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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Dec. 4, 1922)
MED FORD fcLALC TRIBUNE, MEDFORD- OREGON, - MONDAY, DKOKMTlRl? I. 1022 ' PAGE FIVE BRINGING UP FATHER By Georg'e McManus ' . -..J i i fV ji y-"'r7? MMU5KriJ - V l& I just. U ' 1 '&M ' XMW )teJ Mcc A Market Nevz$ ' L J Livestock i-unibAKU, ore., Dec. 4. emtio .weak and depressed. Roceipts 131. Choice steers $8.757.25; medium to good $6.00....:75; fair to medium, $5.2506.00; common to fair 3 . 7 ff D.25;. choice heifers $4.603.00; choice cows and heifers $4.004.60; medium to good $3.504.00; fair to n.A.llom 1 TA.. , uicuiuiu fu.v im w.w v , buuiiiiuil tuna $2.003.00; ennners $1.602.00; bulls $3.004.50; choice facers. $..00 5.50; fair to good $4.00 COO; choice dairy calves $3.00 8.00; prime light $8.008.D0; me dium light $7.508.00; heavy $4.007.G0. Hogs steady; receipts 2921. Prime light $9.009.50: Bmooth heavy 230 to 300 lbs, $8.009.00; smooth heavy 300 lhs and up $7.50'8.00; rough heavy $6.0O7.D0; fat pigs $8.609.00; feeders $8.268.75; stags $4. 006.00. Sheep Lambs weak: other classes steady; receipts 738. East of moun tain lambs $10.50012.00; choice valley $10.50612.00; medium $9.50 10.00; common $8.5009.50; culls $6.758.50; light yearlings $9. 50(g) 10.00; heavy $9.0009.50; light wethers $7.508.50; heavy $7.00 7.50; ewes $2.00(36.00. IlutU-r PORTLAND, Ore., Dec. 4. Butter firm; extra cubes 4344c; ordinary grades 40g42c; cartons 47c; prints 46c. Butterfat firm No. 1 churning cream 4 80 50c f. o. I). Portland; 45c at stations; undergrades 4547c. Portland Wheat 'v , PORTLAND, Ore., Dec. 4. Wheat hard whlto, lluestom, nnart.; soft white $1.24; western whlto $1.21; hard winter $1.15. Today's car receipts Wheat 89;. flopr 17; corn 4; oats 4; nay in. ' San Francisco Market. SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 4. (State rtlvlsJon: of Mnlrkets) '.Fryers 28 f n hrniiora 2fi to 35e: vounir roosters 21fp28c; old M to 18c; hens 18 to i aOe; ducks 18 In 20c; live turners nominal; dressed 30 to 32c; hares, pound 15 to 18c; squabs, doz. $3 to $3.60; Jackrabblts, doz. $2 to $2.60. SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 4. (U. S. Bureau of Agricultural Economics) Er-ks. extras 03c; extra pullets 49 He; undersized No. i, 43c. Liberty Bonds. NEW YORK, Dec. 4. Liberty bonds closed! 3 4's $100.04; first and second 4's blank; first 4'A'B $98.68; second 4Vs $97.98; third 4K's $98.46; fburth 414 's $98.36; V. S. Treasury 44's $99.74; Victory 4's uncalled $100.26; Victory 4-Vs, called $100.02. SPORT BRIEFS NEW YORK, Dec. 4. Ritchie Mitchell of Milwaukee and Charley White of Chicago have been matched to box fifteen rounds hero on Decem ber 15, It has been announcod by 'Matchmaker Frank Flournoy. Mlt "chell and White, who . are L-ading contenders for the ltghtyelght title, will box at 135 pounds. . LOS ANGELES, Dec. Joe Lynch, bantamweight boxing cham pion of the world, will como to the Pacific coast within a month, accord ing to a telegram received hero. The champion first will visit San Fran cisco and It is, expected ho will box In several coast cities. LOS ' ANGELES Jimmy ; Murphy won the 250 mile championship au tomobile raco at the Beverly Hills speedw-ay. NriV TORK. Dec. 4. The sixteen teams of bicyclists that started the 83ril annual six-day race ot Mam son Bquare Oarden at midnight laat night were on even terms nt 8 a. m. toda. They had pedaled 181 miles and two laps. The record for the fight hours Is PERL