MEDFQItD MATE TRipUNfl, MEDFORD. Oh'KfiOT, SATURDAY, XOVKM1JEI. 2.'), 1322 PXr.E THREE E FINANCI I OF IS GIVEN OUT BY THE SECRETARY To the citizens of Jackson county, Oregon. The .directors pfthe, Jackson County 'air 'association kedny appreciate the responsibility which thoy 'nssumed In t pending .public funds. '.They tare like , 'Ise appreciative pi the fact that the public fi entitled, tc If now .how and for what,purppse..tb.B money raised, by tax ation was spent.,, 1.j . In submitting this statement the public cannot help but be convinced that they ireceivcd value for every dol lar expended and that Jackson county liaB a fair ground far superior to any In the state of Oregon with wonderful possibilities of further improvement in rears to come. Last year $82 was expended out of a ipoclal fund which was donated by ln iivjduals for trees. There is still lvaiTable the sum for f ISO for trees which will be planted this winter. The United States forest service Iish rolunteered to secure native shrubs ind trees without cost to the coijuty r Fuir association so that the much leeded landscaping of the grounds Is issiired. The one mill tax levy produced tho mm of $27,696.37 and by the saving of funds from the state during the years Lumber 1,782.40 Painting 20000 Hardware and nails 62.66 Plumbing 68.21 Wiring . 67.78 Footings, cement.. I 60.00 ' Gravel 10.80 60.80 Plans ; . 100.00 Accident insurance 60.00 Overhead expense 100.00 - Judgi'i Stand Labor Lumber .... ........ :. Roofing .. Hardware and nails....,; Painting 65.89 40.65 6.00 15.00 12.00 Total Labor Lumber Nails .... .,... 13S.6I Tablet and Benches 47.19 83.52 4.00 Total i $ 4,066.60 Speedway Labor, teams, gas, oil and re pairs Drain pipe .. , Overhead expense Total t. ... 6,517.57 ... 245.60 277.75 ..$' 7,040.92 Grading Grounds Labor, teams, gas, oil and repairs 0. 4 2,068.71 Drain pipe 80.02 Garden hose : 28.00 Overhead expense 60.00 Total 2,226.73 Water System Pipe ...... $ Labor on ditch Labo;; on pipe line .... Engineering Cartage which no fair was held the sum of j Tools and Powder .... (3,816.62 was made available for per manent improvements. Tho total re ceived being- $31,611.99. i The expenditures for permanent Im provements amounted to (39,056.64 which is (7544.65 in excess of cash received from the county. Tho 1922 bounty fair netted a profit of $4059.20 Overhead expense 1,366.38 316.06 147.72 85.60 20.75 : 25.00 76.00 . Total $ 134.71 Fences Pole I 446.3 i North line 154.9 South line , 157.90 Safety zone 664.68 Front lino 622.26 . Total T. ( 1,945.1 Pole fence ' constructed entirely of wood. Cost of lumber (2J0.96, balance for labor) Expenditures for north nnd south line fence are for posts, paint and labor, Wire of the old front line fence being used. Wire and gates tor safety zone fence ccost $226.60, the balance being for posts, paint and labor. Wire and gates of front line fence cost $195.77, the balance being for posts, paint and labor. Drinking Fountains Completely Installed $ 91.2; ... 1921 School Fair Premium Premium $ 30.70 ' Canvas and Tents Fro government $ 677.25 The 5000 yards of 20 oz. olive drab canvas cost the Fair association 12c a yard dellvored. A similar amount of canvas of equal weight would have cost in the open market some $2500. - ' Ford The Fair association purchased a Ford ($565.64) for the use of the secre tary and others and this item of ex pense, together with the secretary s salary of $50. per mop th Is charged to Total 2.035.51 Sewer System Cnn- lno t 901 OA j Labor on ditch . 415.00Tthe ri improvements in overhead I Labor on Bewcr line ......a 156.24 : expense. 'Engineering ....: .'. ; : ' 85.60! Summary . ...... . n n.i ,k- Cartace 19.80 entrance building Abb., Ws created by construction of perma-j Cement 10.88 Horticultural building 6.730.45 hrt imra.mi. Th. hln Tools and powder 22.18 Women's building - 4.635.19 kvjsRjK i i,h.i . f wt. Overhead expense . '. 