MEDFOttD MATT, TRTTUTXTC, MEDFOTTO OKKfiOy. TUESDAY, -NOVEMBER 28, 1922 .PAflTC Form Mkdford Mail Tribune lt INDK1KNHKNT NKWHPAPRR CHUHtl.U KVKItY AFTKKNOON KXOKPT BUN DAY, BY THE MBDKOKl) PRJNT1NU CO. TS Mf-ford BuotUj Uonilnf Ban ( raroi-hed inWiiftvra -Mlriitf Mttn dy duj Dwpptr. Otflc Mill Trlbunt BuHu, t6-S7-l. North Vir aiiMi. Ftwm 76. . A coaaoltdatton of th Democratic Timiw, tht Hvdard lUtL Ui Mwlford Trib-ti, tbt Soutbtru Oroal.ot Ttit A-hl-ud Tribune. BOBEKT W. RUHL, Editor. BUUl'TKH B. SMITH, IUu-gr. " SUBSCRIPTION TERMSl T MAIL In Adrnc: Dmily, with Bundif Sun, yr $7.60 DUj, wit Sunday Sun, month Tft Dailr, without Bund? Sun, fear 4.60 Dally, without Suudajr Sun, month... .(- Weekly Mall Tribune, one year t.Ott Sundar Sun, one rear t 00 Y OA it H IKK In Bedford. Ashland, Jackson ville, Oulrai Point, Fhuwuia, Ti-bi tad on Blrnwari: Daily with Sunday firm, Aonth S Dally, without bumlay Sun, month 06 Dutlr-f without Sunday Sun, year 7. fro Iteily, with Sunday Sun, one year 6.60 All terma by carrier, cub In idrance. i Official paper of the City of fcledfont. Official paper of Jackson County. Sworn daily average rrrrulatton lor all tnoiithi 'ftdlnar April 1, 1922, SbiS, more than douhie the circulation of any other paper published ot diculaled in Jackaun County. The only pa X r between Eugene. Ore., and ftacrdBitilj, Calif:, a disvuncc of over 500 mile, kaetng l-aed lre AaMoeiated Ireaa Hervtce. i tared as aecwid claa matrei at Bedford Oregon, under the act ol March S, 1879. MRMHKKS OP TIIK ASSOCIATED ntKSH. The Aa-ciWd Vinu lm eiclunlvely entitled to the uae for republication of all newa dlapatrhea credited to It, or not otherwise credited in thie paper, and alao to the local nw published ftereln. All right of republication of special dia patche lirreio are alao reacrved. Ye Smudge Pot y Arthur Porry. ' The only Joy a farmer gets out ot Ufa la to como to town on a winter afternoon, and say to non-producers: Well, It's three o'clock, have you had your break fast yet! LET THE STARS SETTLE IT. The weak chinned maidens In the centers of. population, are shooting down their Kodolph Valentinos with more accuracy than in 1921. It Is Roing to hustle the politicians to maintain the late high state uf hysteria, long enough to elect Henry Ford president. THEY ALL ARE (Roseburg News-Review) A masquerade pie social will bo .' hold at the South Dcor Creek grange hall Friday evening. Every body come. In spite ot all that can be done. Crater Lake manages to maintain Us natural beauty and lnconspiciousness. Amends for the latest snub, will be mado with a rousing poem. Tho road to Jacksonville ought to bo moved out in the timber, whore tho need of fixing it, would bo vital. GOSHI (Oregon City Enterprise) Dr. A. Williams was In Portland last week and met eight friends accidentally during the day and all had been divorced. On his return the doctor delivered a speech In Which he said the downfall of the nation Is sure if the home-life is a failure, and cited tho Jews as be ing stronger than ever, which Is attributed to marriage relation being a success among that people. .Los Angeles has another murder mystery. A young man drank some beanery coffw, and shuffled oft the mortal coil. i'olaoned! In all ot the photos so far of M Clemenccau, tho "Tiger of France," he is in dire neod of a mustncho trim. A LADY TALKS . "l'vo always wauled to collect enough jack, to bo ublo to go to Cali fornia and see my auntie, and have my hair dyed red. I ain't got the nerve to defy nnturo at honw. That rat asleep under the stove, wouldn't make a bad mink fur, if ho was wrecked. I thought he was out of it yesterday. He came in behind a gentleman, who slammed the door shut with a flirt of his hip. Tom was caught on the fen dor, and has been licking his whiskers ever since.. That Montana chap I cuffed nine weeks ago, told mo a lortg norelotto at the dance, about how he knocked down a Swedo girl. In 1903. nnd had to get out of tho Hitter Hoot country, sho thought so much of him. Ho don't rare nothing alxiut himself He's got an oil well In Texas, but the Standard Oil Is too much for him. They enjoinod lil.n. Klsle and her tnickdrlver have been fighting over a year now, and aro beginning to be fond of each other. It would bo to surprise to me. If she had a preacher say something to thn both of them. He's all tho time talking about work falling off. There was a terrible argu ment lu here a while ago. One man said: 'Uivo thy neighbor,' like the lliblo tolls us to:' And the other out said: 'Love. Hell! and let tho state rule tho church. For five cents I'd caro In your