BRINGING UP FATHER MBDTOBD MS1C TRIBUNE, .Mn',, rrhj I 1022 PAGE SEVEN" WELL - VOdN'C MA.N I V J ' CULTlVATlN' ? cuy that -bv ' RICE" To mp- By Georae McManuW I'M bO Ciro voii rAMc- ui,-Nr-, . wr,n , 1VJVJ ,u MEET MR. RICE. rx -.r j J WHAT Ubl ) f-l NJ F- vv- I . I Tur -w.n v . I i 1 UMT ARE vou ,n? -yURUL wrTJ 1TT BEND MURDER Wr- m -r. PJifffll BEND, On!., Nov. 28.'K that a third person played an Import ant part In the chain or Hr'...., stancca leading to the death nr wii lard Oarrett near hero on tho nlitht -uV relatives or Uarrvtt today posted a $500 rcwni-,1 e..... ...... which would disclose this person's In posting the notice. L. II. McM. h" Jpi'cfnl dcnu'y attorney ficneral. .. ,. ln cnarso of tho ease here, charged that this person has been protected by those whose duty It is to apprehend him. Ed Halvorsen. who was charged with Oarretts murder was acquitted Saturday on the grounds of self-de-rense. Market News WIARRYINGHUfiCH AflllMPTmn unnr : IVIimOILltd Uftbt Livestock. rOHTLATT)f -n..o vi.. no ., , .,v. Aa. I.HI- V," -?c,r-,rc'lplH 8!i- -" s'"" I...BW7.7S; medium to good J.ur to medium 15.25 WS; com- ('5.25; rest un- mon to fair J3.75 chanced. Hogs. steady; receipts 328. sheep oeicer pick up some of the print Paper on rolls for wranninr Bavo money. Comes with cores In It to fit roll paper rach tnt. , than wrappins paper. tr POU'TLAND. Oi-e, "n3n i.n... "rm Prices unchanged. . Butter " iirin, uncnanged. i ni-.. v.. . .... rift.... wnuo. cte.,- soft white $1.24 western white i,n.i northern spring $1.1C; western rod! Today's .car receintu i .y. barley 4; flour :20; corn 1; oats 9 hay 21. . BELLINGHA.M. Wash., ov. 2S The Belllngham Ministerial associa tion yesterday signed an "appeal" to all Christians contemplating mar riage to "consider this vital subject solely in the light of the law of Christ." After calling attention in a resolution to tho "tendency to view tile bond of matrimony with increas ed laxity," the association urges those conteniDlatlnir nixi... "como to the church for marriage," because "this is very different from a 'civil contract, ln which the state alone officiates." San Francisco Market. SAX PHAVnacn v-.. .. ,r, Bureau of Agricultural Economics') an", iahu J'UlieiH 3C. .-a.n f KANCISCO, Nov. 28 fStata Division of Markets) Live ji io c; dressed 43 to 45c Grapes, crate COc to Jl. GOMPERS PRAISES CLEIWENCEAU FOR OREGON BOUNTY LAW BOSllDDRESS Call for Bids . 1 llO Iionrrl nf I1tPnA..u U1SI. ISo. 41 will . Play shed fiftvVn rT" " ."ius 'or n at the Lincoln SchooT Drawings" and l1!? .' view "n the Buildlnc. iM. ,., ..Hisl1, Sc!llo! . V ouuuiu do suumitteu atF he'or! 6 ! m. Tuesday, Doc. 5th. i no Board reserves the right to reject any .or all bids. MARTHA I). JANES Chairman 215 Itimi MANMivn n,.,.airman- """"i VIUI IV. MONEY TO LOAN on Improved ranch security, $6000 or less, G per cent Interest. O. C. Hoggs, Attorney for Mate Lund Hoard. Jackson County FOR RENT FDKX1SHED ROOMS VOn RENT Room with board N. Central. WANTED RITI7ATTOX8 "M'i-presamaklnB. Mrs. Shaw l 1. tv. u. A.. N. Rnrtlot ct n,T 2:m 215 TOR RENT Two furnished ulneninL- rooms with home privileges. 