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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 29, 1922)
o o MEDFOTH) MATL TRIBUNE, MEBFOTtP OREGON, WEDNESDAY. NOVEMBER" 29. 1022 PAGE FIVE MIAN FARMS WASHINGTON. Nov. 29. Laruor numbers of women thun men are leaving the farina In search of inoro lurratlvo fields ot endeavor, the cen sus bureau says, basins Its statement on nn analysis of the 1920 census sta tistics. Of the number of farm dwellers, totalling 3t,C14,2C males number 10,400,338 and females IS, 117,931. Of the total farm population 49.6 per cent was 21 years and over. 24.7 per cent between 10 and 20 years and 26.7 per cent under 10 years. Chose 21 years and over numbered 16,6320 093. For the country as a whole, those 21 years and ovor .comprised 67.6 per cent of the total population. The farm population therefore, - In cludes c relatively large proportion of perabns under 21 and n relatively smnll proportion 21 yenrs and over. Tho dlfforenco In age distribution Is declared by the census bureau to lie due in large part to the fact that the majority of persons who leavo the fafm to tnko up their residence clsewhcrb have reached or paused 21. The largest proportions of children unu yuuui in larm population are shown for tho southern states and the lowest, for the New England stntcs, Xew - York, New Jersey and Cali fornia. , 1MDI0IN AT GRATER MEETING OREGON QEfBt ARRIVES SEATTLE SEATTLE, Nov; 2D. The Univer sity of Oregon football team arrived bere this morning for the deciding game of the Northwest Conference race with the University of Washing ton team here tomorrow. The men appeared In excellent condition. Light practice was the schedule for the visitors this afternoon. The Washington squad completed Its workouts last night. . . Coach Shy Huntington, of the Ore gonians said bis men were in the best of condition ' with" the exception of Brown, end; and Campbell, tackle. ' "We hold the Washington team in great respect," he said, "and wo are expecting a hard btjtle tomorrow." ' Coach ' Enoch ' Bagshaw of tfce Huskies said the Washington play era were "In the pink." EXPECT BIG 1M AT BALL TOM Everything is In readiness for the Red Cross ball at the Natatorium to night. ; A beautiful hall, splendid music, de licious refreshments, and a jolly go crowd none of these will bo lacking at the Nat tonight. Everyone is planning to go becaugp It moans a good time for all tha proa ont, and also money to care for the destitute and Buffering during tho win. ter. Don't forget the 'time and the place, the large hall in the Nat tonight. Smoked alcPz 1500 mil of Coast CIGAR. ia!-MM' wm A large number of Craters attend ed tho meeting of the Crater's club last night at which tho officers and directors of tho Modford Chamber of Commerce wero guests and a novel and clever program was onjoyed. A larger number of the clever little verses concerning different poople lircHcnt was sung than usual . and Larry Mann, who did the singing, ex plained beforehand that ho was not the author of the verses. IQeso verses which wero directed at tho guests, were a feature of tho evening and in tho majority of cases hit tho nail on tho head. A mock meeting of the board of directors of the Chamber of Com merce was hefl by six members of the Craters and numerous fake com munications from out of town mem bers of the Chamber of Commerce weiO read In addition to the mOck minutes of tho previ.Cs meeting; all of which provoked much laughter. A list of accomplishments of the Chamber of Commerce 'was read ' by Jerry Jerome who represented "Pop" Gates on the board. Theso accom plishments included many wonderful things similar to tho action taken by the Chamber of Commerce whleh has developed Into the "near completion" of our new and magnltlclcnt 1250,000 high school building. ' - Tho board of directors finished the meeting by rising and singing the usual closh.g song, "Wo Aro Satis fied With Oregon." Included In tho more serious busi ness taken up by tho moetlng was the question of aiding the operators of the fair grounds