mush!" Then he quits reciting Scripture, and trembled and got blue round tho gills, and cussed, until the cook come out with a meat ax, and said: Here, you birds: there's a lady present!' So long!" Helped Hli Back Backache, rheumatic pains, dull ness, and blurred vision are symptom f kidney trouble. "My nushand had m bad bach." writes Mrs. M. McCu "igh, Easlon. Pa. "When he aat dowr be could hardly get up and then he would be drawn over to one tilde. He triad Foley Kidney Pills and they cured him."' Foley Kidney Pills aulck (f relieve kidney ud bladder trouble. Sold everywhere. Adr. tT" HE PLANETARY indications arc for a .steady and active busi- 1TI1E 1 lies ss period in the affairs of man as the new venr advances and much activity is assured real estate transactions and in the pro duets of the earth. It will he known as a year of warm human re lationships and jtreiit spiritual development." Thus spealii-th McDonald 's Farmer Almanac, the prophecies hot been prepared by a "famous astrological forecaster in AYuNhing- lon, U. C." ' It seems Neptune, .Saturn and Mars are responsible for these hnppy auycries. and a child born on March 21, 1U23, will be generous and active with a quick temper and n quick menta'Hty. All of which is nice. It is particularly "nice" at this time to know that the real estate agents are to have a better time of it in the future than in the past, nnd that business in general will thrive. 15ut why stop with business and babies. We humbly suggest that the famous astrologer in 'Washington, D. C, take a trip to the meeting before the Interstate Commerce, commission. There is a great deal of talk going on there, which is absolutely conflicting. It is also expensive. One set of witnesses is certain the S. I'. and C. 1. should be permanently divorced, and another set equally certain that these two railroads should continue in domestic peace and harmony or the industrial heavens will fall in. What do the celestial luminaries have to say on this absorbing sub ject. They may not know more about the future than aforesaid wit nesses but' they certainly could not know less. Let tho stars settle it. From the evidence presented we don't see how the I. C. C. can. Quill Points A cultured man is one who has a lol of information that isn't worth anything to him. A republic is a place where every few years they give citizens a new set of rulers to cuss. Fable: Once there was a garage mechanic who had too much sense to use pliars on a nut. The new govenment in Italy has one political advantage. Hlaek shirts don't show dirt. A man makes a much more satisfactory guest. He never looks about the ceiling for cobwebs. A score of years or so ago, St. Jacob'sj Oil was the beBt advertised and best selling medicine of its kind on the market. Its proprietor died, and th administrator of tho estuto viewed the enormous expenditure for udver thmik as waste, and proceeded to rut it in half the first year. Sales crn tinued, in nearly the same volume, being curried on by tho demur-d created by provlous advertising, so the new manager thought ho would S'lvo still more by cutting out adver tising altogether. He did', and in two yetin the concern was bankrupt. For over a century Pears' soap had a sale almost world wide. It adver tised persistently and constantly, and was probably the widest known Eng lish product, as well as one of the best soaps made. During the war. money hitherto spent In advertising, was diverted to tho purchase of war bonds nnd war dotiatious, very wor thy purposes. But- tho soap sales steadily diminished ond last year t:'e advertising was resumed on an enor mous sralo, millions being spent I'l a desperate effort to recover busi tesj lost through neglect of advertising. They had taen the engine off, the train was slowing down. WYIgley's simile is a good one. Ad vertising Is the locomotive of busi ness. Some do not know how to run the engine and waste steam nnd do not get results commensurate with cost nnd then disconnect the engine instead ot learning-how to drive It. Some figure that a stick of wood a day is enough to keep, ths steam up and are surprised because the train doesn't move faster. Some however keep at it constantly, the steeper the business hill to bo climbed, tho more tho advertising expenditure, and the3c aro the ones with steadily grow ing business. Many others figuro that business docs not need advertising but will grow without It but it will not, any more than a train will haul tself without a locomotive Salem Capital Journal. COMMUNICATIONS Still, the gnashing of teeth hereafter won't be any novelty for the great