Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989, December 01, 1922, Page 4, Image 4

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rdford Mail tribune
aw nrnvi'PNiiRNT kp.wnI'APKR
Itl Medford Bunday Morning Sun ( fumUbtd
riDera aetiruig a mvu uj amuj wwiiw
Offlc Hail Tribune Building, 1M7-S9 North
r rtrcet. IDOU 70.
A oauolidatlon of the Ttmocrto Timer tbt
latoni kUU. Ui Med ford Trlbitue, the Soutbuti
htfunuD, lb AuiUiid TrtLwui,
BUM1TKK 8. BUlTil, IUiiagr.
f HAIL Id Advance:
Pally, vitb Sunday Hun, year 7.60
Daily, vita Sunday Suit, month 76
Daily, without Sunday Hun, year 6.60
Dally, without Sunday Hun, month 6o
Wrekly Kail Tribune, out year S.00
Sunday Sun, one ver S 00
Y OARRIEB In Med ford, AabUnd, Jackaoo-
elite, OntraJ I'otnl, Phoenix, Talent and on
Daily with Sunday Sua, nooth .75
Dally, without Sunday Sun, month 06
Dally, without Hunduy Sun, year 7.60
Daily, with Sunday Sun, one year 8 60
Ail term by carrier, caah in edvanc.
Official paper of the City of Uedfonl.
.Official paper of Jackxon County.
Sworn daily average emulation r alz monthi
tndiof April 1, 102, 828, more than double
the clrculatjon of any other paper published 01
IrriUted in Jackaon County.
Tb only pnntr beien Eugen, Ore., and
Vsrr-s-mtnia, Calif., a distance of over SOU miles.
MHnf loii-ad wire AaiMM'iated irta Service.
Kntered itecond claa msttei at Med ford
Ol effort, under tint act oi March H, I87P.
The Aaaoclated Presa ia exclunWHy entitled to
the dm for republication of ail newa diapa tehee
credited to It, or not otherwise credited in tbia
aaper, aud alao to the local owa puhliabed
jtarrlo. -
All riffhta of republication of epeclal dia
"ilchea herein are alao reaerved.
tens i
tin.eYe Smudge Pot
ym",n Atht" Parry-
Snt. mllng to a number of long
A" d gents, "1923 will lio n hollrals
scrvedjar it 0UBi,t to go along like
menund Just bo a raising hell yeur.
t is a lucky tiling for Prof. Tiernan
"oil South Ucnrt, Intl., that ho did not
pull his scandal in CnJfornia, whore
tlio ladies shoot 'em for less.
Now that tiio football season is over,
peace and calm will settle down Uon
us, unless immediate steps are taken
to recall somebody.
(Chico Enterprise.) Probably good
advice. ;
The Non-Partlsnn Loaguo is lieadod
for Oregon, and this hulf-haked Bulslie-
vikl organization ought to be able to
put the Btate in a complete stupor, it
has gutB and gall, and is Just tho right
degree of nuttiness to cause a wide
spread infatuation. It left North Da
kota In the shape of a Russian pro
vine. It guarantees to yank the outer
AiUte off a farmer, .painlessly, while
Jug the. Pearly Gates part of his
yfenco. ;
prity beglnneth in tho Nash hotel
Is a link In the world wide rest.
(Siskiyou News)
here Is a way to get milk with
stealing, and If you will apply
s we will show you tho trick.
booms that tho attitude of France
irds Germany is misunderstood,
nco does not desire to annlhilnto
many sho would much rather Gor-
iny did it horself.
(Louisville, Ky., Pest) t
Tho hand that rocks tho cradlo
.. Now is stained with nlcotlno,
And the foot upon the rocker
LIUob to stop on gnBollno.
One of tho fair sox walked down
town thlB am., owing to tho unsettled
economic situation, nnd hold out her
hand at a cornor, from force of habit.
A now star scooted across tho local
oratorical firmament at tho Wed.
Korum in the porson of one K mil Mohr,
who made a good showing for an In-
experienced nnmh, and possesses a
dangerous loft swing. Ho also kept
his dukes out of his pants pockets, and
failed to talk until he dropped from
exhaustion. His most glaring error
was to quit when he was through.
(Marshfleld News)
Trnfric Offlcor C. C. Williams
reported picking up ono of 11. D.
Putnam's trucks ou tho highway
with no tall light.
Tho community ynungln's have
started writing letters to SunUt t'laiiH,
nnd a largo percontugo are as plain
nnd easily deciphered us if their l'nw'a
had did it for thorn.