ra,dio station which it is deemed Is of great advcO- tlsing valuo to Medford. The prob lem was referred to the project com-, mlttee with Carl TenOwald and B. W. Paul as aittilinry members. Arrangements for tho appearance of Frank Branch1 Riley, famous au thor and lecturer to apjOar before the Medford Chamber of Commerce and the 'raters club antf to give his lec ture on the northwest some time In tho early part of Dec9mber wero re ferred to the project cttimitlee ith full power to act and it is likaiy tint tho famous lecturer till appca here within the next tern ys or two weoks. Tho Euorfts gvP . trt . wchk. eaeh oxprr4f his aprcaitio of the good time n.tiy( at tli niaelltiR and oxprM w tkatts tor the invitation to tu4. Jm C. Mot sllpifel Is ft M ttm Um . MWU game tomwov ana awwed . ixf loyal .VMfia rktlMbt t. aattari. ... C. Ondtf Is, mtyor-ratot. Mad a. and exaren' hlaisoif ati utoww wt the organlatttto and ,miwti lftt hrbugh Its activity a ffreat ileal of good might be tfce tho' comtttttaAy. Ho Ktatiy) trut' he and ott- mem bers of tho city adiinfctratiom woul be open to ugestions nt any time. Bill Vawter. entertained with his brother : Vern nt the- piano' and his numbers wore appreciated highly as usual. Tho numbers aiing-'by Mr. Vawter were "Out Where tho Wept Begins." and "Little Gray Homo in the West." . ; . , ' ' .' ' 'A 'turkey dinner with" "it - goodly amount of trinimings ' (and some candy on the sldB. due to the gener osity of Bob Bovl.l, 'was 1 served 'nt 6:30 and was followud by tho busi ness and entertainment session. ;The meeting adjourned at S-30 to at'end tho Not smoker,'. WANT TO BE A VENUS? j willing PITTSBURQ, Pa., Nov. 29. "Box, end never wear corsets, if you want to have a shapely figure," is the ad vice ot Miss Jeanne La Mar, cham pion woman bantam and. feather weight boxer of tho world, who at tributes her health .and physical fit ness to tho fact that she has naver worn "stays" In her !e. "Boxing will keop a "'.sma'i Mho and young and beautiful, cays Miss La Mar, who U her own' best argu ment. The young woman has been match ed to box Micky Morsa hero early In December. She recently was given the best of an exhibition argument with Ray McCall, of Lawrencevllle, a' McKtport. Miss La Mar Is not in' tllQ boxing game to mno money, she says, but to furnisft an example to girls and show them how to be athletes. Jeanne has been adopted by the Camp Firo Girls of Pittsburg. "She has done them a world ot ood," ifcys Mrs. Harrlman, the pres ident. "Eox, If you like, but also aa sure to swim, if you are eager t" be a Venus," adviscB Miss Dorothy Knapp, winner of a receut physical culture show contest lu Now Tork, which pro claimed her something of a Venus herself. Miss Knapp first poppeft into (feme by winning a bathing beauty contest; she is firm In believing tbCt tjj-metry io gained by shimming. "Box and sTIm. yes; but also try to dance a little bit evOry day,0 says MIbs Renie Butler, recently chosen the most beautiful telephone girl In New England. Mii& Butler Pys Bta bVira danc ing will even cure certain Ills, partic ularly those which come from Inac tion, or loading a seaontry life. ASYLUM FULL OF CANNIBALS AS RESULT OF FAMINE TERRORS LONDON, Nov, (lly I, N. S.) An Insnno asylum, tho Inmates of which aro all convicted cannibals, In one of tho nftor-fumlno wights Boon by J. Bvntley MulforU, of Wuthlng ton, I. C, on a recent trip to Sa nuira. .Mulford, who won an offloutl of tho American It 0 lief ndrnlniatnitlun, Mcd Ical depurtmont In Moscow, has sailed for home after flvo months' service in Huasiii. "Tho results of tho famine aro still apparent everywhere," he wild, "in the crowded orphan homes where we are now feeding, in the hospitals, full of patients suffer! up from intestinal and other troubles ns a result of rut In Brass and clny. In the refusers -and In such sights as that Insane asy lum." H reminded him. MulforU Raid, of nothing so much a the Zoo. The putieotc who nro not iolent now nro allowed to roam nt will in an en closed yard near tho house, and in their