vxcm FOUR MEDFOItD MA'Ifl TRinPNl, MET)FORn OREriOX, SATURDAY, XOVEMTiKR Medfoed Mail tribune AN INDKCBNDCMT NEWPPAPKR HBUHUXU EVliKY A PTE It NOON KXOKPT . bu.M'AV, ui inn MEUrOHU PKINT1NU 00. Tlw Med ford Sunday Morning Sun 1 tumlihed MMHriMrt dwriDK lem aay tuny nwiapr. OfflM M)l Tribune BuUdiDf. StVS7S9 Kortb ru atreei. . raoa yo. A molidtlon of the Democratic T1ma, the II ?d ford Mkil, tli Mfdlord Tritmu, th Buutlieui OrtgoniAD, llit AitblitiMj Tribune. ROBF.HT W. HVlih, Editor. BUM STUB 8. tJMlTll, MMiugflr. SUBSCRIPTION TERMSl nr MAIL In Advance: Daily, with Sunday Hun, year $7.60 Daily, with Sunday Sun, mootli 75 Dally, without Sunduy Bun, year 0.60 Daily, without Bunday Sun, mouth ti Weekly Mail Tribune, one year.. t.00 Sunday Bun, one year..... t 00 HY CABR1ER In Med ford, A inland, Jackson- . Tille, Central Point. 1'hoenlx, Talent and on uignwaye: Dally with Sunday Sua, month. . . ... .76 Dally, without Sunday Hun, month..,. .66 Dally, without Sunday Sun, year 7.60 Dally, with Sunday Bun, one year 8.60 AU terms by currier, cash ui adfanc. Official paper of the City of MedfonL Official paper of Jackson County. . Sworn dally average crroulation lor tlx months enaine April i, ivz, oitza, more uian aounie tne circulation oi any ouier paper puuiunea oi eueuiaiea in jickhoii voiiiuy. The only paper bet-ween Eugene, Ore., and Bacramento, Calif., a ilUtnncc of ovor 600 miles, oaring ieaea wire abbociuiou rreue Hernce. Entered ri second clan matte! at Medford Oregon, under the act of March 8, 1H79, MKUBEKH OF THE ASSOCIATED PREHfl. - The Associated Prest la eicluaively entitled to tht uae for republication of all new dispatches credited to It, or not otherwise credited in this paper, ana aieo to uie local &twi published tin In. All rights of republication of special djs- paicnes nerein are aino reaerveo Ye Smudge Pot By Arthur P.rry. . A high school uoy at Sulom kissed a high school girl in tho hull, and was caught at It. Tho parents of tho boy are prominent, and the girl has none. So the principal expelled the girl for a week, and forgot to administer the same punishment to Romeo. Tims was Justice done, to a dull brown finish. Now and then newspaiiers acciden tally tell the truth. For instance, tho Klamath Falls Herald editorially says: "Man is the only animal that can be skinned more than once." NON-REPRESENTATIVE GOVERNMENT. TJ Xd'LAXD hud nil flection the other day. Tho people decided J they wanted u Coiixvrvutive tfoveriimoiit."' Tliht Conservative government is now on the job. The United States had an election the other day. The people de cided they wanted n chance. They didn't get it. The same represen tatives are on the job today, and will bo on the job, deciding the poli cies of the various states and the country .until their successors are sworn in. , Here is nn obvious weakness in tho American political method. There is no good reason why office holders whom the people don't want, should remain in office a day after tho people have formally announced they are not wanted. The weakness is not necessarily a serious ono.' Hut the highest ef ficiency will -uover be attained in any representative government until, n government that doesn't represent the people is automatically deprived of power, when that fact is known. i ! ... THE UNCONQUERABLE SPIRIT, WHEN John Quincy Adams was 80 yenrs old, he met in the streets of Boston an old friend, who shook his trembling hand and said: "Good morning, and how is John Quincy Adams today?" "Thank you," replied the former prc.sidntH"John Quincy Adams himself is well, quite well, I thank you, but tho house in which he lives at present is becoming dilapidated. It is tottering upon its