Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, December 11, 1922, Page 2, Image 2

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ocal and
' Personal
Principal O. R. Campbell and Supo:-
liminlem A. (,(. Sitiltu rolimieil yoKlo,
Pat Welch of tlie Rogue River Ynlloy
Canul cmupany returned Sunday from
a tnn days viBlt In Spokane.
System Service Co. writes Fire and
all other Insurance. Strong companies.
Office and floor Madford Bldg. tf
Thuie's a busy Business College In
day from 1'ortland and Salem whefo ! your home town. GWN.
they have been on bmilnetss in connec
tion with the KchediillnK of a triune
with Scott hlKh school of Toledo, Ohl i
and on the discussion before tho stato
board of tho protest filed by AHhland
against lluughtnan and Ncff.
A big dance, Rorub River, Oregon,
Dec. IS, 1'JliL'. lOveryone Invited. Neul
son orchestra, 6 pieces. Tickets $1.00.
Lunch extra. 22.",
A few suggestions for Xmas gifts
that will please mother, sister or
sweetheart: a fancy comb, beauty box,
.or toilet water, powder and many other
articles not mentioned. See our line
before buying. 1'rlces right. Medford
Beauty Shop, 4th floor Medford Illdg.
While going up the canyon road one
morning this weok, W. A. Conner and
Mr. Kelts spied a good-sized black
uc-nr crossing the road just above the
third bridge beyond the lower reser
voir. Mr. Conner says the bear did
not see them approaching until they
were only a short distance away, but
that he made tracks in a great hurry
once he saw them. Mr. Conner also
says that on Thursday morning he
saw tracks where five or six deer
came down the road to tho Lacy home,
which Is only a little ways above the
upper campground Ashland Tidings.
Rooks for Xmas. Linen for the
baby and for every age. Medford Hook
Store. . - - 223
Your photograph is the Xmas gift of
sweet remembrance, rich in sentiment
and pleasant memories. You will please
all your friends at small expense if
you take advantage of our Christmas
offer. 204 Kast Main and Central,
Mackey. 22G'
La Von Rex of Eugene arrived this
morning and will Bpend the next few
days here on business.
Olympic feeds, Cen. Point Feed store
: ; 231
Buy Bubble Rooks for the children s
Christmas only $1.00 at the Palmer
Piano House. 2211'
Carl Y. Tengwald returned this mor
ning from Portland where he has been
for the past several days in attendance
at the convention of Oregon hotelmen.
Special sale on record albums for
ten days, $1.25 for ten-inch and $1.50
for 12-lnch. Regular price $1.60 and
$1.76. Palmer Piano House. 226
Hemstitching and plcoting, silk or
cotton, .8 cents per yard. Cor. Main
and liartlott. The Vanity Shop. tf
Dr. B. R. Elliott returned this morn
ing from Portland where ho hns been
in attendance at the annual meeting of
the Oregon Stnte Dental society. .
An Edison phonograph and records
for sale at 821 East Jackson. Just as
good as new, 22(1
All kinds of rough and dressed
lumber, Wallace Woods, phone 108,
711 East Main street.
F. G, Lewis, traveling freight and
passenger agent nnd J, 0. Johnson
roadmastor for the Southern Pacific
company arrived this morning from
the northern part of tho Btate for n
several days business vlalt.
Heavy discount on all Xmas cardH.
We are overstocked. Medford Book
Store. ' t , 223
Davenport, rocker and chair In blue
and old rose tapestry, first-class work
and material, $176. A fine Christmas
present. J. Wels Upholstery, Jackson
ville, Ore. Phone 202. 220
M. M. Massey left this morning for
Weed, Calif., where he will remain for
several days on business.
Auto Insurance, Brown & White.
Milk and cream at DeVoo's. tf
Two can ride as cheap as one In a
NubIi Taxi. Call 90. , 224
Auto Insurance. Rrown A White.
Dr. and Mrs. II. 13. Murphy returned
lust evening from Portland where Dr.
Murphy has boon In attendance at the
Oregon State Dental association meet
ing. The trip was made by auto lu ono
day and Dr, .Murphy states that the
roads are In excellent condition.
Pollyanna doll dresses. Cut, lace,
buttons. Ready for marking. Medford
Hook Store. 223
Joe O'Brien's new barber shop at
Medford Hotel.
This Week Only!
