fl : ... BRINGING PRINCE JOY VA-bH LJU: PLETT-Y FOR COODNEM, "bAKE - ) n colN, Cl0lN To CALL OGO: WHV OOts'T Ome. ONE. JL ITODAv-hov DO I LOOK- V ANSWER THE. CELL - I , ff N.bUjM ? , -3 HKVETODO The "Hobble Cnr," a Medford pro duct, doHignod, built and sold by O. O. and E. It'. Vromnn of Medford l.s now being manufactured hero in quantity and a large number have been sold ; between hero and Port land. The cnr is built of oak, the front wheel and forks holding1 it are de- tnchablc, the car has three disc wheels and is finished in natural 1 color with red wheels, the finest grade ' of exterior varnish being used. In appearance, it is similar to a , number of other children's vehicles now on the market, but differs In several structural features. It is ex ceptionally strong and durable, ac cording to the makers. A number of these cars were sold last year in different stores, but the exclusive agency this year has been taken by "Weeks and Orr, who carry a Inrge stock of toys and one of the cars is on display In their window. I A large crowd enjoyed Wednesday night's dance at the Oriental ballroom in the Nat. where, there will be, an other big dancing party tonight. "The music was excellent and1 the big Nat. floor, the only maple dance floor in the city, was in splendid condition. ' The hall, which has recently been leased by the American Laeion and which is being re-decorated by that organization was comfortably heated and equipped with every convenience including a drinking fountain. A large crowd is expected to attend tjio dance in the Oriental ballroom this evening and it is understood that the Bamo orchestra will furnish the music. I v tiveeXock PORTLAND, Ore., Dec. 2. Cattle, hogs, 'sheep nominally Btcady; no re ceipts. ' ' j Butter PORTLAND, Ore., Dec. 2. Butter and Butterfat firm, scarce; prices un changed. Portland Wheat PORTLAND, Ore., Dec. 2. Wheat: Hard white, blucstem, baart $1.48; soft 'white $1.24; western white $1.22; nor thern spring $1.18; hard winter $1.16; 'western rod $1.15. Toduy's car receipts Wheat 70; flour 4; oats 7; hay 3. San Francisco Markets SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 2. Dairy produce exchange closed. SAN FRANCISCO, Dec. 2. iState Division of Markets). ' Broilers 26 to 35c; fryers 26 to 30c; young roosters 21 to 28c; hens IS to 30c. Poultry, Kwm and Groin. PORTLAND, Ore.,' Dec. 2. Eggs, wenk,' unsettled. Selling price, case count BOifr52c; buying price, 48fij 50c: Belling price, candled 62 54c; selected candled In cartonH. Poultry, hens, heavy 20T22c; light 12iffl3e; springs 17c: old roosters, RfilOc: turkeys nominal: geese. live, 18c: ducks, dressed 25c; live, young white 20c. Barley, $34 ton (option): onts $36: corn, No. 3, yellow $32.50W34; Mlllriin $35; scratch feed $40; mid dlings $43. liny Huylng price, timothy val ley 20(f?21: List Oregon J22 l 22.60; alfnlfa $!919.r.O: grain J20.50. ' clover 1 s.r.o '''' 1 9 per ton. PERL FUNERAL BOMB At t oor Service IT or IfljtM Ir'-M-iaatlnn CnrdUlly Glea " Cor. nth aad Ofkdale UP FATHER STREET FROCK Quite wide bands, of black silk braid and groups of fine tucking distinguish this street frock that favors such slim,., long, lines.. The material la navy blue twill. The square cut neckline is e. shanKa from the usual round bos hud such favor this fall. I Ordinance No. 1372 j AN