns to repair and saw filing. Upstairs 22 S. Orape. . 237 WANTED Cash paid for pTlts, hides, wool and furs. Johnson Produce Co., 241 N. Fir St Phone 97, tf WANTED House moving and repair ing. Phone 488-M or 48S-X. WANTED Small house I can hay like rent. X23 care Tribune. . FOR RENT APARTMENTS FOR RENT Housekeeping apartment Apply 323 N. Front 8t. 221 FOR RENT Furnished apartment with bath. 146 8. Ivy St. 226 FOR RENT Apartment, 124 King St., corner of Tenth; also car and truck storage. ' . ! SACRIFICE NEAR MEDFORD . $1000 $1800 Terms . Five acres. Irrigated; 4 .room furnished house; fine cow, chick ens, liny, wood. House Just as neat and cozy, as can bo; phone, dec. trie lights, bath, sleeping porcli, good ' barn, nearly 1 acre ill strawberries; water right paid up in full for wholo place; flno family orchard. For immediate sale $2800 $10O0 cash. Italnnco terms. First person that sees this will toko It, Call mo up. Phone 784-L 3. C. IIARNK8 $3000 ANNUAL INCOME ., And more can be made from this splendid ranch tf It Is reasonably operated..'. 50 acres fine bottqm land with full paid water right ' Fine producing pear orchard... All land adapted to the growing of alfalfa, potatoes, onions, cabbage and all other high value crops. Best surroundings; school and cloctric power facilities at hand. Price lowr than any similar property in this valley $200 per acre; reasonable terms; no trades. Pear crop alone should pay for prop erty in three years. If you want a real producing property at a remarkably low figure come and seo us. ' ' ' Phone 285 ' EXCHANGE OPPORTUNITIES 6-room modern semi-bungalow, Medford, to trade for larger city borne. Will pay difference. 10 acres improved, all in fruit, paid water right, close to River side, Calif., to trade for Medford or Ashland home. 12 acres, all bottom land, with paid water right, 1 mile from Medford; Improved, all In alfalfa. Wan.t to trade for dairy farm and pay difference, 1 acre, lots of fruit, at city limits Medford; equipped as chicken ranch, five rooms, city water; Only $2500. Will trade (or home close In. SEE US TODAY FOUR-SITE BALES AGENCY Real Estate Business Opportanltte Insurance Mm! ford llldg., Mnlfnrd, Otvftnn FOR KENT nOUBKKEKKJNO ROOMS FOR RENT Modern housekeeping apartments; no children. Call at sldo door. 632 S. Ivy ., 22ti FOR RENT Three furnished rooms for light housekeeping, with sleeping porch and garage. Phono 647-W. - FOR RENT Largo housekeeping room. 310 N. Bartlott. 221 POK IIK.V1 ROUSES FOR RENT Modern 7 room furnished house five blocks from .Main street. Phone 191-L or 814 after 6 o'clock. 0r. FOR RENT Going away for the win ter will rent our 6 room modem fur nished cottage to adults, $30 per month. 1118 W. Eighth St. 224 FOR RENT Five room furnished house, water pair, $32. Inquire 435 N. Bartlett. - 225 FOR RENT Three room furnished bungalow. Piano, electric lights and telephone, one mile from town, rent $15. Call 7-F-4. 225 FOR RENT Six room partly furnish ed house. Phone 292-Y. 224 FOR RENT Rouses. Brown ft White. FOR RENT FURNISHED ROOMS FOR RENT Comfortable furnished sleeping room with bath privileges 325 S. Riverside. Phone 701-J. tf -'I FOR RENT Room with hoard. 223 N. Central. 