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About Medford mail tribune. (Medford, Or.) 1909-1989 | View Entire Issue (Nov. 27, 1922)
MTCPyOKD MATT TRTBTTNTC, MKD-FOTtTTi, OT?FiONT, MONTAV, YAT,Mr;T!Ti 27. 1922 VIOLENT QUAKE NEAR ST. LOUIS CHIMNEYS FALL ST. LOUIS, Nov. 27. (By Associat ed Press). Considerable property daruiiKB was caused by earth tremors o( moderate Intensity In eastern Mis Bpurl, southern Illinois, western Indi ana and northwestern Kentucky last night, according to reports reaching hpre today. The tremors shook build ings and homes, toppled chimneys ffom residences, broke windows. Knocked chlnaware from shelves and frjKhtonod residents In parts of the tour states, reports state. J Bvansvllle and Mattoon, East St. Ixniia, Benton, Clinton and Eldorado, 1llnols and points in the northwestern vkrt of Kentucky reported fooling the tremors about 9:J0 o'clock. The tre mors also were noticeablo In St. Louis. s-Attendants at the selsmographlcal observatory at St. Louis university de clared the tremors' wore recorded as centering southeast of this city and lastod ten minutes. ONE DAY WIFE JILTED (Continued from Page One) city today and vlBltod County Attorney j hor own crippled child, Robert In the A. B. Hoover to Inquire ub to tho;crlb. The trial of Mrs. Kathorine etatus of hor marrlago with Hash. She ; . . (h mrH. n, w h0,,nrt told the county attorney that she ex pected Mr. - Ionian would come here this afternoon. . :i - C anttTtr nr!n Iml Vnv 01 Inhn , If, iioruan, lormer university ui nuuu Dame professor this afternoon declar ed that Mrs. Tiornan had agreed to a complete reconciliation and bo wouiu withdraw his suit for divorce In tbo superior court. The decision, ho an nounced, camo after a careful consid eration of the, case which began Sun day afternoon and did not end until alter two o'clock this afternoon. : Mrs. Tlernan was present when the statement was made. The Tiernans declared a proposed trip to Chicago was off. Mrs. Tlernan had declared nho wished to see Mrs. Blanche Brim rrter, the professor's "bride of a day,' and had proposed the trip to Chicago for the purposo of meeting her. f , . - j Body of Woman Found. $ TACOM A, Nov. 27. The body of a oman found In the woods near here has been IdPntmccl ns Mat or iian W'llHon, 67, a former lnmnlu of tJioWenlorn WnslilnKton hospital at tSnrt BtPllncoom, Coroner Shaver :in- rioiineed' today. The womnn dimp flrarcd from the liospltnl Heptember r,Cut Thlg Out It Is Worth Money Ndit out this slip, enclose with 6c ana i'inll It to 'Foley & Co.. 2835 Sheffield A5e., Chicago, 111., writing your name aid address clearly. You will receive I return a trial packages containing ftileVs Honey and Tar Compound for roughs, colds and croup; Foley Kidney Pills tor pains In sides aud back; rheu matism; backache, kidney and bladder njlments; and Foley Cathartic Tablets, n( wholesome and thoroughly cleansing cathartic for constipation, biliousness, Headaches, and sluggish bowels. Bold frywher. Adv. ' CURSE Oil KLICSSING, WHICH? lie (hat wilhlinldt'tli earn, tho people tliull curse him; but blessing shall ' lx upon the head of him Unit sellcth It. Proverb 11 : 2(1. Now Playing! HOOT GIBSON in the Collier's Weekly Story by Hapsburg Liebe "TRIMMED" Action! Romance! v Thrills! Love! Politics! Smile ! ''Also' "THE EDUCATOR" : A Knockout Comedy . Coming Wednesday JANE NOVAK COLLEEN OF THE PINES' R I ALTO Mrs. Rosier's Mother Takes Charge of Children as Trial Opens in Philadelphia 1 wm$m v tea Mrs. Sue Reld, mother of Mrs. Ho sier, with her two grand-children and I -" ..... Oscar Rosier, nationally famous adver ALL READY FOR GONG AT THE NAT UNO RROWP.ML Tomorrow night the stage will be ect for oho of tho season's host box ing smokers at tho Natatorlum. Kid Tulsey, San Francisco fighter. Is now In Medford preparing