BRINGING r - CALIFORNIA LEADS COUNTRY IN TOTAL NEW YORK, Nov. 29. (By the Associated Press) The 1(122 grid Iron season which comes to an end this season with the few collcgiuto contests scheduled Thunksgivlng day an Saturday will go down In the an nate of the game not only as rcmark ates fsr its ectacular upsets in form taet also oatan(ing in unusual scor g acIviits and incidents. Sbftow of t scoring records, in cluding last Saturday's games dis UsW that 83 teams score exactly 11.010 fcfttts ! 693 cstesta, a av ojbp of approximately 133 points per teav a 19 poiits per mc. California's eleven stand out as the hfchet powered scoring machine ( Its group. The Bears ran up 398 points, with only 34 tallied against tem. Aubura In the south, showed tea higtest total, 277; Cornells big red team net tho pace in the east with 33; while Centre with 254 and Nebraska with 252 wore leaders In tho midwest; Michigan and Notro I)nme permit to the fewest points sabred against any team on the list, 13rtho Wolver Hea allowed two touchdowns, whllo the Hoosiers held opponents to ono touchdown and two field goals. Proof of tho important part played, by the new try for point after touch dtwn was tho fact that nine games were decided by a single point. 900 KEW CARS FOR FRUIT 1 SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 29. Con struction of. 5000 refrigerator cars to cost approximately $15,000,000 ami their delivery early in 1923 have been provided for by the Pacific Fruit Ex press, it was announced here today by C. M. Secrist, vice president and gen eral manager of the company.' The cars will be in addition to the 3500 ears now being built by the company. The new cars will give the company between 8,000 and 29,000 cars to be used exclusively for the fruit and veg; otable' business originating in Califor nia, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, Utah, Colorado, Arizona, Texas and Louisi ana, on the lines of the Southern Pa cific and Union Pacific railroads, joint ojvners of the express company. APPLE PIES ADVANCE CHICAGO, Nov. 29. Despite tho nearness of Thanksgiving the fruit and vegetable market tor tho week ending: Monday showed a very slight Increase, although tho market as a whole was steady and firm, accord ing to tho weekly review by the Unit ed States bureau of markets. i While cabbage and onions advanced Ip price, partly duo to curtailed ship ments, tho potato market was slow and dragging. Apples advanced in all loading cities from 2 Cto 75 cents over last week's price for New York, Michigan and Itbodo Island greenings and fancy boxed Jonathans. Celery also was in strong,".' demand and showed an in creased price. The cranberry market was lntmoderato movement. Liberal snpplles of sweet potatoes resulted In a falling market. '.'I ( Greater Medford Club Mcotlnjr. The 'next regulnr meeting of the Greater Medford club will bo held Friday, Docembor 1 at 2:30 p. m.. in the r"blln library. Mrs. Cnllnhnn. PERL FUN Bit A Ii HOMB TO At Tour Berrlee Dr or NIcM latonutlon Cordially GtTea rv nth mf1 OakdalO UP FATHER Hir U,ET )Jl(&. II fli COU.Y- THEt COYS I f I ' O I YMUlf I "w-WOULD LIKE TO ' president of tho Stato Federation of Women's clubs, will address the club. This meeting is open to all women who nio Intorestod and a full atten dance of club members Is requested. Used by Three Generations "I use Foley's Honey and Tar per sonally, give it to all my children and now to my grandchildren with the same good results. I tried many kindB of cough medicines, but never want anything but Foley's Honey and