Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, December 12, 1922, Page 6, Image 6

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    I'AOt SIX'
; OXFORD, Mass., Dec. 5. A verdict
for tUe defendant lute yesterday' con
eluded a BUlt In fodernl court here tor
1100,000 damages "lied by Miss Fran
cis O. Blrkhead, stenographer, usainot
Lee M. Russell, Mississippi's chief ex
ecutive. .
Miss Blrkhead had asked for $50,000
on each of two counts one alleging
seduction and the other Impairment of
health as the result of an alleged oper
ation. Submission . f the case to tho juny
came after four hours of argument and
tho verdict 'was presented 28 minutes
later. C. M. McNeil, chief counsel for
Miss lilrkhead, would make no state
ment, as to future action but Indicated
an appeal might bo taken.
Tho Oregoi school law requires all
pupils in elementary and secondary
physlca 1 trnlnlnir during periods
schools to rccclvo instruction in
which shall average at least twenty
minutes In each school day; - exclu
sive of recess periods. Tor this pur
pose Htnto Superintendent Churchill
has prcpnred for the tencheYs use- a
manual itlvinK a courso in physical
education. - n ' v
Tho worst typo of school offers
tho child a dirty, ill-kept, bndly Hunt
ed,' unevenly lieuted, . unvontllatod
Bchoolhoune with fin ugly, uncared
for playground. i
Tho'i best typo of Borfnol offers tho
child. clean, well-lighted, well
henttd, well-ventilated School build
ing, . with a! large, wetequlpped play
ground. " '
Flhd out how mnny chlldron have
been killed while pluylng on the
streets or roads. .'
Then think for Just one moment:
"It liright have been my child.", Then
see wlmt you can do to' help tho
schobl authorities get enough play,
ground kpucu' for your child and the
Other children of tho nelKhborhood.
Statistics gntherod nt the tlmo of
tho World War revealed lili per cont
of the young men of tho United States
physically, unfit to fight for their
couritry. More than ono man In
ovory'flvo between the ages of 20 and
30, when n man Is HUP)osed to bo nt
his best physically incapable of meet
ing Ills country's call!
, Gross Ignornnco of tho simple rules
of henlth and hygiene costs tho na
tion ench y"ear a lum nearly twlco
that snonU for . puhllo uiomuutnrv
and 'socontlary schoolH.
Tho oounty nurse finds a largo per
cent of children ' In Jackson county
drinking ten and coffee, negleitlnx
bathing nnd tho brushing of their
teeth; sleeping In unventilnted rooms,
arid a largo, number of undernour
ished children.
Homo school buildings of Jackson
county nro very unevenly heated, are
poorly ventilated, tiro without piny
apparalts and a fow lack good drink
, inif wntor.
' A'slnndnrd school In Oregon must
his 'well hented, have a thormometer.
havo good lighting, good water with
sanitary equipment tor drinklnir.
washing of hands, nnd decent toilets.
Three pieces of piuy nppnrntus nro
niso required of n standard school
The American nomoioglcal society,
nt its convention recently held at
Council muffs, Iowu, uwnrded the
Wilder medul to the Kalnier apple, ac
cording to a letter Just recolved by tho
Washington Nursery company, of Top
pcnlsh, Washington.
Tho Wilder menu! is the Nobel prize
of the fruit world. It was provided
for by a trust fund left in 1886 by the
late .Marshall P. Wilder, scientist and
nomologist, with instructions that It
was to bo awarded to a new fruit only
after exhaustive Investigation had pro
duced proof of that fruit's supreme
merit. .
Tho Kalnlor npplo originated In the
Yakima valley. It is a new yet an old
appla. . Old because there are at the
present time a number of trees In
heavy and continuous bearing. It Is a
new fruit in the sense that Its com
mercial importance, Its distinctive fea
tures and Its unusuully high quality
as a fruit have but rocently been ap
preciated nnd made known to tho pub
lic at largo.
Three boxes of the 192ft crop were
exhibited at the Washington State
fair at Yakima late In September,
1921, and the Rainier attracted much
attention and comment on Its unusual
quality and perfect condition..
Fruit of the Rainier picked during
October M12 was placed on tho toblo
nt tho banquet of tho International Re
frigerator Congress, Chicago, In Sep
tember 1913, in perfect condition.
The quality of the fruit much resem
bles tho Delicious but is of finer tex
ture' and better flavor. Tho Rainier Is
an exceptionally long keeper and does
not show a tendency to become mealy.
It is a dessert apple of highest order.
J .rfs" '-
r'-Ab:tlty Wn.HM- Ho lirtht on Sat
uj(Jny, JDocombet atith In lhr trfflco of
tho fcotniiyHiuWto, room 1 G, Htmrta
'hlclg., from 2 to 4 p. m. llublos from
one to' two years ot hko will bo ox
uininad. .Tho -first tun to register
will bo taken.
