PJGE FOUR MEDFORD MAIL TRIBCNTE. MF.DFOKD, OTiEfiOX. WEDNESDAY. NOVEMIiET? 5fl. One Big Week December 4 to 9 One Big Week December 4 to 9 HLA 1 I 6 ' wmmmy AS WINTER 1 FAIR DECEMBER CLEARANCE SALE BEGINNING Saturday, December 2 White Outing 15c quality, 10 yards $1.00 17c quality, 8 yards... $1.00 20c quality, 6 yards.- $1.00 EVERY BUTT EVERY COAT EVERY DRESS LASTING THROUGH THIS WEEK ALL FURS ALL WAISTS ALL SWEATERS ALL UNDERWEAR EVERY DRESS SHIRT EVERY PIECE OP WOOL DRESS GOODS, EVERY PIECE OF WOOL COATING An early pre-inventory Bale just in time for your winter needs. Percale for Aprons Our 19c and 22c quality 6 yds. for $1.00 BEGIN YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING NOW 3 3-4 oz. hank Yarn 45c Again we offer thi3 all wool yarn at 45c, for Fair Week Special. McGEE'S Here you can find such useful gifts as Silk Hcse, Gloves, Bags, Purses, Silk" Umbrellas, Neckwear, Ribbons, Handkerchiefs, fine Underwear, Silk Petti coats, Sweaters, Scarfs, Infants' Wear. ASHLAND WINTER FAIR SPECIALS ASHLAND WINTER FAIR, DECEMBER 5, 6, 7, 8 Take advantage of the "Blue Ribbon Specials" offered these four big days. SAVE 1-3 TO 1-2 ON ALL TOYS AND DOLLS Toy Department on Balcony SHOP EARLY RIGHT NOW! While there is ample elbow room. Fresh and Full assortments of merchandise to Choose from. Men's Ties, each 69c 10 dnr.cn Men's Silk Tim, nil new pattern and styles, offered for Kulr Work only. Sold regularly at 91.00. Bath Towels, each 39c Inrgo size Until Towel with blue border. Huy throe for Christmas Gifts. Comfort Stitched Bat $1.00 S-pound Slllrhcil Ilntt, sire T2IM). All ready for imp. Sold regularly at fl.li.T. One rase for" thin sale. Silk Hose, pair $1.00 Women's Pure Thread Silk Storking, in Mack only. Klac H4 to 10. All perfect. Hold rtftulnrly nt 91. no. Men's Silk Sox, pair . . . .85c I'll re Thread, All Silk Sox, In good heavy iinlity. Coinp in hliuk nnd brown. Sijcs 10 to 11 !t. Linen Huck Towels 1-4 Off I.nriic assortment of Mnen Iluek Towels, In huge nnd small sire. Jnsl 2.1 per cent Ins thnn regular prion. Blankets, pair .$2.19 Cotton Sheet lllnnkets. Ktra henvy quality, in tan nnd grey. Sold regularly nt 9-.SO pair. Felt Slippers, pair . . . .$1.48 Women1!. Kelt Slippers, with cushion sole. Color brown and grey. "Solid Comfort l'oot Wear. The Treasure House of Christmas Gifts E. R. ISAAC & CO. The Quality Store Shop Early and Shop Early in the Day Where Your Patronage Is Appreciated Swenson and Peebler MID-WINTER FAIR and CHRISTMAS Dec. 4 Dec. 23 FURNITURE SALE Everything Reduced We are giving away to our customers FREE the three quality pieces of merchandise shown below. Space is too limited to explain. Come in and let us tell you. FREE $60.00 Eiglow Hartford Axminister Rug FREE Merchandise f nf vmir nn-n choosing, if these are not THE BEDSPRIXG LUXURIOUS needed. Value $55.00 ' Value $22.50 NEW FORD PRICES EFFECTIVE OCTOBER 17, 1922 Delivered at Ashland Runabout Starter, demountable rims $462.56 Touring Starter, demountable rims ; '. 492.72 Coupe Starter, demountable rims 635.20 Sedan Starter, demountable rims 702.80 Truck pemountable, pneumatic all around 471.52 Fordson Tractors The lowest prices ever known 484.60 HARRISON BROTHERS Ford, Fordson and Lincoln Dealers Ashland, Ore C. W. Norris J. S. Hollomeyer W. J. Dougherty Ideal Grocery The new up-to-date store Our Aim Is to Please Customers 108 N. Main ASHLAND, ORE. TAKE THE WO OUT OF HOUSEWORK ; Send us your weekly washing. We laun der everything from socks to sunbonnets, from handkerchiefs to comforters and We do it well, Our Prices Are Right When you want us PHONE 165 We call for and deliver your work. ASHLAND LAUNDRY CO. Wirt M. Wright ' Good Work. Prompt Service WHILE ATTENDING THE FAIR EAT AT Plaza Confectionery'- Breakfast after 8 A. M. . ; Steaks, Chop and Egf Ordflta, Merchant's Lunch 12 to 2 P. M. ; 5:30 to 7:30 P.M. Light Lunches at any time. Our Chicken Tammies Are thv Z?Jf Tuesday, Wfccby o5 ARMORY ARB) WajaOBBJM e From All S.Mtio8.o Oroii, ' GREAT EXKHITM t)V JWLSM. PET rSTW . Great Closing Out Drug Sale Ittoytie at Efcrffai PrtM It Will fay Yo to Stool; Up trace ct trt limit if yd caJ('t coj, Yit f cm mr&m, ... Efcwy 3iadti iny OnlyaShoptTime Left for Xmas Shopping Buy Handkerchiefs, Hose, Sweat ers, Shirts, neckties, Boudoir Slip pers, Shoes, Suspenders, Etc. We carry Shoe for the family. Gents' Furnishings, Ladies' and Children's Hose, Etc. MILLET & SON Ashland, 0r. it Pay to Becd lowftMy y W1 lew Um f cawy tim mm nmnjfcftM Horn f FRUITS, GAIS, yiMTAXLSg of the Rogue Eiver Valley . ! ' SCHOOLS OF ASHLAND In Domestic Department, with Exhibition and Demonstrations in Art, Cdokery and Needlework. MERCHANTS BOOTH DISPLAYS Evenings of Oratory, Music, Pictures, Fun. i VDNING GREENLIAF RILEY Greatest Trio of Speakers in the whole Northwest -Also an Educational program with AVilliams, Cosby and Rcimcr in lectures on Traffic, Poultry Fi-uit and Marketing. Each evening program worth $1.00. 