PAGE SIX - Y REESE AT PAGE TONIGHT WILL PLAY IN THE MEDFORD MAIL TRIBUNE, MEDFORD. OREO ON". TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 2R. 1022 f '! : V - i - T - "ri Si ..ft ASHUUD CQNIESI Coach Eddie Durno of tho local high school football Bquad, announces that Reese Baughman, Medford half back, is feeling tine and Is Impatient for the whistle Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock, which will start the big gest football game of the year In southern Oergon. , The Medford men, ns the expres sion goes, are all "rarln to go" 'and ' are In the best of condition for the .deciding contest of the southern Ore gon football Beason. Every student In the high school -Is full of enthus iasm and excited anticipation regard ing' the game and Instructors find It "harder each day to keep the minds of the students on classwork. Reports from Ashland state that Clark, one of Ashland's most valuable backfleld men, who has been out all Season because of Injuries, has fully recovered and will be In the Ashland lineup Thursday. Coach Hughes and the entire city of Ashland are deter mined to win the contest. It Is un derstood that for the past ten days the men on tho football squad have heard nothing but football, morning periods being used for lectures on that sport and afternoon parlods bo 'ihg taken up with actual piaetlce. The game promises to '5e ono of the hardost fought battles in south ern Oregon football history and a record breaking crowd! Is expected. All Medford people who are planning to attend and who have cars are re1 quested to confer a favor on the lo cal high school students by telephon ing the high school building or Prin cipal O. R. Campbell today or to morrow and arranging to take one or mow high school students to Ash land for the game which will be call ed at 2 p. m sharp. Tickets for tho game are on sale at Crowson's. ' Thyo to Meet Yokel. j SPOKANE, Nov. 28.- Tod Thye, wrestling 'instructor at the Multno mah Athletic club of Portland, has been matched to meet Miko Yokel, here December 5 in a ten round buot under tho While rules. rV tobacco1 ' ' A&fy V Hodolph Valentino, ' In "Blood and Sand," Is the Page's . offering this week beginning today. This story by the author of "The Four Horse men," was directed by tho man who made "Tho Threw Musketeers". Valentino is without doubt the most I popular masculine star on the screen today. Picture him then as a dashing young bullfighter, risking his life for fame In the bullring, with two women risking all 1n fighting for his love. Spain, the cradle of romance, the land of hiughlng senorltas, the homo of the dashing, hot-hearted toreador, lives In all Its colorful glory on tho screen. Juan Oallardo Is a poor boy, the son of the shoemaker in a little Spanish village But he Is ambitious and ro mantic and longs to be a famous tore ador. Aftor attaining some local suc cesses In the bullring, he rises to prominence and Is taken to Seville, where he soon becomes the favorite toreador of Spain. Before Juan attains fame, he mar ries his pretty little boyhood sweet heart. Carmen. During one of Juan's triumphs In tho bullring, there Is attracted to him I Dona Sol, a hot-blooded and flirtatious; beauty of the Spanish court. Juan; visits her and, after resisting for some time, succumbs to her vamplrish charms. This causes a break between Junn and hlB wlfo. The attractive musical Interpreta tion by "Botty" Brown adds Interest to tho picture. Irvin Cobb a Major By Presidential Decree NEW YORK, Nov. 28. President Harding has granted A commission as major In the military Intelligence divi sion of tho officers' reserve corps to Irvin S. Cobb, writer and author, as a reward for his work during the world war, it was announced yesterday. For Central Reserve Bank WASHINGTON, Nov. 28. Creation of a central federal land bank was pro posed In a bill Introduced In the house by Representative Strong, republican, Kansas. Liuoarr A MvMtt Tobacco C s. STAR IS PUT OUT Y INJURED KNE LOS ANGELES, Nov. 28. Tho In jured knee of Chet Dolle, quarterback of the University of Southern Califor nia football team, has begun to pain him again since practice has been re sumed and it is doubtful If he will start against the Washington State eleven at Pasadena Thanksgiving day, accord ing to Coach Henderson. Harold Galloway will probably start at quarterback. Galloway was one of the stars in' the game against Idaho and his defensive work is said to be superior to Dollcy's. Galloway also has speed and in the game Thursday, Coach Henderson says, he will play bis fastest men in the back field. Tlernan, Campbell and Baker and the others who are expected to start in the backflold for the Trojans. Coach Gus Welch and the Cougar eleven are expected to arrive here to day and will go directly to Pasadena, where practice will be held. LOS ANGELES, No7. 