PAGE FOUR MEDFORD MAIL - TRIBUNE; MEDFORD OftEfiOy. .MONDAY, DECEMBET? 31. ' 1022 Medfobd Mail Tribune AM mnKPRKDKNT NKYVSPAWCK PCHUHHKU EVERY AFTEKNOON EICKPT HUNUAT, HI I MIS HEDVOKU PKINTINtt 00. Tbe Medford Sunday Morning Bun la fomlnd MbaontMra desiring seven ov aiiy dmvv Office Mall Tribune BuUdlng, 16-17-19 North A oonsollditlon ct the Democratic Time, the Medford Mall, the Medford Tribune, the Southern Uragoaiui,' iiie Aaniaaa i nwun. ROBERT W. BUHL, Editor. BUM 11 Kit B. SMITH, Mantujer. SUBSCRIPTION TERMS: tr Hin l AdvaMMi Dill?, with Sunday Sun. ytar 7.60 Dally, wit Sunday Hun, monttt io Daily, without Sunday Sun, ytar. 0.60 Daily, without Sunday Sun, mootb So Weakly Hall Tribune, on year t.00 Sunday Sun, one year 00 fY CASHIER In Medford, AehUod. - Jackaoo- ftllt, Central Point, Phoenix, Talent and on . Blgnwaya: , . Daily- with Sunday 8ua. aooth 76 Dally, without Sunday Sun, month 06 Dally, without Sunday Sua, year 7.ft0 : Dally, with Sunday Sun, one year $ oi AU tcrma oy earner, caw id iarwict. Official papar of the Oitj of Medford Official paper of Jackaon County. Sworn dally average circulation tar six tncntbt tnoinaj April i, jvxx, ooao, more wiau uouuw torn circulation oi auj oiavr pnyr puuiiMiwu -u tfmUated tn Jaoicaon uounty. 1 naner fc iummento. Calif., a dlatancc of over 600 miles. haling leaaed wire AuocUtcd ITeaa Mtrrtce, tuterad aa second cue mattei at Medford Oregon, under the act of March 4, 1879. MRMHKRH Of THB A8HOOIATBD PRESS. The Aaaoolated Prcaa la exclusively entitled to the ilea for republication of all newa dlipatchea wed I ted to It, or not otherwise credited In this cp and also to fcbf local newa published Mrtln. All rights of republication of special dla Mtctae herein are also reserved. Ye Smudge Pot v Sy Arthur Parry. ' 1 i 1 It Is about time tbey had a Heat in the Radiator week, with scientists to explain the lack of cooperation be tween the woodpile and tho hole In the front of the furnace. . Astoria, Oregon, burned down Fri day, and her politicians started fight lag Saturday, so what in the world could have delayed thorn. .Eepea engineers have started chin ning themselves on the whistle cords again. ; . . -Owing to the high taxes, low prices for fruit, and a new 1923 auto, a num ber of our oltlzens are skinning out for tropical and semi-tropical lands for the winter. y .V' t ' 'A lady with 48 buttons on the back of her coat, where they can do no work, has started a campaign to re move toe street car track on the Main Stem, ANOTHER EUROPEAN CRISIS. "THOUSANDS OP RUSSIAN GIRLS LACK . PROPER CLOTHING" (Hd. line Sacramento Union). , Charity should begin at home. - .The Portland ball team has started winning games next summer, on the sporting pages of the homo town papers. Mussolini, the new premier of Italy, who rose faster In tho world of diplo macy' than a peanut politician under the Oregon System, sounds like a new dress material. 'New .York has started war on ter rible twisting on dance floors. This will put a stop to Jaw-to-Jaw en Gum, and convulsive attempts of tho fair one to hide In the vest pocket of the unfair one. 50-50 (Corvallla Gazette Times) Miss Mary Rhino and Doty 81m mlns visited the city .Thursday and bought a beuutlful sbtrtwalBt at the Racket Store. When I Was a Kid, I Thought . I must holp mother keep the homo very neat and clean or we would be arrested for "keoplng a disorderly house."- Ina S. (By request) The proposal to establish a military school in these parts 1b laudablo, and would prevent the ruthless tearing out of door sills In recruiting alutlons, in the event of another fracas, by rural militarists, who are veterans of much slgbteetng on holidays. The Xmaa, saplings In the biz. dlst. are a flat contradiction of tho time- worn allegation that tobacco chowors never hit anything. ' There must bo one town in Califor nla that Is not going to have an East West football game during the holi M. Clemenceau of . Franco Is going home. In a couple of speeches tho Tiger was the null. i '. i 1 i NEVER TO RECOVER (Eugene Register) ,, Miss Effte, Efflor, toucher of . singing. 8poclnl pains given to , beginnors. , A Fable: Once upon a time there mas an auto mochanlo who did not have a pair of pinchers In his hip nookot) and always used a monkey wrench to loosen a nut. An evangelistic meeting is raging succcsfully in the Willamette valley, with much Intensity, while convalesc ing from the cnmpalgn. Turkeys are being gravelled for tho Vuletlde season. .n- i . 