for his eight round main event with Fighting Johnny Carlson. This fight promises to be a corkor. Both Tulsey and Carlson aro In flno shapo, both are clever fighters and hard hitters which makca It difficult to predict tho outcome of their mix. i Three good preliminaries will In troduce ' the Tulsey-Carlson main event, As a semi-wlndup Battling Frlck and Kid Meadowa will scrap for six rounds. Frlck won a decision over Joe "Walters at Ashland Satur- ' day night In ono of tha best shows seen thore for many dayn. Meadows Is a good fighter and will give Frlck a hard run for his money. Joe Wal ters and Burnlo Burnett of Ashland will supply the special event of four rounds. Both Waltor and Burnett hnvo fought hero boforo and their ability Is a known quantity among southern Oregon fans. A good cur tain ralBar will wind up the program for Tuesday night, It Is tho belief of Martin Bowers, who is promoting TuoBday's program that tho card! for that night Is one of the best prepared this year In southern Oregon.' ; NEGRO DEFENDS PREMIER (Continued from page one.) gallery and lod the offender away, It was suggested by Sonntor Roed, republican, Pennsylvania, that Senntor Hoflln might bo grntiricd to know that the man was a wounded aoldlor who had served his country. "I don't care how mnny uniforms ho had on," Sonator Hoflln replied. "He was not romoved until I demanded It Wounded soldier or what not, he's got no btiBlnoBB to get up and Interrupt a senator. I protest against this dls crimination against tho white raco for a negro." ' No charge waB lodged against tho negro and some tlmo later bolng taken from tho gallery he returned and tak ing a seat on an aisle row in view from Sonntor Hetllu's place, remained through the sonnto proceedings on the Ltberlnn loan bill. Clomoiiconii to (3o lllglit On. ABOARD CLKMKNl'KAU'8 I'RI VATB. CAR, UN KOUTK TO CHI CAOO. Nov. 27. (Uy the Associated 1'rcKH) Derii in a campaign for France that already Iiuh brought nt tiu'ka by Democrat an well aa repub licans on tho senate floor and criti cism from tho British government, George Clomonceau today declared ho would apeak his pieee out In his own way, no matter whom ho of fended. Tbo Kronen premier of war days. It was learned today, lias received dozens of telegrams from friends and well wishers of France, urging him to tono down his remnrka so that they will not offend the portion of the nation he came to win. The telegram urged him to "say thingn that Ameri ca wants to hear and bo expedient." "I did not come here to bo expe dient," Clomenceau declared when he received this meKHuge. "I came to tell the truth. I did not come to say pleasant thlnKtf, hut to nay the things that would bt of value, In my Judg ment, to help preserve the peare of tho world. ,.' "1 have never been a compromiser. Now that I have one foot In the Rrave leaHt of nil will I make a sacrifice to be expedient. I don't want a buccchh of expediency." HexlOea the telegrams Clcmenceau hna had portiona! suggestions from men of Importance as tn how he should conduct himself lit hi tank tising agent and his stenographer, Mil dred Reckitt has opened. Mr. Rosier and his young and beautiful employo were shot to death as they were in his office together last January. Mrs, Rosier will plead the "unwritten law" in her defense. of socking Amorlcan co-oporatlon in Old World difficulties. , To one who suggested a plan to him In New York yesterday Just bp fore ho left for Chlcngo where ho is to speak Tuesday, the tiger replied, clapping mm on tho bnck: "That Is a good mission for you. 1 may bo wrong but I must deliver my message in my own way, no mat ter who dlxlikcs it." It was learned today that Clemen coau was considering some chnngea In bis itinerary. One place he is'-'on Bidering adding Is the-mining town of Clcmenceau, Arizona. Mining