228 FOR RENT Rooms, men only, $2.00 per week. 44b a. Front St. 220 FOR RENT Sleeping rooms at 204 N. Ivy. 22 1 FOR RENT MISCELLANEOUS FOR RENT 8 alfalfa, good house and barn, fine garden, all under ditch; mile and half west of Phoenix $160 cash rent. Mrs. R. J. Slaughter. 224 FOR RENT Garage at 1103 W. Tenth St. Phone 82. tf FOUTJD FOUND Jn Golden Rule store, small black purBe. : Owner may have same ' by calling at 420 S. Park and paying for ad. 223 MONET TO M)AN MONEY TO LOAN on Improved ranch security, $5000 or less, 6 per cent Interest O. C. Boggs, Attorney for State Land Board, Jackson County. rOR SALR AtTTOMOnrfiES FOR SALE 1922 Chevrolot, two new Kelly cord tires. Inquire 311 How nrd St 227 FOR SALE OR TRAUE Two-ton truck, good running order, cheap. Box 63, Mall Tribune. ; 226 Nash Hotel Corner J. W. DRESSLEE CO. 123 East Mnln St., Medford FOR EXCHANGES FOR EXCHANGE Ono Overland 90 truck to exchange for wood. Jcbsb L. Richardson, Central' Point. 225 I'OIl SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Nino pigs, weight about 90 pounds, lli tulles northwest of Central Point. Win. Bohnert, phone 194. ' 226 FOR SALE One old registered and ono yearling Hereford - bull, $60. Frank Randier, Jacksonville 227 FOR SALE Puppies, beauties for Xmas presents. Phone 591-R-l. FOR SALE Large type 7 months old Poland China boars; also Tancred White Leghorn pullets, now laying. Ernest Webb. Central Point. 228 FOR SALE Ono team good work horses cheap. Schuchard Orchard. Phono 811-R-3. 22S FOR RALj nOMKS FOR SALE Good five room plastered house on pavement, cement walks, lawn and shrubbery. Call 205 W. Jackson. 228 FOR SALE Houso containing five apnrtinonts, all furnished, closo in, paying well; $1000 will hnndlo. Ad dress Box 86, Tribune. ' 228 FOR SALE House, five roomB, bath. 435 Grape St. $2250 cash or terms. Mrs. L. R. Bingham, 2631 Shiloh, Sawtollc, Calif. 226 TOR SALE Must sell, attractive five room bungalow, modern except heat. Three lots, garage, chicken bouse, wood house. '1 Tormg. See owner. .Phono'488-Y. , . 234 FOR SALE Houses ana bungalows, furnished or unfurnished ; alc acreage. Insurance. C. S. Butterfield, Medford National Bank Bldg., Phono 889. - - - . FOR SALE HEAL, ESTATE FOR SALE 280 acres logged off land near Butte FsIIb; will sell cheap and give terms. Big Pines Lumber Co. FOR SALE Stock and dairy ranch, 160 acres, fenced, buildings, home orchard, Btream, and well of water, near R, R. station and paved high way. TorniB. P. O. Box 544, Med ford, orogon. zm FOR SALE 15 acres of- land, im proved, with bearing orchard of apricots and almonds; buildings and pumping plant; water enough to irrigate the entire place, ono mile east of Red Bluff, Calif., on tho statu highway. Inquire of owner. A. P. Barrow, Red Bluff, Calif. '220 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE Now Columbia phono graph records at half price. Victor, Brunswick, Columbia, Patho & so- nora phonographs and records ut roduced prices. Music Shop, No. 15 No. Grape St, next to Farmers ft Fruitgrowors Bank. Phono 405-J. 'tf FOR SALE Schaffor piano, and hall troe. 407 Bcatty St Phono D90-R. ' ' 230 TOR SALE Alfalfa 501-R-l. hay. Phone FOR SALE: Five ton wagon scales. Phone 611-R-3. 