PAGE THREE ' 'The Old Homestead" at Page Today TEACHERS CIRCLE TO IEI FRIDAY P. M. S.P. E,!S AT J. MEDFORD MATE TRIBUNE, MEDFORD, OREC.ON, WEDNESDAY, DEOEif HER 0, 1922 J - C . iSl PORTLAND, Ore., Dei. C -California and ins Southern raclflc have won then- light to prevent tlio separation of the Southern '.Pacific and Central Pa-' (tfflc systems, inl the opinion of ex-' Governor Oswald West, who has just returned from attendance at tho hear ings before the Interstate commerce' commission In Washington. If this proves to be correct, West declares Oregon has lost the. greatest oppor tunity for development In recent yearB. Success will be due to the complete organization of the Southern Pacific's publicity and the united front put up -by California clVic and traffic organi zations, he says. Incidentally, the ex governor takes a shot at the neutral stand of tho Portland clKimber of com merce in the fight. lie said: "This unmerger fight is, If I am not mistaken going to result in California,' netting everything and Oregon noth ing. Practically every western and southwestern state was ably represent ed at the hearing and all except Ore: son. wore there knowing just what they wanted and were out to get It. "San Francisco was lined up with the Southern Pacific and was given aid by Portland interests who seemed to be more concerned in the develop ment of California than In that of Orc-son. The people here, at least a large number of them, were fooled into be lieving that the unmerglng of the Southern Pacific and Control Pacific railroads would result in an Impair ment of service and an increase In rates over the lines of tho Southern Pacific, There was not a chance of nny such thing happening. Regard less of what disposition the interstate commerce commission made of the matter tho Southern Pacific and its present service would be fully pro tected and in no manner Impaired." , Willamette Fund Grows. SALEM Ore., Dec. 6. According to a statement given out by the Wil lamette university endowment fund campaign committee, a total for the state of $820,000 has been pledged toward the $1,250,000 needed. Hy P. W. Harris, DdJtor Pacific . P&ultrymun, Seattle. ASHLAND, Dec. 6. (Special to Mall Tribune.) With"' 200 pons, COO fowls in ' all, some from Portland's finest show birds, the Southern Oregon Poultry show open ed at Ashland yesterday with flying colors.- Tho writer has covered the leading poultry shows of the west coast, and can assure the local asso ciation their exhibit of poultry ranks with the best. I have never seen a better display of rabbits than is now being Bhown here. It exceeds in num ber the great Portland Rabbit show at the Pacific International Livestock exhibit in November. The quality of the chickens is high, especially in the barred Plymouth Rock and Rhode Island Red classes. The Red Wing Poultry yard of Med- ford, P. M: Bollou, manager, showed finest birds In the Rhode Island Red class, with Ernest Webb of Central Point, a close runner up. All popular breeds of poultry are on display, as well as many varieties of waterfowl. Including Toulouse geese, . Indian Runners and Mallard ducks. Medford and Ashland are to be con gratulated on blue ribbons won In good competition with birds from larger shows. . This is a show worth going far to see, and every one interested in standard bred poultry and rabbits should make it a point to attend on one of the remaining days until Fri day night. A big program at the Armory every evening. Knights Templar Meeting Malta Commandery No. 4, Wednesday evening, Dec. C. Y 1922, at Masonic hall, Ash land. Stated conclave and eS. election oi omcers. iteiresu- ments. All Sir Knights courteously Invited. W. H. McNAIR, E. C. 219 . W. H. DAY, Recordor. OKLAHOMA CITY Five persons were killed when a car on an interur- ban railway crashed Into an automo bile. B3&?!saJL II-, - J1 -'''".i-vi--ir-:--y-'-rrjvwr-iiTKn"il,"1wl''"':-M- THESE two are Uncle Josh and Ephrniih Holbrook, proprietor of "The Old Homestead" and the village store, respectively, at. "Can zey, N. H." Father and mother will remember instantly