ORDINANCE making the annual I tax levy of the City of Mcdford, Ore : gon, for the year 1922. THE CITY OP MEDFORD DOTH ORDAIN AS FOLLOWS: I Section 1. There snail be levied for 'the year 1922 the following taxes upon I the assessed valuation of all the tnx ial)lo property in the City of Medford, Oregon, as shown by the assessment foil for Jackson County, Oregon, for the year 1922 for the following pur poses, to-wlt: General Fund, including all departments of the munici pal government $14,301.00 nond Sinking Fund 6,4fi0.00 Floating I:iobtedness .., 10,500.00 Library Fund 6,212.00 Total $06,473.00 Section 2. It is hereby mode the duty of the City Recorder to certify to the County Clark and County Assessor of Jackson County, Oregon, the levy mnrte hy this ordinance. Passed by the city council and signed by mo In open session in authentication of its passage this 29th day of November, 1922. (Signed) C. E. GATES, . '' Mayor. ' Approved by me this 29th day of November, 1922. (Signed) C. E. GATES, Attest: " Mayor. . ' (Seal of the City of "Medford) (Signed) M. L. ALFORD, City Recorder. HELP WANTED FKMAIJO WANTED Young lady stenographer, one who has had some office experi ence preferred. Address A A, care Mail Tribune, stntlug experience, also give telephone und street num ber. 217 Overland 4 in good condition $325.00 BUSY CORNER ' MOTOR CO. Special MEDFOIU) ILSin TRIBUNE, HEM" WANT Eli MALE WANTED Ilus boy for dining room. .all in person, Hotel Medford. tl" WANTED STATIONS WANTED Someone for general housework. Plume 6S5-R1. 217 WANTED Position doing chores, tak ing care of furnace or other work. Call Dr. Howard, phone 496. 216 WANTED Ily competent lady position us housekeeper with two small chil dren. Board and some ages. Call phone 3S3-X. 217 WANTED Drossmaking. Mrs. Sha at Y. V. C. A., N. Burtiett St. 217 WANTED Wood to saw. Phono 452-.I. 21S WANTED Light house work by mid dleaged woman. 1037 Court St. 217 AN TED iM-iVMiKOVt- WANTED To rent desirable house, furnished or unfurnished. Call 542. ' tf WANTED To buy corn. Phone 597-J-3 tf WANTED All kinds of guns to repair and saw filing. Upstairs 22 S. Grap. 237 WANTED Cash paid for pelts, hides, wool and furs. Johnson Produce Co., 241 N. Fir St. Phone 97. - tf WANTED House moving and repair ing. Phono 4S8-M or 488-X. WANTED Small house I can buy like rent. X23 care Tribune. WANTED Automobiles, household furniture, talking machines, pianos, records, real es'.nto and personal or real property of all kinds. Will buy, sell or trade for anything. Gold Trading Center, No. 15 N. Grape, St.', next to Farmers & Fruitgrowers Bank. Phone 465-J. tf FOB BENT FTONIHHED BOOMS FOR RENT Furnished sleeping room, steam heat, gontlemen only. 38 Ross Court. Phone 92-R. tf FOS KENT ArARTMJfNTS FOR RENT Furnished with bath. 146 S. Ivy. apartment 216 FOR RENT Unfurnished four room . apartment; adults. 425 S. Oakdule. 217 FOR RENT Apartment. 124 King St., coiUer of Tenth; .so car and truck storage. FOR RENT 3 room modern furnisliod apartment. Gold Ray Realty Co., noxt to Farmers & Fruitgrowers Bank. Phono 465-J. FOB KENT ROUSES FOR RENT Five room modern fur nished house. 1020 Court St. 216. FOR RENT Five room furnished house, $26.50. Phono 826-J. 217 FOR RENT Five room modern fur . nlshed house and garage close in, very cheap. For terms phone 561-J. 217 FOR RENT Seven room furnished house, modern, electric range, gar age; four blocks from Main St. Ad dress P. O. Box 1124, Medford. 