foundation. Time and the seasons have nearly destroyed it. It's roof is pretty well worn out. It's walls are much shuttered, and it trembles with every wind. Tho old tenement is becoming almost un inhabitable, and I think John Quincy Adams will have to. move out. of it soon. Hut he himself, is quite well, thank you." Quill Points Another reason why Siki should bo burred is that he hits too darned hard. A Western bride is named Iona Mann, and we like tho charming frankness in her name. ' Correct this sentence: "The wife confessod her indiscretions to him and he forgave her." .'! WIDER! PLEASE! y. (Jacksonville Post) Jacksonville now has a first class doctor. We also need a first class dentist Perhaps there is pot a bettor opening in the United States for a good dentist than right here.. But don't all rush in , at once. The ancient practice of dropping pants buttoiiB in the collection box is on the docroaso, ono can loarn from the. Christian Register, nnd optimistic ally takes It as a.hopoful sign, instead or a further tightening. , f,-- A movement, bus been launched to keep the next session of the legisln tare' from fiddling nwny the entire session on tho snored Roguo River fish bill. . , ' Going without a corset has done some figures renl harm. You see that harm in uhroinnntlc bumps where flowing curves should bo. (Ad Marsh field NewB). No worse than a senti mental wrinkle on the neck. ;. TRY 8 EARS-ROEBUCK (AJo, Ariz., News) "' 'I want a cow-hand who knowB cows, not under 35 yenrs old nor over BO.' Ono who smokes, drinks, swears, tolls the truth and hates sheep herders. W. W H. the Three B. Hnnch, Largo Canyon, P. O. Aztoe, N. W." (Sub. by EPO.) 'Btops liavo been tnken to halt the deluge of liquor coming into this coun try from Canada, and, it the author ities don't watch out, Bomothlng will actually bo accpmpllshed towards establishing Prohibition. It would be more effective to nab a truckloud of hootch on tho boundary lino, than to confiscate a tub full of corn mash In tho foothills. Hut as long as a great moral Issue Is mixed up in politics, tho inconsequential will be tho objective. This is tho age of memoirs und naughty novels. The next logical step is naughty memoirs. Life is usually that way, and the postage-due letter is seldom worth the extra two cents. Modern art has its little faults, but is hasn't yet given us a can vas entitled "Madonna with a Cigarette." Some peoples seem to be getting along nicely and others have somebody's moral support. Ford urges people to spend their money freely. ' Stive; what is n mere million to fellows like us? . ' Lunacy may not Ibo a cause for divorce, but at times wo suspect that it is a eauso for matrimony. , ' So live that it will rlevcr be necessary to whine about the way jour friends are failing to stand by you. . ' ' Fable: Oiino a man left his car in a repair shop for a week, ami tho gasoline didn't evaporate from his tank. Chic month, from today you must pretend to like tho fancy little dudad Daughter is making to hang your ties on. Tho reason a man doesn't blush easily is because Iiis Adam's apple registers emotion instead. ' ; Now that tho flapper nnd jazz arc disappearing, wc can resume tho practice of blaming adenoids for everything. Some warm-water fish arc appoaring in tho north seas; but other poor fish are gathering at the winter hotels as usual. Mr. M. M. Crawford hns a crow or m.en helping him halo hay this week. Ho says his little baby daughter, bom November 5, is tho finest girl ovor. (Siskiyou News). Clotting orf the sub ject. . ... - , , It's gottlng along towards tho time ol the year whoa housewives find gold nuggets In the crnws of turkeys. DOUBTFUL, BUT CAREFUL (Montague, Cal