031 S Riverside Ave. 21 1 FOR . RENTim7she"(lo"1m'ir one block from Main St. 01 N. Oakdaie. rui..u-nmi8i Owner can hive same by calling at this office and paying for ad. I'Ol.M) Hlcycle, green frame. V shaped handlebars, black handgrip'; black scat, one red tiro, one white Owner my havo by paying charges. t-hlel of police. 14. rOH SALE CJrain sprouter f .r f.1111 li'OO huns. A bargain. Rogue liiw roultry Rirm. I'hono 2U1-W. 213 FOR RENT Comfortnliln f,.i0i,n:i BieepuiK room with bath privileges oo a. Jttversldo. Phono 701-J. tf FOR RENT Al-ARTMUNTB FOR 8ALB Al-T(K)n,F-S FOR SALE Autotnt ihilnn rmm 9zn tin Gold iiading Centor, noxt to Far mers & Fruitgrowers Bank. Phono WANTED Wood to saw. Phone 452-J 21S WtlmTED ?y yUDg man' fUll or l)art A """j'meHi. ttererences. P O. Box 657. 214 WANTED Light house work by mid- ou jujf uourt St. 217 WANTED School girl evening nnrt baturdays for board, room and --sea. J3"-t v Mail Tribune. tf HEIP WANT Eli MALK wA,TEin onn iv.f ir oe Hon Ander- , son. Medford, or Geo. Bishop at 214 SALEM, Ore., Nov.' 28. Wide Va riety of opinion marks replies receiv ed from county officials and citizens wirougnoui tne state to an inquiry ov-ni u, oecreiary 01 Htato 8nm A. - io ascertain sentiment regard- :: Ing proposed repeal of tho state's I . 'Kozer In a 'letter snld the state and counties have paid ;ont 868,048.62 in bounties, since the law was adopted In 1909 and that this ; had failed to decrease the savage ani- , ,.u,,umiiun or xno state.- Kozer said ono of the evils attending the law was that unscrupulous persons ;t . wnis irom jNovada and idano and collontri ni-Airnn 1 "'muii "utilities. t A resume of replies given out today jr t biiuws some ravoring repeal. . some favoring retention of tho law ' H!! "nd f""" "VHBestlnu amend- J. CONDEMNING HARDING CHICAGO. Nov 5R ln.. u . . , n mo dis sociated Press.) Georges Clemen ceau, war time premier of France, to day was preparing a broadside which he hopes will sileno accused him of being an alarmist in ut.-cii.ijng mat uermany was prepar ing for a new urn ,mH 1 ..i n ., hum niatuuilt LIIO German government's denial of his claims. . He declared that ho was listening, from nffinini ,i, his possession, "Fifty flagrant viola tions by the Germans," of the peace treaty In the mutter nt ... - - ui JJC1C1JH- rations. They were discovered by the inter-alllod commission he said. A few of the mnt fi...n i stances will find their way into the uuuiess ne is to deliver late this af ternoon in the auditorium. The entirn ntntomant probably will li Pivon nut r llcation. The Tiger tnrinv fAnatv. ti gram from Snmnnl r., i Gompors said he wished to compli ment M. Clemenceau on his magnifi cent address, "with wiiich 1 . . tiro accord." ; Clemenceau Immodinini,. ",n ed a reply exnresiini hi. .nn.JL.i. - ..0 ...a utii.ici.ia- nun ana saying he hoped his mes fiage would find Itn u in ti, 1 iliu ucuuu ot the American people n3 It has to mu iiuuri. or air. uompcrs WANTED-Experlenced orchanl man imiiuaueut joo; also several good Pni t -reeit orchard, Eagle - 210 WANTED imnonitltANKOUS , WANTED Team, harness nnd warn" udo ui 10am ior feed. Phone 1037 . 