. Arthur Frans, mined potatoes sn big
on tho former Miller ranch that ho
broke his fork handlo taking ono Bpud
out. (Oregon City Enterprlso). The
hind they always put in the middle of
the sack.
The tlrod bank clerks, and tho tuck
ered out tonsorinl artiste are all hack
t their dmdgory today.
A welcomo snow foil ovor this vicin
ity Thurs. but not In sufficient quan
tities to pormlt of tho metropolitan
practice of snowballing on the princi
pal thoroughraro. 1'ho advont of King
Winter waa a aurprlxo to nil but tho
aattile and all knowing weatherman.
Rotter pIcK up some of the print
paper on roll for wrapping goods and
hays money, Come with cores In It
to fit roll paper racks. Much cheaper
AI'OST-SEASOX football name iu Medford would bo an excel
lent thing. Iu tlio first place, Mctlford believes it has the best
hittli school football team in the state. A post-season game would
tliow just how far this opinion is justified.
In the second place, football is one of the finest outdoor sports,
in America today it is undoubtedly the most popular sport. A post
season triune would contribute liberally to tho enjoyment of practi
cally everyone in the city and bring in hundreds of people from the
outside. '
In the third place the high school needs money nnd such a game
would undoubtedly return a considerable profit. -; V
Uut'more important than any of these considerations is this. Foot
ball just at present happens to be the one important subject upon
which all Mctlford is absolutely united and. agreed. There are no
divisions ia (lie community when it comes to tlic.M. II. S. pigskin
artists and what they can do. .:
A post-season game with one of the leading claimants to the cham
pionship of the state, would bring the entire .community to the ball
grounds, rain, snow or sunshine. They would all work toward one
end, and yell toward it too. 'Win or lose they would go from that
game more united, more friendly toward ono another, and with a re
newed pride in and loyalty to their home town.
That's n great thing. It is what the Chambers of Commerce all
over the country are trying to do, but so often fail to do for the sim
ple reason that they can't get the crowd out. Football gels the crowd
out and they have a great time, a get-together, harmonizing, noise
producing time.
By all means have a post season game if it is possible. It will be
good for the football team, good for the High School, and good fir
Jackson county will bo represented
by 20 delegates at the Western Oregon
Older Boys' Conference arranged by
tho State Y. M. C. A. at Eugene for tho
week end. Most of the boys went by
auto, leaving here this morning at 7
o'clock for tho 200 mllo drive. Uev.
E. P. Lawronce's car took the Medford
boys with Donald Lawrence acting as
chauffeur and leader. Clement Hewitt,
William Cobb, Lawrence Wade, Nathan
Newcob, Slaynard Putney and Doylo
Franklin made up the party. The Ash
land delegation which' also left by auto
this morning consisted of Joseph Rein
hart, Frederick . Johnson, Raymond
Carson, William Ilriggs, Herbert
Doran, Paul Wagner, Paul Kochler,
Marshall Barber, Ralph Robinson,
John Galey, Donald , Wright, Robert
High, Gale Leslie and John Church
man, with Supt. of Schools George
Briscoe and John Rigg leaders. Cash
Wood, county Y. M. C. A. secretary
accompanied the party. Two delegates
from Rogue River are also reported.
Tho caravan will return Monday
Ouill Points
O, Religion, what Xeur East politics is played in thy name.
The bright side of the Far East situation is Ibis side of the
A benedict never realizes iow complete is his fall until Ac is cut
to match a piece of silk.
Breakfast room: A cubby-hole in which the family has dinner
and supper unless there is company.
If he loves his fallow im?n, he lias a genuine religion or a nice col
lection of tax-free securities.
You can say one thing for fat man. Ilis love letters always tickle
tlio jury more than a lean man's.
Sho isn't really an old maid until she begins to dream of a cute
kitchen instead of a handsome knight.
than wrapping, paper.
"Grafting aids beauty," says a skin specialist. But if you've got
a graft, you cau gel along without beauty.
. - .y. - . , .- 4 -. , . , .,,
If sho is rich and single, sho doesn't think it necessary to brag
i' bout the number of proposals she has had.
Tho cake-eater a girl marries probably doesn't seem so sweetly
unarming after she begins to take in washing. 0
Radical: One who devotes his' time to knocking his superiors and
then complains that they are prejudiced against him.
It isn't difficult to tell n self-made man. For tljat matter, it isn't
even necessary. He'll loll it. '
America serves Turkey tomorrow; the Allies have been doing it
lor several weeks.
Even a great man seems commonplace and mortal when asked to
carve tho roast turkey.
Correct this sentence; "He was poor and ragged, but the police
treated him with courtesy."
if it's something you don't really need the chances arc it can be
bought on the installment plan.
Tho premium list for tho Winter
Fair, Dec. 4 to 9, at Ashland Is espec
ially liberal in the amount of cash
premiums on poultry and pet stock,
fruits, grain and vegetables. The
amounts of the first premiums have
been raised from $2.00 to 13.00, and
tho same ratio prevails throughout the
list. Many entries aro coming iu from
all over Oregon.
An interesting item.this year is tho
addition of a department of dogs, and
a sliver cup beside liberal cash prem
iums is offered.
The Ashland merchants are plan
ning to make the windows of the busi
ness streets especially -attractive
along the entire section, and other
means will be used to add color to the
holiday season.
The Ashland schools will take an
actlvo part in the faff program beside
furnishing tho musical program with
tlio band, orchestra, . and glee clubs.
They will have a demonstration of
cookery representing tlio domestic
sclenco department.
Tho spacious armory will maintain
exhibits by the Ladies' Art club of
Ashland, by the schools of Ashland
and by various other organizations,
which are contributing to the success
of the fair. ' -itu :' :
Tho Ashland Katatorlum is tho
finest place in Oregon for a poultry
show. Ono of the big features will be
tho water fowl display with tho vari
eties of water fowl gracefully disport
ing in the sulphur baths amid green
trees and foliage representing their
natural environment.
Professor H. E. Cosby of tho O. A. C.
will deliver a scries of lectures on
poultry raising. "'' .
Italy Also Protests
LONDON, Dee. 1. According to an
Exchange Telegraph dispatch from
Romo Premier Mussolini informed the
Italian cabinet he planned to protest to
the Groek government againBt the
wholesale executions of former public
Pope Addresses Americans
ROME, Dec. 1. For tho first time
in the history of the Catholic church,
tho pope Joined In an American nation
al festival when ho addressed students
of tho American college concerning
Thanksgiving day.
John D.'s Nephew Dies
NEW YORK, Dec. 1. William Good
sell Rockefeller, nopliew of John D.
Rockefeller died yesterday.
. Howards are nicely adjusted in this glorious country, and the
under dog usually gets tho upper berth.
Still it is only a question of time until the orderly process of de
flation will reach Kemal's head.
at won ricon,
- .
I1IAHYKST my tomatoes, and sell them at the store; I grow
two mashed potatoes where but one grew before. Tho rake
off's rather slender, but every little while I save some legal ten
der, and have a decent pile. The shameful name of piker on mo
is oft bestowed ; I ought to be a hiker on speculation's road. "Oh,
crome where fortune beckons,' my smiling neighbor erics; he
takes his all and reckons tin. t he will draw a prize. lie speeds
where hosts are rushing, great riches to behold; he goes where oil
is gushing, where mines are yielding gold. I see him come back,
plodding, with weary feet and knees; and I am busy sodding, or
pruning rhubarb trees, I still am growing carrots, or mowing
fragrant hay, or teaching piebald parrots to lay three eggs a day.
My humble labors keep me contented, year by year; no get-rich
ern.e can sweep mo from this, my proper sphere. "I see," says
Neighbor, sadly, "you're at tho same old tricks I saw you at
when madly 1 went to buy gold bricks. 1 thought your toil was
sordid, 1 jeered as I went by; I'd soon have money corded around
me ton foot high. May my luck never reach you, for all my dreams
were bunk! And now I would beseech you to stake me with n
Thin? Run-down?
Sure Way lo
Gel Right Weigh!
incretie Your Red-Blood-Celli. Tbat'i
the Sure Wayl S. S. S. Buildi Blood
Coll; Thit Meant Strength!
T)n ynu know why Insuranco romim.
nips refuse to Innurp a prat many nn
Iwrouse tboy are under wclgbt? Slmplj
because to be under wolgtat often pre
low flshtlntr-power In the body. It often
meani you are minus nervo-power. minus
red-relli la your blood, minus health,
minus energy, minus vltsllty. . ft is se
rious to be minus, bat the moment you
increase the number of your red-blond,
cells, you bepln to become plus. That's
why & R. 8., since 1S26, has meant to
thousands of underweight men nnd women,
plus In their strength. Hollow rheeki
till out. You stop being- a calamlt.T-loolr.T.
wm it,a,irv roUIUICUCe. lOIIT DOOJ IIUS
I to the point of power, your flesh becomes
i. . ,Kl-a KIN tCUUI IUIP-
nest disappear. You look younger, firmer,
happier, and yon feel it, too, all orer your
body. More rcd-hlood-cellsl 8. 8. 8. will
build them. Ladles and gentlemen, a
pesky, bony fsce doesn' make too look
yery Important or pretty, doe U1 Tske
v: . ' . " """"Ins only pnre reiretntile
medicinal Ingredients. 8. R. 8. Is sold at
. etorea In two alios. The larger
lie bottle it the more economical.