22S TOR SALE Get that Xpias popcorn at Public Market Dec. 16th. 228 We pay entire 1923 licenses on any car bought of us for cash during balance of month of Decem ber. A real saving. BUSY CORNER MOTOR CO. FREE! saasa-sassngganms-srjranBnsa FOR 8ALR M1SCKM.AXKOIT8 FOR SALE Two ges3 and ono gan der. Phone R13-X. 22) FOR SALE Good used piano, easy terms. P. O. Box 657. 223 FOR SALE Almost now baby sulky and basinett. 43 N. Oranse. Phone 393-J. ' 223 FOR SALE Cheap, sowing machine bed, nunll table, ehulrs, anil kitchen utemillu. Call 243 N. Ivy. 225 -I FOR SALE Farmers blasksmlth shop Deere binder, grain urill, all in good shape. J. Wallenberg, Eagle Point. 228 FOR SALE Orchard run Jonathan apples, 75 cents per box. Connors Packing House. 226 FOR SALE 43 White Leghorn hens and pullets and 25 small chickens, entire flock $15. Mrs. M. D. Jones, Jacksonville. 225 FOR SALE Piano. Will takTphono graph as -urt payment; easy terms. Phone 691-J. 225 FOR SALE Worcester, Doulton, and Coalport china. Phone 455-Y. 227 FOR SALE Barred Rock hens and pullets, O. A. C. best laying strain. Phone 201-J. 224 FOR SALE 100 tons hay at $20 ton, heavy timbered feed grounds with spring water. J. C. Cass, Jackson ville. Phone 304. ' . 237 FOR SALE Potatoes, Nettod $1.00 per hundred -at ranch. Herring, Central Point ' Oe:ns, J. O. 207 FOR SALE A Ludwlg piano. Phone 631-L. 1 Call 227 FOR SALE Front Rank hot air fur nace at the price of a good heating stove. This furnace is in good eon- anion, large enougn ror a six-roJiu house. Call 620 business hours. tfj FOR SALE Three used pianos. Seo'j.R, me Deinre Duymg. 11, u. .aunspacn, office Wcoks & On. tf FOR SALE Two General Electric motors, 36 h. p., 40 degree, 60 cyclo, 2200 voltage, complete with compen sators. 1 Tacoma logging engine, 10x15 with line. Big Pines Lumber Co. '' FOR SALE New pianos, beBt quality, pricos and terms. H. Q. Launspach, phone 646-R. Office Weeks & Orr, W. Main. . - " tf FOR. SALE Turkeys for breeders, from Mr. Wright's stock, Washington.- Fat geese 30 conts dressed. Hoof 10 and 12 cents. Phone 7-F-ll. '..;....,.... 236 FOR SALE Baled alfalfa hay In warehouse. First class and clean, $25.00 per ton. Rogue River Valley Canal Co., 204 8. Fir St Phone 120-J-2. . 231 BUSINESS DIRECTORY Abstractors MURRAY 11ROS. & GREENE Abstracts or Title. Rooms 8 and 5, No. 32 North Contra! Ave., upstairs. Jackson County ABSTRACT CO. The only complete Title System In Jaokson County. Abstract of Tltla and Title Insurance. ' . Attorney O. 0. BOGOS Lawyer. Specialties In Real Estate and Probata Law. 80 North Central Ave. Ai E. REAMES Lawyer, offloa In Liberty Building. E. B. KELLY -Lawyer. Resumed praotlce of law. Office with Porter J. Nnff, Medford Natll Bank Bldg. Bulldrng Material MEDFORD CEMENT BRICK A BLOCK WORKS Speciality In all kinds of cement building products Cor. Kir and Tenth Itreeti. Expert Accountant WIL80N AUDITING CO. E. M. WU- son, C. P. A. Attention given to an; thing in accounting and Income Tax requirements. Look Into our almpli fled accounting method. Liberty Bldg., Medford. Phono 157-R, Money to Loan J. II. ANDREWS Buys and soils mortgages and loans money on good security. 21 N. Grupe St. Phone 53-M, 246 Auditlrvtf y Accouivtlrva !? jYSTCNERYICElO; f Insurance ff I, w4hriaJ M P. RTTTMrT" tnii floor Medford rtldg BUSINESS DIRECTORY Chiropractic Physician DR. JOUETT P. BRAY Scientific Chiropractic adjustments. Hours 9 12 nrd 2-5 except Thursdays. 