men of that town have be- fiioged him with pleas to come, offer ing to donate the proceeds of the run of the copper minos for the day of his visit to any charity he names. The sum realized would be about $28,000 he was advised. i "I should like to go there," hr said. But he is still undecided. KANSAS CITY i3lL 18 MU8ICAL "FIND" OF SEASON IN NEW YORK NEW YORK (By I. N. S.) Marion Talley, lB-year-old daughter of a Mis souri railway telegrapher of Kansas City, was declared tho musical "find of yoars, when she appeared boforo Gatti-Casazza, of tho Metropolitan Opora company, here ocently for a try-out. A largo sum of money hna been rnlsod by Kansas City folks to provide for hor musical education abroad. Marion's musical career began as a singer in a cnurcii choir. She was soon "discovered" In her own com munity and tho conviction of her frlonds that her sweet soprano voice was of unusual range and maturity for ono so young was confirmed by tho New York experts. Sho was advised to be extremely careful not to appear in concert work or elsewhere within tho next throe years, ao as not to put an extraordinary Btratn on her vocal cords. SALE OF BASKETS Tuesday and Wednesday All Our Philippine, Chinese and Japanese Baskets OFF This ineliuios tho painted, deco ra td ninl plain stock, garden liiKiki'ta, shopping, trays, vases, sewinn, darning, office trays, waste baskets. Tuesday and Wednesday Only Medford Book Store 34 North Central Ave. ;;f m IE- ARE SELECTED Officials for the Aabland-Medford Thunksglvlng day gamu which will tako place on tho Ashland high school athletic field nt 2:00 p. m. Thursday, hnvo ut last been obtained from Cali fornia by Principal Forsytho u the Ashland high school. Tho officials named for tho biggest contest of the year In this section of the state are: Referee, nil! Brian, Willamette University grnd; umpire, W. W. Green, Missouri, vice-principal of Oakland, C'nlif., technical high school; head lineman, II. K. Newson, University of Southern California, faculty mombor, Totter high school, San Francisco. It is predicted by n number of Mod ford followers of tho game that these officials will not bo as lenient with violations and will make both huIoh play tho gamo squnroly and according to rule. It is reported that the Ashland foot ball squad is undergoing severe pn-p- nrntion for the con'.ost and that lec tures on football nro given whil.i the nftcrnoon is utilized for actual prac tice and that this program ha.i been in effect for more than a week All indications ore that Ashland h.iB tnken on a grim determination to win and that the determination lias pro duced confldenco since tho Armistice day itame. j All Medford citizens who plan to drive their cars to Ashland and who I hnvo room for one or more passen gers, aro requested to telephone the high school building and signify their willingness to take member of the student body to Ashland Thursdiy nt ono o'clock or shortly thereafter. Tickets were put on sale this noon nt Crnwsons Tho Medford sound under Coa-vn Durno, nro in strict training and will be prepnred to meet the Ashland prlclsters with a snltit of unbeatable fight when tho whistle blows Thurs day afternoon. Itallioad WtvtD in JJIssoTlrJ. KIRKSVILLE, Mo., Nov. 27. Sev eral passengers were reported Injur ed when Wabash southbound passen ger train No. 20, was wrecked today one mile south of LaPlata. Three coaches, Including a St. Louis sleeper, went into the ditch according to the report. ' Speed Fiend 'ftela 10 Wars. SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 27. Wil liam McAlney was sentenced to nn in termediate term cjf from -10 to 15 years in San Quentin prison today after having pleaded guilty to man slaughter in running down and kill ing Mrs. Mary A. fturke, with an au tomobile. Oregon Unslnoss Growing.' SAI.EM, Ore'., Nov. 