'Federal aupervisfoB of waiters will b tried out at Salem, Friday, to put klsctrlt shooting on a sanitary basis. The Commissioner of Knives and Forks will be in charge.'' i rp IIKRr? was great rejoicing in France when Lloyd-George fell A In his retirement from tho stage of action, France professed to see a resumption of the "ententc-cordiule." But today Premiers lSonur Law and Poincare are at the same parting of tlie ways, and another European crisis is confronting a still confused and distracted world. Tho result should surprise no one familiar with the fundamental conflict n Anglo-French relations. Great Britain is an exporting nation. Her prosperity depends very largely upon German trade Franco is not uji exporting nation. She is self-sustaining, and in th opinion of her people, her security depends upon a Germany 'too weak to promote. a war of revenge. It is easy for England to condemn France, and for France to con demn England, and) yet, in a sense, neither nation can bo blamed. ;If their positions were reversed, their policies also would be reversed, internationally, there is no morality. Every nation, at least every , European nation, constructs its international policy upon its self- interest alone, ' '":'. i In this crisis, as tho ones prceceding it, one returns to the neces sity ,of a concert of world powers, somo outside and disinterested foreo to compel co-operative action, based upon not what is best for this nation or that, but upon what is best for the world, in other words upon what is in accord with abstract principles of justice and right. , i Call it a Leagpe, or a Concert, or a Covenant, call it anything you like, tho essential fact remains the same. Until some such arrange ment is made, the fruitless and destructive scramble for selfish power will continue, and Europe will steadily advance to that precipice which spells the destruction of her present civilization. Quill Points The best argumont against strong drink is weak men. Hint to husbauds: Evory day and in every way you should pet 'er and pet er. Some exorcise systoms are expensive, but almost anybody can buy a used car. Cain denied being his brother's keeper. But then, Abel had no oil districts. So live, girls, that you will be given away by your dad and not by your catty friends. . The farm- bloc probably knows a great deal more about blocking thai) it knows about farming. A bachelor divides, women into two classes : The clinging vine type, and tho clinging gown type. , Thoro is something pathetic, also, about a 'face all furrowed and wrinkled with reducing. Tongue Twisters (To be- read aloud) By C. L. EDSON, Author of the Gentle Art of Columning. Ye Poet's Corner GALLOWAY FROM WALLA WALLA Galloway! Galloway! Fond of Miss Willa Wye, ' Really when Galloway saw her a mile away, Nothing could banish the Galloway . t. smile away. Charmed by the billowy, willowy Wllla Wye, Silly Al Galloway stopped In the alley wav. And, In his callow way, stared at ' .,,. Mlsa Wllla Wye. Bill O. A. Pulley, a pal of Al Gallo way, Almost pushed Galloway out of the alley way, In his brusque Pulley way (Which was no callow way), Bill O. A. beckoned the willowy Wllla Wye. Willa Wye took to the Bill 0. A. Pulley way, Tho' 'twas a shallow way (sicken ing Galloway; He gagged at BUI 0. A. throwing the bull away). Not so Miss Wllla Wye. She fell for Bill O. A.; She forgot Galloway, she took his pal away; Now they are wed, and live out Walla Walla way. T "Clay makes new complexion."' If' that is a common property of soil, little Bobby should develop into a prfca beauty. ' ' Correct this sentence: "I am really very fond of new babies.1 said the old bachelor, "and I should liko to hold it if I may." In these days of sex-equality, the patriotic husband will regret as war approaches that he has but one wife to give to his Country. RippIingRhiimss Walt Mason WHAT'S THE USE? IRIJAD tho books tho boys produce, and sadly murmur, "What '8 tho use!" No doubt there are in modern towns ell kinds of saphcads, boors and clowns who do not know a noblo play or painting from a bale of liny. AVhy drag them from their humble nook and boldly place