217 FOR RENT Three room house. 122 Willamette. 216 FOR RENT Why rent? Buy Medford home. Pay liko rent. Uold Hay Realty Co. - Sat FOR RENT- Housas. Brown ft White. tf CHICKENS-EGGS CHICKENS We offer for salo very desirable small tracts of 1 to 10 acres finely located closo to invrd lilglnvny, schools and everytliinR that goes wllli n live town villi best shipping furilities, one mile front land... Natural shade, plenty of water nnd sunshine; brut of free soil. Small payment only required: lonjr tlmo on lmlanra nt H per cent, Interest. You must know tliero Is money In raising poultry und eggs... Only thirty minutes from Med ford market. ' Phono 283 KXITI.AXGK OPPORTUNITIES 6-room modern seml-bungulow, .Medford, to trado for larger city home. Will pay difference. ) 10 acres Improved, all In fruit, paid water right, closo to River side, Calif., to trade for Aledford or Ashland homo. 12 nrrra, all bottom land, with paid water right, 1 '4 mile front Medford; Improved, all In alfalfa. Want to trade for dairy farm and pay difference. , . 1 acre, lots of fruit, at city limits Medford; equipped as chicken ranch, five rooms, city wnter. Only $25(10. Will trado for house closo In. SEE I S TODAY FOUR-SITE SALES AGENCY Itrnl Estate Business Opportunities Insnrnnro Medford Hl'lg., Medford, Oregon MEDFORD ORIKiOX, SATURDAY. )Y)CF )Kl , rz KOB KENT HOVHEKEEKING ROOMS FOIt RENT Light housekeeping rooms. 511 S. Central. 217 FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms, bath nndv hot water. 232 E. MO u. over Palmer's Miie House. 216 FOR RENT Fuiished housc(i)i'; rooms, bachelor npurtntents. Phono 955-R or 219 Tlftit Court. 220 FOR KENT Housekeeping raoms. 31') N. Bartlett. 217 FOR RENT Garage at 1103 W. Tenth St. Phone 82. tf FOR RENT Bearlg orchards, alfalfa, grain ori stock ranches, some Irri gated, some on shares. Gold Ray Realty Co. Phone 728-R. tf LOST Sack plastering tools between Phoenix and Medford. Return to 230 S. Central or call S55-W. Reward. 217 LOST About a week ago, gold bar pin, three hearts, stono In center of each. Reward if returned to 611 N. Bartlett. 217 MONET TO IXAH MONEY TO LOAN on improved city property, F. P. Farrell, Lawyer. 221 MONEY TO LOAN on improved ranch security, $5000 or less, 6 per cent interest. O. C. Boggs, Attorney for Statu Land Boajd, Jackson County. FOB EXCHANGE FOR TRADE Good Buick Six car Tor household furniture. Inquire 221 N. . Holly St. ' 216 BUSINESS OPPOKT UNITIES PIANO TUNING Cil Andrews Stu dio, Root Music Co.. C. M. Richards. 216 FOR SALE AtJTUMOnil.ES Fo!Psl73RTRADE Dodge, Ford nnd truck almost new. Clark Motor Co. 216 FOR SALE Automobiles from $60 up. Gold Trading Center, next to Far mers Fruitgrowers Bank. Phone 465-J. i-O SALE LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Good young Jersey cow giving milk; will bo fresh soon, $40. Phono 572-R-4. 217 FOR SALE OR TRADE A-l team mules; want mare colts. 607 Pine St. 216 FOR SALE Good fresh heifors ren - sonable. Phono 306 Jacksonville. 