215 WANTED-16 head good milk cows v; M. iioover. ., . . 215 WANTED 1 winner in the basement of the Chris- iiau 1 L-nurcn t nursday evonlng, Dec 7. There will be plenty of turkey! 213 WANTED Few tons pie pumpkin ajid r- A ulllBn if work. Rogue running uo. 215 WrJlDTTo rent "esirable house, ltirnished or unfurnished. Call 642. WANTED To buy corn. Phono'597-J-3 1 lejU A second-hand saw with "on. una attachments. Court Hall.- WANTED-A11 kinds of gunb to repair nnf'oanr fill..- Ti X iiuuij. upstairs 22 a. Grape. 237 WANTED -Cash paid for p'eHs. hides. nX n,, 'B- Jonnson Produce Co., 241 N. Fir St. Phone 97. tf WANTED TO RENT A piano" In good condition, ntva a i.ihmj uiiu unco. Address R. W. R., Mall Tribune, tf FOR RENT A TVirtmnnt 111 I.-. comer of Tenth; also car and truck j storage. i FOR RENT 3 room modern furnishod "iiaitmciii. uoia uay Realty Co, next to Farmers & Fruitgrowers Bank. Phone 465-J. FOR KH.VIfiorSES FOR RENT Modorn house fou.- mum. and largo bath room, Phone 838-J. 117 N. Peach. - 213 FOR 8.AMnoM7ai FOR SALE Must soil, attractive five .u uiiiiKuiuw, mouern except boat. Throe lots, garage, chicken house, wood house. Terms. Soo owner. Phono 48S-Y. FOR SALE nouses ana bnngnlowa.' lurnisnoa or unfurnished; also """"ranee, u. S. Rulterflold Medford Nations! Hank llldif., Phone 89. . ..... ion .SALIC-Turkeys lor Thnnksgiv '"o", 1Iv ili-casoU. J. Nary, l'linne . 2M KMl SALKDresseil tuikov7 for bn'iksKivlns. Call Chas. lluy 134-V (veulngs. 213' SA1.K -i'm-keys for breeder r.o:n .Vr. Wright's stock, Wnslilni; t;m. Pnt Bens" 30 rents tl-vi:. I Boof lu a;i.l i ; contj. I:i;n- 'IMl' ; .. ., 2Jii j FOR SALK-VoVrfy" " ne- '""mah-am-I fn; ,!1,: daraiiHirt and chair, in I holsterert in valour.- Flrat linsvcoii- union, j' C13-L. C'hlropractlc Physician DR. iIAnVEY p. CtJLEAIAN Chlr l.ractic and Electro-Therapy. 427-2S Medford Bldg. Phone 065. tt FOR SALE (jecsn. Thono tSij.l. - ' . 215 FOR SALE, KSTATE FOR SALE OR TRADE Improved! acres close In, easy terms. Address Box 10, Mail Tribune. 215 FOR RENT Furnished bungalow. 017 Holly. Apply Sugar Bowl. FOR RENT Four room cottage with sleeping porch. 639 Pennsylvania inquire across -street, or see John Brownlee. 213 FOR RENT Houses. Brown ft White. FOR REN T MISCE iL A NEODS roft RENT Garage !at 1103 W. Tenth FOR SALE 1(10 acres good timber at forks Galls Creek, )H n acre. See u I-. Hall on dulls Creek; good locu tion sawmill or wood yard. 219 FOR GALE Land bordering" Rogue river, $50 per acre and up. 25 mlu- " "om flieurord. Fine fishing ....iius, rmo garaen and chick on ranches. Gold Roy RoaHy Co 15 N. Grape St.. next to Farmers & Fruitgrowers Bank. I'hono 465-J - rOR SALE Eearmg orcsiards, alfalfa, grain an4 sto:k ranches, some Irri gated, 5 to 20 years time. Gold Ray Realty Go. Phone 728-R. tf FOR SALE-n!dwln app. FOr'saLE-Vcx T.