60.00 ! Livestock building Total Lumber Wiring . Total son county, but of the Fair association Which is a non-profit sharing corpora lion. All nrofits made bv this enrnora- Uon must be put Into tho fair grounds ' Labor .. and the eighty stockholders stand featly to see that thiB is dono in order that Jackson county may advance agriculturally. Cost of Improvements by Buildings . Entrance Building .abor $ 1,211.91 Lumber 572.75 Mill work ' 120.00 rUlUUUg , Hardware and nails .. -id.iu Wiring 60.00 Roofing , 02.00 cement, footings $(17.1 1. flravol, footings 17.10 Plant .-. Floor, Cement .'.......$10.00 Gravel 10.05 Labor 25.GS -IG.33 Accident lnsuranco 35.00 Overhead expenses 50.00 Erecting Tents 1 Grand Btand ,. ..$ 1,050.76' Speedway Grading grounds ..$ 124.55 'Water system 63.76 Sower system .. ' 82.SS Erecting tents. - I Industrial tent . Industrial Tent Labor '.. ..... Lumber .............U:...:....: Hnrdware and nnils . Wiring' .'. Cartago :.. .......... .... Overhead expense .. $ 261.18 Ifaclng stables . -1 . ii 1 to a stnndr 201.241 Tables and bonchos ... 215.48 j Fences , 25.95 , Drinking fountains 96.25.1921 school premium 7.60 1 Canvas and tents ....... : 25.00 ' 3,886.76 4,066.60 7,040.92 2,226.73 2,035.61 1,050.76 261.18 571.42 872.03 138.54 134.71 1,945.17 91.25 30.70 677.25 Total 61.21,. u..:...:...::.:... . Racing Stables Labor $ 100.0.(1. Lumber .............J.......V.:.. Hardware anu nans Overhead expense Total : $ Total $ 2,662.47 Horticultural Building ,auor $ 2,061.73 umber ..... Mill work fainting Hardware and nails Plumbing fcobfling tViring footings, cement . $97.14 f Gravel 35.10 . Plans Floor, cement $480.00 Gravel 131.69 Labor 460.18 Sheet metal work Accident insurance ....... Overhead expense Total $ 6,730.45 ' Woman's Building abor ( 1,483.47 Lumber 706.02 Mill work 600.00 Painting 212.61 Hardware and nails Plumbing 1,200.7 600.00 302.00 103.39 303.18 376.00 225.00 . 132.24 150.00 1,071.78 21.30 60.00 160.00 86.29 373.24 Roof ling 187.00 IViring H4.51 Footings, cement $ 97.14 G'Ael 35.10 . 132.24 tlans 160.00 loor, cement $230.00 Lumber 155.83 Gravel 67.20 443.03 Sheet metal work ' 61.40 Lccident insurance 45.35 Overhead expense 150.00 Total -$ 4,636.19 , ' Livestock Building abor 1,138.94 .umber 1,804.42 Mill work l - 6.61 170.00 58.61 116.27 250.00 .90.11 -76.93 70.00 aiming lardwnre and nails ..... Plumbing Rooting 8 firing ... .- - Votings, cement .. 48.68 Gravel r 28.35 'Iansv 20.97 35.00 60.00 Floorif-'ement, labor and grn- nccident Insurance fcverhpad expenses v J ft Tot ...i,.. 3,886.76 ; I Grand Stand . lbor 1.6S4.8S COURT HALL Shipper of Apples 1 By llox or Carload. txlra Inrgo culls 60c per box, wltli- lit box. ' il Mliroinl Bmdo anil size for retail trndo I " Office Phono 8.T3 ' SCO-030 S. Front St. Medford, Ore ; 571.42 285.S4 518.44 42.75 25.00 872.03 '- ',. ' , , ' $39,056.61 Total cost of permanent 1m- . provomonts : :. $39,056.64 Total cash v rocoived . from Jackson county 31,511.99 Indobtednoss assumed Fair association ; by : " ",' .; ' Receipts From All Sources Concessions Commercial Displays ...... .. . Automobile Show Soiling Concessions ......... Carnival Attractions Boxing Bouts Auto Parking Concession. Wrrestllng Match Sale of Manure ... Tickets Sold Admission to Grounds . Inside Track Privilege ... Grand Stand ,.$ 7,644.65 $ 81G.90 464.60 1,056.50 202.85 131.90 25.05 113.45 '.,,;;.9,8oo.84 ';, 686,75 2,994.60 2,810,15 t ! 13,481.09 Donations .:...:........-.L.: .........:.:.:....... ; 266.20 State of Oregon Appropriation for Premiums , Automobile and Motorcycle Entry Fees 1,458.75 42,0.00 Total Receipts ..(18,442.19 Expenditures ' Agricultural and Horticultural Department Auto License - ; ...... Bands , Corporation License Fee Chairs Rented - Cleaning Up Grounds Educational Exhibit Expense . Entry Department . General Operating Expense - Insurance Fire and Accident .... Interest Judge's Fees Livestock Department Mining Exhibit :. Publicity Expenditures ....... - Purses Auto, Motorcycle and Horse Races Police, Traffic Officers and Night Watchmen... Poultry and Rabbit Exhibit ... : J....."