219 FOR SALE Fresh milk cow. 410 W. Jackson. ,218 FOR SALE Four young work horses, 1300 lbs., one hay wagon, ono single .plow, ono saddlo horse. Apply 104 S. Fir, or nt stable across from Jack Jackson County Creamery. J. Torp. ' 117 FOR SALE Young snddlo maro and saddlo, electric or gas hoist. Inquire 16 N. Grape St. - tf FOB 8 ALU HOMES FOR SALE Must sell, attractive five room bungalow, modern except heat. Three lots, garage, chicken house, wood house. Terms. See owner. Phone 488-Y. ' 220 FOR SALE Ilooseg ana bungalows, furnished or unfurnished; also acreage. Insurance. C. S. Butterfleld, Medford National Bank Bldg., Phone 389 J. W. DItESSLER CO. VX Kant Main St., Mcrtforrt TWVo THE. A, MINUTE.' MR'b.'JlCA' t: iv FOB SALE RHAti ESTATE FOR SALi: Bearing near and u;pio I oi-Ovrds uaerificed at $100 aero and! up. 1 aero tracts and up. lvaay terms, Near liiglnv:iy. Oidd Ray Realty Co Phone 72S-R or 134-Y. Sat" OR GAL il lj r hiiso witli 20 I'M. CMi'iy fiv Best Portic of .tiord. Ca lide into lrtmen(t !( $200 in come. Will soil at hlf cct. $3500 ill handlo, balance f:om iacome. Live In ono ananment, pay for and live off of rest. Might tak smaller residence :i part pamet. Gold Ray Realty Co. Plion 728-R or 134-Y. Sat FOIt SALE Lease or exchange, real estato. Gold Ray Realty Company. Sal FOR SALE Alfalfa, grain and stock ranches from $5.00 per acre up; long time, easy payments. Gold Buy Realty Co. Sat FOR SALE 15"i acres of land, im proved, with bearing orchard flf anriocts and almonds; buildings and pumping plant : . water enough to irrigate the entire place. One mile east of Red Bluff, Calif., on the state highway. Inquire of owner, A. P. Barrow, Red Bluff, Calif. 220 FOR SALE Or will exchungo 16 acres on Pacific highway for Medford home and some cash. Bear Creek bottom land. C. S. Buttorfleld. 210 FOR SALE 160 ncres good timbor at forks Galls Creek, $11 an acre. See C. F. Hall on Galls Creek; good loca tion sawmill or wood yard. 21!) FOR GALE! Land bordorlng Rogue river, $50 per acre and up. 25 min utes from Medford. Fine fishing and hunting. Finn garden and chick en ranches. Gold Ray Roa.'ty Co., 15 N. Grape St., noxt to Farmers & Fruitgrowers Bank. Phone 465-J'. FOR SALE Keartng orcltards, alfalfa, j grain and stock ranches, some Irri- i;uieu, o iu yuum lime, -uuiu uuy Realty Co. Phono 728-R. . tf FOR SALE 280 acres togged off - land near Butte Falls; will sell cheap and give terms.- Big Pines Luibor Co. FOR SALE MRKTRIiLAXEOUS FOR SALE Now pianos, best quality, prices nnd terms. H. O. Launspach, phono 640-R. Office Weeks & Orr, W. Main. ... tf FOR SALE A Ludwlg piano. Call phone C34-L. , . 220 FOR SALE Barred Rock cockerels, O. A. C. stock. Phono 697-R-2. G. E Pierce, Red Top schoolhouso. 217 FOR SALE Pianos, new,' regular $150 instruments, now $375. See Lofland nt Root's Music Store. . ' 220 FOR SALE O. A. C. nnd Tompoon Ringlet strain Barrol Rock cockerels high class stock for breeding. Mrs. C. S. Lammy, Central Point, Ore., Route 2. ' ........ FOR SALE Front Rank hot nir fur nace at the price of a good heating stove. This furnnco is in good con dition, Inrgo enough for a six-room house. Call 620 business hours. If FOR SALE Three used pianos. See mo before buying. II. G. Launspuch, office Weeks & a.-r. FOR SALE Or will trade for good cow, new Delaval separator. Phono 691-R-L '- ' . 21 W FOR SALE Cabbage for kraut. Phono I89-W. " . ' ' ' '217 FOR SALE Two Genornl Electric motors, 35 h. p., 40 ilesron. 60 cyclo, 2200 voltage, complete with compen sators. 1 Tacouin logging engine, 10x15 with line. Big Pines Lumber . Co. ' DRAIN IT TODAY ..FOB EASY STARTING drain the old heavy worn nut oil from your car and replace It. witli lighter VAI.YOLINE OIL. llelnR an INDEPENDENT SERVICE STATION we are able to pick tJin oils that are Ileal Lubricators. Wo 'huvo yon money on Lu brication. FREE fRAXK CASE SERVICE ' ' JONES & KIRKPATRICK Next to Nat. O tH-'-M l!)! By George McMaiius 8 I j MAOCIE - THE, ' I IvJ ti here; J. 1 fx i lJS-LWyi feJX $Wr 11 : 'l II ."Tit , -i'WWs C.,i)-, :,!.:. 1922. bv ln-l Tctiro Si-vic-i In' -j y!- i i - - - FOR SAIJW-MMt'KLIilNKOrs BUSINESS' DIRECTORY FOIt SALE Alaskan rod fox fur dress Box 1 S;. Jacksonville ''KOI1 SALE IxK)so and' baled hnv. 221 Ph. wo 500-R-2. ijjllt SLE Extra fancy Newtown u::d Winter Pannaiiie, packed. P. V'. Qunckcuhus'i, Talent. 221 OR SALE OR THAI)!'. -10 stamp mill. Gold Bay Realty Co. Phone 728-R or 13 l-Y. Sat FOR . SALE Dressed h igs. Wl", i butcher Mcnilav. C.irii I'.hI. 13'.iDR. E. W. HOFI'.M AN Chlropractio lb. Also. li.-iMiJiliiro 'plus. Physician. Office lira. 9 to 12, 2 miles N. V. Central Point, P. I). to 5. Thursday excepted. Suite Lollnml. 2!0 203 01-05-011 Liberty Building. : FOIt SALE Tu: keys f:r broilers, from Air. "ri:-''ii'. ct-jrk, W'ushin:; . ton. Fat tv."so 30 cunts di'i'swl. Beef 10 and 12 cents. Phono 7-F-l I. FOR SALE Neatly mw mahogany nnd c:tn; daveniKjit and chair, up holstered in V'jltutr. First class con dition. Phcne IID-L. . FOR SALE A:ut,ie Tv-st busted, vic trolus, Brunswicks, Columbia. Sono ma nnd Pntlie phonagrnphs urd all records at -reduced prices. Aittsic Shop, next to Farmers & Fruitgrow ers Bank.1 Plume -IGo-J. - FOR SALE Baled 'alfalfa hay In warehouse First class and clean, $25.00 per ton. It:;;uo River V;!Hy Canal Co., 201 S. Fir St. Phone 129-J-2. 231 FOR SALE First class ntralfa bav any amount. Phone 591-11-1. . 2!: FOR SALE Trade everything yon don't want for everything you do want. Gold Trading Center, next (o runners & Frultsrowers Bank. 15 ; N. Grnpo St. Phone 465-J. tit BUSINESS filltKCTOi.i Abstractor ' MURRAY BROS. & GREENE Abstracts of Title. Rooms 3 und 5. No. 32 North Central Ave., upstairs. Jackson County ABSTRACT CO. The only complete Ttt System In . Jacksm . Ij County, " j Abstracts of Title andj Title Insurance. ' HuiltVnit Materials MEDFORD CEMENT BRICK BLOCK WORKS Specialize la sll kinds of content building products Cor Ftr nnd Tenth UreeU. Assurer F. W. CA UN ARAN Metallurgist, En gineer. Management. 114 N. Central, Medlord. Attorneys T C BOGUS Lnwyer. Specializes in- Real Estate and Probate Law. 30 North Central Ave. A. E. KEA.MES 1 Liberty Building. .avyor, office in B. H. KELLY Lawyer. Resumed practice of law. Office with Porter .1. Neff. Medford "st'I Unk Bldg. ICxpcrt Accountant WILSON AUDITING CO. E. M. Wll son, C P. A. Attention given to auj thing In accounting and Income Tai requirements. Look Into our slmpll fieil accounting method. Liberty . Blilg., Metll'ord. Phone 167-R. The Best Used Cars in Town PEERLESS TOf RING. Westlnghousn Shock Absorltcrs, Wind Deflectors, lliimHrs, Spot Light, 0 Wire Wheels, 0 Tires, New Paint. 1DUI Overland l, new paint new tires 803.0O 11121 Chevrolet,' like new $.173.00 1 01 1) Chevrolet $233.00 1021 Ford Touring, (darter... $313.00 1020 Ford Touring, Slartor. ...300.00 1010 Ford Touring, Starter.. . $203.00 101H Ford Sedan, new paint $:I30.00 1017 Touring, overhauled.... $103.00 1010 Touring, overhauled. ...