FUNERAL HOMTH At Your ( D or Night Infxrtutloa Oorttalh CHrea Cor. etb u4 0Aill kiss mm 1S9 miles and nine laps, mndo 1914 by Luwson and Drobaeh. Mured Kyckmun of Belgium was leading the pack. OSAKA. American major league baseball players touring Japan de feated Kyoto league 18 to 0. ANNAPOLIS Arthur (!. Carney of New 'York was elected capt.iui ef the navy toolball teum for n-.x: Benson. , PARIS, Dec, 4. (By the Asso ciated Preas) Battling ' Slkf, the Senegalese eonquoror of Georges Car pentier, declared today 'in the. pres ence of Deputy Diagne and two wit nesses that his fight with Carpentier for the . light-heavyweight . world's championship had been "framed." but that during the fight he had de termined to be the winner. Siki said that once he was In the ring with a crowd of 50,000 people acclaiming him and conscious of his own strength he had a revulsion of feeling, despite the reminders from his corner, during his minute's rest after the third round, and had de cided to go in and win LAUSANNE 'Late returns show ed the proposed law providing for a levy on capital in Switzerland was defeated by a vote of 7 to 1. Ordinance No. 1372 AN ORDINANCE making the annual tax levy of the City of Medford, Ore gon, for the year 1922. THE CITY, OF MEDFORD DOTH ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS;. Section 1; There snail be levied for the year 1922 the following taxes upon the assessed valuation of all the tax able property in the City of Medford, Oregon, as shown by the assessment roll for Jackson County, Oregon, for the year 1922 for the following pur poses, to-wit: General Fund, Including all departments of the munici pal government ; $44,301.00 Rond Sinking Fund .. 6,460.00 Floating Indebtedness 10,500.00 Library Fund ,. 6,212.00 Total $66,473.00 Section 2. It is hereby made the duty of the City Recorder to certify to the County Clerk and County Assessor of Jackson County, Oregon, the levy made by this ordinance. , Passed by the city council and signed by me in open session In authentication of its passage this 29th day of November, 1922. I (Signed) C. E. GATES, ,( - . Mayor. Approved by me this 29th day ot November, 1922. (Signed) C. E. GATES, Attest: . Mayor. (Seal of the City of Medford) (Signed) M. L. ALFORD, City Recorder. HELP WASTED FEMALE WANTED Experienced dry goods saleswomen. Apply Mann's Store between 9 and 10 a. m. None but experienced need apply. 217 WANTED Experienced confectionery gins at vjrowson s. Apply ai ouce and in person. , 217 WANTED Woman for general house work and washing. Phono 1030. 218 WANTED Young lady stenographer, one who has hud some office experi ence preferred. Address A A, care Mall Tribune, stating experience, also give telephone and street num ber. 217 DRAIN IT TODAY FOR EASY STARTIXcj drain the old heavy worn ont oil from your car and replace It with , lighter VALVOL1XE OIL. ... Brtnn an INDEPENDENT SERVICE BTATION wo aro able to pick tlio oils that arc Ileal Lulirlcntora, 4 Wo snvo you money on Lu brication. J FREE CRANK CASE SERVICE JONES & KIRKPATRICK Next to Nat. ' ' ''" " jig tr ' ' ' Cot lo;, ly In'i" Te.tur Service. Inl WANTED SITUATIONS I FOB UKN'T tlOUSEKEKRLNti I 1XJSX I FOR BALE MlMCKLliAXEOCS BUSINESS DIRECTORY - 1 ., , , - 1 uuma I . 1 - . - - WANTED Someone for general housework. Phone C8G-R-1. 217 WANTED By competent lady position os Housekeeper witu two small chil dren. Board and some wages. Call phone 383-X. .. 