that these names were used in Denman Thompson's famous play, "The Old Home stead," but some of the youngsters may have to be reminded that when it "comes to "runs" this play had everything still has, as a matter of fact gasping for air. It has been made into a Paramount picture with Theodore Roberts as Uncle Josh and George Fawcett as Eph Holbrook. This is heralded as being one of tho greatest film productions of the year and is offered this week by the Page theater, boglnnlug today. As a play "The Old Homestead" has been populnr for nearly forty years. The big scenes and episodes of the original play have been incorporated in the picture. One of the biggest scenes in the film Is the cyclone epi sode, In which nn entire village is shown being swept away. Supporting Roberts are George Fawcett. T. Roy Barnes, Harrison Ford. Frltzi Ridge way and Ethel Wales. ' Several brief films and "Betty" Brown's music complete the program. PARENTS URGED TO How Fresh It Is! It it a pleasure to go to your cake -box when you have baked with ROYAL Baking Powder because it ia in the nature of a pure Cream of Tartar Baking Powder to keep baked foods fresh. This means a real economy and is just orte of a hundred reasons why careful house keepers insist upon Royal Baking Powder. Some others are: It Contains No Alum Leaves No Bitter Taste . Slogan: Visit the schools today. Dr. Crabtree, secretary of the Na tional Education association, says, "Ignorance of conditions causes apathy." Do you know that there are 1600 more children In the schools of Jack son county than two years ogo? Do you know that with all this In crease, only two new buildings have been erected, and those in rural dis tricts? , . Do you know that only three consoli dations of districts have been made within the two years? This means that too many , schools still have thirty or more pupils of all, grades under one teacher, while consolidation with a nearby school would furnish two teachers for the eight grades of tho combined schools. More than SO or 40 minutes a day could be given to each grade. Parents, inspect the school com pare it with the best school you know. How can you help toward these best conditions for your school? Education of children Is a more im portant issue for each community than the management of public utilities, de velopment of Irrigation systems, or a revision of taxes. W. O. W. Notice Regular meeting I. O. O. F. hall Thursday night. Class initiation and election of officers. Hot dogs. E. C. Sllliman, clerk. 220 PATRIOTISM DAY Tho - WKshlniilon Parent-Teacher circle, Will meet at tho school build ing Friday, December tho 8th at three o'clock. As the week of December 3 to 9 is to be America's Educational Week. Its purpose Is to promote kooiI citizenship and parents are ui-Ked to visit tho schools. The association Is also worlilnir to nwuken greater In terest on tho part or tho public In education, especially as it develops American citizenship and patriotism. The National Education association declares that Illiteracy Is a blot on our nation, and one of their slogans Is "no Illiteracy In 1927." Tho parent-teacher associations all over tho United States havo, by their co-operatl8n, been a great factor In promoting n greater Interest In tho Hohools. Thoy nro Btrlvlng to ralso tho standards of homo life. They be lieve In the Fatherhood of God and the brotherhood of man Mrs.' A. O. Hmlth, assisted by tho president, Mrs. M. A. Yothers, will havo charge of tho following program: Call to order, President Mrs. Yoth ers; parent-toucher's prayer, by tho circle: business: Christmas CarolH, by tho four upper grades; good books as girto for. children, Mrs. layman; the (lag, tho emblem of freedom, Mr. llunby; tho schools' influence on the coming generations, Mrs. N. B. New comb; "America," by tho circle. Refreshments will bo served. May wo see every mother intorested pres ent. A dally program has been plnnned by the principal of tho school, whereby many phases of tho BUbject of education will bo presonted In the class room, nnd Tlov. Coy R. Bimo will deliver nn address Thurs