Tar," writes Mrs. E. K. Olson, Superior, Wise. Foley's Honey and Tar was established in 1876 and has stood the test of time serviig three generatlocs. It qtickly relieves colds, csugts ai ciMp. throat, che tail Ifonchlal trtstfe ld every wtga-e. Adv. Orr iratii awle Nablaftist In th District Cotrt of the Unita States for the District of Ortftos. I the rattor of Flora E. Mulng, Allefed HMkrupt. Whereas, a petition wiBSon the laV-h day of April, 1922 filed herein for an adjajlication of bankruptcy against Flora E. Manning, and it appears therefrom and from a petition filed lrtrein praying for service by publica tion, and upon motion and affidavit filed herein this 13th day of Novem ber, 1922, that said alleged bankrupt is not with the District, and that personal service cannot be made upon her therein; Now, on motion of Sidney Teiser, Esq., attorney for the petitioning cred itors, IT IS ORDERED, that said alleged bankrupt appear on or before the first day of December, 1922, and demur, answer or plead to the petition in bankruptcy filed against her,' and that service of such subpoena be made by publishing this order in the Medtord Mail Tribune, a daily (except Sunday) newspaper published in the City of Medford, Jackson County, Oregon, of general circulation,- once a week for two successive weeks, the first of said publications to be made on the lath day of November, 1922, another there of on the 22nd day of November, 1922 and the last thereof to be made on the 29th day of November, 1922, an by mailing a copy of this order and said petition in bankruptcy to the last known place of abode of said Flora E. Manning in said district, viz. Medford, Oregon, on or before the day of the first publication hereof, and addressed legibly to Flora E. Manning, Medford, Oregon, with due and proper postage thereon. Dated at Portland, Oregon this 13th day of November, 1922. R. S. BEAN, Judge. Sidney Teiser, Attorney for petition ing creditors, 748 Morgan Bldg., Port land, Oregon. Notice to Creditors In the County Court of the State of Oregon In and ror the county or Jackson. - In the Matter ot the Last Will and Testament ot Mary B. Orr, deceased. Notice is hereby given to all persons having claims against the estate of Mary B. Orr, deceased, to present them properly verified to the under signed, at the office of O. C. Boggs, 30 North Central Avenue, Medford, Jack son County, Oregon, within six (6) months from the date of the first pub lication of this notice, which date is the 23rd day of November, 1922. AliBIK K. THOMAS, Executrix of the Estate ot Mary B. Orr, deceased. Notice to Contractors Jackson County Market, Road Con struction. - Sealed b ds for the grading of the Butte Falls Market Road, Rocky Hill Section, will be received by the County Court of Jackson County at the office of the County Judge in tho Jackson County Court House, at Jacksonville, Oregon, at ten o'clock a. m, on the first day of December, 1922. 1 Overland 4 in good condition $325.00 BUSY CORNER MOTOR CO. Special MT3DF0RD MAIL TRIBUNE, Length 1.36 Miles. ' ' 18,000 Cu. Yds. Excavntion. ' Plans and specifications may be ex amined and proposal blanks received at the ofiico of the Resident State Highway Engineer, 300 Medford Na tional Bank Bldg., Medford. Oregon. All proposals must be made in accord ance with instructions and must be accompanied by proposal Guaranty in an amount equal to five (5) percent of the total amount of bid. The County Court reserves the right to reject any or all proposals or accept tho bid deemed best for the Interest of Jackson County. JACKSON COUNTY COURT, Chauncey Florey, County Clerk. Call for Bl The Board of Directors of School Dla. No. 49 will receive bids for a play sled 600 feet, t be erected nt the Lincoln w'ooJ. DrawiaBs atl specifications will be og view In the office of th CIrk it t Hiob. fcfcool Buillg. Bis soId be submitted at or before 5 p. m. Tuesday, Dec. 5th. The Hfcard resJrves the right to reject any or all bi4s. MAJTHA B. JAMES. Chairman. 