1 BRINGING WHAT HAVE. VOO THERE. . DEAR. 10 TS1NCJ TAO, Dc. 8. (Br the Abso ciatcd ProsH) Hunfllts mill were moving1 about tho city openly today, arid it was reported that they were threatening: to kidnap the British and American consuls and to hold thorn as hostages. .Fresh apprehenulon was caused hy trouble, with the Japanese railway, water "worka, and., electrical workers , who threatened to strike. Japanese employes- on the wharves stopped work today. . Every outgoing- train was over crowded with person a fleeing from the zone of danger. Japanese sentries were guarding the Firitish consulate. Market News j i .Livestock. " , i PORTLAND, Ore., iJoc. 9. Cattle steady: receipts 93. Hogs and sheep nominally steady; no receipts. Butter. PORTLAND, Ore., Dec. 9. But ter firm. Extra cubes 43 44c; or dinary grades 40fij)42c; cartons 48c; prints 47c. Butterfat firm. No.- 1 churning cream 48i?f50e f. o. b., Portland; 45c'at station; undergrades 4547c Portland Wheat- PORTLAND, Ore., Dec. 9. Wheat hard white, blucstem, baart $1.48; soft white $1.25; western white f 1.32;' northern springs f 1.18; hard winter, western red, $1.16. Today's cftr receipts Wheat 65; flour 7; oats 1; hay 4. Court News (Furnished by the Jackson County Abstract Co.) . . . Circuit Court Ida Loughlin vs. John Loughlin. Divorce. .State vs. Wm. McCampbell. Unlaw fully soiling Intoxicating liquor, Oregon Growers Co-operative Asan. vs. L. K. Haak. Reply. E. H. Hansen vs. J. W.'Opp. Answer. Bullock Merc. Agency vs. W. J. Humphrey. Affidavit, default, Judg ment. Marriage Licenses Pleas A. McClanahan and Eulo Johnson. Real Estate Transfers J.'E. Toft et ux to City of Med ford, lot 6, blk. 3, Rose Ave. Add. to Mcdford ; $ 26 J ' E. Toft et ux to City of Med ford, lot 6, blk. 2, Woltcrs Add. to Medford 25 City of Medford to Roy C. Thorn- 1 'as'ot ux, lots 17 and 18, blk. 3, Queen Anne Add. Medford : 1000 City of Medford to Clarence A. Meeker et ux, lot 1, blk. 1, Anderson-Toft Add. Medford 250 C. B. Sams et ux to V. H. Sams et ux, lots 29 and 30, blk. "M" R. It Add. to Ashland 10 Maude M. Snider et vir.to Oscar O. Parker et ux, land in D. L. C. 76, tp. 37, S. R. 2 W 10 W. C. Foster et ux to O. 1L Tay lor, EVi of NW, lots 1 and 2, In sec. 18, tp. 34, S. R. 2 V 10 Matilda Safford to R. O. Llndley, lot in blk. 17, Imperial Add. to Medford 10 R. O. Lindley et ux to Wm. Carroll, lot in blk. 17, Imperial Add. to MeOford - 10 Wm. H. Carroll et ux to C. R. Moore, lot In blk. 17, Imperial Add. to Medford 10 Chas. R. Moore et ux to C. C. Pierce, lot in blk. 17, Imperial Add. to Medford 10 Sheriff to W. C. Foster, NW sec. 8, tp. 41, S. R. 4 W. 258.32 M. M. Company, Inc. to City of Medford. lot 2, blk. 1, Andcr- FERL ITS Kit A L HOM E At Tour Service Day or Night fnftrmBlJnn Cordially Gives Cor. atb ad Osidale UP FATHER T ONE OF THEW IN JML HE.RE.. 'L --iuy XOO MOW son-Toft Add. Medford 1 L. J. Ilarber to C. T. Hose, W, of NE sec. 26, tp. 35, S. R. 1 E. 10, Forrest C. Edmeadcs et ux to Wm. G. Pierce, lot 6, blk. 5, Ross Add. to Medford...... 