- A 'doctor will bo in nt tondanco nnd
n thoroiiKh examination Riven uneh
child. ' No trentnient Kiven nnd nil
cnai'S needing medical enro nro re
ferred to thuir own physicians,
TlteKO clinicH. are free and every
mother tthould ovnil hei-Helt of thirt
prlvileffo. HeKlstration may bo made
by I'honn 45(1 or by calling nt the Ited
Crona personally.
By, A. C. Howlt'U
for over 30 years
ggOunces forggt
( Use less Of
BAKING powder
'T" 1 than of higher ,
v priced brands.
' The government used
millions of pounds
1.3 off; ,..
, , on
Fancy Biukots
DncoriitiM nnd plain
Box Stationery
Any liov in stork
' Any Item in Leather
Cordova Included
, , III Xo. (Vnlrnl
"Burning Sando", Pags
"Iliirntnjr ; Sands,'.' a story said ' to
havo boon written as nn nnBwor to
Hull's "The Shlok," opens at tho Page
thoatro tomorrow for four days.
Wilton Sills and Wanda Hawloy play
tho principal roles In "llurning Sands,"
which tolls tho story of nn Englishman
who sought tho heart of the. groat
Sahara dosort to es?apo from civiliza
tion. Tho woman he loves follows him ta
his hiding place, but does not reach
him until sho has gotta through some
terrific adventures. Tho man also is
asked by his government to assist In
unraveling the mystory of n murder of
ono of Its representatives and tho theft
of Important pnpers that wero in tho
man's possession.
Besides Sills nnd Miss Hawloy thero
nre in tho cast Lotilso Dresser, Jac
queline Logan, Robort Cain, Winter
Unit nnd mnny others.
.Ocorgo Mclford mado tho produc
tion. Ho directed tho making of "The
Shlek" and "Heboid My Wife." .
A Lough That Lasts
"My Lady Friends," a First National
attraction starring Mr. nnd Mrs. Car
ter Do Haven, nt the Rlnlto theatre
tonight. It is a f.trco comedy with bo
many humorous situations that the
spectators are kopt roaring from Btart
to finish.
This attraction leaves tomorrow to
make room for "Tho Cowboy nnd the
Itdy," with Tom Mooro and Mary
Miles Mlntcr. from tho famous story
by Clyde Pitch, which plays tho bal
ance of tho week.
' Through nn terror Our Office
Telephone Number was omltlotl tn
the sew Directory.
IT IM 77
, nil. ii. Minritv.
' IVnllstrjr anil X-ltny
Bud Flour MeUford Ulilg. ,
"Cascarets" 10c
iDest Bowel Laxative
When Bilflnus,
T clean out your bowels without
cramping or ovornVting, take CnaeaivUi
Ni.k lxtil:u he, hiltnumiejrs, ffiisen, iiuli
jTttion, sour, i;pet tttonnrh, nnd all
tiinh disiroHS pono by inornin. Nicest
physic n enrth fur jjvnwn-up- ami ehib
dren, 10a u 1kx. 'JiHte liko candy.
8ucceir to Wevln-ConRof Co,
Mcdford, Ore,
Lost Tuesday there was quite. a
1-ukIi of hungry , people collected at
tho Sunnyslde nbout noon, and among
them was W, E. Hammond, ono of
the directors of the Eagle Point Irri
gation .company, Krert Pettygrew, hte
secretary of the company: ltulph
C'owglll, tho chief engineer of the
company and W. L. Jones, X. Cow
ski, It. Cambers, Mr. Nnson, CI.. H.
West, C. H. Natwlck, Mr. Matz, J.
II. I-'naweJl, clift lleckmiin and Har
old Van Scoy.
We havo been called. Upon to con
sign unother member of our com
munity to her InBt resting place lrt
tho Central Poltit cemetery. Mi's.
Eliza E. Htelle, wife of J. H FteSio.
who passed away December 4. nt her
home neer Eagle Point, aged 15
years, 7 months and 25 days. -Mrs.
Htelle tins been a devoted Ch.lEtinn
for tho last 35 yenrs. Sho Is the
mother of five children, two boys
and three girls, ono of her grand
daughters being the wife of .Mr.
Lewis Robinson of this plnce. bhe
leaves her husband, two sons and
threo daughters. Interment, was
solemnized Wednesday. December 6,
Kev. Hurburt C. Adams officiating.