-,.s; busied. v!c llruuswicks. Columbia, So'i')- ' aiun p;!on iKru;!lis nnd all records at reduced prices. .Music bhop next to Farmers & Fruitgrow ers Bank. Phono 4G5-.T. FOR SALE Haled nifnlfa hnv" In waro''"use. First clns.i and clean $.00 per ton llr.gun Itivor Va'lev 1.!1n"?l Co" 5!u-1 S' Fir st- "I!. A. R. HED0E3 Neo-Ecloctl-I hysic-lan. DR. LOUISE E. HEDGES -viituroiiathle Chiropractor. Me ' . Therapy, Spondylotherapy, i;im1 Sciences. Chiropractic. Office: ' B. Main 8t Miiiiiesr Otfioa, 170; Res. 170J-2. J"n', '"' ""O'-MAN-Chlropractrc . 1 livsiciim. Office lira. 9 to 12 . 2 I to j. Thursday excepted 8u'lte ; n':i-U4-ns-0LilJerty Uuildtng. I'R. GEO. J. KINZ Chiropractor t.v'iimatlon free. Tenth year' sue. ia, nl practice of straight chlrc inaotic tnotliods. 408 Medford Bids fhone 7C0. ... Denlls'ts " ' . ': '''' '"- i;R. O. J JOIINvVoN -jSontlBt.' t22sTe! ".".., ," A"" M' M- "oi't- Store. .: '"nl' Orepon. . Phono 669; res. I 1002-Y. Offiee hours 9 a. m.S p.o. j F-vcnlns aud Sunday by appointment I Fai-ni Louua ..... r FOR SALE First class alfalfa"" hnv. any amount. Phono B9I-K-1. 21i IX3R RENT Ponrino i,.,.. mo uiaiuB, UUUUU, o.o.u ni.-i diock rancnes, some Irri gated, some on shares. Gold Ray "d"'w wu. x-uone lisa-ii. tf tiu&i nicycle with riiotni-cveio i,.n aieuars and painted green and ""ie- i-none 188-R. . Reward. 213 IAJE3T HInrlr ntiH n.V.ltA i.iti. y' terrier witn black, collar.. Finder please return to 219 . N. ' Contral. - : - 213 BCSINESi OFPOICT UNITIES i VNiNU Cull Andrews Stu nuui music 00., c. M. Richards. .216 FOR SALE Lunch counter doing nice .....con, bouu paying . propos t on for right nnrlv .m.ll ii. . ment. See Cassldy, Brown & Brown ib"! oiuro. . ' 213 FOR SALE fcfVKSTOCK FOR SALE F'rosh milk cow. jucason. 410 W. 218 CHICAGO. Nov. !s . ment.was mnrln tnH... ... . .. r .. convention of the Indus'tiiul Wcrkern or tne World that a call would be uu iur nn international coiiferenee lusium ino po3slhHlty ,,f Ol'ganlz lnir wnrlfei-a .iti..ti.n i.. , . tries throughout the world. Too peti- ""ii ur turn a contcrenco wu? pre sented by the murine transport work- union, a unit or tho I. W. w. A telegram has been sent to l'resd nuraing ny the general defens oommitteo declaring that "the Hurd ing nanunistrntlon nuint answer IPC tnnor mnvmrntii r ....... for the denth of Kicardo stores M11- Kon, a .Mexican who died in Lmvim nnn prison on Novemher !:i. He .A ' l)rr Tjontlii WASHINGTON. Nov. 28 i-h., promo oourt today refused to grant Wayne n. Wheeler nt k .i , - , wi me ...Ill-Wtlltllll league permission to file a brief in PERL FUNERAL HOMB At Voor Service Day or Night Infttrnwtioa CordUIW Gte ,. : "T. otn mo UMdilt Special Overland 4 in good condition $325.00 BUSY CORNER MOTOR CO. WANTED House moving and ropalr- . a uurnj taa-ai or 488-a. WANTED Small house I can buy like rent. X23 care Tribune. WANTED Automobiles, household tuiunuro, taming machines, pianos, records, real estate and personal or real property of all kinds. Will buy sell or trade for anything. Gold Trading Center, No. 15 N. Orape St. next to Farmers & Fruitgrowers Bank. Phone 465-J. , tf 9 m kI'"r yo,mS wo horsos, "00 lbs, one hay wagon, one Blngle Plow, one saddle horse. Apply 104 . S. Fir, or at stable across from Jack Jackson County Creamery. J. Terp " .117 F'OR SALE