10 G. M. Crabtroe to J. VV. Clark et ux, lot f, blk 26, Gold Hill.... 10 Ilert E. Smith et ux to D. II. Rosenberg, land in D. L. C. 46, tp. 38, S. R. 1 W E500 D. H. Rosenberg et ux to Harry Rosenberg, int. in land in D. L. C. 46, tp. 38, S. R. 1 W 10 SEATTLE,. Doc. 9. The University of Oregon footbnll team will not ac cept an invitation to meet the Uni versity of West Virginia cloven at San Diego, Christmas day, it was an nounced here today by H. C. Howe, representative of Oregon at the an nual meeting of the Pacific coast conference. With Medford trade is Medford made. County Treasurer's Call for Special Road District Warrants State of Oregon, County of Jaokson. Treasury Department. Jacksonville, Oregon, December 9, 1922. Notice is hereby given that there are funds on hand for the redemption of the following Road Warrants: District No. 2 Warrants No. 6775 and No. 6858. v District No. 9 Warrant No. 6750. Interest on tho above called war rants ceases on this the 9th day of December, 1922. A. C. WALKER, Treasurer of Jackson County, Oregon. 222 County Treasurer's One-Hundred-Third Call for General Fund Warrants State of Oregon,' County of Jackson. Treasury Department. Jacksonville, Oregon, December 9, 1922. Notice is hereby givep that there are funds on hand for the redemption of all General County Fund Warrants protested from June 1st, 1915, to Se tember 1st, 1915, both dates Inclusive. Interest on the above called war rants ceases on this, the 9th day of December, 1922. .. . . .A. C. WALKER, ; , Treasurer of Jackson County, .Oregon. 222 W.WTET) SITCATIOirS WANTED -Position as cusrk or dclLv erynian. Reference. Phone 427. ?23 WANTED By young man, work of any common kind; experienced in all lines; not afraid of bad weather or hard work. : Would like long Job, but would consider any. Box II, Mall Tribune. 222 WANTED Wood to saw. 452-J. Phone 223 WANTED Position by experienced lady cook. Call or write Washington Rooms. 'Either camp, farm or small hotel. 224 FOUND FOUND Bunch of five keys. Call at his office. - 223 SPECIAL BARGAIN 1922 Ford Touring Car, has several features that will in terest you. fccw tires. 12 MISTLETOE Easy Shifting, Run up on " 6ur ' Grease Rack and have the Sticky, Heavy Grease drained out of your tranmission and replac ed withValvoline Semi Fluid Gear Compound. Crank Cases Drained Free JONES & KIRKPATRICK Next to Nat. MEDFORD lOlC TRIBUNK. DO the:v PUT TrEtE ON ALU THE, PR'bONE.e HELi WASTElJ MALB WANTED Man with car to sell guar anteed cord tires. Will arrange salary and expense with right man. Oord-O-Van Rubber Company, J10S S. Michigan, Chicago, 111. 222 HELP WASTED FEMALE WANTED Maid for cooking and gen eral housework. Reference required. Mrs. John Tomlin. Phono 82. 222 WANTED Experienced confectionery girls at Crowson's. Apply at once and In person. 221 wan Tim sun ckula-Nkous WANTED Somo one in hnnnl nml room two children; country pre- icrreu. i-none i"i4 alter 2:3u p. m. WANTED Yellow Newtown apples Mr canning purposes, llagley Can nlng Co., Talent. 221 WANTED 3000 cedar shingles. Phone 02, Jacksonville WANTED A gentleman to room and board. Phone 935-R. tf WANTED To buy corn. Phone 597-J-3 tf WANTED All kinds of guns to repair and saw filing. Upstairs 22 S. Grape. 237 j WANTED Cash paid for pelts, bides, wool and rurs. Johnson Produce Co., 241 N. Fir St. Phone 97. tf WANTED House moving nnd repair ing. Phone 488-M or 488-X. WANTED Small house I can buy like rent. X23 care Tribune. FOR RENT FTRinsirED ROOMS FOR RENT Rooms, men only, $2.00 per week. 445 S. Front St. 226 FOR RENT Three furnished rooms and garage. Phone 647-W. 222 j FOR RENT Room with board. N. Central. 