215 RUTH MANNING. Clerk. WANTM BTTCATIO? WANTED Dressmaking. Mrs. Shaw at Y. W. C. A., N. Bartlett St. 217 WANTED Wood to saw. Phone 462-J. 21S WANTED By young man, full or part time employment References. P. O. Box 657. .. . . 214 WANTED Light house work by mid dleaged woman. 1037 Court St. 217 WANKED MmaVLdtAWKNIS ' WANTED Team, harness and wagon, or use of team for feed. Phone 1037. 215 WANTED 16 head good milk cows. C. C. Hoover. 215 WANTED Few tons pie pumpkin and squasn; women for work. Kogue River Canning Co. 216 WANTED To rent desirable house, furnished or unfurnished. Call 642. tf WANTED To buy corn. Phone 597-J-3 tf W4NTED All kindB of guns to repair and saw ruing, upstairs 22 S. Grape. 237 WANTED Cash paid for pelt, hides, wool and furs. Johnson Produce Co, 241 N. Fir St. Phone 97. tf WANTED House moving and repair ing. Phone 4SS-M or 488-x. . WANTED Small house I can buy like rent slss care Tribune. WANTED Automobiles, Household furniture, talking machines, pianos, records, real estate and personal or real property ot all kinds. Will buy, sell or trade for anything. Gold Trading Center, No. 16 N. Grape St., next to Farmers & Fruitgrowers Bank. Phone 465-J. tt HELP WA1TTKK MALE wanted A few ' good pruners on Suncrest Orchard. See Bert Ander son, Medford, or Geo. Bishop at orchard. 214 WANTED Experienced orchard man. permanent Job; also several good pruners. Butte Creek Orchard, Eagle roint. . , , 2iD' FOR BKNT HOC8EKKKKENQ ROOMS FOR RENT Nice downstairs house keeping apartment. 310 N. Bartlett 215 CHICKENS EGGS CHICKENS We offer for solo very desirable small tracts of 1 to 10 acres finely located close to paved highway, school and everything that goes with a live town with best shipping facilities, one mile from land... Natural shade, plenty of water and sunshine; beat of free soil. Small payment only required; long time on balance at S per cent Interest. You must know there, is money In raising poultry and eggs... Only thirty minutes from Medford market, J. W. DRESSLER CO. Phone 283 123 East Main St., Medford .... FOR EXCHANGE .... . THIS IS VALUE FOR VOIR MOXEY 18 aero, close to town, O-room bungalow style houso with modem conveniences, 2 horns, chicken house, etc, can lie Irrigated; close to grade school and two mile to High school, plenty of wood on plnre ' deep free soil, some orchard... No onrunilirnnco. Will TRADE for place with UtUo more acreage near Jacksonville, Central Point, Rogue River or Grams Prow, ' - Price Building and five acres $3000. Irice Building nnd eighteen acres $3300. See us todyay. FOUR-SITE SALES AGENCY Real Estate Business Opportunities Insurance ( Hertford Rldg., Mwlfnrd, Oregon MEDFORD, OTCEGOX, "WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER FOR KENT FtKNIHHKI. KtOM FOR 8 ALJ HOMES FOB SAl MtMCKUAXKOt'3 BUSINESS DIRECTORY FOR RENT Furnished sleeping room, steam heat, gentlemen only. 38 Rosa Court. Phone 92-R. tf FOR RENT Room with board. N. Central, 223 215 FOR RENT Two furnished sleeping rooms with home privileges. 