27. A LEARN TO DANCE Holiday, dnnren aro coming. Can you dance?'' If not lenrn at MRS. RLAXCHK CROSHOX'S DAXCINtl SCHOOL 210 K. Main WATCH YOUR BATTERY PREST-O-LITE BATTEKV STATION For Quick Service Fuone 110 H. W. CONGER UNDERTAKER Successor to Woeks-ConRcr Co, Vertrnnl. Ore. Representative Medford JarirossJIrms Mason, Ehrman & Go. Tobacco Cig'ars Cigarettes, Etc. Medford, Klamath Falls, Eugene, Portland, Astoria, Seattle, Spokane, Iwteteti Medford Iron Works GENERAL FOUNDRY and MACHINE SHOP MANUFACTURERS OF QUARTZ MILLS EADS TRANSFER & STORAGE CO. Phone 315 PHONE 75 for First-Class JOB PRINTING BOSTON STIRRED BY ALLEGED "BOOZE PARTY" BEATING it-" ' Mra. John A. Mclntyre, who wlih her husband and two others, has been summoned to appear before Judge Charles M. Bruce, of the Mai den, Mass., district court, to answer charges of nn alleged assault on Mrs.! .Mary O. Itnbb, during n drinking pnrty. Mrs. Rnbb, bringing the charges against Mrs. Mclntyre und j her party, alleged that tho assault i upon her occurred because she knew' ton much nlimif thn miiTvln,. pnnnntlu 1 of Patrolman J. 'A, Preston. gain of C72 Industrial plants in Ore gon for tho biennium ending Septem ber 30. is shown in tho report of C. CI. Gram, state labor commissioner. Tho number of plants on September 30, last, was 3725 against 20.15 two years ngo on the same date. CTginSo in Post Office HoOrA : Effectlvo December ist the money order window ut tho main post office will be open at 9:00 a. m. aud close at 5 p. m. No change In hours at station No. 1, 8 a. m. until G p. m. See our TKanl It ill pay you to visit this new stere. Medford Center Jewelry Shop Medford Center Building, N. Central Ave. Don't forget the Vilmo and Harmony Flour STRICTLY GUARANTEED. Ask your dealer for one of these brands. ROGUE VALLEY MILLING CO. BE A BOOSTER FOR HOME When purchasing any kind of products or havink any kind of work done, always insist on having home products or using home labor. ADVANCE AGAIN SAX FflA.NCISCO, Nov. 27. Iioth cane and beet sugar will go up fifteen cents per hundred pounds at the op ening of business tomorrow morn ing according to announcements by the California-Hawaiian refinery, the Western refinery and the Spreckles Sugar company. The new price for cane will be $7.65 per hundred pounds and for beet $7.45. NEW YORK, Nov. 27. The Tenn splvania Sugar Refining company to day advanced the price of refined sugar from $7.10 to 7.20 cents a pound, a new high record foe the year. 24 I.lvPs Lost in Collision. riUENOH AIRKS, Nov. 27. (Uy tho Associated IJress) Thirty-four lives were lost in a collision Sunday morning between a launch and a fer ryboat In tho Parana river near 2a rate, nortlywest of Iluenns Aires. " Do It Now! tie Sum Lhd et8 CDtI2l$r&AS ARWS a& on dbrkty ; &oA Sxsm'b yet laslisve ekzcb ft) fe 9 sscd k&a to uaa-ba yaem ssleratian nxvo o as to tea Q,hbo to cccsai i&mm enfi Iks tfv&g&n ticcrjoe.? SPECIM. 109 Ksgiving- pii We have a fedg Hhb aka latest in Silvevtf atfe for ThaRstgivia in COMMUNITY and ROGERS BROTHERS 1847 PATTERNS line of Carving Sato sob right nricas. Christmas Opening in Medford, o Automobile Spfiags Merriman's Blacksmith Shop THOMAS T. MERR1MAN, Proprietor. 20 South Riverside . CURED In 6 to 14 Days All Druggists are authorized to refund money if PAZO OINT MENT fails to cure any case of ITCHING, BLIND. BLEEDING or PROTRUDING PILES. Cure ordinary cases in 6 days, the wnrat rases In 14 days. PAZO OINTMENT Instantly Re- lieves ITCHINli ru-to ana you can get restful sleep after the Hist application, ouu. CANVAS by the yapfl. Tent & AtfR'tRS WR- Opposite A. I', Ibipttf) -&3 miS YEAB S. UaiR Friday, Dec. 1st. We Gttaranteo cao erk at all times) Experts in Cleanmgt ewxf Dyeing Phone 279-J Veterinary Hospital AND Sale Stable DR. G. A. GITZEN 111 N. Fir St. Phone 551