223 Vl'i. FOR RENT Sleeping rooms at 204 N. Ivy.. , 224 FOR RENT Sleeping room, 310 N. Bartlett. Phono 663-Y. 222 FOR RENT Furnished room at Y. W. C. A. 229 N. Bartlett. 220 SACRIFICE SALE , Pear Orchard, near Talent, on Highway, $250 an acre. Do you want to buy at the actual value of the bare land, one ot the best blocks of young pears in Jackson County Forty acres in the place, over half In bearing pears. Fice from frost. Lies perfect for irrigation. Some fine Bear Creek bottom on place. A fine place to sub-divide. Actually worth $500 an acre and if cut up in two or five acre tracts could be readily sold. But pres ent owner must sell at once, Bo offers to take half price $250 an acre. It two or three want to go in together and buy this place it can easily be sub-divided. Terms. Mioiio 784-L . J. C. BARNES WHITE LEGHORN COCKERELS . ' TANCREI) IMPERIAL STRAIN. -,. Breeders selected by the continual use of tho trap nest, are the best, and the ones you want to head your pens for the coming season. We trap nest 365 days in tho year. These birds aro from 200 to 205 hens. Sires from 250 to 289. Strong and vigorous stock. Price always right buy at home and save money. Hatching eggs a specialty. Also day old chlx. Don't delay your orders. ... WHITE WI.VQ POULTRY FARM Phono O-F-l 1 Phoenix, Oro. $3000 ANNUAL INCOME And more can -bo made from this splendid ranch tf It la reasonably operated... 50 acres fine bottom land with full paid water right. Fine producing pear orchard... All land adapted to tho growing ot alfalfa, potatoes, onions, cabbago and all other high value Crops,. Best surroundings; school and electric power facilities at hand. Price lower than any similar property In this valley $200 per acre! reasonable tdrms; no trades. Pear crop alone should pay for prop erly in three years. If you want a real producing property at a remarkably low figure come and see us. J. W. DRESSLER CO. Phono 2H." , ( . EXCHANGE OPPORTUNITIES 6-room modern semi-bungalow, Medford, to trade for larger city home. Will pay difference. 10 acres improved, all in fruit, paid water right, close to River Bide, Calif., to trade for Medford or Ashland home. 12 acres, all bottom land, with paid water right, 1M mile from Medford; improved, all in alfalfa. Want to trade for dairy farm and pay difference. 1 acre, lots ot fruit, at city limits Medford; equipped as chicken ranch, five rooms, city water. Only $2500. Will trade for houje close in. SKK IS TODAY FOUR-SITE KALES AGENCY Real Estate Busliirn. Opportunities Insurance l Medford Hldu., Mrdfonl, Oregon . MEDFORD, - ORWiON. S A TAKE. EP-AN NO ONE KNOVVb BETTER THAN ME- Foil itu.vi nooses FOR RENT Modern 7 room furnished house, sleeping porch, 2 acres good land choice for garden. Phone l'.M-l. or 814 after 6 o'clock. 222 FOIl RENT Five room furnished house; no children, $30. Phone 572-11-3. 223 FOR RENT Four room furnished house close in, $20 per month. Phone 407. . 222 TOR RENT Five room furnished house. Inquire 435 N. llartlutt. 222 FOR RENT House with three rooms and bath, also garage. On pavement. Call 915. FOR RENT Houses. Drown b. White, tf FOK BKNT HOUSKKKRKING ROOMS j FOR RENT Housekeeping and sleep ing rooms, adults. , 21 Genesee Phone 834-Y. . .223 FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping rooms. 221 N. Holly. 222 FOR KENT ATAItTMENTS FOR RENT Furnished apartment j with bath, 146 S. Ivy St. , 225 FOR RENT Housekeeping apartment ono or two rooms. 