day morning to tho ?th . and Sth grades on "Education." Y'esterdny was Patriotism Day in the schedule of American Education week. The flag, the emblem of freedom, re ceived a salute. Teachers and others talked to the youth of America of the citlzon's"duty to vote. They presented the standard of the universal use of tho English- language In the United States, they discussed music as a na tion builder. Tho slogans of today, and of every day this week are: "Visit the schools today"; "Children today, citizens tomorrow"; nnd "No Illiteracy in our land by 1927." j. ; There will he a meeting of the A, Order of De Molay. Thursday mgnc at tue masonic nan. Initiation De Molay .Degroe and refreshments. Everybody come. - . 219 PHOTOGRAPHS : for Christmas SWEM'S STUDIO 117 R. Main flt. Medfor1 WORN NERVES Nervous . troubles, with backache, dizzy spell?, queer pains and irregu-l.-.i kidneys Kie renAjta to s-sptet l Uluey weakness and to try the. rem edy that has helped your neighbors. Ajjk your neighbor! . Mrs. A. R. Dodgo, 2-12 fl. Holly St., .Medford,' says: "I nm ulad to nay a good word for Doan's Kidney Pills, as they havo given mo splendid results. My kidneys were In a weak condi tion nnd I was run down and ner vous. I tired easily and was often unnblo to do my houBOWork as my back ached as if It were broken, and I had dizzy spells. My feat and ankles wore swollen and I couldn't stand up for nny length of time. My kidneys acted lrregulnrly, too, until Donn's Kidney Pills were recommended to me and ' I - used thorn. ' Thoy soon strengthened my kidneys and all the other symptoms of kidney disorder disappeared." Prlco 60o at all dealers. Don't simply ask for a kidney Vomedy get Doan's Kidney Pills tho samo that Mrs. Dodge . hnd. - Foster-MUburn Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y. Adv. Christmas Neckwear A DISPLAY WITH 2 SPEEDS FORWARD AND NO REVERSE! Low as 50c high as $3.00 for our finest. We' cover every need from ties for, the Sunday school class to cravats for the most expensive dressed men you know! Yes some are loud they are for young men who are having the time of their lives and we have hundreds of up-to-date patterns for the man of 45 who have just started to live. ", .'. . This, if you will pardon our saying so, is the authentic Christmas display of Med ford, and it's open for inspection to' the army of ladies who are shouldering a shopping list. If it is something for HIM, let a Man's store help you select what he would buy himself. Shop early. Model Clothing o. 126 E. Main St. ' S:T.. Richardson, Ptdp. KAXCY UABKKTS One-Third Off ' Covered IlnskeLs at 23c MKDKORD HOOK STORE St. Marks Guild HOLIDAY SOCIAL Fancy Work for Gifts, Candy, Program, Dancing, Cards.' HOTEL HOLLAND Thursday, Dec. 7. 8:00 P.M. Admission, 25c; Children under 12 years free. Parish House Benefit. TIME TABLE EFFECTIVE SEPT. 26 V MEDFORD-ROSEBURG STAGE DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY Lt. Medford 8:00 n. m. ;,' ' -. Lt. Roseburg 1:00 p.,m.' '"-'.: ' . ' '. ' MEDFORD-GRANTS PASS STAGE DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY Lv. Medford 10:00 . m., 2:00 p. m., 6:00 n.'m. v ' .v ' Vf. Omnia Pass 7:80 a. m., 1:00 p. m 6:00 p. m,: " ""' - . SUNDAY ONLY Lt. Medford 10:00 a. m 4:80 p. to. '' ; Lt. Grants Pus 10:00 a. m.. 4:80 p. m. ' ' We connect with stages for Portland, Harahflald aad Craacaal City. , . : INTERURBAN AUTOCAR CO. Phone SO ANNOUNCING THE OPENING OF THE NEW Medford Medford In the Center Center ! A ' L Building Meat larket Thursday, December 7 Medford's Newest Meat Market Sanitary and Up-to-Date High Class Meats of All Kinds at the Lowest Possible Prices ! i ...... i Service and Quality. Three deliveries daily by Medford General Delivery Co. Phone your orders early. Telephone , 255. All 'phone orders will be given prompt attention. ' . , . .' . : .- , ..'.. - :t : " :' Pure Pork Sausage, the kind that mother made. Liberty Steak with a conscience. Choice cuts of Steer and Baby Beef. We would be pleased to show you our storage plant, whether you buy or not. HARPOLE & SALISBURY, Props. mm- K'j'-j-.'-