PAHTC EKlITTi -MFiT)TOTlD MATTJ TRIBUNE, MftDrOKD, OTiKCIOX. F1UT)AY,- NOVEMBER 24. 1022 i ."t "T Quality Feeds We recommend to you ' i Madrona Egg Producer Madrona Scratch Food Albers' Milk-Flo ! Alber's Molas-o-Meal ' ' , ' Buy these proven feeds and be Sat- . y jsf ied. The prices are right. The ! ' .1 .... feeds are better. : ;,;.t WE DELIVER - Monarch Seed & Feed Co. Phone 260-629 317 E. Main "Milk-Flo gives more milk" In Calumet a Yii'sl Element Most Eosklssg Fwdes.'s Lack Don't- use a " leavener that 'does not contain, white:pf;egg. WJienvou oX ,.;. ( you take chances--you run the risk . ot spoiling your bakings. . ,V . .... --.wm .. .' . ' . The Economy POWDER " v "5,;r' .. ...;, ?.V:;--'V'; - "', ' contains a small amount of white-cf-egg. This makes it possible for representatives of the company to test it frequently for leavening strength right on the dealer's counter. Nothing but absolutely fresh stock is permitted to remain ' ,;on the dealers' shelves. It must always be up to the high Calumet standard. , Remember thewhite-of-egg in Calumet protects the success of your .bakings. It is the eco ,' nomical ; positive bake day aid arid its sale is 2M times as much as that of any other ba nd. v. A pound can of Calumet , contains full 16 ounces. Some baking powders come in 12 ounce instead , of 16 ounce cans. Be -sure you get a pound BEST BY TEST when you want it. THE WORLD'S GREATEST BAKING POWDER ft B " TV1-! ' lAiriTiirTl It Is a Satisfaction To any .mother to know Hint the bread she feeds 'her children "is made of the pui'cst. ingredients ' and under the most sanitary condition. One trip ' to the Peerless Bakerv will convince anv house wife ilia t BUTTER-NUT BREAD . is (he .safest, cleanest and most nutritious bread ho can feed her family;' Dutter Nut .Bread v' made in u sanitary, uioderu bakery, where ohlv ii jnodem r'q.uipiueiit is employed, and the purest and bit-ingredients are used. :' " . Butter-Nut Bread Is Economical. Too . , . 'Nexl 'you " Order Ask vour Grocer for PEERLESS Butter-Nut Bread PEERLESS BAKERY $30 ADAY PRICE OF ONE ROOM IN FLORIDA HOTEL , (By International News Service) "Tho tourists ure coming, liolgho! heigh! ( ' , Tlia tourists ure coining, helgUoJ lielgho!" " PALM BEACH, Florida, Nov. This should be eung to the accompaniment of Scotch bag pipes, with a chorus of hotel men and . real estate dealers dancing the Highland Fling in the background. , After the lethargy of a languid sum mer Palm Beach now smiles Invitingly. Consider these Palm Beach tourists; they toil not, but do diligently spin the toddle top, and Solomon in all his glory possessed not the haberdashery of one of these. The Mecca of the moneyed; the goal of the gouty; the haven, of the haggard that's Palm Beach. Of course, the actual "season" wjll not begin until Just before Christmas with the, opening of the big hotels on the ocean front. . Season Starting Now Already a drive over the Island after dark will show lights shining: from handsome homes along Royal Palm Way, Brazilian avenue, Worth avenue and Chilean avenue. There are a few homes open on the Ocean Boulevard, while retinues of servants are arriving every day to make ready the Palm Beatjh homes for their owners. Real estate men say that fully threcfourths of the houses have been leased and that practically every northerner own ing, a home here will occupy it this winter. A house , of seven or eight rooms In Palm Beach rents at $1500 to $2000 for the season. The averago price of a room and meals at the lar ger hotels Is about $30 a day.. Across the blue expanse of water known as Lake Worth and spanned by two bridges Is the mainland town of West Palm Beach, started some 25 years ago when workmen who were building the Royal Poinclana hotel pitched their tents 'on what Is now Clematis avenue, the main street of the town, and crossed the lake In boats to get to their work. West Palm Beach, it is estimated now, has be tween 12,000 and 15,000 population. It is the county seat of Palm Beach coun ty, and naturally baBks In the reflected glory of the millionaires' playground. The ordinary five-room furnished house rents at from $600 to $800' a season of six months and extends from anywhere In November to anywhere in May. Small apartments, accommodat ing two persons' comfort! y, may I liad for $200 a season and up. .Rooms In , private residences are rented to transients at from $10 to $20 a week. Most