531 S. Riverside Ave. 214 fob rbn1 hwi:n'18 FOR RENTr-Apartment, 124 King Bt, corner of Tenth; also car and truck storage. FOR RENT 3 room modern furnished apartment. Gold Ray Realty Co., next . to Farmers & Fruitgrowers Bank. Phone 466-J. . ftWt Htc -WTJSB OR RENT Farntshe close In five room house, 130. Phono 826-J. 214 FOR RENT Furnished bungalow. 617 N. Holly. Apply Sugar Bowl. FOR RENT houses. rnwn It WND. tf FOR RENT MISCEIJiANEOUS FOR RENT Garage at 1103 W. Tenth St. Phone 82. . tt FOR RENT Bearing orchards, alfalfa, grain arl stock ranches, some Irri gated, some on shares. Gold Ray Realty Co. Phone 728-R. tf MONET TO fcOAJ MONEY TO LOAN on. improved ranch security, $5000 or loss, 6 per cent Interest. O. C. Boggs, Attorney for State Land Board, Jackson county, FOB EXCHANGE FOR TRADE Good Bulck Six car for household furniture. Inquire 221 N, Holly St. 216 business wmnmyfvvs PIANO TUNING Call Andrews Stu dio, Root Music Co., C. M. Richards. 216 FOUN FOUND Bicycle, green frame, V- shaped handlebars, black handgrips, black seat, one red tire, one white. Owner my have by paying charges. Chief of police. 214 FOR SALE AUTOMOBILES FOR SALE Automobiles from $50 up. Gold iradlng Center, next to Far mers & Fruitgrowers Bank. Phone 465-J. FOR SALB LIVESTOCK FOR SALE Good young Jersey cow giving milk; will be fresh soon, $40, Phone 572-R-4. 217 FOR SALE OR TRADE A-l team mules; want mare colts. 607 Pine St. ' 216 FOR SALE Good fresh bolters rea sonable. Phone 306 Jacksonville. 219 FOR SALE Fresh milk cow. 410 W. 218 Jackson. FOR SALE Four young work horses, 1300 lbs., one hay wagon, one single plow, one saddle horse. Apply 104 S. Fir, or at stable across from Jack Jackson County Creamery. J. Terp. 117 FOR SALE Puppies, tullblooded, real beauties. Phone 691-u-l. w FOR SALE Young saddle mare and saddle, electric or gas hoist Inquire 16 N. Grape St. tf FOR SALE 5 room modern bungalow, largo screen porch value $3600.00 Nice lot, shade, cement walks 600.00 New furniture 800.00 , $1800.00 For quick Bnle, good terms....$3500.00 C; S. Buttorfleld. 214 FOR SALE Must sell, attractive five room bungalow, modern except heat. Three lots, garage, chicken house, wood house. Terms. See owner. Phone 488-Y. 220 FOR SALE Houses una bungalows, furnished or unfurnished; also acreage. Insurance. C. S. Butterflold, Madfcrd National Bank Bldg., Phone s8 . . FO SALE BEAli ESTATE FOR SALE Or will exchange 10 acres on Pacific highway for Medford heme and some cash. Rear Creek bottom land. C. S. Butterfield. 216 FOR SALE OR TRADE Improved 5 acres close in, easy terms. Address Box 10, Mail Tribune. ' 215 FOR SALE 160 ncres good timber at forks Galls Creek, $11 an acre. See C. F. Hall on Galls Creek; good loca tion sawmill or wood yard. 219 FOR DALE Land bordering Rogue river, $50 per acre and up. 25 mi a- utes from Jledford. Flue fishing and hunting. Fine garden and chick en ranches. Gold Ray Realty Co., 15 N. Grape St., next to Farmers & Fruitgrowers Bank. Phone 466-J. FOR SALB Cearmg orcuards, alfalfa. grain and stock ranches, some irri gated, 5 to 20 years time. Gold Ray Realty Co. Phone 728-R. tf FOR SALE 280 acres logged off land near Butte Falls; will sell cheap and give terms. Big Pines Lumber Co. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS FOR SALB Front Rank hot air fur nace at theaprlce of a good heating stove. This furnace is In good con dition, large enough for a six-room house. Call 620 business hours, tt FOR SALE High grade target riflo, new condition, 32 cal., complete with sights. 39 S. Front St. 216 FOR SALE Threo UBed pianos. Boo mo before buying. H. G. Launspach, offico Weeks & Orr. tC FOR SALE Thornless plants. 