217 WANTED Dressmaking. Mrs. Shaw at Y. W. C. A.; N. Bartlett St 217 WANTED Wood to saw. Phone 452-J. 218 WANTED Light house work by mld- dleaged woman. 1037 Court St. 217 WANTED rtumj NKOCH WANTED A gentleman to room and board. Phone 93G-R. 219 WANTED If yoit Want cash for your home address full particulars to X, care Mall Tribuno. 219 WANTED To .rent desirable house, furnished or unfurnished. Call 642. tf WANTED To buy corn. Phone 597-J-3 tf WANTED All kinds of guns to repair and saw filing. Upstairs 22 S. Grape. 237 WANTED Cash paid for pelts, hides, wool and furs. Johnson Produce Co., 241 N. Fir St. Phone 97. tf WANTED House moving and repair ing. Phone 488-M or 488-X. WANTED Small bouse I can buy like rent X23 care Tribune. WANTED Automobile, Household furniture, talking machines, pianos, records, real estate and personal or real property of all kinds. Will buy, sell or trade for anything. Gold Trading Center, No. 15 N. Grape St, next to Farmers & Fruitgrowers Bank. Phone 4G5-J. . tf FOB KENT AI-AJtTMBNTS FOR RENT Unfurnished four room apartment; adults. 425 S. Oakdale. 217 FOR RENT Apartment, 124 King St., corner. of Tenth; also car and truck storage. FOR RENT 3 room modern furnished apartment . Gold Ray Realty Co., next to Farmers & Fruitgrowers Bank. Phone 465-J. FOR KKN1 BOUSES FOR RENT Five room, partly fur nished modem house. 1122 W. Ninth, $22.60, ' ., 219 FOR RENT Five room furnished house, $26.50. Phone 826-J. 217 FOR RENT Five room modern fur nished house and garago close In, veVy cheap. For terms phone 564-J. ..,.. ,217 FOR RENT Seven room furnished house, modern, electric range, gar age; four blocks from Main St. Ad dress P. O, Box 1124, Medford. 217 FOR RENT House, trrown White. tf I WHITE LEGHORN COCKERELS TANCRED nrPKRIAij STRAIN. Breeders selected by the continual nee of the trap nest, are the be9t, and the ones you want to head your pen8 fVr the coming season. We trap nest 3C5 days In the year. These birds are from 200 to 26S hens. Sires from 250 to 289. Strong and vigorous stock. Price always right buy at home and save money. Hatching eggs a specialty. Also day old chix. Don't delay your orders. AYHTTE WINO Phono O-F-ll CHICKENS EGGS CHICKENS Wo offer for solo very desirable small tracts of IU 10 acres finely located close to paved highway, schools and everything that goes with a livo town with best shipping faculties, Ono tnilo from land... Natural shade, plenty of water and sunshlno; bent of free soil. Small payment only required; long time on balance at S per cent Interest. Yon must know there Is money In raising poultry and eggs... Only thirty minutes from Medford market. ' ' r J. W. DRESSLER CO. Phono 285 ' ' , ; 123 East Main St, Medford EXCHANGE OPPORTUNITIES ' 6-room modern semi-bungalow, Medford, td trade for larger City home. Will pay difference, 10 acres Improved, all In frnlt, paid water right, close to Rivir slde, Calif., to trade for Medford or Ashland home. 12 acres, all bottom land, with paid water right, 1 mile from Medford; Improved, all In alfalfa. Want to trado for dairy farm and pay difference. 1 acre, lots of fruit, at city limits Medford; , equipped as chicken, ranch, five rooms, city water. Only $2500. Will trade, tor house close in. HEK VS TODAY FOUR-SITE 8ALKH AGENCY. Real Estate Dnslness Opportunities Insurance ' . .. , Medford Rlrlg., Medford, Oregon FOR RgNT Furnlt,:ied housekeeping rooms. 221 N. Holly. 219 FOR RENT Light housekeeping rooms. 611 S. Central. 217 FOR RENT Furnished housekeeping rooms, bachelor aiKirtments.. Phono 955-R or 219 Talent Court. 