of the hotels are run on the American plan; ' r HitfXCH IxUlOK LKADKIt WHO ' llOI'Kh TO VISIT AMKKKM 1 as? ' x Albert Thomas, former deputy and st'crotury general of tho International Labor, bureau In PariB, who 1b re ported to be arranging a visit to America next year with tho hope of persuading the United- States to par ticipator!! the work 'of the Interna tional Bureau and indirectly bringing America Into tho League of Nations. SALE SATURDAY For the accommodation of the people sending foreign mall,, the Christmas seal sale will open Saturday, Nov. 25, with two booths. Mrs. Tumy will have charge of the booth at the Medford Pharmacy, and Mrs. Hillis and Mrs. Noblltt at the postoffice. . Our county chairman, Mrs. Holloway has been lor tunate in securing the services of all of the ladies' fraternal organizations and clubs to help in the sale this year, a list of which will appear later. Help make this a banner year by stamping every package and letter-you send, whether foreign or domestic. IF STOMACH IS TROUBLING YOU ' Instantly! ' End Indigestion or Stomach Misery with ;: "Pape's Diapepsin" , As Boon na you cat a tablet or two of "Papo'a Uiapopsia"' your indigestion is gone! Hoavy pain, heartburn, flatu lence, gases, palpitation, or any misery from a sour, acia stomach ends. Correct your stomach and digestion for a few cents. Each ' package guaranteed by druggist. WEDDING BELLS '.In Ashland, Nov. 22, 1922, at the home of the bride's "parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Herbert, 1001 North Main street, R. N. Chancy and Miss Violet Horbert, Rev. J. S. Chaney, Methodist pastor, officiating. . ... The groom is a young farmer of the Ashland locality, and his bride is a charming young lady, both being) of sterling worth. A suburban homo In tho Valloy View euighborhood awaits the young couple after a brief honey moon tour. . i . Predicts 'Earthquakes During Coming Year ' A Few Good Pattern Hats left -,. ' . i See these before buying elsewhere Beautiful Corsage Bouquets for the Holidays MissTowne '" '- ?atv ' ' '" THE COLONIAL' FORD TOPS RECOVERED $8.75 to $10.00 For 10 Days. -Med. Tent & Awning Works Opposite 8, T, Pepot '. . . PARIS, Nov. 21. (By Associated Press). The Chilean earthquakes, in the opinion of Abbe Moreux, tho well known French scientist and astrono mer, are only tho beginning of a series of disturbances that may be looked for during the coming year. Periods of calm in solar activities, lie says, are periods during which such phenomena may be expected, and a minimum of solar activity will bo reached In 1923 Abbo Moreux predicts terrestlal dis turbances In the Antilles and 1n Mex' Ico, Japan and Turkestan. XKTItAZZIXXI SIXfiS IX HATH AS ItKPOltTKlt AWAITS HKU (By international News Service) .lANCH13STER, England, Nov.t- -Tetrazzint sings at her best from 'a bathtub, at least that is tho testl mony of a local reporter who called to tnterviow the songstress. "Ha!" Cried Mmo. Tetrazzinl from her bath, when her maid announced tho reporter. "It is very good of the gentleman to come, but It is too early. ; I am in my bath, but let him stand there, and I will sing to htm!" To the tuneful splashing of soapy water, Tetrazzinl Bang; the reporter listened and then went back to his office and wrote a masterpiece of the great "Bath Song." ; Better . nick nn unmn of. Vhm nrtnt paper on rolls for wrapping goods and save money. ' Comes with cores in It to fit roll paper racks. Much cheaDer than wranplntt papeiv tf ITCHING ECZEMA DRIED RIGHT UP BY THIS SULPHUR Any breaking out of the skin, even fiery, itching eczema, cm be quickly overcome by applying a, little Mciitho Sulphur, says a noted skin specialist Became of its germ destroying proper tics, this sulphur preparation instantly brings case from skin irritation, soothes and licnls the ccicma right up and leaves the skin clear and smooth.. It seldom fails to relieve the torment and disfigurement. Sufferers from skin trouble should get a little jar of Kowles Wentho-Sulpluir from anv good drug, gist and vsc it like a cold cream. Business Woman Feared She Had Heart Trouble "Since Tunlac has overcome , a bad ease of Indigestion and nervousness of three or four years standing for me, my work here In the stota is a pleas ure, and I am certainly grateful for the good health 'if nan-given 'me," Bald Mrs. J. W. Plckli of 51(1 E. 15th Ht., 1as AngeloH, who owns and ope rates tho book Btore at 219 Mercan tile Place-. "1 was bo run down that I felt mis erable nil tli.o time.. My sleet) was broken and i-csUohs.'I hudno appe tite, and the gas from undigested food caused my heart to pulpltuto so 1 thought i had heart trouble.. For a time 1 had a swelling In my legs, too, and it was an effort for me to' get about.