0 tire week, 50c. Tickets for the en- Do Your Xmas Shopping Now Holiday requirements can best be supfflifed (Winter Fair Week. Stock are now at their best. Gift Handkerchiefs v We have an exceptionally fine se lection of Christmas Handker chiefs Linen Finished Lawns....l0c to 25c Pure Linen. 20c to 90c Men's Handkerchiefs 10c to 75c Children's 'Kerchiefs, all styles , all prices. , . Toyland The Biggest, Busiest and Bestest in Town. Dolls, Toa Sets, Trains, Wagons; Horses, Blocks and many other kinds at Golden Rule Prices. Phone 3 GOLDEN RULE Elks' Building i i tim mi jmm ynWArrtw Hum ti m- i nil wur Own kwawoiwa e'B tot?fc. epes emir? ttop sM 7 A. M. U IX f. Mm ?hi uvswnstto feoiec mas lidwipieff Sale Specials. MpeiriMg tortus sk vtiH ha tiaMMA dwixj Fintev Pai vsck M lesiil CakrwWft6. rrimtium m asgl iw4kijt TsmmrsA. &;lt seme of yrm ClrstaMAs 9vicm, . ittlDDLBTOSr, Prop. 81 S. Wtiin St., Ashland, Ore. Visit Our ASHLAND WINTER FAIR next week in a Hart Schaffner & Marx Suit-and Overcoat Copyright Hart Sctaffaer & Marx JPOV Ivl JPJv Whry So Much Vk ior the Price Tha esrtpa valw we give pays beth. You get IwtUr woolens, better ttiiomflk 1w4fi style, better clotlws; Ve &m we liiEiiKSB. Attsirw pnesK im Fair fraJc Specials i ewry one of our Depart- ' ments. Nwr Drtsf . Shirts A most beautiful ranffo of new pattonw and fabrics, 91.no to $n.so The Company Ashland Oregon Shoes for Dress No bettor shoes can be had. All styles, in black and brown, $3.50 to' $10.00. FItEE . , KREK Tho next 1 days wo will WltV Vffll 1JQ M A f V Ono CflDocnt tnlw of Tooth Rlvo away ono bottle of ild kMl MiKt I nutlTilrll 1 ;'asto with any OOc pur Hoot Shampoo, trial size, , chase of Ciardon Court toilet with any purchase amount- C Or. Znd and Main OlS articles during tho next 10 Ing to 23 cents. days. . SEE OUR LARGE SELECTION OF DOLLS BEFORE BUYING ELSEWHERE - Gifts for Father Razors, Shaving Sets, Card Cases, Poocket Books, Lunch Kits, Thermos Bottles, Jack Knives,. Pipes. Gifts for Mother Combs, Hair Brushes, Hand Bags, Books, Bibles. Gifts for Sister Fancy Bottles Perfume, Perfume Sets, Manicure Sets, Pyralin Ivory, Box Candy and Stationery. Gifts for Brother Kodaks, Fountain Pens, Kodak Albums, Books, Military Brushes and Safety Razors. For the Kiddies Dolls, Children's Books, Games and Toys. Christmas Tree Ornaments. . Big Special on Flour During Trade Week OLYMPIC CHERRY BLOSSOM CROWN Per sack .......$2.15 Per barrel ......$8.50 POTATOES Yakima Netted Gems, per 100 lbs. $1.5 0 Better lay in your winter's supply now as these prices are below wholesalo today. Corn Meal, White or Yellow, 10 lb.bng 25 Derrick's Groceteria WE SELL FOR LESS VICTROLAS Have you selected your Christmas Victrola? rhono 213 flood music belongs in every homo, nnd tho Vlctroln puts it there. Homo demonstration gladly given. Easy terms if dosirod. We also handle pianos, Sonoro and Edison lMo moml IMsc rhono graphs. Rose Bros. 143 Main St. You will eventunlly on a A'lCTUOLA why not enjoy that pleasure now.. . Watch for our display at the fair. i-rtr--nT'it v l VINING Ashland, Ore. FRIDAY, DECEMBER B DAVID BELASCO PRESENTS STRONGHEARI the North A ne MurTm-' frsductioa THANKSOrviNO, FRIDAY and SATURDAY A giant dog guarding a wo man and baby on the nowi. Wolves in a gaunt, gray, slinking circle waiting. A 50c picture at our regular admissison. , AVERY HOPWOOD'S SPARKLING COMEDX . witA a Perfect Cast Kn route from IIolllK Theatre, Portland, to Columbia Theatre, San Francisco. Reserve Seat Sale opens Saturday, Dec. 1, 1:00 P. M. PRICES: $1.00, $2.00, $2.50, plus war tax. Curtain 8:30 P. M. , uxji;jiii;;;,ii::;;!iiinillidiliLii,Lll! !:V TIT I T y!',HI..' 1. 11 1 lll.i llllilill.l.illjil.ill.lliM'J