News) Mine host, Chns, Simon, proprie tor of the Montague hotel wont to ' Ashland ono day. lust .week.. Ho "States he had a scookum time, and as I have known tlui . gontlemau . for years I would not dure today to question tho statement. If tho now gov. has to appoint a now VK senator, It will hustle him to rind one the equal' of Hub fltnnflcld, who has been us useful us tho street car track on tho Main Stem, K. ..Cut This Out It Is Worth Money Cutout this slip, enclose with Sc ana snail It to Fulcy & Co., 2S35 Shetfield Ave., Chicago, III., writing your name and address clearly. You will rocclve In return a trial packages Containing Foley's Honey and Tar Compound for coughs, colds nnd croup; Foley Kidney PUIs for palus In sldos nnd back; rhou matism, backache, kidney and bladder ailments: and Foley Cathartic Tablets. ' a wholesome nnd thoroushly-elennslug cathartic for constipation, blliousnoss, headaches, and sluggish bowels. Sold tvorywhora. i Adv. When the driver holds out ono hand, that lncans'lic is going to turn; when ho holds out ono hand while holding his giirl's hand, that means ho is going to turn over. One of the most Important business cli'alu mnrie in this city during the last wook was tho transaction in which Mr. Joe Hnnwel sold his con fectionary stare, which be established lust year, to Mr. Kills Clark, who took cbarso last Monday. Tho Cosmo Players presented nn onttirtulnmciit tn the Central Hall Halurday eventiiK before a small, but appreciative audience. A dance was to bo Riven after the show, but was postponed till their return engage ment In the near future. A bui'Klar alarm was Installed at the local bank as a precaution of what might happen and now the de positors can feel moru safe regarding their funds. Mrs. William Thompson, who was taken to the Sacred Heart hospital at Medford, to be treated for .a Hevero case of pneumonia, is now Improving. Tito local high school is planning to prenenl. a play at the Central Hall some time In Ueeember, tn order to replenish the school funds. Mra. Mary 1'ilce returned to her home here last week from Venice Island. .'allrnn-':i, where shn visited her daughter. Mrs. Iteswle dill, who formerly resided In this city. Mr. Jeo lloxwell returned from Hniiil.i.ink, Culifnrnla where he spent two days on lmtilneHs. Mrs. Jim Itoss returned from a hos pluil in Medford Inst week a proud mother of n baby girl. Denn liobhliiK, head of tho school of busli-eHH administration or the I'nlvcwity of Oregon, nddressrd the high w.'honl students, Thursday. 111k talk wns very Interesting and worth while. Ho explained the purpose of the school n( buslnrse ndmlnlxtrutli-n nnd the collene entrance rci-ulrc-lliunts. Tills uUillvxa was secured through tho courtesy of tho Medford Chamber of Commerce) nnd Its secre tary, Mr. Gluen Froba.'h. 1 Tho many friends ot'Miss Hnrrict Lester, former teacher 'in the Central Point schools, will bo ixleasodito hear of her marriage to Stlunley Lydlnrd on November 16th. Thct happy couple left Immediately after (the ceremony tor California where tlicy will spend their honeymoon. Thelrj mnny friends wish them n long nnd linppy married life. Mr. J. 11. Holmes arrived in this uity Tuesday from ltoeil sport, Oregon where ho has been holding the posi tion of telegraph operntior, to visit his mother nnd then he wl return home to finish bis visit. i Mr. and Mrs. fiola 'I hoinpson left this city, Sunday morning for Weed In their Chevrolet rondj ter. They will be greatly missed by their friends and neighbors., They Ihnvo resided here for about a year during which time they made very mny friends. Tho boya of this vicinity during their spare moments, hi vo boen play ing football. Mr. Hoy "Weaver la the leader of one team thiat challenged any and nil comers nnl so far they have been holding tlu4ir own. On Saturday afternoons t ie big games occur which .attract quite n few spec tators, j Miss Violet Scott, nopular high school student Is now r Vulng up after a severe case of nervoi4.