facial expression, aimless ac tion nndQlshevelled appearance they are exactly like animals. Their num ber was about twelve and they are oil suffering from n disease diag nosed by Dr. Koucnr, the A. U. A. medical Hupervlsor at Samara, as cachexia. ,A11 such Institutions, as well as hospitals, are now stocked with "six months' spuply of medics 1 necessi ties from the A. It. A. stores MulforU .said, including everything from blan- or nMtacha rub the forehead melt ttid inhale the vapors Vy V fAPS)Rua Over 17 Million Jan Used Yearly kets to hypodermic needles and cod liver oil, which tho A. IX, A. mens ures by tho ton. During his stay, Mulfoid said, he noticed an enormous improvement lu Moscow, but w)ille on tho surfuco tho city was nlmost normal, the suffer ing was still acute In tho homes, due partly to lack of food, but more still at present to lack of fuel and clothing. St. Mark's Episcopal Cor. North Oakdale and Fifth Sts. 10 a. ni. II-jly communion. Win. B. lluuiilton, Vicar. Library to Be Closed The public library will be closed all day on Friday nnd on Saturday until 2 p. m., while an Inventory Is taken. Tho regular hollduy schedule of 2 to 0 for reading only will be followed on Thanksgiving day. Do You Know? that Royal Baking Powder ia made from Cream of Tartar? tteit CreatQ of Tartar is de rived froq gra (MB rich, ripe, bea&hfsji grapes grovra in tfee famous vineyards of sofQafena France? Tlfttfu why Royal is sowhole sate aadL haatthful, why it gives the food such a fine, evn taxttgre and such a dc kciot$, appctizlig flavor. It Contains No Alum Leaves No Bitter Taste SALE ON LeatherGbods 30 Discount?'.' 30c off on every dollar that's " quite a saving. 1 ' " . FridayandSaturday Every article in leather except Roycroft, including . Bill Folds, an endless variety Card Caces Soft Collar Cases Necktie Cases, a new one Music Rolls " Hand Bags Tourist Portlofios, Tablet and En- velopcs r Coin Purses, dozens of sizes and prices Cigarette Cases Picture Frames Shoe Shine Outfits Stitch-in-Time Sets Clothes Pin Sets for traveling Fit-All Cases ' Attorney's Cases Tobacco Pouches Collar and Handkerchief Sets , Kodak Albums And others. Medford Book Store N. Central Ave. LEARN TO DANCE ; Holiday dances nro coming. Can yon dance? If not learn nt ' MltS, BLANCHE CHOSSO.V9 . DAXCINQ SCHOOL 2111 E. Main ; OLVI. .Wo., Nov. 20. As wmimi that 'yf4piatMi car Move SMirta to Vwhaclwe will tsi po41tcd t tak cow) 9t ltd frilt ere wtra re errtrt twiay Uam ofl8 of the Gcat NortsiiMi railway by tlse de partapeat of bli wtrto. It a tele gar irom WassiigNn, d! C, O. O. Cnlderheai, (lc)artiet expert urges state officials hers to ilsist upon a solid train movement of refrigera tors on the Great Northern to Wen atchee. He declares the nortlSWest ern Unas should deliver cars first to the western divisions ot tholr sputes and take gare of the Minnesota shippers afterwards as the latter are nearer both to the car supply and the markets. . . , HAND BEATEN BY Ad Gustavo, middleweight wrestler, writes that he defeated llalph Hand November 21, "right In his own homo town," and claims that his "slate Is clean with tho exception of Oscar Hut Icr," and ho Is after him. Gustavo says that he is' so sure of boating Hutlor, that ho will give tho entlro re ceipts to charity,, and wrestle until somebody Is thrown, iPstead of the two-hour limit, "if it takes all night." Butler wrestled Hand a two-hour draw during tho county fnlr, and If he is ns good as he thinks he Is, local fans would like to see him against tho both of them. " . . HI cars and nineteen people stop ped at the city auto camp last night. Tho registered aro as follows: Charles Mays and three others from Yakima. Wm. cn route south; w. K. Montham and ono other froSi Beattlo en route south; P. Brillhart and party of four from Ilnncr, Wn., cn route to bKlngsburg, Calif.: W. S. Langlamb and one other from Klmbcr, Ida., en route south nnd O. F. Hogg and party of three from Tncom n . en route' south 2 for 25c III Sidflo it bringing you a quality of Havana filler tobac cos and