SCVC ''' yw7''
tkP CP t ymtrttlf again
MANN'S The Best Goods for tho Price, No Matter What the Price MANN'S
- - S
Young Men's Coats,
with belts all around,
plaid lined, in light and
dark shades.
Men s and Young Mcfls
Coats in dark and .light
shades. All wool. Sty
lish $20 -$25 $30
. $35 $40
Waterproof Overcoats.
Dark brown and grey,
belt all arqund. Heavy
enough, for overcoats.
Boy's 5 en's
Coats Coats
.50 $15.00
-'kjl '4
You .want to look your
best during the Holidays.
-mr J. -.4.
v lou waui tuaui.) ui
In these well known
brands, you get all
wool fabrics, good tail
oring and correct styles.
Note the prices.
$25 $30 $35
$35 $40 $50
Two Pair of Pants
.50- $123l
Silk Shirts
Pongee Shirts
$5.CK) to 8.00
Parcale Shirts
Madras Shirts
$1.25 to $4.00
Boy's Shirts
$i!oo tp $2.00
1 Men's Bath Robes
' $6.00 to $25.00
Boy's Bath Robes
" ' $5.50
Men's and Boys
Gloves and Mittens,
Ties and .Mufflers,
Traveling' Bags' and
Wool Sox
35tf to $1.23
Silk Sox .
504 to $1.2&
Coton Sox
15 'to 35
Bov's Sweaters
$1.75 to
Mann's Department Stffie
The Store for Everybody
Entrances E. Main and N. Central
. ,:- Medford, Oregon
Slippers ;
$2.00 to
Irish Frieze all-wool Over- yi 50
coat, a $2'0 value, at . . j) I
Army Overcoats, reclaim, at ..........$3.75
A sheep lined Moleskin, 42 inch overcoat. : Cost the
government $35.00. For the low price of $13.50
Army Blankets, reclaim, in perfect condition $2.95
Army Wool Blouse, reclaimed $1.00
Corduroy Breeches, new ....:.$4.85
Army Raincoats, reclaimed..: $1.00 and $2.00
O. D. Wool Army Shirts, new $3.25
O. I). Wool Army Shirts, reclaimed.............. $1.75.
Neckties, regular $1.09 ties :....'...25
Work Shoes at $2.90 and up
A full line of Herman's Army and Police Shoes.
Trade at the Army Store "and Save Money.
United Army Stores
32 Central Ave. South
for Christmas
til E. Main St Medford
For Quick Service Diane HQ
Successor to Weeks-Conger Oo. -Medford,
Lv. Medford 2:00 p. m. ' '
Lv. Rosoburg 1:00 p. m.
I.v. Medford 10:00 a. m., 2:00 p. m.. 5:00 p. m.
Lt. Grants Pass 7:30 a. m., 1:00 p. m., 5:00 p. m.
Lt. Medford 10:00 a. m., 4:30 p. m.
Lt. Granti Pass 10:00 a. m., 4:30 p. m.
We connect with stages (or Portland, Marshfleld and Crescent
PhoM S09
Brand new 1923
Never Been Driven
Liberal Reduction
' O.V.Myers
Valley Garage
am chun a
China Herb Store
..TJ1J" J i ccrtlry that aim Chung of
MPclfora, Ore., has cund m of g-oltr
nd stomach trouhln. 8. M. Leonard.
J09 J St., Grants Pass.
This Is to certify that Olm Chon ot
Mertrord, Ore., has cured me ot rupturs
?f . 'Sur. yS? r"' "tandlnu. K, O. laham,
113 8 St., Orants Pass, Ore.
Mrdfnrd, Oregon, 4an. U, 117.
This s to certify that I. the under,
signed, had very severe stomach trouble
and had been bothered for several year
and last August was not expected to
live, and hearing of Olm Chung (whose
Herb store is at !1 South Front street,
Medford), I decided to get herbs for my
stomach trouble, and I started to feel Ins
better as soon as I used them and today
am a well man nnd cm heartily recom
mend anyone afflicted as 1 was to sea
Olm Chung and try his Herbs.
(Signed) V. R. JOHNSON.
Wm. Lewis, Eagle Point
W. I Chtldreth, Eagle Point.
M. A. Anderson, Medford.
8. B. Holmes, Bugle Point.
C. K. Moore, Eagle Point.
J. V. Mclntyre. Eagle Point
Oeo. Von der Hellen. Bails Point.
Thus. K. Nichols. tCagla Point.