-i prostration, at the homo of her nontt In Medford. She will soon return 1 to tills city, much to the Joy of her classmates and friends. i Mr. Dave Hlcken. who- has been nn employe of the goveruiment during the pant summer, rctuitied to his Clonic here Inst week. ' Mr. Krnest Harris, Camron Moore nnd Tom llu Schnnk""-f Mod ford were visitors In Central Pol t Thursday evening. r.axkclhnll Is being p-irtloed evry night by the boys and (ills and will soon have a team to compete with the other schools. The first game on the schedule, is with tho Cold Hill team, which will be played in the near fu ture. The Junior class will present a play beforoi the ntudeot body Ueceniber 7. Each class gives a pluy before the rest of the school at cnosen times. This will be the first presented this yeur. Mrs. Cummings, who has been on the sick list for the past week is now Improving rapidly. Subscriptions aro now being taken for the Jted Cross by Mr. tluy Tex and a staff of capable assistants. The entire town will be canvassed and every person should contribute a lit tle to help this good work along. A surprise party was given Mrs. Henderson and Mrs. Sarah Bebb Py burn in honor of ther birthdays, by tho local Kobckuh lodge, a large at tendance being present and a good time reported by nil. Mr. Crane, brother-in-law of Miss Mary A.. Moo, was a visitor in this city Thursday afternoon. Mrs. C. B. Rostel who hns been nf flleted with a severe cold, is now very much hotter and will be soon out and around. , Mr. James Cummings, city marshal, Is Intending to leave for Chlco, Cali fornia, to. retrieve his Ford touring car which was stolen early this year by a couple, of young men, who weio going to buy it, but ran off with it instead. ' The sale of chicken tamales, which was carried on by tho local Itebokah lodge was very successful, as every tamaln in stoe:k was sold out before 12 o'clock Saturday urtornoon nnd it is hoped that they will glvo another sale in the near future. Mr. Ted Hill. Is moving in his home opposite from tho Southern Pacific depot, Mr. Jack Lees, local Karatre man, was a business visitor In Medford Thursday afternoon. Mrs. Caster and son, Isael who for merly lived nt his grandfather's. Jobe Pankey, moved in the rooms above Mrs. Love's. Mr. William Virgin of Medford gave a radio concert on ninin street Monday evening. Mr. Virgin carries a receiving set in bis auto and enn rcceivo nt any time ho wishes. Quite a crowd gathered to hear the music which was broadcasted from Med ford. Mrs. Cosebeer and daughter. Kola, woro visitors In Medford Thursday afternoon. Mr. Roy Wenvcr has Just completed a radio receiving set, all of which was his own handiwork and is working to tho best of his expectations. The practicing of soccer football has been given up in order to prac tice basketball. Mr. and Mrs. Tuttle wcro among the visitors Tuesday in Medford. Among tho students who visited Miss Violet Scott convalescent, were Misses Letha Casebeer, Mnrie Wright and Doris Hubbard. - Mr. Max ShulU of Sams valley was a business visitor in Central Point Wednesday afternoon. Mnny people , from Central Toint are attending the big 8 pictures which nre showing nt tho Tnge theatre in Medford. The pavent-teaebers meeting will be hold in Ibo school house next Wednesday afternoon at 7 o'clock, to which all aro invited. Dr. H. Oftodal recently from Port Innd has located In 'Jacksonville for the1 prsft'tlco of medicine and 'sur gery,, for he present he is rooming at the Terrill residence, formerly the Abbott hotel, where he now has his offioes. Mr. nnd Mrs. Itay Coleman had as their uuest Saturday and Sunduy Mr.. und Mrs. Norman Mark of Ashland. Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Uarneburg of Ashland were guest relatives in our city Thursday. Kenton Pool of Applegate passed through town Friday, sporting a new Chevrolet. Miss Lottlo Reed and her mother, Mrs. Reed, returned to Portlund last week to spend the winter. Tom Devore has sold his residence property In the southern part of town to Chas. Woolen. Mrs. K. 8. Wilson and Mrs. M. A. Finney motored to Medford Sunday. Mrs. C.-ri. Terrill nnd Mm. Leora Smith were business .callers in Med ford Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. John Patron and daughter Phyllis, of Rosoburg. hav ing spent several dayp in our city, re turned home Wednesday. Mrs. Raymond Phillips of Squaw lake, passed through town Monday, en route to Butte Falls to visit her daughter. B Morrison nnd Heplor will give one of their famous old time dance nt the Orth's Hal! Thanksgiving night. November 30, good Bupper, good mu sic and a good time Is nssured all nt one dollar fifty cents per couple. Cyrcnus Combest and family, ac companied by Dean Saltmarsh, wcro guests of friends In Medford Sunday. Mrs. M. Libbey of Huntington, Ore., Is a guest ut tho homo of her sister. Mrs. Frank SSell nnd family in our city. Mrs. Hattie Ncuber of Portland, Ore., is visiting at the homo of her brother. II. lv. Henna of our city. Mr. and Mrs. John Marsh returned home Monday from a month spent at Eua-eka, Calif. . Miss Rose Buckley of Ruch, spent Thursday in our city, guest at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. J. Brophy. Mrs. Leora Smith returned home Monday morning from Red Bluff, Lallf., where she was a business visitor. Mrs. Anna Broad entertained the Royal Neighbors Tuesday evening. A good attendance and a genernl good time was enjoyed by all. Mr. and Mrs. S. T. liolopeter and cntklren of Aledford are now occupy ing the WilsOn residence, Mr. Wilson having moved to Portland where lie will resldo with his daughter. Mrs. O. R. Chapman and Mrs. C. Ulrich were business visitors in Med ford Tuesday. Mrs. Fred Luy of Wellen spent the week-end with Miss Emma Reed of our city. Mr. and Mrs. P. Swayne and daughter. Mildred, and Mrs. C. W. Culy and Mrs. Lelile McKee were among the many in our city Thursday nuenmng tne uneral ff Mrs. Carr, a highly esteemed resident of the Wat- kins district. Griswold & Collier, who purchased tno j. tiagnon lumber yard in Med ford nnd mill on Jackson creek, hns given a contract for 15,000 feet of logs dally and their mill will be run ning full hlast the first of the week Mr. Ramllcr of North Dakota was In our city Tuesday, (juest of. his old friend, James Murray, en route to California for tho winter, in hopes of locating permanently near the Bay City. , - James M. Cnntrnll nnd son-, -Everett and family, motored up from Weed Tuesday nnd visited relatives In Ashland, Ruch nnd our city. Art Kleinhnmmer, M. R. Buck nnd son and Hollls Packs prominent stockmen of Applegate, were bust ness callers in our city Thursday. A. E. Kellogg of Gold Hill was business caller In our city Friday. JACKSON COUNTY BUDGET NOTICE "i Pursuant to-the nrovisions of Chanter 118 Cenernl Laws of Ores-nn. 1921 Notice Is hereby given that the County Court of Jackson County. Oregon, will moot in the Circuit Court Room of the Court House in the City or Jacksonville, tAregon, on Thursday, the 7th duy of December, 1922, at the hour of 10:00 o'cVock a. in. of said