313-319 Me I ford Bldg. Office phone 29, res, phone 494. "Keep Smiling." . v.) DR. HARVEY P COLEMAN Cairo, pro. tic and Eleotro-Therapy. 427-21 idmiford Bldg. Phone 965. ' . tt DR a! It flEDGKS Neo-Eclect'O Physician. DR. LOUISE E. HEDOEB Naturopathic Chiropractor. M chano - Therapy, Spondylotherapr, Food Sciences, Chiropractic Office! Stewart Bldg., 235 E. Main : St Phones: Office, 170; Rea. 170-J-2. DR. E. W. HOFFMAN Chiropractic Physician. Office hra. 9 to 12, a to 6. Suite 203-04-05-06 Llborty Bldg. Dentists DR. O. J. JOHNSON Dentist 228 B, Main St., over M. M. Dept 8tor, Medford, Oregon. Phone 969; re. 1002-Y. Office hours 9 a. tn.-6 p. ii. Evening and Suuday by appointment Farm Loans FEDERAL FARM LOANS NOW 6 Applications should be on Hie j)j Dec. 25 far December ; appraisal,: ti. II. Uurd, Secy-Treas., 402 Medio. Monuments THE OREGON GRANITE CO. MOBW mo its. 10. A. Hicks, general manager. P, M. Kershaw, sales manager, 10$ K. Sixth St., Medford. . it?. Osteopaths it ;j,a P q. CARLO W, DR. EVA-MAINfl (KLOW Osteopathic Physician jjmig Liberty Bldg. Phone 904-J-$ Residence 26 8. Laurel St' ,- V. W. HOWARD Osteopathia Physician. Special attention grrea to eye, ear, nose and throat' IQt L'.bonry Building- Phone 499. ,v-' ' . i. Physlclana and Burgeon , ML J.. J. EMMENS Physician ant Surireon. Practice limited to em car, nose and throat Eye sole tlfloaily tested and glasses supplteo Oculist 'and Aurist for 8. P. R. R Co., Medford Bldg. Phone 667. . DR. WM. W. P. HOLT Phyalolaa and Surgoon. Offices Medford Bids Phone 166.- Residence 118 Qeuejei St Phone 165 J-2. DR. A. UURSELL Physician and Surgeon. 312 to 814 Medford Bldg, Entrance 36 N. Central. Special attention to spine. Phone 29. . . '-' DR. LINCOLN KALLEN X-Ry P0 inllst. Medical and Dental X-Kaj Disguosls and X-Ray ' Treatment Laboratories 211-213 Liberty " Bldg Office hours 9 a. m. to 12 m. 1-6 p.m.' Telephone: Office, - 61; residency 01-J-2 ' I'lano Instruction FRED ALTON HAIOHT Teacher of Piano and Harmony. Compoamg, Arranging. Studio 318 Liberty Bldg. Phone 72. - i : : Printers and Pnbllshen MEDFORD PRINTING CO., haa tha vest equippea priming umw ui Southern Oregon. Book blndtofc looae leaf ledgers, billing system, etc. - Portland prices, 27 N. Fir St Public Accountant HUGH R. ROBERTSON & CO. M0. ber American Institute of Accoun tints. Public Accountants and AudU tors. Portland, Ore. and Minneapolis, Minn. Address: 1017 . Yeon Bldg., Portland. Ore. '::-,-- Rng Weaving MEDFORD FLUFF RUQ WORKS makes fluff rugs from old and worn carpets and rug. Phone 610-M. ,706 Pine St. .-''. Transfer EAD3 TRANSFER ft STORAGE) OO Office 43 North Front 8t Phoo 215. Price right Service guar anteed. . ' DAVI8 TRANSFER AHD STORAOH CO. Anything moved day or night Service guaranteed.- 2 8. Gripe. Phone t' Office 044, or resi dence 647-R or 206. - tf Upholstering J. WEI8 Upholstery. Manufacturer ot overstuffed furniture. Fall line of materials. ' DraperlM mad to order.- We do all kind of PaoV ' sterln. We deliver end will mJt and show sample. Pber 261 taekunnvllU. Or ' ; "A. N. THIBAULT Upholstering, re. glueing and reflnlshlng. Work done st ybur home. Telephone 969-R, 11. 3, Box 44 A, Medford.' , 231