28. Frank Chance, formerly member of the Chi cago club of the National league and of tho New York club of the American league, will be back In the big leagues next year when he assumes the man agomont of the Boston club of the American league, according to a state ment credited to him by a Los Angeles Bports writer. , PORTLAND, Ore., Nov. 28. Jess Willard, ex-heavyweight champion of tho world, will be seen In the north west in a series of exhibition matches which Bobby Evans, former match maker for the Portland boxing com mission is arranging for the .big boxer. EvaiiB returned to Portland from Los Angeles yesterday. . , NEW YORK Roger Conti of France led Edouard Horemans of Belgium by a score of 600 to 495 in the first block of an 18.2 balk line billiard match which Is virtually for the champion-1 ship of Europe. I NEW YORK Syracuse university won the annual intercollegiate cross country run. NEW YORK Johnny Dundee, Jun ior lightweight, won over Phil Del mont. BOSTON Pancho Villa, American flyweight champion, went out of his clnss and defeated Young Montreal of Providence in ten rounds. ' CINCINNATI Ever Hammer, Chi cago lightweight, won over Knock out Mars, Cincinnati, in a foul in the eighth round of their ten round) bouut. CHICAGO Joe Stecher of Dodge City, Neb , defeated John Friburg of Chicago after 34 seconds of wrestling In the sixth round of tholr match. OMAHA Frankte School of But fnlo, N. Y., and Dave Shado, Califor nia fighter, have been matched for a ten round bout here December 7. "Hoot" at Rlalto Riding a horse onto a bridge he knows Is going to collapse and preclpi tato him into a raging torrent far be- low, is an experience to make many a man hesitate. But It dldn t phase Hoot Gibson In the least In the making of his latest production, "Trimmed,' now showing at tho Rlalto theatre. Jane Novak Tomorrow Smashing drama and big heart Inter est comblno to mako Jane Novak a pic lure, "Colleen of tho Pines," of unus1 unlly strong appeal to all classes of theatregoers. It Is scheduled for show ing at tho Rlalto tomorrow for a four days run. Tho eloment of self-sacrifice on tho part of an older Blstor for the youngor forms tho theme of this un usually poworful tale of, the open spaces of tho northwest. Tho picture has abundant thrills. 26 Women Drowned In Spain tlARCKLONA, Spain. Nov. 28. Twenty-six women and children are believed to have been drowned in tho sinking on Sunday of a local passon ger steamboat which was rammed by a customs boat. Kioven uomos nave been recovered. Cut This Out It Is Worth Money Cut out this slip, enclose with Sc ana nail it to Foley ft Co., 2835 Sheffield Ave., Chicago, 111., writing your name and address clearly. You will receive In return a trial packages containing ftlay'a lloney and Tar Compound tor coughs, colds and croup; Foley Kidney Pills for pains in sides and back; rheu matism, backacho, kldnoy and bladder ailments; and Foley Caihnrtlo Tablets, t wholesome and thoroughly cloanslng cathartic for constipation, biliousness, headaches, and sluggish bowels. Sold jverywlicrfl. f O, m col For winter driving, change to "Red Crown" quick-starting gasoline and stick , to it. "Red Crown" vaporizes rapidly, even at zero temperatures. It is the quickest-starting motor fuel on the market. You'll notice the difference immediately in the increased power and flexibility of your en gine running on Red Crown." It delivers 100 power instantly in the coldest weather. ' Play safe. Fill at the Red Crown sign, at service stations, garages and other dealers. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (California) Zcrolene good cold-test oils flow freely and lubri cate perfectly in zero weather protect the bearings increase the power and flexibility of your engine. enviable reputntion for courteous and efficient service. Equipment of Southern Pnclfic trains 1b modern in ap pointments and contain all the features conducive to com fort and luxury. Observation cars and sleeping cars with soctlons, drawing rooms and compartments facilitate the enjoyment of scenery. They afford privacy, rest, sleep, relaxation, and pleasure. Excellent meals tastily prepared and served in attractive dining cars appeal to tho most fastidious. ' For LOW ItOCXb TRIP FARES, Train Schedules, Sleoplng Cnr Reservations, and beautiful folders, ask railroad ticket agents or write. JOHN M. SCOTT, G. P. A., Portland, Oregon TIME TABLE EFFECTIVE SEPT. 25 MEDFORD-ROSEBURG STAGE DAILI EXCEPT SCNBAT Lt. Medford J: 00 p. m. Lv. Uoseburg 1:00 p. m. . MEDFORD-GRANTS PASS STAGE tl.MLY EXCEPT BCTfDAr Lv. Medford 10:00 a. m.. !: 00 p. m., 5:00 p. m. Lv. Grants Pass 7:30 a. m., 1:00 p. m 6:00 p. m. SUNDAY ONLY Lf. Medford 10:00 a. m.. 4:30 p. m. Lv. Grants Pass 10:00 a. m., 4:30 p. m. Wo connect wltb stages tor Portland, Mafshfleld and Crescent City. INTERURBAN AUTOCAR CO. rhnne 809 umotors Cozy and Comfortable via the Shasta Route - to Sunny Your comfort ia tho first con sideration of Southern Pacific employes who have built up an WSpA , D ROADWAY AT STARK I j f J Portland, Ore. , j . &r . - You Are Assured a Personal 1 ' ' ' I Hospitality and Individual 9 ' f " I Attention :J 111 (QPKK POWER. Red Cross Ball WEDNESDAY, THANKSGIVING EVE., NOV. 29 OPENING The Oriental Ballroom NATATORIUM Management American Legion Admission $1.00 the couple. . No tax j through the combined efforts of a staff, who f j ; after years of training, understand the needs : of the traveling public. i f ( ' MUSIC, DANCING and tho BEST TO EAT I 1 I. ARTHUR H' MEYERS Manaoer I I 0 0