" Tailor-Made
The Quality remains
lpng after the price
is forgotten
Values up to $65
One Week Only
: at $.45
R. A. Koppes, city editor of the Mail
Tribune was out for a short while to
day alter an illness which has con
fined him to his home for tho past sev
eral days.
There will bo a regular communica
tion of Reames Chapter No'. 00, Wed
nesday December 13, at 7:30 p. in.
Election of officers. , , 225
Vou can get It at DeVoe's. tf
Frederick Heath and family who
recently came here from their home In
Oakland will occupy the house on
Ross Court formerly occupied by Mr.
and Mrs. Jack Swem.
Yakima Netted Gem potatoes. No. 1
grude, $1.00 per 100 lbs. belivored free,
Hutchison & Lumsden. 232
Brighten up your living room with a
lovely vase. 25 percent off on pottery.
Handicraft Shop. 223
Miss Constance Vance was hosteBS
Sunday evening at a waffle supper
and movie party. Those present wero
the Misses Pauline Johnson, Leila
Debley, lola Rubeusteln, Messrs. Chirk
Itau-llngs, Leo Watson nnd Sherman
Tinker Toys. Medford Book Store.
Hot tamales and chin con carne at
De Voo's. tf
Within the next month, automobil
Ists will he able to travel from the
southern boundary of Oregon to Cor
vallis and not leave the pavement
Six more days will be required on the
job at Canyonvllle, according to word
given out today at the highway office
here. After the concrete is laid, it will
bo allowed to set for 21 days after
which it can be opened up to traffic.
Grants Pass Courier.
Goodrich tires and tubes at Colonial
When better automobiles are built,
Bulck will build them. tf
O, A. C. students are expected to
begin returning home Thursday of this
week as the Christmas vacation of two
weeks duration starts Friday night the
15th. The vacation at Oregon docs
not begin until the 22nd.
Cordova leather handbags and other
articles 1-3 discount. Medford Book
Store. 223
Nothing could delight a little girl
more than a cradle, for her dolly, that
rocks Itself. Handicraft Shop. 223
The director of tho national park
service, in his annual report to Secre
tary Full, has renewed his recommen
dation that the Diamond Lake region
north of the present boundaries of
Crater Lake national park be Included
within it. : '
Good potatoes $1.00 per hundred de
Ivored. Warner, Wortmnn & Gore.
. 224
Now pianos and phonographs, II. G.
Launspach, res. phone 040-R,'l)ig stock
at Weeks & Orr, W. Main. tf
iMiiuieroiis arrests were made last
night by the city police and by the
sheriff's office on charges of disordor
ly conduct and drunkenness.
A lusting Christmas present for the
family, a Toggonberg milk gont, that
will give a clean, healthy supply of
milk. Mature does coming fresh and
doe kids from heavy milk stock. Come
early and got your pick. R. H. Holo
poter, Jacksonville. 227
TIiIb office Is prepared to print
ledger sheets, bills, etc., used on the
bookkeeping machines. Don't give
your orders to traveling men and have
them printed out ot Medford. Phono
us nnd we will call. tf
Notices of the meeting of tho Crater
club Tuesday night have been mailed
out to members with detailed Instruc
tions in character analysis to enable
them to select candidates for office for
the ensuing year. Frank Branch Riley
Is expected to be present at the meet
ing and a committee composed of Hal
Piatt, E. M. Roberts, A. J. Vance nnd
John Goodrich has prepared a lively
program for the evening.
There's no place like Holmes for
complete Insurance service.
Special prices on high school type
writer practice paper at this office, tf
Hund work gives an Individual touch
to your Christmas gift. Everything In
stnmped goods. Handicraft Shop. 223
Mr. Huey, a former resident of this
city nnd member of tho DavlB Optical
company and now located In Portland
Is spending a few dnys visiting In Medford.
Wrapping paper, cut to fit nny size
pnpor holder, from white print paper,
at this office at prices much below the
regular wrapping paper prloe. Call at
once or phone 76. 1 tf
Good potatoes $1.00 per hundred do
wered, warnor, wormian it uore.
Tho Woman's Rollof Corps of this
city are having nn afternoon moating
at the home of Mrs. Davison on South
Fir street.
Hemstitching and secotlng nt
Deuel's. 240
All kinds of rougn and dressed lum
ber. Wallace Wood, phone 10S. 711
East Mnln.
The following Is coplod from the
Docember 3rd bulletin of the Central
Presbyterian church ot Eugene, Rev.