them in a book, and say, "These tinhorns reprcsont our country, to tho bow-wows bent; these frcaks,as drawn by gifted pen, are portraits of our fellow men ; thcy'ro all as much alike as pcaa, and they are all composed of cheese." No doubt there are such tawdry skates, poor fish and mental feather-weights '; but why in novels turn them looscf Again I query, "What's the use?" The pessimists these days are young, bright lads whoso withers are unwrungj why should they write such grouchy tomes, despairing plays and sorehead poems? When graybcards take their pens in hand to prove that all things should be canned, that culture's perished from the earth and all they sec has little worth, and paint a future black as pitch, they doubtless have the gout or itch. But why should Youth waste priceless ink to show the world is on the blink that man is but an apoorgooso! I riso to a'sk you, what 'sthe use"? Should the Medford footbu'll team accept the offer of Toledo, Ohio for post-season game they aro assured of henrty support from at least ono local organization. Knowing the pos sibility of facing a deficit from such an excessive guarantee as will be de manded by tho Toledo team, tho Jackson County Amusement Co. has offered to assist the local team in every possible way. Should tho boys go In the hole on tho receipts of tho big game, the amusement company has offered them tho Fair Grounds Pavilion, rent free for one dance or a series of dnnces to make up this do flcit. With this excellent backlne the Medford boys can accept Tolotlo's conditions, knowing that they will speedily, mnko up, any defioit that might bo incurred. Moreover, tho pavilion manage ment -.will assist the local team in entertaining tho visiting players as they did in tho fuso of tho Forest Orove team . on Thanksgiving Day, when the football -teams wore guests of honor at tho Pavilion Thanksgiving ball. This loonl organization of progres sive young buslnosB men Is doing much toward fostering any worthy projects that make' for the growth or betterment of tho community. To this end they have' proffered the use of their $7500 nrnusoment pavilion, rent free to nny worthy lodge or char itable organization1 who are In nood or ruislng funds. My Motto When thlnits go wrong, as tbey some times will. When the road you're trudging seems I all n il HI. n nvu me iunus are iuw anu uiu uuuis . are high, And you want to smile, but have to sigh, When care Is pressing you down a bit, Rest, If you must but don't you quit. Life Is queer with Us twists and turns, As everyone of us Bometlmes learns, And many a failure turns about When he might have won had he stuck it out; Don't give up, though the pace seems slow .; ... . ;' J,. You may succeed with another blow. Often the goal Is nearer titan"'' It seems to a faint and faltering man. ortc-n the straggler has given up When he might have ' captured the victor'B cup. And he learned too late, when the night slipped down, How close he was to the golden crown. Success is failure turned lnsldev out The silver tint of the clouds of doubt. And you never can toll how close you are, It may be near when it seems afar; bo stick to the fight when youre hardest hit It's when things seem worst that you musn t quit. A. B. Cornell. GOLDS QRSP Fortify the system against Colds, Grip and Influenza by taking laxative Bromo - tablets , which destroy germs, act as a tonic laxative, and keep the sys tem in condition to throw off attacks of Colds, Grip and In fluenza. -. Be sure you get BROFJ3Q The genuine bears this signature MIME If IB DANCE ' ' ' ' ' Wednesday and Saturday Nights The Oriental Ballroom Natatorium Management American Legion Admission 10c. No War Tax Single Dances 10c. Entire Evening $1.00 -0W Price 30c. For the last time befor.e the holi days the. P. T. A. met in regular ses sion last Friday afternoon. Thoro was a good attendance and much In terest manifested In the new cieed as propo3od for tho different asso ciations. Also In tho new play shed. The Thanksgiving entertainment given a short time, ago nettod the playshed fund a little ovor 130. The contruot has been let and work will soon bogln on the building. The fern was won by the first grade, indi cating the largest attendance. Re freshments vero served by tho moth ers of the fifth grade pupils after the mooting, and a social hour In Miss Daniel's room. "Cascarets" 10c For Sluggish Liver or Constipated Bowels Clean your bowels! Feel fine! When you feel sick, dizzy, upsot, when your head is dull or aching, or your stomach is sour or g-.iasy, just lake one or two Cafcarets to relieve constipation. No griping nicest, laxative-ratharticoa earth for grown-ups and children. 