American gttm-chewcr. lie isn't wholly satisfactory ns a husband unless he gives her fre quent opportunity to feel abused. "When Kemal points a gun, the allies must choose between sticking together and sticking 'em up. ' It isn't so very difficult to get into a union suit if you have some talcum powder and a shoe hoi'n. ' - . " ' ' f " V-i Some of tho big guns were silenced on that November 11, but others at ouco began work on their memoirs. Walking is cheaper, of course, but it's worth the difference to be in the taxieab instead of under it. Well, weather is about the only thing you can talk about without running foul of some listener's prejudices. Two iamilies can't live- in peace in one house not because the families aro too large, but because people are too small. This age will be remembered by the altitudes reached by the flyers and the platitudes spoken by statesmen. Correct this sentence:. "The plates were not hot, sir," said the waiter, "and this rtp is too largo." Merely finding the guilty won't discourage crime; the important thing is to find them guilty. , Why Advertising Means Profits Wni. Wrlgley, the chewing gum manufacturer, when recently asked why he continued to spend millions every year to advertise his gum. when his past expenditures had creat ed a splendid demand, and a steady sale, replied' "If I were to stop ad vertising. It would be just like taking tho englno off a train. It would slow down and stop after a while- Adver tising is the locomotive of business and I fyou don't keep It up business will stop." This has been proven many tim. RippIingRhumas . m xl ( - fy We4tMaJon GIVING. IF ANY MAN is in a pickle, nnd comes tomefor aid. I'll gladly hand him out a nickel, and feed him marmalade. I look nrouml each day for chances to give away a buck: I would im prove the circumstances of all men out of luck. Is there a widow sorely weeping beneath a sullen sky? I call on her and in her keeping 1 leave a wholesome pie. Is there a crippled man be wailing his long lost golden prime? To his cheap door you see me sailing, to slake him with n dime. 1 like to look for the af flicted and then relieve their woe, and feel, as moralists predicted, my moral stature grow. Hut when men say to me, "Oh brother, be wise and circumspect ! You ought to give to which and t'other, just as we shall direct." I straightway draw my purse-strings closer, and say, "Ods whiskerinew! I need my coin to pay the grocer foV riee and striugless beans." Let me alone, hihI I be shrew me. will help folks while I live, but when you bring blue prints to me, and tell me where to give. I lock up strong box, purse and larder, my face grows long and glum, I lose at once all e:.l and ardor, a tishtwad I become. A Pioneer Reminiscence To the Editor: "She files with her own wings. This is Oregon s motto and for over seventy years how grand ly has she soared aloft, the pride of we descendants of the pioneers. Hut now, her wings broken, her glory dimmed, how can she ever hope to fly above the black cloilds of bigotry and Ignorance that encompass her. As I look down over this beautiful valley from my homo on the hillside, my thoughts go back to the days so long ago wheu our pioneer mothers nnd fathers looked down from the doors of their lonely cabins on this same beautiful valley while the smoke from the Indian ;mp" fires drifteJ Into the sky. j ' ; ! t j I think of the TftifcMs so Ions ago when the Indian euwa) fires blazed on the hilltops and the htipneers watched in their darkened dibiiiB. their trusty rifles loaded and rejady, for the coming of the stealthy foe. Now all is changed, the sons and daughters of the pioneer fathers and mothers wait In their beautiful homes, with their trusty rifles loaded and ready, not for the coming of the Indian warriors but for the masked and sheet ed hordes of their own countrymen. And there are people in the Rogue River valley today who talk of "progress." But there is this to be ssld in behalf of Chief John, the great war chief of tho Rogue Rivers, and his red-skinned warriors, when they prepared them selves for a raid on tho white settlers, they decked their flowing locks with eagles feathers and smeared their faces with paint but they never wore 1111 fl sit 8 ALICE APPI.EGATE SARGENT. Jacksonville, Nov.2-t. NEW YORK. Nov. 28. War on the Ku Klux Klan by New York police until the last klansman has ' been driven from the city has been ordered by Mayor John F. Hylan. ' Despite the order, rece;ea by Police Commissioner Enright in a telegram from French Lick Springs and : com municated to various branches of the force here, public