MEDFORD MXTTJ TRTBTTNF:, MEDFOTfD, f)TJi:OOy, FTUDAY. TH-TEMTSEn 8, 1M2 PAflTC TTTTtTTC i Tho Southern Paeiric have announc ed that Christmas vacation rates will he placed on sale at one and one-half fare for the round trip to all points on their' lines whero the one-way rate Is 130.00 or less. Christmas Home lteauty apples de livered 75c. Phone 216. Spitz 50c box. : , . T12 iN'ow musical combinations by the Jewel orchestra in the Oriental Ball room Sat. nito. You can't keep from dancing when you hear them. ' 221 Flnebt flcor in Oregon at the Nat. in the Oriental Ilullroom. Dance there Sat. nite. Admission 10 cents. 221 Now that Ted Thye has been defeat ed by Mike Yokel of Salt Lake City, the local fans are expressing adesire to: see Ralph Hand in action against Yok,el, and'lhis match 1b among the possibilities for the first of the new your. The match will probably be pulled off in this city. Have your car work done at a well equipped shop by competent mechan its for 1.00 per hour. Riverside Carage. . tf Dance, Hot Springs, Sat. night. 222 . ,'fd what extent would the value of your building lot be Impaired should its shade trees be damaged by a burn ing building? We can cover this haz ard In our policies at a slight addition al charge. McCurdy Insurance Agency. ; . 222 J. H. Reed of Gold Hill was among tlg out of town visitors in tho city Thursday afternoon. . Cull 96 or get car in front of Nash J Intel. Day . or night service. We go anywhere, any time. 224 Quite a number of our young people Journeyed to Medford on Thanksgiving day. Among the party were the MlBses Helen Nutting, Hetty Berlin, Nullssa Smith and Violet Rhein and the Messrs. Kenneth Crandull, George Samon, Orris Wilson, Alex Rltz, Joe Ellor and Clifford Stophcns. They ar rived at Medford about 2 p. in., en Joyed a delicious Thanksgiving dinner at the hotel and attended the dance that evening. They returned homo Friday, reporting a fine time. Etna Mills News. Kor Sale Good sound Spltzenberg apples, $1.00 per box, bring your boxes. Also extra fancy Newtowns, packed, $1.75. E. V. Guthrie, 232 Jacksonville. . 2-10 Dance, Jackson Hot Springs, Sat. night. Good floor, good music. 2222 Good potatoes $1.00 per hundred de livered. Warner, Wortnian & Gore. 224 Lawrence Daw who appeared in local boxing contests sever;! times last summer, is now following tho manly art at Klamath Falls, and Is scheduled to meet Jack Harmon, Dec. 22. The two met a week ago, and both were rendered hors de combat by a headon collision In mid-ring. Turkey dinner with all the fixin's. served by the ladies of the Christian church tonight at the church from 6 to 7:30. p.m. Get a big feed for 75c. Special rates by hour. Why not do your Xmas shopping in style? Phone 96. , . 224 Expert auto repairing at 29 S. Front St. Home of the Stophens. Star Motor & Supply Co. 236 George Nucber is down from his homestead in tho llutto Falls district to spend the Christmas holidays. . Hack to normalcy $1.00 per hour. Good equipment, experienced mechan ics. Riverside Garage. tf At a meeting of the Elks lodge Inst! The Ashland Tidings of Thursday, night. It was decided to give an enter-! makes the following comment on the talnment once a month, for the high uttendunce at the Winter Fair: "Alten- school boys, with short talks by Elks on topics of goneral Interest. Furniture repaired and made to order. Work called for and delivered. If it's made of wood wf make it. Wni. Bindley, phone 199-L. 232 When in need of sash and doors, call Wallace Woods, 08 or come to 711 E. Main street. Good potatoes $1.00 per hundred de livered. Warner,Wortman & Gore. 224 Miss Bruce Putnam was hostess Saturday evening for a very delightful party honoring her house guest, Miss Josephine Lindley of Medford, who is attending the University of Oregon. The guests who were invited for the evening were: Jeanette