220 FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms. 310 N. BartlBtt. 217 OH IlKNT FUKMSHED ROOMS FOR RENT Furnished slcoping room steam heat, gentlemen only. Mrs. J nek Swem. Phone 92-R. tf FOR RENT Room with board. 223 N. Central; ' . 219 FOR RENT MJSCKtiliAATSOrjS FOR RENT Garage at 1103 W. Tenth St. Phone 82. tf FOR RENT Bearing orchards, alfalfa, grain ar1 stock ranches, some Irri gated, some on shares. Gold Ray Realty Co. Phone 728-R. tf MONEY TO IO AS MONEY TO LOAN on improved city property. F. P. Farrell, Lawyer. 221 MONEY TO LOAN on Improved ranch security, $5000 or less, 6 per cent interest. O. C. Boggs, Attorney for State Land Board, Jackson County. FOB SALE AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE Automobiles from $50 up. Gold trading Center, next to Far mers & Fruitgrowers Bank. Phone 466-J. - i f OR SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE One bull coming 4 years old, registered Guernsey; 2 cows, been .fresh abotot two months; 2 heifers, been fresh one month; 0 heifers, some coming fresh in spring l brood sow with or without pigs; 1 3',4-in. wldo tired wagon; 1 pump jack. John A. Anderson, Central ' Point, on highway y mile south of Tolb bridge. , . . , 223 FOR SALE 15 Duroc Bhoats from 75 . to 125 lbs. John.M. Anderson, Cen tral Point . 223 FOR SALE Puppies, roal beauties; dandy Christmas presents. Phono 591-R-l. tf FOR SALE Good young Jersey, cow giving milk; will be fresh soon, $40. Phone 672-R-4. 217 FOR SALE Good fre heifers rea sonable. Phone 306 Jacksonville. 219 FOR SALE Fresh mlllj cow. 410 W. Jackson. . 218 FOR SALE Four young work horses, 1300 lbs., one hay wagon, one single plow, one saddle horse. Apply 104 S. Fir, or at stable across from Jack Jackson County Creamery. J. Terp. .117 FOR SAL; Young saddle mare and saddle, electric or gaa hoist Inquire 15 N. Grape St. tf POULTRY FARM Phoenix, Oro. LOST Auto tool kit, Jacksonville I road. Call 20I-.M. II. II. Taylor. 2 IS LOST Sack plastering tools between Phoenix nnu Mouforu. Return to 230 S. Central or call 856-W. Reward. 217 LOST About a week ago, gold bar pin, three hearts, stone In center of each. Reward if returned to 611 N. Bartlett. 217 FOR BALL DOMES FOR SALE Must sell, attractive five room bungalow, modern except heat. . Three lots, garage, chicken house, wood house. Tonus. See owner. Phone 4S.S-Y. 234 FOR SALE Tlouses ana bungalows, furnished or unfurnished; alio acreage. Insurance, C. S. Butterfleld. Medford National Bank lildg., Phone 389. FOR SALE llEAl, ESTATE FOR SALE 15 Vi acres of lund. im proved, with bearing orchard of apricots and almonds; buildings and pumping plant: water enough to Irrigate- the entire place. One mile cast of Red Bluff, Calif., on the state highway. Inquire of owner, A. P. Barrow, Red Bluff, Calif. 220 FOR SALE 160 acres good timber at forks Galls Creek, $11 an acre; Sea. C. F. Hall on Galls Creek; good loca tion Bawmllt or wood yard. 219 FOR DALE Land bordering Rogue river, $50 per acre and up. 25 min utes from Medford. Fine fishing and hunting. Fine garden and chick en ranches. Gold Ray Realty Co., 15 N. Grape St., noxt to Farmero & Fruitgrowers Bank. Phone 466-J. FOR SALE Eearnig orchards, alfalfa, grain and stock ranches, some irri gated; 5 to 20 years time. Gold Ray Realty Co. Phone 728-R.- , - tf FOR SALE 280 fccret logged off land near Butte- Falls; win sell cheap and give terms. Big Pines Lumber Co. 4 FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALE A Luc! wig piano. Call phone 634-L. . 