...... Premiums on Stock and -all other Exhibits Motorcycle Racing Permit ........... Premium Ribbons '. Signs Salary of Secretary to December 1, 1922 Sewing Canvas Tickets -..j. a. Tree Expense Ticket Sellers and Gateraen . Women's Exhibit i 117.17 ' 16.00 446.00 20.60 53.85 207.94 45.50 199.75 .276.98 ' 693.03 39.00 110.60 -140.00 16.30 1,609.01 6,365.73 . 773.07 . 132.45 3,286.56 40.00 98.21 20.35 400.00 ' 91.56 153.31 . 41.10 605.00 36.13 Total Expenditures , Total Receipts ....... Total Expenditures ....:............(14,382.99 ;..:.U.. $18,442.19 14,3,82.99 Profit Adult, at $2.50 Child's, at $1.00 8eson Ticket Sale ; ...;....252 .....M ..$ 4,069.20 $ 630.00 91.69 . Total Cash Receipts for All Tickets Sold . To Grounds 60c Adults .... To Grounds 25c Childs To Grounds 25c Night i. To Grounds Season Summary ...14,976 ... 826 ... 6,641 ... .343 343,54 I , 721.59 ....... (13,481.09 . (7,487.50 206.60 " 1,385.25 721.69 Total number Admissions ..; .....21,685 Inside Track Privilege, 25c 2,743 Grand Stand General, 60o ............ 3,609 Grand Stand Reserved, $1.00 .'.....'.1,190 $9,800.84 ( 685.76 (1,804.50 1,190.00 Total Grand Stand Income .'.., -.4,799. (2,994.60 9,800.84 686.7C 2,994.60 Cash Receipts for All Tickets Sold...... ; - ......... 13,481.d9 Total TlckoU Sold for All Purposes ..... 29,227 .,-. Respectfa'.ly suhmltted,. JACKSON COUNTY FAfR ASSOCIAttON, . , . H. O. Frohbach, Secretary. - St. Mark's Episcopal Cor. North Oakdale and Fifth St9. 8 a. m. Holy communion, 10 a. m. Sunday school. 11 a. m. Morning service. Pastornl letter read at this service. Wm. 11. Hamilton, vicar. Catholic Church South Oakdale Ave. First piass Sunday at 8 a. m. Second mass at 10:30 a. m. Benediction niter second mass. Itev. John Powers, pastor. Ev.-Luth. 2 ion's Church Fourth St. aud Oakdale A vet. Rev. Dr. W. R. Mcreuz-Oeser, pastor. Res. 518 West Fourth St. r XX.IV. Trinity. Sunday school 10 a. m. Divine service 11a. in. You and your are cordially invited. ' English Lutheran Mission 607 N. Riversjdo Ave. Sunday school 10 a. m. Divine service 11 a. m. Topic of sermon: "Inheritance of the Snlnts." All strangers and visitors heartily welcomed. We preach Christ, aud Him crucified. R. Trautmann, pastor. Main St. M. E. Church, South j Coy R. Sims, pastor. Bible school 9:45 a. m. Dr. Frank Roberts, supt. . Morning worship 11 a. m. The sub ject of the sermon will be, "Faith, and How to Possess It." Epworth League for devotion" and study will meet at 6:30 p. m. The evening service at 7:30 p. m. Subject of tho sermon, "A Common Deception." The public Is cordially Invited. Church of the Nazarene Cor. Central and Jackson. Sunday school 10 a. m. Preaching 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. ni. Subject for morning service, "That Dark, Troublesome Something." Sub ject for evening, "The Devil's Nest Egg." Prayer meeting Wednesday 7:30 p. m. . ... There "will : be a Thanksgiving ser vice Thursday at 10:30 a. m. to which all are cordially invited. Saturday night, Dec. 2nd has been set as a night of prayer. Prayer is the key that unlocks the storehouse of God's power. If you are Interested in a revival in' Medford ! come. Hour 7:30 p. m. C. M. King, pastor. Seventh Day Adventist Church North Riverside. Sabbath school 10 a. m. Miss M. Dougherty, supt.-; All classes repre sented.- ' ' 1 Preaching 11 a. m. Subjeot, "The Yoke of Bondage." M. B. S. meets at 3 p. m. Clarence Cartwrlght, leader. ' Prayer meeting Wednesday evening 7:30. Home Missionary Workers meet nt 619 North Riverside avenue Tuesday evening 7:30. Preaching Sunday evening 7:30 by Pastor T. L. Theumler. Subject, "Can Civilization Stand the Strain?" Strangers made welcome. ' y 5, except Sundnya and holidays. All authorized Christian Science literature may be read, borrowed or purchased. The public Is cordially li:vlted to attend the services and visit the Read ing Room. First Methodist Episcopal Church Fourth and Harllett. J. Randolph Sasnett, pastor. Office 216 First National Hank lildg. Phono 968. Bible school 9:45. No one is truly educated who litis not a thorough training In Biblical literature. This school Is for old und young. Prof. N. II. Franklin, supt. Morning worship 11 n. m. Sermon: "In tho Offing of Faith." Epworth League: Junior 5:30, Miss Anna Palmor, supt.; Bbnlor 6;30, Frank Van Dyko, lender. Evening service: Patriotic program of dramatically interpreted songs, spe cial music and other foutures. Ad dress: "America." Annual Thanks giving offering for Woman's Home Missionary society. Church night, Wednesday evening. Pot-luck Btipper 6:15. Church Family Altar hour, children's story hour, Ep worth League study class, open forum, and social period. "Food, faith and fun" for all. Members and their friends Invited. Morning: Antltom, O Lord, How Manifold, (Bnrnhy). Quartette, O Stern Old Land, (Bill iard). Mrs. Watson, Mrs. Hoffmann, Mr. MacDonough, Mr. Canaday. Miss Mutio Vroman, pianist. Mr. Bornard Roberts, organist. Mrs. May Jordan-MacDonough, director. ' ! ' ' ASM ma For Quicker Better Spraying Big capacity means better spraying at leu cost. You cover your orchard in quicker time and you get the material onto the trees w hen it does the most good. There's a new light-weight big-capacity Bean this year at a new low pricet the Bean Triplex Senior. The 6 H. P. Bean Engine and BeanTriplex Senior Pump deliver 1 S gals of liquid a minute at 300 lbs. pres sure. This outfit covers surprising acre- -' nKenday,anddocsthoro work as 1: goes . Besides this new outlit, we otter a com plrte line of Hand and Power Spray ers. Factories cast and west, and rep- ' resentativcs in all fruit growing sec tions, insure good service to Beaa owners everywhere- Mail coupon-. Bean'':;:;. Spray Pump Co. MVm Julian St.. San Joir, CbL fioimcr St., LAnaing, Alien. First Christian Church ". Cor. -Ninth and Oakdale. D. E. Millard, minister. Res.! 521 W. Eleventh. Phono 133. Bible school 9:45 a. m. Herbert Ber- rio, supt. We invite you to Join us in the study of tho Bible. x . 11 a. m. Preaching service. Sermon subject, "Why Should We Praise God" a Thanksgiving theme. Special mimic In keeping with the theme.. Hearty welcome to all. 6:30. Young People's service of Christian Endeavor. 7:30 p. m. Our popular evening ser vice. Our new song books have ar rived and will be given a good tryout at this service. If you like to sing good old Bongs then come along. The orchestra will furnish two selections and our mixed quartet will sing. The! sermon subject 1s "Sign Boards." A hearty welcome is extended to all. "The Homelike Church." First Baptist Church "The Friendly Church" North Central and Fifth Sts. 9:45 a. in. Bible school with classes for all. Avard Whitman, supt. 11 a. ni. "The Difficulties of Relig ion Compared with tho Difficulties of No Religion." Soprano solo, "A Song of Pralai ." Goublier, Mrs. Lorraine Harrison Scott Violin solo. 6:30 p. m. Senior and Intermediate B. Y. P. U. Thanksgiving meeting. A largo attendance urged. 7:30 p. m. Sacred conceit of unusual merit and Interest. See program elso where. Tuesday 2:30 p. m. Woman's Auxil iary meets with Mrs. E. S. Stlnson, 1128 W. Fourth street assisted by Madams Culy, F. Stlnson. and Howell. Subject. "India's Health." The women are asked to bring canned fruit for the Louise Home in Portland to the church before Thurs day next. Box will be packed Wed nesday. - Thursday 7:30 p. m. Choir rehear sal. , ... Friday 7:30 p. m. Entertainment nt church with stereoptlcnn views. Musi cal numbers by Mrs. Lorraine Harri son Scott, Mrs.. Florence- McElhoso, Neff Bros., readings by Mrs. El'fie Dally, Mr. Flemmlug, and recitations by several from primary dept. Keep the dnt open. . . . : , '-..'Thanksgiving prayer meeting Wed nesday 7:30 p. m. Union Thanksgiving service Thurs day 7:30 p. m. at M. E. church, Rov. Slmo, preacher. ' Sunday will be a big day. Stran gers made at homo. Frederick R. Leach, pastor. 