Jones, Paloma Prouty, Silvia Thompson, Josephlm Lindley, Helen Robe. Phyllis Walker, and Bill Ashby, Hob Littler, Fred Aid rich, Mr. Nutting from O. A. C, Kon noth Powors, Jack Sullivan, Armin Sites of Portland. Salem Capital Journal. This office Is prepared to print ledger sheets, bills, etc., used on tho bookkeeping machines. Don't give your orders to traveling men and have them printed out of Medford. Phono us and we will cnll. tf Ford, Chevrolet, Overland tire chains as' low as $2.25 a pair at the Busy Corner Motor Co. tf Two can rido ns cheap as one in a Nash Taxi. Call 96. 221 Dr. Robinson of Jacksonville was a business visitor in tho city Thursday afternoon. Need a taxi call 96 day or night. 224 Call 96 taxi, day or night. Driver on duty at all hours. 1 221 Sash and doors. Medrord Lumber Co. f5 Get Ready for Xmas Jones is going to give everybody a chance to buy their presents cheap. 50 Vanity Cases, regular price $2.50. For Saturday and all next week, if they last that long. Only . $1.38 Don't pass these by because they make good Christmas presents $1.25 Ladies' Wool Hcse .... . . ... . . . 92c (2 pair Wool Hose are always appreciated) In order to give everybody a chance to sample our Xmas Mixed Candy, we will sell 2 pounds for . 28c -' . (This f cr Saturday only) We carry the largest line of Men's Ties and Wool Sox in Medford. . Come in and see our Xmas goods. J O N E S ' (of course) Phone 125-126 ... Yakima Netted Gem Spuds $1.35 per 100. Free from Yakimas are always the best. Don't experiment. Free Delivery brown spots inside. 5fi see dance at the Winter Fair this year has been decidedly cut down by the inclem oucy of the weather, many preferring to stay at home Instead of making a trip out into the rniu and snow. Very few, If any, Medford people have been seen at the exhibition, though Talent has been prominent in the number of Its delegation." Wrapping paper, cut to fit any size paper holder, from white print paper, at this office at prices much below the regular wrapping paper price. Call at once or phone 7G. tf Good potatoes $1.00 per hundred de lvered. Warner, Wortman & Oore. 224 Hemstitching aud pecotlng at Deuel's. 240 All kinds of rough and dressed lum ber. Wallace Wood, phone 108. 711 Enst Mnln. Piunos and phonographs for sale or rent. H. Q. Lnunspuch, phone C46-R. Orrice Weeks & On. tf Considerable interest Is being mani fested in Governor-Elect Pierce's ap pointments, for this section, tho rub coming between "faithful democrats," and tho unfaithful republicans, in a couple of instances. There are places to fill on the fish and game commis sion and the state fair board, and minor selections. Gossip says that the details of a political payday were ar ranged on one of the frequent visits of Pierce during the campaign, and tho matter "cut and dried." Yakima Netted Oem potatoes, No. 1. grade, $1.60 per 100 lbs. delivered free. Hutchison & Lumsdcn. 232 Sash and doors. Medford Lumber Co. ' Armstrong cords puts the miles In mileage. Phone 277-J, Star Motor & Supply Co. . Good potatoes $1.00 per hundred de ivered. Warner, Wortnian & Gore. 224 L. E. Walker of Klamath Falls, is a guest at the Hotel Holland. Other guests include C. A. Paney, J. S. Bar bour and Harold N. Readen of Port- i land, L. N. Grimm of Roseburg, Dr. and Mrs. N. F. Hall of Seattle, Mr. and , Mrs. W. C. Rhodin of Salt Lake City, iMr. and Mrs. East of Snlom and Mr, ! and Mrs. A. S. Taylor of Otis Orch ards, Wash. Take your kodak films to Palmer's studio. First class work and prompt service. tf Yakima Netted Oem potatoes, No. 1 grade, $1.60 per 100 lbs. delivered free. Hutchison & Lumsden. 232' Yakima Netted Gem potatoes, No. 1 grade, $lv60 per 100 lbs. delivered free, Hutchison & Lumsdcn. 232 We go anywhere, any .time. Careful drivers. Nash Tnxl, call 96. 