220 FOR SALE Barred Jlock cockerels, O. A. C. Btock. Phone 697-R-2. G. E. Pierce, Red Top schoolhouse. 217 FOR SALE Pianos, new, regular $450 Instruments, now $375. See Lofland at Root's Music Store. 220 FOR SALE O. A. C. and Tompson Ringlet strain Barrel Rook cockerels high class stock for breeding. Mrs. C. 8. Lammy, Central Point Ore., Route 2. 221 FOR SALE Front Rank hot air fur nace at the price of a good heating stove. This furnace Is In good con dition, large enough for a Bix-room house. Call 620 business hours, tf FOR SALE Three used pianos. Seo me before buying. H, G. Launspach, office Weeks & On. t FOR SALE Or will trado for good cow, new Delaral separator. Phono 691-R-l. 218 FOR SALE Cabbage for kraut. Phono 1S9-W. . 217 FOR SALE Two General Electric motors, 36 h. p., 40 degree, 60 cyclo, 1 2200 voltage, complete with compen sators. 1 1 Tocoma logging engine, 10x15 with line. Big Pines Lumbar Co. ' COUPE ,.! ; J" r'i" . 6 cyl. daklaricl, re painted in good con dition. Will give terhitf or trade, or ! botH. S .', ! . -v . .' $650 BUSY CORNER MOTOR CO. KOIt SALE O. A. C. Burred roosters. C. E. Uutes. Rock 219 FOR SALE Mahogany parlor pod, taule, standard size. f'J N. Pencil. 218 FCP. SALE New Td'aV-is best quality torms. II. G. Launspach; prices and plume Clli-R. Oft'lee W.'tka & Orr, W. -Mutn. tf FOR SALE CO f SO lb. feeder hogs. Cull l lin.s. Ruy, 131- evening. 218 FOR SALE Alasknu red foe I'm-, dress Hox 1SJ, Jacksonville. Art 218 FOR BALK l.cone and buled hay. Phone 5U0-R-2. 221 FOR SALE Estiii fancy Newtown and Winter. Pannaiiie, vacked. P. W; Quackenbush, Talent. 221 FOR SALE Tuikoyn for hreede.s, from Mr. Wrlght'n otock, Washing ton. Fat gensa 30 asms dressed. Beef 10 and 12 cents. Phone 7-F-ll. 236 FOR SALE Nearly now mahogany and cane duveiiort and cbalr, up holstered In velour. First class con dition. Phono 513-L. FOR. SALE irusic Tv-st busted. Tlc trolns, Brunswicks. Columbia, Sono ma and Pathe ponographs and all records at reduced prices. Music Shop, next to Farmers & Frultgr'iw eis Dank. Phune 165-J. FORSALE -Baled alfalfa hay In warehouse. . First class and dem. $25.00 per ton. Rogue River Valley.'! Canal Co., 204 S. Fir St. Phone 129-J-2. 231 FOR SALE First claBS alfalfa huv, any amount Phono 691-R-l. 2 la FOR SALE Trade everything you.l don't want for everything you doj want Gold Trading Center, next to warmers Ac fruitgrowers iiuiwt, i" N. Grape St. Phoiio 465-JI tf BUSINESS DIRECTORY Atmtracton MURRAY BROS. & , GREENE Abstracts of Tltlo. Rooms 3 and 5 No. 32 North Central Ave., upstairB Jackson County A68TRACT CO. The only complete Title Sytem In Jackson County, Abstracts or Title and Title Insurances, llullllr Materials MEDFORD CEMENT BRICK BLOCK WORKS Spectallxe In all kinds of cement building products Cot Ftr and 'renth Attorneys O. 0 BOG08 Lawyer. BpecIalUor in Real Estate and Probate Law 30 North Contral Ave. A. E. REAMES Lawyer, office In Liberty Building. E. H. KELLY Lawyer. Resumed practice of law. Office with Portet I. Naff. Medford Nat'l Bank Bldg Expert Accountant WILSON AUDITING CO. E. M. Wl) son, C. P. A. Attention given to snj thing In accounting and Income Ta requirements. Look Into our slmpll (led accounting method. Libert' Illdg., Medford. Phone 167-R $ TALKS $ The Best Used Cars in Town PEERLRSS TOITUN'Q Wpstlnghouse Shock Absorbers, Wind Deflectors, Bumpers, Spot Light, 6 Wlro Wheels, 6 Tiros, New Paint. 1031 Overland 4, new paint new tires fHOD.OO 1021 Chevrolet, like new......875.00 11)10 Chevrolet . $22.1.00 lOSt Ford Touring, starler....