Wm. Moll Case, pastor: "By action or
the sosslon, mombers and frlonds of
the church nre nsked to Join the sister
churches in Borne spertnl meetings,
starting the evening of December 10th.
at the First Baptist church, In n united
service and continuing, beginning
Wednesday, through the following
Sunday at the First M. E. church.
These last five meetings will bo con
ducted by Mr. Price, whose present
labors In Albany, are meeting with
such largo success. In anticipation or
this the prayerful Interest ot all Is
The little dainty ribbon gilt that
everyone loves to recelvo. Handicraft
Shop. 22J'
Pianos and phonographs for snlo or
rent. II. a. Launspach, phono 646-R.
OKlco Weeks & Orr.
' John Hoist and John Grlbble, forest
service scalers, returned Sunday from
the Pelkan Buy Lumber Co. cump nt
Yakima Netted Gem potatoes. No. 1
grade, $1.60 per 100 lbs. delivered free.
Hutchison & Lumsden. 232
Armstrong corns puts tho miles In
mileage. Phone 277-J, Star Motor &
Supply Co. -
11. C, Smith returned Sunday from
Portland whore he had been attending
the Oregon State Hotel association
convention and the Shrine Circus.
Good potatoes $1.00 per hundred de
Ivored. Warner, .Wortman & Gore.
; .- i ' .' ' i . 224
Christmas Is not Christmas without
greeting curds. Handicraft Shop. 223
Miss Babe Cochran is to be the hos
tess this evening at a shower for Miss
Katherlne Deuel. The party Is to take
place at the home of Mrs. .Mitchell on
Genesee avenue and a large number of
young ladles of Medford will be
present. . ,
Sash and doors. Medford Lumber Co.
Take your kodak films to Palmer's
studio. First clasB work and prompt
service. tf
Several local sport fans are contem
plating a motor trip to Palo Alto for
tho Pittsburg-Stanford game on Dec.
30th. Following tho big game at Palo
Alto they plan to motor to Pasadeno
and witness the Penn State-U. S. C.
contest on the following Monday, Jan.
Yakima Netted Gem potatoes. No. 1
grade, $1.00 per 100 lbs. delivered free.
Hutchison & Lumsden. 232
Yakima Netted Gem potatoes. No. 1
grade, $1.00 per 100 lbs. delivered free.
Hutchison & Lumsden. 232
Paul MacDonald, of Medford, was In
the city Friday night to attend the
performance of "The Gold Diggers."
Several people from Medford motored
down for the show. Ashland Tidings.
Wo go anywhere, any time. Careful
drivers. Nash Taxi, call 90. 221
Provide against loss, insure with
Redden and Canaday.
Dr. James R. Rlgg and wifo are pas
sengers on the Laconla on a tour of
the world that sailed from San Fran
cisco December 10th. Dr. Rlgg is a
son of Dr. Virginia C. Rlgg and a
brother of Mrs. W. H. Rucker of this
Yakima Netted Oem potatoes, No. 1
grade, $1.60 per 100 lbs. delivered free.
Hutchison & Lumsden. 232
"""" 1 Pmirie to the Hunt ranch on the Dead
Auto Top Co Phone 104. tf w frQm
Yuletide will be ushered in at Reedi,,...,. mu..--.i-..
jiuui lauuii .1 uui utijr i no men uutd
been trapping and report having
the Reed chorus. Undor the direction;,""" . JZ;ZrrrJ 7.i
f mi t'ii i th n Kn v fisher ..and the other a marten. Ash-
. .. ...vm. " . land Tidings. -
women choristers, attired in robes and , . ,,. . . . . ,,,.,,
grouped in the apse of the Reed chapel ! )t.s made of make Wm;
.7".'?,.", .""'r Bradley, phone 199-L. 232
Rev. D. E. Millard and the Christian
Church orchestra will present the pro
gram which will bo broadcast from
K. F. A. Y. by Virgin's Jtadlo Service
tonight. ' " '"" '""
When in need'ot' sasll
George A. Hunt of the Puge theater
has returned from a business trip to
Good potutoos $1.00 per hundred de
livered. Warner, Wortman & Gore.