Puppies,fullbloodetl, reol hAllllr Od . TU r'tK n . ... wuuvk-o, x iiuru u;aIv1. . tt1 FOR SALE 280 acres logged off land near Butte Falls: will sell cheap and give terms. Big pines j FOR SALE Trade nvnrVi'h'inir"' ....7. don t want for everythlui; wm do want. Gold Trading Center, nevi to eanners & Fruitgrowers Dunk Ki N. Grape St. Phone 4U5-.1. tl' HCSINESS DIRECTOR V Fi'.lil KAL FARM LOANS NOW 6M Ai.pip-iniong should be on file by i,ov. 22 for November appraisal, illd- Secy-Tleas" Medforo Monumenra 11 '"'- OltUGONoTLwrE CO. uSnZ !','" u" ?' A' "'s, genera) manage tf1 SlxtbSU,- Medford. - Osteopatlu J FOR SALE JUSyfiLLANlCOUS ; FOR SALE High grade target riflii, new condition, 32 cnl., complete with 1 nibuiB. da p. rront at. . .. . , 215 I' OR SALE Three used pianos. See m ' t v ouy,,nK'---H- : Launspaoh, "CClia oc U1T. . ... 11 FOR . SALE Tliririilniia plants. . 1805 W. Alain. blackberry 215 FOR SALE New pianos, best quality. I'ncii mm mrins. ti. u. Launspach phone 646-R.. Office Weeks & Orr, vv . jvimn. . i ' - tf rnnga 214 FOR SALE Model Banquet good as pew. Phone 7-FM3. FOR SALE Ornmv Plmiln. Ortleys, tho very best , for eating. Xree from, worms; Nowtowns for cooking. Also sweet cider. W. .7. Messenger, 317 E. Jackson St. 214 FOR SALE Or will trarin for d,i gov, new Delaval separator. Phono FOR SALE Registered male Duroc 4 1 iiiuuins om. uau ciias. Ray, 134-Y nveniiitr. 21a FOR SALE Vnnnir ...l,ll j nn. ,. : " """.""l UIUID uuu Tk m 'eric or gas hoist Inquire i. viit ot. BUNGALOW HOME-FURNISHED ? Acres Garden Land Irrigated t . il $,,00 CASH $2,000 TERMS ' .'. . v , .' BnZ m " " ,,0,SC ,my' wood- tollre. Ever, tlUng Xcver before priced so cheaply. " ' '-' " . PRICE $.1,000. WORTH $5,000 - Phono 781.L Sco J- C- "'"WES. Nosh Hotel' Corner 218 r?R SALE Cabbage tor Uragt. Phone FOR SALE OR TRADE -One five pas- --He,i uuiit, uno i-ion trailer, LT)2- egg incubator, ono 2 li. p. motor, ono 5 li. p. motor, 1 4-inch hydr. rnm, one 3'-ln. iron wheel wagon. Box 07. Mail Tribune., , t , jlo now sowing mn-21.1 MURRAY BROS. & - ohrr'vI Abstrnots of Title. Rooms ;l an.l ri. No. 32 North Central Ave.-, upstairs. , Jackson County ABSTRACT CO. . The only eomplete THi System In Jackson County. Abstracts of Title and Title Insurance, Im -yi Iinlldtng Mnterlals, Mfus-URD CEMENT BRICK a BLOCK WORKS Specialize In aX ..nun uuiuDiii, nuuaing prod until ""' "nn innm streeft Assay er F. W. CA R.N AH AN Metallurgist, En- ?. .7 '""b-iuui. in , leiurai Medlnrd. . Attorneys ... 0 0 . noGoa i.n-o,vn-,. a.i,i u.. , 1,....: n uoiuio ana f rooate Law 30 North Central Are. - A. E. REAM ES Ln vt Liberty llulldlng. . . ' Off Ice. .Id E. E. KELLY I.uutvo. n a practice of law. Office with Porter J. IWf. Medford Vnt'l n.nir ni,i Kvnort Acrountant FOR SALE Cheap, chine. 712 Palm. FOR SALE Two General Electric uiumrs, ua n. p., dogren, GO cycla, 2200 voltage, completo with compen sators. 