$)tiri.O0 1020 Ford Touring, BUrter....30O.00 1010 Ford Tearing, 8tartcr....$205.00 1018 Ford Sedan, new paint $350.00 1017 Touring, oTcrhnuleil....$103.00 1010 Touring, overhauled. ...$170.00 Studobaker 81,' new top and paint $230.00 Overland 1013 $10.00 C.E.GATES AUTO CO. Chiropractic Physician DR. HARVEY P. COLEMAN Chiro. rrueuc una cieciru-iuurapy. Mcdlord Bldg. Phone 965, ,tt IJjR - A- R- HEDGES Neo-Eclectlc i 1'hyslclnn. DR. LOUISE E. HEDGES .N;iiuruiuiuiu uiruprauwr, mtr cliuiio Therapy, Spondylotherapy, K'hmI Sciences, Chiropractic. Office: St'-wart nidg., 236 E. Main St Phones: Office, 170; Rca. 170-J-2. DIt. 10. W: HOFFMAN Chiropractic i'luslciun. Office hrs. 9 to 12, 3 lo 6. Thursdny excepted. Suits 203 04-05-00 Liberty Building. DR. CEO. J. K1NZ Chiropractor Examination froo. Tenth ye.r sue. ccssful practice of straight chiro practic methods. 403 Medford Bids Phone 760. - . - Dentists DR. O. J. JOHNSON Dentist. 228 E. Mulu St., over M. M. Dept. Store, Mcdl'ord, Oregon. Phone 669; res. 1002-Y. Office hours 9 a. m.-fl p. m. Evening and Sunday by appointment Farm Loans KKIiKKAL FARM LOANS NOW 6 Applications snould be on rile by Nov, 22 for November appraisal. 11. Hard, Sccy-Treas.; 402 Medford Htdg. Monuments W'. okiwON GR ANITB'Co" Monu mo-its. E. A. Hicks, general manager, P. M. Kershaw, ealps manager, 101 a. Sixth St., Medford. tf Osteopaths Tt V. G. CARLOW, DIt EVA MAIN8J C'ARLOW Osteopathic Physician 4TO-418. Liberty Bids. Phone 0W-l Cesideaco 26 S.Laurel St :n W. W. HOWARD Osteopath! r"i8ii:lnn. Special attention gives .b eye, ear, nose and throat S0f Liberty Building. Phone 496. I'liy.Jclnns and Surgeons l it. " J. iT EMMENS Physloian inj burgeon. . Practice limited to eye. enr. nnse and throat Eyes scles tliicully tested and glasses supplied. Oculist and Aurist for S. P. R. R. CO., Medford Bldg. Phone 667. DR. WM. W. . P. HOLT Physldae and Surgeon. Offices Medford Bldg. Phone 106. Residence 118 Genesee St. Phone 166-J-2. DR. A. BURSELL Physician and Surgeon, 312 to 814 Medford Bldg, Entrauce 36 N. Central. Special attention to spine. Phone 19. DR. LLN'COLN KALLEN X-Ray spec ialist. Modlcal and Dental X-Ray Diagnosis and X-Kay Treatment Laboratories 211-213 Liberty Bldg Office hours 5 a. m. to 12 m. 2-5 p.m. Telephone: Office, 61; residence, 61-J-S. llano Instruction FRED ALTON HAIGHT Teacher Of Piano and Harmony. Composing; Arranging. Studio $18 Liberty Bldg Phone 72. Printers and Publishers MEDKORD PRINTING CO., has the . bout equipped printing office In Southern Oregon. Book binding, loose leaf ledgers, billing systems, etc Portland prices, 27 N. Fir St Rug Weaving MEDFORD FLUFF RUO WORKS makes fluff rugs from old and worn carpets and rugs. Phone 610-M. TOt Pine 8t Transfer EADS TRANSFER ft STORAOE OO Office 42 North Front St. Phon 816. Prices right Services gash entced. DAVIS TRANSFER AND 8TORAOB - CO. Anything moved dity . or night . Sen-ice guaranteed.: 89 8. Grape. Phone: Office 644, or resi dences C47-R or 206. . , - tf Cpholstertng S. WEIS Upholstery. Manufacturer ot overstaffed furniture. Full line of materials. Draperies made to order. We do all kinds of uphol stering. We deliver and will call and show samples. Phone 808 Jacksonville, Or A. N. TIUBAULT Upholsterlntr, re glueing and retlnlshlng. Work done at your home. Telephone , 969-R. R. S, Box 4-4 A, Medford. 231 S Auditing 7 AeeourvtirvJ y .YSTEMXeRVICEIO; M., MJH.tUT'' ' 2ml irionr Medford rlMf