Call 90 or get car In front of Nash
Hotel. Day or night service. We go
anywhere, any time. 221
Dr. Charles T. Sweeney left last
night for Kansas City to attend the
funeral of his mother who died last
Have your car work done at a well
equipped shop by competent mechan
ics for $1.00 per hour. Riverside
Garage. tf
Ford, Chevrolet, Overland' tire
chains as low as $2.25 a pair at the
Busy Corner Motor Co. tf
Several local boys were Initiated
Into the order of De Molay, at Medford
Thursday night, the boys representing
practically all parts of tho Rogue River
valley. Visiting Masons from Grants
Pass, Medford1 and Ashland were pres
ent for the ceremonies. Ashland Tid
Good potatoes $1.00 per hundred de
livered. Warner, Wortman & Gore.
, - . 224
For Sale Good sound Spltzenberg
apples, $1.00 per box, bring your boxes.
Also extra fancy Newtowns, packed,
$1.75. E. F. Guthrie, 232 Jacksonville.
LouIb Illrlch is enthusiastic over the
value of newspaper advertising. Last
Friday Louie's Grocery advertised a
special price on potatoes for Saturday.
Saturday this grocery sold 407 sacks of
these advertised potatoes.
Special rates by hour. Why not do
your Xmas shopping in style? Phone
90. ,224
Need a taxi call 90 day or night. 224
Call 9G taxi, day or night. Driver
on duty at all hours. . 224
Mrs. L. S. Yothers left yesterday for
Mt. Vernon, HI., for an indefinite visit
with friends and relatives.
Expert auto repairing at 29 S. Front
St. Home ot the Stephens. Star
Motor & Supply Co. ' 236
Back to normalcy $1.00 per hour.
Good equipment, experienced mechan
ics. Riverside Garage. tf
Furniture repairod and made ' to
James Smith, of Phoenix, and a
partner came in from the Dead Indian
country Thursday, and report three
feet of snow on the farther side of the
mountain. They spent all day Wed
nesday traveling on foot from Lost
college Thursday night at 8 o'clock
with the annual Christmas concert of
strains of old English ballads, In tho
chords of tho "Sanctus" and in the
minors of Russian Chiistmastlde coin-,
positions. Oregonlan.
Goodrich tires and tubes at Colonial :
Garage. .',
For Diamond coal Drlcketts, phono
Valley Fuel Co. Phone 76.
Four hundred head of Bteers wero i
shipped yeBterday from the Medford
stockyards to Los Banos, Calif. Most
of the animals wero grown on the
ranches In tho Butte Creek district.
and doors,
call Wallace Woods, 108 or come to
711 E. Main street r
The Business ; and 'Professional
Women's club of the Y. W. C. A. will
i hold a "Hanging of, the Green" party
at the "Y" hoifte Thursday, Dec. 14.
Good potatoes $1.00 por hundred de- ,,, ,,,
lltgisu. Millet, I,UIIIIIUU Ofc UU'C I ml,,- Af!n ..nln , nL In
' nnim 1 ills, uuii-o wuuii, a iiitiu Hi. viitt -u
, . ' " ' , . i do janitor Work mornings and even-
$0.60 motor driven horns at the;, .,, ,,, -,.,' r,.- a ;!..
Electrio Shop.
Miss Floronce Goophnrt, Y. W. C. A.
field secretary leaves tomorrow morn
ing for Bun Francisco after having
boon in Medford for the past few duys
on business In connection with the
local chaptor of the Y. W. C. A.
For Sale Singing canaries. 847-Y.
Lime and cement. Medford Lumber
The highway over the Siskiyous Is
now open to travel, and cleared of the
snow of last week, according to auto-lsts.
Have you tried that big milk shake
nt DeVoe's T tf
Sash and doors. Medrord Lumber Co.
logs' and look "after furnace. .Apply
! at office. -, 22 1
I Alfred Scott of the Butte Falls dis-
trict is spending Hire week In the city
ion business.
Handicraft Shop.
8c per yard.
Buttons covered.
Med. Tent & Awning Works
Opposite 8, P. Depot
Make This Christmas a
Ford Christmas
And Make the Whole Family Happy
in Medford
Equipped With Starter and Demountable Rims
Cor. Sixth and Paoifio Highway.
WANTED to buy pasture, Binull or
large class. Frank Handler, Jack
sonville. , 227
FOIt SALE One old registered and
one yearling Hereford bull, $00.
Frank Handler, Jacksonville. 227
FOK SALE Good used piano, easy
terms. P. O. Hox 667. 22
WANTED Young man wishes part
time employment. References. P. O.
' Hox 667. 22!)