1 Tacotna logging engine, 10x16 with line. Ills Pines Lumber Co. - .... FOR KX( II.IXGE ... W' , T,m 18 VAhVK von voun moxev ,' convoke r2 wr' ,rn: b,,,w,,mv "'" ""u- ' ' -;IMIniM a,i tivo norc $3000. I rice llulldlnirs nnd, clghtoon acres M0O. fM! lis toflj-ny. roUIWITK SAIKS AGENCY ni Esflfo lln, Opportunltle. Insurance DRAIN IT TODAY I'OR K.SV STAR Tf.VJ ilrnln Hie old hmyy worn out ell from your car mid iTpluni it with lighter V.YLVOLtXK OIL. Hclna; nn lVDEI'ENDICXT SERVICE STATION m-o nhlo to pick the oils Unit tire R-l Lubricators, Wo tuivo you unmey 011 ,u. bllcallon. - . , ,. , . ' Mtiac CTLtXli CASE SERVICE JONES & KIRKPATRICK KText to Nat. WILSON. AUDITING CO. E. M. Wl) son,,o. P, A. Attention given to an) thing ill ACennntlne ami in.,,,.,! i. roqulrenients. Loik Into our simpll luu ovcuuiuiiiB motnou. Libert' '"iK., menniru. I'nnne ir7-R I ft. F. G. CARLOW. V.'ViVyy.T081801"111110 Physician L J,"1-1'8 UbMy BIdg. Phona 904-4- . : "'Hi'l5nce-26 S. Laurel StX-'-. 1 opouiai attenuon rlvea Jo eye, ear, nose and throat SOI 1 J:""'"? Building. Phona 498. yaicinM and Surgeons . ' 1B; J-J- EMMENS Physloian aj j diinBooa. Practice limited to eyv 1 ear. nosn nnd ihrn 1 II leal ly tested and glasses supplied Oculist, and Aurist for 8. P. - R. r Co., Modford Bldg. Phone 567 '? U"-..'M- W. P. HOLT-Phvleta- and Surgeou. Offices Medford Bide I bono nn. Residence 118 Genesee St. Phono 1G5-J-2. . . . D1J' . : -V ilunSELL-Physlolan . anl Siirgcon. 812 to 814 Medford Bldi Entrance 36 N. "Central. SpeolaJ attention to spine. Phone 20. -7 , . . "1'iii-m aoa uontai x-Ra Diagnosis and X-Ray Treatment of ?,l,'orle' 2-213 Liberty - Bldg Offloo hours 9 a. m. to 12 m, B-6 p nt 1 elephone; Office, 61;., reBwenc; -. I'lanoiInstrncMon $' TALKS'! The Best Used Cars in Town PKERLRSS TOfRIXQ WcKllnirliiiiice Nlinclr ,Vlwtw.-. nrl.. "iiccior, uiiiniicrs, Spot Light, fl "iro hiicois, 0 Tires, New Paint. 10U1 Overland 1, new paint new tin's i-t. nicvrolnt, llko n!w $375.00 1010 Chevrolet .. ''i nn 1021 Koril Touring, starter... $315.00 1020 Ford T'HirlnR, 8tnrtor....800.00 1010 Ford Touring, SlnrttT....$21)3.00 1018 Ford Rpdnn, new pnlnt $:W0.00 1017 ToiiiinK, ovcrlinulcd....$103.00 1010 TonrliiK, overhntiliii. ...$170.00 Slndehnker Sl new top nn, paint $230.00 Overland 1013 ....$10.00 FR A LTlNlL4loOTTeB'chisr" Of ..iiu nurmony, CompoBlnft PhonaR728- StUdl.818 Ubrtr Bid? 1 l'i Inters nnd Publishers '' EOIloTRTNTOia'cd., has" "the ' vuivvau printing office in sonthem Oregon. ., Il,;0k binding, 80iilB0. Ie."Kar,, blll"'K "ystemS: ' - .1. 2 " u" w'cesi .a n. Fir St. ' ; . Rua Weaving MEDKORD FLUFF RUO tvf.utro makes fluff rugs from old and worn carpots aIld rUgs, phon8 W0M tQ ' Transfer'' . - '''. tie u . "urto Tont at Phom antced r'8hl .8r B OA VIS TRASrER AND STORAGE night. Service guaranteed. 24 a n"8- Pne: Office 644, or iA dences 647-R or 206. tt rpholsterlrul ' l:Zvl0 Mnuf.cturW 1"rnl'll"e. r ull line nl? t0,aIsi DrPeries made to ,rde,r- We do all kinds of nphot. storing We deliver and will Sail ana show samples. Phone 201 . N. THIBAULT-Upholstorlng, re glueing and refinlshlng. Work done II u'L'?6-.. Telephone J68-R. R. 3. Ho -MA, Medford. tQi S Audlrlrva O AceouMlna j 'lraurarvu..yrvVestm C.E.GAFES AUTOCO. I. n-tt 1 r-r 8mi m,,r " - ' MMfom Kldf fc;A-'V'T):-f .. lit-