8. M. ficott, choir director. W ftp! V ! nr-'-nft ''' Viiw .JWI vm. Helped His Back Backache, rheumatic pains, dlzzl ncss, and blurred vision are symptoms of kldnoy trouble. "My husband had f bad back," writes Mrs. M. McOiv 'ugh. Easton, Pa, "When he sat dowr be could hardly get up and then he "would be drawn over to one side. He tried Foley Kldnoy Pills and tbey cured him." Foley Kidney Pills sulck (j relieve kidney ind bladder trouble. Sold everywhere. Afiv LEARN TO DANCE Dancing class every other Hatunlay night In American Legion Hall, lc ginning Saturday, November 25Ui. Private Lemons, BIO K. Main Htroct. MRS. BLANCHE CROSSOX, Instructor. Presbyterian Church Rev. E. P". Lawrence, Minister. 25 S. Orange. . 9:45 a. m. Bible school. Record at tendance last Sunday, oin a growing school. Carl J. Drommer, supt. . , 11 a. m. Morning worship. 8ermon, The Gospel In The Home Land as a Reason . for Thanksgiving." Special music by mixed quartet en titled, "While the Earth Remnlnoth." 7:30 p. nt. Evening service. Musical program by mixed quartet and brief sermon on theme, "Jesus Christ, Our Lord." See program elsewhere. Junior Endeavor 4 : 30 p. m. Intermediate Endeavor 6:80 p. m. Senior Bibie study class 6:30 p. m. Westminster. Qulld will meet with MIbs Laura Trclchler at 924 S. Oakdale on Monday night at 7:30 p. ni. Prayer meeting Wednesday night 7:30 p. nr. First Church of Christ, Scientist Authorized branch of Tho Mother Church,, the First Church of Christ, Scientist) In Boston, Mass. Sorvlces are hold every Sunday at 11 o'clock. Subject for Sunday, No vember 26: Ancient and Modern No cromancy, alias Mesmerism and Hyp notism, Denounced. , Sunday School at 9:45. Applicants under the age of twenty may be ad mitted. . - Wednesday evening meetings, which include testimonies of Christian Sci ence healings, at 7:45, church edifice, 212 Worth Oakdale. The' Reading Room, which Is In tho Medford Ultlg., Is open daily from 1 to PHOTOGRAPHS for Christmas . SWEM'S STUDIO (17 K. Main Ht. Medforf WATCH YOUR BATTERY PREST-O-IJTE BATTERY STATION For Quick SorvVce Phono 110 Turkeys By Johnson Guaranteed Plan Last year turkey raisers received 120(hnore In money than If they luvl sold to local rienloiM at their so called market price. Wo liavo the same plan this year. Not with tho Farm Bureau , LOCATED AT 31 1 N, Flit ST. , Medford Phono 07 Hubbard Bros. Cornci' Main nnil N. Rlrorsldo THE UNIVERSAL CAB THE FORD SEDAN The new Ford Sedan is primarily a family car, equipped for comfort and built, for seryice.. , It is warm and cozy in cold or wet weather, and open and airy on clear, warm days. : It is easy to operate, simple and sturdy in construction, and costs but little to operate. Call and see this little car, $702.80 in Medford Equipped with Starter and Demountable Rims. C. E. GATES AUTO CO. Cor. Sixth and Pacifio Highway. Someone's Looking for : You- At Thanksgiving Time your homefolks and friends , look forward with Joy to your visit. Don't disappoint them, but go and celebrate the Spirit of Thanksgiving. Southern Paclfhj trnlns will transport you In com fort and safety. I .-,,,! The' service is Frequent, Dopendablo and Conven ient. Go this way and take advantage of "Turkey Day" Round Trip Fares apply between all stations where one way fare is $30.00 or less. Sale Dates Nov. 2 8-2 9-3 0th. Final limit Dec. 4th. Portland . .... $18.00 Salem ,. ....... $15.00 ; Roseburg , v. , . . $7.25 San Francisco . .$22.75 For further particulars, ask agents ; JOHN M. SCOTT, General Passengor.iABent. ' 1 '...'.",') t. ,i Wit .i'-i;!'n ' ; ( I LINES I J PLAN NOW YOUR PLANTING Of Trees and Plants for the Season ORDER RELIABLE STOCK FROM . GOOD ASSORTMENT CARRIED BY Salem Nursery Company 428 Oregon Bldg,, Salem, Oregon. 1 V .fill,'. . 'II I I; j M