310 N. Bartlett 222 FOR RENT Apartment,. 124 King St., corner of Tenth; also car and truck storage. FOR REST MISCELLAJfKOCS . FOR RENT Garage at 1103 W. Tenth St.. Phone 82. . tt LOOT LOST A watch charm with Masons and Odd Fellows emblems thereon. Return to this office. 222 LOST Brown fountain pen, with initials A. P., Waterman Ideal; Fin der return to this office and receive thanks and reward. MONEY. TO LOAN MONEY 't6LSaN on improved Ity property. F. P. Farrell, Lawyer. 221 MONEY TO LOAN on improved ranch security, $5000 or less, 6 per cent interest. O. C. Boggs, Attorney for . State Land Board, Jackson County. Nash Hotel Corner ):! East Main St., Medford r mm AK r THROAT; DKrHMI5ER 9, IT OFF J VAT UNTIL. OT THE now KEY.' TAJUiN UP TAKEN IN Ono two-year old red steer, one two-year old white faced heifer, ear mark underliit and split in left ear, cut off right ear. Phono 21-F-3 Jacksonville. 222 FOIt EXCHANGE FOIt EXCHANGE One Overland 90 truck to exchange for wood. Josse L. Richardson, Central Point. 225 FOK SALK aCTO.noniLKS TOT RaTmcIoTfoiI truckVlifcheT rulot touring In good shape. Also wanted to buy bicycle. 1U22 West Fourth. , 323 FOR SAl.K Olt TRADE Two-ton truck, good running order, cheap. Box 53, .Mail Tribune. 220 Vail SALT'- LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Ono team good work horses cheap. 1'hor.e Cll-R-3. 222 FOR SALE One bull coming 4 years old, registered Guernsey; 2 cows, been fresh about two months; 2 heifers, been fresh one month; 6 hellers, some coming fresh in spring 1 brood sow with or without pigs; 1 S'.i-iu. wide tired wagon; 1 pump jnck. John A. Anderson, Central Point, on highway mile south of Tolo bridge. 223 FOR SALE 15 Duroc shoats from 75 to 125 lbs. John M. Anderson, Cen tral Point. 223 FOR SALE Puppies, real beauties; dandy Christmas presents. Phone 591-R-l. ti FOR BALI HOSIES FOR SALE Cozy five room modern home, close In. For quick sale, no reasonable oner refused, lerms. Seo owner, 243 N. Ivy.l 226 '.FOR SALE House, five rooms, bath J 435 Grape St. $2250 cash or terms. i Mrs. L. R. Bingham, 2631 Shlloh, Sawtcllc, Calif. 22U FOR SALE OR TRADE 10 room bun galow and lot 50x270 feet situato on East side. Worth $3000. Take smal- lcr home as part pay, balance like rent. . Phone 517-L or 105. 222 FOR SALE Must sell, attractive five room bungalow, hiodern except heat. Three lots, garage, chicken house, wood house. Terms, See owner. Phono 488-Y. . 214 FOR SALE Houses una bungalows, furnished or unfurnished; nlic acreage. Insurance. C. S. ButterfleUI, Medford National Bank Bldg., Phone 389 FOR SALE HEAL ESTATE ' FOR SALE OR TRADE 80 acres on Illinois river, price $600. Will trade for acreage or residence or trade car up to $200. iiox E II. Tribune. ; 222 FOR SALE Stock and dairy ranch, . 160 acres, fencod, buildings, home orchard, stream, nnd well of watnr, near It R. Btatlon and paved hlfjlis 'way. Terms. P. ,0. Box 641, Med ford, Oregon .. , , 226 FOR SALE 15 acres of land, Jut proved, with bonrlng orchard . of apricots and almonds; buildings and .pumping plant; water enough to irrigate the entire place., Ono mile east of Red Bluff, Calif., on the state highway. Inquire Of owner, A. P. Barrow. Red Bluff,. Calif. ' 220 We pay entire 1923 licenses on any car bought "of us for, cash during: balance of month of Decem ber. A real saving. , 1 ' r BUSY CORNER MOTOR CO. : 1922 By' George McManug Jl'b DON'T 1 fjVfp'', JU XOU OARS CO fejfe& . v OUT OF THE. I p you i-e:arvme? IJ PPt, COME. IrACK. r I f:X ' HERE ' & k icy ) S Copy,;,,t. 022. by Infl Feature Service. Ic. l"Ti"ll' FOR SALF.