10c a box. Taste liko candy. . , TINKER TOYS Simple, Strong, Lasting 1U different models Medford Book Store M So. Central CANVAS BY THE YARD Med. Tent & Awning Works Opposite 8, T, Ie pot AUCTION SALE A rummage Auction Sale will be held at the Masonic Hall at Cen tral Point on Wednesday, Dec. 13, at 1 p. m. Gymnasium and athletic paraphanalia suitablo for high schools, 2 shower baths com plete, lot of window weights, doors and windows and other ar ticles that are usually sold at Rummage Sales. Tho 'ladies of Ncvita Chapter, order of the 0. E. S., will serve Hot Tamoles, Chili, Coffee, Cake, etc. You aro invited to attend this sale. Come early and look over what we have to sell. You will find something that you need. Proceeds for benefit of the Masonic and . Eastern Star Lodges. Terms cash. Geo. L. Neaie, Auctioneer H. W. CONGER UNDERTAKER Successor to Weeks-Conger Co. Meilford. Ore. PHOTOGRAPHS for Christmas . SWEM'S STUDIO 417 V.. Main Ht Medford om CHUNG China Herb Store This is to cornr nmt aim Chun of Medford, Or)., hna cured m of goltr nnd atomnch trouble, 8. M. Leonard, 509 J m., Grants Push. inis is 10 ceriny mac uira t nunij 01 Medford, Ore., has cured, me ot rupture 01 rour years standing, r . U. ishain. 415 8 8t., Grants Tans, Ore. Medford, Or-Kon, Jun. IS, 191 7. This Is to vrtlfy that 1, the under lflrnrd. had verv severe stonaach trouble and had been bothered for several year and Ittfct August wit nnt expected to uvfc ana hearing or mm uuung wnost Hern store Is at 214 South Front street, Meilford), I decided to pet herbs for ray stomach trouble, and I started to feeling better aa soon as I used them and today am a well man and can heartily recom mend anyone afflicted as I was to aea Glm Chung and try his Herbs. (Slfrned, W, R. JOHNSON. Witnesses: Wm, Lewis. Eagle Point W. U Childreth, Eagle Point. M. A. Anderson, Medford. 8. B. Holmes, Eagle Point. . C- E, Moore, KaaU Pol 1 V Mrtntrr. Point. Omn. Von rtr Hallrn, Ka Point. Tb"t. K. Nlcholi, Km I, Point. 1 Anniversary Sale On December 12th it'will be one year since we opened our store in Medford. We wish to (hank tho public, who have so gen erously patronized us in thu past year, and to assure you that we will endeavor to offer you more mid better bargains iu tho coming yeaf. . Beginning Monday, VVeeinber 11, for one week we will cele ( brlite by Selling': I New Cotton loublo Nlinikets $1.95 Uig Hen Alarm Clocks... a $3.19 Stag Handle Pocket Knives $1.25 " Ebony IIhiuIIo pocket Knives . : 90o Largo Size Chocolate Candy ....2 for lo Velvet Tobacco 1 lie . Saturday, Dec. 9, Special Picnic Hams ..18 lb. Trade at the Army Store and Save Money. ' ,r. United Army S to res .32 Central Ave. South . 1923 Licenses Furnished free by us on all cash sales of automobiles, both new and used. for the balance of De cember. A real opportunity to '' save.'; ' y- The Busy Corner Motor Co. PLAN NOW YOUR PLANTING Of Trees and Plants for the Season w ORDER RELIABLE : STOCK FROM GOOD ASSORTMENT ! - !. ! ... ..... . . " ' " ' ' ;'--r.M v.i'-! " CARRIED B7 ";', Salem Nursery Company 428 Oregon Bldg., Salem, Oregon, r Broadway at Stark ; Portland, Ore.; You Are Assured a Personal Hospitality and Individual ' .... Attention throngh the combined efforts of a staff, who " after years of training, understand the needs of the traveling public. MUSIC, DANCING and the BEST TO EAT ' . AT ' Arthur H. Meyers Manager. ' TIME TABLE EFFECTIVE SEPT. 25 " " MEDFORD-ROSEBURG STAGE DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY Lt. Medford 2:00 i. m.- f t Ly, Rosebufg 1:00 p. m. MEDFORD-GRANTS PASS STAGE ' " DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY Lt. Medford 10:00 a. m., 2:00 p. m., 5:00 p. m ' '; Lt, Grants Pass 7:30 a. m., 1:00 p. ra., 5:00 p. m. . ', ' SUJTOAYOXLY -r Lt. Medford 10:00 a. m., 4:80 p. m. Lt. Grants Pass 10:00 a. tn., 4:30 p. m. We connect with stages for Portland. Mars'hfleld and Crescent city. INTERURBAN AUTOCAR CO. , Phone BOS