1806 W. Main. blackberry 215 FOR SALE Turkeys Tor Thanksgiv ing, live or dressed. J. Nary. Phone "' 132-L. 21i FOR SALE Model Banquet good as new. Phone 7-F-13. range, 211 FOR SALE! GreaBy Pippins and Ortleys, the very best for eating, free from worms; Newtowns for cooking. Also sweet elder. W. .1. Messenger, 317 E. Jackson St 211 FOR SALE Or will trade for good cow, new Delaval separator. Phono 591-R-l. 218 TOR SALE Cabbage for kraut. Phono , 189-W. 217 FOR SALE OR TRADE One five pas senger auto, one 1-ton trailer, 252 egg Incubator, one 2 h. p. motor, one 6 h. p. motor, 1 4-inch hydr. ram, one 84 -In. iron wheel wagon. Box 67, Mall Tribune. 215 FOR SALE Two General Electric motors, 35 h. p., 40 degree, 60 cycla, 2200 voltage, complete with compen. sators. 1 Tacoma logging engine, 10x16 with line. Big Pines Lumber Co. DRAIN IT TODAY ' FOH EASY STARTING drain tho old heavy worn out oil from your car and replace It with lighter VALVOLIXK OIL. Being an INDEPENDENT SERVICE STATION wo tiro able to pick tho oils that arc Real Lubricators. Wo save you money nn Lu brlcation. FREE 'CRANK CASE " SERVICE JONES & KIRKPATRICK Next to Nat. 2!), 1022 By George FOR SALE New pianos, best quality, i prices and terms. H ( Launs;)a::h, i phone 640-R. Office Weeks Si Orr, W. Main. ' tf IX) R SALE One K one-mm stump puller A-l condition; one .Old llcli ablo combination rip and cut-off saw, joli tsr and boring attachment. II. C. Mocbom, Trail. Ore.. . . 2)5 FOR SALE Turkeys for breeders, from Mr. Wright's st ick, y.'iishlng- tOU. lUt K! 1S3 oO COUtS . di'OHBH.I. Beef 10 u:ul Ii cents. Phono 7-K-U. . . 236 FOR SALE Nearly nsw mahogany and enne davenport and clmiv, up holstered In vplour. Firat class con dition, l'hcne C13-L. FOR SALE Geese. Phone 591-.M. r FOR SALE- -Baldwin app:s. Phone vQl" 7-F-4. FOR SALE .VumC busted, vle trolas, Brunswick. Columbia, Sono ma nnd Pathe phonagraiihs and nil records at reduced prices. Music Shop, noxt to Farmers Fruitgrow ers Bank. Phono 4C5-J. FOR SALE Baled alfalfa hay in I warehouse. First class and clean, $25.00 per ton. Roane River Valley, Cnnal Co., 204 S. Fir St. Phone 129-J-2. 231' FOR SAL15 First class alfalfa hay.j. any amount. Phone 5'Jl-il-l. .. ' 21a i FOR SALE Trade everything yon . uuut wnui iui Dtuijiinug wi mu want. Gold Trading Center, uei to I'armers & Fruitgrowers Hunk, lo N. Grape St. Phoue 46:i-J. tf BUSINESS IlIItKCTOHY Absrractim MURRAY BROS. & GREENE Abstracts of Title. Rooms J ami 6 No. 32 North Central Ave., upstairs. Jackson County ABSTRACT CO. The only complete Tm System In , Jacks e County. Abstracts of Title ana Title Insurance. Building Materials MEDFORD CEMENT BRICK BLOCK WORKS Speolnllze in all kinds of cement building products Cor. Fir and Tenth ttrenu. Assayer F. W. CARNAHAN Metallurgist, En gineer. Management 114 N. Central, Medtord. Attorneys O. 0. BOGUS Lawyer. Specialties In Real Estate and Probate Law, 30 North Central Ave. A. E. REAMES Lawyer, office In Liberty Building. E. E. KELLY Lawyer. Resumed practice of law. Office with Portor J. Nnff. Medford Nst'l Bank Bldg. Expert Accountant WILSON AUDITINO CO. E. M. Wil son, C. P. A. Attention given to anj thing in accounting snd Income Tai requirements. Look Into our slmpll tied accounting method. Liberty . Bldg., Medford. Phone 167-R. ' $ TALKS ! Tbe Best Used Cars in Town PEERLfiSS TOURING 1 Wratlnghouse Shock Absorbers, Wind Deflectors, Bumpers, Spot Lhjtht, 0 Wire Wheels, 0 Tires, New Paint. 11)21 Overland 4, new paint new tires 1031 Chovrolot, like new 9873.00 1010 Chevrolet $235.00 1021 Ford Touring, starter.. ..