day, and nt the said time and place opportunity will be given for a full and complete discussion of the estimate of the amount of money nroitnsed to be raised by taxation for the ensuing year as published herewith, by nny taxpayer subject to such tax levy when made, In favor of or against any of the proposed tax levies herein as the County Court may deem r the best interests of Jackson County. The County Budget Committee for Jackson County, Oregon, has prepared and submits the following: An estimate or the amount required for each de partment of County Government, County Office or County Officer, each County improvement, the maintenance of each County Tlttilding, structure or institu tion ttio Balarv of each County officer or employee, including those whose salaries' are fixed by statute, for the improvement and maintenance of publfci highways", roads, bridges, the construction, operation and maintenance of each public utility and redemption of outstanding warrants; and estimate of the public receipts of the County from sources other than direct taxation upon the real and personal property In the County during the period for which such tax is to be levied and the amount of balances on hand in the funds of the County at the time the levy will be made. Expenses , For the payment ff the following separate items of expense: Crater Lake Hishwny Bond Interest $ 1S.000.00 'Pacific Highway Rod lnteront Fund ,. 20,000.00 Ueneral Road Fund 41,700.00 Ashlund-Klnniath Falls Pond Fund , 41.700.00 Covnty School Fund w, ..... 70.000.00 Sch.iol Library Fund - 750.00 High School Fund (to be levied on School Districts not main-- taking High Schools 20,000.00 ReiAemption of Pncific Highway Road Bonds: Ten Yen.'' Series 16.G66.G6 Fifteen YVr Series . - 9,090.90 Twenty YrXr Series : G.250.00 " Twentv-flve Voar Series . 4.7G1.90 Thirty' Year iXeries .. 3.84G.1B General County Fund For Payment or Stntfl Tax (estimate only 10 mills) 278,000.00 Market Hoatf Monuy (1.6 mills) 41,400.00 Circuit Court Circuit Court, general expenses including bailiffs, Jurors, reporters, special counsel, witnesses, fees, mileage... 8,500.00 County Court and Commissioners Countv Jutlgo'B salary, 2000: traveling expenses, $200; fees nnd n avoiimr nxnnn,Ms (Commissioners), $2000; other expenses, In cluding supplies, printing, postage, county court bailiff, express- telephoning, telog.'itlili. Jurors, witnesses, nnd mileage, $1000 Juvenile Court Jurors, wltnessos, mlleaiW. etc., $250; widows' pensions, $G000; other expenses for commlt.vents, probations, and truant officers, etc., $400; Hoys' and CHrls'.AId Society allowance, $120; delinquent nnd ncglectod children, blind, deaf mutes, feeble-minded and insane, $250 j- Justice Court Fees of Justlcos, constables, Jurors nnd witnesses, etc County Advertising Advertising County Resources and State Fair Exhibit as tho County Court may hereinafter doem advisable I'm. hi.iu nr nit kimia. nrlntinc of notices and delinquent tax list. sales of property, county court proceedings 1,500.00 Care of the Poor Salnrv for superintendent for Poor Farm, $1500; maintenance of Poor Farm nnd hospital, $utM); tubercular poor, $150; Indigents not at Poor Farm, $7000 13,fio0.00 Bountie on Wild Animals Payment of - I-00 00 Sheriffs Office Sheriffs 'salary. $2500; traveling expense, $1200; telephone nnd telegraph. $30(1: fingerprint work nnd photo supplies. $260: up keep on motorcycle, $100; handcuff nnd billet, $30; premiums on bonds, $210; speed cop. $G00: t deputy, 12 months $1518; l rioputv 12 months, $1320: 1 deputy 13 months $111R; 1 deputy 12 months. $1020; 1 tlepnty $90: stenographer. 