$170.00 Sludcbnker Six, new top nnd paint $230.00 Overland 1013 $40.00 C.E. GATES AUTO CO. $ TALKS ! Art- i i; I S Chiropractic Physician DR. HARVEY P. C'I.EMAN Cairo. Pi actio nnd EloCtro-Thernpy, 427-28 Medford Bldg. Phono 905. tti Lit.' A. X. 1 1 EDGES Noo-EclectlC Physician. DR. LOUISE E. HEDGES Naturopathic Chiropractor. Me rhnno - Therapy, Spondylotherapy, 1 nod Sciences, Chiropractic. Office: t'tewa.t 1!W'., 235 E. Main St I'liciies: Office. 170; Res. 170-J-2. - DR. 0 HO. J. KINr Chiropractor Examination free. Tenth year sue. k vcssfiil practice of straight chiro practic methods. 403 Medford Bldg Phono 760. " . Dentists lilt. O. J JOHNSON" Dentist. 228 E. Alain St., over AI. M. Dept. Store, A'edford, Oregon. Phone 609; res. 1002-Y. Otrice hours 9 n. m.-6 p. m. Evening and Sunday by appointment Kami Lonus FEDERAL FAR.M LOANS NOW 6Asi Applications should be on file by Nov. 22 for November appraisal. E II. Hind, Seey-Treas., 402 Medford Bids. Monuments THK OREGON GRANITE CO. Mom. me its. E. A. Hicks, general manager. P. AI. Kershaw, sales manager, 10$ E. Slxtn St., Medford. tf Osteopaths V'R. F. O. CARLOW, DR. EVA MAINS CAULOW Osteopathic Physician 116-418 Liberty Bldg. Phone 904J-J Kculcnco 20 S. Laurel St. W. W. HOWARD Osteopathic ' CiVsli ian. Special attention gly,e ' "i'0'' eaT n088 and throat. HOl i.ii'in i.v nunuiiiK. - rauaa ivu. 1 1'liyplelnns and Surgeons lift. J. J. EMMENS Physician an .S"n;i'on. - Practice limited to eye. ear, nose and throat EyeB sclett tllicaily tested and glasses supplied Oculist and Aurist for 8. P. R. B, Co., Medford Bldg. Phono 667. I Dlt. VVM. W. P. HOLT Physician and Surgeon. Offices Medford Bldg. Phone 165. Residence 118 Genesee St. Phone 166-J-2. 1 v DR. A. BURSELL Physician and : Surgeon, 212 to 314 Medford Bldg. Entrance 36 N, Central. 8peelal attention to Bpine. Phone 29. DR. LINCOLN KALLEN X-Ray spec laitnt. Medical and Dental X-Ray Diagnosis and X-Ray Treatment Laboratories 211-213 Liberty Bldg Office hours 9 a. m. to 12 m. 2-5 p.m. Telephone.: Office, 61; residence, 61.1-2. - Piano Instruction FH ED ALTON HAIGHT Teacher of Piano ond Harmony. Composing, AiTtingittg. Studio 318 Liberty Bldg. Phono 72. PtlnierH and Publishers MEDFORD PRINTING CO., has the bust equipped - printing office In Southern Oregon. Rooft binding, loose leaf ledgers, billing systems, etc. Portland prices, 27 N. Fir St. Rug Weaving A1EDFORD FLUFF BUG WORK8 . makes fluff rugs from old and worn carpets and rugs. Phone B10-M. 70 Pine St. ... Transfer ' EADS TRANSFER &. STORAGE 00 Offlco 42 North Front 8t. Phone 316. Prices right. Service guar anteed. DAVIS TRANSFER AND STORAGE CO. Anything moved day or night, service guaranteed. 29 8. urape. t'none: office 644, or i rest- donees 647-R or 206. tf ttyliolsteiing 1. WE1S Upholstery. Manufacturer of overstuffed furniture. Full line of materials. Drapertos made to order. We do all kinds or uphol stering. We deliver and will call and show samples. Phone 101. Jacksonville. Or A. N. TH1HAULT Upholstering, re glueing and refinlshing. Work done nt your homo. Telephone 969-R. R. 3, Box 44A. Medford. 331 O Auditing O Accounting y SSTEMXERVICEfo g0 ltaurajcc & vveshTeJ9 m P. srnMrr- "'' i Snu rioor ' Titedford KMf A