-ltr..Ui ESTATE FOR SALE 2.C hcr- land near IKUe Falls; cheap and give tortus. logged off I will elli Lumber Co. FOR SALE MIMCELLAMCOL'H FOK SALE Barred Rock hops an. I pullets, O. A. C. bent liiying strain. Phone 2U l-J. 221 FOR SALE Very gnod old violin for half actual value. $-'iO. phone 1021. I FOfl SALE O. A. Ilnri-el Ruck pul- . .....I .... ..1. .1-1 I ln.l l.n,... let; W ft hite l.euhorn hens and ro::slersf. It Cm. Int. hW C 1,,.,.I, c, '! FOR : SALE Bid tons hay at $20 t-;n, avy timbered teed grounds with ring water. J. C. Cass, Jackson- IU l'lu. no :tll.l !:'7 ville. Phone :!(M. FOR SALE Country sausage and bird at Public' .Murliet Saturday. 221 FOR SALE Potatoes, Netted Gems, $1.00 per hundred at ranch. J. C. Herring, Cenli nl Point. 207 FOR SALE Power washing machine, with swinging wringer line an elec tric machine but run by a gusollnu motor under tlio tub. in good order. Prico $35. Tel. 407-X., , . , 222 FOR SALE Five ton wagon scales. Phone 6U-R-3. 222 FOR SALE R. I. Red cockerels. E L. Lane. Phono 133, Central Polrt, TOR SALE Buzz saw iii running order, $125 cash; your last change. See it at 428 Hamilton St. 22:; FOR SALE A Ludwlg piano. Call Phone 534-L. FOR SALE Front Rank hot air fur nace at the price of a good heating stove. This furnace Is in good con dition, largo enough for a slx-ro un house. Call 620. business hours, tf FOR SALE Throo used pianos. Seo me before buying. H. G. Laun3)acli, office Weeks & Ow. tV FOR SALE Two General , Electric motors, SB h. p., 40 degree, 60 cyolo, 2200 voltage, complete with compen sators. I Tacoma logging engine. 10x15 with lino. Big Pines Lumber Co. ' FOR SALE New pianos, flest quality, prices and torms. H. tt. Lauuspacli, phone 046-R. Office Weeks & Orr, W.'Main. V tf FOR SALE Turkeys for brooders, from Mr. Wright's stock, Washing ton. Fat Roese 30 cents dressed. 3oot 10 nnd 12 eonts. Phone 7-F-ll. , 236 FOR SALE Nearly now mahogany and cane davenport and chair, up- - bolstered in velour. First class con dition. Phone 013-L. . . , . . FOR SALE Baled alfalfa hay in ' warehouse. First class and clean,' , $25.00 per toh. Rrtguu River Vnlley -Canal Co., 201 S. Fir St Phono 129-J-2. " ' ', 231 BUSINESS DiriECTORY AlwIraelMTi MURRAY .BROS. & , OREENE Abstracts or Title. Rooms 8 and 6, No. 32 North Central Avo., upstairs. Jackson County ABSTRACT CO., The only complete Title 8ystem In - Jackson County. , Abstracts of Title and Title Insurance, ' ' ift;iv' fc attorneys O. C. BOGGS Lawyer. . 8peclallze In Real Eatato and Probate Law. : 80 North Central Ave. A. K. REAMES Lawyor, office In Liberty Building. t. E. KELLY Lawyor. ReBUmed practice of Inw. Office with Porter J. Neff. Medford Nat'l Bank Bldg. Building Materials MEDKORD CEMENT BRICK BLOCK WORK3 Specialize In all kinds of cement building products , Cor Fir nnd Tenth ttreett. Expert Accountant WILSON AUDITING CO. E. M. Wil son, C. P. A. Attention given to nnj thing in accounting and Income Tai requirements. Look Into our slmpll fled accounting method. Liberty nM.. Mndfnnl. Phone 157-R. jO Auditing, ty Aceountltva C? ystemXerviceioj I ia u rjcc. ' iva hTverd 9 J ' u. v. Rcmirr' 2n(l Floor iii Medford Kid. paoe Fivr: BUSIXESS DIRECTORY Chiropractic Physician big I'lnea bit. HARVEY P. COLEMAN Cairo 1 irn;-tlc and Electro-Therapy. 