12 months $900: extra help on tax receipts. $400; extra expense on delinquent tax matters, $2'ton; extra office help. $('.00; 35,000 combination tax receipts, $420; 14 loose Jtaf binders, $31.60; 1 tax turpover 5,200.00 7,020.00 2,000.00 1.500.00 2r, 11)23 ledger. $G2.50; 3 loose leaf binde'rs. $45 Snew"!!!!! $S5; summed envelopes $260; stamps. $103. tne ? eveloies 150- misc. forms, $0; misc. supplies, $400, fillers receipt f."es$25: files for service records. $.0; number- ing machine, $18.50; check protector. oh.i0 Jail Expense - m Jailor. $000; matron. $200; laundry, $200; board of prisoners, $-400; repairs, supplies, etc., $200 "-"" . ' Salary for Janitor, $750: o' expenses, indudlng lights, water. fuel, furnitrrc. repairs, fire Insurance etc., $4000 l.wU.UO Assessor's Office Salarv of assessor, $2000; traveling expenses $300; 1st deputy, iTa-'U- 2nd deputy, $1080; 3rd deputy, $900; field deputies, $3500;' tax extensions! $500; supplies, printing, postage, express. . telephone, telegrams, etc., $1123.50 10,,.3.o0 Clerk's Office . Clerk's salarv, $2000; tirst denuty s salary. $1500; 2nJ deputy, $1320; 3rVdeputy; $1080; 4th deputy, $930; 5th deput $900; Gth deputy fsoo; 7 1. deputy. $840; extra help. $700; office expense tele phone, $100: express. $25; printing and record books, $1250; ., postage, $500; miscellaneous supplies. $a00 r..r. ."., , Coroner's Office , Fees of coroner and' physicians. Jurors, witnesses and other expenses . 500.00 Fruit Inspector - Salaries and expenses of inspectors -'- ",000.00 Pathologist .. " Payment to state for extension work county agent, J3GD2; .demon- ' stratirm ngent, $1900: Club work, $11,00. ... . ii . 7.12.00 School Superintendent's Office and Department of Education Salary of superintendent, $2000; IVurnl supervisor, $1440; Bteuogra- . pher $1020; Printing, telephone nnd telegrams, $1,00; supervU.' sor"s expense, $90; traveling expense, county superintendent,, , $'00 rural supervisor, $500; teachers' exams, $16; 8th grade , examining board. $85; expense county Institute and county . educational board, $450; County School Fair nnd Club work, $100. Total ' 6.G0C"00 Sealer of Weights and Measures Salary and Traveling expenses 400.00 Stock Inspector Salary and expenses and tubercular cattle ' 500.00 Water Master " . i Salary of Wnter Master, $1800: Deputy's Bnlary, 2 months, $2G0; Hydrographer, 4 months $520: Water Master's traveling expense ..-S" $3G0; Deputies' mileage, $140; Hydrogrnpher's mileage, $200; office rent, $120; phones and stationery, $110 3,510.00 Surveyor's Office Surveyor's salary, $100; stenographer, $000; misc. expenses, $200...:.. 1,200.00 Treasurer's Office Treasurer's salary, $1800; traveling expense, $70; deputy, $1080; extra help, $300; premium on treasurer's bond, $325; misc. expenses, including record books, postage, telephone, express, etc., $751 - 'U51-00 Miscellaneous Expenses County Physician 1'2?'SI) Red Cross, $50 per month - - - 600.00 Emergency tund - - , 600 00 County Library outside of City of Ashland (.2 mills) 4,983.00 Fire warden, one-third expense, 1922 450.00 Elections and registrations 5,000 00 For payment on Armory in City of Medford 8,100.00 Expense of examination of books and accounts - 400.00 Payments for reporting births and deaths 160.00 County Fair - - 2,750.00 Tax refunds, double assessments, errors, etc l.CQO.OO County nnrBe, salary. $1800; contingent expense, $450 , 2,250.00 District attorney's office expense GOO.OO Redemption of outstanding warrants against the general County V Fund -- 13,170.00 $729,409.11 Recapitulation Mills. General Road Fund n.:. - 15 $ 41,700.00 Ashland-Klamath Fsffls Road Fund .. 1.5 . 