-Miss Alablo Clary was a passenger
of the Medford-Ilutlo Falls stage to
Eagio Point and went on up to Hokuo
Kesort on tho Trail-Persiht stage
Wednesday morning. Al Hiliireth
camo out on the same stage and went
on up to his homo In Butto Falls.
Arthur J. Anderson and Steve Pnrif
of Medford wero here for dinner
Mrs. Charles Paige of Iluttc Falls
camo out on tho Uutto Falls-Medford
stnge. took dinner nt the Sumiyside
and went on to Medford the same
Thursday morning I received two
copies of tho Pacific Record Herald,
editor, Delbert Fehl, associate editor,
IJ. F. Lindas, In which is published
a part of a very readablo article by
tho editor-in-chief boosting Medford
as the center of the universe, which
was very proper, but then on the
next page was an anonymous article,
"Thoughts From tho Chimney Cor
ner." giving Medford such nn over
hauling ns if It was true, would make
those who live there feel a terrible
nnuHca of the stomach on account of
having to drink the water that Is
brought from Fish Lake after it hos
been spread over tho land above the
dam, 'that is, contaminated. After
the arrangements were mado to sup
ply Medford with pure water from
Little Butte creek it was discovered
that u company had practlcnlly pre
empted the water supply of Medford
and woh building a dam across Fish
Lako nnd when too late to remedy
tho evil the citizens of Medford dis
covered that ' tho dam was hacking
the water over tho adjacent country,
covered by "old barns, manure piles,
discarded garbage, decayed trees
and other vegetable matter and this
I polluted water was going Into tho pipe
tnnt supplied the city with drinking
wntre." In a short time after tills
was discovered a howl -was raised,
but soon tho administration in the
city affairs was changed and every
thing went on smoothly, but j now
thero Is another chaugo in the po-!
Iltlcnl affaira' of the city and who
knows put tho "Old Pioneer" who
wrote tho article may not bo nn old
soro head that has been disappointed
by tho election tho 7th day of No
vember. But nt any into tho pub
llcatlon of such nn nrticlo will not be
a drawing card for Modford. I sup
pose that the author thinus that he
can lildo behind a nom de plume and
go unsuspected, but "murdur will
J. W. Hovcy tho niperlnteiidcnt of
tho Alavesta orchard, was In town
lust Wednesday and ropo.-l.i that he is
getting along nicely with his work
that ho had quite n tract of land that
had not been clen"ed of s'.nne.i and
that he has been clearing them off
nnd used them to build .1 good road
over n low plnco over the Vou'e they
nave to travel from the house out
to the county road, tho Crater Lake
highway and that he has put dirt
from the side of tho newly built rood
over the rocks nnd gravol over that
so that now ho has a good graveled
road all tho way out.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Morgan came
in from their homo near Trail to visit
His pnrents Thursday nnd Mrs, W. P.
Morgan and Mrs. A. J. Florov were
nlready in a car ready to start for
Medford to visit n sick friend of
tl 4rr, fo they talked tho ,mntter
over and Mm. Mnriran wont In with
her father-in-law and tho-two ladles
went on to' Medford.
I seo that wo have another sign up
In pur town, Nichols and Prultt hav
ing a neatly lettered ono In front of
their pool room. From all appear
ances they Intend to attract the at
tention of the public.
I.. K. Nuber of Jacksonville, came
out on the Btage Thursday nnd took
dinner at the HunnysUle. Ho had hern
up to the Uutto Falls country looklnir
after his homestead and Mrs. Nellie
Trefren nlso of Ilutto Falls, came out
on tho same stage and took dinner.
They wero both on their way to Med
ford. John H. Rlnehart nnd Fred Frlde
ger came In to spend tho night. Mr.
Rlnehart Is an old friend of Mr.
Frldegvr from Ohio and concluded
that he wanted to see some of the
wist so came nut to visit his old
friend. They have been stopping nt
the .Sunnyslde for several days. He
so!ni to he well plen.ied with our
country, but is rather reticent when
it comes to expressing his opinion.
Paul Jennings nnd Paul V: Ander
son of Itlg Applegnte camo In Thurs
day night nnd called fur supper, bed
nnd breakfast, anil horse feed, but
ns we do not keep horses, sent them
to our neighbor. Sam Harninh. They
bail come oved to get n lot of Jersey
cows at the Fred Pclouze farm.
Al Clements of Medford came out
on the stnge and went-up on the Trail
stage, nnd Mrs. Sherman Woolcy of
ltutte Falls also was here and went
up home on the Mcdford-Itutto Falls
stage the same day. '
Benjamin Whetstone was In town
Friday morning, hnvlng hljr hor-s
I shod up, n ho has a job of hauling
'lumber opt frooi tho Hayes wiwiuill
I mi Indian creek out to the Crater
: Lake Highway.