427-28 --.-- Medford Bldg. Phone 965. . tt I)R. A. R. HEDGES Neo-Eclectla Physician. DR. LOUISE E. HEDGES Naturopathic Chiropractor. . Me rhuno Therapy, Spondylotherapy, hoed Pclonces, Chiropractic. Office: Stewart HMg., 235 E. Main St I'huncs; OUice, 170; Res. 170-J-2. DH. K. W. HOFFMAN Chlropractla Physician. Ofllce hrs. 9 to 12, 3 (o 5. Thursday excepted. Suite 203 04-05-06 Liberty Building. I)!!. JOUETT P. BRAY Scientific Chiropractic adjustments. Hours 9-" 12 and 2-5 except Thursdays. 313-315 Medford Bldg. Office phone 29, res. phono 4V 1. "Keep Smiling." Dentists DR. O. J. JOHNSON Dentist. - 22S E. Main St., over M. M. Dept. Store, Medford, Oregon. Phone 669; res. 1002-Y. orilce hours 9 a. m.-6 p. m. Evening and Sunday by appointment I nnn Loanfi FEDERAL FARM LOANS NOW 5 Applications should be on file by Dec. 2 j for December appraisal. i0. 11. Kurd, Secy-Treas.', 402 Medford Bids. Monuments THE OREGON GRANITE CO. Mom. mo its. K. A. Hicks, general manager. P. M. Kershaw, soles manager, 101 ii. Sixi.h St., Medford. . tf Osteopaths l'R. F. Q. CARLO W: DR. EVA MAINS I CARLO W Osteopathic Physician 416-418 Liberty Bldg. Phone 904-J-J I Residence 26 S. Laurel St. - TT;. W. vHOWARD Osteopathia : I'hyHi'clan. Special attention gives to eye, ear, nose and throat 801 ; l.'.hc.-ir Building. Phone 496. Pbystrlnns and Surgeons iRjrMMENS Physician 'tij Surgeon. Practice limited to eye. ear, none and throat Eyes scieut tlt'lcally tested and glasses Bupplied Oculist nnd Aurist for S. P. R. R, Co., Medford Bldg. Phone 667. Dft. WM. W. , P. HOLT-rPhysiciaa and Surgeon. , Offices Medford Bldg. Phone 165. Residence 118 Oenoset St. Phone 165-J-2. , . DR. A. BURSELL Physician and Surgeon, 313 to 314 Medford Bldg. Entrance 36 N. Central. Special attention to spine.. Phone 29. . DR. LINCOLN KALLEN X-Ray spec ialist. Medical and Dental x-iuy Diagnosis and X-Ray Treatment Laboratories 211-213 Liberty - Bids Office hours 9 a. m. to 12 m. 2-5 p.m. Telophono: Office, 61; residence, IMitno Infraction I' REU, ALTON HA1GHT Teacher of Piano and Harmony. , Composing, Arranging. Studio 318 Liberty Bldg. Phone 72. Printers nnd Publishers MEDFORD PR1NT1NO CO., has th best equipped printing office In Southern Oregon. Book binding, loose loaf ledgers, billing systems, etc, Portland prices, 87 N. Fir St - Public- Accountants. HUGH It ROBERTSON & CO. Mem ber American Instltuto of Accoun tants. Public Accountants and Audi torn. Portland, Oro. and Minneapolis, Minn. Address: 1517 Yoon Bldg.', Portland, Oro. Rag Weaving MEDFORD FLUFF UUQ WORKS makes fluff rugs from old nnd worn carpets and rugs. Phone 610-M. 70S Pine St - . Transfer EADS TRANSFER & STORAGE CO Office 43 North Front St. Phons S15. Prices right Services guar anteed. DAVIS TRAN8FER AND STORAGE CO. Anything moved day or night Service guaranteed. 29 S. Grape. , Phone: Office 644, or resi dences 647-R or 206. tf Upholstering J. WE1S Upholstory. Manufacturer of overstuffed furniture. Full Una of materials. Draperies made to 'order.. We do all kinds of uphol stering. We deliver and will call and show samples. Phons 101 lnckfinnvtllA. Om A. N. THIBAl.'LT Upholstering, re glunlng mid reflnlsblng. Work dona at your home. Telephone 969-U, H. 8, Box 44 A, Medford. " ' 231 5rw?aj sssWwMBawil!