224 Provide against loss, insure with Redden and Canaday. Harold Readen of the Hicks-Chatten I IS A GREAT TREAT TO MUSIC LOVERS lly (li'Oigo Andrews. Tho conceit given at tho Presby terian church last evening by tho Duo-Art reproducing piano, with Alice Savina Andrews as vocul artist was a distinct success and a very agreeable surprise to many. Tho con cert was given under the auspices of Weeks and Orr representing Sherman I Clny MiiBic company. This Is the first time we have had tho privilege of listening to this Btylo of entertain ment, and it certulnly is a great stop in advance in reproduced music. You can almost say that nothing is miss ing but tho personality of the per former, and at times that is foil to a dogree as the reproduction is so per fect. Alico Lavlna Andrews, mezzo-contralto, was tho vocal artist and to say that sho is an artist is putting it very mildly. Medford has never list ened to a more satisfactory singer so well bnlanced in every particular. Her voice, a lovely full quality, pro duced with consummate ease, com bined with musicianship of a high degroo go to make her one of tho rare exceptions in concert singing. She won her way to the hearts of all the audlenco. i Engraving company of Portland is a Medford business visitor today. Read en iB well known all over the stato : having been student' body president nt O. A. C. last year anij has a number of friends in Medford I There are great comforts to be had during the stormy weather with Radio set Virgin Radio Paul's Electric Store. Station at 222 Give Photographs Next to seeing you in person Christmas Day, nothing will please your relatives and friends more than a good picture of yourself, and a dozen takes care of twelve gifts. You must have them made at once if you intend to send any away. . WEM'S STUDIO Portrait Photographs. Hand Carved Polychrome Mirrors $8.65 Size 14x20. Horizons! and vertical for over tho mantel or console table. Finished in delicately colored decorations against a gold ground. A gift tlint everyone in the house will enjoy, for tbero Is something mysteriously charm. Injr about a : mirror some thing flint cheers a room and makes it smile in spite of shadows. SKK WINDOW DISPLAY SWEMS STUDIO Yakima Netted Oem potatoes. No. grade, $1.60 per 100 lbs. delivered free. Hutchison & Lumsden. 232' Mattress work an kinds. Medford Auto Top Co. Phone 104. tf Goodrich tires and tubes at Colonial Garage. Markef News Livestock PORTLAND, Ore., Deo. 8, Cattle nominally steady; no receipts. Hogs 25c lower on top end; receipts 257. Prime light $9 9.25. Sheep steady; receipts 443. PORTLAND, Ore., Dec. 8. Butter and butterfat firm. Prices unchanged. l 1 Fancy Redwood Boxes Figs and Nuts We have a fancy line of Figs, Nuts and Raisins, put up in one, two, three and five-pound boxes. These boxes are made of Red wood and would make a very attractive CHRISTMAS GIFT. We invite you to call and see this line of fancy Christmas fruit. Personal Attention Prompt Service H. E. Marsh Phone 252 GROCER Phone 252 Portland Wheat PORTLAND, Ore., Dec. 8. Wheat; Hard white, bluestera, baart $1.48 soft white $1.24; western white $1.21; hard winter $1.16; northern spring $1.17; western red $1.15. Today's car receipts Wheat 51; barley 14; flour 6; corn 1; hay 3. Chicago Wheat CHICAGO, Dec. 8. After brief sum maries of the president's message had been circulated, the market eased down, the summaries falling to equal bullish anticipation in regard to agrl culture. Closing prices nevertheless were firm at the same as yesterday's finish to one cent higher, with July $1.08 1-8 to $1.08. 8an Francisco Market SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 8. (IT. S, Ilureau of Agricultural Economics). Eggs extras 57c; extra pullets 50c; un dersized No. 1, 41c. Poultry unchanged Notice of Hearing Appllcotion No. 8457. Before the Railroad Commission of tho State of California. - In the matter of the application of The California Oregon Power Com pany for an order of the Railroad Commission of the State of Califor nia, authorizing the issuance and sale of preferred stock of the par value of $500,000.00. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Railroad Commission of tho State of California has sot a hearing In the above entitled matter before Commls sinner Martin on ThurBdny, Docember 14, 1922, at 2.00 p. m., In the Court Room of the Commission, ninth floor, Flood llMllding, San Francisco, Califor nia, at which time and place all inter ested parties may appear and bo heard. BY ORDER OF THE RAILROAD COMMISSION. Dated at 8an Francisco, California, this 6th day of December, 1922. (Seal) H. O. MAT1IKW80N. Secretary, Railroad Commission of Opening Infants and Juvenile Department Medford Center Store Tho infants and juvenile wear de partment of the . Medford Centor De partment store, is owned and con ducted by Vera Wickersham, who is thoroughly experienced In her line. Tho department Is located on the second floor and will be opened to the public tomorrow. This department will have ladles' house drcsHes and aprons as well as a full line of infants" and juvenile wear. Everything is new and up-to-date. Two new departments in this build ing will open Saturday. . New Zealand Votes Wet. LONDONh Dec. 8. New Zealand has given a huge vote against prohi bition in a referendum taken con currently ; with the parliamentary elections, according to a dispatch to the Daily Express. $6.50 motor driven horns Electric Shop. at tho SULPHUR CLEARS A PIMPLY SKIN Apply Sulphur as Told When Your Skin Breaks Out Any breakinir out of the skin on face. neck, arms or body is overcome quick est by applying tcmho-Sulpliur. The pimples seem to dry right up and go away, declares a notcS skin specialist. Nothing has ever been found to take the place of sulphur as a pimple re mover. It is harmless and inexpensive. Just ask any druggist for a small jar of Rowles Mcntho-Sulphur and use it like cold cream. A MAN and a girl and a box of Tan Jar . sweetmeats all's well! 91.50 tlir pound wherrTer they ell gwoil cuiitij. JAMilkChocofatoslil ili'"n iTfc Cured without Knife, Operation or Confinement TtoUSANDS of repu table and responsible Northwest people can tes tify to my unfailing skill In curing Piles. Why suffer the ' pain and discomfort when my non-surgical method will cure you to stay cured? : ,. I romovo all doubt m to rotulta by oyroalnf lo refund your foo 11 1 fall 1o euro rour Pile, no matter bow aoooro ' or chronic tbo caio. Wrlto or call to day for nr FREE booklet, DR.CHAS. J. DEAN IN AND MORRISON WrrTLAND.ORFSOII MENTION THIS PAPER WMCN WRU INb They're all here and it's all true Fancy Yakima Gems 90c per 100" delivered 200 bags only at this price so you better hurry. LOUIE Free Delivery Phone 271 describe Woman! J: np And every description will mZ W -Ive, different sweet subtle1 $)." fir unfathomable or fascinat-. 0 r; Jt ing. Describe an I. Miller ? Slipper! And the answer -?('" .L musttneeds be the same $ : J for they are feminine, too. jft I THE BOOTERY, I M It. B. and H.n. STRANG, Props. S) gi ' Cor. Mailt and Biu-tlctt Phono 37 3 Her First Choice on Christmas Morning Look for Thl H hi old If Tour OuMiotM Aak for KrmntVo , Oaooolatoa by Mono The chaste white box, embel lished in holly green and gold, offers an irresistible lure to the woman of taste and renaement. , That she has treated (herself to Krause's Stellar Chocolates in time agone is all the more reason why Ktbusc's Stellar Chocolates will give . her greatest pleasure on Christmas morning. i $1. $2 to $5 the Box 4 Othar Kraaia Varl afoot KrmHM'1 La Vlrta Oaocolabo. ft ud SJ Kratuo'a Lo Vlrta Chocolaua.. SI oatss Kraoaa'a Milk OhoooUMo So and I.M KrauM't rrnlU and KuU ..70 and 1M J Oifo-bioii Whtrtett High-Clou CmoVei Am StU 221 the State of California.