headquarters of the Ku Klux Klan were opened at the Hotel Hermitage. , - Mayor Hylan's letter, In part, fol lows: "The dispatches from New York this morning Indicate that the Ku Klux Klan Is getting busy In our city. It this is so, I desire you to treat this group of racial and religious haters a-i you would the reds and bomb throw ers. Drive them out of our city as rapidly as you discover them. Assign your moBt expert detectives to this work, and as you secure the names ct any or the organizers or members of this secret organization be sure that! their names are given to the press 83 that the citizens of our city may know who are supporting this .vicious and destructive secret society. It is unfor tunate that the federal government did not take a more firm position in this matter when the governor of Louisi ana appealed to his excellency, Presi dent Harding, for federal action." CROUP (SPASMODIC) TONIGHT! Whet if your baby has the dreaded spasmodic croup tonight? -- Are you prepared? Is there a bottle of Bin: Bronchi-Lyptus ready, - ready to clear away the strangling membrane soothe the racked throat bring safe, natural sleep? JSEfe. Don't let the night ", . jjg find you without BIMNCHI-LYPTIIS J- l nnrvmmpnn IT I TRY YOUR DRUGGIST FIRST Bill Introduced to Change Election Law WASHINGTON. -Nov. S. l The present practice under which sena tors and representatives continue to sit in congress for Tour months after they have been defeated for re-election would he abandoned under an amendment to the constitution re ported today by the' senate agricul ture committee. l!y unanimous vote the committee decided to bring into the senate a resolution providing for such an amendment, which would require that a new congress take office immedi ately after it had been selected in- stend of in the Mireh fotlowtnc. FRENCH LICK, Ind., Nov. 2S Treat the Ku Klux Klan as you would a dis orderly house or a bunch of croDks, .Mayor John F. Hylan of New York wired Police Commissioner Enright in his second telegram of a war against tho invisible empire. "We propose to protect the people," Hylan said. "I'm going to see to it that the klan is regarded as a disor derly house or like any other bunch of crooks or strongarm gan?- We have certain methods to apply to such places, so that if anyone disappears or is murdered we know exactly when; to look. "There is no state law aimed direct ly at the klan, but there is a conspir acy law which forbids a conspiracy to foment trouble or to plan murder." NEW YOItK. Nov. 2S. The Rev. Oscar Haywood, kolcard of New York, today defied Mayor Hylan and an nounced that the Ku Klux Klan will -niakc New York its greatest strong hold." The organizer answered the may or's order to police to treat the klan as they would "'disorderly 'houses nnd gangsters" with the announcement that E. p. Smith. Buffalo, grand dragon for the state, would como here to help in forming chapters. Simultaneously, tho klan became a storm center in New Y'ork. While rabbis, officials and others denounc ed It. some ministers defended the organization from the pulpit in Sun day services. Haywood, in an Interview answer ing critics, declared that the klan. standing against birth control, femi nism and for the prohibition law in America, would .eventually become wor!fl-wiflo. Say "Bayer" and Insist! 1'nJros you the iramo "Bayer" on package or on tablets rem are not get ting tho genuine Bayer product pre scribed bv physicians" over twenty-two year and proved safe by million's for ColJs Headache Toothache Lumbago Karacbe Rheumatism Neuralgia Pain, Pain Accept MBaycr Tablets of Aspirin' only. Kach unbroken package contain Proper directions. Handy boxes of twelve tablets cost few cents. Drug pisbft aim sell bottles of 24 and 100. Aspirin in the trade mark of Bayer Manufacture of Monoacoticacidester of SulicvlicacU. 4 ', ,. Find out for yourself hbwgooaitte J. A. FOLGER BC CO. -' : ' San Francisco Kansas City Dallas ; - Shksoka,Japan 'TeUyotir grocer you want it SAME PRICE over 30 years f BAKING W POWDER SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR MONEY REFUNDED Our equipment as s u r e s thorough work uo wear promptness. Try us. MSI NvE ARE Nof' UNLESS SATISFIED YOU ARC ' BIG ALL-STAR BOXING CARD N AT -TONIGHT S:30P.M. JOHNNY, KID CARLSON vs. TULSEY ' 8 Rounds 130 lbs., Ringside ' BATTLING KID FRICK vs. MEADOWS .. . 6 Rounds J0E BURNIE WALTERS vs. BURNETT Another Good Preliminary. Prices:.. Ringside $2.20; Reserved $1.65; General Admission $1.10. Tickets at Irvine's Cigar Store, Ashland; Bower Drug Store, Gold Hill, and Brown & UrownVMed-ford. i Mil