Our popular, sheriff, Charley Tir-
rlll und wife, were here for dinner
and they were accompanied by -Miss
Mabel R. Haynes, secretary of the
Red Cross' of Jackson county. They
were on their way up to see a family
in the Derby region who were report
ed as needing help, as the husbund
was In the county Jail.
for Christmas
117 V. Main St.
. Dist. 74 hag been in fear of losing a
few weeks school, as the teacher wh(
contracted to teach this school wa
forced to resign on account of Illness
Mr. Davis has taken the school. Hi
came from Medford in a taxi yesterda;
(Sunday) in order to teach schoo
Monday. There are eleven pupils. Ou
otficlent chairman was responsible fo
scouring a teacher immediately with
out Interruption of the school.
The coming of a sawmill will be e
great boon to "little ol' Elk Creek," as
Mr. Hayes has been busy establishing
a sawmill on Dave Pence's property
We have been in need of a sawmill
for a long time as lumber is a long
way off, and it isn't very easy to haul
it on roads which are not in good con
dition. Porslst is hnvlng tholr dose of Old
Man Winter as it was reported tliat 8
inclios of snow covered the ground U
to Sunday morning the 10th.
Mr. JIacDonald, who runs the con
fectionery store nt the Rogue Elk Re
sort, is selling out his stock of grocer
ies and periodicals.
Harvey Morgan went to town last
week In his limousine (horse power).
L. A. Whitley went to Eagle Point
Monday for n load of hay.
Mrs. P. 13. Sandoz was a visitor nt
the school Thursday.
. Claud Moor went after his horses
which were on his homestead at Per
sist. W'm. Ivey visited at his home for a
few weeks: also nt his grandmother's
place, Mrs. F. A. Whitley. He returned
to his work Sunday.
Howard Ash and family returned to
their place on Elk creek Saturday. Mr.
Ash was accompanied by Wnyno Ash,
his brother.
Elmer Ivey has been spending a
short visit from high school. ,
A postal inspector was up in this
territory inspecting the postotfice.
Cut This Out It is Worth Money
Cut out this slip, enclose with 0c and
mail it to Foley & Co., 2835 Sheffield
Ave., Chicago, III., writing your name
and address clearly. You will receive
in return a trial pneknge containing
Foley's Honey njid Tar Compound for
coughs, colds and croup; Foley Kidney
PillB for pains ln: sides nnd back; rheu
matism, backache, kidney and bladder
ailments: nnd Foley Cathartic Tablets,
a wholesome and thoroughly cleansing
cathartic for constipation, biliousness,
hoadachos, and .'sluggish bowels. Sold
everywhere. Adv.
Coxy Glow .
Turnover Toaster
WanaiOB P&d ,
Gifts You'll Be Happy to Give
If you'll only listen to us, we have a really worth
while suggestion that will help you answer that an
nually bothersome question "What shall I give for
Christmas?" For instance:
For Mother from one, or
perhaps from all, the children:
The Table Stove cooks a
meal right at the table. The
Iron that Women Designed
there is no iron with so
many advantages.
For Mothtr and Father
you might give it alone, or you
can get others to joirf with you:
The Percolator never was
such good coffee I
For Sister whether her hair
is bobbed or not: The Cur
ling Iron It keeps the hair
so nice. '
For the younger Brothir
tho' everyone will be glad lie
got it: The WafHe Iron
the most popular electric ap
pliance developed in years.
For. Baby for old people,
also, and for all others: The
Cozy Clow warmth without
'For Everyone splendid gifts
to an entire family group: The
Warming Pad the modern
successor to tho hot water
bottle. The Turnover Toaster
no other device makes such
wonderful'toast. . .
' Do let us show you this line of
Wonderful Westinghousc Gifts.
People's Electric Store
Urn Percolator Set
IVc. jtSSraliy 4r
buy Quick-starting RED CROWN
from these dealers
Fill your tank with "Red Crown" and nothing else,
and you won't have any trouble starting, no matter
how cold it gets.
"Red Crown" vaporizes readily, even in zero weather,
yields 100 power at the first jump of the spark.
Look for the Red Crown sign displayed by service
. stations, garages and dealers everywhere. They carry
quick-starting insurance the quickest-starting gas
oline on the market today.
" (California)
Zerolene good cold-test oils
flow frcf ly and lubricate per
fectly in icro weather pro
tect the bearings increase
the power and flexibility of
your engine. '
Contrnl Point
Gold Hill
' . E. E. ASH
' Jacksonville
Contrnl Point
f. j. Mcpherson
KurIo Point
, rent ml Point
o!d Hill
FjtRlo Point
w. d. Mcdonald
Rngiw P,lk Hotel .
Ciwado Unrogo