- ., . -j "If is wonderful how Tunlnc . has given mq such . perfect relief from these troubles. . I eat heartily now, sleep like a child at night, and just foci flno all the time." Tanluc is Bold by nil good drug gists. "' : " ' "" ' ' ". ' . ' AdV. NEW YORK, Nov. 24. Julius Rein olds, a native of Switzerland, was ar- rested today charged with being the' author of a note received by the custo- dian of Borough Hall, Brooklyn, on. Tuesday in which the writer . who, claimed responsibility, for the Wall" street explosion in 1920, and threat- ! ened to bomb the hall. I The police said that Relnolds talked ; Irrationally and he was sent to a1 psychopath hospital for observation. Reinolds, admitted writing the letter, the police kaid, .but declared he did not intend to carry oit his threat. SEAHLE SCHOOL MA'AM RIGA, Nov. .24. (By the . Asso ciated Press) Mrs. Adelaide Parker Bennett, formerly a school teacher in Seattle, "Wash., has just been released from prison; in Itussla, according to word reaching" Higa, after being' ar rested by agents of tho Cheka and de tained three days. Mrs. ' Bennett was taken froni her hotel room at two o'clock in the morning but the police agents refused to say why sho was arrested. She was later -questioned by political investir gators, V -";" .-----. f u.v-V.'j Cured without Knife. . Operation or Confinement THOUSANDS of repu table and responsible Northwest people can tes tify to my unfailing skill in curing Piles. Why suffer the pain and discomfort when my non-surgical method will cure you to stay cured? I remoTe all doubt M to result, by , atroaint to refund your fee if I fail 1o cure your Pile., no matter how ivvero . er chronic the case. Write or call to day for my FREE booklet DR. CHAS. J. DEAN I ND AND MORRISON PORTLAND. OREGON MENTION THIS PAPER WHEN WRITING WATCH YOUR -BATTERY rREST-O-MTE BATTERY STATION . , For Quick Servrro riiono 110 Special Chair Sale at The Medford Exchange Have you ever had the embarrassment in your home of having to seat your guests or family on the unsightly chairs or perhaps boxes on holiday festivals. ' '. '', ; ; ,-At the Thanksgiving dinner this year it ought not to be necessary to ransack the house for all the old chairs when YOU . CAN PURCHASE NEW CHAIRS SO CHEAPLY , .. . r NEW KITCHEN'tHAiR'Sl!! r . ) :- v : ; . , ' : . (Unpainted, Chairs which you can finish to suit yourself). . Re'gular $2.25 Unpainted Bow jack Chairs, only...::.!ii;..ix:$i.95 Regular $2.65 Unpainted Straight Back Chairs. Onlyi!$2.20 ; These chairs used w'ith OUR SPECIAL $4.25 FOLDING : BREAKFAST TABLE make a most economical Breakfast set. ..... ', ' ' BftEAKFAST TABLE AND CHAIRS Unpainted Gateleg Breakfast Table. ' Special!. v.$8.95 1 Unpainted Low Back Chairs to match. Special.......... .'.$2.95 , ; V NEW DINING CHAIRS Combination Kitchen or Dining Chairs, from ..$2.25 to $2.95 ; Regular '$5.00 Plain Oak Dining Chairs. Special l.......;;$4.35 ; Regular,. $5.50 Leather Upholstered Chair. Only ......$4.95 'Regular $6.00 Leather Upohlstered Chair. Only J.$5.35 ' : .REMEMBER,,; you can exchange your used furniture or stoves for NEW goods at ' " ' The Medford jExchange 211 West Main St. The Place of REAL Bargains. 'Phone 931 GWhen you order by Phone sqy 'PEARL OIL Be sure your dealer gets the or der right, because Pearl Oil isn't just kerosene. It is a Standard Oil product, refined and re-refined by a special process which turns out the best and most economical fuel obtainable for oil heaters, lamps and cookstoves. ' - ' A good oil heater is clean and easy ' to operate if you burn Pearl OiL - ' The touch of a match brings a cheery warmth when and where it is wanted and at very little cost. At dealers everywhere. Order by name Pearl Oil. ,lKER.OSENE HEAT ' AND LIGHT mQJL ' ' i ' STANDARD 1 ' i . oil T!iVWi COMPANY 1 jXft ICtyimi. ' 1 .nramnDCHamxnnnnii We Are Showing Christmas Stocks Early This Season Why riot make your selections now and avoid the rush. By making a small deposit you can have the goods set aside for you. Peeple Electric Store Phone 12 A. B. CUNNINGHAM 212 West Main St. O. O. ALENDERFER