FOK UENT Going away for tho win-;
ter will rent our 6 room mdtleru fur-'
Dished cottage to adults, .I'M per
mouth. 111S W. Eighth St. 224 i
WANTED $2800 on real estate. P. O.
Hox- OKI. 223
FOR SALE Alfalfa
hay. Phone
FOR SALE Puppies, boiuties lor
Xmas presents. Phono 591-K-l. ,
WANTED At once, live man or lady
to canvass for good soiling article
in Medford, Ashland and county. If
you have car, so state in answering
ad. K, care Mall Tribune. 224
FOR RENT 814 alfalfa, good house
and barn, fine garden, all under
ditch; mile und half west of Phoenix
$150 cash rent. Airs. R. J. Slaughter.
WANTED Position general house
work. Phone 31:X-2, 225
FOR RENT Three furnished rooms
for light housekeeping, with sleeping
porch and garage. Phono 647-W.
FOR SALE Large type 7 months old
Poland China boars; also Taucrod
White Leghorn pullets, now laying.
Ernest Webb, Central Point. 22S
WANTED Housekeeper. Phone 244
or call at the Pantorium. 228
FOR SALE Farmers blasksmlth shop
Deere binder, grain drill, all in good
Bhape. J. Wallenberg, Eagle Point.
FOR SALE Good five room plastered
house on pavement, cement walks,
lawn and shrubbery. Call 205 W.
Jackson. 228
FOR SALE Cheap, sewing machine,
bed, small table, chairs, and kitchen
utensils. Call 243 N. Ivy. 22
FOR SALE Almost new baby sulky
and basinett 43 N. Orange. Phone
393-J. 220
WANTED At once man for janitor at
Mall Tribune building; must under
stand furnace. Morning and evening
work all that is necessary. Apply nt
office. 224
8c per yard.
Work finished
' want it.
when yon
Oo'r. Mait) and Bartlett.
... .- Over stock on
All 10c cards 6o
All 5c cards 3c
All 15c cards 8c
2(10 samples to select from. From
live of the best curd shops.
34 No. Central
Dancing (lass American Ijcgion Hnll
Everybody welcome. Come help lis
hnve n good time.
Through nn Krror Our Office
Tclenhono Number was omitted in
the new Directory.
IT IS 77
DR. 11. K. MURrnY.
Dentistry and X-ltny
. 2nd Floor Medford Illdg.
For Best Results
Medford Vulcanising Works
For Quirk Service Ttione 111)
Brand new 1923
Nover Been Driven
Liberal Reduction
O. V. Myers
Valley Garage
See this gorgeous romance of
passionate young love played in
settings of unrivaled lavishnesss
and splendor.
The- picture the whole world is
fighting to see.
f Pharaoh JS
Wednesday "Burning Sands'
Gift Perfumes
1 Imported from France I
2 ' s
j At Prices Never Before Offered in
;V" ' " ' ' Medford )
S Ideal, 1 oz. bottles . . .$3.45
Ideal, 2-h oz. bottles ... .' ., 6.95
M Ideal Toilet Water, 4 oz. , 3.85
H ; Ideal Toilet Vater, 8 oz. , 7.35
Ideal Sachet, 1 oz. . . . , 2.25
H ; Que Que Fleurs, 1 oz. 5.00
H Que Que Fleurs, 2 oz . . 7.85
H Que Que Fleurs Toilet Water . . ,., 3.65
H Que Que Fleurs Sachet 2.25
H i , Paris, 1 oz. $3.65
Chypre, 2 oz , 6.45
1 TOrigan, 1 oz . 5.50
H I'Origan, 2 oz ' ,. . 7.65
1 I'Origan Toilet Water 3.85
H TOrigan Sachet 2.25
Djer-Kiss, 1 oz $2.50
ff , Djer-Kiss Toilet Water 2.25
H Djer-Kiss Vegetal 1.75
1 . SETS
j Djer-Kiss, Mavis, Jonteel, Cara Nome,
H ' La Boheme, Garden go -'
1 ' 9?csi&,4,
Phone 874
Including every attention thnt enn come from the
linmls of a Funernl Director.
I .?
;; Removing remains to parlors, use of chapel,
Funvrnl service nnd nil other service (except em
balming) rendered without charge.
Our show rooms arc stocked with the best money
enn purchase, nnd nt prices positively guaranteed
satisfactory to nil.
. Successor to Weeks-Conger Co. '
1 1