$131(5.00 1020 Fm-d Touring, Starter.. ..300.00 1010 Ford Touring, Starter.. ,.$2r.1.00 1018 Ford Sedan, new paint 9350.00 101? Touring, ovoihaulod.... $10,1.00 1018 Touring, ovcrhnuled....$ 170.00 Studebakcr Six, new top and palnl 92.10.00 Overland 101 910.00 C.E. GATES AUTO CO. VflV. SEVEN" McManu9 Chiropractic Physician . ' DR. HARVEY P. COLEMAN Chiro. pi-Hctic and Electro-Therapy. 427-28 Medford Bldg. Phone 966.; - .. DR. Z R. HEDGES Neo-EclectlC . Physician. DR. LOUISE E. HEDGES t Naturopathic Chiropractor. Mo chunu Therapy. Spondylotherapy, Fond Sciences, Chiropractic. Office: Wlmvan Bldg., 235 E. Main BU Phonos: Office, 170; Res. 170-J-2. . DIt. E. W. HOFFMAN Chlropraotlo , Physician. Office hrs. 9 to 12, i to 5. Thursday excepted. Suite 1 203-04-05-06 Liberty Bulldlngi , ' Ell! GEO J. KINZ Chiropractor ' Examination free. Tenth year sua cessful practice of straight chlro. practic methods. 408 Medford Bldg, . j'hono 700. , Dentists DR. O. J JOHNSON Dentist. 23B E. Main SL. over M. M. Dept. Store, Medford, Oregon. Phone 669; res. 1002-Y. Office hours 9 . m.-6 p. m. Evening' and Sunday by appointment " Farm Loans FEDERAL FARM LOANS NOW 6H4 Ar plications should be on Hie b Nov. o3 fol. November appraisal, ii.'Hunl. fincv-'I teas.. 402 Medtord bids. Monuments jrToTuirjON GRANITE fCO.MonJ me its. E. A. Hicks, general manager.' ". Kershaw, sales manager, 101 K. Siith St., Medford. . tf Osteopaths lri. "f" a CARLOW, DR EVA MAInJ CAItl.OW Osteopathia Physician M'l l',8 Liberty Bldg. Phons 904-J- IlKsMence 26 S. Laurel St. .-' r u. W. W." HOWARD Osteopathia Physician. Special attention give to eye, ear, nose and throat. SOI Liberty Building. Phone 496. y . Physicians and Surgeons ... Mt J. J. EMMENS Physician anf Surgeon. Practice limited to i ear. nose and throat Eyes acte liflcally tested and glasses supplied. Oculist and Aurlst for 8. P. R. B. Co.. Medford Bldg. Phone 667. - '" DR. WM. W. P. HOLT Physleisa and Surgeon. Offices Medford Bldg. Phone ICS. Residence 118 Genesee 8t. Phone 166-J-3. . DR. A. BURSELL-rPnysician aad . Surgeon, 312 to 314 Medtord Bldg. Entrance 36 N. . Central. Special attontlon to spine. Phone 19. DR. LINCOLN K ALLEN X-Ray spec ialist. Medical and Dental X-Ray Diagnosis and X-Ray Treatment Laboratories 211-213 Liberty Bldg.. Office hours 9 a. m. to 12 m. 2-6 p.m. Tolophone: Office, 61; residence, 6I-J-8. Piano Instruction KRED ALTON HAIGHT -Teacher 01 Piano and Harmony. Composing, Arranging. Studio 318 Liberty Bldg, Phoue 72. Printers and Publishers MEDFORD PRINTING CO, baa U best equipped printing office la Southern Oregon. Book binding, loose leaf ledgers, billing systems, tc, Portland prices, 27 Ni Fir. St Rug Weaving MEDFORD FLUFF RUG WORKS makes fluff rugs from old and worn carpets and rugs. Phone 610-M. . 70f Pine St.'- - Transfer BADS TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. Office 42 North Front Bt Phone 216. Prices right Services guar anteed. DAVIS TRANSFER AND STORAOB CO. Anything moved - day - or night Service guaranteed. 29 8. Grape. Phone: Office 644, or resi dences 647-R or 206. tf Upholstering , WEIS Upholstery. Manufscturer ot overstuffed furniture. Full Una of materials. Draperlea made to order. ' We do all kinds of uphol stering. We deliver and will aall and show samples. Phone 101. Jacksonville. Ore A. N. THIBAULT Upholstering, re ' glueing and reflnishiug, Work done . at your home, Telephone 960-R. R. 3, Box 4 4 A. Medford. 2S1 O' Aud!tlf4. Cr Accdwvttnfl AYSTEM-ERVICE alrvauraAc IrwastirvsMa" u. r. BcmnT'o tnll now Medford HMt lutilwre BottIm . HH