41.700.00 High School Fund (on all property not in High School dis tricts, estimate of valuation $14,300,000) 1.4 20,040.00 Countv School Fund ($08,750.00); County School Lilujiry Fund ($750.00) 2.5 fi9,600.00 Pacific Highway Redemption Fund 1.5 41,700.00 Pacific Highway Interest Fund 0.7 19,4(10.00 Crater Lake Hfthway Interest Fund 0.7 19,400.00 Market Road Fund to match slate money- 1.5 O 41,700.00 General Fund, which includes Market Rood aud State Tax.... 10.0 278,000.00 Current Expenditure for running county, including redemp- . . tion of Warrants 5.8 f7,243.50 27.1 $730,603.60 Total Levy Inside High School Districts 25.7 mlllB Total Levy outside High School Districts 27.1 mills No balances of present fund anticipated by the time this levy is made. '" 1 " "' Estimated Receipts Two per cent dally' balance':..!......... $ 7,500.00 Fees County Clerk's oi'floe i .' 13.000.00 Fees Sheriff's office 1,000.00 Sale of lands, Sheriffs office ; 5,000.00 Refund on bounty claims '. 800.00 State appropriation for County Fair 1,600.00 From rent of forest 8,000.00 From 5 per cent sale of timber 160 00 Penalties and Interest on delinquent taxes 10,000.00 Auto licenses 28,170.00 Total ...$ 75,120.00 State of Oregon, County of Jackson, as. , We, the undersigned, County Budget Committee for Jackson County, Oregon, do hereby certify that the above is a true, fair and complete estimate of the probable expenses of said county for tho ensuing yoar and probable receipts from sources other than direct taxation upon real and personal pro perty in its jurisdiction durini; the ensuing year. We further certify that the estimate of expenses of tho various Institutions of the County, of the amount required for public enterprises, roads, bridges, etc., and of all other expenses of the county as therein set out, is Just and is based upon a careful study of the expenses jf the county during the past three years, and a thorough examination of its probable needs during the year for which such estimate is mado. That each and every item therein is bolieyod to be necessary for the proper transaction of the business of the county, the protection of Its property and interests and to be for the public welfare. That every expense estimate is in accordance with law, and is a legitimate charge against the county. , ... Dated at Jacksonville, Oregon, October 31st, 1922. O. A. GARDNER, Chairman. VICTOR BURSELU Secretary. ' JAMES OWENS, Committeeman. C. H. VAUPEL, Committeeman. ' - W. H. GORE, Committeeman. GEO. W. STEVENS. Committeeman Beautiful Edgewood Park Forty-five minutes from Medford on Crater Lake Highway. .V nnttiral scenic beauty spot on the finest stretch of Rogue fishing wnter. BKAITIFI L WOODED LOTS FOR SOLMSiR HOMKH Twenty lots in all. 1 00 foot river frontage and 300 foot deep with county road at the bark end of lots. Only HOO fovt from highway. Selling now nt 9100.00 per lot... Tctms if desired. PRICES TO ADVANCE AI'TKR JAXUAJtY 1ST ... In a few years Kdgewoud Park will ho Southern Oregon's rent beauty spot. Many Improvements to be made In the Hpi lng. , A half dozen lots have already boen sold to Medford's best citizens. Select your lot now nnd save $30.00, for prices must advance in tho Spring. SwU IC. MILLARD, Owner, 521 V. F.lovcntli St., Phono, 1:18.. TIME TABLE EFFECTIVE SEPT. 25 , MEDFORD-ROSEBURG STAGE DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY Lv. Medford 2:00 p. m. ' , ' Lv. Roseburg 1:00 p. m. . .if :! , MEDFORD-GRANTS PASS STAGE ' " DAILY EXCKPT SUNDAY Lv. Medford 10:00 a. m., 2:00 p. m., 6:00 p. m. Lv. Grants Pass 7:30 a. m., 1:00 p. m., 5:00 p. m, SUNDAY ONLY Lr. Medford 10:00 a. m 4:30 p. m. Lv. Grants Pass 10:00 i. m., 4:30 p. m. We connect with stages for Portland, Marshfleld and Crescent City. INTERURBAN AUTOCAR CO. Phone 800 .-it?-.-