hade wrappers which will greatly enhance the pleas ure of vour smoking hours, Boot Repairing at Vulcanizing Works The Medford Vulcanizing Works on North Fir street, has installed a new vulcanizing inacliino for repairing rub ber boots and shoes. - This machine will handle tho demand for this sort of service In Medford and all Jobs will be under the supervision of expert vulcan izing men. This now boot service Is in addition to tho usual tire vulcanizing work handled by the Medford Vulcan Izlng Works. Carl Flchtner Is propri etor of this firm which was established here ovor thirteen years ago. He Is carrying the agency for Diamond and Mlchelln tires In connection with his vulcanizing and tire eerviuo. Cut This Out It It Worth Money Cut out this slip, enclose with So ana sail It to Foley & Co., 2835 Sheffield Ave., Chicago, III., writing your name ind address clearly. - You will receive In return a trial packages containing Foley's Honey and Tar Compound tor coughs, colds and croup; Foley Kidney Pills for pains In sides and back; rheu matism, backache, kidney and bladder ailments; and Foley Cathartic Tablets t wholesome and thoroughly cleansing cathartic for constipation, biliousness, headache, and sluggish bowels. Sold BTTywhera. Ant Af&o Camp Grxvmeb Bays His Prescription Rata Powerful Influence Over Rheumatism Mr. James H. Allen of Rochester, N. suffered for years with rheu matism. Maeiy times this terrible disease loft him helpless and unable to work. " Ho finally decided, after years of ceaseless study, that no one can bo free from rheumatism until the a ecu mulated Impurities, commonly called urlo acid deposits, were dissolved In the Joints and muscles and expelled from tho body.. , With this Idea in mind he consult ed physicians, made experiments and finally compounded a prescription that quickly and completely banished every sign and symptom of rheuma tism from his system. Ho freely gave his dlscovory which he -called : Allenrhu, to others' - who took It, with what might be railed marvelous success. After years -of urging he decided to let sufferers everywhere know about, his discovery through the newspapers. He has, therefore. Instructed druggists every where to dispense AUenrhu with the understanding that If the ftrst pint bottlo does not show the way to com plete roeovery he will gladly return your money without comment. Ad. t Walk-Over Shoe Sale At the HUB SHOE STORE Tw Days Only Friday and Saturday of This Week WaJWf Pumps, Walk-Over Oxfords, Walk-Over Boots, all $9.00 and $10.00 values, ffsm& o tfm days at one price, Seven Dollars and Fifty Gents ' for any Walk-Over Pump, Oxford, or Boot in the store. Uj Imy Totr Christmas The Hub Co. In the heart of the Business District DON'T FOROET THE CHRISTMAS OPENING IN MEDFORD, FRIDAY, DEO. 1ST. COURT HALL .Shipper of Apples lly Box or Carload1. . . - , ' . - ' ' ' ' - Kxlru Inrgo culls 00c per box, with out box.' ' " l Special grndo nnd size for retail trade Office Phono 833 nso-r.nn S. Front HI. Metlfnnl, Ow WHEN THE WINDOWS ARE UNVEILED FRIDAY NIGHT H We Wish to Call Your Attention to Our I MAGNIFICENT DISPLAYS OF Christmas Jewelry H The Finest, We Believe, in Southern Oregon H ' ; INCLUDING IH Magnificent Diamonds and Diamond Jewelry in Platinum and Solid Gold. ' , Wriat Watches, Pearls, new Vanities and Novelties by the master craftsmen of America, Silverware and Silver Novelties from America's foremost manufacturers. .. Watches, Art Bronzes, Amerlsan and Oriental Pottery, Leather Goods, Cut Glass and China. i ' For those who desire individuality and smartness in their gifts, this stors offers the largest and moBt varied assortment. We are ever at your service in offering helpful suggestions in the selection of ap propriate gifts. - Early buying is advisable in order to obtain choice of articles. "We will glady lay aside any gifts selected until time for delivery. Gifts That Last at JOHNSONS Jewelers DON'T FORGET THE CHRISTMAS OPENING IN MEDFORD, FRIDAY, DEC, 5 D 0 1ST. illlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllH